Cosmic Awareness 1980-21: The Cause And Cure For Loneliness

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Cosmic Awareness Communication s P . O. Ilex 115 . Olympia, Washtntton 4630 7

COSMIC AWARENESS is the Force that expressed itself through Jesus of Nazareth, th e Buddha, Krishna, Mohammed, Edgar Cayce an d other great avatars who served as 'Channels ' for the 'Heavenly Father' arid"who speas: again today as the world begins to enter the New Age of spiritual consciousness and awareness. Since 1963 Cosmic Awareness has been communicating through carefully-trained channels . The information contained herein was received from deep super-conscious trance levels and 'interpreted' by an entity affiliated with C .A .C . This information is for those who desire to help in briniung in the New Age . Throughout the thousands of 'Readings' given through these channels , Cosmic Awareness tells us not to believe anything, but to question, explore, doubt, and discover for yourself, through your own channel , what is the truth . Cusmre A" :Irene sa will only indicate and suggest . Neither C .A .C ., the Aquarian Church of Universal Service, or the interpreter . Pant Shockley is responsiiite for anything Connie Awareness may state in any of these readings, nor does C .A .C . or Paul Shocley necessaril y ochcv,' or agree with the statements of t .orrnie Awareness. Paul interprets the energies as he sees them in trance levels and is not personall y responsible for what is ssid .Memtrers o' A .C . arc invited to send in questions of general interest to ask Awareness for possible publication .

The cause and


cure fo r


Paul Shockle y Trance--Interprete r

UUES`tION : A question from } .h. :"A subject I would like to have discussed is, (and I think this is a basis for the problem s of many people,; is loneliness or inability to meet and relate to others . Why and so many people wanting to meet others for companionship, romance, marriage, etc . and do not seem to be able to connect up with somebody else ? The world is teeming with these people and yet they can't seem to solve it . What: is the reason? Do they nee d counseling on how to fake permanent friends? Is it psychological, psychic or karmic? What can these people d o or what can be done to inch} them? " COSMIC AWARENESS : This Awareness indicates that there is a particular type of consciousness that involves itself in loneliness . Thi s Awareness indicates that this type of consciousness may be described as a psychological situation . That essentiall y it contains two closely related attitudes : One attitude being that of self-criticism, the other being that of criticis m of others . These attitudes wherein one evaluates oneself and evaluates others according to the values which th e entity holds, do tend to create barriers in communication . This Awareness indicates one such barrier may surfac e in an attitude of being inferior to others because the entity cannot live up to the values which he or she has accepted as being propel . Another attitude may surface as being superior to others, feeling that one has the capability o f living up to certain values which others cannot possibly attain. This Awareness indicates that these two barriers, based on superiority and inferiority, tend to create division s between entities and accent the evaluation process so that. the entity is more separated than ever---not only separated by the values which he or she has held in high esteem, but also separated by feelings of superiority or inferior . ity in relation to others . COPYRIGHT 1980 by Cosmic Awareness Communications & the Aquarian Church of Universal Service . Reproduction by permission

This Awareness indicates that following this, there becomes that feeling of need wherein the entity needs to b e with someone to share his or her feelings with, but finds no one fully satisfactory in this type of sharing . Therefore, the entity simply rolls over the same oid thoughts within nos or her head, playing the same tapes, day in an d day out, the same thoughts and ideas playing around within the mind, until the entity becomes locked up in his o r her value system without any means of sharing or examining these tapes from a different perspective . This Awareness indicates that any entity coming in contact with one whose tapes are self-contained, are not open " to others for examination or communication, such an entity coming in contact with one of this nature may feel unable to communicate because the tapes of that individual are so entrenched that there is little room for anythin g else and the entity's mind appears to be closed to any new input . This Awareness indicates this creates a block i n the relationship, and the entity coming in contact with such a closed mind generally feels that it is not worth th e effort to establish a relationship with that entity, unless that entity 's closed mind is thoroughly compatible with his own closed mind or with his own ideas . This Awareness indicates that in this manner, certain entities having similar ideas and similar thoughts may com e in contact with one another and establish a kind of relationship based on similar belief structures, belief patterns , and thought patterns, so that there can be a kind of mutal rapport between them . This Awareness indicates that fo r others, the isolation can become so entrenched that the entity finds great difficulty in breaking out of his or he r own closed thinking patterns, and has little in common with others. This Awareness indicates for example, one entity may have an entire life wrapped up around particular hobbie s or around one's children or around on e 's business or around on e's pets, and when communicating with strangers o r associates, the entity may be unable to discuss anything other than those particular areas of personal interest . Thi s Awareness indicates that the stranger or associate may become very thoroughly bored in a short time, and if th e relationship is repeated again and again, the associate or stranger may decide that he or she does not wish to agai n meet with this entity to hear the same story repeated . This Awareness indicates that in this manner, the entity be comes isolated evens further, as others avoid contact with that entity . This Awareness indicates that as the entity becomes more isolated, the intensity of self-interest increases, and th e entity finds himself or herself becoming even more self-centered and even more separated from others, because ther e is no area of mutual communication or interest and the interest of the individual being centered solely upon one self . This Awareness suggests that many entities within such a framework of thinking do not have the ability t o break free, and when coming in contact with others may develop a desire for company, a desire to have a closer relationship, a desire to share their lives with someone else ; but as they attempt to make this communication, the y have nothing to talk about other than themselves and the other entity is not interested, or has little interest . This Awareness indicates such entities sometimes come in contact with another similar to themselves, who is als o self-centered and self-interested, and each entity may sit and talk together about themselves to each other, sharin g the self-interest with the other, using the other more as a sounding board ; neither being interested in the other, bu t being very pleased to have someone listen patiently as they talk about themselves . This Awareness indicates this a s a beginning of breaking free from the isolation of separateness . This Awareness indicates that entities who truly understand the nature of such separateness, may begin to mov e more quickly from isolation and loneliness by taking an active interest in other people and their lives, and ignorin g their own self-interest for a period . This Awareness suggests that if an entity wishes to have company, wishes to be come involved with others, wishes to have friends, the only thing that is really necessary is to be able to listen a s others talk about themselves . or those things which are of interest to them . This Awareness indicates the entity wh o xs a o d listener will always have man.yJriends. -~~




Awareness, is there a corollary between loneliness and the number of friends one has? I ask this question because th e Gallup Poll, a research institution, looked into this question of friends and found that only 16% of Americans fel t that they had between 6 and 9 close friends, 10% had only one or two close friends, with 22% sayin g they ha d between three and five close friends . While 40% said they had ten or more and 3% reported they had no clos e friends . COSMIC AWARENESS : This Awareness indicates that the poll itself as being somewhat relative . The definitions of `close friends' bein g such that some defined their close friendships with attributes that others would not have used . This Awareness indicates that much of this relating to areas of population, ability to circulate in the social circles, and also relates to one 's areas of information----that is, the types of things an entity can communicate about with others . This Awareness indicates that obviously one who has no understanding of anything in particular except stam p collecting, will have a limited number of friends . The entity who is aware of stamp collecting, fencing, jogging , swimming, other sports, theatre, movies, social activities, sports celebrities, politics, and healing areas will naturall y have a more wide circle of friends than the entity whose sole interest is in stamp collecting . This Awareness indicates this because the entity is capable of discussing things with a different and more broad number of persons wh o have diverse interests . 9


This Awareness indicates that therefore, the entity who wishes a large number of friends would be wise to lear n about different things, rather than simply w become i specialist in a narrow area of life . This Awareness indicates also that the entity seeking a large number of friends must be one who would circulate socially, visit with friends , be willing to put oneself out for a friend, be willing to give of oneself and be willing to be truthful and frank, i f e less indicates that a true friend can behone . necessary with a friend, but without . being brutal or harsh . T est and tactful at the same time andentities will appreciate such a friend . This Awareness indicates that one who simply seeks to be liked and accepted may find himself or herself bein g victimized by friends because the entity does not stand up for his or her own rights . This Awareness indicates suc h a feeling of being victimized by others when you have done favors for others and are constantly being shortchange d --this type of relationship can be most discouraging and can lead entities into feeling that they perhaps should hav e no friendships at all . This Awareness indicates if this continues, the entity may withdraw and avoid relationship s with others . This—Awareness_ . indicates the proper solution for thisis to LXV WH worrying out whether you, you r self, are liked and acceptable, but to communicate instead with of iakingsurc ihat your rdlatiorishipwith `themTs clear andlionest and that-thnr's-ls eTear`and-]"honestwith you, and that there isno violation neenrr a__,. This Awareness suggests that the question be re-asked . QUESTION . The basic question was, "Was there a corollary between the amount of friends one has and that term calle d 'loneliness' ? COSMIC AWARENESS : This Awareness indicates that essentially loneliness has more to do with an_at.tiiivae one hasiDward_oneself than _ toward the number of associates or f ri ends onehas, h1. wherein an entity has few friends, the entity's thinkin g tends to become more self-centered . " its Awareness indicates that as the entity is more alone, there is a greate r tendency for the entity's tapes or ideas or thoughts to become repetitious and more deeply ingrained, without an y outside interference to cause greater examination of such thoughts . This Awareness indicates that when an entit y is isolated, the entity may find a kind of outside stimulation through books or other forms of communicatio n left by others, or the entity may have the ability to re-examine this thinking constantly to come up with ne w appoaches or new viewpoints of his or her own thinking, and thus keep the mind from becoming too entrenche d in some concept or idea that is inflexible. This Awareness indicates that as this occurs, the entity's consciousness eventually shall reach out into area s beyond self, so that the entity does not become too self-centered . This Awareness indicates however, that fo r most entities, it is important that they have outside social contacts to stimulate new thoughts, to stimulate ne w ideas, and to keep the entity from becoming too self-centered and therefore becoming incapable of relating freel y with others . nit


SHALLOW RL .1LA'i'IONSliti' t MAKE FOR LONLLililLSS QUESTION : Probably the American lifestyle is also one reason why friendship is difficult for so many people because they ar e moving around ; they don't stay in one place too long, and it's a highly competitive society that makes many would be friends rivals. Is that valid ? COSMIC AWARENESS : This Awareness indicates this in the affirmative . That also there is a tendency for entities to create shallow relationships for fear that deeper relationships can become too sticky and too involved, particularly when entities hav e personal needs which they seek from others rather than fulfilling for themselves . This Awareness indicates that the majority of entities have no self-integrated being and are looking for thei r salvation from others . This Awareness indicates that essentially one could say that the majority of entities do no t know where they are going, why they are here, what they are doing, and are looking for direction from someon e who can inform them . This Awareness indicates that not only do they seek direction, but seek gratification also . That they may refer to this entity as a Messiah, but what they actually want is someone who will take their dra b life and make it into something glamorous and great . This Awareness indicates that such entities seek this Messiah in their relationships with members of the opposite sex, or with members of their own peer group, or in their pursui t of spiritual development . This Awareness indicates these entities seeking someone who will save them from them selves and from a meaningless life. This Awareness indicates that they particularly are seeking something meaningful in their life which is not present and which appears to be impossible for them to achieve alone . This Awareness indicates that many entities in seeking something meaningful, do not even have an idea of wha t values they should hold in life, and therefore are willing to grab the values of anyone who appears confident . This Awareness indicates that they are attracted to a confident personality, one who speaks with great confidence, an d that appears to give them something meaningful in their life . This Awareness indicates that this, of course, can lea d to great problems, great difficulties for the entity, particularly if they choose the wrong entity to follow . This Awareness suggests that others have developed the appearance of being confident, but are simply seeking follower s and want to be noticed and want to be followed ; therefore they appear to be leaders, even though their values ma y be quite twisted and warped . This Awareness indicates that this is a problem caused by a potentially inept syste m of values in the general society . This Awareness indicates there are, of course, religions ; there are philosophies, there are political systems whic h are constantly making attempts to present values for entities . But often these are also based on shoddy levels o f understanding---and the religion, or the political system, or the philosophy, being exclusive in nature, does no t concern itself with the wholesome life, but simply promotes certain ideas which its founders or its followers an d leaders wish to promote for its own benefit or for their own benefit . This Awareness indicates that when a philosophy is not wholesome or holy or total and fully encompassing i n its nature, when a philosophy is not universal in its benefits toward all, then it carries with it the potential for creating separateness and conflict as it develops . This Awareness indicates such philosophies may produce leaders, ma y produce ideas, may produce followers, may produce systems, but still may not produce the harmony which entitie s seek . This Awareness suggests that wherein an entity wishes to develop a wholesome life, the entity must first begi n looking carefully at universal coneepts, co n cepts which benefit all ; and from these concepts, must develop values ; and from these values, may then have a suitable mean . ot evaluating the va:, of others ; and from such evaluation , the entity can then form wholesome relationships. QUESTION :

The Difference Between Loneliness and `Being Alone '

Awareness, how about these sensitive people, like artists and writers, and some of these people that arc very comfortable with themselves . They either know who, in fact, they are or are on the path to discovering this, yet the y hesitate to go out and meet the average people because what they see around them and what's happening in th e paper and the violence and all this and that---it repels them and so they live more or less as recluses . My question is, are people who are like this creating any karma for themselves by not going out and mingling with others, or d o they have a basic right to that particular lifestyle if they choose ? COSMIC AWARENESS : 'Phis Awareness indicates that there is a great difference between being alone and being lonely . This Awareness indicates that t;1h one' . 'altme.Litaread as This Awareness indicates_t :hat: an_entity liyirtg aloneman still be_in total harmony with the universe and with` o~ h1 ens. `lam Awareness indicates that the entity may not wish tosnangle with others because of the purpose fol. 1iic i Uie enttty wishes to direct its energies. This Awareness indicates that any entity who spendsttjj_Qf his time socializing, moving from entity to entity , djsoovering more and more about various entities . will simnly live~Lw,isted life . This Awareness indicates that th e entity who is absolutely Tilly alone and never communicates with others would also be equally in error. Thi s Awareness indicates that each entit•. will in some ways be social and will be also alone ; that the proportion of suc h involvement, socially or personally, will depend on the entity's own nature and desires . it tent -



i hie 1 -1 1 , sa iiiGiC t:S that SOI,le cnu ies ate : :Cl~iir 1t, C1 by Ltri:uiiistallce, uJi.iierS are thrown ill with a socia l group by circumstance ; and these entities may not appreciate the circumstances in which they find themselves . This Awareness indicates that other entities may choose their circumstances and may separate themselves by choic e or may become involved by choice. This Awareness indicates that, all in all, a balance tends to occur whereby entities have much of their life separat e and much of their their life involved with others. Thaa_t_t-h- important thing is net whether you have 100 fri jls o r two friends, but whether you are happy with you_se f,ul Whether ynu_are ahei;o me relationships with -those whom -ouhlioose as friend .aria Nether you are satisfied. with the num ber of friends you have . This Awareness itidicates_thatihexe is no particular karma against an entity who has only one friend, as oppose d to- 111e entity who has 100 friends . This Awareness indicates however, that those who are able to work with large r -numbers of entities, wlio are influencing or relating to more entities ; these entities have a different type of purpose or path in life than the entity who isolates and separates and has but a small number of friends . This Awareness ind icates it is not a matter of better or worse, but a matter of difference .



( Since I love you, how come you don't love me in return? )

It seems that when a person who has been afraid to reach out to others on more than just the most superficia l level for a long time, finally sees and acknowledges their need for companionship on a deeper level and a relation ship, they tend to actually drive companions away from themselves by the degree of need they have observed , and/or how they handle themselves-often because they simply have not learned yet by experience how to behav e in a healthy relationship . Is there some sort of short, simple test question or line they might be able to check them selves with, even as they're relating ? COSMIC AWARENESS : This Awareness indicates that it is very simple for those who can recognize the difference between the vacuu m and that which is full . This Awareness indicates however, that many entities cannot recognize the difference between the vacuum and that which is full. This Awareness indicates that the entity who asserts his or her needs and is driven by those needs and says t o another, "I want your friendship because of this or that ." This Awareness indicates such an entity may find th e needs fulfilled, or, may find the needs driving the other away . It depends on whether the other entity feels capabl e of fulfilling those needs, feels desirous of fulfilling those needs, or whether the entity feels that to fulfill those need s is more than he or she can do . This Awareness indicates when entities have needs, it is important for them to admit this to themselves and t o admit this to others . This Awareness indicates however, that it is also important for entities to expect others t o fulfill your needs . This Awareness indicates it is important for entities to know of each other's needs, but not fee l it is your duty to fulfill the needs of others. This Awareness indicates it is your duty to listen as others expres s their needs to you . It isyour duty to discover others' needs, but it is not your duty to fulfill those needs . Thi s Awareness indicates that it is your duty to listen to others as they discuss what they need, in order to understan d where they are coming from, what their needs are . and to determine if you wish to assist ; but it is not your duty to assist, unless you so desire . This Awareness indicates if entities understand this much, they can have clear relationships with others, withou t feeling guilty, without feeling obliged, without feeling any form of attachment based upon needs or obligations . This Awareness indicates when entities can have this kind of communication without the guilt or obligations, the n they are on their way to a good friendship . This Awareness suggests that wherein the entities exchange information with each other, expressing their needs to each other, but being sure that they do not lead the other into feelin g obliged to fulfill their needs ; simply presenting themselves, presenting their story, presenting their needs withou t demanding or sucking like a vacuum on the energies of another, seeking from the other the fulfillment of that particular need which you have . Whe ities can relate their needs without the expectation of the other fulfillin g that-ueid, t,hen _entitie.s_can~laie and kn a 1>-thiFfo-U_ t r `eerlev- and still carryon a kind of rappor h which a lows the other to respond, or not to respond, and still feel all right. sr



This Awareness indicates there is nothing more tragic in a relationship than one entity having a deep, intens e need, trying to get that need fulfilled out of another who is terribly repulsed and frightened by the potential obligation of having to fulfill that other entity's need . This Awareness indicates this can create a great division and gnl f between entities . This Awareness indicates that entities do need to be able to come together, to relate, to serve one another, with _. ..• out feelings of imposed obligations. This Awareness indicates that entities need the opportunity to commit them selves to each other, but not be committed by the other against their interests . ThisAwar, ness.indiest,es. many_ entities seek- to _commit another to themselves by forcing the other entity to feel obliged or guilty_for_what_Lhe_firstentityseek_sfrom the other . This Awareness indicates if you want something , you may put in your order, request what you want, but it isimproper to demand that the other fulfill your order , unless an agreement has been made whereby the other party has made a commitment which is part of the agreement. 5.

This Awareness indicates that the exchange of energies between entities cannot occur from but one side withou t the agreement of another, without creating some type of karma . That wherein you coerce another to respond t o your needs against that other's will, you have created a type of karma, a debt to that entity . This Awareness indicates that wherein you request assistance and the other responds voluntarily because he or she desires, then you hav e indeed created a harmonious exchange of energy, for which you may express gratitude . This Awareness indicates there also is a tragic type of relationship which is common, whereby an entity has th e strange belief that since this entity loves the other entity, it is expected that the other entity should return tha t love. This Awareness indicates often entities carrytheir love at ound withihemJJJte_aloaded f uit,.~eekin.g_io_k nth a target on whreli to dump their love, in order to get that target to love th_einJaack,_. 4This Awareness indicates that this is not true love .This is simplyneed ; and the entity is expressing the psychi c force, dumping a psychic force of pretended love upon another, hoping that this will hook the other into returnin g the love which the first entity desires ; and in such a hook, the entity snares his or her captive servent . This Awareness indicates that such entities do not understand the nature of love . This Awareness suggests that entities wh o truly love are not concerned about getting love back from another so much as they are concerned about giving lov e to the other and being careful to whom they give their love, so that they do not simply drop their valuable love upo n one who would trample such . The Difference Between Love and Respec t This Awareness does not advocate that entities commit themselves to those who would trample on them . Thi s Awareness suggets you may love all entities, but commit your energies to those who respect your energies ; commit; your energies to the deer .e trial others rejsect your energisss,'I'his Awareness suggests that you commit your energies to those who deserve such co ments mm 1i t ; and that wherein those entities cease to respect your commitments , this Awareness suggests you discuss this openly with such entities to determine whether the lack of respect is fro m negligence, or whether this is something which can be restored . This Awareness suggests that entities in a relationship must recognize the difference between love and respect . Entities tend tjoye each otherout of weaknesses ....They love the oilier because of the weak ci _thg oi;her;, t z` respect the other for~.lestrengliof the <~ ~es~ ThisAwareness indicates that love and respect must go togetherin a c o`T`seretattonstup . This_Awareness indicates you matt love those entities w1t are your enemies, yr. r. naav, lovs,t tities wh o are of no concern to you, but you give your energies to those whom you respect .



This Awareness indicates that as you develop these two qualities, love and respect, you develop greater relation ships with others . The relationships will be more enduring and stronger and will be more rewarding .

THERE ARE 10 WOMEN TO EVERY MAN . IS POLYGAMY THE ANSWER ? ( The karmic implications of sexual intercourse ) QUESTION : One final somewhat related question by 11 .13 . "On the subject of too many women and not enough men, especiall y in the upper-age bracket . The Bible says one women for one man, no polygamy . Yet there are 40 women to 5 men . How can women remain true to Bible principlesancl not be lonely or sin? Will Awareness resolve this matter? COSMIC AWARENESS : This Awareness wishes to remind entities that the biblical information was written particularly for a certai n culture and tribe of entities at a particular time . This Awareness indicates that this as having been intended as a tribal or social code of that particular group . This Awareness indicates that in many other social and cultural codes , there have been other types of suggestions in regards to this . This Awareness indicates that those who follow thi s particular tribal code will, of course, find themselves in a disadvantaged situation . That there is no way mathematically that all women could be satisfied in such a situation as described by the questioner . This Awareness indicates however, that It does not subscribe to the particular code of that cultural group at tha t particular time, which has been handed down to others as time passed . This Awareness indicates however that generally speaking, it is more beneficial for entities in their personal growth and development to have one particula r mate then to have several mates, for the energies of the male and female do tend to complement each other . This Awareness indicates the energies of the female tend to bring out the female aspects of the male, while the energ ies of the male tend to bring out the male aspects of the female, leading to a kind of balance or integrative state withi n each entity . This Awareness indicates that as the entities grow and develop together, this leads to individual fulfillment an d sharing of these energies of each partner by the other, This Awareness indicates that wherein an entity changes mates often and does not : fulfill the growth of the two because the entity keeps shifting mates, the entity will begi n to develop a kind of schizoid type of development of his opposite sex portion . B.

This Awareness suggests for example, the emafe who l :i, many n'ico Irierids may not Winn iior masculine aspects in a firm way, for the entity will take on small portions of each of the men with whom she is involved, but neve r the total masculine qualities ; and therefore, her own fully developed masculine side will not emerge properly . Thi s Awareness indicates likewise, the male who has many female partners will not fully develop his own feminine qualities, because these will be of a more shallow nature, due to the shallow relationships which he has developed .This Awareness indicates that as these emerge from the entity, the counterparts may express themselves, not as an int. egrated total, but in a kind of broken or uncertain manner . This Awareness indicatesi:hat essentially,_ the action Qf having_mntercourse witjL Bother creates a karmie :r . whin—lasts approximately nine months to one year, and the entities involved will continueIeeling atype otenergy_ oroobligtion to eaeliotlier—during that—tilde.This Awareness !ltllcates it Lakes approximately nine months to on e year to overcome such feelings of obiigfi. That as the relationship intensifies or when this is stronger, these feel ings will last longer and the obligations and ties become greater. This Awareness indicates that a relationship wherein the entities involved are monogamous is one wherein th e two entities in the relationship become much closer, more in tune to each other, so that they essentially carry with in themselves portions of the other entity in terms of the entity 's feelings and consciousness. In this way entities can often become so close that they sense what is occurring in the other partner simply by what they feel from th e other partner's energies within their own being . This Awareness indicates however, that even though there are several relationships in an entity 's life, mach devc opment can occur through these relationships ; for an entity does tend to take on and merge with the energies of a partner, and when these energies blend harmoniously, both partners can grow and can benefit . This Awareness indicates that much of the reason for the extreme code of the early Hebrews wasEattse4mot so much by the moral or spiritual values, as by social needs of the culture. This Awareness wishes to remi dentitie s that daring those days, there was no such thing as the modern "pill", the birth control techniques ; there was n o modern medicine for dealing with venereal diseases . Therefore, the tribe, the culture needed to be connerped about illegitimate children, about venereal disease being spread from person to person, even more so than today . bis Awareness indicates that therefore, these codes were given in part for their social value, to keep the cure aner tribe strong, so that it did not deteriorate as time passed . This Awareness indicates also, whereby entities coul d respect one another's relationships and commitments and were not allowed to interfere in an establisheelxelat unship, this because of rules of adultery---this rule prevented, or served as a kind of law for the tribal behavior, so that it would be possible to determine who was the violator if jealousy occurred, and to prevent such jealousies or fight s over crimes of passion between parties . This Awareness indicates that this served as a kind of social code to prevent entities from taking the partner of another, and therefore causing disruptions in the culture . This Awareness indicates that this particularly was designed or intended as a means of protecting possessions or the ownership of one's mate, and had its greatest effect, ors the controlling of the women of the culture, rather than the men . This Awareness indicates that in present times, much of the value system which has been handed down is undergoing great modification and change, due to the external influences such as birth control, such as medicines to deb with certain venereal diseases, and such as the social codes whereby some entities do not disapprove of the new sexual freedoms, and whereby the numbers of entities involved in such actions no longer feel bound by the old codes . This Awareness indicates however, that there still are many valid arguments to support the old code, for eveil though there are modifications, there still is venereal disease, the unwanted children are still present, and entitie s still become involved in revenge and crimes of passion and jealousy because of their mate becoming involved i n other relationships .

The old wife gets the jewelry sent to the young one

"r must spend the evening with my other wife" Mormon's wife hearing her husband has take n another ~~ --

Some illustrations from the book, "Polygamy--Or, The Mysteries of Mormonism"(Bein g an Expose of their Secret Rites an d Ceremonies)"--written by Hon . O .J . Hollister, U .S . Revenue Collector for Utah, about 1870 .


This Awareness suggests that entities considering more than one relationship to be most cautious and aware an d to be willing to accept the full responsibility for such actions before entering into such situations . This Awareness indicates it, is not so much a question of morality, or wrong, as it is a question of responsibilit y and the ramifications of one's behavior and expressions .

IS CELIBACY THE ANSWE R TO Tl-a MALE SHORTAGE ? (The Chakras in Relation to Sexual Desire )


Awareness , in light of the information just given about the balancing out of th e male and female cnergies ;with one another in relation to the question asked-b ; thi s lady, who observed that there are 40 women to 5 men—would celibacy in such a case be the suggested answer to this problem, rather than seeking a relationship wit h other men who might also have relationships with more than one woman ? COSMIC AWARENESS :.


This Awareness indicates that for some entities, celibacy can be valuable, particul arly wherein they have already fulfilled their awn personal integrative expression s and have no particular need for relationship with the opposite sex . This Awareness indicates that for others, the action of celibacy may assist in helping them to draw out the qualities within themselves because of the intensity cause d by the celibacy . This Awareness indicates however, that for others, the action of be coming involved with another entity can be satisfactory and beneficial . This Awareness indicates that the problem area seems to be more in the entity who seeks the relationship with another, but cannot find that relationship, for there is no partner available ; and the entity's energies and attention and time, being put into pursuit and fantasizing, can become a great waste of psychic and physical and emotiona l energy . This Awareness indicates that wherein an entity simply accepts one 's life, and is celibate because there i s nothing available, but is not simply being celibate because one particularly wills to be celibate, but is celibate be c ause-of the inavailability of another ; and when the entity finds someone who is wishing to be close, wishing a relat ionship, and the entity is open to such a relationship, but does not attempt to force the relationship to he anythin g other than it is---the entity is expressing a kind of self-contained maturity of being able to accept what is, and respond to what is. This Awareness indicates that this as being a somewhat difficult discussion because this relates very closely to a totally different area of concern . This Awareness ind icates that this is in relation to the development of the chakras and the opening of the chakras . That wherein entities have their chakras open, that the ` entity whose pituitary is open along with the others, such an entity can become involved i n relationships, not out of need, not out of desire, but out of response. The entity can take it or leave it . The entity is whole. This Awareness indicates the entity whose chakras are open up to the pinea l may be focused on celibacy or may be focused on seeking to find an oytle t for his or her energies of a sexual nature or of some other goal-orientation . This Awareness indicates that many entities whose chakras are open u p to the pineal have very strong wills, and are very certain of themselves, and such entities often have great self-control . These entities often con sider themselves to be quite righteous . —

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This Awareness indicates that the entity whose chakras are open u p to the pineal may be considered as those who are among the powerfu l and the wise, for that is how they see themselves . They develop stron g personal wills to pursue what they wish, whether this be outside of themselves or in terms of self-control or self discipline . This Awareness indicates that these entities generally consider themselves to be quite right in whateve r they do . This Awareness indicates that the entity whose chakras are open to the pituitary is no longer interested in bein g right or being powerful, but is concerned about being able to respond from moment to moment, to whatever need s response . This Awareness indicates that such an entity may even be responsive to another's needs or may recogniz e +1-e ' r'-- : ' : . ti', ' h.' f 'nirl response, and tl;errfo' e th" :l.tity m a y nC" respc i1c' tte that need . T may be the proper response. liwarensdcthakofrespn P


This Awareness indicates the entity whose chakras are open to the thyroid may find himself unable to accomplis h anything, but may talk about the accomplishment . The entity may not have the will to accomplish self-discipline , may not have the will to affect things around himself, but may h i:,li to discuss such things as ideas . The entity ma y find his entire expression and happiness through sitting around and "rapping ", "jawing ", and talking about life an d about concepts and ideas. The entity may sit around, talking about relationships . The entity may enter a relation ship and talk about that relationship for hours on end, even though the relationship only lasted for a few minutes . This Awareness indicates that this entity whose chakras are open up to the thyroid is concerned about communication and social expressions, and communicates to others what he or she feels . This entity is not especially concerned with responding or with power, but rather with conveying information . This Awareness indicates the entity whose chakras are open up to the thymus or heart chakra is generally concerned with ego, pride, and giving affection to others, and with the show of self . This Awareness indicates this entit y finds this as his or her highest form of expression . This Awareness indicates the entity whose chakras are open up to the adrenalin may find himself or herself involved in competition and battling to out-do others . This may be physical or otherwise . This Awareness indicate s the entity whose chakras are open to the lyden may find himself or herself concerned with fantasies, illusions . This Awareness indicates the entity whose gonads are overactive and open may become extremely obsessed . Thi s Awareness indicates that the degree of openess affects the entity . That as these chakras open and close, it affect s the general attitudes of entities . This Awareness indicates that these chakras open and close often in response t o astrological influences . This Awareness indicates these chakras open and close often in response to diet . The chakras open and close often in response to ideas, and sensual expressions or feedback . This Awareness indicates that much of an entity's behavior is regulated by the general condition of one's chakras . That for some entities, certain chakras seldom open, or open only slightly, because the entity is unfamiliar with suc h attitudes or levels of consciousness . This Awareness indicates there are some entities whose entire life is within thei r head and their chakras beneath the head are inactive . There are others whose lives are centered around the lowe r chakras, concerned with gratification, security, power, or prestige . This Awareness indicates that there are other s whose expressions are a mixture, and move up and down the chakras . The entity may begin in the thyroid, discussing with another, only to find that certain words or certain attitudes trigger-off one of the other chakras and th e entity may find himself in competition, in a battle, as the adrenalin chakra begins to function . This Awareness indicates that therefore, entities may understand that even in terms of the development of a n individual, things change from moment to moment : attitudes change, values change, feelings change, outside stimulus may change ; and one may have fixed, firm, righteous values at one time, only to find that six months late r their value changes. u This Awareness indicates it is much easier for an entity to believe in celibacy when looking at another couple an d believing that the other couple should be celibate, than when one has the opportunity to become involved wit h someone attractive to them . This Awareness indicates that it is always easier to condemn another for licentious behavior than to condemn yourself, or to avoid the temptation when it is presented to you . Therefore, the outsid e stimulus and the situations entities experience can often affect one's values, and help to mold one's values . This Awareness indicates that likewise, even as with the individual, society's values change, according to outsid e stimulus . The values of two and three thousand years ago can be changed and affected as new things come in, i n modern times ; and as these change, the new levels of expression, new levels of consciousness enter into the situatio n and change values in present time . This Awareness indicates that likewise, entities may recognize that humanity itself can be seen as moving throug h chakras . The time wherein entities were competitive as the animals may be equated to war-like days or war-lik e actions, reflecting the adrenalin qualities . This Awareness indicates this particularly reflects on the development o f that social expression or religion which expressed itself in Mithrism, wherein Mithra was the god of the warriors o r soldiers . This Awareness indicates the thymus period of humanity expressed itself as the heart, or as that time of Christ . This Awareness indicates that the present time of humanity as expressing itself in the thyroid, as that time of communication . This Awareness indicates the next step in humanity will be that wherein entities experience mind ove r matter ; the will, the pineal, which is capable of affecting massive changes in material levels through the expressio n of mind. This Awareness indicates that following this will be the time wherein humanity becomes thoroughly capable o f responding and experiencing through the pituitary, the doorway to the Divine . This Awareness indicates that thes e various levels of expression, from the gonads up to the pituitary, are symbolized for humanity itself in the Book of Revelation as the seals which are opened, creating different effects . This Awareness indicates that each entity is a ..l.w0 ..outtev tip , hail I the- idss_of.,hunllpity is also a book of Reve a ion . nd these are constant y eing s m-•a n-e1Tects i c~i`i~eren Imes ; but that there is a eneral movemen t ated, with seals opening and closing, for differe` eventual the_ 1tealand_ri uitary sultan condition, so that towar the mass expressisn_and development . of the kide,anc Jakl agrft --and the Second Comingof that known as Christ Consciousness can appear ot _ every eye, to every individu.aLLthe mass of humanity. This Awareness indicates tliat" all "of this ytn olism is the expression of stages of consciousness, developing both in the individual and in society in general .


**** REVELATIONS OF AWARENESS is a cosmic newsletter published every two weeks by Cosmic Awarenes s Communications, P .O . Box 115, Olympia, Washington, 98507 . Rates and membership information on request .

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