Cosmic Awareness Communication s
The New-Age Cosmic Newslette r
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COSMYC AWARENESS is the Puree that expressed itself thiouiah Jesus of Nazareth . the Ituddha, Krishna, Mohammed, Edgar Cayce and other great avatars who served as 'Channels' for the 'Heavenly Father' and who speaks again today as the world begins to enter the New Ag e of sointuai consciousness and awareness. Since 1963 Cosmic Awareness has been communicatin g through carefully-trained channels . The information contained herein was received from deep utper-conscious trance levels and ' interpreted' by an entity affiliated with C .A .C . Thi s information is for those who desire to help in bringing in the New Age . Throughout the thousands of 'Readings' given through these channels , Cosmic Awareness tells us not to believe anything, but to question, explore, doubt, and discover for yourself, through your own channel , what is the truth . Cosmic Awareness will only indicate and suggest . Neither C .A .C ., the Aquarian Church of Universal Service . or the interpreter , Paul Shockley is responsible for anything Cosmic Awareness may state in any of these readings, nor does C .A .C . or Paul Shockley necessaril y heiieve or agree with the statements of Cosmic Awareness . Paul interprets the enerOes as he sees them in trance levels and is not personall y responsible for what is said .Members of C .A .C . are invited to send in questions of general interest to ash Awareness for possible publication , se-
Support from C .A .C . Membership passes half-way mar k
Paul Shockl y Trance--interprete r (Prom a C .A .C . General Reacting, July I, 1984 )
Alexander Thompson has called for a gathering on July 4th through the 9th or ] .0th, I believe, to celebrate the :3rd anniversary of the 1977 U .S . of A . affair . I would like to ask Awareness if there is any positive alchemy involved in this ? (The Interpreter is going) And if there is any way that the situation of the Peace College might be resolve d during this period ? COSMIC AWARENESS : This Awareness indicates that essentially the more important value in such a gathering is that of re-energizing an d reestablishing links and establishing new connections with entities in regards to this action . This Awareness indicate s that this gathering will allow certain entities to come in contact with one another, share ideas, and from this brie f contact, the growth of relationships can be established which will be beneficial at later times . This Awareness indicates also, that the general concept and structuring ideas for this school as that which can be put together . Thi s likened unto an architectural drawing prior to the actual building of a structure . This Awareness indicates this actio n of bringing these concepts together, in detailing some of the ideas, and sharing and exchanging and discussing thes e ideas as that which is part of the energizing process . This Awareness indicates that this also adds to the inertia of th e action . This Awareness indicates that in regards to the finances for the school, there have been certain events which hav e occurred which should be called to the attention of the membership of C .A .C ., those who received earlier informat ion regarding this : PD's Note : Awareness is referring to the 80-17 I lotline reading about Alexander the Great and his long battle with the Alien Force . COPYRIGHT 1980 by Cosmic Awareness Communications & the Aquarian Church of Universal Service . Reproduction however is permitted .
This Awareness indicates that the entity holding the mortgage on the college has agreed verbally at this time t o extend the mortgage for an indefinite period . This Awareness indicates that the Interpreter and Alexander Thompson intend to get a more definite statement in writing from this entity . This Awareness indicates however, that i t appears that the entity as being flexible after having become aware of the intentions of the church and of the entit y Alexander Thompson and of the intentions of C .A .C . and its contributing members toward the concept and idea s of the peace college . This Awareness indicates that the entity does recognize that money has been pledged and doe s intend and expect to receive this payment on the mortgage as part of the conditions for extending the time fro m July 1 5, on to the indefinite period . This Awareness indicates that it annears the entity will be flexible for at leas t one year whereby the remaining amount could be raised for the rest of the mortgage . This Awareness indicates that there are also other events being prepared and beginning to move toward fruition which can further this project . This Awareness indicates that the response for the assistance in helping to bring this college into action by th e members of Cosmic Awareness Communications as that which will not go unrewarded . This Awareness indicates that those who have contributed to this action have been observed and noticed from forces on the inner plane, an d these contributions are recognized as being of great value in terms of the future interest in society through this pla n of a peace-oriented college as previously described by this Awareness . This Awareness wishes to point out also that there is an effort by some entities to establish a government-finance d peace academy for assisting in problem-solving . This Awareness indicates that this has not received its proper attention and support and the chances for this to develop properly are still somewhat delayed and questionable . Thi s Awareness indicates however, that the peace college which this Awareness is suggesting as not being the same typ e of academy as indicated by the government-financed academy . This Awareness indicates this government-finance d academy as that which focuses mostly on training individuals for those jobs in government and in special-interes t organizations . This Awareness indicates that the college which this Awareness has suggested as being that which would assis t and train entities from all religions, cultures, groups (political or whatever) and individuals, in personal affairs s o that the very principles of peaceful business, peaceful behavior, peaceful exchange, are taught in a way whereb y entities can quickly spot that which is a disruption to peace and can easily understand the remedy for that disruption . This Awareness indicates this, of course, will take some time, and the implementing of the programs so tha t the extension courses can be allowed throughout the nation and into other countries as that which also will tak e some planning and some careful timing and attention . This Awareness indicates at this particular point the concern is to continue with the efforts and energies avail able and to move along these lines in the gradual development of this action with whatever energies are available . A PEACE COLLEGE AS OPPOSED TO THE WAR COLLEGES IS GOING TO HAPPEN
QUESTION : Awareness, the appeal for the funds was based on the statement Awareness itself made, that if the mortgage wa s not paid off, the college would go down the tube . The contributions are better than 50% of the figure, but it doe s not look like the full $60,000 will be raised . 1 would like to ask Awareness if It can see far enough ahead that i f the funds raised so far were released to the entity holding the mortgage, if ti can see the possibility or the odd s that the balance will be raised before he would foreclose or before Alex would be pushed into a position where h e would be forced to sell the college ? COSMIC AWARENESS : This Awareness indicates that this appears to be approximately 98% in the affirmative . There appears to be littl e room for error in this regard . This Awareness indicates that it appears that the fund-raising effort, while not yet a t this point being over, (there being still two weeks from the date originally indicated as the date the mortgage wa s due), whereas this has raised over 50% of the amount necessary---- this Awareness indicates that the date havin g been put off may be considered as likened unto a loan for that indefinite period until the date again is established . This Awareness indicates that in this sense, whenever that date again is established by this entity holding the mortgage, the remainder of the amount ; required will be needed . This Awareness indicates it appears this entity is sympathetic to the purpose and not having extreme need for that money, is willing to be flexible, so long as the entit y feels that the actions are sincere, and so long as the entity feels the business is being carried out in a manner where by honesty is involved . This Awareness indicates that the entity should be dealt with directly in regards to thi s matter . 2.
This Awareness suggests also that it would be beneficial for Cosmic Awareness Communications and others involved in any efforts to raise funds for this action, to inform those who might be capable of contributing that a n extension has been allowed and to discover whether and how much such potential contributors might be able t o contribute during a one-year period . This Awareness indicates this information then can also be used to assist th e holder of the mortgage in evaluating the time which he would set for the remainder of the amount . This Awareness indicates there also was a commitment approximately four years previous by this entity that i f another entity would put up an equal amount of $23, 000, this entity would also put up $23,000 to match tha t for the school . This Awareness indicates that this commitment was not met at that time, and therefore is not necessarily standing today . This Awareness indicates however, that this information was given to convey the characte r analysis of this entity to assist others in understanding how this entity thinks and conducts business proposals i n regards to this kind of action . The entity as being very changeable in some ways, yet at the same time, very clea r and definite in other ways ; and the entity as one who can be most responsive when feeling it is proper, but can als o be very abrupt if feeling that he has been abused or taken advantage of . This Awareness indicates that there appears to be a good, strong movement at this time whereby this activit y for the peace college can begin to move and develop without great hindrances . This Awareness indicates that for approximately four years, there were extremely heavy Alien Forces hovering over this area in York, attempting t o block any efforts . This Awareness indicates that essentially, these forces now have been dissipated and the energie s now clearing for better movement toward that stated purpose . ONLY 20% OF C .A .C . MEMBERSHIP HAS RESPONDED SO FA R ( Cosmic Awareness Asks the Other 80% to Consider Supporting this Action ) QUESTION : Does Awareness feel that with the release of this information to those entities who have contributed to this fun d so far, that they would feel that this was a fair thing to them and to the long-range outlook of the peace college , to release the funds even though the mortgage wasn't paid off but the extension was granted, and they would fee l that their contributions then were worthy and worthwhile ? COSMIC AWARENESS : This Awareness indicates that essentially, the intention for these entities ' donations was to assist in bringin g about the peace college on this plane . This Awareness indicates that whether these donations are passed throug h the exact structural procedure as previously indicated, or passed through a slight detour in a somewhat differen t manner whereby the date is put off for the foreclosure, -- rather than being July 15th, the date is extended, givin g the entities more time for raising more of the mortgage .---This Awareness indicates that this is not a violation t o these entities ; it is an opportunity and a chance to have a reprieve from that foreclosure . This Awareness indicate s that rather than suffering the failure, these entities will most likely appreciate the chance to have more time fo r the raising of these funds . This Awareness indicates that it might be beneficial for the membership to realize that only a small percentag e of Cosmic Awareness Communications ' members have responded to this call, and this very small percentage ha s raised over half the amount necessary . This Awareness indicates that approximately 80% of the membership di d not contribute anything at all to this action . This Awareness indicates that this, of course, is according to their ow n choice ; and that it may be necessary for this small percent to be asked to give even more during the next yea r toward this cause . This Awareness indicates that of course, when a request is extended over a longer period of time , the amount is not so stressful and entities can give more than when compressed in a very short time period . This Awareness would, however, prefer to see some of those entities who are capable of contributing to thi s action but have not done so simply because of negligence, or inattention to the urgency----this Awareness woul d prefer to see some of these entities respond and offer contributions to this purpose . This Awareness also asks thos e of you who are capable of giving just a small amount more or pledging a small amount more during the next yea r for this purpose to indicate, so that the problem can be cleared and attention can go on to the more importan t concerns of putting the curriculum and programs together and bringing in the students . This Awareness als o reminds entities that if you do not wish to contribute to this action, you may'wish to loan a particular amount t o the action, and this also can be beneficial ; for as the school moves into operation, there can be opportunities fo r repaying these loans . This Awareness indicates that very shortly, the draft will be re-initiated, and young boys will be again drafte d into service . This Awareness indicates the plan calls for approximately 150,000 young men to be drafted shortly . This Awareness indicates that there are six colleges or academies in the United States which focus and concentrat e and teach war---these teaching the techniques cif war even during times of peace . This Awareness indicates there i s at present no college teaching the techniques of peace-making, therefore as entities prepare for war in times o f peace, they shall surely create the war to end the peace . 3.
This Awareness suggests that a peace college preparing for peace, even in times of war, can serve as a reflecto r to reverse polarities which may then help to reconcile the forces of war . This Awareness indicates this peace offensive also must deal with economies which tend to thrive on war, so that it matches this prosperity by economie s which thrive on peace . Therefore, this peace college must also teach how to achieve prosperity in times of peace . This Awareness suggests this be considered a college cf peace and prosperity .
THE SCHOOI. DOORS ARE ALREADY OPEN QUESTION : The 98% success likelihood then would be that the school would be opening its doors ? COSMIC AWAREN E SS: This Awareness indicates this in the affirmative . This Awareness indicates the school already has its doors ope n and is already functioning, but on a very small scale . This Awareness indicates that the intention is to increase thi s and to bring in greater assistance and more students for this school . This Awareness indicates that the intention als o being to organize the curriculum for the purposes intended and to create a solid financial base whereby the schoo l is not under constant threat and barrage from financial attacks . This Awareness indicates that this appears to be in the process of stabilizing, so that the school can, in fact, begin its operation according to the purposes described . This Awareness indicates the 98% probable opening i s allowing for approximately a 1% reneging on the part of entities who are financially committed to some degre e and approximately I .% chance of interference by powers that would seek to prevent this school from opening . this Awareness indicates the 98% probability is that which is the more powerful likelihood . <***s :t*** :l:** .* El) 's Note : As instructed by Awareness, C .A .C . has established the Universal Service Foundation Fund-Raisin g Account here in Olympia, tinder the direction and watchful eye of Vikki 1' ., the faithful gua r dian of the treasury . All donations to the Peace College are being used to pay off the mortgage first, and any extra fonds raised wil l be used to get the doors of the school flung wide open as quickly as is possible . This campaign will now be ou t ongoing project for the next year . All C .A .C . members are requested to support this very Important action . A donation form is attached to this reading . Thank you .
REVELATIONS OF AWARENESS is a cosmic newsletter published every two weeks by Cosmic Awareness Communications , P .O . Box 115, Olympia, Washington 98507 (A Non-profit organization) . Rates and membership information is available upo n request . For samples of these communications, send $3 .00 for 80 page book, `Cosmic Awareness Speaks' to above address .
Dear Awareness : I would like to see your Akasha Institute for Peace and Prosperity come into being as quickly as possible . I hereby pledge to donate $ to this most worthy cause. I hereby enclose $ and will donate the balance in monthly payments of $ NAME_ ADDRESS CITY
I can't: donate, but would be interested in making a loan in the amount of $ NOTE : Please make checks out to the Universal Service Foundation (Not to C .A.C .) Mail to : C .A .C . College Fun d P .O . Box 115, Olympia, Washington 98507