Cosmic Awareness 1981-05: The Nature Of Truth

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Cosmic Awareness Communication s P .O . Box 115 . Olympia, Washington 9850 7

COSMIC AWARENESS is the Force that expressed Itself through Jesus of Nazareth, the Buddha . ICrisltaxa, Mohammed, Edgar Cayce ant s other great avatars who eerved as ' Channels' for the ' f ather' and who uptake again today as the world begins to enter the New Ag of :spiritual consciousness and awareness . Since 1963Heavenly e Cosmic Awareness has been communicating through c arefully-trained channels matlon contained herein was received from deep arper-conrcious . The Unio n trance levels and ' interpreted• by an entity affiliated with C information is for those who denim to help in brin(dwe in the New Age . Throughout the .A .C . This Cosmic Awareness tells us not to believe anything, tbrut to auest .ion, explore, doubt, and thousands of ' Readings' Oven through these channels , discover for yourself . through your own channel, what is the truth . Cosmic Awareness will only indicate and suggest . Neither C .A Paul Shockley in responsible for anything Cowrie Awerene s may state 111 any .C ., the Aquarian Church of Universal Service or the luterrppretcr . of these readings, nor dense C .A .C . or Paul Shockley necessaril believe or agree with the statements of Connie Awareness . Pent interprets the energies as y he tees theme in trance levels and responsible for what is taid .M;embcrs of C .A .C . are invited to send in questions of is not personall y general Interest to ask Awareness for possible publication .


N A T u


TRUT H Paul Shockley, Interprete r

COPYRIGHT 1981 by Cosmic Awarenesa Communications & the Aquarian Church of Universal Service

QUESTION : A question from R .S ., Toronto, Ontario, Canada . "The nature of the communications of last year have been , as we all know, very intense . Yet through this time, more than before, You have reminded us to discove r for ourselves what is the truth . It has not been easy for me because the more I have sought to understan d the truth ., the more I realize I misunderstand the concept of truth itself . These questions always come up : One, what is truth? Two, how do we perceive truth? Is it a physical sensation? Is it through an intuitive o r psychic sense or an emotional response? Three, are there any criteria upon which we can judge a truth to b e true or false? I would appreciate some clarity on this . " COSMIC AWARENESS : This Awareness indicates that truth, as in everything else, is relative . 'l'hat the physical truth may be described by those acceptable facts available to the observer, according to the tools of observation available fo r use by the observer . This Awareness indicates a human, having certain tools of observation, may look into a room, for example, and see certain things . This Awareness indicates a cat, having certain tools for observatio n which are different : from that of a human, will see a different scene in the same room . Therefore, the trut h for the cat as far as the observable tool of sight is concerned, will be different from that of the human . Thi s Awareness indicates likewise, the human may hear certain sounds and miss others, which the dog hears . This Awareness indicates the dog may not be able to see the colors which the human sees, but may hear sound s which the human does not hear, may smell odors which the human does not smell . Therefore, truth for the dog shall be different from truth for the human, even though both may be observing the same situation . This Awareness indicates likewise, there are subtle differences between the observation abilities of humans . Different individuals observe differently . This Awareness indicates for one to attempt to give his truth t o another, this may he a way of sharing different insight for that other entity, to allow that other to hav e more possibility of eater understanding of the insight given by the other : This Awareness indicates how ever, that even when this is given, the individual must be capable of reaching a decision of truth by his ow n observation . This Awareness indicates that yet in another sense, when one assumes to know the truth, observation ma y cease . This Awareness indicates that when one is satisfied with his knowledge, the search for further truth o r further refinement of truth may cease . This Awareness suggests therefore, that entities continue searchin g for truth, continue refining truth, continue finding more and more information to add to that truth whic h has been discovered, tested, and which has withstood the test of time and various observations . This Awareness indicates also, that entities must recognize there are those personal or subjective truths, and there ar e those impersonal or objective truths, which can be verified from the viewpoint of many, or from many different viewpoints . This Awareness indicates that truth is not confined to physical truths any more than to emotional truths , or to mental truths, or spiritual truths ; each may be of a different level . Each may be true in its own level , while each level may contradict the apparent truth of other levels . This Awareness indicates what is true i n a spiritual terminology may be in conflict with a scientific or physical terminology . Yet it can well be tha t the truth lies outside of the terminology, and in the nature of what is, and the what is may not yet hav e been properly defined by the terms . This Awareness indicates that therefore, entities in searching for trut h may find it necessary to look behind words, beyond words, into experiences . into intuitive areas, into observed areas which are not yet defined by words, by concepts, or by sciences . This Awareness indicates tha t you may think of words, concepts, and systems as being carriers for truth,---buckets or dippers or container s of truth, but not the truth itself . This Awareness indicates you may also discover that the truth changes from moment to moment, or fro m situation to situation, as the various structures which contain and form the truths, shift and move about . Thi s Awareness indicates the words which described a truth five-hundred years ago may now be seen as invali d when compared to more refined terms which describe that same truth in present-day . This Awareness indicates that, those who spoke of the ether that fills all space, and those who now speak of anti-matter, ma y well be speaking of the same thing, but may not realize the similarity in the concepts . Or, the concepts described by these terms may not have been completely formulated according to that :. which is filling all space . This Awareness indicates that truth is. the discovery of that which is, and as entities can cease to have a n opinion about what is and simply be in tune to what is, then they move closer to the experience of livin g in truth . 2

This Awareness indicates that truth may be thought of as an ideal, an enlightenment, and awareness o f what is ; but wherein one claims to have found "the truth", this Awareness indicates that the entity may onl y be grasping a partial truth or an interpretation of the truth . This Awareness indicates that even this messag e is but an interpretation of this Awareness, an interpretation of the truth, an interpretation of enlightenment ; for it is being expressed in words which interpret what is seen .




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(More on the Book of Genesis )

QUESTION : Then there is no criteria on which an entity can judge whether a thing is true or false ? COSMIC AWARENESS : This Awareness indicates that the criteria depends on the frame of reference . That withing a certai n framework, within a certain meaning of terms, a situation, a term can be true or false within that fram e of reference . This Awareness indicates for example, a light which is red to one entity may be termed gree n by another entity, though both may see the same color, but have different language in describing the color , --these being two different frames of reference . This Awareness indicates likewise, one entity looking at a red light, seeing this as red, may agree with another entity who looks at . the same light but sees a slightl y altered color.,(being color-blind in some way), and believes it also to be red, although not seeing what th e first entity saw ; these entities may agree out of previous conditioning, though never seeing the same thing . This Awareness indicates that therefore, both entities may agree the light is red, and this may he in trut h to both entities, but both entities may be seeing something different from each other . This Awareness indicates that truth is relative to the frame, of reference from which an entity looks . This Awareness suggests that wherein the book of Genesis says that the earth was created in seven days , and wherein an entity reads this and assumes this is referring to earth days, the entity may think that thi s means that the earth--with all its activities, splendor, the heavens and the earth,---was created in exactly on e human week . This Awareness indicates this may be totally in err or to the original intent and meaning of tha t scripture, for the seven days originally was in reference to a greater, more cosmic day, a time spanning mill ions and millions of earth years . This Awareness indicates that these dealing with ugas and caii-ugas .* days of Brahma and other terminologies used to describe these greater days of God by Oriental scholars, but pu t down in the book of Genesis using the term "Day", which for most readers implies 24 hours . This Awareness indicates therefore, from the average reader of this work, the entity believes that the earth was create d within seven days of 24 hours each day ; and therefore, the entity believes in a lie ; yet the entity believes this to be truth, and from his frame of reference it can be seen as truth . "PD's Note . this is phonetic spelling . We could not locate these two words .

Another entity, seeing this as a misinterpretation of the terms, sees this as false and rejects the entir e concept, seeing that it is a reference in a symbolic sense to a longer period of time . This Awareness indicate s that therefore, the entities have disagreement in regards to what is truth, and this disagreement is cause d by the different frames of reference from which each entity perceives . This Awareness suggests that likewise , in all levels of life, entities see different truths . The teenager sees the world from the experience which th e teenager has had . The adult sees the world from the experience which the adult has had . The small chil d sees the world from its experience ; the older persons sees the world from its previous experience . Each see s a different world, according to the different experiences . Which world is correct? Which world is the truth? This Awareness indicates that the teenager may se e that the older person is still viewing the world from old values which no longer are present . The older perso n may see the teenager as having twisted and warped values which are not valid, but which are being impose d upon the world . This Awareness indicates truth is relative, depending upon the frame of reference ; and wherein these entities come together and peer at the world from each other's frame of reference, and reac h an agreement regarding the truth and validity of each frame of reference, then there becomes that which i s a kind of mutual truth, wherein each sees the truth of the other's point of view . This Awareness indicate s when this occurs, communication and rapport, understanding, tolerance, and greater harmony can follow . 3

This Awareness indicates wherein a group joins together to peer through the same frame of reference, the y may be said to all share the same truth . But wherein a greater group joins together and looks through a fram e of reference at the first group, they may be said to hold a truth which is in conflict to the truth of th e first group . This Awareness indicates those who were with the entity Jim Jones, peering through the same frame o f reference as this entity, saw a particular truth, and held this in common . This Awareness indicates the rest of the world, looking through the common frame of reference at these entities, found the Jim Jones trut h unacceptable and false . This Awareness indicates likewise, there are those who looked at the Vietnam war through a frame o f reference and said, "This is ridiculous," and many joined in looking through that frame of reference an d agreeing, "This is ridiculous, this is tragic, this is wron g" . This Awareness indicates these entities were in a minority . This Awareness indicates that the majority, looking through their frame of reference, looked a t the Vietnam war and said, "This is right, this is necessary, this must continue . Those who oppose ar e traitors ." This Awareness indicates that this continued for some time while the first group found itsel f growing larger in numbers as the war continued, and the majority, looking through their frame of reference , gradually began to recognize the other point of view . And as the war continued and dragged on and on, th e group which once was in the majority, drifted over to peer through the other frame of reference, and bega n to recognize that the Vietnam war was ridiculous, was in error, was wrong, and should be brought to . a conclusion . This Awareness indicates that likewise, there are many truths wherein the majority is right or wherei n the majority is wrong . This Awareness indicates that there are truths wherein the majority is right at on e moment in history, but from another time, another frame in time and space, the majority will look bac k and say, "This was wrong." This Awareness, indicates that there are those who look at the crucifixion of Christ and feel that this wa s wrong, and these entities in this time and space, are in the majority . This Awareness indicates at the tim e of the crucifixion, the majority said, "This is right," and only the minority objected . This Awareness indicates therefore, the majority nor the minority determines truth ; neither time nor space determines truth ; neither opinion nor agreement determines truth . Truth is what is, and opinions relating to what is change according to the frame of reference in time, space, and magnitude, or in terms of the quantity or qualit y of observers . This Awareness indicates that essentially, essence, the `is-ness' of what is, is truth ; and those who can discover or discern the essential, the essence, may be capable of interpreting, if careful, to conve y that truth to others . This Awareness indicates however, that the interpretation and the effort to convey that truth is not the truth, and the entity hearing the interpretation must look beyond the words or th e interpretation, and discover the truth, what is, for himself or for herself.





QUESTION : Awareness, how valid is the perception of truth of something which defies logic and facts, and you bas e this perception solely on a feeling that this is true, but there is absolutely no way when discussing it wit h anybody or yourself that you can back this up, but the feeling is so strong that this is true . Is this generally valid or is this more on an emotional level that you could find yourself deceiving yourself ? COSMIC AWARENESS : This Awareness indicates this may be valid—accordingto a particular frame of reference, or it may b e simply delusion---according to another frame of reference . This Awareness indicates for example, an entity has a particular dream, the dream of flying in a blue airplane . The entity awakens and says, "My, that wa s such a vivid dream . I felt it was more real than this ! " This Awareness indicates the question may be asked , was the dream a reality,--a truth, or an illusion? This Awareness indicates one entity may answer, It was purely illusion, for this is the reality . The drea m was an illusion ." This Awareness indicates this entity as speaking from the physical, awakened state . Thi s Awareness indicates the entity then may go back to sleep and enter into the dream state, meeting anothe r entity and say, "Was my dream of the blue airplane a reality or an illusion?" The entity in the dream ma y answer, "It was a reality . The awakened state which you perceived for a short time when you spoke t o that image who denied the reality of your blue airplane--this was an illusion ." 4

This Awareness indicates that there are religious teachings which consider this so-called physical realit y as purely an illusion, and that the true reality lies outside of this physical realm . This Awareness indicate s this as all relative . That wherein you are in the physical realm, this appears to be the reality ; and when yo u observe from this physical realm into worlds of illusion, you see these as illusions . But when you are caugh t in the illusion, these appear to be valid, and the physical world loses its importance and appears to hav e little meaning and to be purely illusion in comparison to that which you are involved in . This Awarenes s indicates this is why some entities, becoming wrapped up in illusions, may lose touch with physical realities , for they do not see these physical realities as having any particular value in comparison to the magnitud e of their illusions. This Awareness indicates that therefore, entities may begin to understand that truth i s relative ; and that an entity who wishes to be integrated in all levels must be able to have a relative truth , a rapport, an understanding, a reality--a clear, simple, practical down-to-earth reality and attunement wit h the physical world even while the entity is also integrated, in touch and aware of the emotional world an d also aware of the levels of feelings, and the social world, and the world of abstracts, and concepts, and ideas , the world of the spiritual realities . This Awareness indicates that wherein entities can recognize all of these, and make dear distinctions between these,---wherein entities can discern the different frames of reference through which they are speaking , wherein entities can speak to each other, not through different frames of reference, but discovering you r partner ' s frame of reference, then discussing through that frame of reference, also sharing your frame o f reference with your partner---then communication and understanding can come about . But wherein on e entity is speaking from a frame of reference located on the twelfth floor of consciousness, another is speaking on a frame of reference located on the third floor of consciousness and the entities are using the sam e words ; these entities still may not reach agreement . This Awareness indicates the childlike mind which discusses the seven days of creation by God may b e capable of quoting the scripture and discussing the fact : as presented in the scripture, but the entity wh o hears that discussion may receive that information from a metaphysical level of consciousness which perceives the greater or esoteric meaning, and sees these seven days ar the ugas and tali-ugas cycles, the days of Brahma, the cycles of the universe, rather than the cycles of the earth . And when the first entity speak s of God, the entity is seeing some elderly grandfather-type sitting on a cloud, hurling thunderbolts or showering rains and watching the behavior of entities : the other entity may see God as the life force within th e universe itself . Therefore, these entities speaking the word, `God', may hear each other, but may receiv e different messages from that word . This Awareness indicates that when an entity says, "I do not believe in God", that entity in essence i s sa y ing, "I. do not believe in the interpretation of God which I have been told to 'believe in ." This Awareness indicates that there is no such thing as a true atheist---there is only the rejection of the interpretatio n which the entity has accepted as a definition of God . This Awareness indicates there is the rejection of th e terminology, God . This Awareness indicates that wherein an atheist was to be told, "God is somethin g other than what you perceive," and the atheist is then asked, "That do you perceive as the life force o f the universe? " , the atheist may set about to describe exactly what- another entity would term as God . This Awareness indicates words are lies ; words are like the containers to carry truths, to carry experiences , to carry meanings . This Awareness indicates that wherein an entity asks for a drink and one brings the entit y a cup, the entity may take the cup and may attempt to drink, but if there is no water within the cup th e entity has only the container and has missed the spirit of the water . Wherein the entity has missed th e spirit or water contained within the cup, wherein the entity cannot drink the truth because he or she wa s given an empty cup, a word without substance or meaning, and cannot perceive the possibility of usin g the cup to discover, or dip for the meaning, dip for the spirit, dip for the water ; then, that entity may reject the cup, stating, "I do not believe in the spirit, as it is but a word, empty, and of no value . " Thi s Awareness indicates that is the attitude many entities have toward the word God, or toward other words , for these words are empty and meaningless to them . ry This Awareness indicates many entities hear the word T a. `love' but do not believe in it, for all they have is the empty word and not the substance . Many entitie s pass the word ` love' about, from person to person , hoping to use this word as a calling card in order to get their drink of love . But these entities passing a n P If. empty cup, do not receive the spirit of love, for the y kit . are simply concerned with the forms, with the containers, and not the actual spirit of love itself. Thi s Awareness indicates that likewise, the word `truth ' is but an empty cup, containing nothing---unti l entities dip into reality, dip into experience, di p into consciousness for Mat is . 5

This Awareness indicates what is has many levels. Illusions are . Reality is. It depends on which frame o f reference you wish to apply . This Awareness asks you, "Does Micky Mouse exist?" This Awareness ask s you, "If Micky Mouse exists, in which frame of reference is this a truth?" This Awareness asks you, "D o you exist? If you exist, in which frame of reference do you exist?" This Awareness asks you, "Does Go d exist? If God exists, in which frame of reference does God exist? " This Awareness asks you, " Does this Awareness exist? And if so, in which frame of reference ?" This Awareness indicates , "Does your fantasy have any substance or exist? And if so, in which frame o f reference? "

(Closing Message) This Awareness indicates in regards to the concept of truth : that which is true for the most number o f entities may be considered a social truth, or cultural truth . That which is true for individuals may be considered a personal truth, or personal reality . That which is true universally, regardless of who or what i s observing, would be termed a universal truth . This Awareness indicates that likewise, logic is relative to its own frame of reference, and that whic h is logical to an earthworm might appear Illogical to a human ; and that which is logical to a human, migh t be totally illogical to a hurricane ; and that which is logical to a hurricane, might be illogical to a deity . Thi s Awareness indicates that the question of logic, again, begins with a flame of reference, an assumption o f truth on a particular reference point, and builds from that assumption to and through the consequence s to its logical outcome . This Awareness indicates that . what is logical to one using certain acceptable realities, may he seen a s total insanity by another, who uses other acceptable realities from a different frame of reference . This Awareness indicates that as the human race progresses, entities, in order to communicate with one anothe r --between cultures, between fields of study, between individuals, must learn more and more to communicate their own frame of reference and look through the frame of reference of the other entity, exchangin g points of view, so that each sees where the other is looking from . In this manner, communication ca n lead to understanding and greater rapport . This Awareness indicates that the argument of "who is right" shall eventually become archaic, and th e discussion of "Which view are you looking at, from what frame of reference?"---this discussion will com e more and more into prominence .



(Opening Message of a C .A .C . General Reading ) May ie, Isia h

This Awareness wishes to discuss again the concept of th e frame of reference, to clarify more in detail the nature of observing truth ; the nature of observing What is. This Awarenes s wishes to give again an analogy for assisting entities to under stand the frame of reference through which an entity ma y observe a truth . This Awareness suggests you imagine yourself in a buildin g with windows which peer both inward, toward the center o f the building at an object, and windows which peer out fro m the building toward the world outside . This Awareness indicates that the windows peering inward , toward the center of the building, give a view of a globe patterned after the earth itself, so that entities looking inward ma y 6

see a map of the earth with its various continents and seas in a globe shape, a replica of the earth . This Awareness indicates that this building as being circular in nature, whereby entities walking around these window s from point to point, will see a different viewpoint of the earth . One, standing on one side will see the Pacifi c Ocean, standing on the other side will see Europe, and so forth . This Awareness indicates that the entity looking inward, sees the globe representing the earth ; the entity looking outward, sees a portion of the earth itself, and the sky or horizon outside . This Awareness indicates that each window, having a different type of glass or frame, conveys a different impression, depending o n the viewer and the window which is being looked through . This will determine what the viewer sees, his o r her interpretation . This Awareness suggests you imagine that each of these viewers has a miniature radio and is directed t o describe what he or she sees in their visit to this place . This Awareness indicates that the one entity lookin g in toward the earth, looks through a glass darkly, and describes the mystical shadows seen . Another looks through a clear glass, and describes the bright blue waters of the ocean which are seen, but are still non moving on the replica . Another is looking outward toward the wheat fields and the horizon, and describe s the sky with the wind and the green and the waving wheat . Another looking outward describes trees an d valleys and hillsides . Another looking inward describes the replica or globe within, but this entity is lookin g through a glass with a prism, and sees flashes of light and other various refractions . This Awareness indicates that obviously, each of these entities may be describing truth when asked t o look at the earth, but each will be describing something totally different . This Awareness indicates that eac h may feel as though the other is lying, is false, is in error in their descriptions of what . is, yet each may h e completely accurate as far as their efforts to describe exactly what they are seeing . This Awareness indicate s the difference lies, obviously, in the frame of reference through which these entities peer . This Awareness indicates likewise, one entity or group or organization or culture or one civilization ma y peer at reality through a certain frame of reference, describing this, seeing this, and in all honesty intend t o describe clearly and record such descriptions clearly, so that others may also oberve their truth . This Awareness indicates likewise, the right-wing or left-wing or the liberal or conservative, the one part y or the other party may look at a situation and describe as clearly and honestly as possible what is seen ; an d these descriptions of these cultures, of these groups, of these religions, of these various philosophies, o f these political organizations, of these different civilizations,---these descriptions may all differ in what i s being expressed ; and each, though being fully honest in their efforts to express themselves clearly, may fin d that others are in disagreement in describing reality, and may in their self-righteousness and their smu g certainties, assume that others are false, are lying, are untruthful, because the viewpoints do not . jibe . This Awareness indicates that again, all is a matter of the frame of reference . This Awareness indicates the question may arise, "Which frame o f reference is the right frame of reference? ' This Awareness indicates one entity peers through a frame of reference which favor s his own position . This entity wearing a rose-colored monocle , sees the world looking at his interests as being supreme . Another entity peers out at reality and sees this as a harsh place, fille d with difficulties, struggles and dangers . Another looks out and sees sickness, pain, and suffering . Another looks and sees th e sickness, pain, and suffering all moving toward himself, waitin g to grab, to take hold, and to devour him . Another sees the world of reality as his playpen, where he is allowed to have what h e wants for the taking, and any who would deprive that entity i s to be pushed aside . Another sees the world as a place limited t o the immediate area, and anything outside of that immediate area i s but fantasy and of no concern to this entity . Another looks out a t reality and sees it as an endless, infinite space and sees all that is ou t there, but does not see himself or the child hanging hungrily at hi s side . The entity cannot see the immediate urgencies, for he is to o concerned with the future, with the distant urgencies. This Awareness indicates one entity looks out and see s the world through the glasses of prejudice, wherein th e glasses accent that which the entity likes and repel s against that which the entity does not like . Th e entity sees the light and smiles, sees the darkness 7

and fears, or the entity sees the darkness and feels this is where safety lies, and the entity hides from thi s light . This Awareness indicates that depending on . which frame of reference an entity peers through an d what the entity uses these frames of reference to accomplish, this will determine what the entity describe s as his reality . This Awareness indicates that obviously, there are entities who are satisfied to have their ow n reality and who do not wish that personal reality to be disturbed by any other, regardless of whether there is any agreement from others about that reality, or whether that reality is totally unique and has no suppor t from any other particle or part of consciousness . This Awareness suggests that there are also entities who seek to be permitted and involved in viewin g through the frame of reference which is generally accepted, generally acceptable, generally the most norma l or common window through which to view reality, and these entities would not consider stepping away from that middle path, from the majority viewpoint to look through another's frame of reference . This Awareness indicates that there are also entities who pioneer, by moving in closer with their fram e of reference to get a closer look at a particular area . Some entities specialize by moving in so far and s o close, as to observe reality in an area where none other has dared to tread . This Awareness indicates ofte n entities in specializing become so involved in a specific part of reality that they can no longer see the whol e of reality, but are experts on that particular part . This Awareness indicates there are others who can only see the whole of reality and cannot see the parts , and have no interest in the parts : these entities may speak of humanity, but care nothing for individuals. This Awareness indicates that these entities may speak of lofty concepts, but be unable to transact business properly . This Awareness indicates that there are also entities who are capable of moving about, from framewor k to framework, from one frame of reference to another, viewing reality from all sides : close, at a distance, from the right, from the wrong, from the top, from the bottom, from the left, from the middle, from th e East, from the West, from the inside, from the outside . This Awareness indicates such entities who can move in this manner, are those who are close to this Awareness, and who bette .r'understand reality, and are cap able of communicating with the multitudes . This Awareness indicates such entities can communicate wit h specialists, with the generals, with the individuals, with the masses, with the rights, or the left, the correct , or the wrong. This Awareness indicates such entities are capable of understanding what is from many sides , and in such understanding, these entities are capable of communicating the different points of view, s o that others also may gain understanding . This Awareness wishes entities to observe the difference between the entity who gathers information o f an empirical nature, such as the scientist or physicist, the one who gathers information from general know ledge, the one who gathers specific information, the one who gathers information through his or her sense s or through tools which extend the senses, such as electronic tools or telescopes and visual, tactile, or audi o tools ; the one who gathers information by studying plants or animals and their behaviors, or by studyin g the information which can be gathered by these creatures . This Awareness suggests you also look at the nature of the entity who gathers information through meditation .This Awareneez indicates there are entities who, in the process of seeking understanding, have develope d meditative techniques whereby they can stop the breath, stop the heartbeat in order to see clearly, withou t the ripples of the consciousness because of the breath and heartbeat in their physical forms . These entities Iooking and peering deeply into consciousness itself, into the sea of consciousness . which is clear becaus e there are no heartbeat ripples, no breath : these entities see through a frame of reference which is quite different from those of the clear,_ rational-thinking scientist who uses his telescopes and other tools to ex tend the senses. This Awareness indicates even though these entities look at reality through different frames of reference , still each is seeing a portion of reality and is seeing a portion of truth . This Awareness asks you, `Which of these entities could you, in truth, say was false? ' HOW WILL ALL THESE FRAMES OF REFERENC E



Awareness, in the opening message discussing the diversity of the frames of reference, it truly seems overwhelming . It has been suggested or observed that perhaps the Awareness philosophy could be used as a sort of umbrella . . .to bring the diversities of the world under a mandala-type umbrella . It seems that these various frames of reference will be with us for a long time, and yet we ' re also looking into the relativel y near future of manifestations of the New Age such as the Unified States of Awareness,the projects fo r improvement of life on earth . How will all these frames of references be coordinated? They would see m so unwieldy . 8

COSMIC AWARENESS : This Awareness indicates that it appears that within approximately five years, the movement in consciousness will be centered about communication encounter groups and diplomatic discussions which focu s on the concern regarding the particular frame of reference from which another is speaking. This Awareness indicates this becoming the opening remarks set forth in order to communicate with another . This Awareness indicates that, in other words, wherein entities shall come together to communicate , the first thing to be determined will be to discern from each other "from what frame of reference shal l we begin our discussion and to what frame of reference shall we move? " This Awareness indicates when entities begin looking more closely at these) frames of reference, the n communication will begin to flow as has never before been experienced upon this plane, and the universa l communication network shall begin to unfold . This Awareness indicates that as this occurs, harmon y follows . This Awareness indicates that It suggests that entities begin by developing the frame of reference which ties the physical realities and needs together with the universal realities, laws, and needs ; and that the y orient other frames of reference around these, so that from these movements and from these frames o f reference, wherein the physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, or universal, the social, and the internationa l concerns are integrated together, woven together into a common frame of reference . from this molecule of frames of reference : this Awareness suggests that from this, entities may step into other frames of referenc e and link these back into this central molecule . (Closing Message )



This Awareness indicates that the many different frames of reference can also be expressed inter dimensionally ; whereas an entity views the physical world from many frames of reference, the astra l world from many frames of reference, seeing different pictures in each frame, the spiritual world fro m many frames of reference. This Awareness indicates there are also other frames through which entities ca n peer, and through these frames entities can move from dimension to dimension, from the physical into th e astral, into the mental, into the spiritual, or back and forth . These frames of reference are generally referre d to as doorways to different dimensions . *:t= *

ED'S NOTE : For more information on the `frame of reference', please refer to `Revelations of Awareness', No . 77-26 (The Fram e of Reference Meditation) ; 25 cents ; also No . 79-20 (Organi c Robotoids),$2 .00 ; also No . 78-39 (Choosing a frame o f reference-•a meditation to end separateness),$2 .00 ; fo r information. on Jim Jones and the Guyana tragedy, please refer to No . 79-3 (The Guyana Tragedy),$2 .00 . Informatio n on the different floors of consciousness can he found in th e complete Spiritual Development Correspondence Lesson s in the Sea of Virgo (The Tower of Mind),Vol . 6. Additional information on Truth, can be found in No . 80-12 (the Subject of Truth),$3 .00 .All available from C .A .C .


(From a C .A .C . Gen . Reading ) July 21, 1910

What Effect Did the C .A .C . Membership' s Letter-Writing Campaign on `Reconciliatio n of Differences' Have on World Leaders ?

QUESTION : A question from M .F . of Cleveland, Ohio . "Would you please ask Awareness what kind of effect, if any, our letters to the Russia n and American leaders this spring have had on mass consciousness ? COSMIC AWARENESS : This Awareness indicates that this as having had much effect in Comm , unicating the concept of reconciliation and the urgency of reconciliation . This also as mirroring the desire of both peoples, the realization that th e people want peace ; and this message, requesting reconciliation, has intro duced a greater degree of realization, or a greater degree of awareness, o f that concept of reconciliation as a major consideration, or alternative, t o war,----This in both the United States and in Russia . This Awareness indicates essentially, you have planted the seeds of peace, the seeds of reconciliation, in the minds of those leaders of those countries, and these seeds of peace and reconciliation may now grow and develop as a n alternative . This Awareness indicates that the magnitude or number of letters sent to these leaders as that whic h may be considered as a volume of the voice of the people, wherein the volume has been turned up with each letter giving forth the message of reconciliation and peace, so that those concepts cannot be forgotte n or ignored while threats and shouts and concerns for war and hostility were being bandied back and fort h between these nations . This Awareness indicates those letters served as a voice to help balance and reconcile the intensities which were building . This Awareness indicates, however, the concern cannot be forgotten, for the energies are still in motio n whereby destruction through war continues to be a threat . This Awareness indicates continued letters wil l continue the reminder of the alternative to war . This Awareness suggests that the voice for reconciliation may begin as a whisper, then move on as a word , then as a shout, and finally as a screaming trumpet, demanding peace. This Awareness indicates this ma y come about as more and more entities add their voice to th e cries for reconciliation and peace . This Awareness indicates the war fever shall be drummed up shortly and the nee d for more voices to counter that drum for war will b e necessary. This Awareness suggests that the SPIRAL organization s may he capable of promoting, through chain letters, th e concepts, the call, the need, the urgency for reconciliation , and may also produce chain letters which ask that others write chain letters, which asks that others write chai n letters calling for reconciliation, whereby some of th e chain Ietters go to the leaders and some go to others t o promote an ever-widening base of letter-writers to the leaders of both nations, asking for peace and reconciliation .

Pravda, Mosco w

This Awareness indicates the opportunity shall be great when the drums of war begin, so that those wh o would spread the pyramid of chain letters will then have a receptive audience who are awakened by th e drums of war enough to recognize the need for participating in that SPIRAL action of writing letters , awakening friends to write letters demanding reconciliation betiveen the two super-powers . *****'* * ED's Note : new members to C .A .C . who did not get the suggested ideas for letters and chain letter s we mailed out in the Spring of 1980, can get copies by writing to C .A .C . SPIRAL information mey be obtained by writing to : SPIRAL (The Society For the Protection of Individual Rights and Liberties) P .O . Box 80323, Lincoln, Nebraska, 68501 and or the `Revelationary News', Rte . 2, Box 267 , Bakersville, N .C . 28705 . If interested in a starting a SPIRAL group yourself, please ask them for information .


Will. Cow Magnets on Your. Car's Fuel Lin e Give you More Miles Per Gallon ?

A question from J .G . of Niles, Ohio, which is a recurring question thes e days : "I recently read where people are claiming higher ga ., mileage by taping `cow magnets ' to their fuel lines, carburetors, or their auto engines . Would Awareness elaborate on this, and explain the benefits if there i s any? What type and size of magnet would be best, and hew should the y be aligned : North-North, South South, or North-South? " COSMIC AWARENESS : This Awareness indicates that this appears to have greater valu e on the larger engines,-those which normally require greater am ounts of gas ; that those which are already small and do not re quire large amounts of gas do not benefit so much by thes e devices . This Awareness indicates that it appears there is a variety in terms of the percentage range; whereas some vehicles using these devices save much gas, up to approximately 20% and even more some it appears , approximately 30%o,--while others appear to he 10% or less ; This depending in part on the adjustments of : the carburetor and ;the functioning of the points, plugs, and wiring system . This Awareness' ndicatesthi s appears to create a hotter spark or to c=ause the gasoline to burn hotter . This Awareness indicates that these to he placed on opposite sides of the gas intake into the carburetor , approximately 2 to 3 inches from the carburetor, with the North poles together and the South poles together opposite the gasoline line---that these be apart from each other, on opposite sides of the gas line, bu t the poles be together, North to North and South to South . This Awareness indicates it does not appear tha t the different types of magnets are of any great difference in value, except wherein the strength of the magnet s is different . This Awareness suggests the common "cow magnet"* (those used for veterinarian purposes), as being just as efficient as any of the more expensive types . MQAG,NETS IN THE GAS TANK --WOULD THIS SAVE GAS


QUESTION : Would gasoline be extended if a magnet was placed within the gas tank itself ? COSMIC AWARENESS : This Awareness indicates that this can be beneficial . This Awareness indicates that., this also can be affecte d somewhat try placing magnets periodically along the gas line under the car, as it runs toward the fuel pump . This Awareness indicates however, that the degree of efficiency in this regard is not so great as the original placement indicated previously . This action of adding further magnets may assist up to approximately 10 % at best, and more likely 5% or thereabouts as further benefit, even if several were added . *ED's Note : cow magnets can be purchased at most farm stores, feed stores and auto parts stores .

THE COSMIC TRIP OF BOB DYLA N ED's Note : During the '50's and '60's, Bob Dylan was the only person who ranked alongside of the Beatle s as movers of consciousness . Dylan is not only the most important, figure in contemporar y American music, he is one of the most prolife . Dylan's music always has been deetlly spiritual, hut spiritual in a wide-ranging and etement:tl way, net tied to any particular dogma . His musk: is full of mystic, Biblical metaphors and symbols . His major enemy has been war and those wh o would wage it . His music led the forefront of those who early protested the war in Vietnam , with songs like, " Blowin in the Wind", "A Hard Rain is Gonna hall" etc . Like the Beatles, h e led a generation into and out of the drug scene (it was Dylan who first `turned on' the Beatles) . His song, `Like a Rolling Stone, ' implored millions of young people to hit the road . take up the cause, and let their voices be heard . His recent conversion to Christianity astounded and disappointed many of his loyal followers who had seen him as a sort of mystic guru who led th e vanguard of the 'Flower Children' on their mission and one who was expected to extend th e bounds of contemporary music into new dimensions . 1~.

"THE iMLS ahEY ARt A CHANGING . . . ." (Bob Dylan )

QUESTION : Awareness in the past, has commented on some of the rock stars that have made a n impact. Several people have asked why we haven't asked a question about Bob Dylan , so I will now ask one . What. is the significance, if any, of Bob Dylan, the singing poe t minstrel who led a generation of followers out of the establishment and into drug s and rebellion against the war etc . during the CO's, who has now examined his Jewis h heritage, rejected it, and became a `born-again Christian ' , carrying the message across the country and putting his energies into such albums as "Slow Train Coming" an d "Saved" and others . Is this a put-on or something with deeper levels this entity is u p to? His recent action and conversion has astounded many of his previously loyal followers, who wonder why he is not looking at the real important issues in America , like the secret government which is becoming so obvious even to those who are no t looking ?

COSMIC AWARENESS : This Awareness indicates that this entity as one who has a strong lov e for change and freedom . This Awareness indicates the entity as having , also, a purpose in this lifetime to be a wandering minstrel, but one wh o not only wanders around the planet on the concert circuit, but als o wanders through concepts, moving in and out of consciousness levels, changing and experiencing different level s of consciousness, allowing those who follow his movements to have a taste of this, a taste of that, a taste o f this, so that each step along the way the entity enhances the experiences of those who hear his message . Thi s Awareness indicates at present, the entity is giving his followers a taste of Christianity in the basic and fundamental sense . This Awareness indicates the entity 's next movement will be into that which is the esoteri c side of Christianity, the deeper meanings of the symbologies of Christianity . This Awareness indicates thi s entity does not, at present, even realize that this is to be his next movement . This Awareness indicates tha t this entity could benefit greatly from the Scorpio lessons of the Spiritual Development Correspondenc e Course of the Scorpio Sea related to magic, for there is much within this which explains the hidden or esoteric side of the Christian teachings . This Awareness indicates that this entity as having led the youth through social concepts, through menta l concepts and experiences of the drug scene, through social concepts of the rights of people, of the individual concepts in the sense of personal relations . The entity also moved into that which was the heart chakra leve l dealing with the western or that which is the Nashville sound of music . The entity also as having moved through the big band sound and the various styles of music : the lowly guitar and harmonica or the loud , raucous sounds of electronic music with its tempestuous beats and weaving of magical vibrations . This Awareness indicates the entity now as tuning in to the basic sound of the religious overtones . Thi s Awareness indicates that each entity who listens to this minstrel ' s music finds himself looking at his values , at his judgments, at his feelings, at his prejudicisms . This Awareness indicates that at present, there are entitie s who are prejudiced against the entity's new conversion to Christianity in the fundamental sense, and find i t difficult to accept this entity playing that role ; for the entities prefer to see him playing some role of th e jilted lover, the bitter lover, or the social misfit, or the social commentator, or some other role, but find i t difficult for the entity to be involved in songs related to religious matters of an orthodox sense .This Awareness indicates that this, however, is part of the flow of this entity ' s purpose in this lifetime,---to lead th e masses (who will listen) through various experiences that they may become aware of the many sides of life , of the many faces of consciousness ; and in such awareness, become more tolerant of all of those faces . For whatever face is present in consciousness can, indeed, become a friend or associate,---acceptable, regardles s of its difference from your own face . QUESTION :



Bob Dylan is so creative in his music, would Awareness look at some of the entity's past lifetimes to see if perhaps he wa s into music during any of those lifetimes, and if this is one of the carry-overs?

COSMIC AWARENESS : This Awareness indicates this entity as having been the entity Ben Johnson in 16th century England . Thi s Awareness indicates this entity also appears to have been the entity known as Rasputin . This Awareness indicates that there appear to be several other lifetimes of significance, but these energies are not clear enoug h to allow the names to appear properly and with strength . This Awareness indicates It continues to see th e name 'Andrew' in relation to this entity ; this appearing to be the disciple known a s Andrew . This Awareness indicates that there are many energies related to this entit y which have not yet been revealed to the masses, nor to himself . This Awareness indicates the entity shall have a stronger and forceful future influence than is generall y believed, and it may surpass the influence which he has had in the past years of thi s life .

E D's Note : We would like to send Bob Dylan a copy of this .rcadinl;. If anyone out there knows him personally , please let us know.

REVELATIONS OF AWARENESS is a cosmic newsletter published every two weeks by Cosmic Awarenes s Communications, P .O . Box 115, Olympia, Washington (A non-profit organization) . Subscription rates on request.

No . 3

LETTERS FROM BILL . . . . ( A Cosmic View of things from another frame of reference ) Dear Avaton . . .Iiere's a couple more channelings I thought I might pass along . h is hard to explain rationally , but I've never known greater joy or satisfaction in life than doing these 'writings' and these 'rites' with the little globe, Somehow a piece of paper and a pencil become a 'magic carpet' to the Universe . Having someon e to send them to is quite an incentive, more than just throwing them away as before . There 's only the hope that they might be of benefit to other entities . I do the 'rites at night out under the stars till the energy run s out, and do the ' channelings ' during the day . Sincerely, Bill .


Many entities who sincerely desire to serve God assume that the 'will of God' means just living right, doing good, helping others, obeying the laws of the land, and being faithful to their mate . The moral laws, the religious laws, all teach these precepts . And this all "good" under the karmic system . Since the precepts are th e positive pole of duality, they are the will of God at the dualistic level, or karmic level . But there are some entities who are being called to a mission beyond the karmic level, beyond the worldl y definitions of good and evil . This is the level of Oneness, or Pure Surrender to God . Sometimes this Pur e Surrender entails giving up and cutting loose from all the karmic ties of the world . Jesus was condemned fo r not staying home and being a proper family man . He was called a reprobate and a blasphemer by the worldly wise who did not understand the Higher Law that Jesus was following . And the same thing will. very likel y happen to anyone today who gives himself in total surrender to God . "Your enemies will he them of you r own household ." The Higher Law is often blatently evil in the eyes of the world . So to the question, "What is the Will of God?", there are as many answers as there are entities . If you feel comfortable where you're at, if you feel right in what you 're doing, if your conscience is clean and you fee l fulfilled and happy, then you are within the will of God . You may be in the karmic world and still be in th e will of God : you are at the right place for your own particular unfoldment . The criterion for being in th e will of God is your own happiness and fulfillment, your peace of mind, and your satisfaction in your presen t life . If, on the other hand, you are vexed and tormented and cannot seem to find happiness or peace anywher e you turn, then obviously you are not in the will of God . Providence is trying to tell you something . Man y entities have lived their lives in frustration and despair, vainly trying to find happiness ip the things of th e external world .. But, happiness never came . no matter where they looked . Happiness could not be found i n the things of "this world " , not in drugs or booze or sex or money or fancy cars . Not in marriage or religio n or politics or in any pursuit of the flesh could peace or security be found . Happiness never came, no matter where these entities looked . They may have prayed to God for the things they rbinkwill make them happy . They may have tried to use God as a 'cosmic Santa Claus ' to lead them to the right job or the right career, o r to reveal their soul-mate . But life just went from bad to worse . So what is wrong, anyway? What is the will o f God in cases like these ? The answer is : surrender . Total surrender to the Universal Deity, in whatever name you know Him by . A fervent prayer of, "Lord, not my will but TI hie be done, whatsoever it may be" . These entities are not goin g to find God ' s will by looking for it in the outer world, or they would've found it by now . Only by goin g within, only by fervent,, heartfelt surrender and devotion to the High Self, the God of the Universe, can the y ever find their calling . Only by making God the That Love in life will His will ever by revealed . Once th e heart and the ego begin to yield, the true calling will begin to manifest itself. And in all probability, it wil l lead away from all that the entity has been holding to in life . It may cost everything in life . There may b e years of painful, cutting-loose and prying away the old attachments, or they may come loose easily, like a molted snake skin . It all depends on the intensity of your desireto be a pure instrument of God . So the will of God in such cases is this : He wants your absolute surrender---your mind, your life, your heart, and your soul, unconditionally and totally . Once this sacrifice is established, once the heart is freel y yielded to God, and you begin following wherever the unseen hand guides, flier, there is joy, harmony, satisfaction, and the " peace that passeth understanding " . Even without money or 'visible means of support ' o r even material ties, you can live and move in the perfect Providence of God . You will be a clear channel o f the Divine Will, a pure instrument of God . Such austere 'pilgrimages' are generally just temporary training exercises, but they are very potent tools i n learning the art of surrender . During such 'training runs', you see the amazing ways that providence tend s to your daily needs just as easily as it sustains the lilies of the field . For are human entities not the flower s in the Garden of the Universe, the Eden of eternity?

ON ADEPTS, AVATARS, and TRANSCENDANCE OF KARM A (A Synopsis of the GREAT INTERCESSION ) When the outer mind, the so-called "rational mind" becomes fully yielded and fully amenable to the Divin e Will, then the outward faculties become a pure channel . The "inner Voice" becomes able to communicate vi a the outer, with the full understanding and comprehension of the mind . Right now, many avatars and adepts are not fully yielded to the Higher Will ; that is, their mind is still at th e level of compromise---they are still clinging to some attachment other than God . But their mission is stil l being carried out ., directed from the inner plane, from the superconscious level (mistakenly called `subconscious' by worldly science) . These avatars' mission, their acts of Intercession and atonement, are still hiein g carried out just as originally programmed before they took birth . These adepts are not outwardly aware o f what's going on or why things are happening as they are . It's all being directed from within, from a highe r plane, and every iota of the mission is completed whether the outer mind ever comes to understand it or not . These adepts "pre-programmed" their own missions before taking birth . They set the machinery of Providenc e in motion to direct the course of events in their lives . All the calamities, sufferings, atonements, etc ., were fore-ordained, and come to pass automatically, sometimes aided by "guides" on the inner plane . Such adepts as Taylor Caldwell, George Lucas, the Beatles, and many others are in this position . They're carrying out their mission e"en without a direct understanding of it . The thing that blocks direct understanding is the Maya, the tinsel, the glamour and meterialism of the world . This distraction, this illusion, is th e blockage to direct comprehension . The outer mind is centered on these attachments more strongly than o n God . But if the outer mind will become centered solely on God, the direct understanding will come immediately . If the outer mind will voluntarily, by free choice, make God Priority One above all else in life, /b e n the outer faculties open as a clear channel of understanding . When God becomes the First Love in life, the n the channel opens, and the outer faculties begin to see directly the mysteries of the Cosmos, of time an d space and intercession . And this is true of all human entities, not just adepts and avatars . For in the ultimat e sense, all humanity is the Avatar, the descent of God into form and flesh . The mysteries of God are open t o all entities . The secrets of the Universe are an open book . All it takes is an attitude of pure surrender, o f making God the first love, the first attachment in life . That., in a nutshell, is the whole duty and destiny of man . The amazing allegories of Taylor Caldwell .'s' novels, the stories of Jules Verne, the phenomenal Star War s series by George Lucas, the music of the Beatles, all come from the inner planes, from Akasha . These adepts channel such cosmic masterpieces even without the understanding of the "rational " mind . In the case o f Taylor Caldwell, her rational mind even rejects her channel, saying her novels came purely from her imagination . (tier rational mind rejects reincarnation and even doubts the existance of God .) If these adepts, durin g their embodiment here, would voluntarily make God the First Priority in life ; .if they would come to love Go d (or the High Self or the Cosmic Self or whatever) above all else in life, above any oth e-rattachments, :be n their channel . would open up in its full majestic potential . Full Awareness, full conscious understanding woul d some to these entities . If these adepts (and all humanity) will fervently begin to pray, "Lord, not my will bu t Thine be done," then there is nothing hidden that is not known, even in this life . No mystery hides any trut h from the heart that is yielded to the will of God . When God is absolutely Priority One, when God is the very first attachment and the first love in life, that is the door to Reality . Nothing short of this will ever delive r man from his illusion, from his dream, from the endless rounds of karma and rebirth . Those who say karma is the road to salvation do not know the highest truth . Karma, or trying to gai n "salvation by works", is the road of endless reembodiments . Karma is the law of the Luciferian experiment . Karma is the great test, the great trial, to see if any entity, by perfect obedience to the karmic law, coul d ever extricate himself from the Experiment . The Great Experiment of separation from God ; the dream withi n the dream . That is karma, the governing law of man separate from God . When there is separateness, there is karma . When there is duality, a sense of opposites or polarities, there i s karma . When there is ego, the sense of self-will or self-worth apart from God, there is karma . Karma, in short, , :r n~ r i~ heI of T nc fifer tl~+' lativ cif` ti,n Cheat P~? When there is self-sufficiency, the sense of an "I" apart from the " Great I " of the Universe, when there is a world of many "I's", many egos, karma is the law of that world . But when the little "1" is willing to be crucified, when the ego is willing to surrender its self-will to the Great Self, there is no karma . Karma ends whe n separation ends . When the will of God becomes the sole desire of the heart, when self-will yields completely to the Higher Will . that is the end of karma . This is true for an individual or for a world . (An example of pure surrender to God would be this : An entity has lost all his money and possessions an d friends in the world . But inste ad of self-pity and remorse, he prays, "Lord, not my will but Thine be done" . Instead of pleading for God lo restore his loss and make him comfortable in the world again, he prays onl y for God ' s ill to be accomplished in all of this, no matter what . it may be.) When the sole motive of the hear t is to be a pure instrument of God, the karmic obligations to the old world system are suspended . Karmic , he ' ,debts to the world are suGacrceded by the higher law of Grace in pure surrender to God . I in ure surrenc . ., to God t'1 the civ • .' a .. . odi era., itkarmals-al ~iss~fv~ si and the entity' has n d o f thc_c o-'smos , ' a af,J t- at ts . freedom ro m reh' r h . H e is_anAscended endcr'e .Qr Mabter , :a fr-ee1aorthu (If the entity, during the present embodiment, lapses back into ego and worldly attachments, he come s back under karma . If he is under karma at the time of transition ("death"), another embodiment will be necessary . This is the meaning of the scripture, "Where your heart is, there shall your treasure be also" . Whe n the entity is surrendered to God at the time of death, he gains the Ascension, free of all karma and rebirth . This was the case with the thief on the cross : "This day ye shall be with me in paradise" . ) 2

And this brings up a question concerning the adepts and avatars who are in the earth now . If they die with the heart centered on something other than God, will they automatically regain the Ascended state? Even though involved in the Maya and worldly ties of this life, attached to worldly things ahead of God, will the y automatically be immune to this newly-made karma when they die? No, they will not . The same law still applies : "Where your heart is, there shall your treasure be also" . The law of the Universe applies to all ent .- ' !Lies, be they adepts descended from God or anyone else . " God is no respector of persons", and the Law i s the Law . For these adepts and avatars to regain the Ascension, they nitro, in this life, come to a full surrender to God . They must come to consciously love and desire God above any other attachment . They must re gain their First Love, because that is how they gained the Ascension in the first place . Even Jesus,ifhe had become attached to somc~tlrit1 aheacLof God, he wo Idhie a.d t:<, t t ~ suer embodiment . That was the &-ea message of his Cai ncifixion--the "c rossing-out" of all ego and all attachments save d`crr . the one attachment of God . This is one of the risks of an avata r ' s descent--the possibility of getting caught down here in the Maya an d :ttachments of the world, thereby getting shackled to karma and rebirth . (This aspect of an avatar's karm a efers to his newlys quired personal karma, not the world karma which he automatically takes on in life . ) Edgar Cayce, in describing the embodied state, gave an analogy that very aptly describes the dangers of th e descent into flesh . The flesh body is like a dense, heavy "diving suit" for going down into the murky, shark •nfested waters . There's alc ays the danger of getting tangled and snarled down there ; and there's always th e danger of having your air line and life line choked off. Your tangled-up state in this underwater trap become s ,tour world, your sole reality at the moment, and the world you came from becomes vague and far-away . The fresh air and sunshine and your companions above youin the boat are unreal, distant concepts to yo u now, far away from your present "reality" . And that's how it is when the avatar comes down . Actually, Cayce's allegory was describing the state of humanity itself . All of humanity, struggling in thi s density of Maya and karma and sense-attachments, is the avatar come down from the Pure Light . Like th e diver, he's lost contact with his home temporarily . We are att. the avatar, whether we came down one embodiment ago or a million embodiments ago . And we are all here to learn the one lesson : God is all ; Christ is th e mly Reality . God has to be our First Love and our first attachment. And that is the only basis for Reality . I world based on separation from God, a world under Maya and karma, is unreal . It is a pseudo-reality, a dream, an experiment that failed . The Law of the One, a world rooted in the singular Unity of God,is th e mly world that is real ., A Christed world, a world in which all entities are clear facets of the One Light . is 'he "Immaculate Concept" . All things become channels, "Living Scriptures'", out-picturing the One Realit y 4 God . That is the World of the One, the world of no duality, no karma, no sense of separation from th e )ne . That is the Real World, dawning now as the New lay of planet . Earth, That is the message of the avatar , Ind the progeny of the Great Intercession, .

CONCEIt NING THE RESURRECTIO N Another reason the embodied Wanderers often have such a hard time in life is this---they are primary target s for astral and psychic attack by the Luciferian hordes . The Wanderers embodied on this plane are often se t upon by discarnates of the dark world, and felt the psionic and psychic bombardment from the operators o f black magic . This channel has more than once felt the slash of the Russian sickle and the " hammering" fro m Soviet and Luciferian paraphysics . The Dark Force wants to undo and destroy each avatar and prevent them from ever regaining contact with God . The Dark Force cannot prevent the avatar 's mission of atonement, fo r that is pre-ordained and takes place automatically . But it can get the avatar locked into karma and re-embodiment . This is precisely what the Luciferians have been trying to do . They have pulled many avatars into dru g addiction, atheism, criminal behavior, illicit, sex, etc . Even MaryMagdalene, the very soul-mate of <Jesus Jggkig _ . been forced into the r. Iu e of aprostiLute_(st,c was the whor . esua_k;i l,c. e_ devils) . But Mary Magdalene had found her `First Love' air returned unconditionally fo l :in . ii the ex am ep p of Mary Magdalene to all avatars should be to return to their "First Love" . Returning to God should e not be in the attitude of trying to `use' God as a refuge . That would be imposing a condition on the surrender . It would be a case of ego wanting to use God simply for its own protection . The surrender, the sacrific e of the ego, has to be pure and unconditional . Then there is Grace, untouched by karma and unmolested b y the Luciferians . The avatar gains outer understanding of his mission ; he sees the mechanisms of it and ho w it is orchestrated from the inner planes . And, like Jesus, he can, with full understanding "lay down his life and take it up again" when the scrip t calls for it . The Luciferians cannot take away his Grace . But he can, with full understanding, let the Lucif Mans martyr him when the script calls for this action . The action would have occurred anyway ; but now h e understands it, and his atonement holds no mystery for him . He is under Grace, and even though he lay s down his life physically, he does so in full attachment to his "First Love'", and gains the Ascension immediately, free of karma . This is the meaning of the statement, "C) death where is thy sting? 0 grave, where i s thy victory?" And this is what Christ meant when he said, "I lay down my life, yet I shall take it up agai n (in Resurrection, or the Ascension)" . 'Phis is the message of Grace to all avatars and all humanity . Of course, there is no need to wait for physical death to experience the Resurrection, or Ascension . Thi s occurs even in physical embodiment once the ego is totally surrendered and Grace is established . When ma n originally " walked with God" in the Garden, he walked in the Ascended Consciousness or Resurrecte d State ( for he had not yet fallen) . The New Age will see humanity walk again in Resurrection, even whil e their feet still walk the earth . 3

THE `LIGHT' OF LUCIFER : SUCCESS IN FAILUR E This channel has called the Luciferian Experiment a total failure . Well, in all fairness, maybe it wasn't a total failure, in that it did produce a handful of Perfect Masters out of all the entities who have lived o n this plane . It might be likened to a discharge of seed ; out of billions and billions of seeds, only one ever fertilizes an egg to unfold a new creation . In that sense, maybe it can be said that the Luciferian game had a usefu l i unction . The greatest value in the Luciferian Experiment, however, lies in showing the utter folly, the tota l absurdity, of cutting off from God . That is the legacy of Lucifer the "Light Bringer" . The Light, the Truth , the Reality of God had to be proven by trying the other route . Bitter tears and anguish and suffering wer e the outcome of following the `other route' . The legacy of Lucifer, the legacy of the earth itself, can stan d now as an eternal witness to the folly of separation . Ages yet unborn can look back and see and remembe r the fruits of that bitter experiment . They won't have to ever try it personally . They will know--for th e record, written in blood and tears, will speak of it forever . And that is the "Light" of Lucifer . WHAT IS THE RISING OF ATLANTIS ? There are many prophecies that say Atlantis will rise from the ocean floor along with the sinking of presen t land-masses, in a a great cataclysm . Edgar Cayce, the Eckankar Masters, and various other seers, have predicted the coming cataclysm . They have even given dates ranging from 1972 to beyond the year 2000, sayin g the event must and will occur because it is written in the future time-track of Akasha . Well, what about this ? Will these cataclysms come to pass on schedule, and will the old Atiantean landmass literally rise as so man y seers have predicted? John Lennon, who was an avid disciple of Edgar Cayce, took the predictions as literal, down to the last syllable . Lennon even spent fortunes buying tracts of land that Cayce said would be spared in the cataclysm . And Lennon literally expected to go and live on Atlantis when it rose . Well, there was a `Great Intercession', a massive intervention in the karma of the planet, which has fore stalled these prophecies . Instead of being a literal event, the "Rising of Atlantis" is now a divine allegory, a ioly scripture of God . The `Rising of Atlantis', just like? the coming of the `New Jerusalem', is a metapho r if Heaven come again to Earth . The prophets read the future time-track correctly, exactly as they saw it . It was accurate, based on wha t soul,' surely happen with no Intercession .

The high country of consciousness, the Holy Land, is now rising out of the oceans of Maya and delusion . Consciousness is awakening . Awareness, the Christ, is coming . The Holy City, the "City 4-Square", is glowin g ',ow in the planetary ethers . It is the `True America', the New Atlantis, the Country of God . In the teachings of the Great White Brotherhood, there is a saying, "l shall see Poseidon rise " . It means --exactly the same thing as the coming of `New Jerusalem' that the Apostle John spoke of . So, no, the prophecies of cataclysm will not come to pass . And, no, there will not be a literal rising o f Atlantis . But the prophecy will be fulfilled in a way that is vastly brander . It will be fulfilled in the spiritua l sense, which, after all, is the only Real sense . There is another prophecy which sees the akashic vision a .{ter the Great Intercession, and says : "I sa w Christ coming in feasts of gladness and not in the smoke of war" .

ED ' s Note : For an introduction to "Bill", please refer to 'Revelations of Awareness ' 81-2 (A Search for God) ;$3 .00 . C :A .C . readers of recent Awareness information as well as that of Dr . Beier, should keep is mind tha t many changes have occurred in th e Soviet Union, and the reference s Bill makes in regard to the Luciferian energies is that which Dr . Beter now refers to as the `Bolsheviks ' now in power here in the U .S . an d elsewhere .

"LETTERS FROM BILL" are published periodically as a service to the C .A .C . membership and is published by Cosmi c Awareness Communications, P .O . Box 11E, Olympia, Washington 98507 . Subscription information available upon request .

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