Cosmic Awareness 1981-03: "What's Ahead For The Aquarian Church, CAC And The Cosmic Awareness Crew

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Cosmic Awareness Communication s )' .O . Sox 115, Olympia, wasitington 9850 7

Price : $1 .5d

COSMIC AWARnNFSS is the Force that expressed itself through Jesus of Nazareth, the Buddha, Krishna, Mohammed, Edgar Cayce and other great avatars who nerved au ' Charncls ' for the 'Heavenly k other ' and who apears :Main today as the world twgins to enter the New Ag e of spiritual consciousness and awareness . Since 1063 Cosmic Awareness has been communicating'. through carefully-trained channels . The for nestles contained herein was received from deep su Ter-conscious trance levels and ' interpreted ' by an entity affiliated with C .A .C. Thi s Information is for those who desire to help in bringing in the New Age . Throughout the thousands of ' Readings' given through these channels , Cosmic Awareness tolls us not to believe anything, but to question, explore, doubt, and discover for yourself, through our own channel, what to the truth . Cosmic Awareness will only Indicate and suggest . Neither C .A .C ., the Aquarian Church of Universal Service or the Interpreter , Paul Shockley is responsible for anything Cosmic Awareness may state in any of these readings, not does C .A .C . or Paul Shockley necessaril y believe or ngree with the statements of Cosmic Awareness . Paul interprets the energies as he sees them in trance levels and is not personall y responsible for what is said .Membors of C .A .C . are invited to send in questions of general interest to ask Awareness for possible publication .





C .A .C .






(from a C .A .C . General Reading ) November 6, 1981 )

Paul Shockley, Interpreter


Last night, Awareness gave a general view of what's ahead in 1981 . Would Awareness please indicate if ther e is any problems in store for the Aquarian Church or C .A .C . in the forthcoming year, particularly in light o f the new Administration and relative to information that we are putting out? And also, any other suggestion s It might have so that the service can be expedited or increased to the membership ? " Revelations of Awareness' No, RI-1 (What's Ahead in 1981)

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COPYRIGHT .' 981 by Cosmic Awareness Communications & the Aquarian Church of Universal Service . Reproduction by permission .

COSMIC AWARENESS : This Awareness indicates that it appears there will be less intensities in regards to these organization s during the coming year . This Awareness indicates it appears that the energies surrounding the lawsui t against the Aquarian Church are now diminishing, that much of that force which was attacking the Churc h has diverted its attention elsewhere, feeling it has sufficiently damaged the Church and to weaken its performance, allowing the energies to be turned elsewhere . This Awareness indicates that the entities involve d in the lawsuit against the Church appear at this point to be questioning their position more than previously , as the energies begin to indicate a lack of support for their position . This Awareness indicates it appears tha t this will begin to turn more favorably toward the Church within a few weeks, or before the end of the year . This Awareness indicates that there appears to be some potential, (although this appears to be quite slight, ) for possible threats or possible intensive energies against Cosmic Awareness Communications at som e point in the near future, this appears to be aimed at the Spring quarter or early summer . This Awareness indicates that this energy seems to be hovering, not manifested at this point, and the direction of its activity i s not clear . This Awareness indicates this appears to be an attack prepared by the Alien Force energies, bu t appears to be very weak in terms of the kind of energy available for its efforts . This appears to be muc h more weak than that which was directed against the Aquarian Church ; this Awareness indicates this bein g approximately one-fifth of the energy . This Awareness indicates it does appear that it could manifest in some trouble and time-consumin g expenses to the organization, if indeed, it is allowed to manifest . This Awareness indicates, however, tha t with proper protection and attention and careful examination and discernment, this can be avoided altogether, as there is still plenty of time for the further questioning and exploration of the nature of the potential . This Awareness suggests that the entity Sam Millar in his Tarot readings can he consulted from tim e to time regarding this potential . This Awareness indicates that, in terms of the service available to the membership, this Awareness indicate s that it appears that in regards to the coming times, intensities which may occur externally in the world as indicated in the 1981 . predictions given by this Awareness yesterday, that these events will powerfully over shadow the messages which are being released through this organization, and entities who are presently receiving information from this organization will continue, in general, receiving guidance and informatio n through this source and through others which are and have been referred to . This Awareness indicates also the SPIRAL organizations appear to be relatively safe . This Awareness indicates, however, that there does appear to be a potential within this country for national emergency effort s to be implemented which, in turn, could create dictatorial concerns or situations which might temporaril y curtail communications of this sort . This Awareness indicates it appears this is very unlikely, as even thoug h the efforts may be made to set up a kind of national emergency dictatorship, that it would be very short lived, and that it would be essentially impossible to enforce, due to internal distrust of the government an d also the external forces which would have influence on the affairs of this nation . This Awareness indicates . therefore, it appears that, even in the unlikely event that this occurs, it does not appear to be a major threa t to the organizations associated . This Awareness indicates that there does appear to be a time where a less frantic and more solid approac h to building the foundation and membership of this organization, and particularly in terms of the Aquaria n Church, throughout the year of 1981, this as becoming more solid and energized . This Awareness indicates that this requires a greater sense of the steady hand, wherein less radical movements, statements, activities , and less weaving back and forth or vacillation becomes necessary, whereby greater attention is put on th e purpose and direction, discerning clearly and more cautiously what is, so that the alarms are not triggere d as often, and a steady move forward in time and space and energy is implemented, as the organization s build with greater solidity .

This Awareness indicates that the Aquarian Church has been under severe stress from the time it firs t began, having barely been incorporated before forced into service, having been launched before any of it s holes were patched, having been on the verge of sinking almost from its inception, having been asked t o create charters and give service in various ways when not having crew or supplies, having been involved i n assisting and launching other ships such as the Goodship, the Scholarship, and the various other department s of the Church, when in fact the Headquarters Church itself, the Mother Church, was not operational ; this Awareness indicates that essentially, it was pressed into service without being seaworthy . This Awarenes s indicates that now it is beginning to float, the flooding is subsiding, holes are being patched, and its hull i s being restructured, repaired, and it appears that within the year 1981, it shall become seaworthy . `Phi s Awareness indicates that there are also entities who have volunteered help, time, talents, and some energie s toward this support . This Awareness indicates that in terms of the Scholarship, the Peace College : it appears that this also i s beginning to move toward greater success, that there are still many problems to be solved, but wherein on e year ago this project was sinking and its SOS was unheard, today it is afloat,---listing somewhat,--but movin g toward shore for proper repairs, restructuring, and to be made seaworthy within a reasonable time . This Awareness indicates that the Readership (Cosmic Awareness Communications) has far outstretched the rest of the fleet in its mov e through the Passage Perilous, through the dangerous waters, and has prove n the path to be one which can be navigated as entities move toward the Source . This Awareness indicates that this ship as strong, the membership or reader ship as being seaworthy veterans, these entities having great courage, integrity , and spiritual strength, able to respond to crises, able to respond to emergencies, generous in their energies---these entities generally as a crew to b e proud of in every way . This Awareness indicates that these entities a s having effected, to some degree, a change in the course of history, eve n though the story may never be told in public affairs or history books . Thi s Awareness indicates that the action being that wherein the crew knows wha t occurred, and others know what occurred, even though it may not hav e made the wide screen or newspapers . This Awareness indicates that this crew of the Readership as that whic h is of great strength to the Forces of Light, which is being watched an d which is under special grace from the Forces of Light . This Awarenes s refers entities to a vision of Elizabeth Clare Prophet,* printed in he r predictions for the 1980's, in which se describes a clipper ship which she saw in a vision, guided by the han d of God, moving through a very narrow passage, which she felt would be disastrous and impossible to navigate : and yet somehow it makes it through ; and this an action by which humanity is symbolized, and someho w humanity make it through, into the Golden Sea . This Awareness suggests entities recognize this passage b y this channel as being very familiar to the activities of the Readership and of the fleet of these forces of thi s Awareness in Its voyage into and through the Sea of Consciousness . This Awareness indicates that this fleet, and all of these Ships of the Aquarian Church and Cosmic Awareness Communications shall pass through that Passage Perilous, and each individual aboard, searching for th e depths of his or her own soul, returning to the Source, shall pass through that Passage Perilous . This Awareness indicates that the entity Dr . Beter experienced this passage through the Passage Perilous through tha t heart attack ; This Awareness indicates that these entities, moving toward that point of no return, to th e Source of their Being, must each move through that Passage Perilous ; and in that movement, must surrende r to the hand of God, and allow that hand to take the wheel and guide the soul through that narrow passag e to the Golden Sea . This Awareness indicates this also is in store for the ship of state, these United States of America ; and also for each and every country on this planet . . . .Some who have already passed through this Passage Perilous , others yet to come . 3.

This Awareness indicates there have been, and there will be casualties . There have been, and there will be , those who leap overboard in fear, and refuse to go onward . There have been and will be, those who look an d listen to the sirens' voices calling to them, who go mad in their ecstasy or in their fear, who are drawn to th e siren voices . There are those who will be pulled by spirits, by promises, by jewels, by promises of grea t wealth, who will leap overboard and seek to find these gratifications, these treasures . This Awareness indicates that there are, however, some who will tie themselves to the mast and stay with the ship and move throug h the Passage Perilous and remain on course, to the Golden Sea and their Source . * ED's Note : Although Awareness looks from the Cosmic view of things and refers to C .A.C. and its members as the 'Readership', the actual fact is that C.AC. and the Aquarian Church are two separate organisations created by Cosmic Awareness and have no legal binding to on e another except in spirit and mutual goals . C.A.C. is chartered in the state of Washington, the Aquarian Church of Universal Service in th e state of Oregon and have no legal affiliation with one another . The hook by Elizabeth Clare Prophet : `Prophecy for the 1980's : The Handwriting on the Wall . ($ L .95 from Summit University Press, Box A, Malibu, California 90205).Not:e : C .A.C . does not stock this book . Her description of the clipper shi p passing through the narrow isthmus, with very high mountains, like fjords, sounds much like the illustration of the shi p we used as the symbol in 'Revelations of Awareness' No . 79-14 (The Passage Perilous : Humanity at the I3rink) ;$$3 .00 .


QUESTION : Awareness has just indicated that in the future it will not . be necessary to ring the alarm so often as wa s done in the past . Why was it necessary to ring the alarms in the past if all these crises points will not b e passed until some time in the future? In other words, why does Awareness indicate there will be fewe r alarms in the coming times even though the crises continues for the next six years? COSMIC AWARENESS : This Awareness indicates that it appears that the alarms were necessary as warnings, to alert the ship an d its movement and course, to alert the navigators and pilots to the areas of greatest danger ; that this likene d unto a sonar device upon a ship, wherein the alarms were sounded and entities could assist as much as possibl e in turning the tide, in turning the energies and movements . This Awareness indicates that there are still dange r points upcoming, but these are such as can be seen clearly, as will be seen clearly by those veteran sailors , those experienced mariners, who have learned to look into the muddled and misty waters and see the surfac e to the truth below, and who are now able, without so much sonar guidance, to watch for these dangerou s areas, to respond instinctively and spontaneously to assist in the guidance of the craft through these dangerous times . This Awareness has given, in particular, the times running between November and March of 1981, an d again in ,luly . This Awareness indicates that these are areas to watch for . That this may be recognized as a chart, assisting in the charting of the way, warnings for entities to watch these dangerous areas and times . This Awareness indicates that therefore, entities need not experience such great sudden alarms, but ma y see the dangers and respond voluntarily, according to the needs . This Awareness will continue giving suggest ions in these times, that entities may be able to coordinate and respond as necessary, but these actions nee d not be so alarming as before, for entities are now awake and above deck, and are fully aware of the Passag e Perilous through which they sail . This Awareness indicates that 18 months ago, or 24 months ago, when this Awareness first gave fort h the information on the Gathering Storm, this information was a shocking transmission ; this informatio n alarmed entities . This Awareness indicates that ,W was preparing entities for the times, for the storm whic h was brewing, and for the Passage Perilous, through which entities must sail . This Awareness indicates tha t in the further movements through this Passage Perilous, again ,W created alarms, and others sounded th e alarms, and entities were awakened or were angered, and some were so fearful as to leap overboard an d desert the ship and swim back to shore and security---some departing from their mates, some calling thei r mates insane for following such a course . This Awareness indicates however, the move continued, and th e energies flowed and the ship, moving through the Passage Perilous, has assisted as a guide for other energie s to follow through this narrow isthmus and passageway, toward the Golden Sea .


This Awareness indicates that when one moves in attention, one creates a vacuum which draws fort h others to follow in that vacuum—and in this manner, an entity moving in great attention becomes a leade r without seeking leadership . (Closing Message)


This Awareness indicates that entities who are now passing through these times are those who are indee d fortunate---in that they are being given an opportunity to move from one level of consciousness into another , and to watch and learn and absorb and experience all of the movement between these levels of consciousness . This Awareness indicates the consciousness level which was prevalent in 1950 is no longer present--tha t being a third-dimensional consciousness, and few entities cling to that level of consciousness to the sam e degree as in those times . For now, the level of consciousness is that which is the fourth, and more and mor e entities are making the transition, and moving into this fourth dimension of consciousness---that based upo n change and imagination, uncertainties, instability, free-flow of energies, for good or ill ; the ability to create with the mind, with the motives, with the free-flow of energies, And this fourth dimensional consciousnes s which is now being given to humanity is that which is a new toy, a new world, a new experience, a ne w circumstance, in which entities must adapt themselves .

CD's Note : We wrote Clare Prophet to ask her permission to reprint the passage from her book whic h Awareness has referred to . At press time we had not received a response . If we,hcar horn her befor e this job it collated, this information will be printed on the back of this page .

REVELATIONS OF AWARENESS is a cosmic newsletter published every two weeks by Cosmic Awareness Communications , P .O . Box 115, Olympia, Washington 98507 (A non-profit organization) . Subscription rates and other info available on request .



Ell's Note :

This is the first 'Letter from Bill ' we are publishing as we feel this information is helpful in transmuting the negativ e energies now engulfing this planet . Bill ' s channel has been cleared by Awareness ; his perceptions from a differen t viewpoint should help many C .A .C . entities who sometimes view the Awareness viewpoint as 'too cosmic' . It wasy Bill ' s question which led to the release of the 'Hotline' (80-33A)$3 .00, `Help Save Manhattan' which was recentl released . In a forthcoming newsletter, you will hear more of this entity in a reading called "A Search for God" .

THE MEANING OF UNIVERSAL ONENES S Dear Avaton : For some reason people find it hard to believe that there is a higher part of themselves that reache s up into the vast, ever-expanding domains of space . Yet it is true . Every human has this Higher Self tha t merges out into the Cosmos, into the ultimate unity of God . And when the motive is pure, when there is pure devotion and surrender toward this Higher Self, that's when you actually start experiencing you r status as a cosmic being, a god . And you begin to wield invisible influence over a nation, a world, a sta r system, or even a galaxy . Our love toward God and our surrender to the will of God makes us the instrumen t of God in bringing healing and salvation to a world . All the biological rhythms of the body–the heartbeat, the breath cycle, and even the brain waves tha t you see in an electroencephologram---these are all replicas of waves that ebb and flow and pulse acros s the vastness of the Universe . They are stepped down, focused down into this little lump of clay that walk s around upright here on the planet's surface . But our True Self, our Higher Self, is forever `out there' amon g the stars and beyond the stars as well as right here . Truly God is everywhere and in everything--from th e mundane clay of the Earth to the highest plane of the Universe, out where our Universe is seen as merel y an atom in yet a higher cosmos . With the great Intercession that spanned the years 1975 through 1979, the Earth came through th e straits of Armageddon relatively unscathed . By outward physical appearances, the world is still going alon g pretty much the same as it was prior to 1975 . There just isn't much outward evidence of an Armageddo n having been averted through an 11th-hour Intercessiol, . But had that Intercession not occurred, the worl d would at this minute be lying in destruction, in the aftermath of a titanic nuclear holocaust . The power of the antichrist was not entirely dissolved, however . It is still alive and dangerous . And i t may come as a shock to many people to learn that the United States is a captive satellite of Russia, brough t about mainly through the nefarious SALT treaties . The "freedoms" and material affluence that American s still enjoy are illusions, a narcosis, like the `freedom' of a horse in a corral . But it could be much worse . W e could be under a full military occupation ; or, at another level, the U .S . would have been destroyed altogethe r by nuclear war . Intercession has reduced the severity of Armageddon by many orders of magnitude . Ou r status as a vassal of Russia is the least severe outcome of the Armageddon war . Due to the manifold acts of intercession during the "Passage Perilous " of 1975-79, the power of Armageddon was greatly defused, and the antichrist was fragmented and severely disrupted . But it is tryin g mightily to renew itself . It is still venomous and is lashing out like a trapped rat ; you see this in its strikes against Afgahanistan and Poland and in its activities in Iraq and Iran . Now is not the time to slack off o r give the antichrist any ` breathing space ' to regroup its forces . The big project now is the " mopping up"--throwing off the Soviet noose from the United States an d further dissolving the antichrist 's power in the world . This is the purpose of continuing the Intercession an d stepping up the rites of High Magic, radiating more and more Light into the world . People may argue wit h this and say, "How can mere humans effect such an Intercession? Humans are not gods" . Well, that is th e arguments of the rational mind . Humans are gods if they will surrender wholeheartedly to the Higher Self , and through the opening of the crown chakra, enter into communion with the Universe, with God . "Whatsoever ye shall loose on Earth shall be loosed in heaven, and whatsoever is loosed in heaven shall be loose d on Earth" . That is the secret of `Sympathetic Magic', or the resonance of the human organism to the Higher spheres of the Universe . Through these higher realms of Hyperspace or heaven, you "put" yourself out into

the cosmos where you can cradle the Earth in your arms and breathe healing and life back into it . Such a meditation can be "grounded" by using a little globe of the Earth, knowing that there is no difference between the symbol and object in Higher Consciousness . In true prayer, it is like the scripture says, "As i n heaven so below " . The deepest form of prayer is the opening of the chakra, primarily the Crown chakra, which "connects " you with all the spheres of the Universe with abosolute certainty, because you ARE the Universe codifie d into this little clay form . It matters not that you're confined in this earthly body . You also inhabit th e Universe . True prayer, Cosmic Consciousness, the opening of the chakras, is our awakening to our nativ e state as Cosmic beings, merging together all the planes of the Higher Self . The Earth's remaining karma can be swiftly transmuted and she can be sped quickly into the New Age i f a few humans can be found who will hold onto this God-Contact through the Crown chakra and maintai n the rites of Magic for the Earth . The rites can be elaborate or simple, even using such a simple chant as "Th e Earth is the Lord's and the fulness thereof" . Or, C .A .C . 's meditation with the 144 pulsations of Light i s also good . The Universe hears the Concept, and registers its return on the planetary ethers . All prayer ha s some effect, and does some good . And no sincere prayer shall ever be discounted or discouraged . It all helps . But the working of High Magic at the maximum level requires the absolute, uncompromising surrender t o the will of God . It is the truest attitude of "not my will but thine be done . " All personal motive and vanity must he sublimated to the Highest Will . That is why there can be no fraternizing or compromising with th e artificial, mundane consciousness of the world . At some intermediate levels of consciousness, there has to b e compromise with the world, being "in it but not of it" . But not so with the Highest . The Highest level o f consciousness is not even in the world, and tolerates no compromise with it . "This world", this dualistic world of relative good-and-evil, is being dismantled and replaced by a Rea l world . And the Real world is rooted in the pure Oneness of God, no longer divided by the old concepts o f relative good-and-evil . Even that which was deemed "good " in the world was only good on a relative scale . The `good' of this world was only a lesser degree of evil . An example is the rock culture : it may have been considered'good' by some, but from the standpoint of Oneness, it was only an alternate form of evil . (This statement refers largely to punk and acid rock .) Duality is the relative system that has been set up in separation from God . But the age of duality is closing . The age of Maya, of relativity, is giving way to the Ag e of Reality, when "the eye shall be single, and we shall see Him as He is" . The New Age is the Immaculate Concept, the spiritualization of all things . All things will be seen a s "Living Scriptures" of the One Reality of God . There 'll be no more sense of spirit and matter, of God an d man, or of creation and procreation . As man's consciousness opens to the highest plane, all things are see n as facets of the One Spirit, and all the work of human hands becomes a testament of the living Christ . I n mathematics, there is a formula that goes like this : lxlxI.x1x1=1 . There may be many forms and faces of the One, but there is always only the One. This was also the basic tenet of the Law of One in Atlantis : The old outgoing order was like a tapestry, full of dark threads and light threads . Its pattern was derive d from the contrasting of the dark and the light threads . But the New Order is a fabric of pure white . Its contrast lies in comparing it to the entirety of the old system . The old system with its internal duality lies separate and apart from the New Order of pure white . In the New Order, there is no concept of duality excep t that of Reality versus illusion . And the old system, with its internal opposites, is the illusion . The old syste m is rooted in Maya, the sense of separation from God . But Reality is the spiritualization of all things, throug h the awakening of man to his divine identity . That is when all humans will regain Consciousness, awake fro m their stupor, and regain the "Paradise .Lost" . And to precipitate this New Age of Oneness, there has to be one element in the Earth that tolerates n o compromise with the old dualistic system . That is the return of the Law of The One to the Earth, whic h has been lost since the days of Atlantis . Granted, there are many New Age workers, in publishing works an d so on, who have to compromise with the old system . But they should also understand the position of thos e few who do have to forsake all ties in order to give totally to the Law of One . All levels of consciousness are involved in the transition to the New Order . And as the New Age progresses and the old system drops away, all entities will gradually unfold into the purity of Christ, fulfilling the La w of the One . That is the High Country of. Consciousness, the New Jerusalem, the `Great Republic Not Mad e with Hands ' , the truest meaning of America . It is the mystical "Rising of Atlantis", the City of God, th e " place prepared from the foundation of the world ". Yours truly, Bill . "Letters from Bill" are published periodically as a service to the C .A .C . membership and is published b y Cosmic Awareness Communications, P .O . Box 115, Olympia, Washington 98507 . Information on request .

How You Can Help To Heal Mother Eart h A Special Request From Cosmic Awarenes s (From a C .A .C . reading given 8/17/1976 ) Paul Shockley, Interpreter This Awareness asks that entities who read this message, to spend approximately fiv e minutes prior to falling asleep each night for a period of one week, imaging the worl d floating in space, and visualizing this world as having certain areas of darkness, and feelin g the presence of this world floating in space, likened to the pictures of the earth taken fro m the moon . This Awareness asks that entities then begin visualizing the earth as gathering a type o f "halo" around itself: an aura of light ; and to watch this light as It grows, and see this ligh t pulsating . This Awareness suggests that entities then count the pulsations of light, and that the y count silently to 144 (one hundred and forty-four) pulsations : and as this Is completed, tha t they move themselves back into the light and back on to the earth and experience the ligh t which they have created . This Awareness asks that entitles do this for at least seven days ; that this needs to be don e nightly, throughout the rest of the year, if entities can bring themselves to putting out tha t much energy . This Awareness Indicates that the action of putting forth this energy will bring man y rewards ;o entities under the Law of Gratitude, and they shall find themselves being heale d on many levels as they move into the light . This Awareness suggests that after entities move back into the Image of the earth no w lighted, they may also begin feeling the pulsations around their own body, feeling themselves pulsating as light, and may also count 144 pulsations . This Awareness suggests this may be used on other entities who need healing .

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