The. New -Age Cosmic Newsletter
Cosmic Awareness Communication s P. O. tits 115, 0tr*ir1t . Wrtmnttun 9tt50 7 t itt'It nI; people to lu!ronl!` aware )
Mohammed, ir:dgat' Cayce. an d COSMIC MV A RCN NSS is the Rome that ex prcnsctl II, ll tit routrJ1 .1Caob of Natai,'II, the Nu ddba, Krtshnu.world! uiy a titre and who atn'atts again today as the begins to eitLer the New Ace Other gruel ai At a, whO sewed ah 'Chtu, 'Is' fur the o!' spiritual eumcittustll•ht and awarcln,s , Since 11Hla Cosmic Aw'arencn, has betel communicating II,fut it carefully--trained channels . The information contained herein was rrcuiveJ from der p vu ter-eon ictous trance levels moil `interpreted' by an anticy affiliated with C .A .C . TI,is
information I . for those whit desk,' to hull) in brittt :lrtl; in the New Aire . Throughout the. thousands of 'Headings' given (Iuottglt these channels , Cosmic Acv su•nrss tells us not to believe anythin t but to question, ctl plum, doubt, sari discov,', for yourself, through your own channel , what is the truth . Cosmic Awarrnru. will only indicate and suggest. . Ntillicr C .A .C ., the Ag+'iariau C luirch of Universal Service of the Inter{{rat,sr , Pau! Shockley is responslblr- for alt VIliinit Commie Awareness may' slate in any of these readings, nor does C .A .C . ur Paul Shacln lr y or. rasaarU y ti,. htt•r to altn'e a•t lt, the +I ste "nets „f Cosmic A w are ncss . Paul iiiterp,e is Mr energies as Ile sees them In tI'Hilt'C le vels mutt is out p'raunatl y retpunsiblr for what w said .Mrnthers of C .A .C . atP Mulled to we nd in gttreuuna of general intrust to asj. AsHi'rnria tot possible. titibiirattott . l
tlt.il'S'i l ( iN . Ali over the United States . millions of entities are being thrown out of work, laid off--permanently in many , many cases . sv great majority of these entities are what they call white. collar worriers and professional people . school teachers etc ., and there's been many, many stories about what happens to these entities emotionall y when tot's lose their job . There ' s tear . there's depression, theme's a teelitlf! UI unworthiness, feelings of guilt , etc . There's even been numerous cases of entities who held big-paying em2cul .ive jobs. who lost them, tha t could not face their family and tell tom this had happene_d .'I'hcy would get up promptly in the morning a s usual, bill on their dress suit, and „o " to work" and return home ever y night right on time, _just as thoug h nothing had happened, sometimes doing this for mouths . I'upytltdtI 1981 by Cosmic Awareness Communications & the Aquarian Church of Universal Service . Itetrnd,,.11ot, by nernttsyton .
I'd like to ask Awareness if it could give a program for entities who find themselves suddenly out of what wa s a secure job or profession, and now find themselves in the ranks of the unemployed, so that they can relat e with other entities and their family during these crisis periods and still maintain their own self-worth ? COSMIC AWARENESS : This Awareness indicates that this as a difficult situation when entities find their identifications being tor n apart . This Awareness indicates that essentially, this as most difficult for those entities who believe that, thei r occupation is the significant purpose in their life and allow their entire self-esteem and prestige to ride on thei r occupation . This Awareness indicates that many such entities find not only their security and sustenance i n their work, but their entire purpose for living may be in their occupation and career . This Awareness indicate s that when this is shattered or torn away, the entity then must face his family, (or her family), to recognize th e self without the occupation which had been made so significant that some entities feel that it is the occupatio n which gives them the sense of importance and therefore cannot face the family as simply this `person ', withou t the title and occupation which has been the pride and joy of the entity . This Awareness indicates when such occurs, the entity will, indeed, go through a crisis adjustment period , if the entity is capable of adjusting . This Awareness indicates that in many ways, this is a potential time fo r extreme soul growth . That if the entity cannot let go of the identification of the occupation as the significanc e of his or her life, then the entity, indeed, will suffer . This Awareness indicates that if the entity, in looking a t this change, can still recognize that "this life is surely something more than the lousy job which took all of m y time and energies, which took my most precious creative thoughts " . . . .this Awareness indicates that if the entity can look at this as an opportunity to take stock of his or her life, to begin anew as a new type of direction , a new transition in life whereby the entity is free of that occupation and can now move in any direction ; thi s then can be seen as an enforced opportunity,--a change which was forced upon the entity, but which gives a n opportunity for the entity to start anew, according to something that he or she may wish to do, which perhap s has been long neglected or which may have been merely a dream . This Awareness indicates that entities ofte n have desires in the back of their mind regarding what they would truly like to do with their life. This Awareness indicates that such entities may see this time as a point in their life whereby this opportunity could begin . This Awareness indicates that in terms of fearing for your family to discover that you have lost your job , this Awareness indicates that tl ;is should be part, of their growth also . That if the family only accepts you fo r the occupation which you held as a breadwinner or as one who brings home the paycheck, or as one who ha s a particular title or career ; and if that is all you mean to them, then you might as well give up on having a family at all . This Awareness indicates that in such a state of mind, an entity concerned about what the family might think, may just as well inform the family that the occupation has been terminated, that you are out o f work, and that if the family objects, then they can do whatever they wish, but there is nothing that you ca n do about this ; therefore, they are going to have to accept it along with you, This Awareness indicates that yo u may then seek other employment, or may suggest, that your family members, if capable, may wish to seek employment, of their own . This Awareness indicates if your family is totally repulsed by your having Iost you r job, and if your family no longer needs you since you are unemployed, then "good riddance" to your family , for they do not deserve your energies . This Awareness suggests that it is absurd to shelter your family from the facts of your life, and it is muc h more meaningful in the adjustment to be honest with them, to allow them to recognize your problems, t o share these with them so that together, as a family, you can encourage each other, share with each other, an d know that you each have the support of the other in whatever efforts are made to continue as a family . This Awareness indicates the only way entities could act otherwise and refuse to share these experiences with thei r family, or go out, and pretend to be working when in fact the job had been terminated weeks or months previously, the only way entities could carry on in such a manner is wherein the entity is living an artificial life , based on artificial values which do not convey truth, even to oneself ; and in such a case, the entity needs th e experience that, has come about from this lesson .
QUESTION : Some of these entities, particularly professional people who hav e made very high incomes in their profession and established a good image in their community and among their friends, hav e made statements to the effect that unemployment, to them, is a stigma---like carrying a social disease around , that after awhile their old friends quit . inviting them to dinner and to parties, and they no longer can go t o their clubs and so forth, and that this kind of social stigma does something to their feeling of self-worth . Is there any solution for a person who feels this type of pressure from his former friends and associates, that h e could look at this and realize there is a way out of that type of pressure ? 2.
COSMIC AWARENESS : This Awareness indicates this can come about when entities examine the standards and values by which the y have lived in relation to the totality of life itself . Whereby entities believe and live by a standard of values whic h states that "I am important. and above the average person, or the unemployed person, because I have a specia l role in society," and wherein this entity finds that importance or that value stripped from him or her, the entity then may feel a loss of self-esteem ; and others Who have had the same value, seeing this entity now unemployed , may find this entity unworthy of being "in the club ". This Awareness indicates that this simply is a questio n of values and whose values are important, and whether any of those values which measure the worth of an entity in this manner are even worth the effort to continue promoting . This Awareness suggests that it is a grand time for entities to examine their value systems and ask themselves : "Is fame, is fortune, is prestige what life is all about? Are these the values which I should pour my life energie s toward, or is there something else of greater importance in life? " This Awareness has no sympathy for thos e entities who place their values in terms of esteem, prestige and the search for power and glory, and who, upo n having an ego death or pride loss of having their position ripped from under them, and finding themselves o n the equality level of the masses : this Awareness has no sympathy for such entities, but only requests that th e entities look again, and find values which are lasting . For no entity, in whatever status of high position, shal l ever remain there eternally unless that high position encompasses all of the humility that goes with the lowest . status of life .
IS A TEST OF THE EG O (Will Divine Forces help you find work ? 1
QUESTION : There has been discussion in the newspapers lately abou t entities in particular jobs or professions losing that particular job and going on the unemployment and using up their unemployment, and then neglecting their family and doin g weird things like threatening to kill the family because there's nothing else they can do . Now, my question is : if a person really feels responsible as a breadwinner to suppor t his family, and has been conscientious at that all his life ; is it not true that in a case of losing the job, if he surrenders himself, that his Higher Self in some manner, will lead him eventually to some kind of employment,â&#x20AC;˘-not necessaril y what he wanted, but to some kind of employment tha t will bring in enough income to cover those responsibilities ? COSMIC AWARENESS : This Awareness indicates that wherein any entity lose s the control which he or she has held, and surrenders to th e Divine forces of the universe, or essentially throws himsel f or herself on the mercy of the Divine court, that entity may be put through certain hardships for some time, as a test, but will eventually be given that which is the proper rewar d due to the entity . This Awareness indicates that the Divin e forces never give entities more than they can bear in term s of difficulties . This Awareness indicates that what generall y occurs with these entities is that the feeling of responsibilit y to the family becomes confused with the feeling of leader ship and identification of self as a leader which has lost its position ; and the leader then, with his followers , the family, may feel somewhat like the entity Jim Jones felt when beginning to sense the end of his power , whereby rather than going down alone, would take the followers along . This Awareness indicates that this i s not an action of responsibility to the family, but rather is an action of pride and power and resentment an d hostility and disappointment expressed by an entity whose pride has been hurt . This Awareness indicates whereby the entity threatens to kill his family because he cannot find the prope r expression or outlet in order to feed the family, the entity is simply refusing to acknowledge that the famil y has any support or any life support or capacity to survive except under his command ; --this as a very vain an d egotistical attitude on the part of the so-called breadwinner or leader . This Awareness indicates this as over estimating one's position or power in the family and underestimating the rights and capacity of the famil y members to survive without this entity's precious services or control . This Awareness indicates that in all cases, the leaders must eventually be replaced by those who can struggle and grow and survive in times of hardship, which the leader has succumbed to . This Awareness indicates that wherein thr hsssi<<, ; â&#x20AC;&#x201D; a :
leader, rather than the leader dragging down everyone else, the leader should step aside and allow he other s to have the opportunity to grow and develop their talents or to find their own way of surviving. This Awareness indicates that in general however, an entity losing his or her job and using up the unemployment benefit s will find that with proper attitude, this is not the end of the world. This Awareness indicates that some entities feel that they are too import ant to take on menial jobs in order to survive, and therefore either do no t search for menial jobs, do not accept menial jobs, or they simply lament an ' complain and ask for hand-outs, because they are too well educated to wor k on menial jobs, and yet must survive . This Awareness indicates that some entities, feeling a vanity as to their worth, refuse to accept a menial job , and therefore neglect others who are dependent upon them . This Awareness indicates that when this occurs, the entity may find that the family , in order to survive, must strike out on their own, leaving this entit y in his vanity to seek that job which is worthy of his talents, but refus e all intermediate offers of employment, or any menial job . This Awareness indicates the entity may find himself alone, wit h nothing in his life except the personal pride which he has cultivate d over the years, and the self-conditioning which says : "I am too important to accept that type of work ; and rather than accept this, I wil l die first ." This Awareness indicates there are such entities, and som e of these entities even have too much pride to collect unemploymen t benefits, or welfare payments, but will accept energies from thei r friends and associates so long as they can keep up the illusion tha t they are too superior to work at menial jobs . This Awareness indicates that other entities sincerely make an effor t to find work, are willing to put out energies to find work, are tireles s in their efforts to support their dependents. This Awareness indicate s that wherein this is the case, there will always be opportunities supplied . The Higher Forces, the Over-Soul energies, the Divine Beings will guid e such entities to find that, which is proper, beneficial and helpful t o their growth and fruition . This Awareness indicates it is all in the attitude . If an entity is willing an d desirous to be of service to others and does not emphasize self-glory and vanity over one's personal capacities, the entity will be given the prope r opportunities to develop and grow in terms of talent, in terms o f capacity, in terms of opportunity. REVERSING THE ROLES DURING UNEMPLOYMEN T
QUESTION : There's been an increase in the stories in the paper I've noticed lately, in particularly high chronic unemployment areas like Detroit, where the father who cannot get employment, has allowed his wife for the first tim e to go out and get some type of job, and he remains at home, changing the diapers, cooking the food, and seeing his wife off to work ; and there seems to be a pattern that occurs with these entities, that first there is a n ego wipe-out, but when these entities have been at this occupation for awhile, they get adjusted to it and the y seem to overcome an awful lot of the problems and stress that they had felt earlier at losing their jobs . Does Awareness see this as a legitimate alternative ? COSMIC AWARENESS :. This Awareness indicates that this does often occur, and is partâ&#x20AC;˘ of the balancing of the male/female energie s at present time in the culture change which is occurring upon this plane . This Awareness indicates that th e "pole shifting" refers to the positive/negative poles of the sexual revolution, (as well as other meanings), an d this also applies in terms of the role-playing between male/female counterpart roles in the family, in the society. This Awareness indicates that in many cases, this as highly beneficial for both parties,--to allow the feminine aspect to experience the activity of bringing home the bread, while the masculine aspect experiences th e feeling of making a home for the breadwinner . ***is * THE DIVINE FORCES Do NOT GIVE OUT GOODIESâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;ONLY OPPORTUNIT Y
(Closing Message ) This Awareness indicates that many entities believe that the Divine forces are supposed to give forth goodie s and bountiful rewards . This Awareness indicates this is not so . The Divine forces give forth opportunities where by entities can grow and develop, can learn,---and if entities are worthy, can receive blessings : physical, mental , emotional, and spiritual . This Awareness indicates that the worthiness as that which is determined by the Divin e forces, not by the individual who deems himself or herself worthy of Divine blessing . 4.
Openin g Message, following g Readin g
This Awareness wishes to call attention to the concept of success and failure . This Awareness indicates i n the reading given prior to this, there were questions relating to entities who lost their jobs, often in high positions of society, and found themselves unemployed and in degraded social states in comparison to their previous enjoyment of social status . This Awareness indicates that there are other ancient parallels to this, found in the Book of Job and in the Greek mythologies and in the tragedies of classical literature . This Awareness indicates that the basic outline of the classic tragedy is that wherein an entity in a high position, through n o fault of his or her own, being virtuous, -- by circumstances beyond his or her control, is thrown down int o a degraded state--lost, alone, without reprieve, and in great misery . This Awareness indicates that you will remember the entity Job as having been the wealthy entity wh o loved God and knew that God was with him ; yet this entity, through no apparent fault of his own, began t o lose first his children, then his wealth, then his wife . This Awareness indicates that the entity then found him self being touched by boils and sores, and in a miserable condition . This Awareness indicates this as a classi c tragedy . This Awareness indicates that similarly, there were the Greek tragedies wherein the King Oedipus , for example, fell from high position to that of the degraded and blind entity who was abhorred by himself , This Awareness indicates that in similar Greek tragedies, this same pattern is seen . This Awareness indicates that in the classic American tragedy by Arthur Miller known as Death of a Sales-
man, the entity Willie Loman, a salesman of high caliber, soon finds himself becoming out of sync in terms o f
the established organizations and unable to continue to hold his own, unable to continue selling, and eventuall y unable to continue in his job . The entity is released from his occupation, and in the end of the story, the entit y commits suicide . This Awareness indicates that here, the entity is not described as a king, but rather as a `low man' who thought he was a king in terms of the world of sales . This Awareness indicates that here, the entit y was affected by the social changes which were occurring in the field of business and found himself no longe r useful to his company, and released . This Awareness indicates here, the entity was not without fault, was not one of high virtue in the classi c sense ; the entity was, in part, to blame for his own condition, in that the entity could not adjust to the changes , refused to make changes in his lifestyle, refused to acknowledge humility, refused to recognize that he was no t as efficient as before because things were different, clung to the illusion that he was important, when in fac t the importance of his occupation was diminishing because of new marketing techniques in the changing society . The entity also was not as virtuous in terms of his honesty to his family, in terms of his clarity and communication with his family . The entity was failing to communicated certain truths or allowing the illusions of his importance to be discussed openly and honestly, even though the family recognized all of the deception o f Willie Loman . The entity then refusing to acknowledge the truth of the situation, sought to protect his famil y by taking out a large insurance policy and committing suicide . This Awareness indicates that the family wa s never fooled by the charade of Willie Loman . The virtue of this entity was not to be praised, for it was fille d with holes, illusions and deceptions. The level of decline in the entity 's life was, in fact, due to his own inability to adjust to the changes in the social climate and the marketing and sales, which were in flux . This Awareness indicates this story by Arthur Miller as that which does not in fact fit into the concept o f the classic tragedy . This Awareness indicates that this rather is a social statement, and a moral lesson for entities . This likened unto a morality play which indeed parallels that same syndrome which was spoken of in th e previous discussion regarding entities who, in their illusions, see themselves in high positions and find tha t changes in society can occur to strip them of their self-importance . But the illusion of the self to maintain tha t feeling of self-importance, whereby the entity cannot Iet go and see things realistically and communicate t o the family honestly and openlye--this Awareness indicates this is no tragedy ; rather, this is a social condition , a flaw in both society and in the individuals for not having a proper set of values and systems which accomodate the changes which are inevitable . This Awareness indicates in looking at this from the concept of success and failure, this Awareness wishe s to remind entities that the successful person is the one who can fall from a high position and still refer to one self as a success for having been on top, and as a success for being capable of climbing again to new heights . This Awareness indicates the failure is the entity who recognizes himself as having tried but as having fallen , and therefore, not willing to risk further effort to try again . This Awareness indicates that success or failure are nothing more than labels which entities may hang upon themselves at any stage in life ; that any entity, n o matter how low, may call himself or herself a success ; and as a success, may prove to others the qualities whic h make them the success . Or any entity at any stage in life, in any condition or circumstance, may think of itsel f as a failure and give up and fall . This Awareness indicates that in either situation, the choice belongs to the entity as to which label the entity wishes to carry . This Awareness indicates that those who carry the label of "failure" will, indeed, have less opportunity t o succeed in any endeavor, while those who call themselves "successful" will have greater opportunities to succeed in whatever endeavor they pursue . 5.
" . . .Everywhere we went, people wer e Interested in our country, our homes , how we lived . I began to realize that if we could bypass the governments, th e people of the world could communicate . Everyone—but maybe a few general s and soldiers•--want peace " . (Taylor Morri s
QUESTION : An article in New Age magazine for December, 1980, was sent in by a member, and I'd like to read a little bi t of it and ask Awareness to comment on the suggestion, and whether this could somehow relate to the peac e college: "Taylor Morris is somewhat of a legend at Franklin Pierce College in New Hampshire where he has taugh t English for 13 years . During the Vietnam War he helped rally students and organize debates around the issu e of peace . He organized a campus discussion during the Iran hostage crisis, and has continued to work for th e cause of world peace throughout his professional career . While in the military service in the `50s he refused t o serve in Korea, and went through a military court-martial . His idea of "Soldiers for Peace " has evolved fro m his experiences on walking tours with students throughout the world . His conclusion, after meeting all thes e people was summed up as follows : `Everywhere we went, people were good to us, interested in our country , our homes, how we lived . I began to realize that if we could only bypass the governments, the people of th e world could communicate . Everyone--but for maybe a few generals and soldiers--wants peace" . I will now read a little bit of the article written by this entity, Taylor Morris, entitled Soldiers for Peace. "If we had 100,000 young Americans in Russia and if there were 1 .00,000 young Russians in the Unite d States there would, almost immediately, be a lessening of tension . The unthinkable but, apparently, doable nuclear war against Russia would become both unthinkable and undoable, and so would an attack on the U .S. by Russia . We would not destroy 1 .00,000 of our young people, nor would the Russians . These volunteer student-hostages would be soldiers for peace on a yearly exchange basis . The American volunteers, draftees , or both, would be signed up for a period of one year, with the possibility of signing over for an additional year . Each government would pay for the costs of transportation, food and housing . The host governments woul d take care of medical expenses for each group . They would live either with private families or in dormitorie s around the country, again provided for by the host, country, paid for by the visitors . Each group would be part of a massive work-studies program, arranged and organized by the host country, with an indoctrinatio n and training program--language, customs, mores, and attitudes as soldiers-of-peace—designed to acquaint the m with what they would undergo, six months before leaving . These indoctrination centers could be part of a number of colleges in each state . At the same time, from the other direction, we would receive 100,00 0 Russians, student-volunteers (in actuality, student-volunteer-hostages), to live in various parts of the U .S., wit h American families . "There would be an immediate lessening of tension in both countries (and the world) because of the know ledge that we would not be able to bomb Russia, that Russia would not be able to bomb the U .S. Each studen t commands a very interested circle of ten to twenty people--parents, grandparents, brothers, sisters, other relatives, friends and teachers--who would write letters, exchange ideas and impressions and so there would be a core of one to two million Americans and Russians in a state of empathy for the other country . By the end of even 5 years the numbers of Americans and Russians with a personal "stake" in the two countries woul d have become a sizable minority of ten to twenty million people . This young force would have become a positive cultural force for peace and a real basis for peace would have been established . Former volunteer-hostages would want to return with families and friends to introduce them to their host families . Barriers would b e breaking down . Additional programs and tours would flourish . We would be much closer to an understandin g that all of us on our planet are inextricably connected" . 6 .
COSMIC AWARENESS : This Awareness indicates that this as being an excellent program ; an excellent idea for establishing a rappor t between the people of these two different countries . This Awareness indicates that this also could be effectiv e in regard to other countries who have conflicting cultures . This Awareness indicates that in terms of the Peac e College, that this program could be taught and implemented through the programs of the college . This Awareness suggests that communication with this entity as that which could be of great benefit to the college and t o its future purposes . This Awareness suggests that this action could also be a step between the present and th e future time wherein representatives from each nation would be sent to sit in on the cabinet meetings or th e Congressional or Parliamentary meetings of the various countries, so that not only are the people exchangin g citizens on a cultural basis, but also the governments are being open in their meetings to allowing foreign governments to observe and listen as policies are made . This would completely eliminate the possibility of ulterio r motives in regard to fereign countries and the affairs between such nations. This Awareness indicates that the idealism of this concept is that which is apparent to those who seek peace . This Awareness indicates the value of this concept is also apparent . This Awareness indicates the practicality o f this concept is that which is questionable due to present conditions of the powers which do not seek peacefu l solutions at this present time. This Awareness indicates that it will require greater public awareness of suc h concepts as this before those who are pulling strings of political intrigue and manipulation, attempting,--deliberately attempting to increase tensions between nations so that political power, economic power, militar y power, and greater advantage over other nations can be gained . This Awareness indicates that as long as there is that elite core of entities who seek to hold power over others, and who are willing to risk war of one natio n or another, or are willing to manipulate one nation against another ; there will always be that danger of war, an d there will be little support for such programs as this . This Awareness indicates therefore, the greater action will be to call public attention to the need for peace, to the methods for peace, and also focusing attention on those forces which are seeking with all of their energie s to create conflict and division . That wherein any school, college, or group of entities can present to the public , on a massive scale, that there is an alternative and peace can be brought about, and that the war-mongers ar e in fact but a handful of entities, and their methods are seen and understood, and the manipulations are exposed ; when entities can focus attention on these manipulations, while also offering the public, on a massive scale, a n alternative to that manipulated war-mongering machinery----then peace can come . This Awareness suggests that the Peace Colleges and programs should in fact teach both of these aspects : what is behind the wars, and what can be done to bring peace . ***e s ED'S Note : CAC recommends New Age magazine as another source of alternative reading as opposed to the controlled press . Write to them for subscription information . New Age Magazine, 32 Station St ., Brookline Village, Mass ., 02145 .
HOW TO STOP THE WAR MACHINE---STOP PAYING THE PENTAGON ! ( We are all guilty of complicity in the nuclear madness if we continue paying full income taxes )
QUESTION : Along this same line, there were several articles in the Seattle paper lately . I'd like to read a little of this an d ask Awareness to comment . It's called . Archbishop's War Tax Stand Gains Support . "After recovering from th e initial shock, Seattle's religious community has begun drumming up support for Roman Catholic Archbisho p Raymond Hunthausen's call for a taxpayers revolt to protest the U .S . nuclear arms buildup . Hunthausen' s proposal that up to a half-million Washington taxpayers withhold 500 of their federal income tax as "nonviolen t resistance to nuclear murder and suicide" came in a speech Friday before a Pacific Northwest conference of th e Lutheran Church . Even people in Hunthausen's office were unaware the archbishop was going to publicly advocate civil disobedience . `His support for the anti-nuclear movement has always been very vocal', his secretar y said, `but he hadn't told anybody what his plans were' . `In an address titled "Faith and Disarmament", Hunthausen told the Lutherans that tax form 1040 ' is th e place where the Pentagon enters all of our lives, and asks our unthinking cooperation with the idol of nuclea r destruction . I think the teaching of Jesus tells us to render to a nuclear-armed Caesar what that Caesar deserves â&#x20AC;&#x201C; tax resistance . . . .Some would call what I am urging `civil disobedience'. I prefer to see it as obedience to God . " The Washington Association of Churches and the Church Council of Greater Seattle are circulating a petitio n to local church leaders which praises Hunthausen's `courageous stand' and asks the public to take his messag e seriously . "We are supportive of what he is doing," said the Rev . William Cate, president-director of the Churc h Council . "We look upon it as a great act of courage to do what he did . " The Internal Revenue Service regards war tax resistance in a somewhat different light . An IRS "fact sheet" on tax protestors points out that there is "no constitutional right to refuse to pay income taxes in whole or par t on religious or moral grounds or because the funds are used for government programs that the taxpaye r opposes." Would Awareness comment on this proposal? 7.
COSMIC AWARENESS : This Awareness indicates there is no Constitutional right given the IRS to collect income tax. This Awar'e ness indicates that this has been recently brought, out . in the Spotlight newspaper and information regardin g this as available , This Awareness indicates that essentially, the works of tins entity as that which is focusing attention on th e essence of the problem, and is also capable of creating even greater attention, whereby entities can make thei r action known and felt . This Awareness indicates this, however, will carry some consequences for some entities , and these entities can find certain conflict in regard to the actions taken . This Am/aimless indicates however, that wherein this action should catch on and become widespread, the n the consequences are so minimal and impossible to enforce that it could become a major social movement , which could in fact assist in creating a resistance to nuclear armament, This Awareness indicates that such a n action could force the powers of the Pentagon and of the government to reassess their programs and their purposes and their direction . 'i'lll.s Awareness indicates there are many entities in these areas of military Wane playing whose mentality is such that . they are simply little boys playing war with the lives of multitudes at stake ; and many of these entities ar e so self-t'enteredl on their own personal irilllortance, with such limited tunnel vision, unable to see the scope and magnitude of their actions or potential actions, that . these entities cannot b e considered sane enough to make decisions for the majority of human beings . This Awareness indicates that m anv of these entities have never observed the beauty of a sunset ., a bird i n flight, a ballerina dancer, a play of Shakespeare, a great . poem or painting . Otherwise, how could such entitie s consider dropping nuclear weapons which would destroy such a beautiful planet a`6 this could be, if it . were no t for such as these? ED's Note : The Spotlight is (mi . of the few puhi cal ions Awarenes s rccomnwmis as not being part of the controlled press. Address : 'i'he Spotlight f \meekly Nrwspaiwri alit Independence Ave ., S,E . , Washington, DC . 20003 . ( 2 issues, `(i'22 .00) .
WHAT EFFECT DID THE LETTERS FROM THE C .A .C . MEMBERSHI P HAVE ON SAVING NEW YORK CITY FROM DESTRUCTION ? QUESTION : M .F . has a question : " During the months of December 1980, and ,kuuiary, February and March of 1981, mem . . hers of Cosmic Awareness Communications and SPIRAL sent, letters to Russian and American leaders concernin g the cobalt. bombs that Russia had placed in the waters around Manhattan Island of New York City . What effect . did these letters have in stopping the Russians from detonating those bombs? " COSMIC AWARENESS : This Awareness indi.c_ates this did in fact create a sense of confusion among the military and political leaders of these countries, in part.iculer the Russians ; for it, indicated that if these were to be detonated, there would he enough public opinion which could be generated by those who knew what was occurring so as to point the finge r to Russia as the cause of such major holocaust in the area of New York City_ This Awareness indicates that thi s has had a powerful effect. in serving as a psychological deterrent to setting off these bombs and in looking fo r other ways to prevent the conflicts which those homt ;â&#x20AC;˘s were designed i.o stop . This Awareness indicates however, that essentially and mainly, the bombs were not detonated because th e Bolshevik forces backed down in terms of their intentions and efforts in Poland and in the Middle East area . Thi s Awareness indicates the cobalt bombs as having !wen used an leverage for l .ilacknlail or threat. to prevent othe r efforts in Europe to create greater problems for Russia . This Awareness indicates that these still present in tha t area, still useful for this purpose, This Awareness indicates that there is the intention of the Bolshevik forces t o contirme looking for opportunities to create problems for the Soviet . Union . This Awareness indicates however , there is now also developing a st:r'aiegy by these forces designed on attempting to rebuild networks and powe r that, has been lost, . This Awareness indicates the Soviet. Union as now considering its options of using its power . realizing it has bu t a brief time before the i:iolshevik power is that which again is restored and threatening to the Skoptsis, This Aware nesti indicates (hatâ&#x20AC;˘ more on this may be available at a later time when these energies become more clarified--tha t much is still in a state of flux . Essentially, the grand scenario has not. changed considerably,---much of this bein g a ( orltirll .ling and ongoing conflict, behind the scenes, the highlights being made available through the 1)r . Bete r Audio Newsletters and tlird :til,h other sources previously mentioned by this Awareness . t. . ..:f :i: ED'S Nuts , : 'I'he Dr . lief 'r Audi .) Lotters can he c>btalnect by writing : 20006, Write for freer information anti'pec:MI 't'Im Dr, Reiss. ;audio hotter, 1629 K . St ., NW, Suite 5092, Washmaton . discounts on he.'Catch-Up' pcu:kai',,c ut previous Audio bitters . (Cat tin (shirt, set. if you can afford it ) . 8.
C .A .C . hears from another dissatisfied customer
(e il;STION :
" HOGWASH" ? ( A letter from a military bomb expert )
Awareness, when a member of long standing terminates his membership fro m C .A.C ., we usually try to write a letter in response to the entity 's particula r complaint . We have a letter from William Bailey which goes into technica l data concerning cobalt bombs, which we don't know anything about , so we don't quite know how to respond to him . We'd like to read th e letter and ask Awareness to comment . (This entity has been wit h C .A .C . for a number of years, since the ` Passage Perilous ' and th e "Gathering Storm" information) . The letter reads as follows : " . . . .Dear C .A .C . Please terminate my subscription to your publications . It ends the first of January and I do not wish i.o renew . I have believed a lot of far-out stuff in my time, but . all thi s rubbish about Robotoids, synthetic people, Skoptsis, Russian s running the U .S ., and predictions of things that don't com e true is too much . Your latest newsletter No . 80-3 :3 shows that neither you or Awareness knows what a Cobalt . bomb is . A Cobalt bomb is just a standard fission or fusion bomb encased in a sheathing of cobalt . . .It is not more powerful than a standard A or H-bomb . In fact I doubt seriously if any cobalt hombs were ever produced by any country for the simple reason that they are a poor weapon . In a nuclear blast the cobalt is turned into cobalt 90, an extremely radioactive material which, contrary to what Awareness says, cause s extreme and long-lasting fallout, contaminating the countryside on which it is dropped, Also contrar y, to what a lot of anti-nuke people think, i t ' s in a natio n ' s best interest to produce the cleanest nuke weapon it can . This is so occupying troops can move i n quickly after a nuke attack without hazard to themselves . A neutron bomb would not be used for causing earthquakes, as it has a small blast effect with a super-intense flash of radiation, and little fallout ; so i don't believe there are bombs planted all aroun d Manhattan . I am a retired air-force munitions specialist and have worked with nukes quite a bit . I think C .A .C . would do well to get a copy of "Messengers of Deceptio n " by Jacques Valle . There is a lot in there that could apply to you . Also, do you remembe r Ted Owens! lie communicated with "Space Intelligence" and they gained his confidence by giving him certain powers, such a s abilities WR predict or even cause storms . When " the y " gave him a lot of predictions of catastrophic nature that were supposed t o happen right away, he got many write-ups in the magazines, but that was 10 years ago, and the predictions never came true, makin g him look foolish . He has now dropped out of sight . Sincerely, William Bailey . " COSMIC AWARENESS : This Awareness indicates that the nature of this entity's interpretation of a cobalt bomb as that which is not i n keeping with those weapons developed in the Soviet Union for the purpose of creating blasts and earthquak e effects . This Awareness indicates that these weapons created in the Soviet Union, being used throughout differen t places in the world, as that which is of a different nature rather than simply a covering of cobalt shield .This Awareness indicates that there was no mention or statement in reference to neutron bombs being placed around Manhat.tan .'l'his Awareness indicates that these cobalt bombs as those which have a relatively smaller charge with a deeper, slower vibration or explosion than the more volatile Hydrogen and Atomic bombs,--this creating greate r rumbling and earth-shaking effect when discharged . This Awareness indicates that this entity may wish to research more carefully this area relating to these neutron and cobalt bombs . This Awareness indicates that the earlier reports of neutron bombs placed in various area s of the United States' shorelines and freshwaters, these having occurred approximately four years ago . This Awareness indicates that this entity being in a position whereby he may make certain contacts whereby this may b e researched further before making a conclusion that this is totally invalid . This Awareness indicates there are certain entities who can provide further information regarding the validity of these messages . This Awareness indicates however, that this presents a difficulty whereby the entity seeking substantiation fo r such information is not necessarily to be taken in by these entities and given confidential evidence or proof jus t to satisfy his own curiosity and interest . `Phis Awareness indicates that nor is the entity open-minded and curiou s enough to wish to explore and put out the energy necessary to contact and to seek the assurances needed . This Awareness indicates that essentially there is always the option whereby entities may withdraw, may choos e not. to accept information given' by this Awareness . rI'his Awareness blesses these entities for their thinking and for their evaluations . This Awareness asks that entities not trust this Awareness, but to think and evaluate ; and wherein this leads entities to withdraw and to look elsewhere for information, for guidance, that . this is healthy and i s in keeping with the needs of the entity . This Awareness indicates that in terms of the organization of the Cosmic Awareness Communications, tha t these memberships and the messages can occasionally find conflict with one another, so that not all goes smoothly and entities may wish to depart, or divorce themselves from the alignment . This Awareness indicates that whe n such occurs, it may be for the best of all concerned, not to make it too significant . This Awareness indicates how ever, that you may also wish to write this entity and to suggest that if he cannot accept certain information, tha t perhaps there is that other information which w+ottld he of value to him ; and you might ask the entity, " Won 't you come home, Bill Bailey, won ' t you please come home? " **** * EI)'s Note : We sent a copy of this reading to this entity last February, but today (ti months later) Bill Bailey has yet to come home .
Edgar Cayce " RUSSIA WILL BECOME THE HOPE OF THE WORLD " ! More on America's greatest traitorsâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;the Rockefeller Brothers 1 QUESTION : Awareness has touched on this before,but I think maybe for the benefit of certain members out there, a littl e more expansion would be good on the subject . Member A .M . of Palm Beach, Florida, sent in a sales letter fro m the ARE of Virginia Beach, promoting the Edgar Cayce Foundation, and one of the lines still in the `futur e predictions' is : "Russia will become the hope of the world" . Anthony writes : "I was just reading the ARE form trying to gain new members for the ARE . In the back you'I l see why I've circled one little line which has really a big meaning to C .A.C . `Russia will become the hope of th e world .' This is what Dr . Beter and Awareness have been saying, sort of, in awakening the masses to what's happening so consciousness can be raised . This Cayce reference is probably referring to the Skoptsis . Could Awareness verify if this is so? " COSMIC AWARENESS : This Awareness indicates that this as in the affirmative . This Awareness indicates that essentially, what occurred is that the Rockefeller powers of the United States and other forces, having been in cooperation with both settin g up the Soviet/Communist establishment, and operating and supplying that establishment with information ove r the years from 1917 to 1977 . This Awareness indicates that throughout much of this time, the deeper secrets o f the United States were being sent to Russia . This Awareness indicates this as copies of patented information whic h was automatically sent to Russia through the influence of the Rockefeller powers . This Awareness indicates tha t every patent that came through the office would be reviewed and sent to Russia ; this as the result of the Rockefeller influence . This Awareness indicates therefore, while Russia was receiving much of this information which was bein g brought forth from American inventors, this Awareness indicates the inventions of the many in America were often being stifled or stopped by the Rockefeller establishment known as the FDA . This Awareness indicates tha t other established bureaucracies also effected many of the controls preventing inventions from surfacing in thi s country . This Awareness indicates that during this time, the Russians were allowed to work on those areas whic h were being withheld from the American public or military because of lack of support. This Awareness indicate s that this allowed the Russians to enter into the field of psionics, radionics, and the Tesla material, and into psychic sciences and experiments in the realm of the occult . This Awareness indicates that in so doing, the Russian s approaching this with a scientific method, began to mak e great strides in these areas . This Awareness indicates tha t this also included the study of plant life and the effects o f mind in regards to such . It included hypnosis and also included the use of chemicals, drugs and electronics in inf luencing mind and behavior . This Awareness indicates that the United States a s having been involved in these areas to a much lesse r degree, and therefore are presently approximately 2 0 years behind the Soviet Union . This Awareness indicates that in 1975, wherein the Skoptsis began t o assert themselves, having secretly risen in the rank s of the bureaucracies to replace the Bolsheviks, an d now asserting themselves, began the action of exporting Bolsheviks from the country, or removin g them from office . This Awareness indicates this le d to the breakdown of detente which had been established by Nixon/Kissinger Administration . Thi s Awareness indicates that since that time, the Skoptsis have gained greater and greater power in Russia , and have openly declared, (this in inner circles), hav e essentially and with certain implications, openly declared their enemies to be the Bolsheviks, or Zionists . John D . Rockefeller--The origins{ traitor and sire of Vlrsr e This Awareness indicates that in so doing, these entities are now attempting to continue actions which will pre vent the Bolsheviks from regaining control, both in their country and also to diminish control of the Bolshevik s in other countries. Russian UFO . Making Regular Trips to Satur n This Awareness indicates `the hope of the world' as being that which conies from Russia, is in reference to thi s new development which has only in the most recent times become a reality . This Awareness indicates that als o these advances in technology of the Russian forces with their various military weapons :---the hovering gravitica l platforms and the craft which serves as inter-planetary craft :--this Awareness indicates that these crafts are cap able of and do make journeys to Saturn from Russia . This Awareness indicates that these craft travel with grea t speed,--it taking approximately three weeks to reach Saturn . 10 .
This Awareness indicates that there are other technologies available to these entities in terms of weather controls and in areas of genetic engineering which have also been previously revealed . This Awareness indicates tha t the connection with certain forces alien to this plane as that which also has been touched upon in previous mess ages from this Awareness. This Awareness indicates that it all reveals the great force which this nation has bee n allowed to develop from the efforts of those who were essentially attempting to be traitorous to your Unite d States in serving the Bolsheviks of Russia, only to find that the Bolshevik rulers being removed and the Skoptsis being the receivers of that wealth of information and technology . This Awareness indicates that gradual changes are occurring in Russia ; the ideologies lagging somewhat behin d the technologies. This Awareness indicates that this as that which needs greater attention, so that the ideals of the Russian leaders can be lifted to benefit all people of the earth . This Awareness indicates this also needs t o occur in all other nations, for the ideals are lagging far behind the technologies .
November 1967â&#x20AC;&#x201D;one of the last meetings of the Brothers . From left : David, Nelson, Winthrop . Laurance, JDH3 . Courtesy of the Rockefeller Family Archives .
QUESTION : K.W. of Canton, Ohio, would like to ask Awareness if It would explain the quotation in the Bible which states , "No one sees God and lives . " COSMIC AWARENESS : This Awareness indicates this as a writing by one who refers to certain effects in reference to that of the spac e entities who came to the Hebrews as gods . This Awareness indicates this question must encompass other areas o f discussion . This Awareness indicates that It had previously discussed the ancient records of space contact wit h entities on earth being recorded both in Egyptian and in the Old Testament, wherein these followers of Mose s were watched and affected by certain spacecraft that included radioactive influences which did not allow entitie s to touch the craft without dying from the radiation . This Awareness indicates that this also had a certain carry over in the Ark of the Covenant, whereby entities who later became in possession of this Ark, found themselves dying and under a curse from the_Ark . This Awareness indicates this as having to do with certain radioactive effects used in the Ark of the Covenant . This Awareness indicates essentially, this as having been a receiver of messages from the spacecraft of thos e who called themselves the Lord, the Jehovah, the Commander, and who were guiding the Hebrews . This Awareness indicates that this serving as a kind of receiver where messages were delivered to the people . This Awareness indicates that once these entities reached their destination and the Ark was passed on through different culture s other than the Hebrews, this has left a trail of tragedy, whereby these entities suffered great disease, illnesse s which characterized radiation sickness . This Awareness indicates these entities, not knowing the cause of their illness, simply considered this to be a curse . This Awareness indicates that this "looking upon the Lord" may also be interpreted from yet another fram e of reference, whereby an ego looking upon the face of God, cannot live . This Awareness indicates an ego woul d surely surrender in looking upon the face of God ; and in that surrender, would die into the God . (This Awareness indicates that it appears, however, that the first meaning as that which was intended by the writer of this script . ***ea** * ED's Note : for more information on the Jehovah and the UFOs in Biblical times, please refer to the following 'Revelations o f Awareness' Newsletters : No . 78-36 (Jehovah and the Hierarchy) ;$2 .00 ; 79.9 (The Red Sea miracle) ;$2 .00 ; 79-18 (The Web o f ConspIracy)) :$3 .00 ; 79 .26 (The Secrets of the UFOs) ;$4 .00 ; 79-27 (Space Cannibals) ;$3 .00 ; 80-9 (Sodom & Gomorrah) ;$3 .00 ; 81-16 ; $3 .00 ; available from C .A .C . 11 .
I S THE EARTH A COSMIC BOOBY HATCH ? (Take heart, folks . There are 13 planets worse off ) QUESTION : A question from L . of the Ecologos Community in Massachusetts : " Why are the people on earth so dumb and self-destructive? Science claim s that humanoids have been here for some two to four million years, and i n that time no civilization has been successful . The masses are continuall y warring, and we 've now brought ourselves to the brink of global extinction . Are we some sort of mistake? An unsuccessful mutation? Is the evolution o f our consciousness so slow throughout our universe ; or is the earth some sor t of cosmic booby hatch where the spiritually insane are sent so they can' t damage the rest of the universe, and held there until they advance to a les s destructive state? " COSMIC AWARENESS : This Awareness indicates this information has been given previously . This Awareness has indicated that th e earth planet as having been selected as a depository for the mentally unbalanced, the spiritually unbalance d entities of the galaxy . This Awareness indicates that this in terms of past experiences ; that at present this plane t as being raised to a higher vibration for being unified into the galaxy . This Awareness indicates there are approximately 13 planets whose vibrations are of lower state than has bee n the earth . That the earth now as that which is approaching acceptability in relation to other planetary systems . QUESTION : In a related question by D .W. of Ridgefield, Washington : "Have the people of earth violated the laws of natura l order and come close to ruining the magnetic fields of the planet surrounding us, or was the Alien Force responsible? " COSMIC AWARENESS : This Awareness indicates that essentially, this as the Alien Force which has been working through the peopl e of the earth in many ways over long periods of time . QUESTION : Another question she had in relation to why the Alien Force wants the planet : "If the planet moves into th e fourth dimension, will the Alien Force still want the planet? And do they want the earth people instead? If so , why? COSMIC AWARENESS : This Awareness indicates that this movement into higher levels of consciousness as that which would preven t the Alien Force from gaining control over the consciousness of entities and over the planet . This Awareness indicates that the Alien Force essentially would lose the planet if it could not keep the people in darkened levels o f consciousness . This Awareness indicates that the planet, being rich in resources as well as having an atmospher e which promotes life forms, is that which is of great value to the Alien Force if it could capture, control, and hol d the planet and deal with its people . QUESTION : Awareness had earlier mentioned the computer that the Alien Force was after COSMIC AWARENESS : This Awareness indicates this also as a plum which the forces would desire to control . QUESTION : We've had a number of questions after publishing that information about the computer . Many members hav e asked, is that computer deep within the earth still working ? COSMIC AWARENESS : This Awareness indicates this in the affirmative, but that it is not working in a full capacity ; rather, it is i n operation in a limited capacity due in part to the neglect and need for cleaning its parts . This Awareness indicate s that this information as not available at this time, nor for some time to come. REVELATIONS OF AWARENESS is a cosmic newslettor published every two weeks by Cosmic Awareness Communication s P .O . Box 115, Olympia, Washington 98507 (A non-profit organization) . Subscription rates are available upon request .