81—1 3
Cosmic Awareness Cofnnlunicationa
The New-Age Cosmic Newsletter
P. O . Bat 115,
Washington 0850 7
$2 .00 vOSMIC AWARENESS is the Force that es:pressed Itself through Jesus; of Nazareth the Buddha, Krishna . Mohammed, Edgar Cayce and either great avenue who served as `Channels' for the 'Heavenly Father' and who speaks again today as tar world begins to enter the New Age of spiritual consciousness and awaresseaa . Since 1963 Cosmic Awareness has been communicatin ; ; thxeugh carefully-trained channels . The tnfornatton contained herein was received from deep super-couacious trance levels and ' interpreted ' by an entity affiliated with C .A.C . Thi r afar:nation is for those who desire to help in brintgng in the New Age . Throughout the thousands of 'Headings' given through these channels , osm c Awareness tells us not to believe anything but to question, explore, doubt, and discover for yourself, through our own channel . what is the truth. Cosmic Awareness will only indicate and suggest. Neither C .A .C ., the Aquarian Church of Universal Service or the Interpreter , PauI Shockley is responsible for anything Cosmic Awareness may state in any of these readings, nor dace C .A .C . or Paul Shockley aecessszil y helteve or a with the statements of f onmie Awareness . Paul interprets the energies as he sees them in trtwe levels sad is got personally responsible or whet is said .Members of C .A .C. are invited to send in questions of general interest to wilt Awareness for possible publication.
Tuning into the Infinite . . . .
( Op ening Message, C .A .C . General Reading ) March 11, 198 1
Paul Shockley, Interpreter
This Awareness indicates that the Interpreter not in a deep enough trance at this time . This Awareness indicates that It will give forth some message and watch to see if the Interpreter moves out . This Awarenes s indicates that the Interpreter as having been under much stress during the past two years, particularly relate d to the law suit and accusations and the efforts of those to destroy this entity's reputation in order to clos e this channel . This Awareness indicates that this has taken a tremendous toll on the entity's energies and ha s created certain frustrated levels which may be considered as injuries to the entity's being . This Awareness indicates however, that this appears to be nearing the end of this attack ; that the energies related to this la w suit appear to be swinging favorably toward a completion . This Awareness indicates that thereafter, it appears the total attention and energies of the Interpreter may again be focused on his channel . *
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This Awareness indicates that there has developed a kind of leakage in the channel, whereby the Interprete r has not been capable of total surrender and disidentification with the concerns and problems of being in th e world, particularly because of the law suit and charges leveled against him, and partly due to other circumstances which are related indirectly to this law suit . This Awareness indicates that this does however ap pear to be such that it, in completing the major p art of this cycle, shall allow a freeing of the Interpreter's energies so that the channel will again move into greater energizing in the coining two to three months . This Awareness asks that at this time the energizers count softly to twelve, slowly, visualizing the Interpreter movin g into deeper and deeper levels of trance . [A count of 12 is given ] This Awareness indicates this as an improvement . This Awareness suggests that the Interpreter appears t o be at approximately the 7th level . This Awareness has previously indicated levels on a scale of 1 to 13 . This Awareness wishes at this time to again repeat this information, as it appears not to have been made available . COPYRIGHT 1981 by Cosmic Awareness Communications & the Aquarian Church of Universal Service .
ED ' s Note : This reading was given a few weeks before the Interpreter Paul Shockley was to appear in court to face a $3,000,00 0 law suit brought by the entity that donated some land to Paul 5 years ago on which to start the Aquarian Church of Universa l Service . (Awareness had indicated before this happened that Paul and the Aquarian Church would be attacked by the Alien Forc e in an effort to discredit Paul and close down his channel) . Sought out by the lawyer who led the successful attack on the Churc h of Scientology, the entity donating the land was pressured into pressing charges that P'auI was a fraud, his church was a "cult" and that he had been swindled out of his property The charges were outrageous, totally untrue (Paul possess a legal deed signed by th e entity and witnessed by 5 other people) . However, the lawyer, attempting to make headlines, continued his attack to discredi t Paul and destroy his church . Armed with Awareness readings published by C .A .C ., this entity brought Paul to trial in April o f 1981 . The important thing to Paul was to save the reputation of the Aquarian Church and his own good name . When the readings were about to be presented to the court, the Judge ruled that Paul's trancing and how the Aquarian Church was operated was no t admissible . With that decision, Paul won a major victory . The judge, however, did rule that although Paul did have a legal deed to the property, a psychiatrist brought in by the plaintiff stated that the entity giving the property to Paul was a paranoid-schizophrenic during the time of the trial and therefore was probably crazy 5 years ago, and therefore ruled that Paul was to return th e property, move off, and pay the entity $60 a month for each month he had lived thereon . The judge would not let Paul's lawye r produce a psychiatrist who had other views . The entity suing Paul really lost everything : he is now legally `crazy' and a ward o f the state and his lawyer now controls the property, worth $800,000, although the entity may continue to live on the property . Paul has asked for a change of venue and an appeal of the decision to a higher court . He should no doubt win . For if the decisio n should stand it would put every transaction ever made in the C .S . in jeapardy . Any deal . marriage contract, a home or land you . bought, for example --ail a person need do at any future time would be to find a headshrinker to say he was crazy today, an d therefore must have been. crazy at the time he signed the contract, and he could nullify the deed, license etc . or get his home or land back . The implications are so outrageous and assinine should the decision stand it would disrupt the legal procedures acros s the land and jam the already overcrowded court dockets with thousands of equally idiotic court cases . In other words, if you ca n appear crazy 10 years after a contract is signed, the court must rule that you must have been crazy at the time you signed i t years earlier, and therefore the contract is invalid . At the time this reading is being set up in type (3 weeks after the trial), Paul has not been up to Olympia to do any more readings . He is concentrating on doing the huge backlog of Personal Readings in order to pay off a staggering debt to his lawyers an d to prepare for the appeal later on this year . Paul's only source of income at this time is in doing Personal Readings, Trance Heal Inge and the C .A .C . monthly readings . For this reason the donations required for Personal Readings have been increased to $200 . The new price for a Trance Healing is $150) . (The Monthly Trance Holdings for the membership remain free of charge or what ever donation one feels Hite making) . These increases were planned for later on this year, but the urgency now demands that the y become effective immediately . We hope the membership will exercise understanding and patience in this matter . Although Pau l has lost a battle, he has not lost the war . It is this final victory in the appeal later on this year and the fact that Paul has preserve d his good name and that of the Aquarian Church that Awareness is probably referring to in this reading as "completing the major part of the cycle" and the case "swinging favorably toward a completion" . Paul is not upset by the recent court decision . In fact he feels a great relief and the lifting of a burden he has borne alone for the past 3 years . He is doing the Personal Readings daily now and C .A .C . is mailing notices to many of the members on the list awaiting a reading that their name is about to come up . (This information being presented at this time to explain why Paul was having difficulty getting into deep trance levels at th e time of this reading and why Awareness was making references to the impending court appearance of Nu!) . Avaton .
This Awareness indicates that level 1, in the scale given, as that which is equivalent to an entity who i s totally alert and focusing on a particular situation or problem that requires much conscious concentratio n and attention . Level 2 is that which is of a more relaxed type of attention . Level 3 is that which is likene d unto a resting mind . Level 4 as that which is reaching the threshold of sleep, or daydreaming, or beginnin g to hallucinate, such as seeing images alongside a highway, which upon closer observation, are not there . Thi s level 4 as a subjective level . This Awareness indicates level 5 as that which is the surface of the waters, or th e line between conscious and subconscious or subjective levels of consciousness . Level 6 as that which occurre d in the opening of this reading, wherein the entity is barely under the surface level, wherein the entity in a sleep state would be in a type of semi-dreaming and semi-awake state of drifting off . This Awareness indicate s level 7 as that wherein the entity is in a clear subjective level, capable in dream states of letting go of cons cious concerns and allowing the mind to drift, according to its own inclination, in a subjective state . This as within the threshold of sleep . This Awareness indicates in the trance state, level 7 as that which is of a clear level, without interferenc e from conscious concerns, emotional concerns, or concerns of that which is on the surface level . This Awareness indicates that It is not capable of retrieving deep information, or unknown or hidden information with out moving into deeper levels . This-Awareness indicates that level 8 as that wherein the entity in a sleep state , falls into a point of transition, unrelated to the surface level wherein the entity actually engages in a slee p which if tapped into and awakened, the entity would realize that he had indeed been asleep . This Awareness indicates that in the trance level, the entity in this 8th level as that which wherein the entity is consciousl y asleep rather than subconsciously asleep, the entity as aware, but in a definite state, unattached to surfac e levels, this entity as capable of moving beyond the threshold into deeper regions . This Awareness indicates the 9th level as that which does indeed move into deeper regions, both in sleep and in trance levels ; that i n each of these states of consciousness, the 9th level as that which allows the entity to travel in the Inner Plane . This Awareness indicates the 10th level as that which allows the entity to become unified with this Awareness in a sense of non-difference, wherein the two merge as one . The 11th level as that which allows th e portion of this Awareness to move back into another entity for reading or experiencing that entity's being . The 12th level is that which allows the entity, or portion of this Awareness which has resulted from the unio n of the 10th level, to move into more than one being, to move into a unification of forces within the universe , reading future, past or various remote or present situations . This Awareness indicates level 13 as that whic h is the threshold of death . That the entity in level 13 loses all consciousness of the experience, and upon returning from level 13 would not recall any of the experience . This Awareness indicates that such a level is very close to that; state of death, and the entity would be in a very vulnerable position during the period of leve l 13 consciousness . 9,
This Awareness indicates that It has attempted to use this channel in areas ranging between levels 9 an d 12 . This Awareness indicates there are occasions when the channel is in lighter levels of trance . This Awareness indicates It has seldom allowed the channel to move into levels of the 13th level of consciousness o r beyond, as this is very damaging to the Interpreter, and can result in increased aging and other destructiv e energies to the physical form . This Awareness indicates that wherein the Interpreter is in levels between 9 an d 12, these levels are sufficient for the messages which this Awareness wishes to present to this plane at thi s time . This Awareness indicates that in order that the Interpreter maintain a quality control of readings betwee n level 9 and level 12, external pressures should he kept to within a range or stress factor that is not over charged, causing the Interpreter to face excessive responsibilities in the physical world which cannot b e handled without subtracting from the energies of the channeling and the identification with this Awareness . This Awareness indicates that there are many ways whereby this may be assisted . This Awareness indicates ,W GRHV QRW ZLVK WR discuss these many ways, but simply to indicate the nature of the situation which is a t present affecting the channel . This Awareness indicates that this concept has recently been expressed also through the channel of Bill ; that this entity also as one who needs a certain amount of guaranteed space for his chanelling to occur an d continue . This Awareness indicates this in reference to the quality desired ; for wherein such is not provided , the quality will first suffer, the quantity or the actual closing of the channel may not occur for some tim e even though much stress is felt in the lives of these entities . This Awareness indicates that It requests a pause, that another count of 12 be given, while visualizing the Interpreter moving into that which is the 9th level o f consciousness . [ A count of 1 .2 is again given by the energizers present ] This Awareness indicates that over the past several years, there have been given many messages from thi s Awareness through this channel . Some of these messages have been of high accuracy in terms of informatio n released . In other instances, many of the messages given turned out to be slightly altered, particularly in reference to predictions which this Awareness gave through the energy patterns and which the Interpreter attempted to interpret into your language . This Awareness indicates that many of these errors occurred in part fro m the interpretation, and in part from changes which occurred in actuality, altering the patterns which wer e present . This Awareness indicates that in some cases, the changes occurred because the messages were give n and alerted consciousness and changed the patterns which were given . This Awareness indicates that often a prediction is given, not to prove how one can guess the future, but to alert entities as to the direction o f events if something isn ' t done . This Awareness indicates that wherein an entity is driving down a highway and sees a force coming towar d your vehicle, if one shouts out, "Look out! You 're going to have an accident! ", that prediction may caus e the accident not to occur . This Awareness indicates that it may prolong the occurrence and allow it to occu r in a more casual way, less destructive, or not as soon . This Awareness indicates therefore, there are prediction s which are warnings, there are predictions which seek to prove how accurately one can guess the future, ther e are predictions which program the listener to accept something which is coming as inevitable . This Awareness indicates these three types of predictions need to be understood, so that entities don't confuse one with th e other . This Awareness indicates that wherein an entity is given a prediction which serves as a warning, and wherei n the entity acts in such a manner as to avoid the stated circumstance, the entity then cannot, in good conscience, come back upon the one who predicted and state that it was not so, that the prediction was in error . This Awareness indicates however, that there are some who do not understand the three types of predictions , who do, in fact, confuse these . This Awareness indicates that there are those forces which are still in movement, which this Awarenes s spoke of in previous messages, warning about the efforts to create a National Emergency, to set up situation s which would lead to the Electronic-Fund-Transfer System of the banks, taking currency from the market place and making everything electrical, with credit cards or marks upon one's hand ; this Awareness indicates that this has not yet been scrapped as a plan of the Luciferian consciousness, and there are entities who ar e still promoting and pushing for the next phase of this action . This Awareness indicates that it has been delayed , allowing more and more entities to become aware of the planned trap . This Awareness indicates that thi s awareness of many more entities could be enough to prevent the plan from working, even if the trap is sprung , except for the fact that there are many entities who are being misled by the Luciferian Forces who appear t o be allies of those who would prevent such a plan from happening . This Awareness indicates this in referenc e to many of those entities who refer to themselves as Christians, but who are being used and manipulated b y the Luciferian Forces to move along in a particular direction which assists the plan to bring about the Nationa l Emergency situations, so that the dictatorial powers can be implemented in this nation, and from here, sprea d to other nations on this planet, through the furthering of these Luciferian plans . This Awareness indicates that those who have been active in enlightening the masses are as weapons of th e Forces of Light which prevent the spread of deception by shining Light on the false trickery, manipulatio n and lies of the Luciferian plans. This Awareness indicates this has been having an effect of hindering the Luciferian efforts, making it much more expensive and difficult to implement any such plans . This Awareness indicates however that it has not discouraged the forces from continued efforts to implement the plans of tha t known as the Beast and the setting up of the Anti-Christ world government . 3.
This Awareness indicates that though these forces have been weakened and are inhibited by the Ligh t shined upon them, and although these forces are less powerful than approximately two years ago, these force s are still dangerous because of their desperation and their continued determination in their purposes . This Awareness indicates therefore, it is essential that entities continue to be aware of the activities which hav e been prophesied and which have been described in previous readings from this Awareness, in other message s from other entities, and that entities become aware of the flexibility and changeability of events, so that the y not simply assume that if this particular prediction does not occur upon a particular date given, that th e entire energy factor involved in the prediction must have been in error and no longer worthy of concern . This Awareness indicates that even though the details, the specifics of the energies given have altered by circumstances, the intentions and the energies in movement are still in their play and are following the script of thei r play. This Awareness indicates that these energies, while weakened, are still dangerous in that if seen as defeated, they can very quickly rally greater strength and come back with great force . This Awareness reminds you of the symbolism in the %RRN RI 5HYHODWLRQ wherein the Beast was wounded and yet recovered, and all marveled at the Beast . This Awareness indicates that it is not a time for entities t o rejoice in victory until the entire planet has been enlightened and all of the darkness, ignorance, deception , violence and polarities have been brought to Light . This Awareness indicates that there are factors involved in present circumstances which have altered th e energies given during the past year . This Awareness indicates that the economic system under Reagan ha s been altered . The future actions shall again be altered . There are varying degrees of possible involvement s and change in terms of political activities, in terms of economic changes, in terms of potential war situations : all of these are in a state of uncertainty, which at this time can be altered by small leverage applied here o r there to create a different future, a different outcome . This Awareness indicates that wherein Light Forces let up on the diligence of watching, of being aware, o f spreading Light---this will serve as a lack of leverage in terms of application to these forces ; and wherein lever age is lacking in one area, it allows leverage applied elsewhere to have greater effect . The Dark Forces are no t letting up at all, and even though weakened in comparison to their previous strength, are still powerful, an d the Light Forces, although stronger than ever, are still uncertain ; lacking in the determination and courage tha t would bring about a quick and easy victory . This Awareness indicates however, the Light Forces as developing patience, which can bring about a mor e peaceful resolution to problems, so long as that patience does not turn into apathy . This Awareness indicate s the important point is that entities must remain aware and not assume that all is well until indeed, there ar e no dark shadows, there is no separation, there are no wars, there is harmony and opportunity for all to experience freedom to grow and be individuals in the Universal Being . (End of Opening Message)
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THE AVATARIC COMPANY AND 'REPROGRAMMING THE SYNTHETICS ' { More on the channelings of Bill Sheppard )
QUESTION : Awareness, Bill Sheppard has channeled considerable information on what he refers to as the `Avatari c Company', which he claims are Wanderers and potential Light Workers who are now on this plane, but wh o have become ensnared in the various trips that the plane offers, and have in effect been slumbering or are . asleep, and it is now time to awaken these entities and remind them on the important levels that they hav e important work to do in transmuting the energies . I'd like to ask if the information and exercises that h e gave on reprogramming the Synthetics, for example, using certain meditations and decrees, would help brin g about this change that's necessary to drive the Luciferian energies off of this planet once and for all ? [ Ed 's Note : these channelinas of Bill have since been published . Also, Bill has given us permission to use his last name. ] COSMIC AWARENESS : This Awareness indicates this is in the affirmative . This Awareness indicates this entity, Bill, as one who ha s the capacity for fine attunement to this Awareness through opening his channel under certain circumstances . This Awareness indicates that many of the entities referred to as the `Avataric Company', or as Wanderers ar e beginning to awaken to their true purposes and destinies, and in the awakening process find themselves struggling with the conflict imposed upon them by the society, the culture, the government, the family, expectation :. of those in the world, and the intuitive and spiritual guidance and programming which these entities are receiving and have received from the Inner Plane . This Awareness indicates this conflict is that which these entities are struggling with at this time : the rational mind, programmed by the world, and the intuitive mind, programmed by the Inner Plane or the etheri c world, creating within the entity a feeling of division, or schizophrenia, whereby the entity cannot fit in th e world, yet feels guilty if leaving the obligations of the world, and finds himself or herself in the world havin g obligations ; the entity also never being satisfied in participating solely in these worldly affairs . This Awareness indiates this creating within the entity a feeling of great frustration . 4.
This Awareness indicates that wherein the entity begins to understand the cause and nature of the frustration, the entity may also begin to recognize that it is not so much the world itself that is the difficulty as i t is the system being used by the world. This Awareness indicates when the entity discovers this, the entity ma y then begin to live in the new system, live in the realms of magic, faith, the identification with the Divin e Forces. As the entity surrenders to the Divine Forces, merges with the Higher Self, becomes One with th e Father in Heaven, the entity then begins to experience a different set of rules and the old ways, the ol d methods can no longer be chains upon the ankles of the entity . The entity, though chained to the world, i s free in spirit . This Awareness indicates that in the Tarot deck, there are seen two lovers with a n angel overhead, and a pair of bushes growing . This Awareness indicates that on one bush are five fruits, on the other are seven flames . This Awareness indicates this refers to the five sense and the seven chakras. The two lovers refer to the conscious and subconscious–the middle self and the low self. Overhead, the angel is that which is the Divine or Higher Self . This Awareness indicates that this in reference to the symboli c Garden of Eden, with Adam and Eve and the Divine overseer. This Awareness indicates that further in the Tarot deck there is seen that car d which is known as the Devil card, and this Devil entity hovers over two beings--mal e and female–who have chains upon themselves, hooked to a square or cubical stone . This Awareness indicates this cubical stone is the ancient symbology for matter . These entities are the same entities as were present in the Lovers card, but now these entities are hooked into matter, and the angel is no longer a Divine Being, but ha s transformed into a devil . This Awareness indicates this as the conscious and subconscious mind being hooked to the material values and watched over by Mammon' s laws–the Laws of Matter and Mammon . This Awareness indicates that this is the old way. These entities are of the world, and in the world . This Awareness indicates that wherein the entities wish to cut themselves free , breaking the chains that bind the entities, freeing themselves from Kai, (the India n version of this entity), wherein entities can free themselves from the Maya, or illusio n of matter, and break these chains, this occurs as they turn their eyes upward, no t toward matter, but toward Spirit, and identify with that which is the Spirit or Divin e Force of the Universe, as the `reality', and recognize the material forms and substances as being but play-dough, as being but toys for consciousness to play with, as bein g but illusions, images . day-dreams, the `stuff which dreams are made of'. This Awareness indidicates wherein entities realize the material situations are all but part of a great play, and that the roles which entities are playing are but those roles whic h they have chosen, and which have caught them up in circumstances or Dharma, i n conflicts, or karma : wherein entities fully understand this as all but the works of th e great magician, Kai, (this as K-A-L) the master of illusion in the terms of the Hind u teachings, and that the illusion is Maya, and that the reality is the Life Force--th e vibration, the sound which leads back to the source of all the illusion, the source of all these creations--and that source is the Divine Beginning of All Things and is no t the illusion or form, but is the cause of these effects, and wherein entities can associate themselves, seeking to be One with this cause, then entities shall no longer b e at the effect of the illusion of matter . WHO IS THE "HOLY AVENGER" ? QUESTION :
More on the frame of reference 1
We receive a memo from B .W . of Houston, Texas, that went out to religious, spiritual, or psychic study groups . He writes : "We'd like to exchange any information you may have received of revelation knowledge or prophec y concerning the newest member of the Godhead, the `Holy Avenger' . Instead of the Holy Trinity, there is a Fourth, now the Holy Quadrant. If you have any information on this revelation, please write to me and I wil l he happy to exchange ideas, information etc ." We have never heard of this term before and I'd like to ask Awarenesss if It has any information on that ? COSMIC AWARENESS : This Awareness indicates that this appears to be a Western version of those qualities of Kai, or Kali, th e Indian deity of blood and destruction, of that which is the Destroyer . This Awareness indicates however, that in this Western version, this appears to be such as that which implies a modified creation or being, whose action s 're to serve for the forces of Good, rather than in a force of Darkness . This Awareness indicates that this app ears to be a new creation in consciousness which has little energy on it at present, but which, if promoted effectively, could become a major concept and force in Western religious thinking . 5.
This Awareness wishes to remind entities that all things are relative to the frame of reference ; that in th e absolute sense, none of these things exist, except as concepts . This Awareness indicates however, when movin g into a particular frame of reference, wherein entities accept these many things as valid concepts, assuming th e concepts are real, then within that frame of reference much can be said about the relationships and definition s of these different beings or concepts . This Awareness indicates that for entities to better understand what this Awareness is saying in this regard, this Awareness asks you to imagine yourself being given the power to create within a particular room whic h you have created, a toy shop filled with all games imaginable, as they are imagined, and having the right t o play any of these games you desire. This Awareness indicates one of your first games and creations is to creat e duplicates of yourself. This Awareness indicates suddenly you are surrounded by a multiplicity of beings, eac h identical to yourself. This Awareness indicates that in order to create a kind of interest in this action, you may seek to guess, or have each of the others guess which one was the creator of the others . This Awareness indicates therefore, the game becomes somewhat interesting for a time . This Awareness indicates that then it becomes boring, „ so you add changes. You disguise each entity to give individual appearances, so that no one really knows which one was the original, and so that each entity can distinguish one from the other by these ne w features . This Awareness indicates that along wit h such changes, to complicate the game even further "The children are malting a baby . " . ,yougiveachftsdrnwyohikg different sets of feelings, different emotions, differen t different interests, different goals ; and as these develop, they create different inclinations toward expression ; and as these develop, these entities in thei r creativity, develop different games, and ask each other to play the game they have created . This Awareness indicates that in playing these many games . one entity can ask another : "I have here a particular situation with this deity and this deity, opposed to this deity and to this deity . One of these deities does this, the other does that . This one is good, this one is bad ." This Awareness indicates that this entity then attempts to get others to play this game with him ; and if others join in, wherein there are a number of similar playe r each may wish to add a new twist to the game, particularly if they have somehow had a similar game and woul c like to bring part of that game into this game . This Awareness indicates therefore, the entity introduces mor e information or another character into the game, and brings forth a new deity . This Awareness indicates whe n this occurs, entities playing the game may stop and wonder, "I've never heard of this before. Who is this ne w deity? Where did this entity come from? Is he real? Or is he simply imaginary? " This Awareness indicates that if such an entity asks this Awareness whether the new deity is real or imaginary, this Awareness may answer in different disclosures with conflicting answers and still be stating the truth . This Awareness may answer from the frame of reference of that particular game, and say that, "Yes, thi s entity is real", or this Awareness may answer within the frame of reference of those who have played th e game previously and have never heard of this entity because the entity has never been created yet, and thi s Awareness may say, "No, this entity does not exist,"or this Awareness may answer in terms of the total universal game, knowing that all of these games are illusions and are just as real as any others, and are all the creations of consciousness, of game-playing . All are the illusions created by imagination for each other to enjoy, o r to despair . This Awareness indicates that in either case, this Awareness may answer, "Yes, this entity is real , for the entity created as the Avenger, the new deity, is just as real a creation as any other, if accepted by th e rest of consciousness" . Or this Awareness may answer, "No . This entity does not exist, and it is but an illusion" , and this answer also would be real and true, but would be incomplete, for it would not fully explain that al l of the rest is also illusion . This Awareness indicates that It could state, "This Avenger character is a new deity of high order, and entities would do well to how and serape to this fellow, lest they find themselves in trouble, ad did many wh o failed to recognize the power of Jehovah" . This Awareness indicates that if It answered in such terms, It would be adding to the energy and creation of this image, creating the imaginary being into that consciousnes s which could potentially accept the being as a reality for other entities in future years to experience in term s of fear, circumstances, or comedy, depending on how the entity was described and accepted and programme d into mass consciousness . This Awareness indicates on the other hand, this Awareness could also state that this entity does not exist , and for whatever influence this Awareness might have in consciousness through this channel, It would den y to that degree the energizing process for this character known as the Avenger, the Holy Avenger, to have hi s being as a form for energizing in consciousness . Ttgs Awarenesssnr igates that It . shes_tQ sf:ate categorically_ that_entities ar e- tree-to create as many deitiesas will satisfy their little loungers . This Awareness indicates that wherein entitre ` petites-for deities become saturated, they still have the one true God, which is within, an d of which they are part and are tied to by universal forces and laws, unbreakable, irregardless of the game s people play. 6.
QUESTION : Awareness stated that the first thing entities do in creating is to create duplicates of themselves . Is this als o referring to the 144 aspects of an entity? Are these, in fact, the duplicates also referred to ? COSMIC AWAIThENES$S : This Awareness indicates this in the affirmative . This Awareness indicates that this entity creating duplicates of himself is that which is the spiritual Center of the Universal Consciousness rather than the reference to a particular individual . This Awareness indicates however, that in another sense, this occurs within each individual as the DNA and RNA chromosome chain is created within the individual as the individual develops from the egg into a being, and that room may be seen as the womb, or test-tube, (whichever the entity prefers t o enter through), and that room wherein repetitions or duplicates of the self are created is the laboratory know n as the body which creates these molecules--the coded reflections, or duplicated cells of the first cell, each containing the same qualities as the other . These cells, likened unto duplicate selves of the entity, may in time be come slightly altered, so that there is a slight difference between one and the other, and each cell may creat e a different game in which it is evolved/involved, and groups of cells may come together to create organs o r organizations in which they become involved in their particular creative game . This Awareness indicates therefore, what was used in describing Universal concepts of creativity, is als o applicable to the individual concept of creating a human body, with its many cells and organs functionin g according to the rules of the game of the Creator, which is the Deity within each individual, and is also th e reflection referred to by this Awareness as the duplication of the Divine Universal Self or Being--the Universa l Creator which creates duplicates of itself, which in turn create duplicates within the microcosmic creation- the body, creating cells which reflect the duplication of the image of God . FROM WHAT LEVEL WAS TI-HS READING CHANNELED ?
QUESTION : In light of the Opening Message today, would Awareness indicate from what level the bulk of today' s channeling came from, and whether it would be better to discontinue the sessions until after the Interpreter' s lawsuit, or to continue them this week as planned ? COSMIC AWARENESS : This Awareness indicates that this session began at approximately a level 5, then after the Opening Messag e moved to level 6 . This Awareness indicates that after a counting, the energies moved through level 7 and the n 8. This Awareness indicates that the bulk of this reading as having been between level 10 and 12 ; that portionsparticularly in the latter part–in the areas of 11 and 12 . This Awareness suggests that these may continue wit h certain evaluations at the end of the readings being given by this Awareness, if desired for your records an d evaluations . (End of reading. No Closing Message)
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"Come on, Brian—let's don't get involved!" c4EVELATtONS OF AWARENESS is a co€mic newsletter published every two weeks Awareness Communications , P.O . Box 115, Olympia, Washington 98607 (A non-profit organizatbn) . Subscription ratesCosmic are available upon request . by