Cosmic Awareness 1980-35: A Profile Of The CAC Membership

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Cosmic Awareness Communication s P, G . Bon 115, Nymphs Wsthlngion W356 :17

COSMIC AWARENESS is the Force that expressed Itself though Jeaue of Nazareth the Buddha, Kxh na, Mohammed, Edgar Cayce and other treat avatars who served ea 'Channels' for the 'Heavenly Father ' and who eposits again today as the world begins to enter the New Ag e of spiritual consciousness and awareness . Since 11183 Colonic Awareness has been communicating through carefnliy .tratned channels . The beerma on contained herein was received from sleep super-conscious trance levels and 'interpreted' by an entity affiliated with C .A .C. This information is for those who desire to help in a in the New Age . Throughout the thousands of `Readings` given through these channels , Cosmic Awareness tens us not to believe anything, hut to question, explore, doubt, and discover for yourself, through your own channel , what is the truth . Cosmic Awareness will only indicate and suggest . Neither C .A .C ., the A uanen Church of Universal Service or the interpvreter , Paul Shockley b responsible for anything Cosmic Awareness may effete in any of those readings, nor dote C .A.C . or Paul Shockley r ccessarit y believe or agree with the statements of. t .onmic Awareness. Paul interprets the energies as he sees them in trance levels and is t personally responsible for what is said .Mernbers of C.A .C . are invited to send in questions of general interest to ask Awareness for possible publication.



A Profile of the F D F. 0 erShip. ( Opening Message, C .A .C . General Reading, August 3, 1980 )

"Paul ~9hockll,,

Trance-Interprete r


This Awareness indicates that the general membership of C .A.C . as being moved through levels of respoese and attentiveness which rapidly progresses in their personal development . This Awareness indicates, however , that this membership as also serving an even more important function upon this plane : that in preparation s for new energies which shall be coming. This Awareness indicates that the membership as that which, in bein g responsive as a collective unit and being receptive to new idea, to new areas of consciousness and being ope n to discovery,---this membership as that which shall assist in the new energies which are being formed for purpose s which shall be made clear at later times, This Awareness indicates that this membership as becoming more an d more adept as highly developed beings upon this plane . COPYRIGHT 1980 by Cosmic Awareness Communications & the Aquarian Church of Universal Service .

IS IT AN ACCIDENT OF CIRCUMSTANC E THAT ENTITIES JOIN C . .A .C . ? QUESTION : Would Awareness indicate if it is merely an accident of circumstance that entities join C .A.C. or if there is a karmic trip or connection among the majority of these entities or some commitment they had made in a prio r lifetime that they would be involved in this action at this time? COSMIC AWARENESS : This Awareness indicates that many of the members of C .A.C ., particularly those who are the hard-core members, have been deeply involved in this same type of operation in many different lifetimes . This Awareness has referred to those entities known as the `Wanderers', who move from planet to plane t assisting those which are of low vibratory rate to raise the consciousness of thos e planets. This Awareness indicates that many of the C .A.C . members have bee n acting in this capacity through different lifetimes and thorough different period s of development of the various religions . This Awareness indicates that many of these entities did belong to those royalties of Egypt . Many of these entities belonged to the Essenes and to certain . other groups in that time of the beginnings of Christianity . This Awareness' indicates that many of these entities also belonged to the earlier religions of Krishn a and of Buddha . This Awareness indicates these entities assisting during such times or being in association with those who founded these religions . This Awareness indicates that some of these entities as having been involve d in the earlier secret societies whose purposes were to carry the code, carry th e concepts and the teachings of the Law of One from Atlantis and other sources . This Awareness indicates that some of these entities as having belonged to certain tribes which practiced these secret religious codes . This as the Polynesian Kahuna s or in other areas of the world touched by this code, this including the Far Eas t and the areas known as Lemuria and its remaining portions or concepts and religious or cultural remains . This Awareness indicates that, likewise, some of thes e entities as having been involved in the Americas and the tribes which also carrie d this Law of One . This Awareness indicates that there are some of these entities who have had few lifetimes upon this plane , but lived on other planets, in other systems, whereby much experience was gained which is beneficial for thi s particular plane . This Awareness indicates that, essentially, these entities, many of them being those known a s the `Wanderers', whose purpose is to'raise consciousness . This Awareness indicates that some of the entities o f C .A.C . as being involved in experiences whereby, through their various developments, their various attunements to different religious, spiritual or social contacts, have developed their being to a point whereby they desire deeper understanding of life and are ready for the plunge into the unknown fields of consciousness. This Awareness indicates that these entities, many of them, do desire to find something which answers the many questions which arise from the various religious systems : This Awareness indicates that many of these entities find some of these answers through the Awareness communications . This Awareness indicates that It intends to answer more of these questions as time passes and entities are more open and willing to receive suc h answers. 2.




Mora on the Aquarian Church of Universal Service }

This Awareness indicates that some of these entities as having been disillusioned with other religions or philosophies which have failed their needs . This Awareness indicates that many of these seeking supplemental understanding to support ' their own personal religious or philosophical belief systems . This Awareness indicates that generally, the entities who join and remain in the Awareness Movement as :those who have minds which are open to discovery . This Awareness indicates that there are some who join, but feel that they wan t something more, much faster ; and therefore, enter into other organizations which they feel will supply the more quickened pace . This Awareness indicates that often these organizations do fulfill the needs of the entity, but often the organization simply puts the entity on to a restrictive path of training at greate r sacrifice; and the entity, believing that the experience must be worthwhile, remains on that path and rails t o develop as rapidly as expected, but still feeling that it must be the proper path because the expense is se great . This Awareness indicates that in one sense, the manner by which this Awareness communicates through thes e and the correspondence lessons does create certain limitations for entities, This . Awareness indicates that whereby the consciousness is touched and the minds and wisdom and understanding,is touche , and entities can begin to gain greater conscious understanding of the universe, there needs'also to be that whic h is the physical action, the participation on the emotional and physical levels, and this as lacking in the materia l sent out through C .A.C. This Awareness indicates this as being available according to the entity's' own willingne s to put these actions into practice . This Awareness indicates that this leaves the entity to initiate the work an d words into a lifestyle .

Revelations of Awareness

This Awareness indicates that other organizations often are capable of both creating the philosophy and th e lifestyle. This Awareness indicates that essentially, the Aquarian Church as that which is designed and intende d to assist in fulfilling this purpose by setting up the charters and the Development Classes and the various ritual s and services around the country and in other countries, so that members of the Awareness . Movement can pu t these 'words into actions and have feedback from one another of their groups . This Awareness. indicates that'thi s action has been somewhat slow in getting its start, due to various reasons . This Awareness indicates, however , that it appears this shall begin growing in momentum and speed as the coming months of this year aretxaversed and the energies are focused together for the coming year . This Awareness indicates this also includes theefforts and energies being focused on the peace college, whereby this also puts these words into action. This Awareness indicates that wherein entities begin to fully understand the totality, in their minds, of th e system which this Awareness presents, this will also allow the entities to move from that level whereby the wor d are ingested mentally and action is lacking, to that level whereby the words and actions flow together . This Awareness indicates that this comes soon, and is the next step in the Awareness Movement . This Awareness , indicates that as entities understand the messages which shall be forthcoming in the Sea of Libra and that o f Scorpio and those which follow in the correspondence lessons, these actions then shall become. such that the words given take on new meaning and entities find themselves becoming involved in the Actions which help t o transform the energies of this plane . ARE MOST OF THE C .A .C . MEMBERSHIP STILL


QUESTION : Awareness, the entity Ralph Duby years ago gave a lot of information about the members of Organization o f Awareness at that time as belonging to the Carmelite movement back at the time when the entity Ralph Duby , as a lady, was also giving trance information similar to that which is coming through the present Interpreter . My question basically, is the'membership of C .A.C. connected to that Carmelite movement, or was that' mainl y the early Organization of Awareness people? COSMIC AWARENESS : This Awareness indicates that there are many in your present organization which also were involved 'In tha t Carmelite period . This Awareness indicates, however, that the majority of those involved in the early Organiza t of Awareness were involved in the Carmelite period . This Awareness indicates there are many presently involv e in Cosmic Awareness Communications as members who were not involved in the Carmelite era . a

ED's Note : For more information on Wanderers and Voyagers, please refer to `Revelations of Awareness', No .78-10 , (The Beatles--a Cosmic Peek) ;$1 .00 ; 789 (The Immortal Realm of Hadcs) ;$2 .00 ;78-35 ;$2 :00 ;78-47 ;$2 .00 ; 79-5 (The Rolling Stones) ;$3 .00 ; 80-9 ($3 .00) ; available from C .A .C . A word about the Carmelites : When Awareness first started the Organization of Awareness in 1963, It stated that 12 entities would get together and each gather 12 mote, making a total of 144 . Almost all of these entities gathered were later told in reading s that they belonged to the Carmelites, a radical 16th Century band of disillusioned Catholics who felt the church was too self serving and closed to the needs of a suffering humanity . Thera were two grbups, which later splintered--`those who wore sandals ' and those who didn't . The latter, in the manner of St . Francis, took off to serve humanity in the field, becoming involved i n the more mystical aspects of Christianity at the same time . These entities would meet in secret in various places and Iisten to th e words of Cosmic Awareness come forth from the channel of a wealthy Iady shipbuilder whom Awareness later revealed was Ralp h Duby in that incarnation . Pursued by the Pope's spies during the Inquisition because the church felt threatenedLy,these entities , many were persecuted, tortured andmurderea . There was much intrigue . infiltration and bids for power by entities involved in these groups, ending with a betrayal of a meeting scheduled to occur in Toledo, Spain wherein Awareness was to reveal muc h information to the masses which, at that time, could turn the course of'tistory and uplift the consciousness of mankind . However , information regarding this conclave of Carmelites was given to the pope, and when these bands of entities, trooping to Toledo , from all over Europe, arrived, they were slaughtered, tortured, burned at the stake and the entire Awareness Movement wa s destroyed and not able to surface again until 1963 when Ralph Duby again appeared as a channel ' for Awareness . Awareness later indicated that in addition to the important job of returning Rhyce to Essence, much heavy karma accumulated by the entities (formerly involved as Carmelites) needed to be worked out as These entities again assembled to resume the work which had bee n started (and ended) centuries before . Much of this information has been previously published by Organization of Awareness i n past years and may again be published by, C .A .C. at a Iater time, perhaps in a history of the Awareness Movement through the ages . Evidently the karma of the Organization of Awareness membership was resolved among those entities involved . Awareness has indicated that those in C .A .C . are mainly Wanderers, who arrive on this plane karma-free, do not in fact create' karma even if they fail in the job they had come to do . It is quite evident from the pant participation of the C .A .C . membership that one of the mai n jobs they came to this plane to accomplish was to frustrate the long-term plan of Ahriman, the Anti-Christ, and his nefarious pla n to enslave humanity. This force often referred to by Awareness as the Beast .

HOW YOUR AWARENESS 6S EXPANDIN G (Closing Message) This Awareness indicates that It has given many messages to entities over nyany years . This Awareness indicates that some of these messages have raised questions ; some of these messages have answered questions ; some of thes e messages have led to disputes ; some of these messages have raised conflicts which affected the lives of entities . This Awareness indicates that essentially, many questions are still lett unanswered ; many questions have bee n answered which have only lea to greater numbers of questions to he answered . This Awareness indicates that the general effect of all of this is that each entity who has been involved in reading these messages or hearing these messages, has been experiencing the openings Of. many doors within his or her consciousness, looking into rooms, conditions, situations, concepts, into new ideas, into different realms---all o f which has been to expand the entity's awareness' f what is. 'Phis Awareness indicates It has not necessarily answered anyone's particular question to tn.e point where the entity knows everything 'and therefore needs not quest ion any further; but It has assisted entities to discover what areas need to be questioned further and has show n entities that there are many, many areas in ` consciousne.s which can be looked at in great depth, which can be explored much deeper than has been imagined p reviously .

This Awareness indicates that fifty years ago, there was very little variation of thought in religious concepts : the marjority of arguments tieing centered around a few words of scripture or a few minor concepts relating t o scripture . This Awareness indicates that the confines of such discussions being most narrow, and the dispute s being just as heated as any today . This Awareness indicates, however, now entities have a much larger field of religious concepts and ideas in which they may play, discuss, philosophize, argue or dispute with one another ; and therefore, the consciousness level of entities has expanded in proportion to the number of concepts whic h have been added to that consciousness . Therefore, entities now may think on many varied things and discus s a wide variety of concepts, rather than being limited to certain refinements of a narrow viewpoint, which wa s so prevalent fifty years ago . This Awareness mentions this to allow entities to see that, although things appear to he difficult in thes e times, there also is a change occurring whereby entities are, indeed, becoming more aware of the universe i n which they live, and the consciousness of entities is expanding in many ways : through philosophies, religions , through communications, through drama, television, theater, through magazines, through the newspapers , through the experiences and the sharing of such experiences which occur around the globe, and through thos e theories in relation to the universe and its inhabitants . All of these as changing and expanding the field of consciousness in which entities may move their minds and conceive their images . ******** *

REVELATIONS OF AWARENESS is a cosmic newsletter published by Cosmic Awareness Communications , P .O . Box 115, Olympia, Washington, 98507 (A non-profit organization) . Rates and membership info on request .

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