Cosmic Awareness 1980-22: Are The Lyrics Of Rock And Roll Perverting Your Kids?81-6

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ReaeBaxZoua 80-22

The New-Age Cosmic Newslette r

Cosmic Awareness Communication s P . 0 . Dos 115, Olympia, Washington 9550 7

PRICE . $3 .00 COSMIC AWARENESS is the Force that expressed Itself through Jesus of Nazareth the Buddha, Krishna, Mohammed . Edgar Cayce an d other great avatars who served as ' Channels ' for the 'Heavenly Father' and who speaks again today as the world begins to enter the New Age of s intual consciousness and awareness . Since 1963 Cosmic Awareness has been communicating through carefully-trained channels. The unfo, mation contained herein was received from deep super-conscious trance levels and ' interpreted' by an entity affiliated with C .A .C . This information is for those who desire to help in bringing in the New Age . Throughout the thousands of 'Readings' given through these channels , Cosmic Awareness tells us not to believe anything, but to question, explore, doubt, and discover for yourself, through your own channel , what is the truth . Cosmic Awareness will only indicate and suggest . Neither C .A ., the Aquarian Church of Universal Service or the Interpreter. Paul Shockley is responsible for anything Cosmic Awareness may state in any of .C these readings, does C .A .C . or Paul Shockley necessaril y believe or agree with the statements of Cosmic Awareness . Paul Interprets the energies as he seesnor in trance levels and is not personall y responsible for what is said .Members of C .A.C . are invited to send in questions of general interest them to ask Awareness for possible publication .

Oh, forn-i-rate, De-gen-er-ate. . . .ahuse those DRUGS ! Snort that coke, and knock her up . . . . "


PERVERTING YOUR KIDS ? Paul Shockle y Trance--Interpreter

ILLUSION AND THE NATURE OF REALIT Y ( Opening Message, CAC Gen . Reading, April 12, 1980 ) COSMIC AWARENESS : This Awareness suggests that you look at the word Illusion. This Awareness indicates the root of this word, lucia , relates to the concept of Iight . This Awareness indicates that the il-lucia, as being likened unto a poor light . This Awareness indicates that the concept of an illusion is such that it requires an entity to believe in reality, an d to assume that one knows reality and can distinguish reality from illusion . This Awareness indicates that the materialist assumes that matter is the reality, and imagination is an illusion . This Awareness indicates that one entity ma y assume that power is reality, and love is but an illusion . This Awareness suggests that the entity who is involved in the dream believes the dream to be the reality ; an d when being forced to be shaken from that dream, feels he is being forced into an illusion until he is ready to accep t that new illusion as a reality . This Awareness indicates that entities who assume that the material is the reality an d the consciousness is the illusion, must look at the nature of the construction of matter, and recognize that any physical construction made by human thought, was first conceived in the thought or mind and then brought forth int o matter . This Awareness asks, "Which is the reality---the imaged concept, or the resultant manifestion of that con e cept? " This Awareness indicates, " Is the cause the illusion, or is the effect the illusion? Which is the reality ? " This Awareness indicates that entities in considering realities and illusions must recognize that this is likened unt o looking at the same coin from two different sides, wherein one side of the coin is labeled Illusion the other side a s labeled reality, but each having a different meaning in the language of the entity who looks from the opposite side . This Awareness suggests you visualize a coin whereby you can see through to the other side, and when looked a t from one side, the words in this particular language would be inscribed Illusion ; and when looked at from the othe r side, the words would be read backwards in a way that spelled Reality . And you imagine yourself explaining to a foreigner who speaks a different language, that one side is illusion and the other side is reality ; but this foreigne r e y plains to von that i n his lahetla- ;e it i !,. k Cie ,!lu s' :n ant! that side is the 1'C(tll ' ' tc1 O 0 `no it :c ' th COPYRIGHT 1980 by Cosmic Awareness Communications & the Aquarian Church of Universal Service . Reproduction by permission .

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> aIiIFlc.u:;, > is 3ei, . ;ti.eii of consciousness—the ont side appears to be an illusio n when viewed from the other side . This Awareness indicates there is nothing more real than the imagination ; yet those who have no imagination , who do not dwell in the imagination, consider those energies as being but illusions . This Awareness indicates tha t those who dwell in levels of imagination, can convince themselves that these are realities ; whereas the other entitiy's imagination is an illusion . This Awareness indicates that these are but words, which may be similar to accusations or labels placed by on e viewpoint on the other viewpoint, by one observer on the other observer---much like arguing that an entity is standing to your right, when looking Into a mirror, and using the reflection for your reference point ; while arguing wit h an entity who insists that this is not so, who is looking at this from the non-reflective point of view . This Awareness indicates that in reaching levels of communication --one with another ; in dealing in a society--one with another, it becomes much more difficult when entities carry illusions in their consciousness . Yet, this is a fac t of life---a reality of society, and cannot be dismissed as hut illusion . This Awareness indicates that in one sense, the illusions and fantasies are realities of life, and this Awareness suggests that also, what is occurring at this time is that entities are becoming aware of each other's fantasies an d are attempting to express their own fantasies as realities . This Awareness indicates that in many ways, the imagination is being let free to spill itself out on society in almost an unlimited way : the genie as escaping from th e bottled-up insides . The subconscious regurgitation of emotions, fantasies, and traumatic or creative expressions , are being let loose . The Pandora's box, with all its furies, all the demons, all the plagues, are being opened up fro m the subconscious levels of entities . The astral plane is being emptied out on to the earth plane . This Awareness indicates this as occurring through music, through images, through pictures, through illusions, cinema, television, an d even through your politics and world affairs . This Awareness indicates the astral plane and that plane which has been termed `reality ' are merging, coming together, rubbing against each other, and there is no way whereby these can be made separate . This Awareness indicates this blending of these energies will eventually balance out, and the land of the `Magi-Nation ' and that whic h is Reality shall merge into a world of creativity . This Awareness indicates that entities who understand the balanc e between illusion or imagination or reality, and entities who understand these energies, will be the New Beings wh o create the peace and harmony for that New World . ! i :. ,ai ., t .: :.




QUISTION : Does that mean that those many entities that are expressing their fantasies, I presume, in these weird stories w e read in the paper every day, will either have departed this plane or their consciousness will have changed so tha t they will go along with the New Being philosophy ? COSMIC AWARENESS : This Awareness indicates that many of these entities are but channelling the poisons which have been locked u p inside the mass mind, the astral plane, for eons of time . These poisons being reguritated out upon this plane fo r thoseliightworkers to clean up, to look at, to diagnose, and to find the proper medicines and remedies for thes e entities, so that the catharsis which is occurr /`/. t UXJ from the angry young men (or the angr y old men and women)---the catharsis which is occurring upon this plane, emptyin g ou t \; the astral poisons, can be looked at, released , and a new action begun . V


This Awarness indicates this much lik e the old Greek drama wherein the dram a moved to its climax, and the catharsis, th e weeping and wailing, the agony was expressed ; and the audience cries, then goes home feelin g much better at having had a chance to release those feelings which were portrayed by other s Va. on the stage in that which was but an illusion. *:4:** :i:

(Emphasis is by the editor)


QUESTION : Yesterday, Awareness gave some information on how the energies from the astral were being worked out i n fantasies today . 1'd like to read a little of a report that just came out on rock music and it's influence on teen-ager s to see if there is a corollary here . Kingsbury Smith of the 1-learst's Newspapers writes, "A shocking, report has come to light on the harmful influenc e that pornographic and subversive lyrics in rock music may have on American teen-agers, and even younger children, listening . According to this report, almost 50% of recorded rock music in recent years contained lyrics tha t tended to encourage sexual licentiousness or the use of drugs or perversion . The report charges that the morals o f many teen-agers have been and continue to be subverted by some of the most popular rock music . It implies that if your teen-age daughter becomes pregnant or your teen-age son becomes a drug addict, it may be due to the influence of lyrics in some of the rock music they have listened to during youthful years when they are particularl y susceptible to musical impressions . The Allen Report said that whereas in the early "70's subversive rock lyric s pushed drugs, promiscuity and revolution, the current perversion-oriented lyrics arc pushing the worst types o f degeneracy. Citing the verses of many of these lyrics, the report added, `What can parents expect during this decad e as rock music advocates sadism, masochism, incest, necrophilia, homosexuality, bestiality, rape and violence, i n addition to the ever-present rebellion, drug abuse and promiscuity? The obvious answer is stupefeying . " Will Awareness please comment ? COSMIC AWARENESS : This Awareness indicates that this as being accurate in its description of the effect of the music to some degree . This Awareness indicates that these influences upon the youth are, in fact, having certain damaging effects in th e morals of the nation . This Awareness indicates that this as also releasing certain pent-up anxieties and feelings whic h would be expressed in other ways, perhaps just as damaging . This Awareness indicates the young people in taking drugs and becoming involved in early sex, are essentiall y rebelling against society 's codes in the way whereby they can personally do so . This Awareness indicates that thes e entities are not simply objecting to society's moral codes, but have chosen this way of expressing their frustratio n with society in general . This including the over-all actions of society whereby they allow the leaders to create war s and violence on large scales . This Awareness indicates that many of these young people feel that they are living on the brink of destruction . Many feel that they may never grow old enough to have legitimate sexual relationships with others ; so why bothe r trying to meet society 's codes? This Awareness indicates that the attitude among many young people, and olde r "It's all going down the tube, so grab what you can, while you can ." This Awareness indicate s people alike, is that this is being presented because of the nuclear threat and the threat of global annihilation . This Awareness indicates that these entities have grown up from childhood with this threat hanging over their heads . This Awareness suggests that many older people also are leaning toward this attitude . This Awareness indicates that this also relates to the clearing out of certain astral energies which have been pen t up for many eons of time in the astral plane ; this where, in older times, entities referred to these energies as `demons '. This Awareness indicates that these so-called `demons', or blocked frustrations in the astral planes, whereby certai n forces and energies or spirits held on to the immoral or degrading types of attitudes and consciousness,---were locke d into the astral plane, being able to filter through only when there was an opening . This Awareness indicates that much of the present rock music and many of the movies and television and th e peer-pressure group and drug use allows the astral plane to be emptied out upon the earth plane . This Awarenes s indicates this also relates to the use of nuclear weapons and the radiation pollution and microwave pollution, whic h has had its affect upon the barriers between the astral and physical planes . This Awareness indicates these barrier s being broken down are allowing these two planes to merge . That which is pent-up and hidden in the astral plane i s being released and worked out through entitie s' emtions---much of this as sexual perversion, much as violence, muc h as being expressions of bizarrism . 3.

This Awareness indicates the energies of these astral release s as being likened unto a kind of purgatory or purging or regurgitation of pent-up energies. This Awareness suggests this as being that which creates much frustration and many levels of irritatio n upon the physical plane . But through this irritation, there will , come about a balancing, a merging of these energies, a reconci ' iation, so that within time, peace and harmony will ensue . This Awareness indicates that the release of these energies is also allowing the astral plane to have greater harmony and peace ; allowing the subconscious emotions of entities greater possibilit y of release ; and eventually, this shall be the purgatory that bring s forth the new consciousness, wherein entities can relate more clearly with one another . This Awareness indicates that essentially, this present action is likened unto an era of tribulation, particularly a tribulatio n in relation to the physical plane . This Awareness indicates tha t it can be seen as abhorrible, but is also part of the process o f clearing out the pent-up frustrations of the biosphere or mass mind . This Awareness indicates that in some ways this may be come even more appalling as time passes, but there also are thos e energies which are now beginning to turn in other directions t o move toward a re-establishment of greater respect for the socia l codes of the past. This Awareness indicates it shall never becom e as fixed as in previous times . That the social codes of 1950 wil l eventually be looked upon much as the entity in 1950 looke d upon the Victorian social codes .



(The Fascination with the Bizarre )



Then it probably stands to reason then that the biggest majorit y of teen-agers listening to rock music with these lyrics can look at them and probably understand these things, but will not necessarily go out and experience and practice some of the thing s told to them in the music ?

This Awareness indicates that the majority of teen-agers watching a bizarre act of an entertainer, recognize tha t this is a bizarre act, and are simply enjoying the `freak at the circus' . This Awareness indicates that the majority o f such entities do not intend to imitate or emulate such actions themselves in their own lives, but simply enjoy watching the crowd and seeing the bizarre actions of this entity who is bold enough to get up and make a fool of himsel f in his expressions. This Awareness indicates that many entities consider this as being a kind of vicarious form o f rebellion against their establishment, their parents, or their parents' values ; and in watching this entity carry o n in the bizarre manner, these entities, these viewers, feel a kind of satisfaction in the vicarious-rebellion experiences . QUES'T'ION :


On aTV program recently there was a segment on a random killer syndrome that happened to people using , (sniffing, or snorting) cocaine . According to the TV reporter it had no relation to how much, what quality o r how often the cocaine was used, nor how long, how old or what health the user was or if other substances, suc h as alcohol, had been used with it . The report said that after sniffing up a line the victims would just go into labore d breathing and some other phases and would be dead within two or three minutes . This has never been discussed in all the other material. on cocaine and it sounded like a scare story . Is there any validity to their story, and ho w dangerous is this drug? COSMIC AWARENESS : This Awareness indicates this is valid in some respects, this depending on the general health of the entity and how much the entity depletes his or her energies and relies on the affects of the drug as a substitute for normal rest . This Awareness indicates that there are also certain indications of some entities having a kind of„what migh t be termed, an 'allergy' to this drug . This Awareness indicates that the continued use of this substance can be dam aging to the psychological factors of an entity as well as to L WH ' Y n,1~T : r1 1, AVLOO 4.

Tri .ikr= SUUtUEI~L' ~~ i3AbY BUtJdI ? QUESTION :

Gerry Morse was up here a while back and she observed a baby-boom phenomenon in women of all ages, eve n into their forties, some with grown children . This has also affected women who for years never wanted children . She said that practically every women she knew was either pregnant or planned on getting pregnant . Would Awareness please comment on this ? COSMIC AWARENESS : This Awareness indicates that it appears there is a tendency at this time for many women to focus on this action . This being part of a general reaction to earlier trends away from childbearing . This Awareness indicates that man y entities feel their lives are empty at this time because there is little real substance in society to give meaning, an d many entities seek to give something to their world which is of value, and the natural inclination of many wome n and men is to assume that the action of giving birth and carrying on the species is the proper gift to society . This Awareness indicates this because it is a natural, programmed action of the species . This Awareness indicates tha t likewise, this as related in part to the psychological needs of entities to express themselves in a manner whic h appears to be meaningful during a time wherein meaning and values are crumbling . This Awareness indicates also that this, in part, is related to an increase in the activity of women depending upo n welfare and child-support for their sustenance . This Awareness indicates that many women find that the more children they have, the more money they can collect from welfare programs . This Awareness indicates that also this relates, in part, to a subconscious urge to increase the population dut of a feeling that war is imminent and that th e more entities there are, the greater the chance of some surviving . This Awareness indicates this appears to be a strong subconscious influence or pressure on many entities at this time, this both men and women . This Awareness indicates there also appears to be an influence coming from an attitude that although the parent has not foun d satisfaction in the life experience, it wishes to give children an opportunity for such satisfaction ; therefore, it hope s to bring about children for more enjoyment in future times . This Awareness suggests that this attitude as being a minor factor . That the majority of parents are simply following their personal feelings, feeling totally incapable o f having much expression in society because society is out of their control, but still feeling the avenue of expressio n through the action of giving birth and creating their own empire within a family structure . IF JESUS WASN'T ADAM , HOW COME CAYC E READ THIS ON THE AKASHIC RECORD ? QUESTION :

A question from P .DR of. Denamora, New York . "In Revelations of Awareness No . 79-25, a question was aske d about Edgar Cayce stating that Jesus was Adam in his first incarnation . Awareness stated, `There is no indicatio n seen that Jesus was Adam .' From what Awareness has been revealing about Jehovah and his creations lately, I ca n understand that ; but Edgar Cayce was not the only one that said Jesus was Adam in his first incarnation . Rut h Montgomery in the book, The World Before, given in automatic writing from a group of entities from the spiri t planes--so they claim-- also said that Jesus was Adam . My question is, Edgar Cayce and these entities communicating through Ruth Montgomery said they read the information from the Akashic ecord . How could they read th e information from the Akashic Records if, in fact, Jesus was not Adam? It is my understanding that anything in th e Akashic Record had to happen sometime in the past in order to be there . Where did they get the idea that Jesu s was Adam if he was not ? COSMIC AWARENESS :


This Awareness indicates that it appears the entity Ruth Montgomery got her information from the Cayce material in an indirect manner . This Awareness indicates that it appears that the Cayce information as being likene d unto reading energies in a manner that is literal when, in fact ;, it is but reflective and symbolic . This Awareness indicates that the definitions involved in terms of the story of Adam and Eve as being most difficult to explain whe n entities consider these as being absolutely literal . This Awareness indicates that Adam symbolically representin g the conscious mind, Eve symbolically representing the subconscious mind . This Awareness suggests also that i n the cloning process of the Jehovah group on Mars, that Adam was not simply a single clone, but was a series o f experiments whereby eventually this particular result was created which, then being influenced and affected b y others, was eventually transferred to Earth for mixture, as followed historically, with other Earthlings . This Awareness indicates much of this information has been given, much is available in other works . This Awareness suggests that there is a kind of repeat or reflection in the experience or story of Adam and Eve . This Awareness suggests that the simplicity of answer requested by the questioner, or by the question, as that whic h complicates the ability to convey clearly what is involved . That for the simplicity of answering this in the manne r desired, it can be only given at this time that the entity known as the Christ, or the being who inhabited the bod y of Jesus, was not the same entity who was created by Jehovah . This Awareness indicates however, that there are other levels of this . That the original story, or the origina l writings from which the Book of Genesis was taken by the biblical writers, was in reference not to Jehovah, bu t to the Elohim . That the Elohim being the gods--this in plural–who created the heavens and earth . This Awareness indicates these being terms used by writers of a much earlier work, handed down through ancient secret school s from Lemuria, Atlantis, and eventually to the Hebrews, in story form from which the Book of Genesis drew for

ul .r . . : it m .,a . . .i .,lp .ien anti (idiom ia11 irn1a~ioII ieiauiiir, w denovt a i, the Hebrew deity o r lord, for their culture . This Awareness indicates that all this as being related to the Hebrew Book of Genesis, bu t this as having drawn from other sources and these mixing with thr Hebrew philosophy â–şâ–ş~d doctrines of the priests . This Awareness suggests that in terms of the Christ Consciousness coming down upon this plane, that this as being from the serpent people, or those of Galactic Man, or the Galactic Space Confederation ; whereas Adam , created by Jehovah, as having been from a totally different clan of space entities . This Awareness indicates that th e Akashic Record as that which is not like the Brittanica or Americana Encyclopedias, wherein an entity simply reads the words which have been recorded by some scribe . The Akashic Record as being energies which can be seen i n fourth-dimensional consciousness which come through as words or images, but the skill in reading depends on th e interpreter or the interpretation of how those energies are evaluated . This Awareness indicates for this reason, entities should not trust trance readings one-hundred percent for their validity, but only look at these information s as ways to delve into their own consciousness and look deeper to discover for themselves by reading the Akashi c Record on their own . This Awareness indicates It is not giving these messages to entities as dogma, but is giving these messages so tha t entities can expand their awareness and examine more deeply the limited knowledge which has been handed dow n in allegories, myths and stories from the past, so that these myths and stories and allegories can come alive withi n the individual consciousness and have meaning to the lives of entities . This Awareness indicates that in late r times, more information will be released regarding the ancient histories of the origins of the various tribes .

UNBLOCKING THE `ROYAL PATH ' (More on the Trinity )

QUESTION : A question from P .,1-I ., San Francisco, Cal ."Max Freedom Long in his book, Secret Science at Work, states tha t the reason why we cannot make contact with our superconscious mind is because the "Royal Path " is being blocked by wrong thinking or karma. He gives some explanations on how to unblock the path, but gives no specific techniques . My question is, can Awareness give us some specific techniques on how to unblock the `Royal Path ' , especially when karma is involved from a previous life? " COSMIC AWARENESS : This Awareness indicates that essentially, this is what this Awareness has been doing for approximately seventee n years since It began through the channel of Ralph Duby and previously, through other channels . This Awarenes s indicates that the so-called `Royal Path' as simply being that which entities may refer to as the subconscious---tha t information locked within the cells of the body as memory . This Awareness indicates that as entities move int o these cells with closer awareness, they are more able to contact the higher levels of consciousness . That as entitie s are locked into rational thinking and fail in their communication through the subjective or creative thinking proces s --the intuitive levels--these entities simply cannot communicate with the higher self . This Awareness indicates that essentially, the Kahuna philosophy is such that the doer, or the middle self, as i t is called, is the same thing as the conscious or rational mind . This Awareness indicates that the subconscious, o r lower self in the kahuna terms, is equivalent to the subconscious or unconscious, or the host of the body ; the conscious mind being the guest in the body . This Awareness indicates the superconscious as being that which is outsid e the body, but hovering nearby as a kind of overseer . This Awareness suggests that the conscious mind is capable o f communicating with the superconscious only through the messenger--the subconscious . The Kahuna philosoph y explains it that the middle self must be in harmony with the lower self, for the lower self is that which is the messenger to the higher self. In another sense, the rational mind must be in harmony with the emotions of an entity , for the emotions to carry the message to the spiritual self . This Awareness indicates the Kahuna philosophy refers to the higher self as the 'Father' and as the 'Light' . Thi s Awareness suggests that as entities become more at peace with themselves, the potential for moving through th e lower self, or the subconscious, and having greater communication with the superconscious increases . This as th e Trinity . This Awareness suggests that in another sense, the conscious mind may be thought of as the Son of Man , the subconscious as the Holy Ghost, and the superconscious as Father or God . This Awareness indicates there ar e many ways in which the Trinity is expressed in various religions . That each of these various religions having Hol y Trinities, can be traced to the same source . This Awareness indicates that the concept of this Trinity applies no t only to man as an individual, but mankind, and also to the universal beings . This Awareness suggests that it is possible for entities to become friends with the subconscious only by breaking down barriers of hostility between one' s emotional urges and the mind, which seeks to be rational . Wherein the rational mind fights against nature, the barriers shall increase ; but wherein the rational mind attempts to communicate and ` tame the beast', then the possibility for higher communication occurs . This Awareness suggests this related to the card in the Tarot wherein th e entity is opening the mouth of the lion . This also has reflective symbology to the story of Daniel in the lion's den . That wherein the entity or middle self is able to communicate with the animal self, the subconscious, the lowe r self, in a harmonious way wherein one is at peace with oneself, wherein the house divided is not divided ; then thi s wherein the two come together `in my name' ; wherein this occurs, then these two in harmony can reach a communication with the superconscious, or the higher self . 6.

This Awareness indicates that there are many ways of doing this . That this depends on which path is least offensive to the rational mind . 'Phis may be done through hypnosis . This may be done through such things as Taro t readings, astrological readings, or through meditation, or through prayer, or through psychological releases, throug h arguments and crying and the weeping and wailing until one finds personal peace between his deeper self and th e conscious self . This may be done through exploring consciously until one has whittled away to the very roots o f one's unconscious . This may be done through emotional catharsis or through the charismatic movement, or througlreligious techniques of such types . This may be done by such actions as developing one 's ability or frame of mind to be able to walk on fire or walk on hot coals. This may be done through entities' efforts to withstand pain . This may be done through gradual lifetimes of suffering until one reaches harmony with oneself and accepts oneself , so that the rational code and the subconscious code eventually merge together into a harmonizing relationship .This Awareness indicates that this also can be accomplished through the karmic relation with one, generally of the opposite sex, wherein energies are balanced out . This Awareness indicates that this also may be accomplished throug h the experience of life and death and passing through the gates . This Awareness suggests also there are innumerabl e other methods available through various schools of personal development and consciousness-raising techniques . This Awareness suggests the general understanding of the purpose---to become friends with your subconscious- this as being the most helpful in determining how or what path to take . This Awareness indicates also, that th e entity Max Freedom Long, includes in his works various prayers or techniques for meditating or for reaching thos e states of communication .* The books of Max Freedom Long are available from C .A.C . (See book catalog) . i ara,yfuur• KATCHMAR 'S yi GY M fit.tM AIlila

PtllLaa /DR, luau .

Getting History Straight



QUESTION : A question from J .D. of Brooklyn, N .Y. "It has been stated historically that Jack the Ripper had never bee n caught or identified, but I have secured information from a psychic sensitive hypnosis subject who stated tha t Jack the Ripper was still alive, but was in a mausoleum in a graveyard . I believe he said In Detroit, Michigan or Chicago, and his body is intact in a state of suspended animation, but that the tomb is guarded by the devi l or dark forces or spirits . What are the details associated with this ? COSMIC AWARENESS : This Awareness indicates this as a fabrication . QUESTION : While we're on this subject : several years ago a hook came out, a very detailed book by someone who did som e very good detective work . He claimed that he proved that Jack the Ripper was really one of the Royal Family , the Duke of Clarence, I believe . The Royal Family being the family of Queen Victoria . If it is no longer to be secret or a violation or anything, would Awareness please explain or reveal who Jack the Ripper really was ? COSMIC AWARENESS : This Awareness indicates that this book and the movie, The Seven and One Half Percent Solution, as that whic h gives sufficient information regarding this concern . This Awareness isn ' t particularly inclined to concern Itself with solving mysteries of history which are of no consequence to entities . This Awareness indicates, however, that the information has been researched quite thoroughly in this book ; and also, there is information in the movie whic h relates closely to the facts of the case. ED's NOTE : T read the book, but couldn't remember the name . If LQN -r ,' .i . ,i0n't writ (' .A C . (h .'-la with your librar y . The second hook, Th e ., :, .o,o Ol -I tali 'crc. i, ,,o,c, iui, is aâ– ailak.Iu in paperback cditi n .c. A new Sherlock Holmes story) .



QUESTION : A question from M .B . of Chicago :"Does Cosmic Awareness have any questions or areas of questioning that I T wishes the membership to ask that could help save time rather than waiting for entities to come along eventually , if at all, with the question? "

COSMIC AWARENESS : This Awareness indicates that the key areas of growth for the entities on this plane lie largely in the areas o f communication and in personal relationships . This Awareness suggests that questions relating to general types o f relationship situations between entities and the communications necessary to resolve differences, so that entitie s can begin to function in more creative levels, more harmonious levels, and more cooperative levels---these appea r to be of great importance at this time . This Awareness indicates also that the area of social values as being important at this time, particularly in relatio n to present-day concerns regarding the various cultural beliefs which are in conflict with others . This Awareness indicates that a merging of minds will need to eventually occur, so that entities have certain common ground on whic h to relate . This will require a value system acceptable by all, whereby entities can agree upon certain values as bein g universal . This Awareness indicates that when these values become universally accepted, then entities may use thi s platform of universally accepted values on which to build a new society . This Awareness indicates that wherein entities have conflicting values, wherein cultures have conflicting values , then it requires a separation, a segregation of these values, so that each culture or individual has his or her space i n which to live out his or her values, or wherein the culture requires a separation from other cultures in order to maintain its values . This Awareness indicates that wherein such a culture or individual seeks to impose his or her value s or its values upon others, then this leads to conflicts wherein the others do not wish those values imposed upo n them . This Awareness indicates that so long as there is no common ground for values between individuals or cultures , then there will always be conflicts, particularly when the individual or the culture seeks to impose values upo n others . This Awareness indicates that questions relating to these areas and relating to communication between entitie s or groups or cultures regarding values and situations---these can assist in clarifying many problems which entitie s may share . This Awareness indicates that following this, entities may also find questions regarding the individua l spiritual growth and development, the paths which entities wish to follow . This Awareness suggests that during times of urgency relating to conflict between societies or relating to dangerous periods to cultures in terms of their physical well-being or in terms of their financial or emotional or spiritua l well-being---these urgencies can also be of great importance . This Awareness indicates that the economic crisis occur ring presently as being of great significance in terms of individual needs, in terms of relationships, and in terms o f social values, and these need to be more deeply understood . This Awareness indicates that generally, however, the areas of questioning which may appear to be of greates t importance are those areas relating to values, for these can be used as keys to unlock various levels of human relationships : personal, group, or cultural, so that deeper understanding may occur . This Awareness indicates that thi s also unlocks areas of relationship within the individual--psychological, spiritual, emotional, mental and physical ; an d can have effects on the health of individuals, particularly in regards to values which affect attitudes which, in turn , have effects on the health of an individual or others . This Awareness indicates that questions of a technical nature, questions of a historical nature over details of particular situations--historical, or mythical, or significant to individuals in terms of their belief systems---these type s of questions can be of some value in assisting entities to determine the validity of certain concepts ; however, thi s not being nearly as meaningful to an entity's basic well-being as a clear understanding of values . This Awareness indicates that an entity may wish to know exactly what Mohammed had to eat in his diet durin g his early childhood or what effects his early childhood may have had on his later thinking ; but these questions o r such information has little real significance in terms of an entity's present situation in comparison to the value system which the entity may hold, that which the entity values in life . This Awareness indicates the values an entit y holds determines the entity's potential for good or ill, toward himself or others . The Significance of a `Significance ' (Closing Message ) This Awareness suggests that entities in examining their values, be very aware of significances, and ask yourself , " Why is this significant to me? Is it important to have such a significance? And if it is important, why is it import ant to me? What is it I actually want from this significance? " This Awareness indicates that in looking at consciousness, observe those areas of significance as being likened unto mountain peaks, and ask yourself, "Who put that '.here for me to observe and hold significant, and why was that put there? " This Awareness suggests that often the values of your grandparents, or great-grandparents, or great-great-grandparents may have been handed down from generation to generation, simply because it was handed down to the m from generation to generation, as something significant . And often entities take such significance as being of som e sacred value, when in fact it may never have had much purpose or meaning or value at all, except to the one wh o insisted at the beginning that it was significant and valuable .

This Awareness indicates that there are some entities who, for example, may value a particular color as being sig nificant, as being their favorite ; and if tracing back that purpose or reason for that significance, may discover tha t it was because of a particular item they enjoyed when they were young, which was given to them by a particula r person they liked . This Awareness indicates or, on the other hand, they may dislike a particular color because a particular entity they disliked used to he associated with that color . This Awareness indicates it is important that entities examine those things in their lives which they hold as significant, either for or against, which they value or dislike . This Awareness indicates in such examination, you ma y become more aware of yourself and of your life ; and there is nothing more tragic than an unexamined life . This Awareness suggests that those who can examine themselves and their lives can find greater harmony, happiness, peace and prosperity . IS THE CATHOLIC CHURC H A PART OF THE BEAST?



QUESTION : There was an article in last week's Parade magazine in reference to the Pope, who made the statement that the riches of the Vatican and its financial statement has always been kept hidden from the masses, but that under hi s administration this information was going to be brought forth for the public to look at . The article also stated that the Catholic Church has for years been allowing the Chase-Manhattan bank, owned by Rockefeller, and the Rotchschild banks to handle the money and investments of the church ; and it also stated that some of its investments included the notorious Watergate complex which brought about the fall or Richard Nixon . All this seems someho w significant in light of the recent information given on the Beast . Awareness has never, to my knowledge, had entitie s look at the Catholic Church in relation to the Beast conspiracy . Would It give that information sometime if i t indeed is true ? COSMIC AWARENESS : This Awareness indicates this in the affirmative . This Awareness suggests this not at this particular time . This Awareness indicates also that you must understand the Catholic Church as now having gone through a transmutat- • ion, whereby it is not any longer under the control of the Rothschilds or Rockefellers . This Awareness indicates that previously the Catholic Church was under the control of these entities and their forces and was indeed to b e used as part of the world game, the world government, the take over of the masses . This Awareness indicates that the Divine Plan was such that it allowed the serpent to enter into the forbidden are a of divine power just far enough to get itself caught by its own greed and its own effort to not only hold dominio n over the physical world, but also over the spiritual worlds . This Awareness indicates this trap was part of the Divine Plan to allow that force to experience and taste the necto r of spiritual reality, but to be transmuted by the essence of that reality. This Awareness indicates those entities wh o worked for this serpent, leading this serpent to this place, are in the present process of being transmuted from thei r dark powers toward that which is evolving toward light .* This Awareness indicates that not only is the earth itself being salvaged and brought hack to Light, but also th e entities who played the roles of Dark Forces---these also shall be given their opportunities to return to Light an d only those who refuse shall be lost and excluded from tha t Light . This Awareness indicates that none shall be exclude d except those who exclude themselves . This Awareness indicates that at another time a readin g on the Catholic Church and its role, particularly in the production of arms, may be in order ; but only if this i s put into perspective with the entire picture . This Awarenes s indicates that present time is not appropriate for such information. (Closing Message ) This Awareness indicates that the Catholic Church in th e beginning of this age was created not as the final church fo r Pt,' 3L U "G KV FH HLQVL H ZLWKRHVLQH WKH GHDWK FC 3DVFKDO i :'J2 . .au on ..Ewe , it as created not nec'L ::baruy u. ella31tle 1 from an ancient engraving . Harper's the spiritual teachings of Christ, but rather was created to

hold the form so that the message could prevail and be maintained and come through for a long enough time tha t it would have its affect on human consciousness . This has been successfully accomplished by the Catholic Church . This Awareness indicates that the Catholic Church is now in the process of transmuting its own nature and be coming an instrument to channel spiritual messages pertinent to the here and now, so that entities begin to under stand the essence of Christianity, the essence of the Christian teachings, rather than just the form, rituals and words . The Catholic Church is now transmuting itself to be able to present the spirit rather than just holding the laws , principles, and the messages of the words . This Awareness indicates it was necessary during this past age that the structure be strong and physical rather than light and spiritual, for the masses upon this planet were relatively dens e and could not understand the message of Christ . That the masses are now reaching that level of consciousness where , by they can understand not only the words, but the spirit of Christianity ; and the Catholic Church is making certai n transmutations within its being to allow these spiritual energies to flow through . This Awareness indicates that thi s holds true for other. Christian churches also, wherein they are lifting their consciousness to higher realms of realization, rather than simply mouthing certain scriptures in a manner that suits their own opinions and beliefs and set s others apart from them and sets them up as being self-righteous . This Awareness indicates that there are still man y who are fascinated by the form, by the words and forget the spirit . *ED's Note : This particular reading was given a few months after the executions of the Rockefellers and the Pope etc .wherein Awareness stated `the dismantling of the Beast machinery had begun .' One only has to took at the history of the Catholic Church to realize , in light of recent information, that the Dark Force has been using that structure for centuries . Sinee ;Awareness has indicated many times that the spotlight of consciousness is revealing rascality on all levels, that it is time to let it all hang out', etc . we would like to have further questions on this subject .(Maybe if enough of you out there would send in question, Awareness might be prompted t o give us a reading or two on this subject .) But like some of the information IL gave on the entity Jesus, we were told to withhold th e information because it was so high-powered and entities might leave C .A .C. in droves because their programmings would not allo w them to handle that information . It is a known fact that the Catholic Church is the world's largest property holder, (it even owns th e Union Pacific Railroad), and its riches, if used properly, could feed every starving entity in the world and raise the living standard s of the entire Third World nations . While the robotoid Pope jets around the world washing feet and espousing much of the same ol d doctrine of the past, millions still starve and the world continues on the brink of nuclear destruction . It makes one ponder . (These feelings may stem from the fact that this editor, Vikki T ., Paul Shockley, to name but a few, were all persecuted and burne d at the stake by these entities in previous lifetimes .)

10 .



(From a C .A .C . General Reading ) July 1, 197 9

QUESTION : A question from R .B . of Phoenix, Arizona : "In reading the book, The Great Pyramid, a Miracle in Stone, b y Joseph A . Sythe, a century-old work reissued in 1973 by Steiner books, I came across this passage : `The Frenc h people in their first revolution made an attempt to abolish alike the Christian religion and the hereditary weight s and measures of all nations, seeking to supplant the former by a worship of philosophy and liberty, and the latte r by a scheme of meters .' Several additional unfavorable comments are made elsewhere in the book in reference t o the `atheistic metric system .' I don't recall Awareness having commented yet on this system of measurement, especially in light of current politcal maneuvers . Is the metric system perhaps a long-term ploy of the Beast? " COSMIC AWARENESS : This Awareness wishes entities to note, that the Kabalah has ten Sephiroth, the Arabic numbering system usin g numbers one to ten, and then continuing . This Awareness indicates that the ancient Egyptian system of measurin g in terms of cubits, acres and the other measurements as generally based on twelves . This Awareness indicates that these are two different types of systems . This Awareness indicates that both have merit, that there is a value i n measuring quantity by using the decimal or metric system, which measures in terms of tens ; there is also a value i n terms of qualities in using the method measured in terms of twelves . This Awareness indicates that the only majo r danger in switching to the metric system is that within the measurements that came from Egypt using the twelve s as a base, there was included an ancient science coded information which relates to hidden science of the stars, thi s relating to the zodiac, the months of the year, the twelve notes of the chromatic scale and other forms of measurements including certain relationships with the Great Pyramid and other structures . This Awareness indicates tha t this relates to certain forces from other systems outside of the Earth . This Awareness indicates that the loss of the use of twelves in measurements is an effort to erradicate, to erase all traces of the ancient teachings which were onc e given to this Earth by these entities from other systems . This Awareness indicates the entity Napoleon as one who had six fingers, on each hand . This Awareness indicate s there were others like this, these entities as having come from a distant planet, being born upon this planet with a special mission . This Awareness indicates that many entities who are voyagers are from this same source, that th e majority of these entities have only the five fingers, that the sixth finger is that which through the heredity factor s of earthly parents generally is missing . This Awareness indicates that this, people having come from the plane t wherein six fingers were prevalent, developed a base, an arithmetic based on twelve, and this was the source of muc h ancient information . This Awareness indicates that the majority , of entities on the Earth now having five fingers , the base is on tens . This Awareness suggests that it is not a matter of evil, but rather a matter of whether the ancien t informations can be remembered, restored, brought back for evaluation, if all traces are erased . This Awareness indicates that the emphasis on the metric system is in part an effort to erase this and in part is also an effort to simplif y the measuring systems throughout the .world . This Awareness indicates that if successful in implementing the metric system, the next action could be changin g the year to ten thirty-six day months, plus extras for the extra days . This Awareness suggests that this as all bein g unnecessary and unlikely to occur . This Awareness indicates that there appears to be a movement that will reac t against the complete implementation of the metric system, that this appears to be workable on many levels in term s of machines, in terms of bolts, in terms of manufacturing and in terms of the various forms of measurement, bu t that it appears this will not go much further at least not in the near future . This Awareness indicates there will b e contact with other systems from outer space which will affect the measuring methods to make the Earth's system s more universal and in harmony with those from other systems---this appears to be in the not too distant future . This Awareness indicates the metric system as relating to the influence of Jehovah . QUESTION : Awareness, many people simply resent this being pushed on them from every direction, and feel like it's sort of a movement to herd them, to get them used to the idea of being programmed and told what to do . Is there anythin g sinister behind this, or is it genuinely supposed to be a positive movement ?


COSMIC AWARENESS : This Awareness indicates this as having been brought into action at this time in order to assist in the efforts t o make a universal measuring system which would allow for greater ease in creating the one-world government, where by all entities would come under the same systems, teachings, economics, political choices and regimentations . Thi s Awareness indicates things are at present in a state of flux, due to the situations which has been recently occurrin g and the outcome of these situations is unclear at this time as far as immediate energies upon this plane are concern ed . This Awareness indicates that in the overall picture, all will end properly and the goodwill win out . This Awareness indicates however, the immediate and detailed operation and activities upon this Earth are in question, are uncertain . This Awareness indicates that many light groups look at the end result and cannot be bothered with presen t realities which are uncertain, but that this is not dealing with the here and now ; this is a form of avoidance, of escaping from what is happending in terms of the urgencies upon this plane . This Awareness suggests that entitie s who concern themselves with these infringements upon their rights, entities who look at such things as the metri c system and its imposition upon them, entities who resent this, and who speak out, entities who promote this an d attempt to bring this into being--these entities are in fact more involved in changing this plane, in bringing abou t the reconciliation of forces than are many of those entities who simply glory in their own righteousness and sa y that they are not going to be concerned about these petty problems, for they know that in the end all will be well . This Awareness indicates this as likened unto the king who sends out his armies to fight his battles, and he him self stays home and is not even interested in hearing what is occurring, is not even concerned for he knows that i n the end he will be alright . This Awareness indicates there is a strange irony in this kind of spirituality, which suc h entities will eventually need to face . This Awareness indicates in terms of concern about this, this is healthy tha t entities should look for any possible conspiracy involved in pushing of the metric system upon them . This Awareness indicates that any major changes of this nature or any other nature does need attention and does need to b e looked at carefully . This Awareness indicates that in one sense, the resentment is caused by a feeling that the valu e system, the measurement system which these entities have grown up with, is being taken away and another place d upon them . This Awareness indicates this as a part of a subtle programming whereby if they can take away th e measuring system, and can implement a different measuring system, then it will be easier to take away the presen t money system and implement a different money system . This Awareness indicates this is an action which removes the basic values of one or several generations by placin g new values on the upcoming generations, so that the older generations begin to feel they have no place and no sa y as to what is occurring . This Awareness indicates the programming including an action whereby all entities wh o value independence will be gradually moved out of society, and those new generations who accept regimentatio n will become stronger and more powerful . This Awareness indicates this is part of the Beast plan, that the intention was that by the mid-'80's those entities over 40 years old who grew up with values based on concepts of individuality, would gradually be removed from society, dispersed, eliminated from any levels of influence, and the yout h who has been regimented into school systems, regimented by the uniform .draft, whereby both male and female would be drafted into service, these entities would accept the regimentation from their government because the y have been trained and have experienced the system from childhood through schooling, through the uniform draf t for their military or their national commitments . This Awareness indicates this was all part of the plan, the scheme to create the mass control over these entities , over the people of this nation, that the individuals having any influence would be eliminated from society . This Awareness indicates all this is in question, may not come about, as there are subtle changes occurring behind the scenes which can eliminate the power of those who would have brought forth this kind of society . (Closing Message ) This Awareness indicates from time to time, other messages regarding what has been planned by the Beast whic h is now losing power, will be brought forth for entities to observe, and entities will begin .to realize how totally con trolled their lives would have been . This Awareness indicates that in putting this statement in this manner, this Awareness is attempting to diffuse the possibility that this could happen . This Awareness indicates that this coul d happen if entities are not continuing to be watchful, for even though the Beast is being dismantled, it is a powerfu l being, and it has great strength, and could if entities cease to be watchful renew itself,'as was indicated in the Boo k of Revelations, whereby the wounded unto death head of the Beast was revived and all nations wondered at th e Beast, and worshipped the Beast . This Awareness asks that you remain watchful so that this does not have th e opportunity to occur . *** * 창 'sD's Note : More information on Napoleon and his cosmic mission will appear in future issues . Also more info on th e machinations of the Beast . REVELATIONS OF AWARENESS is a cosmic newsletter published every two weeks by Cosmic Awareness Communications , P .O . Box 115, Olympia, Washington 98507 ( A non-profit organization .) Rates and membership information is available upo n request . For samples of these communications, send $3 .00 for 80 page book, ' Cosmic Awareness Speaks' to above address .

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