Cosmic Awareness 2: Hypnotic Rain Tape (Actual Sound Of Falling Rain)

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P . 0. Box 115, Olympia, Washington 8650 7

Paul Shockle y Trance-Interprete r

Q . (A long explanation is given of her relationship with her boyfriend) . I t m fed up with Jim taking attitudes when he feels like it . I long to know ho w long before letting him visit, take me out etc . T. long to know if God wants u s to live together etc . A . This Awareness indicates that this kind of relationship as that which is al l too common in this culture ; that there is the desire on the part of one in th e relationship to assist and to help another to find their proper expression in life , while receiving certain gratifications from that one being helped ; on the side o f the other there is a sense of dependency that has never been cleared from the childhoo d affection and dependency on parents . This dependency being transferred through the other p artner in relationship doe s often create that which is of a nature approaching a form of masochists-sadism typ e relationship on a very subtle level in terms of certain areas of consciousnes s between entities . This Awareness indicates in your case this entity as dependent . on you for certain sustenance and service that others have always previousl y provided, which provision this entity has not yet outgrown a need for . This entit y does need to be weened from you and others in his society in this respect . This Awareness indicates that entities must ever and always assist and encourag e those in their relationships to act in a responsible manner . That you are toleran t in allowing these entities to come within your relationship, but that you keep tha t relationship clear wherein they must act in a manner that is also clear . This Awareness suggests that in your case this entity has shown some affectio n toward you, and you yourself felt a great need for this kind of affection and desir e to hold onto that affection . You must understand that affection cannot be locke d up, bottled, chained or imprisoned in any form ; that affection does come and affectio n is often withdrawn, and this is often the way of relationship . This Awareness suggests that in your social affairs that you "hold closely wit h open arms", for in such relationship you shall find an open--armed caress as tha t which allows entities to feel the freedom to approach, without fear of being ensnare d by you . In such free relationship you need only insist they be clear and real wit h you all along the journey . Wherein they wish to leave, what chains would hold thos e entities ? And would you have them bound so? This Awareness suggests that when you r relationships are based on communication instead of possessive schemes, this allows everyone around you to be at ease, and new acquaintances will feel much more at eas e when coming into relationship with you . This Awareness indicates this can draw in many who are searching for tru e

relationship . This Awareness indicates you shall find yourself moving into ne w levels of relationship, of deeper quality and greater meaning to you as you begi n looking more at yourself, realizing that you are total, that you are beautiful, tha t you are loved by many and can live many others .


This Awareness suggests you need not be dependent on anyone but may be inter dependent on all entities within your society . This Awareness suggests that you understand this entity and you are . likened unt o a see-saw, who have played certain games of personality levels, have made certai n discoveries of self, through the reflection of your mirroring relationship, but thi s is now creating more blocks than growth .

2. This Awareness suggests you not worry about this entity, unless this entity ask s for your assistance or wishes to communicate with you on some situation . This Awarenes s indicates that wherein you attend to your own concerns and give your attention to thos e areas of your life which are truly meaningful to your .own soul growth, you shall fin d a peace within which needs no support from any outside entity . This Awareness indicate s when this occurs you will find yourself moving into relationships of beauty, with man y other entities who feel your peace toward yourself . This Awareness suggests that the word 'respect' as being that which relates unt o 'looking again', looking twice, and that you respect yourself by looking twice a s deeply at your abilities and to not rely on the whims of others for your emotiona l security . This Awareness indicates that you understand the whims of others ar e usually centered on themselves and have very little to do with you as an individual ; that usually this type of irrational and . irresponsible relationship is the reflectio n of entities who spend 90% of their time concerned with their own welfare, and 10 % on all others . This Awareness indicates that entities often call this a relationshi p of love, but it is simply an arrangement for a period whereby they may gain throug h a liaison with another entity . This Awareness suggests that you learn the difference between arrangements and love ; that arrangements are based on those relationshi p s for convenience which do gratif y certain personal needs ; that love is that which occurs without your ever having a choice in the matter, and that no entity who truly loves can limit his love to an y other particular entity, but may love all entities equally though in a differen t manner with each . This Awareness indicates you understand being in love is being in a state of lov e and is not directed toward any object which creates your love for you ; that thos e who focus upon others and desire an object of love are simply expressing desire , through a seeking action related tc relationship arrangement levels , This Awareness indicates that there is a Law of Relationship which need ., be give n for you to study ; that the Law of Projection and the Law of Respect as bein g beneficial to you at this time : THE LAW OF RELATIONSHIP : The Law of relationship states that all parts or partners are in relationship though some are close and some remote . A close relationship insists that gears and wheel s must mesh in workable arrangements ; all hubs, axles, hooks, .and levers must b e properly secured according to any function or relationship arrangement or agreement . Their driving forces must he derived from a common or compatible source of energy , and any new innovations, arrangements, or activities of any part or partner tha t changes the general relationship or any other part or partner of that relationship , must be noted, acknowledge and discussed, and agreements must be made to allow , dis-allow or re-arrange the relationship to accommodate the change . And any par t or partner suffering excess pressure, pain or function from the arrangement, mus t learn to squeak and moan or gripe and groan until its needs are noticed, discusse d and attended to the satisfaction of all parties of the relationship, and all partie s must have time for regular lubricating oils of smooth communication . For without the oil of clear communication, even the best relationships will generate friction, grit , grime, dirt, heat and will grind to a halt . THE LAW OF PROJECTION : The Law of Projection states that the film that projects, depicts, and creates th e events of one ' s life story is stored within one ' s consciousness and can only b e changed from within . The intimate conversations, attitudes, and the relationship on e has within one's own consciousness, is reflected in experiences on the outer scree n of life : one is both camera and projector of his life story . Those whc wish to see a world premier of new and joyous experiences instead of reruns, trash films, soa p operas, tragedies, p roblems, illness and hostilities, must refuse to bring or to allo w such films, consents or images to enter their theatres or be filed into their




'storage banks . Those who seek out, allow or enjoy filming such trash do surely fil l their cameras with the material that may eventually become part of their outward life . Those who allow only the highest, clearest and the best thoughts, ideas, words, experiences and ima ges to enter their studio, shall create and project films that sho w a life of joy and art . THE LAW OF RESPECT : The Law of. Respect is that principle of looking twice, or more precisely, lookin g twice as deeply, for respect goes beyond the surface appearances and superficia l glances to discover a deeper meaning, purpose or basis for discovery . Without th e principle of Respect the Book of Love will never be read, the tree of life wil l never be seen in full bloom, and the thousand rainbows of the Land of Essence wil l never be viewed . But with the Law of Respect in action, the mysteries of the Universe , or any part, will open layer after layer like the unfolding of a thousand-petale d lotus . HEALING AN ENTITY TIHRCUGE 11,5(ltN C Q . Awareness, the doctors say my daughter has cancer of the intestine and planned t o operate on her tomorrow, but have postponed the operation until they can clean u p her "asthma" . They plan to operate later this week . Please give a trance healing t o her that will bring perfection and cosmic awareness to her in the here and now . A . This Awareness indicates that there is that energy field within, your psyche, within your sphere, which does need cleansing . This as that which has improved in many ways ; that there is the movement of energy touching through your experience and cleansin g your attitude allowing you to describe a life for yourself „ This Awareness indicates that those who are moving on this journey with you d o understand your needs and do move in a great sensitivity . This Awareness indicates tha t it is essential for WKHP to understand and to project the highest images of your actio n and your movement, that you . be seen moving into greater and greater health from eac h moment, to each following moment . This Awareness suggests that you understand th f present moment disappears and is succeeded by a following moment which takes its cue., . and its command and its essence from whatever was programmed and registered i n the previous moment % This Awareness suggests you understand that in moment-to-moment experiences, yo u are capable of programming your next moment according to your own wishes, that i n ultimate reality this is exactly what every entity forever does : entities do program their own and each other's moment-to-moment existences, and that you, and those ZLW K you, are capable of programming yourself into perfect health and vitality . Wherei n you fully understand your moment-to-moment creating with attentive command of you r experience, you may let each moment become one slight step higher and more harmoniou s than the moment before . This Awareness suggests you not worry about the ultimat e end, but that you give attention to each moment, visualizing the slightest and th e most minute change towards a higher more healthy and more vibrant life . This Awarenes s suggests even as you read this in attention, you are now well on your way towar d higher realms of existence . Q . Is there any message for her and her husband and daughters who need her ?

A . This Awareness wishes these entities to visualize this entity as moving towar d greater health, to give love but not to give excessive worry or concern, to giv e images of great health and MR\ to listen with attention when the entity feel s .~,. negative, but to help the entity move on through these negative levels to that whic h LV of a greater love and joy . This Awareness suggests that these entities in thei r evening and morning times prior to falling asleep, just as they are falling asleep , and upon awakening, that these entities visualize this body as being in perfec t health, with a brilliant light 'moving in through and restoring greater KHDOWK with



g each imaging . In this manner there . becomes that assistance on their part, workinh through the psyche of this entity and giving that suggestion of healing and healt and vibrant: living . This Awareness indicates that in the future entities shall .. gather together an d n heal one-another. through group imaging ; that this as that which is being done i certain religious orders even today . This Awareness indicates that even three entitie s can effect great changes in the health of another through such imaging . ? Q . Is there a closing message, and can we have . a cleansing for those involved f A . This Awareness indicates this as having been effected, that all the forces o n an adverse nature whether suggestive or of spirit or of energy levels have bee moved, vanished from this entit y ' s realm of experience and those who are in contac t with this entity are also free of any adverse forces . CONCERNING THOSE WHO DON ' ' PAY THEI R OWN WAN ON THING S . Thi s Q . This is L .M, with a question about Cosmic Awareness Communications in Olympia question being a problem that has recently occurred with the mushrooming membership . They no longer have the help of SN, who was responsible for much of the work : collating p etc . They are also having a problem in that a very small percentage of the membershi e are sending in money to support the over-all action . Would Awareness please indicat how this could best he handled ? A . This Awareness indicates this as seen as likened unto a thousand guests who come to eat at the diner . That ten of the guests have brought their wallets, and the other s have come to feast on the good food which has been advertised and talked about . Tha t those who are preparing the food have only enough for a few . This Awareness indicates that wherein those who have paid or are willing to pay fo r their dinner stand waiting to be served and are being crowded out by those who ar e hungry but would prefer to spend their money elsewhere .. That the proprietor of this diner who neglects those who have paid or who ar e willing to pay and all future customers in order to be the " nice fellow" who serve s the hungry from the street who prefer not to pay for their meals, as one who doe s deny his services to others who could, and willingly would, contribute to hi s action . This Awareness suggests that this as that which does carry with it certai n karmic Responsibilities . This Awareness suggests that this proprietor may take on the aspect of one wh o feeds the hungry at his own expense, and in so doing may serve them well, and ma y eventually be rewarded for this by assisting those who need the help, but that thi s proprietor must look to see what training and what guidance he iq giving thos e who come for free handouts . That entities who approach this diner for free handouts, while spending thei r energies elsewhere, are simply being trained to assume that spiritual growth is their s for the asking, and is being passed out freely without their even having to giv e much energy or attention to receive this . This Awareness wishes entities to understand that there is nothing more importan t in their life than the spiritual development and growth and their movement towar d awareness . This Awareness indicates that wherein the action is based on . the Law o f Gratitude and entities simply take and take and take without returning any to th e source, that they are not expressing gratitude . And that this source for their

S. - Liction as that which is contribution to the force of greed . This Awareness suggests that wherein the Law of Gratitude is applied correctly , that entities shall be encouraged to return energy to that which they truly fee l a gratitude toward . That wherein there is that gratitude, they will in some wa y express that gratitude . This Awareness indicates wherein there is no gratitude, that further action i n that direction is likened . unto casting pearls before swine . A. MESSAGE TO"NEW AGE " GROt t P" S Q . Would Awareness please comment on the enclosed letter from "The Evolving Mind " group Which has written . to Cosmic Awareness Communications . I would particularl y like to hear any comments from Awareness concerning the next to the last paragraph . where they state : "We have very little interest in . enlightening the genera l public . Their future is not our concern . nor our problem ." This is not a . facetiou s question . Things seem to be moving so fast anymore that maybe his statement i s true . If it is, is CAC wasting its time advertising in the publications now bein g used or should we step hitting the "general public" and concentrate our informatio n to "New Age " type people and groups? Most of our members are new to the Awarenes s movement so we send them. the general info : the major manuals (Meditation ., Healing , r Transperson :ative etc . as well as selected "heavier" info concerning life afte death etc .) . What information would Awareness have us specifically send to thes e people that we are not sending or plan to send ? A . This Awareness indicates that there are many entities working at present time s in many levels . This Awareness indicates that the general action of this group a s that which is necessary and essential at this time . The merging of those energie s on. that level as that which can . become very beneficial within the next two : years . This Awareness suggests that the entities involved in this action, working togethe r may understand the strength and the joy of co-creative action . That this becomes a n action of essential wonder as co-creative energies o p en the way to realms unknow n before by man upon this plane . This Awareness suggests that you be very aware and attentive in any action of co creation wherein there is anything other than the inclusive attitudes . . .ihis Awareness:

indicates there will be no reward, .but sorrow far any :-who feel they need only - save r • th'emselves', and need not care for others . . This Awareness urges you . to beware th e Spiritual Snob who lurks for fertile ground within your midst ., for it carries a great karmic . danger to your group . Be also aware of the Lad; of i ihity, as there- ca n be nothing and no-one excluded unless they exclude themselves by^ -being unwilling t o live in those levels of attention which express the clarity of relationship and . action necessary to your work . This Awareness indicates that your action of orderin g your lives so as to be capable of serving others in a manner that brings qualit y and quantity together as that which will be most rewarding to you . This Awarenes s indicates this as -referring to keepin g your house in . order whereby you can serv e many well . This Awareness ' indicates that wherein this is done, there can be th e conseouence whereby you yourselves can give to yourselves as your own karmic debt . This Awareness suggests that you may keep your group exclusive in its action an d communication from the public but you cannot keep your services from the publi c without eventually creating a karmic overload . This Awareness suggests that al l will enter together eventually, and . those who appear as, first shall find themselve s last . .'This. Awareness suggests that entities who find themselves rising too fa r

spiritually above the general public, may find that they are unable . to furthe r progress spiritually until they are capable of turning with love to serve and t o create the space whereby the blind may see, the weak may stand, the ignorant may

6. learn, and the lonely may love themselves and others . This Awareness indicates tha t unless you can turn your love to those who appear less than you, you shall fin d yourselves being_ less to yourselves , This Awareness indicates a message for all New Age groups at this time : Thi s Awareness suggests during the next two years that all New Age Groups shall begi n intensive communicating and sharing of information and literature with one another , whereby this shall lead into a new network of communication, and that shall brin g about those directions, communication and interactions which begin creating tha t New Age Government referred to as the Unified States of Awareness . This as a government based on relationship without power . This Awareness indicates the powe r shall be in the communication and relationship of entities working together . Tha t within the next two years this becomes essential and serves as the basic formatio n of the New Age governing services and the New Aquarian Age social action . WINNING AT GAMBLING WITH TH E HELP OF AWARENES S Q . Ever since my childhood I have always entertained the idea of participating i n games of chance with the purpose of donating most of the profits to help the needy ones . I tried hard, but somehow, I failed and could not carry out my wishes . Now I am convinced that my problem has its origin with me, and nobody else is t o blame for my bad luck . My real desire in life is that there be a sudden change fo r the better . .that my luck will change to a certain level so as to enable me t o win in games of chance . A . This Awareness indicates a comment here . This Awareness indicates that in th e concept of playing with games of chance for the purpose of helping others, tha t this in itself is an act which is of a noble cause, yet there is that motivatio n behind this cause which may be looked at for any forms of justification . This Awareness indicates that wherein an entity justifies a desire to partake i n games of chance and expects that because these games of chance are for a nobl e cause, that this action may appear to be worthy of winning, that this is based o n the assumption that there is that force above such as a God, or this Awareness , who rewards entities for having what appears to be noble causes . This Awarenes s indicates wherein there is seen a . motivation of a desire to win of gambling and a justification for such winning by the statement that this is for the needy : Thi s Awareness indicates It sees the entire action and is not easily deceived or persuade d nor impressed by noble appearances or by noble justifications . This Awareness indicates wherein there is the sincere need and desire by an y entity to help those in need, the means will become available . This Awareness indicates wherein the sincere desire to help those in need is stron g enough, there will also be even that which may be called "good luck " participating in your lifestyle which is that which is helping the needy . . This Awareness indicate s that you understand good luck does come to those who are one with the universe an d need very little for they have the entire universe in which to play and speculat e with the energies of attention and that which is called the Law of Magic ; that the message continue . Q . . . . " A change in the element of luck so powerful that it would defy the laws o f probabilities or even have control over the odds against me in order to win in games , of chance such as Lotteries, Sweepstakes, dice, cards, bingo etc . I do honestl y promise to donate (give) according to whatever T receive (win) to organizations suc h as Cosmic Awareness Communications and the The Aquaria n, Church of Universal Services . " e A . This Awareness indicates a comment . This Awareness suggests a re-reeding of th last 3 or 4 lines .

7. 'Q . --(Question repeated) . . " I do honestly promise to donate according to whateve r I receive to organizations such as Cosmic Awareness Communications etc . . . " A . This Awareness asks you to ask yourself if you are attempting to entice thi s Awareness into giving you good luck on the premise that you will pass it on to th e Awareness channels . This Awareness indicates that wherein you desire to do servic e for others, truly desiring to do this, you may look at what you have and what yo u are, and what you can do even as you now are, and may do something no matter ho w small to assist someone, no matter who it is . This Awareness indicates when an y entity does this, then the Cosmic Laws given by this Awareness recognize and rewar d your service to others in a manner that is proper and in accord with the Law o f Gratitude . This Awareness indicates-then you shalls have .- ::ore than good luck .* increasing proportionally as you service others ÂŁ Q . . ."Indeed, I trust that it be well to request a solution to my problem . of ba d luck by means of the Trance Healing from Cosmic Awareness, and in doing so that i t will be justified in the rendering of my energies and efforts in good faith towar d a noble cause--the achievement of my goals . A . This Awareness indicates that It shall now indeed send you that healing whic h shall assist in bringing about your good luck . . . (pause for healing) . This Awareness indicates this as that which is dependent entirely upon your deepes t motives ; that the honesty of yourself to yourself as to your true motive in thi s action, is that which shall bring about the change in your luck . This Awarenes s indicates wherein your true and honest motive is to benefit yourself greatly an d give a token amount to some other, hoping that this will be a justification for thi s healing, then this Awareness will give you that amount of good luck which is see n honestly by yourself . This Awareness indicates wherein you are honest with yoursel f regardless of what your motive is, to that degree cf honesty this Awareness wil l increase your good luck . That it matters not to this Awareness at this stage of you r development, whether your motives are of generosity toward others or of persona l need for yourself . What does presently matter to this Awareness, is that you b e totally honest to yourself, and that you give attention to your true motivation s without judging yourself in any way . This Awareness indicates when you becom e totally honest with yourself you shell discover you are having good luck as neve r before . This Awareness indicates : Lots of luck, Gustavo : CONCERNING LIFE IN ATLANTI S




Q . Cosmic Awareness indicated in my Life Reading in 1972, Dan Spivey, Interpreter , that I was "indeed close to this Awareness" when I moved within the Council of 12 , approximately 11,480 BC . Will Awareness please tell me the most significant aspec t of that lifetime, my name, sex, role within the Council of 12, and how long did I live ? A . This Awareness indicates there is seen that which appears to be likened unto a pyramid top, a mountain, this as in Atlantis . That this was a type of retreat fo r those entities who were working deeply in terms of mind control and certain force s of conscious manipulation of others . This Awareness indicates this also was bein g greatly influenced by those who were propounding that which was the ancient Law o f One . That the action of these 12 was originally brought together to bring about tha t re-establishment of the Law of One in the Continent of Atlantis . That the feelin g was that wherein this was re-established, that certain aspects of Atlantis could b e saved from further destruction . This Awareness indicates that the council of 12 itself was in a state of disruptio n and could not work together in this manner . This Awareness indicates this graduall y did fall apart and many of these entities went to various p arts of the world ; that

8. the entity Hep-sut moved then into Egypt along with approximately seven others fro m the Council of 12 . Of these seven others, two continued trying to establish powe r in Egypt under their old forms of the worship of power in terms of that which wa s known as "the sons of Baal" . This Awareness indicates that five of these 12 did travel to other parts of th e world . There were those who went into Spain, and England ; there were two, one i n each area . One of these established the original action of that which is th e Basques . That three did move into the Americas . One moved into that which is Nort h America, two went into South America and established that action which later became th e Mayan empire and certain other tribal groups splintering from that . You were one who traveled with Hep-sut into Egypt and did begin working with Ra-T a and Hep-sut and the king of Egypt at that time . This Awareness indicates that thi s

information as available in the Cayce book on the pyramid and its builders . Thi s Awareness indicates that you as one of the Attanti .ans mentioned who did tempt Isri s to persuade Ra-Ta to break the cede he had instituted of one mate per male . Tha t in tempting Re-Ta to break his own code, you were working to rid Egypt of th e i_nlfluence of Ra-Ta . This would have assisted in helping to re-establish the . Atlantean Council and its control of the kingdom of Egypt . You were working with three others . This Awareness indicates Hep-sut was one who traveled with Ra-Ta into Nubianlan d at the time of his banishment . You served in Egypt for some after that, and did the n serve as part of the action of bringing Egypt into great turmoil . During this tim e you began straying further from this Awareness . This Awareness suggests you understand this action as occurring over severa l incarnations ranging for several lifetimes to this point . This Awareness suggest s that you also understand at that time entities-were able to recall easily thei r previous incarnation, and their purposes and directions_ . and actions from previous lifetimess,This Awareness indicates that in this sense this was likened unto on e long karmic trip wherein you changed costumes or bodies several times . This Awarenes s indicates that the Atlantian life spoken of as being on the Council of 12 as tha t which was of a duration of approximately 350 years . That the name at that time a s Koeht . That this action of the Council of 12 did extend as a powerful psychi c influence in consciousness for approximately 2000 years as the 12 continue d reincarnating from life to life together . This Awareness indicates that at the tim e of the building of the pyramids wherein Ra-Ta's followers were mummified wit h certain concepts in mind to be used as counter-active forces toward those of th e followers of Baal ; that this began upsetting the controls of those forces . Thi s Awareness indicates that you understand the term "Rhyee" and the "forces of Rhyee'" as synonymous to the forces of Baal . That Baal was the name given at a later dat e in response to one who was a classic example of the forces of Rhyee . CONCERNING" EXORCIST" TYPE FORCE S POSSESSING AN ENTIT Y Q . It seems to me that my present emotional-mental illness started at birth . But my specific current " attacks" started 7 years ago . Even as I now attempt to write thi s explanation these negative threes are turning my head left and right, 180 degrees , very fast, like in the movie " Exorcist" . They have been harassing me daily for 7 years .Will Cosmic Awareness please heal me and tell me the real cause of this illnes s and why didn ' t my I AM GOD SELF stop those negative, forces from torturing m e for the past 7-8 years? Will Cosmic Awareness please keep me in the white light o f God and tell if I may ascend in my light body in this lifetime ? A . This Awareness indicates that you understand that the forces which are acting ' upon you are those which are mirroring certain judgment levels within your psych e which you do allow to channel through and db allow to have their contr .:']. over yo u through the mechanism of rejection and fear and belief in evil . This Awareness

9. Indicates that you understand those forces are but mirrors of yourself . That wherein you can totally accept yourself for what you are, even as this Awareness accepts yo u for what you are, that these forces will then become likened unto guardian angels . This Awareness indicates that the rejection of the influence of these forces a s that which is likened unto the rejection of your right hand for moving at a tim e when you were concentrating on your left . This Awareness indicates that there ar e certain reactions to every action, and wherein your so-called conscious mind make s judgements and certain separative maneuvers, then the so-called unconscious min d will have certain reactions to this . Wherein one judges this " unconscious " reactio n as being negative and becomes very frustrated at this and wishes to control it, on e will simply find that this unconscious mind rebels even further . As this continue s the conscious and the unconscious minds experience war with one another . Wherein the conscious mind begins calling the unconscious names such as " bad " , " guilt y " , "evi l " or that which is possessed by evil forces, that this does becom e a truth to the limited awareness of the conscious mind . This Awareness indicates that one can continue this to where one is at tota l extremes with oneself and at total war with oneself unto the appearance of possessio n and unto complete alienation from oneself, from society, from family, and from al l others . This Awareness indicates that one can continue this until one is alienated , in appearance, from one's God since that is what the conscious mind is programme d to believe and to expect . This Awareness indicates that all of this is but the reflection of your intimat e conversation and communication with yourself, about yourself and about your world . This Awareness suggests that as you learn to speak and converse with yourself only those words which express unity and harmony, which express that which is the Law o f Love, the Law of Unity, the Law of Freedom . . .when these are expressed in your wa y of speaking to yourself or speaking about the world in which you live, (which yo u must understand is but an extension . of yourself, .a reflection of what is within) , when you speak in terms of Love for self and for those extensions of yourself, the n your entire being and your society come into balance . The war shall cease and yo u shall find harmony with those forces . This Awareness suggests that you cannot separate yourself from any part of th e universe without being at war with all those parts . This Awareness suggests you understand that there is no evil but that you named it ;s% . There is no negativit y but that you called it so . That you understand the positive and negative are bu t a process of energies in motion . This Awareness asks which is right : the swingin g forward or the swinging back? The standing up or the lying down? The being happ y or the being sad? The being positive or the being negative? The color pink or th e color blue? This Awareness suggests that you understand these are all concepts o f the mind, and the mind-is but a computer presented . . for . the game, player, or th e programmer to place within it those symbols which it wishes to maneuver . Thi s Awareness suggests that you not confuse yourself with the computer, for you are.. the programmer and can program every action of your experience so long as you d o not become lost in the cobwebs of Rhyee : the computer itself, the mind--for under stand the mind itself in its judgements, structures, concepts and ideas is tha t which was known as Lucifer, which is the bright and shining angel, until one fall s victim to it and becomes tempted and eats the fruit of the Tree of Knowing, goo d and evil, of division and separateness, which leads one, .to fall into the deep_sleeps of believing the mind to be oneself . This Awareness suggests that you may be the guardian observer of Lucifer, th e observer of the mind, and may not judge it ; for any judgement is but an action of ; the lruciferian-mina . As you observe your mind it its attempts to judge itself an d castigate itself and overpower itself, as you observe this without condemnation o r judgement by simply discerning its games, and recognizing it as a computer ; you wil l will find it more and more into a state of rest . Wherein your mind is trying to

10 . outdo itself and you are working to outdo certain aspects of yourself, working a s mind, attempting to control through will-power, rather than being aware and attentive , there will be physical reactions to this attempt . The path to this Awareness is the path of least resistance and greatest attentivenes s in the sense of not resisting, but in discerning truth . This Awarene s ss indicate s that when you discern truth, you also must understand truth cannot be held onto ; i t can only be discerned in moment-to-moment experiences, for the truth of one momen t is not the truth of another . Wherein you move from one moment with a concept o f truth into another, the next moment is entered with a prejudice based on the ol d moment's truth, and in that prejudice you are incapable of discerning truth of thi s new moment . Yet, understand , the truth of your illness in one moment needs not b e carried into the next moment ; that illness may be seen as a falsity in this moment . This Awareness suggests that you understand that mind is an action carryin g knowledge or concepts in boxes of "word s " or other symbols from moment-to-moment ; an d what is carried influences the truth of that moment . This Awareness suggests tha t wherein you watch the mind in action without conderning it, but simply watching i t and being attentive to what is carried as it plays its games, while not becoming to o overly-concerned about it -- simply watching it move as you would watch a train , while simultaneously taking in the beauty of the total experience, and experiencing that which is total unity with this train of thought and judgements--•-runnin g through this valley of the shadow of death, and this shadow of life, and the shadows of being ; while watching these forces moving through without judging, but in simpl y observing : then you move into that level of awareness wherein you become yourself , and can begin to discover Who, in Fact, You Really Arc . At this point your light body receives its nourishment and begins to grow . A t this point you discover that the material body is that body which matters, but matter s only because the mind said this or that mattered, and the material body had t o reflect the mental commands . This Awareness indicates you understand your materia l body is the reflection of your polorized mind concepts, and that as these concept s begin to change and relax in their extremes, that also the material body comes i n to greater balance and harmony ; and the light body begins to emerge and grow . This Awareness suggests you understand there is nothing evil within you or passin g throughyou . That there are only the thouaht:s and games of themind . That the min d as Lucifer is not evil, but is simply a mechanism for certain levels of creation an d expression . This Awareness indicates the mind is likened unto a movie projector . That the movie projector is not evil . That entities watching the projection may resis t certain scenes and dislike certain actions, and experience certain traumas, but tha t it is all but the show and entertainment for certain aspects of consciousness wh o wish to maintain concepts of separateness for the significance of being individual . This Awareness indicates this as that which began with Rhyee which reached it s peak in Baal and was mirrored by Ra-ta and brought back into unity with the unifyin g actions of many in the past and with David Worchester, Ralph Duby, Dan Spivey, an d those many other forces, events and openings of Awareness in this present time . Thi s Awareness indicates this including Albert Einstein, this including Walter Russell , this including the thousands of entities who sang, danced, rioted, took drugs an d looked into each others eyes, those who spoke lovingly to strangers, and those wh o broke through racial barriers, broke through sexual barriers, broke through nationa l barriers, broke through age barriers, and broke through religious and politica l barriers to communicate with those who were different and alien to their own back ground and identifications . This Awareness indicates and suggests to you now to becom e acquainted with yourself, for you are a beautiful person and have many beautifu l qualities that need nurturing and attention .

11 . CONCERNING THE MERGING O F BLACKS AND WHITE S Q . I am forced to live in an ugly, dangerous black neighborhood against my will , because of poverty .Will Cosmic Awareness please, please move me into a safe plac e neighborhood :Ln the city and state that Cosmic Awareness wants me to d o D ZKLWH LQ ., -cork in, and p lease tell me the name of this city and how soon can I move there ? A . This Awareness indicates this as that state of unity, that you may move ther e immediately . That the black and white must reconcile . Wherein the black and whit e merge in mystical marriage of love and unity, wherein all those forces which hav e moved in conflict throughout all time and dramatized the extremes of polarity, d o come together, even in your own attitudes, then you shell discover that beauty an d harmony which you have requested . This Awareness suggests energy is wasted in fea r and hostility, and without these you may move quickly to freedom . This Awareness give s freedom to you . Will you eccept ? For you cannot carry hostility within and hav e harmony without, CONCERNING RliYEE AND THE FALL OF MAN Q . During the time I was ill, or "possessed' ; my sister changed about me . Calls th e police when I. try to visit . What can I do to make her friendly again ? A . This Awareness indicates that your sister becrme frightened by things which sh e did not understand which you were expressing . This Awareness indicates that you ma y write to this entity, including this reading, whereby you open . yourself totally an d vulnerably to her in your many lifetimes, and as an explanation to her of what yo u are and what you Ilene been . This Awareness indicates that in so doing this, you open . certain doors in her consciousness which allows her also to begin to understand th e urgency of the work you are doing and are about to engage in . This Awarenes s indicates that there now is a message for this entity : This Awareness indicates that you understand the movement from the past to th e present as that which was very difficult for many entities ; that this as that whi t began with the separation of Lucifer or Rhyee from the rest of conscionsness . Tha t this as that which was the beginning of duality in the universe . That the separatio n was symbolized in the religious teachings of God and the Devil, or good and evil . . That the separation was symbolized in terms of day and night, or days and evenings . That the separation was that which was created by the one consciousness dividing th e light from the darkness, the heavens from the earth, the radiance from the magnetism . That the so-called radiant forces were those which were termed "good", the magnetic forces were those which were termed "evil" . This Awareness indicates that the magnetic forces did create matter . That the movement then was that which was called., the Fall of Man . . .the Fall of Lucifer . . .the Fall of the Angels , . This Awareness indicates that Cain as that which represented the mind in man , and Able the consciousness in man. . That in terms of Atlantis and Lemuria, that Lemuri a was Able and Cain was Atlantis . That Cain was that force which did focus as a male principle, as Atlantis, a s Mars, (Adam) . That Lemuria was that force ZKLFK did not focus, but was receptive a s the female :-rinciple, Venus, (Eve) . This Awareness indicates that neither of these is JRRG RU HYLO EXW likened unto a . process of teeter and totter, day and night, up and down, to and fro . This Awarenes s suggests you understand that the concepts of right and wrong are concepts which ar e being removed from consciousness . That these are those areas of the mind which have

12 . created polarities which have created separateness, which have created division , which have created belief, which have created matter, which have created thos e tragedies and sorrows and separations and errors which have been the creator o f karma and reaction to that . This Awareness suggests that you understand also that this as that which is n o longer valid for the coming age . That the coming <'ge as that which requires an d insists that all entities move into the state of unity . That you love one another . That in loving one another, you understand that ever : ; human face is every othe r human face . That only the mind creates the division and description to separate such . This Awareness suggests that you understand that the mind based on duality-thinkin g is Lucifer, and is now being chained by levels of awareness and shall be chained fo r at least or' . :-thousand years, while greater understanding occurs throughout consciousness . This Awareness suggests that you understand these . levels of Christ Consciousnes s or crystal-clear consciousness, awareness consciousness, and Cosmic Consciousness a s those which do not allow for any form of rejection or denial ; as those wherein any entity involved in denying another may not do so in any manner that excludes tha t entity of his right and the proper return for energy and experience that he has accrued . This Awareness indicates this in . terms of whatever the earning, however it i s earned ; that entities who love another shall surely find themselves loving themselves in turn .. This Awareness indicates that you understand this not as a threat by some "Being " hovering over you, but rather as a level of awareness being expressed to you so tha t you understand and know what is true in this circumstance ; and that whereby yo u ignore your responsibility to others but by deluding yourself and paying the consequences, according to the Law ofKarma . This Awareness indicates that the Law of Karma is that law wherein entities arrange within themselves on any level to make jus t payment for any action committed that affects the welfare of oneself or another . The Law of Karma is irrevocable and may be depended upon to bring those who stra y from the Law of Unity back into balance. through this divine justice of the universe . This Awareness indicates this may be understood as a cosmic principle .This Awarenes s indicates that you are blessed by this Awareness and shall receive the reward tha t you in your awareness dictates as proper , Q . Was there a healing performed for this entity ? A . This Awareness indicates that a healing shall be given for the entire situation . That there is much karma in terms of group involvement in this situation .Wherein thi s comes into an alignment, that there shall be a mirroring reflection on many level s throughout consciousness . Wherein these entities become capable of relating clearl y and in the Law of Unity that this as that which shall trigger a new awakening b y this earth . This Awareness indicates this on many levels as reaction to the triggerin g mechanisms in consciousness . This Awareness indicates that you understand there are certain entities who wer e involved in archetypal structuring and maneuvering of consciousness, who did hel p to bring about the formation of societies and civilizations . Wherein these entities ' are capable of releasing some of their separate identifications and controls an d allowing individuals the respect of being one with them, as part of their role neithe r superior, nor inferior, but simply different and therefore proper and allowable ; tha t these entities then can affect great changes in the established order of things an d bring harmony t .n this chaotic world . This Awareness indicates this as the urgenc y of the present time . This Awareness suggests that you study the T.,aw of Unity, the Law of Freedom, an d the Law of Magic, and set yourself free so that you may free others . 115 , REVEt_ .AT'IONS 01 AWARENESS is a cosmic newsletter published by Cosmie Awareness C'ommunicaWions, P .O . Box Olympia, Washington 98507 . Ratcs and membership information available upon request .

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