Cosmic Awareness Communication s
The New Age Cosmic Newsterte r
P .O . lion 115, Olympia, Washington 8850 7
$3 .Oo
is the I•'.:nee ttcak expressed Itself through 'hems of Nazareth the Buddha . Krishna, htcrhaniuned,âS dgar Cayce an other great avatars who served se 'Channels' for the 'heavenly !ather ' and who speaks again today as the world begins to enter the New dAg e of spiritual consciousness and swarenoss . Since 1363 Cosmic Awereness but been communicating through r arrfuâ ly Ira sed channels . The infuse matton contained herein was received from deep =riper-conscious ranee levels and ` interpreted' by an entity affiliated with C .A .C . This Information is for those who desire to help in bringing in the New Age . Throughout the thousands of 'Iteadin s' Given through these channels , Costing Awaroncag tells us not to believe anything, but to question, explore, doubt, and discover for yourself', hrough your owu channel . what is the truth . Cosmic Awaxerteas will only inolcate and suggest . Netthex C .A .C ., the Aquarian Church of 'niversal Service . or the Interpreter , Paul Shockley is responsible for anythin Cosmic Awareness may state in any of these reNU ings, not dries C .A .C . or Paul Shockley necessaril y believe or agree with the ststemenis of Cosmic Awareness . Paul Interprets the energies as he sees there in trance levels r is not personall y responsible for what is said .Members of C .A .C . are invited to send in questions of general interest to ask Awareness for ind possible publication . COSMIC AWARENESS
( Opening Me .seagc, C .A .C . General Reading No . 3 ) November 8, 1980
Paul Shockle y Trance-Interprete r
COSI1te AW1 ARENtSS This A In are ness indicates that tale intense energies upon this plane can be expected to continue throug h 1 .986 betore <l hill occurs, allowing the proper atmosphere for re-establishing and creating greater harmon ious sy stems and balances of energies . This Awareness indicates however, that during the corning year o f 1981 .this , adjustment begins to cc-cur, wherein injustices which have long been held become likened unt o tinderboxes, wherein these are ignited and the potential for balancing be gins to occur throu0iout the year . This Awareness indicates this may be seen as webs holding the scales out of balance---these webs being ignited by the emotions and demands of the people who are being violated by these constrictions . This Awareness indicates that entities looking for political changes as a result of the new political force s in the United States, will rind a change in the national mood . This Awareness indicates this particularl y experienced in a kind of new nationalistic spirit, wherein entities feel the nation is less chaotic and les s scattered and more purposeful, even though the situations which are experienced may he equally chaoti c eir difficult, and in many cases, more difficult . This Awareness indicates that the feeling being that eve n though the difficulty is as great or greater, the purposeful guidance leading through those difficulties is i n the heads of responsible Ieadership . This Awareness indicates that this as simply an attitude created by th e energy field centered around the new leadership and their own manner of presenting the definitions an d solutions to the problems . C or.yro bt 1 .981 by Cosmic f,ware 5C a Communication's & the Aquarien C:eturch or Universal Service . Reproduction by per mission .
More Support for New Administratio n
This Awareness indicates this has much to do with the mere tone of voice and deliberate speech presente d by the new President, as opposed to the chitchat attitude of the outgoing President . This Awareness indicate s that many entities are influenced by the slow, deliberate, deeper tones of a leader, feeling that it is a stronger baseline of thought and direction than from the entity who is amiable, light and friendly, but who does no t have the deep strength of tonal quality in his voice . This Awareness indicates that this deeper strength in tone tends to cause entities to feel that their directions are more controlled and that the powers are more deliberate and less wishy-washy . This Awareness indicates that at this time, this is desired by the people of thi s nation. This Awareness indicates that, with this new atmosphere, the people will tend to be more supportive, for a time, of the new government, and will tend to be more hopeful in regards to the potential whic h this new government may bring. This Awareness indicates the very hopefulness and the support is that whic h can effect a sense of security and stability, which will be beneficial throughout the coming year . This Awareness indicates however, that the actual events of the coming year are not of any great benefit in the sense of better improvement, except in that the disruptions which occur may serve as catalysts for bringing abou t improvements at a later time . This Awareness indicates that in terms of the potentials for the coming year, the conflicts which hav e recently been ignited--particularly in the Middle East---can be expected to continue, and there is great potential for it to increase, particularly beginning in late November or early December (1980 .and ) becomin g even more volatile in February, with more potential following through March ; and again there is seen a tim e in mid-Summer for conflict . This Awareness indicates that these times appear to be relatively strong, particularly the beginning of December, the beginning of January . the beginning of February, and the beginning of March as being the times wherein foreign affairs become of significance in relation to potentia l danger concerns or potential violence . Manhattan Earthquake May be Put Of f
This Awareness indicates that, in terms of the potential earthquake in New York, the energies are suc h that this may be put off for purposes of timing, whereby the Russians who can, at their discretion, set thi s off at the most appropriate time for the benefit of their interests . This may occur as early as mid-November or near any of those other dates mentioned . This Awareness indicates there are seen very strong energie s near the beginning of December, the beginning of January, and the beginning of February, wherein suc h events can become explosive, and major upheavals in social, geophysical and economic affairs may b e highlighted . 'Phis Awareness indicates that it appears that the time near the end of November and the first week i n December as being a time wherein forces become highly charged with emotion and poor judgment . Thi s may occur not only in the Middle East areas already under tension, but also in other areas, and may hav e effects in this nation to some degree also, irregardless of the potential for the New York earthquake . Thi s Awareness indicates that the time of January 1st being that wherein more serious, but less volatile concern s may be felt, wherein greater material interests are expressed, rather than emotional violence or conflict . This Awareness indicates that the first week, or early February, as that time wherein entities may witness much emotional and violent expression in various places throughout the globe . This Awareness indicates this including areas of South America, the East Coast of the United States, and into Canada . Thi s including activities such as social conflicts, the government, or high-level conflicts among leaders, and th e potential for geophysical conflicts, such as weather and earth shiftings . This Awareness indicates that this also may be felt in areas of Eastern Europe, Western Russia, down through the Middle East area, and int o areas of Africa . In these areas, there appears to be potentials of greater violence, and less in terms of th e mere upheavals in the political sense . This Awareness indicates that the degree of political conflict, a s opposed to social conflict which results in physical action rather than in the mental or the structural upheaval, this as greater in the Middle East area than in the other areas mentioned . This Awareness indicates that in the Western world, in the Americas, the energies appear to be such tha t the upheavals may in fact result in more of a scandal being played out on legal levels in Congressional investigations and having much to do with the business affairs, the Treasury Department, the Federal Reserve System, and indivuals involved in the banking establishment . This Awareness indicates that this may relate t o the efforts of Dr . Beter and the thousands of others writing letters in regards to the concerns over the missing gold in Fort Knox, the U .S . Treasury . This Awareness indicates that this may occur and begin to surfac e near that time of February 1981 . 2.
This Awareness indicates that as this appears to be the-energy fields of the Americas, along .~i , i certain other political conflicts in both Mini<da,i?nd in the C ixnbhoai , in t? enezueela, Colombia, and other'Sout h American countries during that time, there appears to be in Easters' Europe other types of expressi4 ;ns,--This may surface in regards to further labor strikes such as in Poland ; there appears also to be some effec t in the Western part of Russia . This Awareness indicates that there also appears to be greater potential fo r expanding conflict in the Middle East area : this Awareness indicates that this potential reaches dow n through Israel and into areas of Africa . This Awareness indicates that still further, there appears tp be a similar type of conflict energy during that time of eebruai-y in the areas of .Japan, and the Philippines . This Awareness indicates that entities may witness social and political upheaval beginning to surface, o r some type of conflict in relation to the abuses of power, particularly in the Philippines. This Awareness indicates that there is also seen a repeat of these energies in July (or near that time), bu t the area wherein these energies have their effects is not clearly seen at this time . This Awareness indicate s that it appears to be of a somewhat similar nature, although not potentially as strong . This Awareness indicates that the energies triggered--off in February appear to move through February and March . This Awareness indicates that entities may expect startling news during those times mentioned . This Awareness in d icates that between present time and the end of November, entities may witness the breaking down o f many agreements which have previously been coming together : this Awareness indicates this also appears t o relate to the hostage situation, which appeared to be reaching a kind of fantasy solution prior to election ; this Awareness indicates that this illusion now will be evaporated, and the hard facts will begin to surfac e during the remainder of this month . This can begin to serve as another force which feeds the energies coming during the end of this year, beginning with the first of December . The Tentacles of the Beast are Being Chopped Apar t This Awareness indicates that the forces which are controlling the United States as being in a movement at present which is becoming divisive,That :. it appears this force as coming into greater conflict as a kind of schizophrenia occurs within the Beast, and the schizophrenia as that which is resulting in interna l fighting or competition . This Awareness indicates this as being carefully watched by the Skoptsis, and that , these Skoptsis are, in fact, encouraging the schizophrenia . This Awareness reminds entities that, in a symbolic sense, the feast is the mind of man ; and when an entity begins to let go of his ego-mind and let God have control, the mind must go through certain states of schizophrenia wherein it splits and separates into factions as it is dropped---the ego falls apart as th e entity surrenders unto God . This Awareness indicates in the social, political, and economic sense, the Beas t is that controlling ego of the culture, the power, the structure which holds the society together ; and whic h claims power and does not give forth the recognition to a divine, but holds on to personal power as a n inherent right for being all-powerful . This Awareness indicates that as this energy flows into the Spirit of . God, it becomes necessary for that energy to go tht-oiagh the phases of social schizophrenia--of splittin g up, of falling apart, This Awareness indicates that the factions which are being created among these forces of the Beast are, in one sense, a form of schizophrenia, such as when the forces of the divine chop s off the tentacles of the Beast, separating the parts, so that their thrashing is without direction and guidance . This Awareness indicates essentially, that is what is occurring at this time, in the sense that the Beas t which was warned of in late 1975 readings by this Awareness is no longer the force and power it once was , and is being chopped apart ; this Awareness indicates however, that this does not mean, that it cannot he repaired . This Awareness reminds entities of the predictions in the Book of .Revelations, wherein the Beast, was mortally wounded, but regained its strength, and all were in awe of it, This Awareness indicates that this has many levels of interpretation, but essentially can he summarized as a symbol of the ego, whethe r individual or as a group or cultural ego, in which the ego falls apart, but re-assembles itself . This Awareness indicates this can occur with the social Beast which is in power of the economics of any country a t any time ; this Awareness indicates that therefore, it is necessary that entities remain ever and always aler t and watchful, for liberty is that which must always require that entities care and protect the libertie s given to them . In 1981, What you Receive, you Will Have Earne d This Awareness indicates that, in terms of the economic trend in the coming year, this can be greatly affected by the possibility of war ; for if war occurs., there ma; be some artificial stimulation brought on by massive production of armaments ; this Awareness indicates that even the threat of war can bring this on . This . Awareness indicates however, that har rring this, and even regardless of this, certain energies are apparent : these as modified by the pot:en.tial'tl ;.reat of war, but this Awareness indicates it appears that th e 3.
recession,las it is called by the media), shall continue ; that the unemployment shall continue throughou t most of the roming year, improving slightly in the Rill . This Awareness indicates that this appears not t o be much worse than at present time,--perhaps slightly ; and in some areas, perhaps slightly improving . This Awareness indicates that throughout 1981 entities may expect that whatever they receive, they will hav e earned--that' many of the free handouts, the free-lunch programs, will be curtailed . This Awareness indicates this may continue for some tune. This Awareness indicates that the economy cannot be expected t o improve significantly until the Fall of 1981, when it begins to show signs of coming out of its present conditions . This Awareness indicates that the unemployment can continue some time after the signs of recovery in the economy . Therefore, those entities who are unemployed during this time may not expect an y great, relief throughout the corning year . [This Awareness indicates that this in a general sense, rather tha n for individuals to apply to their own lifeâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;for each individual has free will and his or her own potential s for overcoming general hardships .] \IC
The Economy in 1981
This Awareness indicates that in terms of the areas of the economy, from present time up, through , to the, end of Summer, entities may expect certain areas of the economy to suffer more than others . This . . . Awareness indicates this may be reflected in the stock market, also . This Awareness indicates that the areas of most benefit and continued growth are as follows : This Awareness indicates this includes earnings o r benefits made from food, communication and its systems, gems and metals ; that the metal industries an d the automotive industries will be seen improving during 1981 with greater strenght and gains, energy systems will continue as beneficial areas of profit ; textile industries will not be of particular benefit, nor suffe r greatly . This Awareness indicates that the high-technology areas, such as the silicon chips and the manufacture of modern office equipment and the genetic engineering experimental areas, are also seen as profitable. This Awareness indicates that food prices may be expected to rise considerably ; that many of the government payroll jobs and the bureaucratic types of occupations will begin witnessing the early cutbacks i n certain areas as the new President begins to trim down the budget . This Awareness indicates this will no t be apparent to many in terms of their personal incomes until later in the year. This Awareness indicates that areas which are dubious in terms of investment of time and energy are those relating to the bankin g system, which will undergo much change ; the stock market itself may be expected to undergo a major change near the end of 1981 : this may be in terms of policy, or in terms of some other type of upheaval ; this Awareness indicates that this could occur earlier, in the event of the potential earthquake in that area . This Awareness indicates that legal affairs, laws and legislation may be `put through the wringer ' this year , whereby changes occur in so many areas, or backlogs occur in so many areas, that the operations becom e constipated, the judicial system becomes constipated and ineffective until a proper laxative is administered , in terms of the laws .[The levity being such that it may break loose much of this stifling in terms of the social and legal influences .] This Awareness indicates that areas such as this can affect the professionals, suc h as lawyers, judges, and individuals who are relying on legal assistance . This Awareness indicates that thi s also may have effects on businesses, in terms of their legal and structural affairs ; this also appears to reflec t somewhat into the area of taxation . This Awareness indicates that other areas which appear to be hindered greatly during the coining year, ar e in the areas of banking, particularly relating to not only banking methods, but also into the mortgage rate s and its effect on the individuals, such as in building and in construction operations . This Awareness indicates that new home building will again be stifled during the coming year, that entities may become involved in remodeling . and renovating olderplaces successfully during this coming year . This Awareness indicates tha t the building of new homes being somewhat curtailed, will also influence and hinder much of the lumbe r industry and also the household furnishing and manufacturing businesses . This Awareness indicates that foodstuffs will continue to rise in value, partly because of the continuin g energy crunch and cost of raising the foods. This Awareness indicates that there will be seen certain problems in restaurant business and in hotel business, as the clientele and customers are not so responsive t o these businesses as in the past . This Awareness indicates that the cost of travel hindering these, as well as th e increased cost of vacationing . This Awareness indicates that the clothing and textile business appears to remain approximately the sam e during the coming year . That many schools and those operating in the educational field will notice certai n restrictions during the coming year, particularly in the lower schools, the grade schools, and to a lesser degree, in the high schools . This Awareness indicates that the colleges appear to remain the same . This Awareness indicates that in terms. of transportation, entities may expect continued,efforts in cities to build local transportation systems ; that entities investing in, or becoming involved in these kinds of activities may benefit during the coming year . 4.
This Awareness indicates that in terms of i :.h.e overall, global effect of energies during the coming year , entities may expect turmoil in various places throughout the world, which can in places become extremel y violent, and entities in those particular areas will feel that they are experiencing Armaggedon . This Awareness indicates that even as this occurs, other areas will be peaceful and calm . This Awareness indicates tha t this as part of the tinderbox, the balancing of the injustices, which have long been built and building in various places upon this plane . This Awareness indicates that it does not necessarily end with the coming year , but more reasonably, it begins in this coming year of 1951 . This Awareness indicates that. any questions relating to this message may be asked at this time .
CHANCES OF NUCLEAR WAR DECREASING IN 198 1 (U .S. Technology 20 Years Behind Russia ) QUESTION : Does Awareness see the diminishing of the possibility of nuclear war in the coming year, as compared wit h the energies of this last year ? COSMIC AWARENESS : This Awareness indicates this in the affirmative . This Awareness indicates however, that there still appear s to be strong efforts to create a nuclear war, although the potential for doing so is diminishing greatly . This Awareness indicates that this potential is being diminished because of the super-weapon system, basically, of the Soviet Union, which is capable of making nuclear war impossible to carry out . This Awareness indicate s that these super military weapons extend beyond nuclear technology by approximately 20 years of effort . This Awareness indicates this in terms of the electromagnetic energies and psionic warfare, and the geophysical warfare techniques which the Russians have developed during the past 20 years, while the United State s was concentrating mostly on nuclear hardware and similar, related weaponry . The Rockefeller's Plan to Conquer the United State s ( A recap by Cosmic Awareness ) This Awareness indicates that essentially, the Russian technology as far advanced to that of the Unite d States. mainly because of the efforts of the Rockefeller powers working in harmony with the Bolshevik s from approximately 1945--(between 1945 and 1 .950)--up through the middle of the 1970's in supplying th e Russians with alI of our latest advancements in technology, while curtailing this information to the America n society and engineers . This Awareness indicates that wherein certain inventions were brought out in th e United States, these were often stopped from production by the power invested in the Rockefeller brother s through their various agencies, and this prevented these areas from being developed in the technologica l sense of this society . This Awareness indicates meanwhile, this information was sent to Russia for development . The reason being that the Rockefellers were planning to have the Russian Communist nation,(rule d by Bolsheviks which had set up the Russian Revolution in 1917, financed from the Chase Manhattan Bank) , to return to this country and conquer it in a similar fashion, as they had conquered Russia . This Awareness indicates that this nation had already been divided into ten Regions which would later be termed th e `Newstates of America' . This Awareness indicates that these ten Regions as being likened unto the Soviets in Russia . That this also included the new Constitution which the Rockefellers had assisted through the Ford , Foundation and its work in Santa Barbara, whereby a new Constitution for this country had been drawn up . This Awareness indicates that this Constitution being very similar to that of the Communist nation in th e Soviet Union . This Awareness indicates that this plan of the Rockefellers having been thwarted when the Skoptsis too k over in. Russia in 1975 and through '77, beginning their massive effort to drive out the Bolshevik element . This Awareness indicates that this as being more fully explained through the Dr . Beter Audio Letters . Thi s Awareness indicates that it is for this reason that the Russian Skoptsis at this time have greater power ove r the United States through these super-technology weapons . This Awareness indicates that essentially, the ability for the United States to make war against the Skoptsis at this time is so remote that it becomes almost absurd for entities to consider the action---yet, man y entities in the United States still live in the illusion that "we are the strongest nation in the world, and that . the right to make war as we see fit, is ours ." This Awareness indicates that entities believing in such nonsens e are, in fact, endangering the lives of everyone here . This Awareness indicates that the Skoptsis, with the hel p 5.
of the Rockefellers and their followers in the past, did in fact set up this nation to be taken over, but wherei n the Rockefellers are now eliminated, and the Bolsheviks from Russia have moved into this nation and are , in part, running the activities, along with the major oil companies and the remaining Rockefeller powers , and wherein these two factions are beginning to fight among themselves, but wherein these factions are stil l seeking power and would attempt to promote various types of war-making activities in order to gain suc h power, the entities are in fact overshadowed greatly by the power which now is in the hands of the Skoptsis .
`Phis Awareness indicates that within approximately every large body o f water, including rivers, lakes, and bays and around certain areas of the coast lines, within this nation near nearly every major city, there are hydroge n bombs placed there by these entities--the Russians--which have been place d there with the help of the Rockefeller brothers back in 1 .977, wherein th e ,Skoptsis placed these in various places to be used for blackmail of this natio n if and when it became necessary . with the assistance of Mr . Kissinger and th e Rockefeller powers, who were tricked into assumin g that the Bolsheviks were still in power in Russia an d that they were assisting Rockefeller and their forces to take over this country and set up the new Communist Constitution . This Awareness indicates however, that th e Skoptsis, while : playing along with the Rockefeller powers , .x' 11 were in fact setting up this trap,--not against the America n people so much as to trap the Rockefellers and their foil-. owers and the Bolsheviks in the trap which was being se t for the American peo p le .
This Awareness indicates that these Skoptsis now hav e control over these areas and can, in their own way, i n their own convenience, use or not use these forces, a s they choose. This Awareness indicates therefore, the con cept of the United States being a super-power capable of effectively conducting a nuclear war against the Sovie t Union, is somewhat of an illusion ; for in this one area, th e M,h ` a United States could be totally obliterated b y hydrogen -it' weapons . This Awareness indicates that, likewise, th e super-technology of the Russian Skoptsis at this time is such that very few, if any, of the American-Mad e nuclear weapons would ever reach their targets . This Awareness indicates that, although nuclear war is not likely to occur, entities can, however, expec t geophysical and particle-beam warfare and conventional warfare may in fact be witnessed . This Awarenes s indicates this may also include continued weather warfare . This Awareness indicates essentially, these elements of warfare are already in use, have been in use for some time, and will continue to be in use---althoug h many entities are not presently aware of this war which is occurring .
Awareness, in light of what was just stated in reference to the super-technology of the Skoptsis and the fac t that they could render helpless the American war rockets etc . ; one thing that is not clear to me, which doe s not make much sense, is : why then, having this power, would it be necessary td eliminate Manhattan or se t off the chain of our mountains out here to create such hardship and devastation ? (Ells Note : this editor asked this particular question almost in anger . Having witnessed the recent devastation of Mt . St. Helens, the idea that these entities could set off Mt . Rainier, Mt . Adams, Mt. Baker, Mt . Hood and other Cascade Mountai n volcanos right here in our own backyard really raised the blood pressure . This is an incredibly beautiful mountain range an d full of memories of many picnics, skiing, hikes through virgin forests and fishing the pristine lakes and rivers . Only the natives around here, who have viewed firsthand the unspeakable devastation the Skoptsis created when they blew St . Helens, realiz e what a tragedy it would be if even one more mountain would explode . (These are Christians?) And 12 million people in N .Y . ? (Both Dr . Beter and Awareness, in earlier readings, had indicated Russian Cosmospheres with particle beam weapons wer e hovering over these mountains, waiting for orders to detonate them . Radar units in Portland, Oregon, detected one over Mt . Hood, but the authorities said they did not know what to do about it . (Neither do we) . It just seemed to me, however, tha t for a bunch of eunuchs, those Skoptsis sure seem to have a lot of balls .
COSMIC AWARENESS : This Awareness indicates this as an action of weakening the ability o f America to initiate a first strike . This Awareness indicates tha t were they to sit back and do nothing except wait for tha t first strike and then defend themselves, these entities migh t he. allowing for a greater build-up of such forces and allow r ~c~ aâ&#x20AC;˘. fpp trig more time for more super-technology to be brought t o bear within this nation, as it prepares more frantically for a +ufure war . This Awareness indicates that these entities . th e Skoptisis, recognize the ability of the United States to rally'` in its technological areas, to industrialize quickly, and to build very quickly war-related machinery an d weaponry which can become powerfully effective, and this Awareness indicates these entities are in fac t racing against time to prevent the American technology from catching up with them . and being used b y he Bolsheviks within this country,(and others), to make vear on Russia . This Awareness indicates that these Skoptsis recognize that within but a very short time, the Unite d States will have the particle-beam weapons, will have death rays, will have other types of highly advance d technologies which can be used to counter the super-weapons which the Russians now have . This Awareness indicates therefore, they are quietly, though skillfully, attempting to demoralize the powers in thi s country in every effort they make to exert power of a military type, and are in fact patiently reprimanding, rather than aggressively destroying the powers in this country which would threaten them . This Awareness indicates that essentially, while the Russians have the capability of totally obliterating this nation, suffering very little damage, if any, themselves, they are attempting to avoid causing massive death among th e ueople, whom they recognize as being duped by their leaders . This Awareness indicates that these Skoptsi s also remember that they, too, were duped by the Bolsheviks who entered into their country in .1917 .Thi . s Awareness indicates therefore, they do not hold grudges against the American people, but are simply attempting to defend, and prevent the Bolshevik forces in this country from using its massive power against th e Soviet Union and from building up greater powers to use for violent purposes . This Awareness indicates that the Skoptsis are not to be though t of as divine forces, for these entities are human beings and hav e their own limitations also . Therefore this Awareness suggests tha t you not attempt to judge these entities as you would judge a Messiah or a Redeemer, and criticize these entities for not being mor e holy in their attempts to prevent the Bolshevik attack upon thei r country ; this Awareness suggests you judge these entities (if yo u must judge at all) with the same kind of rules which you would us e against the Bolsheviks in judging them for their motives and methods . This Awareness suggests however, that you not judge at all-- that you simply discern what is occurring in this action, as on e would observe and discern the elements of a chess game, withou t assuming one is bad and the other is good . This Awareness indicates that the moralizing in this sense can take away the objectivity of your discernment ; that wherein you discern objectively, without moralizing, this can allow a clearer understanding o f the facts . (This Awareness indicates that it is not intending to imply that entities should not have morals , and that there is nothing wrong with immoral actions : it is rather implying that you need to look at thi s action objectively, without tile moralizing, in order to see what and why these entities are carrying on thei r methods in the way they are .) This Awareness indicates that you may also ask the question in a moral sense : why aren't the Skoptsis more spiritual and more intelligent and more capable of rendering the Bolshevik s harmless without all this violence'? This Awareness indicates that in this sense, you are asking a moral quest â&#x20AC;˘ ion, and moral questions allow morality to enter. Therefore the objectivity is shifted to include a moral concern, and you may still remain objective while asking a moral question . WHY NOT HIT THE BOLSHEVIKS IN THE PENTAGON ? ( Where are the Fohot :oide now that they we need them? )
QUESTION : It just seemed to me that it would make more sense if they concentrated on, say, eliminating those entitie s in the Pentagon, by one way or another, which I. imagine is where most of the power of the Bolsheviks i s concentrated, rather than removing something like Manhattan Island, or blowing up our mountain ranges . 7.
QUESTION : Since the Cascade Range eruptions seemed so imminent two weeks ago, and now that two weeks have passe d with no incident, has the likelihood for using this target lessened? * ED's Note :Vikki asked this question bemuse on October 22, Awareness indicated in a reading (not yet: to be released) tha t the energies were very strong in the next coining two weeks that the Skoptsis would detonate the SO bombs placed aroun d Manhattan Island-that this would probably he preceded by the Cascade chain of mountains suddenly erupting (as a divertin g action) . For this reason, everyone at C.A .C . anxiously was watching Mt . St, Helens and Mt . Rainier, both of which are visibl e from Olympia . The 'hotline' reading about this will not be released unless Manhattan Island actually experiences an earth quake . At that time, CAC members will then receive it and still have time to plan their lives when this action brings down th e so-called 'National Emergency' potters of the Presidency . (We hope none of you over will have to receive this reading),IIowever ,. if Mt . St . Helen should have another violent explosion . this time with lava IORZV it probably means Manhattan is about to blow
COSMIC AWARENESS : This Awareness indicates that the potential is still present . This Awareness indicates that this centers no w in the area around Seattle, the major mountains in this area . This Awareness indicates that essentially, thi s as another diversion-type of activity as a potential option which can be used, depending on the need . Thi s Awareness indicates this alternative is such that it may be implemented at any time when war is threatene d by the Bolsheviks, in an action designed to prevent the West Coast, particularly the areas here in the State o f Washington, from being effective in their ability to support the war efforts if it should occur . This Awareness indicates that this also as being an option or alternative, whereby the Skoptsis, if deciding to implemen t a surprise attack on the United States for its policies, could do so in a manner which appeared natural, as i f conditions of the earth were revolting against the American people . This Awareness indicates that essentially , the problem which the Skoptsis are facing is that their high technology is quickly becoming public, and it i s only a matter of time before the American people will recognize that they are under attack by these Skoptsi s and are, in fact, in war with Russia . This Awareness indicates therefore, the Skoptsis are attempting to mov e quickly to minimize the power of the Americans and their Bolshevik rulers to make war against Russia . Thi s Awareness indicates that they not only are moving quickly, but wish to move secretl y , so as not to be discovered in their actions . Therefore, the efforts being done through that which appears to be as accident or natural causes, or acts of nature . QUESTION : Thank you . Does Awareness have a closing message? COSMIC AWARENESS :
This Awareness indicates in the Book of Revelations there is a discussion of one who comes on a white home . This Awareness suggests that you read this, and conside r this as a possible symbol, symbolizing the activities an d nature of the Skoptsis . This Awareness indicates that , naturally, this white horse of Revelations can have man y different interpretations and symbols, and this is not th e only interpretation . This Awareness indicates however , that in reading this passage, you may see many similaritie s to what is occurring today . * *Rev . 19 :11
`And I saw heaven opened, and behol d a white horse ; and he that sat upon hi m was called Faithful and True, and i n righteousness he doth judge and mak e war . '
1 :D's Note : there's more, and you should read it yourself . The horse, accord into to Zechariah, symbolizes the 'spirits of the heavens, which go forth fro m standing before the Lord of all the earth . Faithful and true could well describ e the Skeptsis, who are fanatical Christian fundamentalists, so dedicated to thei r work that they must undergo the ritual of castration : this to keep the temptations of the flesh from interfering with their divine work . The white horse is also a symbol of triumph and power . Successful generals rode in triump h on white horses . White also represents the simple faith and trust of thos e who accepted the baptism of the Spirit in its purity . A crown denotes victory . ' â&#x20AC;˘ Seattle is a prime target due mainly to the sprawling Boeing complex, whic h makes the bombers and missiles for the U .S . war machine . It is also working o n laser-beam and particle-beam weapons and cosmosphere-type aircraft, similar to what Russia already has . Nearby there also is the new Trident missile submarin e tease ; Ft . Lewis, the largest military installation in the U .S ., McChord Air Force Base and the huge Bremerton Naval shipyards to name a few reasons why it no w makes sense to this editor why the Skoptsis would blow our volcanot nearby .
-- `"â&#x20AC;&#x201D;`--
REVELATIONS OF AWARENESS is a cosmic newsletter published every two weeks by Cosmic Awareness Communications . . P .O . Box 115, Olympia, Washington 98507 (A non-profit orgpnization) . Subscription rates are available upon request
COSMIC AWARENESS : This Awareness indicates that these entities are, in fact, covering many areas as targets. This Awareness indicates that it must be remembered that targets such as a mountain or an island are often much easier t o hit than a particular individual who moves from place to place ; for it requires a stalking action of an individual to locate such . This Awareness indicates that. likewise, an attack on the Pentagon would obviousl y trigger war, whereas a geophysical attack would appear to be enough of a possible natural origin that i t could remain hidden as to who caused the action . This Awareness indicates that this allows for a kind o f sneak attack, deceptive attack, or a kind of attack which is not overtly recognized by the masses as an ac t of war, and therefore does not trigger or incline the masses to rally around the flag and attack that natio n which brought ; on this action . This Awareness indicates that a direct attack against the Pentagon, on th e other hand, would in fact tend to lead to such reaction by the masses . QUESTION : Well, the Skoptsis were successful in removing Presidents and high government officials in the past an d replacing them with doubles and Robotoids . What particularly is the problem in them not replacing thes e entities in the Pentagon who are the basic problem ? COSMIC AWARENESS : This Awareness indicates this as a matter of security . This Awareness indicates that the Skoptsis havin g accomplished this once with a secret weapon, the Rohotoid, then became victims and were replaced b y Synthetics, and they no longer have the element of surprise of this secret weapon whereby they coul d accomplish this same action again . This Awareness indicates that, obviously, when a particular secret weapo n is used, it is no longer secret once it is discovered, and then actions can be taken to prevent its re-occurence . This Awareness indicates that the Skoptsis do not dare risk a similar action under the present conditions , after having lost all of their forces in the previous effort . This Awareness indicates that these Skoptsis an d their Robotoids having been destroyed at Camp David and replaced by the Bolsheviks and their Synthetics ; that this was a lesson for them, that even if they did take over the top echelon of a pyramid, the requirements of controlling the rest of the pyramid were such that it could not be handled without greater force . This Awareness indicates that essentially you may ask yourself the question : How would you like to be involved in a task force designed to enter into the Kremlin and replace the heads of state in that countr y with doubles, after having attempted this once before and having lost a large number of your best forces i n so doing? This Awareness indicates that obviously, under certain circumstances, this might again be attempted ; the circumstances would need to be in their own favor before they would attempt the action again . This Awareness indicates that the previous action in April and May of 1979 was an action of desperation , for this was an action which they felt would prevent the nuclear war from eruptingâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;and which, throug h their efforts, created a change in the tone of the voices of authority in this nation which were buildin g toward war and suddenly took a turn in June of '79 to discuss the SALT treaties and peace . This Awareness indicates that this de-fused the bomb which was being lit to start the nuclear war I . This Awareness indicates that to use the same methods in present times without having other backup forces, such as th e potential to blow up Manhattan Island or other cities, would be, in the minds of these entities, pure folly . This Awareness indicates that they have the ability and the weaponry in place to blow up Manhatta n island ; they have the option not to do so, while retaining also the option to do so . This Awareness indicates that this option is what is important to them . En's Note : After printing this reading it was discovered your faithful editor goofed and forgot to include this pagc .By cabin(; this page 7A, the reading is now complete and in proper sequence . It concludes on the back page with the Closing Message about the `Book of Revelations ' . Since there is spac e left on this page and the back of it, I shall label the hack page 7B and add some additional info on these topics from a previous reading . (Avalon) . FORCES B E H I N D THE SC E N E S
(Opening Message from C .A .C . Gen, Rending, October 11, 1950 )
This Awareness indicates that there appear at present to be certain forces which are operating and in motion which have bee n indicated previously whereby certain consciousness management techniques are being used for purposes of influencing events . This Awareness indicates that the activities in the Middle East are continuing at this time and may be expected to increase t o greater intensity before a temporary release . This Awareness indicates that likewise, entities may watch certain diplomatic move s which can be utilized during these times by these consciousness management techniques, whereby the release of the hostages hel d there may occur in a timely mariner which could be of great political advantage to the incumbent Presidential administration . This Awareness indicates that there are also other moves and actions occurrin g behind the scenes which are of a much mor e volatile nature and which are playing for even greater stakes, whereby a more powerful event is prepared for the conflicts whic h are in motion between the super powers . This Awareness indicates however, this event prepared for possible detonation is als o dependent on responses, responsibility and potential negotiations of a secret nature, which may preclude the event altogether . This Awareness indicates that the determination of whether this occurs or does not occur will, in all probability, take place befor e this message reaches the hands of the readers. This Awareness indicates that this is in relation to the potential earthquake in th e area of Manhattan Island . This Awareness indicates that there are also other forces in movement which are creating very rapi d changes in terms of the power struggle which has been occurring during the past three to four years behind the scenes in an intensified manner, and it appears that this increase in the stakes of the games and the energies involved in the management of force s has accelerated greatly during the past few weeks and will continue periodically for some time to come . This Awareness indicate s 7A
that at present, the focus and attention neeus to be centered in tile area of the iJM .ddle east, and whether this becomes resolve d within the coming weeks, for this as closely linked to other potential events . This Awareness indicates that v :-herein a resolving o f hostilities in this area can occur, then there will be a lull of a temporary nature and other events will not he triggered ; whereas i f this area intensifies, entities may expect a number of increasing chaotic conditions in the various countries of Europe and th e United States in particular . This Awareness indicates that essentially, the actions which are occurring are eliminating and destroying certain boundaries o r barriers which prevent communication and future relationships from being established, and though these barriers are being tor n down by sometimes violent means or forcibly broken by extortion or blackmail purposes, these barriers once removed, lead entities one step closer to the possibility of a lasting peace . This Awareness indicates that It prefers to see such steps being taken o n a very gradual set of increments, rather than through violent discharge of energies or great shocking movements in the history o f nations . This Awareness indicates, however, that the potential and tendency of evolutionary growth is such that often only a shock can allow the proper movement of consciousness to its developed potential . QUESTION :
Awareness, Dr . Beter reveals on his latest tape that the gold which was stolen from Ft . Knox some years ago by the Rockefeller s has now found its way into Europe and on to the Middle East . A deal has been made that this gold bullion, worth literally billions , will be traded to the country of Iraq if it will absorb Ian, then give to the Rockefeller oil companies once and for all permanen t ownership of these oil fields---or something to that effect . The financial papers have confirmed that in the past months, several tons of gold bullion has moved from Switzerland to the country of Iraq-this bullion worth billions of dollars . My question is : i f all of this has been set up so carefully, then these powers must be very sure that Iraq is going to win this war with Iran and some how either destroy it or merge with it . Does it look like this can actually happen without the major powers stepping in ? COSMIC AWARENESS : This Awareness indicates that it appears that this cannot possibly occur without the destruction of the powers which are bringing the Iragian forces into this action . QUESTION : The Spotlight newspaper which just arrived this week with the date of October 24th reveals that over 1000 American groun d forces and hastily-disguised American aircraft are involved in the war in the Middle East and bombing nuclear plants etc ., and the y call it. another covert Bay of Pigs operation and arc certain that this is the beginning of really heavy American involvement in a n expanding war that could lead to major holocaust proportions . Does Awareness . . . . COSMIC AWARENESS : This Awareness indicates that this appears to he an intensive effort on the part of these powers which Dr . Beter has informe d the masses about, those which he refers to as the Bolsheviks . This Awareness indicates that this appears to be an extremely powerfu l effort, well-planned, well thought out, which bypasses the government of this nation, the United States, but with the awareness o f the government ; whereby the government can appear to make certain deals with the Iranian, forces and can appear to be in opposition to the Iragian forces, to negotiate for the release of the hostages, and to further have negotiations on other topics and offe r assistance to the Iranian government to combat the effects of the Iragian actions or to assist in influencing negotiations betwee n the two nations . This Awareness indicates this allows the United States government to have its right hand in the pie, while havin g the secret Bolshevik government manipulating through the !raglan force with a left hand, even though these may be receiving directions from similar planning and advisory origins. This Awareness indicates that this as fully understood by the Russian forces . This Awareness indicates that the terminologies of nationality are becoming increasingly difficult in explaining world events, becaus e the nationalities involved are but the facade or front for the secret forces and actions which are occurring . This Awareness prefers to use other terms to explain the scenario of events : This Awareness indicates that, for example, there are many very loyal Americans and many involved in high places of goveinhiien t who are in total and complete cooperation with many of the Russian agents and government members ; there are also many entitie s of the British forces and Secret Services who are operating and in cooperating with the loyal American and the Russian forces--thes e entities being concerned about the welfare and growth and the potential peace upon this planet . This Awareness indicates that thes e entities also as concerned about the efforts of the Dark Forces to conquer and overtake this planet . This Awareness indicates tha t
while this force, which may be termed the Light Beings, is made up of many different nationalities, there is also the force of the Dark beings, which is made up of different nationalities, and these entities wish to take control and power from the hands of government s and the masses, placing this power into the hands of their own, so that they can better manipulate the masses . This Awareness indicates this, again, relates back to previous readings given regarding the Orion Empire and the forces known as the Alien Force . Thi s Awareness indicates that apart from these forces of international levels known as the Light Forces and the international entities involved in the Dark Forces,there are also those which are somewhat of a neutral or non-involved status, these creating the variou s governments of different nations, which are living under the illusion that the governments, in . fact, ate in control of their own sovereign actions andare victimized or influential in terms of world events . This Awareness indicates that this is the part which is publicized through the news media, and the battles between the forces of Light and the forces of Darkness, which occur behind the scenes , are seldom brought out for entities to observe . This Awareness indicates that essentially, it is a clearer definition to describe the actions occurring in the Middle East as being suc h setting up the situation in Iran an d that it is manipulated by forces of the Darkness, those of the Bolsheviks, who were involved in also in the action which may remedy that situation--the invasion of the Iraqi forces into Iran . This Awareness indicates that thes e Dark Forces, in carrying out this type of action, are attempting to have enough influence in the area as to gain control there and als o to use this as a springboard for rallying support, which may come on a very gradual basis, if it comes at all, to involve more and mor e East to assur e energy into the Middle East conflict, or which may also be used to stabilize certain types of agreements in the Middle that the control is gained without the warfare . This Awareness indicates that the object is not just to create war : the object beingsto gain control one way or another . This Awareness indicates that likewise, the forces which are attempting to block this action, thi d more determined to en plan, are preparing for the possibility of the worst that could occur,--an all-out war,--and are also becoming the efforts of the Dark Force to make its war or gain its power through warlike actions ; and this Force of Light is at a point of inteny sity where it is zeroing-in on the very heart of darkness, and it this does not change its ways, the heart of darkness may be surgicall t removed from consciousness by events which will astonish everyone . This Awareness indicates that the likelihood is that this will no , be necessary, but the potential is there . This Awareness indicates that that island which was purchased for a handful of beads may t if the Dark Forces do not change their momentum and movement, may indeed, be left as but rubble, with the remnants of a brigh and glorious history signifying a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury . 711