Cosmic Awareness 1980-19: Who Was Edgar Cayce? What Is The A.R.E.

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The New-Age Cosmic Newsletter

Price : $3 .00

Cosmic Awareness Communication s P .O . Kox 115, Olympia, Washington 9860 7

COSMIC AWAlt ENE?SS is the Force that extxessed Itself through Jesus of Nazareth, the Ituddha, Krishna, Mohammed, Edgar Cayce and other great avatars who served as' ::Iu nnels' for the 'Heavenly Father' and v,ho speass again today as the world begins to enter the New Ag e of spiritual consciousness and awareness . ,Since 1VG :1 Cosmic Awareness has been communicating through carefully-trained channels . The information contained I.arein was received from deep suden.conscious trance Severs and 'interpreted' Sy an entity affiliated with C .A .C . This information is for Ceos, : who desire to help in hrirg :ng is the New Age . Throu;;hour the thousands of 'lteaaings' given through these channels , Cosmic Awareness tells us not la : believe anything, but to question, explore, doubt, and discover for yourself, through your own channel , what is the truth . Cosmic Awareness will only indicate and suggest. Neither C .A .C ., the Aquarian Church of Universal Ser v ice, or the Interpreter. Paul Shockley is responsible for anything Cosmic Awareness may state in any of these readings, nor does C .A .C . or Paul Shockley necessaril y believe or agree with the strtements of Cosmic Awareness . Paul interprets the energies as he sees them in trance levels and is not personall y responsible for what is said .'tieirubers of C .A .C . are invited to send in questions of general interest to ask Awareness for pussible publication .


Paul Shockle y Trance--interprete r (C.A .C . General Reading No . 2 of November 5, 1979 )

(Opening Message ) This Awareness indicates that in the market place, there arc many items offered o f various types for seekers to purchase or trade or otherwise receive . I 'his Awareness indicate s in these market places, there are those ways whereby these items are marketed . "Phis Awareness indicates that these items are not always of a tangible nature, they may also be intangible such as a service or a talent or information which is valuable to the seeker . This Awareness indicates that in the market place there are often entities who are both seekers an d givers, the buyer and the seller, playing both roles through one entity . This Awareness indicates that in a general sense, each entity is both buyer and seller, that each entity ha s the right to determine what he or she wishes to present to others, and the right to decid e what ne or she wishes to receive from others, that the entity as buyer and seller may b e influenced by the advertisements of others, by the enticements, by the lures, by the claim s of others . This Awareness indicates that in reality, the entities are basically the same t o

COPYILIGIHT 1980 by Cosmic Awareness Communications & the Aquarian Chr.rch of Universal Service . Reproduction by permission .

begin ; their entry into the marketplace comes from essentially the same status–that of being a small babe, helples s and needing assistance ; that as this babe grows, receiving its needs, being sheltered and cared for, it begins having certain expectations ; and needing these fulfilled, or needing to be informed as to how it may fulfill these if it wishe s to accept the responsibility for such fulfillment. This Awareness indicates that in the market places each entity ha s the inherent right to make claims of any nature, but the entities in making claims must also be responsible for th e products being sold, so that the claims are valid . This Awareness indicates that in the market place, each entity fo r example has the right to state : "I am the new Messiah for this Age," or has the right to state, "I have the best appl e in the whole world ." This Awareness indicates that each entity has the same right to make the same claim, stating , "I have the best apple, regardless of what you say," or stating, "l am the new Messiah for the Age ." This Awareness indicates that the right is allowed in the market place . This Awareness suggests, however, that when such right begins to affect others so that they feel they are bein g harmed, so that the claims are seen as being false, entities also have the right to answer back, "You are not the ne w Messiah ; that is not the best apple in the world ." This Awareness indicates however, that an entity who makes th e claim needs not make the proof of the claim, whereas the entity who denies the claim of another tends to have a greater obligation in supporting that denial, because the denial is a damage to the claim of another . This Awareness indicates that essentially there are many ways in which entities may make claims, but the proof is in the pudding , and the claims may be challenged, and the rights of the individual to make the claims generally are considered t o be honorable and have precedence over the rights of individuals who would deny such claims . This Awareness indicates that essentially in courts of law, particularly in the Western civilized nations, entitie s are considered honorable until proven otherwise . This Awareness indicates likewise, the burden of proof is generall y upon the one who would deny the claims of another . This Awareness indicates that in regards to the entity Jesu s of Nazareth, the entity Jesus the Christ, the entity from Bethlehem, this entity, this historical being who entere d upon this plane exemplified that right of individuals to claim their divine origin . This Awareness indicates that th e entity in making this entry upon this plane, in making his claim to divine origin was persecuted and crucified fo r that claim by those who tried and convicted without proof of the denial, without proof to the contrary . 'Phis Awareness indicates that essentially the purpose among others of the entity's experience upon this plane was to create a path whereby others could follow his example---this example being such that would allow each individual to clai m rights as a divine being and to force any who would deny such rights, any who would deny such claims to presen t evidence to the contrary . This Awareness indicates it is not placed upon the entity making the claims the responsibility for convincing every other entity that the claims are correct, it is simply an action whereby the entity makin g the claims feels justified in so stating and making such claims, then takes on the responsibility for such claims . This Awareness indicates wherein an entity cannot handle the responsibility for such claims, then the entity and th e entity's reputation falls by the wayside . This Awareness indicates that essentially it is assumed that an entity i n making a claim should be taken seriously and honorably until there is reason to doubt such claims . This Awareness indicates that wherein entities approach life; with the attitude of the cynic and skeptic, assumin g that anyone who makes any claims is obviously lying until they prove their claim—this kind of approach, this kin d of attitude whereby the cynic, the skeptic asks others to prove their wares, to prove their claims before he will buy, before he will look, before he will accept, this is a kind of exclusive approach to life whereby the entity exclude s life, excludes others, excludes ideas, excludes claims, excludes possibilities, excludes opportunities, excludes entr y into communication on many various topics and levels, all in the name of being special and in the feeling that as a special being one has the right to demand that others prove something to them . This Awareness indicates this as a reflection showing that the entity thinking himself as special has little respect for others ; and wherein one has littl e respect for others, they have also little sell respect and are simply creating an artificial life whereby they are no t involved in the flow of life, but set up a p ose or position to allow certain portions of life to enter and Ieave thei r experiences, to leave according to their doling out of their energies or to enter according to their acceptance o f others' ideas, feelings, sensitivities or their beings . This Awareness indicates that essentially on the marketplac e entities can have smooth-flowing communication based on honesty in dealings or they may have poses, positions . advertisements, posters, packaging and all the paraphernalia that goes with artificiality ; that in this market place o f life, wherein entities exchange with one another, love may be proportioned and packaged or may flow freely, tha t life itself may be proportioned and packaged in artificial containers or may flow freely . This Awareness indicate s this as likened unto fish in an acjuarium, plotting off, having surveyors come in and marking off lines to allow eac h fish to claim its own territorial rights without allowing for others to enter without an agreement to buy or sell according to the market price of that particular territory . This Awareness indicates that while it is natural for the rational mind to divide, to proportion, to file, to categorize, to separate, to distinguish, to define boundaries, descriptions, it is also natural for the subjective mind to flow with life, to move from moment to moment, to pass throug h barriers and to relate with that ener gy of life that cannot be confined, defined, described or proportioned . This Awareness indicates that in the market place of life, this Awareness suggests that you allow rapport, harmony, and . love to remain as the primary part of your business with each other, yet that you also recognize the rights, claim s and the territories of each other so that conflicts arc minimized .


WAS EDGAR CAYCE REALLY AN AVATAR ? OR IS THIS MERELY THE OPINION OF THE INTERPRETER ? ( A letter from Hugh Lynn Cayce is read to Awareness ) QUESTION : Thank you . I'm going to read a letter, addressed to the Interpreter care of C .A .C ., from the `Office of the Chairma n of the Board of the Association for Research and Enlightenment, Inc . in Virginia Beach, Virginia' . I wrote an d told this entity that we would read the letter to Awareness and forward him a copy of the response . The letter is as follows : "Dear Paul Shockley . As you probably know, after years of work with Edgar Cayce, I develope d my concern for, and I hope some understanding, of people with psychic gifts which constitutes a part of my philosophy of life . I realize that you must follow your own guidance and that you have every right to present material which you feel can he helpful to mankind . At the same time, I would appreciate it very much if you would exercise greater care in attempting to parallel this informatio n with the data given by my father, Edgar Cayce . For example, the opening statement on your `REVELATIONS' , `Cosmic Awareness Introduces Itsel f to the World', with the transcript of the material given from York, Pennsylvania, November 22, 1977 , states that "Cosmic Awareness is the force that expressed Itself through Edgar Cayce, Jesus of Nazareth , the Buddha, Krishna, Mohammed and other great avatars and so forth" (end of quote) . Some individual s would consider the inclusion of Edgar Cayce in this list pure sacrilege . My hope is that you would simpl y add, "In the opinion of the Trance-Interpreter" . This would make it a great deal easier for you and fo r everyone else concerned . Indeed it would also be a great help to us here at ARE in clarifying comparison s which are brought to our attention through some of our members and well-intentioned friends of yours . As I have indicated to you in previous letters,* in my opinion there is a negative stream of material her e that does not parallel the Edgar Cayce data . Our Association is concerned with preserving, studying , testing, experimenting with concepts from the Edgar Cayce readings ; it would like to help people shar e what they find to he helpful with others . Much of our work is concerned primarily with very practica l approaches to spiritual disciplines involving physical, mental and spiritual activities . I hope that you will give this some very thoughtful and prayerful consideration . Sincerely yours, Hugh Lynn Cayce . " 'L ED's Note : Numerous letters and readings were mailed to the personal attention of Mr . Cayce after the `(lathering Storm' materia l came through . This prompted by the question asked in `Revelations of Awareness' No . 79-7 (The Spiritual Snob : Ignoring the Beas t with Positive Thinking), $82 .00 from C .A .C . COSMIC AWARENESS : This Awareness indicates that whereas this letter was addressed to the Lnterpreter rather than to this Awareness , it may not be entirely appropriate that this Awareness answer this letter for the Interpreter . This Awareness indicates however, that It does have the right to make comment upon the situation involving the role of the Interprete r in relation to the Edgar Cayce movement as well as the movement of these forces in view of the general program .. wing which came out of Egypt . This Awareness suggests a brief pause as It looks This Awareness indicates that the present Interpreter for this Awareness as one who worked . with R.a-Twin ancien t Egypt, as one who received a certain programming to carry forth into this present time---this entity as having experienced that which is mummification in a particular manner whereby the entity was not dead at the time of bein g mummified, but rather was put into a deep hypnotic trance state, injected through the neck with a particular seru m which crystallized the blood cells of the entity, this holding the concepts which had been programmed into th e mind of the entity for release over a long period of time through the gradual deterioration of the mummy, th e crystallized cells of the body . This Awareness indicates the entity il,a-Ta, along with Ilepsut, as having instigated the peograun whereby this wa s a part of the total long-range computerized movement of humanity . This Awareness indicates that essentially thes e mummies served as what might be referred to as `transmitters' into consciousness of certain proganz .mings whic h came from this early time---these being designed to enter into this plane at certain intervals through certain entitie s and through certain groups in an action that assisted in the speeding up of consciousness, the speeding up of evolution . This Awareness indicates that likewise in this action of Ra-Ta and Hepsut, there were also mummified certai n entities whose programming was not intended simply to reconcile and unfold information at appropriate times, bu t was intended to create conflicts so that war and, violence would erupt at certain times, creating certain conflict s which would have its effect in consciousness---this also had its effect in speedin ; up the evolution of this planet . This Awareness indicates it is common knowledge in metaphysical organizations that entities grow more quickl y during times of stress . This Awareness indicates that this was part of the programming from Ancient Egypt fro m the Age of Virgo clown to present time . *Paul Shockley worked closely with Ita-Ta (Edgar Cayce) and Hepsut, all later being mummified . For more into on this, please refe r to `Revelations of Awareness No . 78-15($2 .00) ; 78-16 ($2 .00) ; 78-26( .50) ; 79-12 ($2 .00) ; 80-7,5($3 .00)

This Awareness indicates that you must not confuse the Interpreter with the consciousness which speaks through the Interpreter . This Awareness indicates part of the error of A .R.E. is that they seek to attribute to Edgar Cayc e the man that which belongs to the consciousness which spoke through Edgar Cayce the man . This Awareness indicates likewise this occurred with the entity Jesus, wherein the Christ Consciousness spoke through the entity Jesu s but whereby the followers of Jesus believed that the Christ Consciousness and the man were the same . This Awareness indicates that likewise this has occurred with Krishna and with other great avatars whereby the masses of developing entities fall and worship the physical form, fall and bow to the name of the person, bend and scrape to th e personality, the channel, rather than recognizing that force which speaks through the channel and which is avail able for all . This Awareness indicates that as long as entities focus on the oracle rather than the message w :ri-h comes throug h the mouth of the oracle, as long as entities focus on the Interpreter, the medium, rather than the Spirit which flow s through the medium, as long as entities focus upon the church, the structure, rather than upon the Spirit which i s contained and moves through the structure, moves through the church ; as long as entities are obsessed with th e form, they shall not experience and receive the full benefits of the Spirit . This Awareness indicates the purpose o f the form, the purpose of the church, the_pu_rpose_of the physical vehicle, the purpose of the struaurceis-rn allowa_ _i,yehicle wherebythe Spirit may_bemoved or held long enough to have its effect upon thisp?ann . This Awareness indicates the work which is being done by A.R.E . in presenting the messages which have com e through the entity Edgar Cayce, is having a profound effect upon the consciousness of this plane, is likened unt o the opening of a chakra in the body of humanity .This Awareness indicates that the early builders of the pyrami d may be seen as working with the chakras of humanity, that there were points along the way whereby certain area s of consciousness would be tapped and the openings would occur . This Awareness indicates the entity Jesus, th e time of the Essence relates to the opening of the heart chakra . This Awareness indicates that the action of Edga r Cayce as that which is equated to the opening of the throat chakra, that the messages now are coming forth fro m the throat chakra which explain the mysteries which have been locked within the heart of Christianity . This Awareness indicates that the messages which this Awareness wishes to bring forth through Its present and future Interpreter will relate to the pineal and pituitary chaltras so that the mys ::ery hidden in the Sphinx and Pyramid shal l be opened and released for all . This Awareness indicates that those of you who work with the information of Edgar Cayce, who are promotin g the man with the structure, the building, the legal foundation and the legal foundation of the man, building you r empire on this entity 's personal being, must recognize that in reality it is the message which the entity left to th e world which is the basis for all of this . This Awareness indicates that these messages which this entity left are of n o less significance than messages which were given by earlier and other avatars . This Awareness indicates that while you, yourself, arc extremely close to these messages, close to this entity and the memory of this entity, you ma y not recognize the full significance of who he was as a medium for divine forces ; you may not recognize that thi s entity's name does indeed rank with others as indicated on the letterhead of the Cosmic Awareness Communications ' material ; this lack of recognition may be expressed in the old statement that `a prophet in his own land is neve r recognized' . This Awareness indicates that while you, yourself, being so close, may not see the full significance o f what role Edgar Cayce played in the changing of consciousness upon this plane, nevertheless this shall be left fo r others in future times to research, to understand and to recognize ; and the ability to stand back and see the perspective from a more distant approach is that which will begin to show greater relationship between this entity an d those mentioned in the caption under the letterhead of the Cosmic Awarenr rs Communications ' material . r This Awareness indicates likewise, those working with the Interpreter in the Cosmic Awareness Communications ' activities cannot fully understand the significance of what is occurring nor does the Interpreter himself understand , for the Interpreter is simply struggling to get along as best he can and do what he is guided to do . This Awarenes s indicates that significance comes later when entities step back and look from a distance and pick out the point s where stress, structure or change occurred which made the difference . This Awareness indicates that there is no quarrel on the Cosmic level between that which is occurring with th e Christian religion, the Edgar Cayce philosophies, the Cosmic Awareness information presently being channeled ; there is no quarrel from this level ; there is only seen that which is the movement, adjustment, sensitivities an d changes which are occurring as humanity becomes more aware . This Awareness indicates that those in their more detailed viewpoints with positions in the structure of various entities or corporations or identification positions – those entities may sec conflicts of significance which they wish clarified and which they would like to eliminate . This Awareness suggests that this is all part of the flow of change which must come through dialogue, communication and recognition . This Awareness indicates that the Interpreter himself did not write the caption us ed in the Cosinic Awareness Communications newsletter ; the Interpreter does not actually have that much responsibility in this newsletter ; th e Interpreter's responsibility is simply to channel for this Awareness during certain times throughout the month a s agreed upon. This Awareness indicates that this entity also has other personal duties and activities, that the entit y is not seeking to compete with any other organization or individual . This Awareness indicates the entity as being

relatively free to be himself, except when this Awareness takes over the entity and begins to channel through thi s entity . This Awareness indicates this occurs only when the entity surrenders himself to this Awareness . This Awar e ness indicates that it was not the entity who claimed that he or Edgar Cayce were channels for this Awarenes s along with Jesus and Mohammed and others---this Awareness indicates it was this Awareness who informed entitie s of this . This Awareness indicates that it is not necessary or appropriate that the Interpreter justify or prove wha t this Awareness has stated . This Awareness indicates that it would only be necessary and appropriate that anyon e objecting to this statement must prove it is false . This Awareness welcomes any proof from A .R .E . that what It has said in regards to Its channellings through these various teachers and entities listed is false . This Awarenes s suggests that such proof may be presented in any way you desire . This Awareness suggests however, that rathe r than waste your time attempting to disprove what cannot be disproven, this Awareness suggests that you migh t become more involved in communicating in deeper levels whereby you look forward to future spiritual growt h rather than attempting to build the empire on past messages only . This Awareness indicates that your father through his channellings allowed an opening whereby this Awarenes s could speak to those whose ears had been previously closed ; that these cars were long in opening ; that many entitie s would not hear nor accept until quite recently the messages which your father channeled . This Awareness indicate s that likewise in present messages, this Awareness finds that Its messages are ahead of its time and that entities can not open their ears to hear . This Awareness indicates that the awakening process is not always rapid, that entitie s often stir slowly before coming awake . This Awareness indicates that the messages presently being channeled wil l have their greater effect twenty and thirty years from now and will be seen as a continuation of that which wa s begun by the Interpreter Edgar Cayce through the channelings of his messages . This Awareness indicates that it must clearly be understood that each individual who channels this Awareness , channels according to his or her interpretation and the interpretation is that which is somewhat colored by th e personality for the Spirit moves through form, through structure, through belief, through language, through ima g es , through experiences, through words, and is given its direction and its fruition from that movement . This Awarenes s indicates however the Spirit Itself like water, whether moving through a funnel . moving through a radiator, movin g through a hose, moving over a waterfall, moving through an opening into the ground ; moving down a river, movin g in the ocean, being evaporated into the air, the water itself always remains, the Spirit Itself always remains true t o Itself—only the medium, only the interpretation changes . This Awueness .uufi.catcs that by any name, Spirit is the saute . Call it God, call it Cosmic Awareness, call i t 13x .hman . or lit Love . This Awareness indicates this is but a matter of interpretation and you or any other entit y upon this earth is free to interpret this Awareness in any manner which you choose, and by your fruits others wil l determine to their satisfaction whether your interpretation has been accurate and satisfying according to thei r expectations . This Awareness indicates meanwhile, while entities interpret this Awareness in their various ways , and argue over their various interpretations, this Awareness by any other name still remains the same . QUESTION : Thank you . Does Awareness have a closing message ? COSMIC AWARENESS : This Awareness indicates that in regards to certain so-called "negative information" which this Awareness ha s recently channeled, which according to some has been perceived as being `negative', this Awareness indicates thi s information being sent to the A .R .E . organization, that essentially this information had a relevant and timel y urgency which needed to be expressed and released in certain directions for certain purposes . This Awareness indicates that It, did not direct entities to send this information to the Edgar Cayce organization, nor did It conside r this as being necessary for attending the urgency at hand . This Awa .rhness indicates however that entities in receivin g this information felt that the Edgar Cayce organization could assist: in helping to awaken the masses to an urgenc y which occurred earlier this Spring* which will be made public in time to come . This Awareness indicates that th e organization A .R .E . did not respond to this call . This Awareness indicates this also as acceptable and appropriat e and unnecessary . This Awareness wishes you to understand that . It does not hold you or your organization as being irresponsibl e for not having responded to that call for the crisis which was at hand . This Awareness does not hold any entitie s responsible or hold them as being irresponsible, for It recognizes that few entities knew what was occurring an d how close it came to resulting in chaos . This Awareness indicates also that It recognized that this chaos would no t occur because it was not programmed to occur and would not be allowed to occur .* This Awareness indicates tha t many groups . many spiritual organizations intuitively tuned into this realization also . This Awareness indicate s however that in order for this realization and this programming to occur, whereby the nuclear war would no t happen, it was necessary that certain energies be brought into play ; it was necessary that certain urgencies be looke d at, that certain entities become extremely concerned ; it was necessary that . entities of certain category and o f certain levels of awareness be moved to act in manners of extreme urgency so that this would not occur. 5.

This Awareness indicates that this may be more easily understood with the following allegory, wherein an entire places bread into the oven to bake, the molecules of the bread begin to heat, to churn, to become desperate, the y begin to move and react against each other ; there is an intensity and a frustration which is occurrin g from their ow n point of view ; they arc in battle with each other and with the heating up of consciousness in that oven ; that it doe s not help these entities much to be told by one another, "Oh, don 't worry . When it gets just right, the baker wil l pull you out, and you might as well stop getting all heated up" . This Awareness indicates that it is the job of th e molecules to become agitated and to react according to what is occurring . This Awareness indicates that for thos e molecules which are not of the same nature and which are not intended to become agitated, to stand back and say , "Oh my, how negative those molecules are in there thrashing around"—this Awareness indicates that this is inappropriate but might be expected in the total situation, and therefore is forgivable . This Awareness wishes howeve r that entities become aware and therefore points out this experience so that any who recognize themsel ves in such an experience may learn according to their desire to learn from that experience . (The Law of Gratitude) ************ *

(Emphasis is by the editor )


`Please refer to `Revelations of Awareness' 79-7 (hotline) `The Eve of World War 11i" ($2 .00), 79-14 (The Passage Porilous)$3 .00 and 79-1 (The Gathering Storm) .$4.00 available from C .A.C. on thi s * Please refer to No . 80-8 ($3 .00) on why Light groups ignored the Beast information and the following question based statement Awareness made to Hugh Lynn Cayce that World War III had not been programmed into consciousness : the question . "Did CAC and its membership mae fools of themselves for writing letters and informing others about the Beast'?" 1 ED's Note : At the request of the Librarian of A .R.E . in 1977, C .A.C . has been sending copies of all the Awareness readings we have e thes printed (evidently free of charge as so far. we have received no donations nor acknowledgements) . We have no idea whether readings remain in the library or are destroyed or whether anyone who visits the library can tint, them and read them . Certain readings are also mailed to the personal attention of Hugh Lynn Cayce . who may or may not read them . When this particular reading came ou t in October 5,1979, a transcribed copy as well as a tape recording of the actual trance was mailed to the chairman of the board . Neither n of which was ever acknowledged . When the tape and reading was sent, this editor included a letter explaining once again that the mai reason CAC was sending the information to the ARE was to a: :lc them to enlist their membership and meditation groups to assist i ne transmuting the energies of the Beast, using the meditations Awareness had given . The letter also indicated a hope that the messag d enclosed from Cosmic Awareness would put an end to the ARE lawyers who on occasion have written to CAC telling us to `Cease an desist using the name of Cavee in our ads because we were exploiting and defaming the family name etc ." (The letter was sent i n response to our small classified ad in the National Enquirer which read :"I-ligh-level information, similar to Cayce . Free details . CAC, Box 115, Olympia, Washington ." On a more personal level, friends of Vikki (your faithful C .A.C . Correspondence Minister)) might find it interesting that . Awarenes s h revealed during one of the York Town trance-sessions in 1977 that she was the daughter of Ra-Ta (Edgar Cayce), named Ls-Is-Ao whic is pronounced E-Su, from which the word `issue' later evolved from . According to the Edgar Cayce eadings, Ra-Ta's Divine purpos e l spiritua was to create 'the perfect form '--his concept that the body is the 'temple of the living God' and that a purified body enhances physique, white skin,bionde hair and blue eyes . (Ra-1 a himdevelopment . The traits which Ra-Ta chose as divine were a symmetrical self had been one of the first in that period with white skin . Ra-Ta 's daughter, Is-Is-Ao, inherited these rare characteristics and the d resultant prejudice brought turmoil into her life . As a princess in the Temple Beautiful she was sought after by all due to her great an s the various Edgar Cayce reading ravishin r beauty, which became the 'issue' of the time. For more information on this please refer. to and hooks such as 'The Egyptian Heritage ' based on the readings which are available from A .R.E (Your editor can attest that theseo physical traits of Is-ls-Ao have carried over into Vikki's present incarnation .However her good looks and excellent physical body d not appear to interfere with her responsibilities to C .A.C . (although very distracting at times to those who are her associates) . REVELATIONS OF AWARENESS is a cosmic newsletter published every two weeks by Cosmic Awareness Communications , P .O . Box 115, Olympia, Washington 98507 (A non-profit organization) . Rates and membership information is available upo n request . For samples of these communications, send $3 .00 for 80 page hook, 'Cosmic Awareness Speaks' to above address .

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