Cosmic Awareness 1981-11: The Violation Of The Children: Fluoridation For Stupification And Populat

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Cosmic Awareness Communications

The New-Age Cosmic Newsletter

I . o . Box 115, 01I 'P L tsattlinrtoe goal

$1 .00 COSMIC AWARENESS is the Force that er.preesed Itself throeOt leans of Nazareth the Buddha, Krishna, Mohammed, Edgar Cayce an d other great avatars who nerved as `Channels' for the 'Heavenly Father' and who speaks again today' as the world begins to enter the New Ago of spiritual conacousnesa and awareness. Since 1$63 Cosmic Awareness has been communicating through carefully-trained channels . The information contained herein was received front deep super•conscioca trance levels and 'interpreted' by an entity affiliated with C .A .C . This information is for those who desire to help in bringing in the New Aga . Throughout the thousands of ' Readings ' given through these channels , Cosmic Awareness tells us not to believe anything, but to question, explore, doubt . and discover for youreolf, through your own channel, what is the truth . Cosmic Awareness will only Indicate and suggest . Neither C .A .C., the Aquarian Church of Universal Service or the Inte rrppreter , Paul Shockley is responeibie for anything Cosmic Awareness may !date in any of these readings, nor does G.A .C . or Paul Shockley neceamgrit y believe or agree with the statements oS Cosmic vsrenesa . Paul interprets the energies its he sees them in trance levels. and is vest person y responsible for what is ssid .Mernbers of C .A.C . ; ,' a invited to send in questions of general interest to ask Awareness for possible publication .





(Excerpt from a C .A. .C . General Reading ) given December 5, 198 0 Paul Shockley, Interpreter

Some years back, Awareness gave some inform ation on the fluoridation of water and we keep getting many letters from people who are tryin g to stave off fluoridation in their community, an d I was wondering in light of the recent Beast activity and attempts to control entities, if there i s new information on the subject of fluoridatio n and fluorides that Awareness could give to advis e these entities who are trying to keep it out o f their community? COSMIC AWARENESS : This Awareness suggests that entities interested in th e background of this program should read the book Red Fog Over America . This Awareness indicates that there are als o many other books and pamphlets written in regards t o fluoridation and its effects . This Awareness indicates that essentially the first research conducted in this coun tr re arding fluoridation showed that it was not effective a g ainst too i â–ş t sat et it ecatri uteri o too Mfla~TIA t t le figures of the researc were e i erate .y turned are _ makA the reeort a 4 ea This Awareness In ica es is is sell was ilg i y promote . through advertisement and throug h favors mass-media to make entities believe that fluoridation was the cure for dental problems . COPYRIGHT 1041 by Cosmic Awareness Communications & the Aquarian Church of Universal Service. Reproduction however is permitted .

This Awareness indicates that statistics over the years have shown that wherein fluoridation has been intro duced into a community, that the number of dentists in the community has risen greatly, even though th e population may remain the same . This Awareness indicates that this is in reference to the artificial or chemical fluoridation process, the fluorides which come as bi-products from aluminum . This Awareness indicates that this substance is the same substance as has been used in rat poisoning . FLUORIDE ROTS THE TEETH FROM THE INSID E

This Awareness indicates that the substance as being too dangerous to dump _ into the ocea s and waters of rivers, so the companies are finding an outlet fo r the uoride by putting it in reservoirs forev es to drink._ This Awareness indicates that the Germans in World liar two experimente d and successfully used fluoridation as a means of population control ; that the y discovered that if entities had a certain amount of fluoride in the water, that in a period of approximately one year of use of this fluoride, something occXUUHG LQ the brain which allowed the person to become more docile and easil y ,) managed . This Awareness indicates that also, the use of fluoride is such that although it protects the outside of the tooth, it is notorious for decaying the tooth from the insi e out ; tint i also has similar effects on bones ; that it also has-been linked to excessive colds and headaches and mucu s release in the various membranes ; that it has been associated with rains in the neck , shoulder. ; and head, and with sinusitus ; that it also has been linked to certain joint an d itic type of expressions. a` \



This Awareness indicates that the natura l fluoride which occurs in certain areas of th e 'country which is in water by natural means is not the same as that which is the by-product of aluminum . This Awareness indicates that this natural fluoride is beneficial fo r the teeth and bones . This Awareness indicates that wherein entities receive prope r vitamins and minerals, the teeth will b e healthy and strong, so long as they are taken care of properly,--properly fed with the vitamins and minerals ; and wherein entities wish to improve their teeth by using a fluoride product, this Awareness suggests that yo u use the biochemical cell salt known as Calcines-fluor, or Calcarea-fluoride . This Awareness indicates that thi s cell salt as that which contains minute amounts of fluoride, so small and so diluted that you could take th e entire bottle and not have negative effects from these tiny homeopathic cell salts. This Awareness indicates that in the homeopathic system, it is not the quantity that is of importance, it i s the dilution of the solution ; it is such that the fluoride has been broken down and diluted so much that it s ingestion . is only felt in the aura, or etheric body, rather than in a physical form, and the etheric body the n heals the physical . This Awareness indicates that these homeopathic salts, the calcarea-fluoride (sometimes called calcarea-fluorica), affects the tissues and bones in such a manner as to have no side-effects while ye t strengthening the energies within the atoms of the bones, the atomic level or fields, so that they becom e stronger. This Awareness indicates that this essentially is a very different science from the materialistic science s of the promoters of fluoride chemicals. This Awareness indicates also that the fluoride as promoted is accumulative in the human system ; that i t builds up toxins in the system, which over a period of time become more and more harmful to the entity . Thi s Awareness indicates the book Red Fog Over America* gives some detailed information on the symptoms o f the toxic effects of fluoride, and also on the conspiracy and testing of this substance in English bars, to deter mine what effect it had upon entities for the purpose of finding a substance which could be used for control ling and modifying behavior . This Awareness indicates that this has been tested and used in these ways fo r approximately 50 years, and the present promotion of this substance is such that it is a further attempt to us e this substance in this nation . This Awareness indicates that this substance is of little real value in preventing tooth-decay, but the promotion of the substance is such that many dentists and doctors and many scientists and many good citizen s sincerely believe and trust the promoters without any research on their own, and therefore become promoter s themselves . This Awareness indicates that wherein any entity really looks into this deeply and really studies , 2.

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"Crest has been shown to he an effective decaywhen used in a u)nscientiously applied program of preventive dentifrice that can be of significant value oral hygiene and regular professional care ." Council on Dental Therapeutics—American Dental Associatio n


KCtlOR(STAN la a trademark for a promo decay-preventive commasit n Odom rnyrodlent : etanwm fluoride) . Made In U .S.A . by PROCTER COI BEE , Cincin,,U. ovio A5202

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without having personal interests involved, the entity will reach the conclusion that it is in fact but anothe r tool being promoted to help control the masses .



This Awareness indicates that each year, these organizations attempt t o bring this into the schools, to giv e this to young children ; that many of these children in first, second, third , and fourth grades, are not aware o f the dangers . The promotion is suc h that all children must use this, unless excused by thei r parents, and the parents themselves, not really understanding, seldom take a stand or issue on the matter ; and the nurse, or promoters may come in and pour little cups o f fluoride, and the children, upon the blowing of a whistle are then asked to "gargle the fluoride, swish this around i n your mouth, then do not swallow, except whatever is remaining in your mouth . " This Awareness indicates that the action is such tha t many of these children, not following directions properly , swallow the fluoride, and some get sick from it ; but th e real tragedy is that they are being taught that this is goo d for them . This Awareness indicates that this then promote s the big lie which these children, in time, will promote t o their children also, unless something occurs, where th e truth can be seen by all .





QUESTION : Awareneness, in reference to the actual brushing of teeth : there have recently come onto the market severa l brands of toothpaste comprised mainly of salt and baking soda and they do not contain the chemical fluoride . Would Awareness suggest that these types of toothpaste he used, as against the commercial ones that hav e the chemical fluoride? COSMIC AWARENESS : This Awareness indicates this in the affirmative . This Awareness indicates that the greatest danger into .L of brushin g teeth with the fluorides is that of swallowing .This Awareness indicates that these rluortdes als o are such as to stick to the outside of the teeth . This Awareness indicates that these fluoride toothpastes ar e not nearly so harmful as the liquids which are painted on the teeth, or used in drinking water . This Awareness indicates however., over a period of time, the continued use of fluoride toothpaste as that which ca n lead to a build-up of the substance within the body . 3.

This Awareness indicates there are certain ways whereby much of the toxin can be relieved . This Awareness indicates this through fasting . This Awareness indicates also, this appears to he through the use of certai n vitamins and minerals which help to move these substances out,---that this appears to be zinc, chromium, man ganese, magnesium . This Awareness indicates there appear to be others, but these not seen at this time . Tha t certain hair analysis tests can indicate whether an entity has a build-up of fluoride in one 's system ; that this then can be analyzed to determine what vitamins and minerals need to be taken to change the balance of th e :'metabolism . This Awareness suggests that this information can be supplied through the basic hair analysi s which is available through the address previously given for this service .

ED's Note : The book Red Fog Over America, by Commander William Guy Carr, is available from C .A .C . for $400 .

He has devoted many pages in this book describing the harrowing conspiracy and effects on entities o f fluoride . (This is the same author of the revealing book on the iliaminati, Pawns in the Game, als o available from C.A.C . for $4 .00 . Biochemist Cell Salts of Dr . Schuessler are available at most healthfood stores as are numerous brands of organic toothpastes which contain no chemicals or fluorides . Also, your local AMWAY dealer has a goo d toothpaste which contains no chemicals . You can obtain a hair analysis from most homeopathic physicians (see Yellow Pages of phone book). Or

you can obtain a hair analysis by mail by writing to : iralth Evaluations, Inc . P.O. Box 1.87 Hayward, Calif. 9454`x / (The hair analysis will cost, about $37,00, and well worth it, because it will reveal exactly what damage has occurred to your body or in what. type of health your body is in, and recommend what vitamins and minerals etc . you should be taking . Awareness has recommended many times that entities get their hai r analyzed periodically . The address above is just one . of numerous places where these analysis' can b e obtained . Don 't send them money at first . You must write them for information and a form you mus t fill out when you send for your hair analysis .

New Advanced Formula Crest is backed up by the largest clinical tent ever performed on a toothpaste . These exhaus rive tests lasted for 3 solid years involving almost 5,000 tids.We conducted over 10000 dental checkups and examined a Stagg ng 250,000 teeth. The r ilts haw: shown that noel you can get fewer cavitie.switls Oast than aver before. Naturally, you sell have rc째 wads sweets . see your dentist, and brush often with new Advanced Formula ems .,n:째ig all this, car lam sail be content with your kids getting tardy 1 cavity a year? After all, in 10 Veal's; it'll be nothing to smile about ,

REVELATIONS OF AWARENESS is a cosmic newsletter published every two weeks by Cosmic Awareness Communications , P .O . Pox 115, Olympia, Washington 98507 (a non-profit organization) . Subscription rates available upon request .

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