Cosmic Awareness 1980-28: 5 Minutes To Midnight

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Comm AWARENES S Cosmic Awareness Communication s P. 0. Dos 115, Olympia . WasRtngton 90507


80-28 (hotline)




El' A T E D


Price : $3 .00

5 Minutes to MIDIVIGHT Paul Shockle y Trance--Interprete r

(Opening Message, C .A,C . General Reading No . 1 ) September 7, 198 0

COSMIC AWARENESS : This Awareness indicates that during the coming month, particularly the latter part of September throug h October, there shall be some intensities on various levels . This reflecting, in part, astrological changes as well a s social reactions to situations which have been in motion for some time . This Awareness indicates these relate d and intertwined with one another, as certain planetary actions occur to make change . This Awareness suggests that these shall include misjudgment on the part of entities, through confusion o r deception or through misunderstanding, and this shall affect not only individuals, but also nations in regards t o their communication and their policies toward one another . This Awareness indicates that essentially, this perio d through the month of October (through the latter part of September and into early November) as being a highl y charged emotional time, wherein much conflict may occur on various levels . This Awareness suggests that entitie s be cautious in your relationships with one another, to communicate clearly as possible, and to be tolerant of eac h other's expressions, which may be somewhat out of the ordinary .






QUESTION : Would Awareness tell us at this point what the chances are for a nuclear war ? COSMIC AWARENESS : This Awareness indicates that there are energies in motion at present time which are deliberately pressing t o create a nuclear war whenever all of the various parts of the plan can be coordinated and brought together with reasonable assurance that those promoting this would, in fact, benefit from the action . This Awareness indicate s that much of this information is available through the tapes of Dr . I3eter . Therefore It does not wish to duplicate that information which this entity provides . This Awareness indicates, however, that there are also forces beyon d those which are carefully observing and watching the motives and actions involved and . . . . ` the best laid plans o f mice and men often go awry' . Therefore, the chances of such an action occurring this year, while being highl y promoted, are also being countered by other forces . COPYRIGHT 1980


Cosmic Awareness Communications & the Aquarian Church of Universal 5erciee .

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This Awareness indicates that it appears that the potential shall remai n strong throughout the remainder of this year . This Awareness indicates that the information released by Jack Anderson regarding a potential wa r in the Middle East prior to election time---this as still having some continued potential for occurrences, but this as becoming less likely, even thoug h it will appear to increase during the corning month of October . This Awareness indicates that it does appear quite likely that some confrontation of this nature will occur during the month of October, and a n increase in the likelihood of nuclear war as a result of that confrontation is imminent if this does occur . This Awareness indicates that the danger during the month of October is increased to a very high degree above wha t it has been during the preceding months . However, it still appears that there will be diplomatic moves which will avoid the actual global type of conflict . This Awareness indicates, however, the future is not fixed and changes i n consciousness, changes by forces, can affect changes in future events . This Awareness indicates this as one of many games in the coming year s in which brinksmanship may be promoted for certain political advantage s over other powers and countries . This Awareness indicates that this a p pears to be an action of brinksmanshi p wherein one nation creates what appears to be the intention of going to war in order to receive concessions fro m another nation . This Awareness indicates that the game as being quite touchy, for in order to carry out such a n action . This Awareness indicates that after the election it appears that the intensities shall diminish for a time an d political intriques shall center in other types of activities until another advantage is desired through the brinksmanship plan . This Awareness indicates that the danger of nuclear war appears to be that which shall continue for a good part of this decade and the danger increasing as time passes, unless there are definite movement s toward the actions of disarmament and promotion of peaceful methods for solving problems and difference s between nations . This Awareness indicates that disarmament cannot be effective without the use of new an d workable methods of (peace solving), problem solving or peaceful purposes and resolution of conflicts to replac e the old confrontation and competitive threats of retaliation . This Awareness indicates that wherein peacefu l ways of solving problems can he brought into relationships, then the use of threats and retaliation can be place d aside in terms of international relations between nations . ***** ED's Note : On August 21, Jack Anderson ; the syndicated Washington columnist, released a series of three articles disclosing tha t President Carter and the Pentagon were secretly planning an invasion of Iran, just prior to the election, which would force tha t country to release the hostages . This a political maneuver because the polls show him being defeated in the November election . He figured the people would be so overjoyed at the release of the hostages that he would be Iandslided into re-election .The White House of course denied all this and many of the papers which carry Anderson's daily column refused to print these stories . Jack Anderson was confronted by the controlled press . Any C .A .C . member who did not read these articles in his daily paper and wh o wishes to have copies, may get photo copies from C .A .C . (Please include $1 .00 to cover costs) . In Dr. Beter'a latest tape (No .57 ) Jack Anderson's accusations were also confirmed . One week before this occurred, some C .A .C . people who were listening to a Seattle call-in talk show on FM radio, informed as an entity called in and asked the announcer if he was aware "that most of th e doctors and nurses at Ft . Lewis, McChord Air Force Base and Bremerton Naval Yard s .ad been pulled out and put on ships heading for the Middle East" . The announcer stated, no, he was not aware of this . How did this caller know . The caller said it was `to p secret' but thought the people ought to know because somthing was brewing . In a related incident, certain sources revealed tha t the Pentagon had recently placed an order for one hundred million `body-bags' with the 3M Company .




The Crystal Ball Newsletter reported that a psychic wrote to them, predicting that to frustrate Carter's invasio n of Iran, the Russians had a plan to drop paratroopers into Iran and around Saudi Arabia before this occurred , and that they were going to notify Carter they were doing this just an hour before it was to occur . Does thi s appear to be also a strong possibility ? COSMIC AWARENESS : This Awareness indicates that if these plans for invasion into Iran actually do begin to manifest, there are a number of counter-moves which the Russians will use . This Awareness indicates that these counter-moves can b e of much greater consequence than the dropping of paratroops . This Awareness indicates this may, in fact , amount to a full-scale invasion of Iran . This Awareness indicates also, that there are certain diplomatic move s which may be implemented between the United States and Russia to allow each of the major powers to hav e certain rights of interference into this Middle East nation without risking conflict from the other . This Awarenes s indicates this as an alternative plan to confrontation . **a * : `The Crystal Ball' is a very interesting monthly newsletter which contains all kinds of information : psychic predictions , ED's Note UFO reports, Big Foot reports, Illuminati Conspiracy . Tri-Latera.i updates, golds nd silver investments and much much more . We heartily recommend CAC people to subscribe to this timely new source of uncontrolled information . You can get a 3 month s subscription for $7 .50 (money back guarantee if not satisfied and you wish to cancel) . Write to : The Crystal Ball, PO Box 4080 , Torrance, California 90510 . (Also ask them for information on back-issues which are available) .

This Awareness indicates there also appears to be more insidious plans of intrique and a heating-up of the ` col d war ' , along with greater propaganda and psychological warfare if this invasion plan occurs . That there are als o the possibilities of the large-scale reactions of a global nature . This Awareness indicates that essentially, it appear s that the movement will begin ; that the action may end as suddenly as it began . This Awareness indicates that thi s appears in part, to be an effort to intimidate Iran into releasing the hostages through the threat of possible invasion . That if the hostages are not released, then the danger of actual invasion is increased . This Awareness indicate s it also appears that the publication of the information regarding this plan was deliberately allowed to create th e fear in Iran of possible invasion, so that discussions and plans for release of the hostages could begin taking plac e prior to that possible invasion . This Awareness indicates that this release of information is having a powerfu l effect on Iran and is causing some concern and conflict among those who are influencing and controlling th e captivity of the hostages . DOCTORS


QUESTION : Although President Carter denied the Jack Anderson story and a number of newspapers did not print it, an interesting thing occurred a week or two before, we were told . Somebody called in to an FM station in Seattle and i t broadcast over the air something to the effect where the caller said on this talk show, " Were you aware that mos t of the doctors and nurses have been taken off McCord Air Force Base, Ft . Lewis and the Bremerton Naval Base and put on carriers and destroyers, and they're heading for the Middle East . Are you aware of that"? And the announcer said, "No, I wasn ' t . How do you know " ? And he said, "It's supposed to be top secret, but somethin g is going on and I thought the people ought to know . " (He said he worked in one of the effected hospitals-- a cleaning job or some such) . If this was valid, does Awareness see this as part of what Jack Anderson was sayin g was the scenaro ? COSMIC AWARENESS : This Awareness indicates this in the affirmative . This Awareness indicates the information relayed as bein g relatively accurate . This Awareness suggests that this game plan is in motion, but the intention being that it need s not be carried through . This Awareness indicates however, if the situation is such that the hostages are not released , it appears that there will be 'a move of a military nature, which will not only result in blockading certain portion s of the Iranian oil flow, but will create a new situation whereby the balance of power in that area is drastically altered and the potential for great conflict is increased . This Awareness indicates that this new stage setting a s that which could result in future military conflicts . WHAT THE TRILATERAL-ISTS ARE UP TO THESE DAY S

QUESTION : A question from V .K . who has a SPIRAL group . "I would like to know what the Trilateralists are advocating . I intend to keep telling SPIRAL readers that they still advocate the destruction of democracy until I can come u p with proof to the contrary . Could Awareness please fill us in and give information on the current status of thos e who are in the Trilateralist group" ? COSMIC AWARENESS : This Awareness indicates that essentially this as an arm of the internationalists movement . That essentially th e intention being to alter the social structure, the political structure, the economic structure, the legal structure o f the United States (and eventually of other countries) so that the need for world government increases and become s the logical and rational approach to the problem-solving of individual nations . This Awareness indicates that thi s branch as one of the points--of several--which is concerned with the change of economic controls to weaken th e role of government in the intended sense, and to change the role of government as (to) being that which work s for the world government rather than for the people . This Awareness indicates that much of the action of these Various world government branches, such as th e Council on Foreign . Relations, the Trilateralists, the Club of Rome, these branches in the network of the world government movement are being set up, in part, to have effects at present to move societies in certain direction s to affect the economies, the social structure, the political power, and the events which are in motion, and to hav e certain effects and controls over the major corporations and over the legislatures for the purpose of making laws . But these also are being used for future potential in terms of actions which are intended for after the crisis whic h is being prepared, so that the forces can be moved quickly into branches of the one-world government . This Awareness indicates that the Bilderbergers as also part of this action . This Awareness suggests the Unite d Nations as also part of this action . This Awareness suggests that these organizations, being linked as a kind o f network, may be seen as the structure of the new, one-world government, even though they also may appear t o be separate in their natures . This Awareness suggests also that these organizations are likewise assisting in bringing about the events which lead to the global crisis in energy, economics, social conditions, political condition s which will create the crisis which will contribute to the collapse of world economies and the threat of war . Thi s Awareness indicates that the secret organizations are also part of this design and contribute to weather warfar e and geophysical warfare, which also can contribute to the crisis . This Awareness indicates these organizations als o contribute to withholding technical information and inventions which could contribute to better lifestyles a t present--withholding this so that the contribution of these technical inventions and information is not availabl e at present, but can be made available after the intended crisis occurs on this planet---whereby these entities wil l then be able to come forth with suggestions and technical know-how to rescue the masses from chaotic experien R.

t:vui.i(:a . pig s ors, (,r law, oi: nations, and to put together the system which the y wu,cn will be accompanied by technical know-how, technical information and the structure-political , onomic, and social---which can then bring order out of the chaos . . . .the order beirg that which is the one-world wvernment which has been planned as a suostitute for the governments of the present and past . This Awareness indicates that this as a grand plan by the forces which have been in movement for some centries and which now make ready for their attempt to transmute the energies of this planet into that one-world ivernment of masters and slaves . This Awareness indicates however, again, there are many slips of the cup before _ !aching the lips ; and likewise, these plans in motion may not transpire according to the intentions of those wh o ill them . For there are forces which are higher than those who believe themselves to be in charge of their plans , d those in charge of their plans may only be agents, working for purposes which appear to be one thing, bu t hich may, in fact, turn out to be something quite the opposite of their intended purposes . This Awareness inflates that this as likend unto the cannibal who sought to eat the Kahunaa ; but whereby the Kahuna, assisting th e arnibal in his plans, gave the recipe which would make the dish most delicious . And as the cannibal listened an d .tempted to devour the recipe for this intended purposes, the cannibal discovered itself being devoured by conipts, ideas, a recipe which lifted it out of its cannibalistic appetites and gave it a new type of food for thought- new interest in higher concepts and purposes . Likewise, those entities who are seeking after power through thi s tempt to set up a one-world government may find the action devoid of glory, and may discover that they have , fact, been used by higher forces to bring about a glorious experience devoid of power .



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"Iii there, America . Here is today's news "



A TRILATERAL WHO'S WHO ON T V (More on the controlled media )

JESTION : 'Mal question on this subject from M .W . "Would Awareness comment on the membership of these people in th e sncil of Foreign Relations Trilateral Commission in this booklet"? And he vent in a booklet called the C .F .R . lateral Commission Puppet Show*, put out by Community Churches of America Publications, Glendale, Calif . ., an d sts entities in government and the press and various media who are in this . Anong the more interesting things i t here, and I quote : "As of June 30, 1978, this C .F .R . had 1,878 members of whom 171 were journalists, correspents and communications executives . Among new members are---brace yourself---Harry Reasoner, Barbara Walters , David Brinkley ." It also lists Bill Moyers, who's on the Public Broadcasting Network with `Bill Moyer's Journal , whose second program dealt with "The World of David Rockefeller ." It also lists Theodore Sorenson, William L . e, William F . Buckley, John Chancellor, Charles Collingwood, Joseph Kraft, Victor Riesel, and an endless numaf others ; and it lists the networks--ABC, NBC, CBS, are all headed by entities in this C .F .R . Time, Inc ., News ., the New York Times--the editors and the owners and publishers are all listed in this . He wanted to know, I ne, if this booklet is valid . And a related question would be : are these entities who belong to this group--are the y 'ant of this plan or are'they just idealists that think that it 's going to be the best thing for humanity ? vliC AWARENESS : is Awareness indicates that essentially this booklet is valid in nearly all of its contents . This Awareness indicate s are other sources for the same information . This Awareness indicates that many of these entities are only part ware of the involvement and few are aware of the total picture or purposes, and those who are, tend to believe i n .hey are doing . This Awareness indicates that many of those who are partially aware of the total picture do no t at their involvement is anything other than a job and that it will occur with or without them . Therefore, the y as well be involved and collect the rewards which they would receive from such involvement . . This Awarenes s tes that those who do not fully understand what the involvement means, consider it as kind of a prestigiou s be involved in the `club' . This Awareness indicates that a print-out to the C .A .C . membership of some of thi s ation or reference to this booklet could assist many entities who are not fully aware of the power and contro l the press and the communications networks have over their lives . This Awareness indicates that likewise, a lis t ties in political offices who are involved in these organizations may also be released . This Awareness indicate s is one thing to inforri entities that the networks and communications systems and political systems are con it is another for them to see for themselves the network of interrelationship activities and persons involved i n itivities, and to decide for themselves from this information whether or not it implies a conspiracy to maniphe minds of the masses . as_* ote : 'et copies of this booklet for 20 cents each by writing : C .C . A . Box 90, Glendale, Calif . 91209 . However, an even mor e book can he obtained called `Trilaterais Over Washington"-- 196 pages of who's who in the Trilateral arena . Send $6 .95 to )rporation, PO Box 582, Scottsdale, Arizona 85252 . They will also send you a complimentary copy of the `Trilateral Observe r ' 4

magazine which they publish, with each copy of the book ordered . This book reveals how every Secretary of State since 1920 (but one ) has been a CFR man . That every Sec . of Treasury has been one . The entire Federal Reserve System belongs . Howard Baker, George Bush , John Glen, Jacob Jatits, ('.eo grc c feecoaorri, Daniel maynihakr, Abraham Rihicoff, Ada ; Stevenson, Waltst Mondale, Jimmie Carter, Birc h Bayh, Edmond Muslim, John f_nderson are but a few of the current politicians who belong . It also lists those in the military, the schools , colleges, big business, banks etc . THE IMPORTANCE OF THE OPEN MIN D



(Taking a look at what they're saying )

A question from E .K . of Westlake Village, Calif . "Your readings on the Illuminati and the one-world government,page s 30 and 31 of the `Cosmic Awareness Speaks' booklet, are very much like what Robert Welch of the John Birch Societ y has been emphatically teaching for many years . Question : Is Robert Welch the reincarnation of one of the Foundin g Fathers who is now trying to right their mistake for allowing the European banking system to creep into the econom y of the American colonies ? COSMIC AWARENESS :


This Awareness indicates this as negative . This Awareness indicates that it appears there is some form of effort involved in the actions of this entity to bring in those extreme right-wing type of entities into one group where they ma y be watched and may be influenced for certain purposes . This Awareness indicates this likewise occurs in left-win g groups, whereby they may be watched and programmed for certain purposes to assist in future activities if the extremes become useful or necessary to those in power . This Awareness indicates that to some extent, both the right and left-wing groups are in fact being given informatio n to allow greater understanding of what is occurring, and this as having an effect of educating these groups . But the education often tends to polarize rather than to help these groups of individuals to see ways of reconciling and unifyin g the differences . This Awareness indicates that these are efforts by those powers which would use these right and left wing groups to keep them ignorant in some areas while giving them information in other areas . This Awareness suggests it is for this reason that this Awareness suggests that entities read both the right-wing and the left-wing publication s as well as the controlled press publications, and also the underground press or information which is available throug h the occult or hidden sources . After reading these various communications, the entity then will have greater comprehen sion and understanding of the full spectrum of events . This Awareness indicates likewise, reading material from foreign news could also be beneficial for certain purposes . This Awareness suggests of course, that each of these is biased, according to what it wishes you to believe, and thi s Awareness is not intending (as many entities sometimes appear to believe) that It wants you to accept everything Ii suggests you read . This Awareness su} rgests that, you read everything from different points of view in order to determin e what is acceptable and probable, but It. does not mean to inform entities that everything It suggests you read shoul d be accepted as 100% valid . . This Awareness indicates that previously It suggested that entities read the New Solidarity :and the Spotlight an d other sources of information . This Awareness indicates that some entities wrote back to the staff of C .A .C . that the y simply could hardly believe some of the information or could not accept some of the ideas presented in these public rations . This Awareness indicates that this as a valid observation . This Awareness cannot believe or accept some o f these ideas and communications, for they are biased according to the viewpoints which are being presented . Thi s Awareness indicates however, that these publications do present a certain slant on the news, a certain viewpoint, eac h one serving as a different telescope or different observation point ; and the action of looking at the news from differen t eyes, from different points of view will increase ones awareness of what is . And therefore, this Awareness has suggested not that you accept everything these papers present, but that you look at what is being said from the differen t points of view, so that you have more information available to you and divergent viewpoints to allow you to make u p your own mind more clearly as to what is occurring in your world . This Awareness desires to help entities become aware and to learn how to learn, to learn how to become aware . Thi s Awareness does not simply wish to inform entities what to think, what to believe, or what to accept . This Awarenes s does not simply wish to dictate information as a programming into the heads of the members so that they run aroun d like little Awareness robots, spouting Awareness phrases and statements without understanding where it came from , why it is, or whether it is so, or whether the information is valid to anyone other than those who understand or hav e received similar indoctrination from this Awareness . This Awareness is not interested in having little robots spoutin g Its statements, but is interested in seeing that entities open their minds, look at all these different things, learn ho w to look and Addy and determine with awareness, with understanding, with discernment, with wisdom, with evaluation , with perception, what is occurring in their world and in their lives, so that these entities may speak from understanding , from wisdom, from their own knowledge, and from their own awareness . HEAVY TIMES ARE APPROACHIN G

(Closing Message ) This Awareness indicates that there are some intense times in the near and distant future . This Awareness wishe s entities to remember the Cosmic Laws and to prepare yourself for being calm, collected, in poise, in harmony, communicative, so that during these intensities you have the faith and the discernment and the objectivity to ride out th e storms without becoming panicked yourself and adding your own chaos and emotions to the storm's violence, creatin g even greater chaos than is necessary . This Awareness indicates that you may visualize yourself riding through the conflicts which may occur as a boa t upon the churning waters, with patience, waiting for the storm to end, but resisting as little as possible the energie s of the storm, and remaining cairn psychologically, even though taking the necessary actions physically to preven t greater disturbance during the storm . 5.

This Awareness indicates this message for most entities applies only in terms of your personal affairs, with thos e near you---your friends, family, associates, or your business . For some entities, this may apply on more broad social iercis, or even in political i_l els , This Awareness indicates it appears that this is intense from the latter part of September until approximately th e mid or early part of November . Thereafter, entities can more clearly see the movement of the energies as the confusio . and the clouds, the deception and the misunderstandings begin to clear . (Closing Message . C.A.C. General Reading No . 11, given September 12, 1980 ) This Awareness indicates that the world as moving into levels of great intensity . This shall have times of releas e and times of stress . This Awareness indicates that it appears the coming weeks as being times of stress, which will b e followed by times of release . This Awareness indicates however, that these times will leave scars which will never be erased from the memor y of humanity, and these coming years--the next five to six years gene :ally---shall see many changes on many level s of human affairs . But when it is over, then entities shall begin to discover the full truth of what is occurring, wha t has occurred, and why the events were allowed to be . Errs Note : Both the Interpreter and the C .A.C . energizers for the September, 1980 series of 12 general readings, had the very uneasy feelin g that Av•zreness knew much more than what It was telling about the coming crisis . The consensus was that the situation is so heavy , tae potential for tragouy so great, and the fact that nobody, at this late date, can do anything about it, are the probable reason s why Awareness did not go into more detail . Although It reminds us over and over that `the future is not fixed', we must remembe r !lr.ere are madmen in power and behind the scenes (the `kamikaze' squads left behind by Ahriman the antichrist) who are willin g to destroy this planet if they cannot achieve their goals for world domination . We may all be wrong about our feelings on these re sdings this month (we hope so), but if the planned adventures in the Middle East come off,?a limited nuclear war (Carter's ne w policy now) could occur. The Russians could respond with neutron bombs aimed for military targets in the United States . Sinc e t'iese targets are almost everywhere in our country, it would do little good for entities to evacuate (unless they live real near one) . We r,ugl;e3t that the memhersitin review that information previously given by Awareness on what to do should a nuclear attac k t: lie place rand stock t'.!oss r edicires and provisions necessary for survival and for healing any possible radiation sickness whic h miCit occur . The transmuting meditation it also recommended . VULNERACILITt'---THE PRICE ONE PAYS FOR i3ECOMING AWAR E

(Opening Message C .A .C . Gen . Reading No . 3, given Sept . 12, 1930 )

This Awareness indicates that the intense changes which are occurring on this plane can be extremely frightening t o entities when observing all of the intensities which are occurring from place to place and from time to time . This Aware less indicates that in one sense, most entities are not even touched personally by the changes and intensities, excep t perhaps in some small way, such as in the economic sphere wherein certain personal opportunities are not available, o r in some cases, economic hardships become part of one's experience . This Awareness indicates that in this sense, mos t entities wit pass through the greater intensities hardly touched by these intensities . This Awareness indicates however, those entities who are aware of the intensities occurring on the many levels i n the realms of consciousness---concerned with freedom, concerned with the direction of future life upon this planet , concerned with the actions of those who are pulling the strings, concerned with the results of those actions on th e future generations or on the present generations in the future---these entities, being aware of these concepts, may fee l great concern---great emotional concern and pain in watching that which has been a beautiful experience in life, i n watching dreams of a future happiness through Lard work, through clear and honest relationships, through pleasan t environment of their home, neighborhood, city, state or nation being turned into a battleground between the Force s of Light and the Forces of Darkness, watching and reading about others who are suffering from the intensities an d changes which are affecting them . This Awareness indicates these entities who become aware and sensitive to the in tense changes which are occurring do, indeed, experience a greater suffering from that awareness ; while others wh o ignore the outside world, who close themselves off from concern for their neighbor, for their fellow associates an d countrypeople, from the rest of humanity and its needs---those entities who shut down their sensitivity and concer n for the welfare of others :nay appear to have less suffering and to be more immune to the changes which are occurring . This Awareness indicates in this respect, those who are aware bbecume more vulnerab' and those who are ignore-ant , or who ignore the situation, tuning in only to that which they desire to look at---these entities may experience different kinds of reactions to these changes . This Awareness indicates that some entities may feel it is therefore best to re main ignorant---that in ignorance there is bliss : while others may say that it is more important to be aware, painfull y aware of what is occurring . This Awareness indicates that both arguments may have their benefits and points to make , and entities looking at both sides may wish to choose whether to remain in the darkness, remain ignorant of what i s occurring, or to become aware of what is occurring . This Awareness indicates the choice is yours . This Awareness reminds entities, however, that the movement of evolution of the spirit is such that when evolvin g toward levels of consciousness, the evolution requires that entities become more aware, even though it may be mor e gainful in some respects . This Awareness indicates also, that the temporary ignorance, though it may deaden concerns , eliminate temporarily certain painful realizations, the ignorant experience is only that of a temporary buffer agains t reality . For even those of the type who ignore the dangers, who ignore the facts which point toward certain imminen dt e::periences of a dreaded nature, event those entities while ignorning those facts, are still moving ahead in time towar the destination of whatever occurs, whether seen by them or ignored by them . 6.






Would Awareness give us please, an idea of what percentage of the so-called IJFO's which have been sighted and ar e being sighted on the earth actually are manufactured and come from the earth by our various governments and whic h percentage are actual extra-terrestrials from other realms ? COSMIC AWARENESS : This Awareness indicates this varies at different times . That there have been certain times in the past wherein a larg e influx of UFO 's from other galaxies, other stellar sytems, have moved through this vicinity ; some stopping in thi s earth's atmosphere, some research and explorations occurring here . This Awareness indicates however, that generally within the past 35 years, it would be relatively safe to say that approximately 60% of the UFO's are from the eart h and 40% from other dimensions or other galaxies . This Awareness indicates that 60% also including those from middl e earth . QUESTION :


Would Awareness please explain who is going to benefit, who is actually going to control the masses if this plot actuall y is brought off, since It has previously indicated that Ahriman had left the plane and the .Rockefell .ers and many o f those entities behind the original conspiracy have been eliminated----who, exactly, is behind this and thinks he will b e `the one ' , the ` powers that be'---the head of this world government ? COSMIC AWARENESS : This Awareness indicates that it will be remembered that this Awareness warned that Ahriman had left this plane , but that there would be an attempt to recoup forces and return after a period . This Awareness indicates it is durin g this present crisis period that those who are presently here are attempting to create the most chaos possible to brin g about the intense chaotic conditions, so that when this has occurred sufficiently, Ahriman and others may return , pretending to be rescuers for suffering humanity to set up a world government . This Awareness indicates that essentially, this as a pattern used by the empire of Orion in taking over planets . This as that which has been used by thes e entities for such purposes, and the pattern developed is used on each planet in the same way . This Awareness indicate s that more information regarding the empire of Orion will be forthcoming at a later time . This Awareness suggests ther e is also a book which is relatively accurate in describing this method of taking over planets by the empire of Orion . This . produced from a group in Arizona . This Awareness indicates that this book may be made available through C .A .C . for the membership if desired . * 'El's Note : we have not tracked this down ),et. It is published by some private organization . Members knowing about this, please contact C .A .C .

This Awareness indicates that essentially, it is necessary to look at these negatives to understand the nature of th e forces which are acting upon humanity, so that entities can also recognize an alternative to succumbing to thos e energies . This Awareness indicates that the planet earth, while being prepared for chaos, is also progressing spiritually : between the dark spots, light is growing . This Awareness indicates that there are more and more entities around th e world who do not `buy' the lies, the deception of the Dark Forces, and who are spreading more and more light . A MESSAGE TO THE 'SPIRITUAL GROUPS' FROM COSMIC AWARENES S (The Dark Forces could win because of you )

This Awareness indicates that one great problem . which needs to be recognized by the so-called `spiritual' organizations is that they often are like a pit of serpents, biting at each other because they do not move in the same directio n as each wishes the other to move : They each may have different approaches to the truth ; they may not follow th e same creed ; they may not worship the dame deity ; they may not bow to the same rules ; they may not share the sam e morals ; they may not interpret the hooks or writings with the same concepts ; they may not follow the same ideas o r the same writings . Therefore, like serpents, they nip and bite at each other rather than cooperating, coordinating o n the spiritual truth and purpose, which is to develop one direction of energy which leads to the good of all . This Awareness indicates that while all of these groups seek to have freedom, seek to have the good life, seek t o promote teachings of happiness and abundance and spiritual values, they too often promote instead hostility, judgment , condemnation and vanity for their own personal self-righteous concepts and moralities and beliefs . This Awarenes s indicates that wherein these groups can forget their petty differences and simply recognize the total and meaningfu l purposes of the spiritual pursuits, in spite of the different types of deities, names, methods of worship---these entitie s then may indeed become a powerful force and may indeed throw off the yoke of darkness . But whereby they simply nip at each other, condemn each other for being different, and whereby they continu e separateness, fragmentations, differences, spiteful attacks on one another, as opposed to coordination of the Dar k Forces, how can they possibly expect to win ? This Awareness indicates these forces, of course, believe that even though they are fragmented, hostile, biting a t each other's backs, their personal `God ' will step in and knock their enemy out , (along with all of the other spiritua l groups which do not agree with them), and they themselves will reign supreme in the end . This Awareness indicates this as the pity of it all : that such trivial thoughts and beliefs could be so deeply embedde d in the minds of so-called ` civilized and spiritual beings ' . This Awareness indicates that the condemnation and self-righteousness of the spiritual groups, the condemnatio n of others, is the greatest flaw in the earth religions and may, in fact, become the fatal flaw which would allow th e Dark Forces to overtake this planet . ****** * NOTE : extra copies of this reading are available from C .A .C . for $3 .00 . Good, sharp reproduction proofs for offset printing or Xerox copyin g is available for $10 .00 for those entities who desire to circulate this material to New Age groups and to others . REVELATIONS OF AWARENESS is a cosmic newsletter published every two weeks by Cosmic Awareness Communications, P .O . Box 115 , Olympia 1Vashington 98507 (A non-profit organization) .Rates and membership information is available upon request . For samples of these communications, send $3 .00 ' for 80 page book, 'Cosmic Awareness Speaks ' to above address .

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