Cosmic Awareness 1981-02: A Search For God: The Chronicle Of A Wanderer In The New Age: Discoveries

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Cosmic Awareness Communication s P.U. Box 116, Olympia, Washington 9860 7

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COSMIC AWARENESS is the Force that expressed Itself through Jesus of Nazareth the Buddha . Kriahua . Mohammed, k;dgar Cayce an d other great avatars who served as'Chanuels ' for the ' Heavenly ther ' and who speaks again today as the world begins to enter the New Ag e of spiritual consciousness and awareness . Since 1963 Cosmic Awareness has been communicating through carefully-trained channels. The information contained herein was received from deep super-conscious trance levels and ' interpreted' by an entity affiliated with C .A .C . This information is for those who desire to help in bringing in the New Age . Thmteghout the tdiousands of 'Readings' given through these channels , Cosmic Awareness tells us not to believe anything, but to question, explore, doubt, and discover for yourself, through your own channel , what is the truth . Cosmic Awareness will only indicate and suggest . Neither C .A .C . . the Aquarian Church of Universal Service or the Interpreter , Paul Shockley is responsible for anything Cosmic Awareness may state in any of these readings, nor does C .A .C . or Paul Shockley necessaril y believe or agree with the statements of Cosmic Awareness . Paul interprets the energies as be sees them in trance levels and is not Ixrsonal? y responsible for what is sald .Members of C .A.C . are invited to send in questions of general interest to ask Awareness for possible publication .

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Discoveries on the Road to Enlightenment )

Paul Shockle y Trance--Interprete r

(From a C .A .C . General Reading ) Oct . 22, 198b


We received a letter from Bill S ., general delivery, a town in Arizona . It 's a rather long letter, but it brings u p a number of questions . It's almost impossible to ask the questions without reading the letter, and with Aware `- ness's permission, I'd like co read the letter and ask Awareness to comment on the entity in general and the n answer the questions that have arisen from this letter . Is this acceptable? COSMIC AWARENESS : This in the affirmative . COPYRIGHT 1961 by Cosmic Awareness Communications & the Aquarian church .rf universal service .

QUESTIONER : Before I begin the letter, I would like to mention this entity is not a member of C .A.C . He chanced upon our little ad in FATE magazine and requested our introductory booklet, Cosmic Awareness Speaks . The letter reads : "Dear Folks . I just got your booklet, and was amazed at the range of material you have . I thought maybe I could share a little bit of my own experience with you just for what it's worth . About 12 years ago I came into an overwhelming desire to know God, and became very zealous in th e orthodox religion, figuring, `Well, all these preachers can't be wrong, can they?' Then 6 years ago, whil e following an ultra-fundamentalist sect, there came an `experience' . It was a deep, peaceful spiritual encounte r characterized by an ecstasy and love that I had never known could exist . It was so real and profound tha t it surpassed any physical reality . It was not a `charismatic' or emotional experience . While it was happening, there was the absolute knowing that it was of God . The thought that it might not be of God just neve r entered the picture . The experience lasted 2 weeks, but the after-glow from it lasted a full 7 months after ward . Those 2 weeks produced a great volume of writings . The "Writings" purported to be divinely inspired . Parts of them would take on a cadence and rhyth m set in Old English reflecting an ecstatic consciousness, and even claimed to be God speaking in the Firs t Person, as the `I AM' . They told of a great cosmic `Intercession' that was shaping up to deliver the Eart h from the apocalypse . It gave a running narrative of the Great Tribulation, and projected out through th e next 3-1/2 years to the beginning of the Battle of Armegeddon . Then it backtracked, cancelled that narrative , and gave a running account of the intercession . This "Intercession ", according to the writings, permitte d the Earth to go into the Kingdom of God without seeing a literal Armegeddon . The brunt of the planet 's sins was absorbed and held in abeyance by an entity called the "2nd Son", who made atonement with God . just as Jesus had done 2000 years earlier . Now while these `writings' were coming through, they could only utilize the language of orthodox religion, because that was the only mental vehicle I had at the time . Because of this, they generated some uniqu e allegories . The `2nd Son ' I assumed to be a single individual . But it was actually a metaphor of a whol e group, or company, not a single person . As it, turned out, the `2nd Son Company' would be a group w h incarnated solely for the purpose of doing intercession for the world . This 11th hour intercession to forestall Armegeddon was called the "3rd Covenant" and the "changin g of prophecies" . And the `2nd Son' was assigned the spiritual number 888 . This whole thing was so intensely real while it was happening . There was the sense of absolute convictio n and certainty about all of it . Even the `3rd Covenant ' became a continuation of the Bible itself . In this state of heightened awareness, there was an audible rushing, ringing sound, and at, night, there woul d be a blue-and-gold light, like an aura on nearby objects . I thought this to be a curious by-product of havin g the "Holy Spirit", not knowing that such phenomena do sometimes occur in higher consciousness . The writings dealt with many other subjects besides Intercession . They told of the "etheric vortex" model of the atom, and described how matter and spirit arise from the same common substrate . Then they use d simple analogies to explain the interrelatedness of gravity, magnetism, and electric Force . They also used analogies to show the relation between space and time, and how God has the prerrogative to alter the course . of "future time ". I had never had any schooling beyond the 9th grade, and wherever this stuff was comin g from, it was coming in a state of ecstasy and bliss than, has no equal . During those 2 weeks of heightene d awareness, there was no physical hunger and I did not eat, yet I felt more vitally alive and robust than eve r before. This physical stamina seemed to be a bestowal of the "Holy Spirit ". The writings gave a dissertation on UFOs and even went into the symbolism of the Pyramid . What made it all so uncanny is that I was totally steeped in orthodox religion, and had an almost rabi d aversion to anything outside of ultra-orthodox Fundamentalism . Normally, anything outside Fundamentalism was "of the Devil" . Even Catholicism was "occult" and to be shunned like the plague . Yet this remark able cosmic experience came through using the language and mental vehicle of that narrow, sectarian cult . (It was Herbert Armstrong 's "Worldwide Church of God" .) I tried to share the experience with the churc h people . In my enthusiasm, I naively assumed they would be just as gung-ho as I was : For here was something of the very essence of what religion was all about—direct communion with God and a genuine encoun ter with the `Holy Spirit '. I gave the church people the entire volume of writings . But they all thought I wa s 2.

nuts and possessed of the devil . No doubt they chunked all the writings in the garbage can . The experience was so real to me that at the time, I couldn ' t fathom its not being real to other people . Their rejection of it was bewildering and surprising . Even though the reality of the experience persisted fo r 7 months afterwards, I gradually came to doubt it myself, and finally believe it had just been a grand halluc ination of some kind, like the church people said . Yet nothing could ever deny the love that empowere d the whole experience--the love that can come only from God . Humanly, I had never been capable of loving . In fact, I had lived as a vehement atheist up to the time o f becoming "religious" . And even then, I was nothing but a hollow, self-righteous put-on . All efforts to be a do-gooder were pure hypocrisy ; there wasn't any love behind it . But for some reason God allowed that experience to happen . For the first time in my life I became real, and love was real and not put-on . Yet it wasn't but God who made it real. Anyhow, the experience itself faded away in time, but while it faded, I came under a compulsion to stud y all about the "Illuminati " and an international conspiracy . This was an exhaustive, in-depth study, and covered every aspect of the Rothschild-Rockefeller empires, at least every aspect ; that can be gleaned fro m secular sources . But because of my orthodox religion, anything occult or esoteric was strictly taboo . Becaus e of this, I could not pursue the occult roots of the Illuminati . By this time I was into the Billy Graham--Oral Roberts style of religion, and had even married a woma n who had the same kind of religious zeal . But as it turned out, we were still the same old malicious, selfis h people w e 'd always been, in spite of all our "religio n ". The marriage failed of course, being founded as i t was on an artificial, man-made religion . The failure of that marriage was a tremendous "kick in the pants " to find True Religion and the reality of God, or die trying . This was nearly 3 years ago . The warm memory of that first "experience" came back , and I reasoned that it really had been of God, and I determined to regain it . Right away a hook came alon g about the life of St . Francis of Assisi . I read that book about this wonderful Saint whose church I ha d called heretical . It told of Francis' great love for God and humanity, and of his travels all over Italy, relyin g only on God to supply his needs . That one book became the inspiration and the pivot opening up the meaning of true religion . Francis and his little band traveled just like the Apostles of old, with no "script o r purse", yet Providence supplied their daily needs . And I thought---why shouldn 't that work today? So I took off on a "Pilgrimage " with no money or material means of support, determined only to know Go d again. And all of a sudden it became obvious that Christ is not just the historical person of Jesus, but is th e Great Soul, the A11-Mind of the Universe who shines down in a common unity through the sun and stars , yet is ever-present, closer than the next breath . The ecstatic `experience' came back in short order, and I was actually able to travel, sometimes for weeks, with no material support . I just used the simple affirmation, "Christ is the only Reality . Christ is the Seer and Provider of all needs ." And it was so . Every day, some "coincidence" would provide food, rides, lodging, or enough money to meet the day's needs . This went on day after day . Sometimes I had too much food to carry and had to give some away . And the peace and ecstasy was supremely real again, as it had been once before . Love became real again and not put-on . Every face became the face of Christ, and every tree and shrub and blade of grass was silently shouting th e glory of God . There was the great yearning that all humanity could share this blessed Reality . This `Pilgrimag e' led directly into studying all the Eastern religions as well as Christian Science and many of the independent gurus like Meher Baba . And the One God shone as Reality behind them all . The world 's religions, in their pure form, became like the multi-colored windows of a great cathedral, the One Ligh t shining in through all of them. The "orthodox dilemma" had evaporated virtually overnight. And I suddenly learned about reincarnation and karma . These teachings didn't seem `new' but were more like awakenin g memories. That pilgrimage, in some ways, was deeper and more intense than the first experience had been . Also, I was "led" to contacts with new people and groups, other spiritual pilgrims, and spent time in ashrams , monastaries and New Age centers . Those people were all beautiful souls at different levels of unfoldment . But I always had to move on ; there was still "something " I had to find yet, but knew not what . Providenc e was the only guide to follow, and intuition .


As the `Pilgrimage' continued, I ran into two more contacts : One individual (whom I did not meet but wa s told of by others) claimed to have defected from the inner circle of the Rothschild cult, repented, and turne d totally to Christ . Though I did not meet this person face-to-face, his experience seemed to "ring true" in th e light of intuition . Plus, the contact had come through an unlikely `coincidence ' as had all the others . Th e other individual had been a personal acquaintance of Nathan Rothschild, and had served as a Druid pries t in the House of Rothschild . He vehemently denied Rothschild's role in a conspiracy or that a conspiracy eve n existed . I tend to believe he was an innocent dupe, because in all other ways he appears to severance. God and teaches the Christhood of all humans, and does not try to be a despotic cult leader himself . (This person is Christopher Hills of `University of the Trees' in Boulder Creek, California .) These two individuals' experiences shed much light on the innermost circle of the Rothschild cult . Throug h their inadvertant exposure to it, they both affirm that the Rothschild cult is in London, (as distinct from th e Rothschild banking centers of Europe), and that the cult employs the ancient Druidic and Celtic occult art s of Britain . Those Druidic rites, while not intrinsically evil in themselves, had been subverted into a Force o f pure evil, coupled with blood rites and human sacrifice, and used as the power to deliver the whole Earth into the Rothschilds' hands . Also, the Rot :hschilds gained the ability through this means to create " Androids " o r human-like beings without a human soul, which oversee major branches of the Illuminati-CFR combine .Kissinger and some of the Rockefellers appear to be such `Androids '. Subsequent contacts and revelations have corroborated most all of this . It became starkly ap parent that I was looking at the topmost echelon of the Conspiracy, and that even the llluminati-CFR complex is onl y a lesser arm of it . The deepest secrets of the Rothschild cult began to yield to the Light of Truth . Their stylized deity is `Lucifer.', and they call their path `Luciferianism' . Anyhow, the `pilgrimage' had gone on for 8 months, and I felt guilty for taking so much time off, so I broke it off and went back to work . I was determined to hold onto the Christ-Experience which had grow n so bright and steady during that pilgrimage . But as hard as I tried to retain it, it faded away . Meditatio n and prayer would not retain it, and the worldly consciousness drowned it out and killed it . The `Black Night of the Soul' became as deep and dark as the Christ-Experience had been high and bright . To have known the Light and then cast into darkness is an indescribable agony . In desperate longing to know Go d again, I quit work and took off on another Pilgrimage . This began a pattern that has prevailed to this day----trying to belong to the world and serve God at th e same time, trying to make God conform to `this world '--to the old outgoing Piscean order. Jesus had sai d to "be in the world, but not of it ", and that 's what I tried to do, to carry the Christ-Light in the world . Bu t every time I tried to carry the Christ back into the world, it was like short-circuiting high voltage electricity , and I was blasted into another Dark Night of the Soul . God simply refused to be harnessed to `this world' . I was torn between the worldly obligations on the one hand, and the calling of God on the other . As desperately as I tried, I could not walk both paths at once . It had to be one or the other . All I could do was alternate the two---work in the world until the agony became unbearable, and then go on another Pilgrimage . The pilgrimage was the only way I could regain contact with God, just cutting loose from all else but God . The unfoldment from rank atheism seemed to proceed in these distinct stages, like initiatic steps o f some kind . The next pilgrimage led into some deeper contacts, with certain Atlantean and Lemurian fellow ships, the Kabbalah, the Mystery Schools, and finally the Great White Brotherhood . The contact with th e Brotherhood was so exquisite and sublime that I thought surely this must he the end of the trail . Surel y God has no revelation beyond the teachings of these great Ascended Masters . So I. tried, to join the Ascende d Masters' teaching center in California but was run off. They said, `no, you have to have money, and yo u can 't break off with the world . You have to be `in it, but not of it' ." So I ended that pilgrimage and wen t back to work again . (That was about a year ago) . Even though 1 was holding a job, the Anointing persiste d tenuously through about December . I think It was the contact with the Brotherhood that caused it to persist .And another volume of writings started accumulating about a year ago . Some of these would lapse int o elegant poetry, claiming to be the direct inspiration of the great 'I AM' . And it's for sure I 've never had an y poetic talent whatsoever .


Amazingly, the teachings of the Brotherhood corroborated and verified almost 100% of those `writing s' of six years ago, including the concept of Intercession by an Avataric Company . Also, the Brotherhood teaches almost verbatim the story of the Conspiracy as I had been compelled to learn it . It even reveals the same title that the Rothschild's apply to their cult--- `Luciferianism' . So I began a regimen of "attacking" the Luciferians, using many of the decrees and invokations that th e Brotherhood uses . I would work during the day and do this `attacking' when I came home . I built an altar in the form of a 6-foot Cheops Pyramid, and hooked it up as a "regenerative accelerator" to amplify and transmit decrees and invokations . A globe of the world was set in the pyramid with threads, representin g beams of light, running down down from the apex into key trouble spots on the globe . Each spot was tagged with a particular decree .



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k' Then the pyramid was put into the regenerative mode by using a stacked booster array and a feedbac k circuit.:



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P/ckUN CO/L. The coil undeneath the pyramid picks up a "sample" of the pyramid's energy-field and sends it bac k through the boosters for amplification . Thus the system generates an amplified, circulating current o f energy . The self-amplification is analogous to the feedback howl you get in a P .A. system with the volume turned up . But the pyramid's energy is on the higher planes instead of the physical plane . This regenerative-booster system has many counterparts in electronics and radio . The idea behind it is t o generate a current of Light over the whole planet . By sympathetic transference, the planet is "put" in a great etheric pyramid (analogous to the great "City Foursquare" of Revelation), and a current of higher plane energy irradiates and bathes the planet . This current is inscribed with all the decrees, invokations , judgments, songs, and benedictions for planetary healing that are centered in the pyramid . (In sympathetic transferance, symbol and object are One in pure consciousness . There is no separation in size or space or time, even on a planetary scale .) I had hoped that this Altar would generate a strong enough Forcefield to compensate for my having t o be at work during the day . In order to work, I had to break away from God and prayer during the day . Supposedly, this Altar would maintain a satisfactory Forcefield that would make up for it . And you could tell the thing was working and that it wasn't just " wishful thinking" . You could really feel the rich, peacefu l radiations from it, and hear the ethers ringing at a high, clear note . Sensing that it was working, I decide d to increase the power of the system by building the booster array from 8 stages to 64 stages . It was whil e building this new booster assembly that all hell broke loose . 5.

I was violently attacked by astral entities that actually became visible on two occasions . Nightmares, paranoia, Imitations feelings of a vile presence stalking me around, and physical attacks occurred daily . I would rebuke the thing in the name of Christ, but pretty soon it would be hack . The people at work, wh o are normally easy-going and friendly, suddenly became belligerent and vindictive . Things became so chaoti c that I lost the job, lost the apartment, and had to scrap the pyramid and all the booster components associated with it . Only then did the astral attacks slack off . By this time I had lost the tenuous Anointing tha t I'd managed to carry for three months . I had not been `sealed with Christ in God' and was not able to fen d off the Luciferians' counterattacks . So it was time for another. `pilgrimage '. That experience of `attacking' the Luciferians only proved one thing---we have to go beyond duality , beyond `attacking' anything, beyond being `for' and `against'. Only Oneness, only absolute Unity with Go d can be the platform for bringing healing to a world . Attacking the Luciferians is only a higher order o f Maya, a duality on a cosmic scale . Incredibly, even the Brotherhood is at that level of cosmic duality, wit h a sense of "for" and "against" . And , the Brotherhood maintains the divided allegiance between the Piscea n and Aquarian consciousness . Though it sounds terribly presumptuous, there is a level of Oneness, of absolute Unity that lies beyond the ken of the Great White Brotherhood . Though I tried to join up with the Brotherhood, I could not . I had to go on searching for that deeper Unity that knows no duality at all . This last pilgrimage has continue d to the present day . What I've found is that we cannot "MAKE" God do our bidding, no matter how `right ' it appears in our own eyes, even on the cosmic scale of relativity . And every effort to belong to the world failed utterly . God simply will not be harnessed to the world , and He sabotages every effort to belong to it . All I can do is pray, "Lord, not my will but Thine be done" , And His leading is constantly away from the Piscean order . The only consciousness I can relate to is th e Aquarian, and the only people I can relate to are those who are completely into New Age work . It sounds presumptuous, but that's where Providence has led . People who are divided between the two worlds don' t like having me around . It's actually embarrassing to use the word " I " so much, because it sounds so self-centered and vain . Tha t isn't my intention . In telling this story,•my only desire is that God, the True Self, should be lifted up an d glorified . For only as we surrender all desires and motives to Him can we please Him and come into sacred Oneness with Him . Only as we love God above all else in life, even above life itself, can we "see Him as H e is" . Pure, conditionless, unalloyed love for God, even if it costs us all else in life, is the only acceptable sac rifice . If man loves God to this degree, he will know Reality and see God face to face, even as the prophets and avatars who have gone before . And this divine potential is the birthright and destiny of every huma n being . When the human loves God above all else, he or she becomes the very instrument and vessel of Go d in the plane of matter . Indeed, the fully-surrendered human IS God incarnate . The pure devotee's prayer is, "Lord, make me a yielded and surrendered vessel of Thy Will ; Thy will alone be done ". And on into the New Age, when humanity grows into the Higher Consciousness, all the work of huma n hands will be a "Living Scripture " , a testament of the Christ within . The world will become the Immaculate Concept--the Oneness of Spirit and matter as God intended from the beginning, The material plane wil l perfectly out-picture the worlds of heaven . Truly, "Our eyes have seen the glory of the coining of the Lord", and the Christ is being born in th e Earth right now . The Christed Ones and shining avatars already walk unseen among us, waiting to take th e reins of science and government in the New Age . And the priests of True Religion are being born, to on e day restore the Earth's cultures and religions to their pure form . To see the horning of Christ in the world must be comparable to the Magis' feeling when they saw th e Babe in the manger . Or of the old sage of legend who came to see the newborn Prince Siddhartha (Buddha ) and exclaimed, "Now I can leave the world . All my days I have waited to see the coming of this Babe . " The `writings ' of six years ago foretold the "Coming of Christ " in October 1978 . At the time, I presumed it meant a bodily return of Jesus in the orthodox sense, but it didn't mean that . It. could only have mean t that the collective lifewave of the planet passed its lowest ebb at that point and began its ascension . It woul d be like the sun at Winter Solstice, which begins its slow, laborous ascendancy back toward the fullness of Summer, in a figurative "coming of Christ" . I truly believe that the New Age is already inaugurated, and tha t the planet is into its ascension, though it's not yet visible by outer appearances . The New Age is here, jus t like the great oak is in the little sapling . 6.

1 ..

I hope I haven't "bent your ear" too much . In sharing these things with you, there's a small favor I'd like to ask . Could you take a box of manuscripts off my hands? These are some of the "writings " that developed over the past year or so, and I have nowhere to keep them and no room to carry them around . The y were written during "peak moments" and claim to be Cosmic Consciousness . I hate to throw them out, bu t can't find anybody here to take them . They deal with many subjects, including some deeper probes into th e Conspiracy, the symbolism of `Star Wars', `Karmic Intercession' for the world, science and religion in th e Golden Age, the exact meaning of Hyperspace and Hyper-light speeds in the universe and exactly how thes e relate to the `planes' of metaphysics . It explains in detail, without religious metaphor, how the universe i s spanned by waves traveling at hyper-light speeds, and how these waves resonate to the chakras of the huma n body . It shows how the highest wave-speed in the universe resonates at the Crown Chakra, and how, whe n the Crown Chakra is opened, your consciousness flashes out across the universe in a split-second on the highest wave of creation, the OM. The metaphor and symbol of all true religion derives from these highes t wave-states of the universe . By thoroughly debunking the myth that the speed of light is the highest velocity , an incredibly vast yet. simple revelation unfolds about the structure of the universe and the creation of man . It links the macrosm and the microcosm in the unbroken octave-chain of infinity, and shows how creatio n is encoded in the Pyramid . (Did you know that only half of creation, the Mother-Side of Deity, is represente d in the Pyramid?) The builders of the Pyramid left it to our intuition, in pure consciousness, to supply th e other half, the Father-Side, so that now the Pyramid demonstrates the actual process of Creative-dissolutio n that powers a Universe or an atom . It shows the Yin-Yang, the Alpha-Omega, the Shiva-Shakti interchang e that powers and sustains all that is . The primitive boosters and feedback systems described earlier are not necessary when you learn how t o connect the Alpha and Omega energies in the Pyramid . Indeed the very life-force itself is rooted in th e principles codified into the pyramid . I have n personal interest or motive in offering these manuscripts, and take no credit for any of them . Only God the Creator is worthy of recognition or praise, and only He is the author of these amazing man uscripts and poems . Please let me know as soon as possible whether or not you can take them . I have to travel, and can't carry them around . Thanks for your consideration and time . " Sincerely , Bill S .

COSMIC AWARENESS : This Awareness indicates that this entity as having spanned the gap of consciousness, from the old way s to the new, with perfect clarity, perfect understanding, perfect research, perfect presentation as necessary for his perfect message . This Awareness suggests that this message be printed in its entirety, preserved as a special document, an d made available to all who desire copies of this message . This Awareness indicates that in regards to the concern about bringing God into the world and the efforts regarding this, this Awareness indicates that the misinterpretion of the events centered around the concept of bringing God into the world . This Awareness suggests that you bring the world into God, that you bring the world into Light . This Awareness suggests that you be in the Light and be in the world simultaneously ; be of the Light, but not of the world . This Awareness suggests that in this manner, entities may be integrated in both spiritual and physical experiences . This Awareness indicates in all other aspects of this message, the clarity of perception as superb ; the presentation as being excellent and easy to follow, whereby the masses, the readers of this message, will be deeply moved by its sincerity and truth, by its depth of perception and profound vision . This Awareness suggest s that you accept without delay the writings of this entity, and invite this entity, in his travels, to stop b y and meet with you and with the Interpreter . * This Awareness indicates this entity as having special ties with yourself, with the Interpreter, with other s in the Cosmic Awareness movement. The entity as one who has been a Wanderer, who has traveled far , gathered information, and returns to share much which can assist in the work which soon shall be entering a new and powerful phase for establishing the new world, as has long been prophesied . This Awareness ind icates this entity as one of the key members of a group of. Wanderers who have been working through many lifetimes for the lifting of the vibrations on this planet . This Awareness indicates that more will be mad e available regarding this entity at future times . i.

* ED's Note : I already had--the same day I received this letter from Bill . While reading it, I was swept with an overwhelming feeling o f `coming home' again--a feeling that happened a few times before when meeting or reading about certain entities . I tol d him his letter read like a Cosmic Awareness reading, and 'yes', we certainly did want his `writings' and would take goo d care of them . A few weeks later a box arrived in the mail with the readings, along with a letter explaining much of th e information that had been previously destroyed . We hope to periodically publish some of the insights of this entity i n future 'Revelations of Awareness' in a special section titled, "Letters from Bill" as we know he will keep in touch with us as he continues his pilgrimage . About a month later Bill telephoned from Arizona and said he would be up the Northwes t way in a few days . When he arrived in Olympia he called again and Vikki T . and I drove in to pick him up . He was standin g on the corner in a driving rain, a slim figure with a battered old jacket and a worn pair of jeans ; a slim back-pack and a dust y sleeping bag slung over his shoulders . Although people were slaushing up the street, he recognized us, rushing toward us, calling out our names . We embraced . As this material is being put together, early in December 1980, Bill is sitting on the offic e couch, deeply engrossed in the Cosmic Awareness material we have previously published . He has been sitting there on that couch now for almost a week, reading, shaking his head in astonishment that so much of his channeling has been confirme d by Awareness in similar material . He is still wrestling with doubts about his own situation--so many have written him off a s just another crazy . When Paul Shockley arrived a few days ago for the December series of readings, Bill sat in on them . I n one session Bill asked for clarification of his 'writings' concerning the Intercession . Because of this particular response fro m Awareness, the 'Hotline' Heading (No .80-33,'l'he Sacrifice of Manhattan') was released, per instructions from Awareness , using Bill's information as a covering reading which appeared as No . 80-33-A –the request that the membership of CA C help in this Intercession and thus prevent . Manhattan Island from being destroyed . Bill left with Paul for Oregon after th e sessions were over . He wanted to meet the rest of the 'gang' down there . Where Bill goes from there is anybody's guess , but you can rest assured we will do our best to keep in touch with him . While he was here he also read his 'writings' t o Awareness concerning the 'Jewish Myth', which resulted in a forthcoming newsletter entitled, the Synagogue of Satan` ? which opens up a whole new area, exposing the cruel and bitter trip the Zionists have layed upon the Jewish people .



QUESTION : Would Awareness explain the origin of his divinely-inspired writings ? COSMIC AWARENESS : This Awareness indicates this entity as having cleared the cobwebs, the vines, the entanglements fro m the subconscious levels, the sins or demons, or knots (as they are often called) ; this entity as having cleare d the way, the channel to allow the subconscious to have access to the Superconscious or that which is th e Light above . This Awareness indicates that essentially, it was this Christ Consciousness which descende d upon the entity and witnessed through the entity 's channel . This Awareness indicates that essentially, thi s Christ Consciousness as that which interprets the Cosmic Consciousness, or that known as God in som e terminology ; interprets the Cosmic Consciousness according to the language and terminologies availabl e through the instrument or the vehicle through which the Christ Consciousness speaks or expresses . This Awareness indicates that essentially, this was an action of interpreting or channeling these energies fro m high spiritual levels or vibrations from the realms of Celestria, into the material world, through the terminology available to the entity . This Awareness indicates that this terminology and the language and the writing being that which wa s of great value, yet foolishly lost through naive misunderstanding . Therefore, the entity was again give n the message in a way whereby his entire being was put through experience after experience, searching , wandering, until the experiences impressed upon the entity's very soul, upon his cells through movemen t from place to place, relationship to relationship, concept to concept, until the entity had again receive d the message, which could no longer be misplaced, for it was imbedded in experience . This Awareness indicates that this entity as still capable of channeling great messages that can be of profound importance t o others . This entity as needing to be given a certain amount of encouragement, support, and the relation ship with others who are of similar kind, that the ideas may again flow freely, with enthusiasm being generated by the realization that one is not alone in one's visions . This Awareness indicates that there is a time to plant, a time to sow, a time to reap,---there is a time t o hide, a time to shine, a time to wait, a time to act .. This Awareness indicates that there is a time to researc h and study, and a time to share and express . This Awareness indicates that entities of the Light have lon g been waiting in shadows for that time wherein they might shine forth . This Awareness indicates that entitie s in darkness have sought and searched for truth, for Light ; and as Light was discovered, these entities fin d themselves germinating and growing in Light, developing in Light and being capable of bearing fruit in Ligh t that others might also enjoy the Light . This Awareness indicates that this entity as one who is soon to b e expressing these discoveries which have been uprooted through his personal experiences, personal efforts , personal struggles, and the entity shall soon be sharing these discoveries . This Awareness indicates tha t 8.

entities of the Light shall soon find that it is time for the expressions to flood this planet, that the distort ions of the Light may be clarified with greater brightness and definition ; that the dawn and the shadows , the misconceptions and uncertainties which still linger from the fading darkness, that these be overpowere d by the increasing Light, and that clarity shall come forth upon this plane as the New Age dawns . This Awareness indicates that this entity as a ray which can light the path for many, that they, too, may begi n to shine forth their Light . THE


(More on Prophecy and the Christian Fundamentalists )

QUESTION : When he spoke about the 11th hour cosmic intercession to forestall Armageddon, called the 3rd covenan t and the changing of prophecies, would this 3rd covenant be all of that which has been occurring when th e Skoptsis in the Spring of 1979 behind the scenes started the crumbling of the Illuminati---is that what h e is referring to ? COSMIC AWARENESS : This Awareness indicates that this activity of the Skoptsis as indeed part of the action which is changin g the script . This Awareness indicates, however, that there are also other forces including this Awarenes s movement, including many of the other light groups which are also having profound effects in changin g the script. This Awareness reminds entities that this message of the changing of the script was given quit e a number of years ago, whereby this Awareness indicated that time would be speeding up and prophesie s which were given would not occur as prophesied . This Awareness indicates that likewise, It also gave information that the battle of Armageddon would not transpire as had been prophesied, but would be experienced in a lesser degree because the battle had already been won on the inner planes .

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This Awareness indicates that presently, entities may be relatively assured that the script which i s prophesied by the fundamentalists following the Book of Revelation assuming that a great power, th e anti-Christ, will set up its control and that entities shall be enslaved by the mark of the beast----This Awareness indicates that all of these forewarnings, while still carrying forth some energies, this as being dissipate d very quickly at this time ; the cobwebs or Rhyee, the knots of Lucifer as that which are being burnt awa y by the rising temperature of consciousness This Awareness indicates that the script as that which i s changing . This Awareness indicates that this as the seal which was closed and whereby instructions were given no t to speak of these things . This Awareness indicates that this hidden seal as that which disclosed that tim e would be speeded up and the script would be changed and therefore the prophesies would not occur . This Awareness indicates this may be recognized as a self-destructive prophecy, whereby the prophecy is mad e in such a manner as to destroy its own reality . This Awareness indicates that self-destructive prophecies ar e those whereby the prophecy describes the energies which are in movement but, by the very action of suc h prophecy, a control is set up which has its effect of causing a different outcome, so that the prophecy doe s not occur as prophesied . This Awareness indicates that the fundamental Christian organizations shall continue looking for their prophecies to occur on schedule and shall find resemblances and shall reinforce th e beliefs in these scriptures as interpreted, and these entities will point here and there, at this group, and sa y `this must be the anti-Christ, this must be the devil' . This Awareness indicates these entities searching here and there for evil, searching here and there for the Christ, searching the skies for the Kingdom of Heaven , searching the skies for the return of Christ---this Awareness indicates that these entities often forget th e message which Christ gave : that the Kingdom of Heaven is within . This Awareness indicates that the entity also gave, "I and the rather are one ." This Awareness indicate s that this as a message that the entity was integrated within the Kingdom of'Heaven, which was within, an d with the divine force of the God or Christ Consciousness,---the Light, the Truth, the Way . This Awareness indicates that these entities prefer to think of this Christ Consciousness as being a physical body descendin g from above, and that any who do not accept this literal interpretation are `working for the devil' . This Awareness indicates that these entities shall continue to preach these messages . This Awareness suggests, however, that as this is occurring on stage 1, on stage 2, a new show is begin ning and the audience and actors and actresses are beginning to recognize that greater Light, greater opportunity and greater expression is allowed on this stage, with less condemnation . This Awareness indicates that they also recognize greater freedom and greater understanding with less dogma and therefore, stage 2 is beginning to show itself upon the face of the earth and the `second comin g' , or second act of the Chris t drama as that which begins . 9

This Awareness indicates that the tired and worn-out message of those pushing sin down the throats o f the masses, pushing salvation down their throats, -- this worn-out message as that which shall bore th e audience, and entities searching for the everlasting Light of truth, the Spirit and living waters of the Christ , shall begin to explore stage 2 and shall find their thirst quenched and their spirits enlightened with the foo d and mana which lifts their souls in the rapture of that Second Coming .





(Moro on rho Luciforian Energies )

QUESTION : Awareness, there is a pretty large ground swell among the fundamentalists now, trying to become a political force going back to the basic fundamental precepts and pushing for certain candidates . Now, if th e events that were discussed in the earlier reading about New York should occur and these entities woul d cite Biblical prophecy, (this being another example of Biblical prophecy and the end times, and would us e this to frighten entities into joining this force),---the basic question is : If these events occur, will this fundamentalist movement become large enough to threaten entities who do not believe in this ? COSMIC AWARENESS : This Awareness indicates this as a possibility . This Awareness indicates that this likened unto the hypocrites,--those who mouth the words of Christ, those who cry out the name of Christ, those who spout th e scriptures of Christ, those who claim the favors of Christ .---This Awareness indicates that these entities ma y very well have the opportunity to show the world how they would behave, given absolute power in Christ' s name . This Awareness indicates that in so doing, these entities may indeed show their true face—whethe r they shall he Christlike, merciful, loving, tolerant or whether they shall be demonic, bigoted, dogmatic , hostile and ruthless in their attacks on others . This Awareness indicates that depending on which face the y show, this will determine their own outcome and the future of their movement . This Awareness indicates that essentially, a Luciferian is capable of many faces and can, without grea t difficulty, change religions, change scriptures, change faces and hop upon the popular wagon . This Awareness indicates that Luciferians can preach Christianity, can preach salvation, can spout scripture as proof , can collect vast fortunes, can appear self-sacrificing . This Awareness indicates that Luciferians can ask fo r the blood of those who do not follow, who do not believe according to their interpretation . Luciferian s can ask for `holy wars ' in the name of Christ, in the name of any being . This Awareness indicates that Luciferians come in all colors, in all shapes, in all concepts, in all religions ; the distinction is in discovering whether they live off of the energies of others, whether they live at th e expense of others, whether they grab what they can for themselves, or whether they give freely mercy, love , concern for the welfare of others, and are tolerant of the rights of others to live, believe, think freely, s o long as they are not harming others . This Awareness indicates when entities become intolerant of another' s thinking, such entities are channeling Luciferian thoughts ; wherein an entity is intolerant of the rights o f others to question, to discuss, to think,---these entities are attempting to control the mind . This Awareness indicates that, likewise, the fundamentalist Christians have the right to believe literally in their interpretation, so long as they do not violate alters because of their interpretation .


QUESTION : Would Awareness comment on the part of Bill's letter where he referred to the Second Son as being assigned the spiritual number 888?


COSMIC AWARENESS : This Awareness indicates that the number of the Beast as 666 . That entities drawing out the figure o r number 6, will notice that this movement as that which comes from outside and moves in to a center point . This Awareness indicates this as an action symbolic of self-centeredness. This Awareness indicates the number 9 as going in the opposite direction, as an action of expansion . This Awareness indicates that this actio n going from a center outward in a clockwise motion, symbolizes the action of moving out in space into consciousness, away from self-centeredness . This Awareness indicates that wherein the number 6 as repeate d three times, this number moving in a counter-clockwise direction, that this as equated or related to th e Luciferian ritual of three counter-clockwise circles to draw in the negative forces or that force of greed , selfishness, lustful power . This Awareness indicates that likewise, the Zodiac sign having twelve department s in the 6th house, or 6th sign of Virgo, the energies of this sign as related unto the classification or the separation effect,---this the harvest, whereby the fruits are taken from the vines, the details are separated fro m the generalities, the files are created to signify the entity, and the file records the data relating to the entity . This Awareness indicates that this as a form of separation in a symbolic sense, whereby the fruits of theentit :. are placed upon paper in a file . This Awareness indicates that this as related to the 6th sign, that of Virgo, an d as a form of record-keeping or classification for purposes of control . This Awareness indicates that in this 6th sign of Virgo, there may be seen various departments of activitie s in human affairs, which also can be classified astrologically . This Awareness indicates that if you classify thi s astrologically and discover that one area of the sign of Virgo is the 6th area, and with astrological classifications, you will discover that this 6th area having intensified Virgo qualities ; this will also be seen as furthe r classification of the files . This Awareness indicates that the ultimate classification of the Virgo qualitie s would be the 6th sign, the 6th department, and the 6th branch of that department, and this would equat e to a computer holding information on the individual . This Awareness indicates that likewise, in the 7t h branch or sign of Libra, which is concerned with relationship, with laws, balance, harmony of relationship s between entities, the 7th part of that Libra sign would be especially concerned with contracts and agreements or marriages ; and if this were defined to an even greater degree, this being 777, this would be an actio n of total rapport, total harmony, perfect relationship . This Awareness indicates this 777 as being used as th e symbol for Christ . This Awareness indicates that in the 8th sign of the Zodiac of Scorpio, the energy as that which relate s to infinity and transmutation,--the exchange of energies . This Awareness indicates the 8th department o f that sign would be an even more intense transmutation, and the 8th department of that being likened unt o an ultimate transmutation on three levels : body, mind and spirit . This Awareness indicates that this 888 ma y be compared to the New Being which this Awareness has spoken of in previous messages, particularly durin g the late 1960's and early ' 70 ' s . This Awareness indicates that this New Being is that which is the transmutation which may experience, through certain changes which will occur, the everlasting life,---even in physica l form . This Awareness indicates this relates to the double helix, the molecular chain of the DNA and RN A coding, particularly wherein this molecule is twisted likened unto a mobius strip, which has no beginnin g and no end—this as a figure 8 with a twist that allows eternal life .


(Closing Message ) This Awareness indicates there is seen a time wherein entities in the physical bodies may be given a vaccine or a shot which will change their genetic coding, so that the cells of the body begin to move int o that pattern for eternal life, the pattern for immortality in the physical sense . This Awareness indicate s that this will, of course, allow entities to have the time in a single lifetime to learn how to develop an d grow spiritually to such advancement that they can literally dissolve their bodies at will and travel in ligh t bodies to other places, and reassemble their molecules in that other place . This Awareness indicates this a s teleportation, whereby entities may transcend both time and space, both spirit and matter, according t o their own inclination : and in this manner, that entities become the Elohim, which is their destiny . 11 .

ED's Note : I would like to share with you some excerpts from several letters from Bill which he wrote to me before he arrived :

"Dear Avaton---Here are those manuscripts : Feel free to use any or all of them any way you see fit . I won' t be wanting them back, but was just glad to find someone who would look at them and give them a `goo d home' . Thank you for the booklet . Reading it was pure ecstasy, a tremendous spiritual `high' . It struck s o many chords that I had to put it down for a while, the current was so intense . In reading and re-reading your booklet, " Cosmic Awareness Speaks", I am thunderstruck at the levels o f consciousness and the depth of knowledge Awareness has touched . Particularly, the `12 States of Consciousness' could only be gleaned from the very deepest levels . Your knowledge of the `Star Wars ' symbolism an d the "reprogramming of the Beast ' s occult power by the Forces of Light was immensely intriguing . . Yo u even have a comprehensive program for people at all levels of unfoldment, such as your Hospitality Hous e and various teaching programs . It's apparent now that the main thrust of the New Age Movement, DOES come from a level beyond th e Spiritual Hierarchy or Brotherhood levels . In my own experience, I could see these things, yet I was in a constant battle with the "rational mind", which kept insisting it was all imagination or hocus-pocus . Even against my family's condemnation and criticism I had to stake everything that the intuition was right an d the `rational mind' was wrong . During the 'Dark Nights of the Soul', the doubts and trepidations woul d come in legion . And then another 'pilgrimage' to regain the Cosmic Contact, and the knowledge woul d he real again . You folks are the first embodied agents I ' ve found who also have this knowledge . Sometimes during thos e ` writings', the message would come through as "We " , indicating agents on an inner plane .Do you tie an y special significance to the number 888 in your revelations? Other highly-evolved movements such as th e Brotherhood, Ekankar, Bubba Free John, etc . don't have the comprehensive knowledge found in you r movement . Communicating with you is a tremendous "morale booster" and I don ' t feel near so `alone' i n the world . You've corroborated and verified the whole trip, and given a fresh infusion of resolve that cut s through all arguments of the ` rational mind ' . One amazing thing you mention is the meditation involving 144 pulsations of light for planetary healing . That pyramid altar last year, with the globe inside, was also set up with 144 divisions . It was cut into 1 2 tiers or `foundations' and 12 vertical divisions or `gates' as in the `City Fourscluare'of Revelation . Thes e 144 divisions were made with wood and string on the open faces of the pyramid . But it's an intriguin g corolary with your 144 `pulsations' . We must've been on the same wavelength, manifesting the same concept through different vehicles . I find your booklet full of these corolaries . Sincerely, Bill PS : If Awareness indicates to you that I have made any mistakes or let my own imagination get int o these channelings, I'd appreciate knowing, so I can make corrections .

"Watch, America "

"Behold the Holy City cometh down from Go d the Holy On e Where the Northern Ocean brightens and the rollin g rivers ru n past the glacier-studded headlands 'neath the rising New-Age sun . For thy Fathers, long before thee, armed with Freedom , faced the deep ; What they won with love and anguish let thy childre n watch and keep . By thy bright and verdant forests , 'heath thy free and shining skies, by thy vast and ripening prairies, where the Western mountains rise ; God who gave thy fathers Freedom , God who made thy fathers brave ; what they built with love and labor , let thy children watch and save " . (A poem by Bill--'adapted from a poem by another author' )

REVELATIONS OP AWARENESS is a cosmic newsletter published every two weeks by Cosmic Awarenes s Communications, (A non-profit organization), P .O . Rox 115, Olympia, Washington 98507 . Rates on request .

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