Cosmic Awareness Communication s P. O. Box 115, aim's, Washington 98307
The Now-Age Cosmic Newslette r
PRICE : $3 .00 COSMIC AWARENESS is the Force that expressed Itself through deans of Nazareth . the. Buddha, Krishna, Mohammed . Edgar Cayce an d other great avatars who served as 'Channel s for the 'Heavenly Father' and who speaks again today as the world begins to enter the New Ag e of spiritual consciousness and awareness. Since 1963 Cosmic Awareness has been communicating through carefully-trained channels . The mformatton contained herein was received from deep super-conscious trance levels and 'interpreted by an entity affiliated with C .A .C . This information is for those who desire to help in bringing in the New Age . Throughout the thousands of 'Readings' given through these channels, Cosmic Awareness tells us not to believe anything. but to qucsticn, explore, doubt, and discover for yourself, through your own channel . what the truth . Cosmic Awareness will only indicate and suggest . Neither C .A .C ., the Aquarian Church of Universal Service or the Interpreter , Paul Shockley is responsible for anyth[ Cosmic Awareness may state in any of these readings, nor does C .A .C . or Paul Shockley necessaril y believe or agree with the statements of Cosmic Awareness . Paul interprets the energies as he sees them hi trance levels and is trot personall y responsible for what is naid .Members of C .A .C . are invited to send in questions of general interest to ask Awareness for possible publication.
ON :
(Dr . Bator for President ?
Paul Shockle y Trance--Interpreter
(C .A.C .
General heading No . 11 )
September 12, 198 0
QUESTION : We received a letter from B .D . of Wausau, Wisconsin, which isn ' t a question but it contains an interesting idea, an d I'll read the letter and then ask Awareness to comment on the merits of the idea : "My purpose in writing today is to express what is uppermost in my mind these days and in our other members ' too, I know, and this is : How can I go the voting booth this November and vote for one of these three men? I jus t cannot do it ; and so I ask myself, "Who in our nation is best qualified'? I can think of a few . Number one is Dr . Baler, I think one of the greatest patriots of all history . So I am going to vote now after all . I intend to walk' in an d write in the name of Dr. Beter . I strongly believe that if enough people did this it could cause a great upset percentage-wise, hut what is more important and what we are praying and working for is attention broughtto bear--publicit ' Can ' t you just; imagine the people in the media asking loudly, "Who is Dr . Beter? " It just might save us all and ou r nation . Sincerely, B.D .Conyright " 19110 by Cosmic Awareness Communications & the Aquarian Church of Universal Service
COSMIC AWARENESS : This Awareness indicates that this as a legitimate feeling +or this entity . This Awareness indicates that there ar e also other entities who are not well known by the majority of voters . This Awareness indicates that It does not wish to make suggestions as to who entities should vote for, as this could be construed as lobbying through religious, non profit organizations . This Awareness indicates that it is not that important to the future affairs whether this Awareness gives suggestions of this nature anyway . QUESTION : If a few thousand people wrote in the name of Dr . Beter instead of any of the candidates running, would this com e to the attention of the media and questions start being asked, `Who is Dr . Beter? ", and in the process they would dig out the information and inform an awfully lot of people of the existence and work of Dr . Beter ? COSMIC AWARENESS : This Awareness indicates that this may be effective to some degree . This Awareness indicates that some of th e more independent members of the media might draw attention to this . This Awareness indicates, however, that th e major media has long had standing instructions to avoid publicizing anything related to Dr . Beter . QUESTION : In relation to a church organization staying out of politics, I would like to ask Awareness to comment on the significance of the many, many evangelical organizations who now are not only sponsoring political figures like Ronal d Reagan, but endorsing them publicly, having fund-raising campaigns and importuning their people to vote for a `goo d Christian manlike Ronald Reagan . It seems to me that these Evangelists, who represent very profitable non-profi t organizations, are indeed putting this in jeopardy . COSMIC AWARENESS : This Awareness indicates this particularly relates to the expenditure of funds for political lobbying or purpose s of such nature . This Awareness indicates that individuals belonging to a religious organization can give their ow n personal views as individuals . This Awareness indicates, however, when they begin speaking for a religious organization, promoting a candidate, this can begin to move very closely tc borderline political involvement . This Awarenes s indicates that religious organizations and persons involved can comment on political affairs, just as politicians ca n comment on religious affairs . This Awareness indicates that it is important at these times . however, that the religions and politics have som e clear separation, so that religions do not infringe too much into political matters, particularly in regards to suggesting or informing their members how to vote, who to vote for . This Awareness indicates that, Iikewise, it is important for religions to insist on keeping the political and government concerns out of their religious activities, at leas t to the extent that the freedoms ere not overlapping to a point of confusion which erodes the separation of churc h and state . This Awareness indicates that it is apparent to most of your membership that if they desire to write in a vote for another entity, such as Dr . Beter or Barry Commoner or some other dark hot-se candidate or entity of thei r choice, that they have this right . This Awareness indicates that they do not need the endorsement from this Awareness, nor the permission from this Awareness to conduct this action . This Awareness indicates that It casts Its votes for such entities as Dr . Beter in other ways, and Its endorsement has previously been given for his efforts . This Awareness does not comprehend the need for further concern or endorsement in this area . This Awareness suggests that if you, as the head of C .A .C . and the officers of C .A .C ., agree to endorse such fo r the purposes described in the question . that this may be done through DQ action of your own with a suggestion t o your membership that they may wish to join this entity in voting in that manner . This Awareness indicates that , likewise, the membership may wish to communicate with this entity, and this entity may lead a movement with th e membership for such, if desired . This Awareness indicates there are many ways wherein entities could respond i n this action if desirable . This Awareness suggests, however, that it will have little affect on the general future of thi s country . WRITE SENATOR PFiOXMIR E
This Awareness indicates that entities wishing to assist in the future of this country, and to do something ver y worthwhile for pr . Beter, could follow his suggestions as given recently LQ KLV tapes, of writing to Senator Proxmir e about the missing gold from Fort Knox and the investigation which Dr . Beter suggests ; and to follow the message s which Dr . Beter is presenting, along with the steps available for entities to take in order to help bring about th e urgent changes which are necessary to prevent chaos and the possible total annihilation of this nation . This Awareness indicates that It has previously given much information regarding the dangers of the future, regarding the material from the Gathering Storm, the potential for the Beast-type dictatorship as predicted in the Boo k of Revelation, and how this has been in movement within this country . It has given much information to entities , that they may be abreast of the news through the different newspapers which this Awareness has suggested that entities read in order to get a broad, general background of the events as they occur .* It has also suggested that entitie s listen to the messages of Or . Beter, as these are relatively accurate to a very high degree . 2.
This Awareness indicates that It is not Itself in the business of creating a continued supply of information whic h is available elsewhere through different sources . This Awareness suggests that It has given the entities the basi c Scenario of what is occurring, the opp oN,uaiti~s beci),rae aware . '.?'riot is the purpose of this Awareness in comm unicating to entities on this plane . Its purpose is not to serve as a daily newspaper, prognosticator, or to keep entitie s so that they may have the tools nCOple au~ar abreast of what is going on behind the scenes . Its purpose to think, the tools to discover, the tools to know or discover how to find out what is going on behind the scenes ; and the references to Dr . Beter and the various newspapers which It previously suggested, and newsletters and books which It has suggested--these are the ways whereby entities may find what is occurring behind the scenes or i n their lives . This Awareness indicates that to advise entities on day-to-day decision-making is not the purpose of this, Awareness ; but to advise entities on how to think and how to make day-to-day decisions, this is the purpose of this Awareness. This Awareness indicates that Its purpose is to help entities to become aware, so that they no longer need t o rely strictly on some other entity to tell them every little detail of their life and activities, but that they 'may : begin to understand for themselves what is occurring . This Awareness refers entities to books and to sources of information, and those who seek out and read those books and sources of information will find themselves becomin g more aware . Those who simply read the Awareness readings and expect everything to be given to them by this Awareness on a continued, day-to-day basis, year in and year out, may not find themselves increasing in levels o f awareness nearly so fast as if they would follow through on some of the suggestions which this Awareness gives . This Awareness indicates that it appears that many entities, in having heard some of the Dr . Beter information , later ceased to listen, and are still somewhat behind on the times and on the changing events which have occurred , and have been waiting for Awareness to reinterpret or to restate the information which Dr . Beter supplies . Thi s Awareness is not in the business of parroting Dr . Beter's information, for It has given this entity as a source of information in order that entities may look and follow the messages . This Awareness indicates that the entity has an d is doing an excellent job of informing people, and therefore needs no backup ; and those who wish to know wha t is going on in this area, may attune themselves to the Beter material and may be informed . This Awareness does not feel that it should be necessary to keep pointing toward Dr . Beter and telling the audience who to listen to for this information, for the entity as giving his message clearly, and this Awareness wil l inform entities when and if the messages are not being given properly or if there is some type of error in a majo r sense which the entity is relaying .
This Awareness indicates, however, that as far as the C .A.C. membership is concerned, this Awareness still suggest s that entities listen to and to take action on the information being given by Dr . Beter. This Awareness suggests the ~.1 C .A.C . membership may also subscribe to the SPIRAL publications*, that there are many of these organization s now, giving forth great amounts of information regarding what is occurring behind the scenes and along these lines . This Awareness indicates that the dangers have again increased upon the earth, and any entity, even those who pre , viously insisted in closing their eyes to the information given, cannot help but notice that the world has move d closer toward the previously foretold crisis levels. This Awareness indicates that the election as being controlled basically by the networks, the media, and by those who pull the strings for the media, and that it essentially is nothing more than a diversion to keep the America n people's minds occupied while other affairs are being maneuvered for the real purposes which are already in motion . This Awareness indicates that the election (naturally) was to be held ; that it is beneficial and convenient to use to occupy the news while other actions are taking place . This Awareness indicates that those who have listened to the Dr . Beter material, who have subscribed to th e SPIRAL information, and those who are reading the scenes and the news, as this Awareness has suggested , an d those who are reading the controlled press to recognize what is being seen and what is being said and what is behind the stories, those who are reading the various magazines and newspapers which this Awareness has suggested previously---these entities know reasonably well what is about to occur in the near future and the potential dangers an d the potential chances of avoiding these experiences and circumstances . This Awareness indicates that in order that entities begin to expand their own awareness, there are some area s whereby this Awareness can point the direction for information, but must . at some point, allow the entity to d o some of the work of discovering on his or her own . This Awareness indicates at this particular point this Awareness has chosen to suggest the areas whereby entities may look for answers, rather than supplying the answers to th e entities . This Awareness indicates it is a very urgent time in which entities are presently living, and were this Awarenes s to supply an answer or to make a statement, the entities would become alarmed, irritated, agitated, frustrated, o r may refuse to consider what is said ; but whereby the entities begin searching and looking in these areas and see th e realities for themselves and see the potentials and see what is occurring, then the entities are struck with levels o f awareness which cannot be argued over, and they simply must be looked at . This Awareness indicates that It could very easily in one sentence inform entities of the potential during th e coming months . This Awareness indicates this would only create extreme interaction of conflict . This Awareness wishes that entities discover what is about to happen in the coming months for themselves, by looking deeper at th e various sources of information and by looking deep within themselves through their own channel .
ED's Note : C .A .C . is not recommending anyone in the upeoineeg Presidimsiai election . We are going to vote, however, mainly because there i s a chance to get a new governor in Washington State who is dedicated to ending the nuclear madness our present Governor, Dixie Le e Ray (former head of the Atomic Energy Commission) who would like to have nukes planted on every river in the state . Fortunately , she was defeated in the recent primaries, but the Republican running for her office in November is almost as crazy over nukes as sh e is . His opponent, however, can see the dangers and wants to get nuclear power out of the state once and for all . Actually, as long as we are at the polls, we will vote for a President . The staff of C .A .C . has agreed to vote for Ed Clark and his Libertarian Party for th e following reasons : he is a human being, not a synthetic as are the leading two candidates : he is not a trilateralist as are two of the othe r candidates ; he is against the draft (wants a volunteer army), wants a free market, a free fife secure from government interdiction o f every citizen's right to bear arms, smoke dope, consort with him or her . He would cut everybodys income tax at least in half an d raise the zero bracket amount of untaxed income to $7500, thus removing the 25 million Americans who make less than $11,00 0 completely off the tax rolls . He would abolish all subsidies to industry which now amount; to billions of dollars . He would have us g o back to the traditional American foreign policy of no entanglement through foreign military alliances . As it is now, if conventional war should go against us in Europe or Asia, we are commited to use tactical nuclear weapons . Our present treaty system, says Uark ; is designed to spread conflict and expose the U .S . to nuclear destruction . Enough said . We have decided not to write in Dr . Beter for President this year as he already has enough to do, and the chances of him remaining human in that office would be very slim indeed . P.S . Even if `good Christian' Reagan was human, we would still not vote for him . Those of us involved in the Peace Movement of th e '60's to end the war in Vietnam remember this entity as the staunch supporter of Richard Milhaus Nixon and the Governor of California who ordered in the national guard and state police to smash with clubs the skulls of young men and women in the universitie s and elsewhere who, non-violently, were protesting our country's involvement and agression in Southeast Asia . *For the publications Awareness has recommended entities read, please refer to `Revelations of Awareness' No . 79-10 (How to Kee p Informed in Spite of the Controlled Press) : .$1 .00 from C .A .C. * Dr . Beter tapes can be obtained by writing for free information to the following address : Dr . Beier National Headquarters , Suite 509 2 1629KSt .N W Washington DC 200 6 Dr . Beier tape transcripts are published weekly by : Wisconsin Report, PO Box 45, Brookfield, Wisconsin ($10 for 52 issues ) *SPIRAL (Society for the Preservation of Individual Rights and Freedoms) information can he obtained from the following addresses : The Revelationary News, SPIT?AI, Report. Rte . 2 Box 267 (Subscription price : $12 a year) (Write for sample copy and rates ) P .O . 13ox 80323 Bakersville, N .C . 28 705 Lincoln, Nebraska, 68501 C .A .C . heartily recommends these two SPIRAL publications . Each issue gets better and better, revealing information that neithe r Dr . Beter nor Awareness has so far revealed . In a recent issue of the ` Revelationary News' incredible information is revealed about the hidden cities beneath the ground in the U .S . which the military and politicians have had secretly built so that they will be abl e to seek shelter and continue their lavish lifestyle should an atcmic holocaust occur . Also much information from `Broder', th e mysterious entity who has been placing classified ads in certain newspapers which confirm what Dr . Beter has been saying abou t the `synthetics ' and doubles in government etc ., yet the entity has never heard of Dr . Beter nor C .A .C . (in one issue, Cosmic Awarenes s answers some SPIRAL questions about this mysterious entity . )
"So that's the dramatic story here at the Georgia delegation, Walter . Te d Kennedy will not compute ." Doonesbury at the Convention, by Garry Trudeau
QUESTION : This question from B .S. of Lakewood, Colorado, is probably appropriate at this particular time, because it ma y open up another source of information for entities . "Enclosed is an article that I clipped from the August 12, 198 0 edition of Globe, a tabloid scandal sheet (with a circulation of over 5 million) . This article has also had a follow-u p in the August 19th edition of the paper. As you can see, this article is about the Gemstone File and I am curiou s about the accuracy of the accusations made, -- perhaps you could ask the Awareness ." The article promotes a book, Beyond the Gemstone File, by a supposed former CIA agent, Peter Renzo, and i s available from `Fighting Tigers, South Lake Tahoe, California for $10, (a publishing house) . "Is the book accurate enough to justify the expense of ten dollars and should I hurry up and send in my money before Fighting Tiger s Publishers burn to the ground and Renzo gets a one-way ticket to an uninhabitable planet ? As you can see, the article makes some pretty heavy accusations, which leads me to wonder what kind of peopl e are these to behave in such a manner as depicted here . Renzo says that no one, not rival, nor member of the famil y was safe from elimination if they should present a problem . One thing Awareness has never gone into is what motiv ates these people and how they think . I would be interested in having a frame of reference explained to me that is as alien as that of little green men from the galaxy of Andromeda . I would also like to know how Onassis fitted i n with Rockefeller's plan for world domination ." She enclosed one of the articles which the Globe gave two and one half pages to the first time, and they also put i n a disclaimer that "Renzo's book is mind-boggling entertainment, and Globe believes it is a brilliant spoof, so fascin ating, we are publishing detailed extracts," and I 'll read just a little bit of what they say in this article : "incredible new book claims--one of the most astonishing hooks in publishing history–exposes what it claims i s the truth behind the biggest crimes in modern United States history . And the incredible dossier points the finger at `drug king' Aristotle Onassis as the mastermind behind horrific events like : the assassination of John F . Kenned y and his brother, Bobby ; the kidnapping--and eventual killing--of Howard Hughes to get control of his empire ; domination of the United States government headed by Onassis `puppet', Lyndon 13 . Johnson, who was eventuall y murdered : a string of Mafia executions involving some of the world's biggest names . `The late, Greek shipping magnate is not the only villain in Beyond the Gemstone File, the sizzling book by 3 4 year-old New Yorker, Peter Renzo, who claims to be a CIA agent. Renzo says he knows the truth about the "murders " of Mary Jo Kopechne at Chappaquiddick ; Pope Pius XI, FBI kingpin, J . Edgar Hoover ; Lee Harve y Oswald and Martin Luther King . The author won't be shaken on its validity . It's not satire, ' he told the Globe.`This is all too real, unfortunately .' Even so, the book was turned down by 30 publishers before it was accepted by the Los Angeles-based Fightin g Tigers, Inc . The book won't be published until next year, says Fighting Tigers boss, Vincent Taylor, but it is alread y being made into a movie by Republic Pictures Corporation . " And it goes on and on about some of the wicked things that Onassis is accused of doing, and I'd like to ask Aware ness to comment on the book in general as to its percentage of validity, and perhaps answer the questions that ar e specifically asked by this lady who sent in the question . COSMIC AWARENESS : This Awareness indicates that essentially this book as approximately 80% accurate . This Awareness indicates that the entity Onassis as being of a very powerful level in the Illuminati . This Awareness indicates the entity a s having had complete control over many of the underground organizations, including the drug traffic, the control over many underground criminal-type organizations in various countries, particularly in Europe and the Americas . This Awareness indicates that the entity also as having had connections with the wealthy families in the Unite d States . That this entity did have a link with the Rothschilds and was essentially under the control, to some extent , through agreements and arrangements, of the Rothschild family . This Awareness indicates this particularly in terms of the banking empire and linked to the St . John Cross of Jerusalem, the Queen of England and others involved i n these networks . This Awareness indicates this entity as also having had various contracts and agreements throug h the major families in various South American countries and in some of th e European nations . This Awareness indicates that essentially, the information in the Gemston e File and in this book will supply a great portion of the major intriques an d connections between events and individuals in high places and the purpose s and circumstances which are behind the news and the historical event s which have occurred, and may still occur in future times . This as anothe r area of profound revelation of what occurs behind the news .
APinTrirtP n+vpcSgc
QUESTION : Awareness, in this book this entity reveals that Onassis had four people (and this author names these entities) se t up to assassinate President Kennedy in Dallas in a withering cross fire . Is this part of the book within the 80% that is valid ? COSMIC AWARENESS : This Awareness indicates this in the affirmative . This Awareness indicates this also corresponds and ties in wit h the information which Dr . Beter supplied in his tape on the Kennedy assassination . This Awareness indicates tha t this fills in some of the missing information which Dr .. Beter did not supply, and the Dr . Beter information fills i n some information regarding other links of high officials in the United States, the links into the banking establish ment in the United States with the assassination ; and from these two, the individuals can get a relatively clear pict ure of what occurred and who was behind the actions and how it was accomplished . This Awareness indicates tha t the information within the Gemstone File itself as also supplying a great deal of the parts of the mystery .
Would Awareness care to comment on that part of the Iady's question where she asks, "The one thing that Awareness has never gone into is what motivates these people and how they think ." She would be interested in having a frame of reference explained to her that would explain this strange motivation of these entities . COSMIC AWARENESS : This Awareness indicates that for those who are familiar with the works of Faust or with the musicial, The Devil and Daniel Webster, or the storyline of these performances--the plots---you may recall that the concept was of a n entity who was willing to sell his soul for riches , in exchange for some wealth, that he might enjoy himself mor e and pay later with the price of his soul . This Awareness indicates that in regards to certain powers that control high places upon the uppermost tiers of the society, there are many cases whereby an entity is invited to join the "in " group or the elite sector, but to d o so, the entity may find that there is to be a kind of " catch" at a later time where the favors which are to be give n will need to be paid for by a future payment of a special favor . This Awareness indicates that always this occurs with these entities, whereby one may find oneself being give n the opportunity of a lifetime to advance and to have the chance which others would forever envy, and one migh t wonder, `why me? How can I be so lucky to have such friends who would give me this opportunity? " This Awareness indicates that this opportunity may include the chance to be part of history, to be part of an established elit e group of persons, to be famous, to he wealthy, or to be of a special Corp of beings having comforts and privilege s denied to others . This Awareness indicates this may be in a form of secret society or secret service type of organiz ation, a kind of spy system ; or it may be in terms of communication, or in terms of banking, or in terms of foreig n diplomacy and affairs, or in political areas, or in dozens of other areas of society ; and the entity may find that th e offer is just ` too good to be true '. This Awareness indicates the entity may then ask, "What will I be expected to do in return for such a favor, fo r this opportunity"? and may be told, "Don't worry about that . We'll worry about that later ." This Awareness indicates that the entity may then find himself moving into the elite levels and may find much comfort and pleasur e in life, with opportunities abounding. This Awareness indicates that within a few months or years, however, the entity may be told that., "It is tim e for you to do us a favor . " And if the entity refuses the favor, the entity then is on the `black list' and everythin g goes wrong The entity loses here, loses there, etc ., in one way or another. And if the entity cooperates, the entit y may be promoted even higher . This Awareness indicates that some of these requests for repayment of the favor ca n be of an extremely demanding and negative nature . And whereby once one follows through on such an action, th e entity may find that it not only goes against his own principles, but also creates a lever for those above, whereb y they could point to this action and show the entity as having committed an illegaLaction or immoral action or som e type of action, which would be extremely detrimental to the entity's well-being . This Awareness indicates that in some cases, the entit y 's family may be held as kind of hostage to force the entit y to go along with the scheme . This Awareness indicates that in some instances, well-known persons who have no t gone along with the scheme have lost their children . This Awareness indicates that you may recall one of the son s of Nelson Rockefeller having disappeared and never being seen again . This Awareness indicates you may also recal l one of Aristotle Onassis ' sons as having been killed . This Awareness indicates these occurring at similar, or ver y close proximity in terms of time . ED's Note : the book, `Beyond the Gemstone Files' can be obtained b y sending $10 to : Fighting Tigers, Inc . P .O . Box 18948, South Lake Tahoe, Calif . 95706 . (Publisher will mail to you in 1981) . 6.
Onassis Behind Murders of of Martin Luther King, the Kennodys , J . Edgar Hoover & Mary Jo Kopechne etc .Teddy Fame d
This Awareness indicates that you may, in checking out some of these families, discover such occurrences o f events not to be as uncommon as one might imagine, particularly between rival families or during times wherein th e families are rivaling each other over power . This Awareness indicates that there is also the action of not dispensin g directly ones family or family members, but of eliminating their agents and those who work for them . This Awareness indicates that the entity John Kennedy, the entity Robert Kennedy---these were terminate d because these entities, after their father 's death, decided to try to destroy the power of those who were controllin g the drug scene and the organized crime . This Awareness indicates that Ted Kennedy was not physically assassinated , but was destroyed by what was termed the III-defame', the political or character assassination by the drowning o f the companion after the party . This Awareness indicates that this served as a warning without the actual destructio n of this man, but it also served as a lever to force the entity to cooperate in the future with those in power . This Awareness indicates that the entity, Martin Luther King, was basically destroyed because he was doing to o much good for the masses and it could not be controlled, and there was danger that the mass movement of th e blacks in search of their freedoms and their rights through the upliftment of their spirit could be not only beneficia l to them, but that his concepts of freedom would also spread to other ethnic groups and even to the whites who like wise did not feel a sense of freedom of the type Martin Luther King was promoting . This Awareness indicates tha t entity, in preaching non-violence as a means of protest, was introducing a tool into consciousness which was difficul t to control . This Awareness indicates that the entity also knew too much for the comfort of those above him . This Awareness indicates that , likewise, the entity J . Edgar Hoover vas too well informed of what was occurrin g in this nation, and was therefore able to have a great influence on the affairs of things, and this influence and thi s control could not be allowed, according to the purposes of those powers which wanted control . This Awareness indicates that, therefore, the entity was destroyed so that the organization could be controlled by others . This Awareness suggests that greater detail and understanding of these ramifications and interrelationships between entities is available in the sources mentioned in the question . QUESTION : Then the basic motivation of an entity like Onassis is power and greed . Is that correct? COSMIC AWARENESS : This. Awareness indicates that it not only as that, but also the fear of nonperformance, which would, in man y cases for these entities, result in their annihilation or in having themselves partially destroyed : financially or reputation or in terms of their family and loved ones . WHY
QUESTION : Last year when Awareness indicated the pyramid of the Illuminati was crumbling, that these powers, these bankin g interests were being removed and in many cases being replaced by other entities, how is it that the Rothschilds , who evidently still have this tremendous power over entities and are heading us toward world conflict again ; ho w is it that the Rothschilds have not been removed by those forces that were crumbling the Illuminati pyramid ? COSMIC AWARENESS : This This Awareness indicates that there was great protection around these entities, that there are still forces Awareness indicates that essentially, the crumbling of the power which occurred last year began at the top level i n the United States and began moving downward . This Awareness indicates that there was not the opportunity fo r the action to occur on all levels simultaneously . This Awareness indicates that much of this has been covered in th e Dr . Beter material and also in previous messages from this Awareness . This Awareness indicates, however, that it was a great effort extended to bring down the power, from the to p down, and it did serve to prevent a major crisis from occurring on schedule over a year ago which would have bee n able to ignite a nuclear holocaust . This Awareness indicates that this crisis having been thrown off schedule, se t back, has given certain time for the masses to awaken, to become more aware of what is occurring on this plane . This Awareness indicates that this mass awakening is an action or a situation which is not being put into the calculations of the Beast plans for conquest, and as having an effect of throwing off the time-table for its conquest . This Awareness indicates, however, that the gain which occurred a year or so ago has been lost on some levels, and th e power of these entities has been restored in those areas which were lost . This Awareness indicates that the effect o f the events of the Spring of `79 as that which has severely weakened the chances of a world domination by thos e forces . 7.
This Awareness indicates, however, it. has not totally eliminated the chances of the world domination . This Awareness indicates there have been continuted struggles by these forces to overthrow the Skoptsies and to gain greate r control over various countries in the Are of Crisis and this as all designed as part of the continued efforts to restore total domination in order to have the eventual total control . This Awareness indicates that the intention is to create a crisis of unparalleled proportions, such as the nuclea r war ; and after the crisis is over and the long shot of having destroyed most of the opposition, these entities hop e that they then can pick up the remaining parts of power which are left to them and re-establish their grand design for world domination . This Awareness reminds entities that It previously indicated that the Alien Force had left a kind of kamikaz e here on this plane . That its purpose was to wreak havoc and to create as much damage as possible, so that upo n return, the Alien Force could have its chance in taking over the planet . This Awareness indicates that the entitie s serving as agents to the Alien Force are carrying out these orders to the best of their abilities . QUESTION : Awareness, compared to how much havoc they potentially could have brought on, how successful have they been ? COSMIC AWARENESS : This Awareness indicates they have been having quite a number of setbacks, but are still coming up with mor e efforts . This Awarness indicates this as much likened unto the Road Runner cartoon, wherein the one entity seek s to pull out a bag of tricks to catch the other, but always ends up getting caught in his own trick . This Awareness indicates that this does not, of course, guarantee that the next effort to create nuclear war wil l not be successful . This Awareness indicates that it does appear to be growing in its probability with each new effort . This Awareness indicates that this month of October as being highly crucial in this regard . QUESTION :
Thank you . A final question from A .P . of Kennett Square, Pa . "What is the color coding in clothing : red, yellow , brown, blue-green all about? Certain people in government dress in red : red ties, blouses for meeting with the public . It operates on an international scale . Is it a part of the Beast conspiracy or what? What do the colors represent an d when are they worn? Those who color-code are part of an inner circle which the rest of us are excluded from . Thi s hurts! " COSMIC AWARENESS : This Awareness indicates this as in the affirmative. This Awareness indicates that this code as likened unto a kin d of symbol whereby rank and purpose is designated . This Awareness indicates that there may be more informatio n on this at a later time . There is nothing seen further at this time . (Closing Message ) This Awareness indicates that the world as moving into levels of great intensity . This shall have times of releas e and times of stress . This Awareness indicates that it appears the coming weeks as being times of stress, which wil l be followed by times of release . This Awareness indicates, however, that these times will leave scars which wil l never be erased from the memory of humanity ; and these coming years, the next five to six years generally, shal l see many changes on many levels of human affairs . But when it is over, then entities shall begin to discover the ful l truth of what is occurring, what has occurred, and why the events were allowed to be . ,se********** * ED's Note : Ten days after this reading was given, Iraq declared war on Iran . The potential for this to grow Into a world-wide conflic t may be part of what Awareness was seeing in this closing message and in the previous readings given this September .(No . 80-28) Hotline . Incidentally, the book on the destruction of the Orion Empire Awareness suggested we read if we want to more fully understand th e plan of Ahriman the antichrist and his wicked plan to enslave this planet, has been located and O .A .G . now has this in stock for thos e of you who may wish to energize further questions on this subject . (Awareness has indicated more readings on Orion are forthcoming ) The book is cailed, ` Decline and Destruction of the Orion Empire', by Ruth Norman and Unarius Students . (Price : $6 .95) .
REVELATIONS OF AS4_ .RENESS is a cosmic newsletter published every two weeks by Cosmic Awareness Communications , P .O . Box II 5, Olympia, Washington 35507 (A non-profit organization) . Rates and membership information is available upo n request . For samples of these communications, send $3 .00 for 50 page book, 'Cosmic Awareness Speaks' to above address .
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s ' d Wed War IN Inevitable ' Secretary of State Edmun amide said ytyt.'-We gp ~( tur' sQctidI.rtg diniul varion of Std the trittta• r w 0t,we.MAW611 f ii iF i~[f. t • detente Iv 11185pierands lietooltaaaik Repetition 1 .tnD, .. .t..ln• w nlrwq A Mn IAAn .NwwNe 0,, •C ' ae Daeiubeg tins t6 .n8E eon gIt I,,,r, , A „ r.. A' InV Mt . »'ITYU.n I .•r .r,.i amen IA +.d '^l . .• 1 lbono I. L v P3 . . . r "" o b .mm~ w w . ,W $SQHUK Ykt PIURau•gh t4 tie- tt'orld Aftait't, ..r p. . own. N. ~~wli ar ♦ A_ Germ, • . I Y'cluncK( 6tikle sayl the iltgrenteya plug In rxt dM.~be .. IM,~,,,L nr, .,.r .”IAe` ..ma--T.- I y „,a . policy •'x I! et1(1} . tpeudlGR "vastly &roue' maw to Nate :f awl nrh.' I•ua,,, b'WAu{n• . . n,h WAYhrw . . ...n lw IVA ',M., 4 k~"YfGi",• 11 4i aK' ~ ~ei " EtetlMi, •.-rr•' Ir .e. %W0 6rl•IA Y y,1 'SV 'Jramp that the Het"jbliram Wee not mid how Iw ..v mvYr AwlottlnA Won Mrt :• . weI ~y oV1et S W'. rrnmr. 4 . 1' : h,N . WO AMA, Inc:+n Nttt7tla~ lugda would be wet g s. • ~, , . w' • 4' IA„w ' $ tu kk said. "Thin V• r..w. N Y,tw <mrr w Y in~wrr . , .. w• µ't.+ dmpfy: tri4lt mart, -- of whatepar. .• 'nllnF wt IAAN'r...a,W..n..Y.w Wnew Lt . W...N...AAA.e .ser e AA ~► Sr ~•,a•!" `° m o r.rnx i .rvv” Y.n el.11alx)"> ., gi,a1 bin°n seer° +~ ,.a N ttae t afiaytr'a money lt~a,I . • •p~~ gjy~~+n v1 A to e: r. s v~ "7 AO, r w w v. bye. 1 °v IN1 W. t s, wAwt,A 1W N Y 'n wr W w Ih lT.N,v en M• bb ( we n.4.., W wN Anineu. nl vwlr b>Y.ril •Ylw.l.,uankMU Ow to "Q,w.rrd~„ez ' w~,t.rr<•ae'° wP+• ,n, rs 6•A At~: +a"Q"' ,l~,tll AA. V•i1M,a ,. A4N•,,nJar '"„roil .l '. dln"wlf' t ' „ n1 1.1. Awl WnA ~ y .O rm ®rlr 6i o 1. „ .se di urr . Irv> wvwn.l ,h. dwbvn . 1 mIA,. ~ w.tL' •p ,I n ?L~• ~rCsc o 1, .{v.W, t~tret~a~ra., j.,LrI r
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Y .:‘Aw u r rY. n.N"., w IrerY.,n we+bone ' a11~ M " 1 .. Y., 4,wA s ea, vw,A.W •'t'<ylrAAAAeUW~utl, 4 W I.., r. .. .S .Lr"I0*i el.L„YvHAW NAPLES, Italy RAP) — The U .S, Sixth Fleet le Wilding we r1d' " 'Become ws ^ ° + r,. coolWAwn.,>IYhbw.r m.anIWn W, l m n. 14nt . .A. vb,•PN .., nrr,I L., OVj.Yl.l•'>^..heat un • . •y..Ar ,a> .Y r•' °° ..« aneuvers involving 10 sillpa, including 6 '• the r-lecreft ~ m carnet Jo'cn 1 .Y ■WA. w u ,Wn ryes V . nw . d w u. mm.nr. N . .r .• m t A ea . , la. Kennedy, in the central Mediterranean . The fleet annowir r Y Nl.,^ „rw o- •. Y• «=y; ,v..•'•M"”'ee *wean . .Y, Ya.. .• delay was ! > 14R,t!t1.1_-°-° rill maneuvers,b ywhich begancoup Monday, todayand. The oc~f Aftederleft .ewes the recent in Turkey the immanent P r o m t e d Rte t o ~~•p Italy's agreement this week to gunrrattee the neutrnllty of th °S° l gt p 1 s 6~tY ' qa y•y~ to cup ay vv tetrttnean Leland of Malta. The Sixth Fleet says the exercteca t 7 E° r ~~ @ A~HR e,wYw, .. ..r. r.a hrY^ ..IIAA. involve other NorththeAtlantic Iran In 1 rl(•Mr A AA.. rYNAMA done, andehlpa are ftotn designed to teat fleet'aTiroaty "nava l t7rganl--Yoitt rt1 ', . n , .• , •po r .'«HAwls . °w "" bn " n aN• N: .Al. exercises. are scheduled to end Sent`*"" °tit QS!~~qyp Y It w.6 n w Y^nllwAt l .bre ,r W +I. Arid. DNI:n■r;,. .•inr D M.n 1, a i,.1,:4.Mob ..•'• A, .1nnnti YuA.41...b. wt.'Ar +- nuW>.4o v > we.. . eaA'^•> rl. .••'1 mrVvb-n Inlc' L Iml.an Ur5 The personnel . mb.<.it .,W+rw nrl1..•', 0. w..e~ .r'y tJ"' } • f • Mr :AI..n."Wlu. Wm.e• rn^ ., rem OWrn.ea..■.A rnN . aIAanu.nnr1WIle.I r'blrvr n fd4,r . rrtr . < .A. ra la n .Mnr eO• c' . . NM . b . b<Mn. .vY ~> tE On r tw Uw In . n . 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Mf l• .m. 1v r nM br .w wO,v..nr%I r wlQ Is . o-o,.. . mm~'1'1=1 NtI}Rr Nn I.a~ril~' kr4 . rMIw>fe• v i , M,nul e•rN nrrw. rrin '. 4 : ... :i wt•n .m . Im11wa r< v. Y+•v.Nrn, ..= trail rl•~ M'a w.'11.•” . .1 ylswr . . IMI wwN > .l own' . nm «m ru ~Ne HNC Nw•A io .oc, . .rVf M . t. .M,a i im'-„ n.. rp ' . r . ..lr. . . .r n .W. r . r v . r wr AA ruwy ' rMreYd .r ."..f x Tt nllwlllw 11~~ a.s .° ....d"f•"` . .Vpy mD'1'n . ~ . ..W~d tu'°•'l.n ~ I N .Y. Y . 4+•. 1p TM it •.eP"'. " °' .~ t"`,»,t~' .,w M. WULL'^ wW.. .,m emAa. . 1,+4NN . lYC W. r. .e I. 111 . .. .w+e! 1'°~•, A'n'"' ~Y~_r~ A l i111 A whuv 1 11141 W '•"~ m.tW W W l . I~r E.•MW rx .rl. mwrrd . w r.n.. Lvewb ,rnu . vlro +f " .MIr .n. aru.rm~•. ml11 .r .1 , 10A n,4 I I, 1"Y n N d~A . > a„ Pn grrl . ewe U, n 7 ~~ I Ni t Pr' ° M podAIWA M! .N>v . A m>w~ .' Goliath 0 1 Ug .n . amt Sov ii,tt; are lToih (l~d” elopin g aeA Mini-warheads to 'Be Desigr FgiooOY "a " he FP~@Enia1e %ceapon laser 'p~ ~~~~OnSCa~a' teen ' ,ed•~ .,.4 4 vM . r . w cwt . nr lnA,et uw' , ,ew A Rill Fo r n., ..<I I rt 1LQ . geti~ttF~n .irpo N1n , ys.rl' Y r-r rA r r n r hcu o Blow Up A I. . b,l >` • e 'flit ttgy. .,Infd• ..o., • 04. . It^fil tiatd batnb6tt ,v,nv) sr•^"n, x. I Defense nd i n.• w q r . .•". lt:. CaliflAlwratbT^ •” rN -nr. r A tw Ilnvl}t'1 r m -., ytye I ,. 1 ' . H 'eto these a ,tn n1 aY h fYt h t the , ..., . n 1 *t-k a~ k rt wnln In.. ~ " . 4.4 wrrb 1 lice,n sxipnld • vY~~•>': rr eev Y.. nIt .n .w*tan .mi D<i t . W Tt.tf .Y[d Tatia~rrvunwi war- loin n~• head °'~IV% re :r rr_rn >< l „,‘s + . . n ,A . A w v I ,Rrayn naSI) ngnur .. ai.a„rv. 1 v, wyn' pr wtw r Ntt¢rfeat'' .., e.4 ^.m..Aw..Ar. 'A"sneer relieve* K, l ~ •o . 3<„y ''".TO ' .na r, rn'Nr. .,r v r ,. . 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d ^ uclear Wa lam itt*i~lANk. atit~ td C read' lc dnd A~.ttY~ Iys `Ihp`~ Oit ~n °"'`', nt •'"','tttia spit• r un .r~ ,cTio ,a4, iitb' t1'Plt r ; k.►,>", 'IP1or. + , Bank Profit., 1.; f: AmnQman Deng wSlh XW*ing .•^STt s I a ';hag[•' ,xorl4 air N y ` t T,, ,. ""~ wH ) t otrlImt World world war. waged oralsal oet r to tc F yf N. nY nwlvnin D, 111t,,n,>•,A ram„ ,e.IWNa n. wNW'n " ~,~a w•ma ens. Is Inevitable and lax* to b e taint p tsU to tto " ib nrM t ~ n. 1 • ~ „,<e vm ~ n Myr>rt tw.a.Inr Sat at V1asu'~ j•ye„>'n` qt ew .nw Yr 8AddlewA off over trouble apt wto ih e an ,1 taada w. .z o y o indnehlaa•r~y'i~"s. a?A~” ' .~tt4Tte ' : . . uvnil~wl .rn nrrr ^• y It A4st '~.j ~y1¢¢, Ca na mnv ,e r•r•rn r It is u. .n to s w~e >.r•nu.. . nee F I I M¢uporpow'rrb -The warcxlatis .dtrd'oh ie fvAi4ttleKtNakeb r rwt,•',.m w ,M,m ter+e. '. •~tla~ i Yi1' ~• w sawn In reY Art t . MM R«..r.r. r .Y.,n ' ' 18'00' per ~~ CEO. nalA .. . hem nl.r.w ry.l..n, nn ir. en interviewge .withslewftaT vh ieWtuthtDeng hi out cfilZi ntflo` .r + r t e o d n• m .mr n..nm.w 0k~ tom"''".fhw t Ir .rl inu b.ry .,,'°^„%r+w• ' m " m s Orient e... ow r N •r v.rr--ao,rm'" ad"-illty Ftl,ape. ..,y ykterdsyf ' q .tr¢ •dQletl+l Felted pnbttshed gy8' oaSb' °a ww r• . •"~;t, •, r Rtyto e N at"~tMt' tur d r .n I w"nl nrrar• tpx 1 yto tnet'' ~a¢hiA .. . q'aahistttoa Port of wee Wet p.W a t1t ttY7""w~p .N"'m r"k v .iWa ern ~k eN,vae.». Is '. , l . etrer*~er_r•,.111pm—~~ylnb¢~lytSW inevttabdliy Ir -m ' The I ~ r A ^n•' Chtueecmtrny people V •~on s view of theconvInend ata~ Aitc SC° ~tXOx tbt ebb warto th e 1i;.;,:,etsta's thnl ft+~"`"nk- b [n'" of is wort" world are pnt a 'wtG rY y~ l o W ta , " Tttng . :at nrones( r}. . Y~teAy y~~~11m,ro+<ICS sad bat s~,Q~ uc7 •. vtors ter soh mao>:•gnttoar and, "Procte because Yilelenaf C 1 ~F'• l IIN ~A b.r ,.,l..M new (itta•e' wren: ~tnt meat hove ' w aapooit,11t0 6 "—"ot► tittta 11'6,0 rr,d a'rnr ruy+01.Y• . ~I 'JAYS tO, 1 , ' ' ' t.el .tl tn t dd elet e, of ttou• do(o llceelbllity extant that the third world we e e •sti Paw;nd btu,1 Tg,'tll Lrick • . 11 it w,d l , sn)" ico ca lasutd s lean, not a endear :r ra .n, ren acy o . n bt . wsrwo c)tplulcviorcu will war.I1nn "be convent l-Ile dk)a . ~ -0i inc . Aet yu s>•r,rn~-..Y.;.~"p.'S'cstn inc~f c,r 11 , i t ,u v •'ll?kvFi rt`I Middle f's.sn~ + .. 1 lik xD~ Y for 1n h n ®n~ ae9nb~ pr,tiCr• had . IMa-•~ • .., . th _.~_ ov rw ""' a .n 1 h dNB 011 ,.. y~ ,N, ~ l . that is .o cxlxr~v Yn)oant, or I► ~d"Q'~ Y7 1'n= t'1• nry, .TM ..~... ' Soviets Say U .S . Has `Nuke Madness Feral ,cd .Mtl hp Im ~l ° .Y . err n . v r v . v .r . ~ . vn+ w m•II Iv ....LOA-4 w . t, ... Egypt nA f I fv.n 4 ~ .>I .IVD' Ix"•' M IYwM1WT. W - u•r,low !I Hitt N na„ rw .13A Missiles Headed ^ QM insnYnr .rw4A.. AA n1•AAA I mult rrr•u~041 Mrl .hM•0 .iA0w A, yMCP •'r ~^I.N <p1Alrs ~•ess Y em. . ,i auA r•1rvm L n notified W = ~ 1^ 4~ ( ® Hv ~J . N . .µr. r r Pentago Am, Ijt-o (AP? —TOThe Ib+ ~0l 'HINGTON M'.. t .a col .. .^ r<c.l In.l ~2d e ttrodr~ `A . w . An aF"'"' . n+ es i4a ssth ed ofof 991 .8 maim fic Cn f oor ta total A, e"Yl.°• .__ . en. n . . :. era s .t.a ' w+ • them a• ; miley gousaapproved aln OyS bill billion yestefda they c(etstrertts iprovision p (bet tnrtedes to set u plant, that would reenter ntanuu . fatten of lethal nerve gas. . cam by a :nl7-Xt row dee. t:ataage• .0 sotneUmos embtlanal aftar the . mertle of [ato m bete reduction of lethal charg e l weeper. to matroeetefa tier their.byweapons reduction currently lederat law entree thIse banned cites .groaiteat an overwhelming national need for then production
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