The Journey Of The Soul: 30 Part Series In Metaphysical And Spiritual Development By Cosmic Awareness Part 1-1: Spiritual Maturity Helping The Soul Growth Of Others After Social Maturity Comes Spiritual Maturity Many Ways To Assist Others In Their Soul Growth C.A.C. Readers Are Involved In Others Soul Growth What Are You Doing In Terms Of Spiritual Maturity? Consider Helping Those Who Are Helping Others How To Recognize A Socially Retarded Entity Consider Helping Those Who Are Helping Others What To Do: - Study The Cosmic Awareness Teachings Of Giving Service Why You Must Understand And Grasp The Awareness Material How One Reads Information Can Create Error Think For Yourself: Awareness Can't Guarantee The Readings
Part 1-2: How Some Souls Self-Destruct More Questions About The Soul
Part 1-3: The Rules Governing Reincarnation Can The Soul Of One Species Reincarnate Into Another The Awareness Readings Affect The Collective Consciousness
Part 1-4: What Exactly Is "Collective Consciousness"? Part 1-5: How Souls Are Created With Pixels Of Energies The "10 Billion Souls Which Are Part Of Cosmic Awareness" There Is Life On Venus But We Would Not See People There
Part 2-1: Souls Are Essentially A Kind Of Magnetic Energy To Attain Individuality, Souls Move Into Dense Levels The Dark Night Of The Soul Experience Some Try To Emulate The Fall Of Lucifer The Return Of The Prodigal Son
Part 2-2: The Soul In Relationship To Planetary Bodies One Can Lose Identity Through Many Sexual Encounters
Part 2-3: How Moving Into A Karmic Family Works The Soul In Relationship To Specific Lifeforms Do Souls Transmigrate Between Species?
Part 2-4: How Long Between Earth Incarnations? Are Souls Created On All Levels Of Vibration?
Part 2-5: The Realm Known As "Heaven" Sach Kahn The Realm Where Souls Are Created The 4Th Realm Of Heaven: Is This The 7Th Plane?
Part 2-6: How Does One Get Heaven? Surrendering To The Divine When This Awareness Suggests That You Surrender
Part 2-7: Is That All There Is What If You Don't Think About Surrender At All? One Can't Surrender Until One Is Integrated A Small Child Or Baby Could Not Surrender To God
Part 2-8: The Importance Of Developing An Individuality Part 2-9: The Crisis That Is Coming The Gathering Storm (The Dark Shadow Of The Beast) The Battle Of Armageddon Begins Within Each Entity How You Can Deal With These Negative Forces The Time Of The Indulgence Is Over
Part 2-10: The United States Of Awareness And The Law Of One Entities Who Disrupt (With Good Intentions) In Due Time, All Entities Return To Universal Harmony Or Move Toward Total Annihilation
Part 2-11: Is There An "Unpardonable Sin"?
Part 2-12: The Forces Of Ahriman & The Psychology Of The Mass Murderer The Desensitizing Of The Masses
Part 2-13: The Plan Of Ahriman 1: Keeping Entities Earthbound Part 2-14: The Forces Of Ahriman 2: Time Is On The Side Of The Light Workers Part 2-15: The Forces Of Ahriman 3: The Pioneers, The Way Showers To The New Age Part 2-16: The Forces Of Ahriman 4: How Ahriman's Forces Get Their Energy Part 2-17: The Forces Of Ahriman 5: One-Third Of World Is Unevolved Laggards Part 2-18: When We Are Reunited With God, Will We Cease To Exist? Attachment And Desire Hooks Entities Into Maya Your Subconscious Mind Is The "Genie In The Bottle"
Part 2-19: The First And Second Traps For The Seeker All That Is Necessary Is To Know The Divine Is Everywhere It Comes All Down To Surrender One's Self-Importance The Mind Can't Stand The Thought That It Has No Role Merging With The Divine Not A One-Shot Episode
Part 2-20: On Ascending Into The Light Body And Nirvana Levels The Trinity Of Self
Part 2-21: Life After Death And Merging With The White Light The Heaven Experience On Reincarnation And The Bible On Reincarnation And Prejudice
Part 2-22: Life After Death And Merging With The White Light (Part 2) The More Evolved Entities Can Take A Short Cut
Are Those Really Friends Who Greet The Entity After Passing Over? The "Burning In Hell" Syndrome Attachments And Commitments Those Accounts Of Experiencing The Hell Fires!
Part 2-23: The Definition Of Love & The Perfect State Of Being Meditation The Timeless "Here And Now" To Stop Aging! How Your Meditation (Visualization) Effects Others The Many Gifts For Those Who Attune Into The Soul Neutrino, Link Between Consciousness & Material The Most Effective Form Of Meditation Everyone Should Meditate Daily - Setting Aside Time
Part 2-24: What Is The Divine Being? Reflecting The Creator Through Your Dna Surrendering To The Highest Frequency Life Filled With Distractions, But Don't Forget! A Caution On Basking In The Divine Light
Part 2-25: A Great Time To Stay Alive! A Great New World Is Coming! This compilation was originally posted at Lightnet
Journey Of The Soul 1-1: Spiritual Maturity This Awareness indicates that most entities understand the meaning of social maturity, wherein an entity first learns to take care of his or her own needs, as an indicator of maturity. Then, as one is capable of taking care of his or her personal needs, they accept the responsibility of taking care of someone else's needs also. As an entity matures further, he or she may begin to attend to the needs of several. Usually this is in the form of a facilely, with children. This requires a certain maturity. Many entities cannot reach this level, and find it difficult to take care of themselves, let alone take care of a mate and children. Some may rely on and depend on a mate and thus show immaturity rather than maturity, or may not help the mate, drawing more from the mate than giving, and this immaturity is a clear picture of the entity's development; but once the entity learns to attend to not only his or her needs, but to the needs of another, and particularly when it reaches a point wherein the entity can attend to the needs of a mate and the children, then the entity is considered socially mature.
Of course, this can continue to grow, as an entity takes on certain other responsibilities in career, in job, in home or wherever. In other words, as one becomes more socially responsible, one matures further.
After Social Maturity Comes Spiritual Maturity This Awareness indicates there is another kind of maturity: spiritual maturity. As an entity begins to take on the recognition of his or her own soul growth and begins to mature spiritually, developing his or her soul growth, the entity may reach a point in which he or she decides it is not sufficient that, "I attend only to my own soul growth; I should also assist others in the development of their soul growth if possible. This Awareness indicates that some entities at some point in their spiritual development move beyond attending their own soul growth exclusively, to the state wherein they begin to work also to assist others in the development of their soul, giving them spiritual guidance, information or assistance so that they also can enhance their soul growth. Many Ways to Assist Others in Their Soul Growth This Awareness indicates that it becomes possible for these entities to continue not only helping themselves to grow spiritually, but to help others and to encourage the others also to begin helping others, if possible. This Awareness indicates that there are many ways whereby entities can assist others in developing their soul growth without necessarily going into the ministry or becoming full-time teachers of entities in a spiritual teaching sense. This awareness indicates in fact, entities can assist one another just by talking to them about things that help them to have better understanding of their own soul, their need for spiritual growth, and ways of improving their lives through spiritual growth activity. This Awareness indicates that entities who can serve others spiritually or assist them to develop their own spirituality are indeed functioning in a sense of growth activity. This Awareness indicates that there are many entities whose particular circumstances does not yet allow them to become guardians of each other's souls or stewards for each other's soul growth, but there are ways whereby indirectly they can still help in the soul growth of others.
C.A.C. Readers are Involved in the Soul Growth of Others Many of the readers who read the Revelations of Awareness are themselves involved, perhaps not directly, but indirectly in the soul growth of others, and this is part of their soul growth, to have participated in helping others in their soul growth activities. This may be, for example, from entities who send in questions of general spiritual nature or entities who send in donations to keep the organization and messages
flowing, or entities who, in their relationship with this organization, send letters of encouragement and write or contact people in ways that encourage their soul growth, or support their changes for coming in contact with such information. Thus, by sharing information, such entities can assist in spreading the information and soul growth to their friends and associates. This Awareness indicates in other words, just because you are too busy to get out and preach or get out and talk about things does not mean you are not offering some spiritual energy to help others in their soul growth development that they may wish to pursue. If you share information with them or if you share your energies, including your donations to groups, or organizations to spread spiritual information or services, you are in essence participating in the spread and expression of soul growth that is being brought to this Earth plane. This Awareness indicates this is a form of spiritual maturity as entities move more and more into assisting others in their soul growth, in their spiritual life. Thus, you have the social maturity and the spiritual maturity. There are other forms of maturity, but these are those which this Awareness wished to speak of at present time as being of great importance. This Awareness indicates, of course, financial maturity is the concern of most entities on this plane because the bottom line of most energy is money-related, but this Awareness indicates this is already understood very quickly as a child grows into society, and the areas which are often neglected or forgotten by entities have to do with their social maturity, and areas which are even more commonly neglected or forgotten have to do with spiritual maturity.
What are You Doing in Terms of Spiritual Maturity? What are you doing in terms of spiritual maturity? Are you developing your soul? Are you growing spiritually, day to day, month to month, year by year, or are you neglecting this area of your life? In what way are you expressing spiritual growth? These are questions you may wish to consider. This Awareness indicates that according to your capacity, your ability, you may wish to find some way to express a spiritual maturity in a more meaningful manner in order to develop your own spiritual growth. This Awareness indicates that spiritual growth is not something to neglect. It is possible to become spiritually retarded, just as it is possible to become socially retarded, but this Awareness suggests this is not beneficial to an entity to neglect the social or spiritual development, and therefore, this Awareness suggests you consider carefully as you develop these areas of your being, for they can bring you many, many more rewards than the retarded states of development that some entities seem to divert towards.
How to Recognize a Socially Retarded Entity
This Awareness indicates if this has not been made clear, perhaps this Awareness could say it in a different way: An entity who is socially retarded is an entity what has not, for example learned how to make and keep friends or keep friendship alive. The entity may be too self-centered, for example, or too concerned with gaining something for self at the expense of others. This entity would not be classed as a socially mature person. The entity would perhaps be better classed as a socially retarded person. This Awareness indicates that likewise, an entity who is not interested in soul growth or spiritual growth for himself would not likewise have much interest in helping others to develop their spiritual or soul growth, and therefore, rather than appreciating the finer things in life, such an entity would enjoy crude things, such as getting friends to fight with each other, or promoting fights or violence or belittling friends, insulting or hurting the self-image of others. A more spiritual inclined person would encourage those who are discouraged, assist those who need to be uplifted, or need encouragement to lift themselves, and promote spiritual concepts and ideas that can be beneficial for others. This Awareness indicates that such an action of spiritual promotion would indicate an entity who is spiritually evolving.
Consider Helping Those Who are Helping Others This Awareness indicates there are many ways of promoting the spiritual well-being of others and of oneself, and everyone has some opportunity for doing this, regardless of how busy they might be. This Awareness indicates you may always consider helping others who are helping others. If you do not have the time to get out and help the masses, help those who are helping the masses, and you are essentially doing the same work.
What to do: Study the Cosmic Awareness Teachings of Give Service to Others? This Awareness suggests that to fill oneself with information gives one an enormous amount of potential power, but the power is pointless if it is not used, there fore this Awareness suggests that you put in practice what you learned to use. If it is something that can be used for helping others, then by putting it to use, it becomes much more important than by simply stuffing it in the bank of your memory. This Awareness indicates that of course it is also important to realize if it is something you are studying but do not fully grasp, some times there is a need to take in more before acting on information, because if you act with half the knowledge you need, you may cause yourself or others more harm than good. This Awareness suggests, therefore, whatever you study, whatever you research and examine, if you are to put it into action, make sure that you know enough to act
confidently and with full understanding, so that your knowledge, which is power, does not end up hurting yourself or others because you were not quite informed enough on some area of the field of knowledge, and because of lack of information, your action went astray. This Awareness indicates in other words, study enough so that when you put things into action, your actions will be meaningful and proper. This Awareness indicates it is likened unto a student of psychology who drops out of school after learning only a few rudimentary concepts of psychology and then tries to go into the business of counseling. Such an entity, with half knowledge, could indeed hurt others very seriously. This Awareness indicates most entities, even with half-knowledge, who share what they know without trying to over-act on their knowledge, would be relatively harmless. In other words, it would be likened unto the psychology student sharing some of the concepts he or she might have learned in class prior to having dropped out of school. It is not likely to be harmful in such a case, but if the entity pretends to know more than he does, pretends to be an authority and gets others to depend on him or her, then there is a misrepresentation, and a potential for much harm to be caused to those who trust the entity, more than is properly earned.
Why You Must Understand and Grasp the Awareness Material This Awareness indicates also that in regards to studying the Cosmic Awareness readings, it is important for entities to grasp the understanding for themselves and not just because the information was made available in the readings. This Awareness indicates that if information is given without full understanding of the principles being discussed, an entity can express the information in a way that could be distorted or could cause confusion or otherwise bring harm to another. It is likened unto the entity who, in studying the Bible, fixates on a certain passage and cause great harm because the entity either put too much emphasis on something said, or distorted what was said, or did not understand clearly the meaning in the passage, and the therefore expressed it improperly Improper expression is not uncommon when communication requires a translation or interpretation of some message and an entity interprets something either out of context or with a distorted emphasis or a distorted understanding of the true meaning. This Awareness indicates there is also the possibility of error in the readings or error in the Biblical passage in its translation, so that error in expression might likewise occur.
How One Reads Information can Create Error There is also the possibility of error in how one reads the information. This Awareness indicates that there will be people who say the Bible contains no errors, but this
Awareness wishes to give you an example in which the Bible speaks of the angel standing on the four corners of the Earth. This Awareness indicated that obviously, in today's society, entities understand that there are not four corners on the Earth, and therefore they would rend this as metaphorical or symbolic of the four directions, but they would not take it literally, as referring to four corners of the earth. This Awareness indicates however, that a child, who does not know the earth is spherical, or someone from an earlier age, prior to Columbus, might have considered these words to literally refer to four corners on the Earth, and acting on that information, according to that interpretation, an entity could perhaps, under certain circumstances, get into serious trouble. For example, an entity seeking to find one of the corners of the Earth, or an entity out sailing might receive a message from some authority saying "Keep going until you find the corner of the earth and then come back to us!," and the entity keeps sailing and sailing and sailing and sailing and sailing, looking for the other corner. This Awareness indicates that could it not be said that the Bible was in error in this interpretation of it? It is not to say that the Bible itself is necessarily incorrect, but the interpretation of how it should have been read or understood may have been in error.
Think for Yourself: Awareness Can't Guarantee the Readings Likewise, with readings from this Awareness: this Awareness does not expect to interpret everything It says in a way that is always correct. This Awareness does not even vouch that the Interpreter's readings of this Awareness energies are always correct. Therefore, think for yourself, and interpret carefully as you use these messages in the study, research and sharing information with others. (Revelation of Awareness 97-6 Issue No.483 with Paul Shockley as the Interpreter)
Journey Of The Soul 1-2: How Some Souls Self-Destruct This Awareness indicates that the soul is a kind of a field energy that accumulates experiences, not necessarily in vivid imagery, but in feeling. Thus, an entity who, for example, goes to the beach, enjoys the sand and sea and wind, collects an image at the beach, but also collects a feeling, and that feeling gets captured by the field of energy that is the soul, and the entity develops a strong sense of enjoyment from the experience. This Awareness indicates, however, when the entity passes on to another body, another life, through the soul leaving the physical body, it retains the feeling of that beach trip, without necessarily retaining the image that accompanied the experience. In other words, the soul may not recall the appearance of the rocks or the cliff near
the seashore. It may not recall who the entity was with, but it certainly recalls the experience of being joyful, of having some sense of commitment from the experience. This Awareness indicates that in future lifetime, the entity might have a brief experience or a flashback on the feeling carried over from the previous lifetime, and might have a yearning over from the previous lifetime, and might have a yearning to go to the sea, or the seashore. Perhaps the entity has never seen the ocean, but there is something deep within or calls him to go to the seashore. Thus, the entity at some point in his or her life might again walk the seashore and experience the feelings from a previous life because the soul carried over the feelings of the experience. This Awareness indicates the entity may not recognize the seashore where he or she may walk in this second lifetime, but the entity may very well recognize the feeling and it becomes part of the soul energy or emanation. Multiply this by hundreds of thousands of experiences from one lifetime carried over to the next, and you will see a soul that has a propensity for certain experience, a tendency to move toward certain behavioral patterns and experiences based on feelings that are part of the soul make-up. This Awareness indicates thus, a soul then carries with it certain inclinations, not necessarily vivid memories, but certain inclinations and it is drawn in certain directions because of these inclinations. This Awareness indicates that this does not guarantee that the soul will continue to grow and develop those inclinations, and it is such that a soul can be destroyed when the field of energy that makes up the soul becomes weakened before it is fully integrated or what may be termed "congealed" into a fully integrated field of energy. In other words, the soul may still be forming. The soul may still be collecting experiences for integration, but the total congealing of the soul may not yet have occurred in such a way that a loose soul, or a soul that is not congealed into a solid integrated field of energy may still be vulnerable to influences that break it apart, weaken it, or cause it to scatter in terms of its collective energies from the experiences it has endured.
How Some Souls Self-Destruct This Awareness indicates that for the most part, a soul does tend to congeal rather quickly, so that even a new soul is fairly much intact and not broken apart; but some souls self-destruct, such as an entity, for example, who begins to break apart the elements of the soul that have joined together, either by the use of drugs or drink or addictions that are of a weakening nature to the integrative qualities. In other words an entity who has experienced compassion, but has also experienced great hostility; the entity who has a range of emotional memories and feelings, who come across a situation in which he or she draws on one of those emotions and shuns others: such an entity might begin to disintegrate in terms of losing certain
compassionate energies and adopting certain negative energies. And thus, a soul that was mainly compassionate could very easily turn into one that is hostile, angry or otherwise disintegrating in its nature. The use of certain negative drugs, gluttony or other types of poor behavior can also tend to cause a breakup in the soul's congeniality. If it is congealed or integrated and brought together, but loses that congeniality to where it is in conflict with its parts, those parts can then disintegrate, so that the soul disintegrates over time to the same degree as the conflict within the soul and its various parts. (Revelation of Awareness 96-14 Issue No. 474 with Paul Shockley as the Interpreter)
Journey Of The Soul 1-3: The Rules Governing Reincarnation Can the Soul of One Species Reincarnate Into Another This Awareness indicates that this is possible. This Awareness indicates that the souls may not necessarily adapt well to that body or may need to undergo considerable change or growth once in that body. In other words, the soul may not fit like a glove, but it is possible for souls of one species to enter into the body of another species. This Awareness indicates of course this is not so in every case. But some souls just do not fit well in the bodies of others.
What are the Rules Governing Reincarnation (How to keep the Demon Out of the Fetus. Or is it that whoever has a strong will can do as one pleases?) This Awareness indicates that this is interpreted as meaning whoever has a strong will can incarnate wherever he or she wishes. This Awareness indicates that a strong will does not necessarily guarantee an entity a choice or right to enter any particular chosen body. In other words, an entity who is strong willed and very demonic may not be able to select the body of a fetus or small child to enter, if that genetic quality of the small child and the parents of the child are not integrated with the demon's. In other words, a demonic person is not simply able to enter into the body of a child born from spiritual people just because the demon would like that. This Awareness indicates that there are certain qualities that must vibrate properly in the genetic harmony with the genes of a small child or fetus before that soul can attach itself. In other words, the vibratory qualities of the soul must vibrate harmonically with the genetic qualities of the fetus for the soul to attach.
The Awareness Readings Affect the Collective Consciousness You must understand that all entities are part of the collective consciousness, thus, any vacuum in the collective consciousness may be felt by most of the entities who are sensitive to that vacuum, and this can sometimes be many. This Awareness indicates that these readings not only affect those who read the written result, but also affect the collective consciousness when the readings are being done, so that many other entities will also experience some change as the readings affect the collective consciousness itself. (Revelation of Awareness 96-14 Issue No. 474 with Paul Shockley as the Interpreter)
Journey Of The Soul 1-4: What Exactly Is "Collective Consciousness"? This Awareness indicates this last statement may be somewhat confusing to entities. This Awareness wishes to explain briefly. "Collective Consciousness" is a reference to the frequency that is attuned to the mass of human consciousness on Earth. It can also be attuned to galactic Consciousness, if that is the focus. This Awareness indicates most of the readings are attuned to the frequency or vibration of consciousness on earth, and that frequency may be thought of as having a certain range of vibration, just as radio waves have a certain range of vibration, and some television frequencies may have their own particular range of vibrations. Microwaves have a certain range of vibrations, and it is possible for entities to tune in to any frequency that enters the range of vibrations that they themselves are attuned to. Thus, you have a radio station that is on one particular frequency or vibration, and when another radio station or frequency broadcasts into that range you are listening to, it is galled "bleeding in," or you may have two radio stations coming in on a particular frequency, so that you hear two stations at once. This Awareness indicates that normally they are sorted out so that stations do not bleed together. The messages and frequencies are kept separated. This Awareness indicates that in regard to the collective consciousness and entities sharing a wide band of frequencies, and this awareness tuning in to many different frequencies that relate to questions of individuals who are attuned to that collective consciousness, it is likened unto the individual this Awareness attunes to as a broadcasting station, broadcasting a question which this Awareness attunes to. This Awareness responds not only to the question, but It also emanates a frequency that goes out into the collective consciousness in the broad-waves that are part of the collective consciousness, so that even those who are not attuned directly to the words will feel the vibration or frequency from the Awareness contact and therefore,
collective consciousness can be affected by the energies or frequencies of this Awareness as It addresses questions that entities send in. (Revelation of Awareness 96-14 Issue No. 474 with Paul Shockley as the Interpreter)
Journey Of The Soul 1-5: How Souls Are Created With Pixels Of Energies The "10 Billion Souls Which are Part of Cosmic Awareness" This Awareness indicates it appears that this in reference to the ten billions souls that inhabit this particular dimension at any particular time. It should also be pointed out that this is mostly in reference to the ten billions souls that inhabit and surround the Earth itself. This is also to be understood that many of the other physical planets are not actually inhabited in this dimension but have souls on them that are in other dimensions.
There is Life on Venus but We Would Not See People There Venus, for example, has life on it, and many entities, but these entities are in a different dimension from those on earth. There is no physical dimension or third dimensional life on Venus as you know it. If you went there in a different dimension, it would be teeming with life and activities, and these other dimensions also have many different souls that run into the billions, in and around the various planets.
How Souls are Created with Pixels of Energies This Awareness indicates that if you look at a television screen, you would see that there are many fine dots that make up the image on the screen; these are called pixels in television terminology. They are also found on your computer screen. This Awareness indicates that in the reality of life there are currents or lines of energy that vibrate, that create frequencies, and sometimes a line of energy, electromagnetic energy, a vibrating energy, will come across another line, and where they come together, it is likened unto the pixel except it is a reality point, a juncture in the points of light or vibration. This Awareness indicates that every one of these points has a different reality because of the juncture of the lines coming together than the lines alone. In other words, when they come together they create a new entity. This Awareness indicates that in the higher frequencies, this is where souls are created, and they come down as these frequencies junctures as entities, and they come together with other points of light or frequency and in the continued conglomeration of these, they form still greater organism or fields of energy called human souls, at a certain point, and these then may inhabit different dimensions or planes of vibration and frequency, so that
each of the various dimensions may have numerous conglomerations of these particles caused by energies coming together. This awareness indicates that it is likened unto all those pixels on a television or computer screen coming together to make up a letter or a face, or some other recognizable pattern, so that you can see this face, and you can totally forget about the pixels that make it up. Call that face a soul, and think of those pixels as miniature souls, and you have an understanding of how the universe works in creating souls. Each dimension is different. The screen that has the face in one dimension. The pixels that are seen on the screen, if examined with a good magnifying class can be seen as individual entities, and you can forget the total face and look at the pixels as individual entities, and in examining any one of these pixels you will realize that you are in a different dimension than you were when you saw the total face on the screen. This Awareness indicates that if you were to go further into still another dimension, you would be exploring the light particles that make up the pixel itself, and these light particles or vibrations could be equated to souls on still another dimensional level. (Revelation of Awareness 96-14 Issue No. 474 with Paul Shockley as the Interpreter)
Journey Of The Soul 2-1: Souls Are Essentially A Kind Of Magnetic Energy This Awareness indicates that the souls are essentially a kind of magnetic energy of spirit, wherein the spirit of a high frequency, a life form of high frequency is drawn closer together by a kind of magnetism being a consciousness, the magnetism being a consciousness that turns upon itself, works upon itself and implodes in the focusing action of a center. This Awareness indicates that the implosion of spiritual energy creates what may be termed a magnetic center, and that magnetic center is called a soul. This Awareness indicates once it comes into being, it attains a sense of individuality, a kind of self, a feeling of separation from the rest of spirit, with of course a dual sense of unity, because the spirit and the soul are of the same energy. This Awareness indicates once a self or individuality is established, the soul is rudimentary as an individual being, and begins to grow and grow, more and more as increasing individuality develops from its own personal experiences. Thus, there are young souls, which have a rudimentary sense of being, and the old souls, which have had enormous amounts of experience in various forms of existence.
To Attain Individuality, Souls Move Into Dense Levels
This Awareness indicates that souls are created in the higher frequency realms, and often move into more dense frequencies, to develop greater experiences of individuality. For these movements into the lower frequencies, there is often much suffering, which causes the soul to turn more and more inward in its focus on selfness, and thus the development of that which is called sin, or error, of the so-called fallen soul, fallen into lower frequencies and into greater feelings of separateness.
The Dark Night of the Soul Experience This Awareness indicates that once the souls has moved into these lower frequencies and into these feelings of separateness, the soul takes on more and more or that characteristic know as individuality. The individuality eventually reaches such a state as to cause the soul to feel absolutely isolated and separate from the rest of spirit, from the rest of the universe, and in that which is called the Dark Night of The Soul, the individual feels abandoned by God, abandoned by his or her fellow associates, until the entity feels completely isolated and competitive towards all life, towards everything in its environment. This Awareness indicates that this is its so-called state of evil, its worst experience, its experience in that which is the bottomless pit. It is more or less the feeling of deepest despair. Sometimes experiences are triggered by others; sometimes the experiences are triggered by the entity himself or herself. This Awareness indicates however, generally, this sense of isolation deepened or diminished in accordance with the entity's own wish for greater self-esteem or for greater feelings of separateness.
Some Try to Emulate the Fall of Lucifer Sometimes the entity who feels separate seeks greater separateness or seeks hostility towards others, expresses hostility toward others to isolate himself even further, and the entity can go as far as he or she chooses in his direction, or at some point, the entity may give up trying to make self into god, or into a great being of separateness in that which is the parody of the fall of Lucifer through his or her own sense of self and vanity. This Awareness indicates when the entity reaches far enough into this direction of selfness, the entity may, at some point, decide that selfness and self-centeredness creates one's own living hell, and may simply wish to give up and surrender self to the Divine Spirit of the Totality: that which entities refer to as God, that which entities refer to as Universal Consciousness, and when the entity begins to embrace the whole situation, rather than isolate self from all creation, the entity then begins the movement back to Oneness, through the unity of spirit, wherein the soul again becomes One with the Divine, as a kind of reflection.
The Return of the Prodigal Son
Just as the RNA/DNA patterns within the body reflects the entire being, likewise the soul becomes a pattern reflecting the Divinity of the Creator. This Awareness indicates that by turning back to embrace the whole, to accept the totality, rather than separate from it, the soul then begins to move back to Divinity, just as the Prodigal Son returns to his family in the Biblical story. This Awareness indicates it is more of a journey of attitude, that the attitude creates experiences for the soul, and in that fall from grace, individuality is enhanced, so that the soul when it does* (*not all souls return), it is greater than its original being at its inception, for it now has experience that has been gained from the fall and the return. This Awareness indicates this essentially is the journey of the soul in its movement from and back to Divinity. This Awareness indicates that there are some souls which are still separating from the Divine in search of self, and some souls that are surrendering self to get back to the Divine Source of their true beginning. (Revelation of Awareness 96-14 Issue No. 474 with Paul Shockley as the Interpreter)
Journey Of The Soul 2-2: The Soul In Relationship To Planetary Bodies This Awareness indicates that they gain energy from planetary bodies by siphoning off certain vibrations of that selected planet and using these as foods for growth as a magnet attracts more magnetism. This Awareness indicates that this is likened unto using a larger magnetic to create or enhance the magnetic qualities of a smaller magnet. This Awareness indicates that the allegory is not a perfect match, but the soul, having consciousness, is drawn to planets which also have a consciousness and the soul draws energy from the energy of the planet to which it is attached. This Awareness indicates that it can take on certain vibrations, and in this way it can absorb frequencies or vibrations of a planetary nature as part of its essence.
One Can Lose Identity Through Many Sexual Encounters This awareness indicates that this is a way of feeding one's soul. This Awareness indicates that also, souls in coming together intimately, tend to share energies and merge energies from each other. Thus, when entities engage in activities of intimate and sexual nature, the entities or the souls of the entities tend to take on certain frequencies or vibrations of each other, and in so doing, take on karma from each other and the individuality becomes less distinct, more fused between the entities, so that each of the entities involved in such intimate relationship become less defined as their original souls and more melding or merging of the two parties.
Entities who engage in vast sexual encounters with many different entities begin to lose their own identities because they take on so many vibrations of so many others that become part of themselves and redefine them. It is likened unto taken a color or being a color, yellow for example, and having intimate relationship with blue, and finding oneself as having turned green, then accepting brown, purple, red, orange and a dozen other colors, the entity becomes a confusion of all these colors molded into one that is very little like the original color. The self, the yellow, is no longer recognizable, because the entity has had so many influences from so many others that his or her vibration or frequency is totally colored over by all of the others that have become part of the entity's frequency or magnetic center. This Awareness indicates in this manner, souls can be altered through their experiences to become something other than what they started out to be and this is that which is known as karma from the excessive intimate relationship. This Awareness indicates it is not so much that this destroys one's soul, but it colors one's soul with the vibrations of so many other souls commingling with one. Thus, an entity in having close intimate relationships should be very selective as to what vibrations he or she wants commingling with his or her soul. (Revelation of Awareness 96-14 Issue No. 474 )
On The lasting Obligations And Feelings After Intercourse "... essentially, the action of having intercourse with another creates a karmic tie which last approximately nine months to one year, and the entities involved will continue feeling a type of energy or obligation to each other during that takes approximately nine months to one year to overcome such feelings or obligation. That as the relationship intensifies or when this is stronger, these feelings will last longer and the obligations and ties become greater." (Revelation of Awareness 80-21 )
Journey Of The Soul 2-3: How Moving Into a Karmic Family Works The Soul in Relationship to Specific Lifeforms (Do They Transmigrate Between Species?) This Awareness indicates that this in the affirmative, but these transmigrations are not haphazard. They are not without a purpose or choice and entities generally tend to move to the species to which they are attracted, thus it is rare for humans to transmigrate into animals or into creatures that they do not feel an attraction toward.
This Awareness indicates that sometimes there is a fixation. An entity will become fixated on another species or creature to a point where this entity either through hatred or attraction, may transmigrate into that particular species. For example, an entity may have a fear and hatred or loathing for snakes or Reptilians or for another race of people other than their own, and after death and the departure from their body, they may still maintain that same fixation, that loathing, that hatred for that particular type of creature to the point wherein they find themselves unable to detach from that creature. This Awareness indicates being unable to detach from that which they loathe, they become closer and closer in their focus, now that their body is not with them. They find themselves moving in consciousness into the vibrations of the snake or of the reptilian or of the particular race of people that they loathe and detest, and in that movement, they pick up the vibration of that particular race and energy or creature, and may experience a birth in that particular species of creature or race of being. Thus, they find themselves in the body of some creature or of some being that they previously had loathed, and they have thus fulfilled the karma of having been so fixated and hostile to that particular creature or race of people.
How Moving Into A Karmic Family Works This Awareness indicates likewise, an entity may be so fascinated by something they adore, that they can move into the vibration when they are detached from physical form and find themselves merging into that vibration and suddenly become entrapped in the vibration and be reincarnated into that energy or frequency or vibration that they are attracted to. Thus, often, entities who are very family orientated will incarnate into the same family. Entities who are attached to a particular person may reincarnate into a family that is connected in some way with energies that the other person is attached to so that eventual they can come together again in another lifetime or an entity who is the mother or father of a child in which karma has not been completed, may in passing over, move back into a family or into a situation whereby the child becomes the mother or father of the newborn entity who reincarnates into that child's family, after a period of time. Thus, a child might find his own child was in previous lifetime his mother or father. These rules are mainly based on attachment and dis-attachment or hostility, but basically on the concept of the focus, the obsession of entities, wherein an entity passes over and the obsession continues after death so that the entity, not letting go of his obsession and fixations, reincarnates, carrying these same obsessions or fixations back into the next lifetime. (Revelation of Awareness 96-14 Issue No. 474 with Paul Shockley as the Interpreter)
Journey Of The Soul 2-4: How Long Between Earth Incarnations? Are Souls Created On All Levels of Vibration? This Awareness indicates that these entities are created by the Divine Frequencies, much like raindrops are created in higher regions of the sky, wherein there is no rain at present; there is only temperature and a certain amount of moisture in the atmosphere and the raindrops begin to manifest when the moisture is drawn together by a kind of magnetism, perhaps created by temperature in a particular area where this moisture draws together enough to form a drop of rain, which upon gathering weight, begins to move and collect further moisture from its surrounding area, and as it moves, it gains more and more moisture, building up the size of the particular drop which then falls to earth. This Awareness indicates that the soul, in a similar way, focuses as an aspect of consciousness. It turns upon itself. Of course there is no soul to begin with, but once the attention, or once there is recognition of consciousness in any particular area, this consciousness then looks upon itself, reflects upon its existence, and in so doing, creates a center of self, and this then focusing, turning inward, creates a kind of a magnetic center that draws more consciousness to it, and it begins to build a weight of individuality or selfness, and gains the power to move as a separate individual or separate creation, past the surrounding areas of consciousness, so that it takes on greater concept of self. This Awareness indicates that gradually, this becomes more and more heavy in its density or essence and becomes more self aware, and the greater self awareness feeds upon itself, upon its increasing awareness, beginning to grow as a separateness, as an individual, or as a soul. It is a very slow-moving process, but it continues until the soul becomes a very powerful source of self-motivation and self-assuredness as to its own essence. It then becomes capable of moving into areas of lower vibration because of the selfness that is developing. It becomes more materialized as a separate being and thus, it takes more of the manifested energies of the creation or that which is the lower vibratory aspects of creation until eventually it takes on physical form, moving of course through consciousness into material vibratory frequencies.
How Long Between Earth Incarnations? This Awareness indicates that the time varies with the needs of the individual. In some cases the individual does not need to reincarnate for self-reasons, but needs to reincarnate for the completion of a particular task that has not been finished in the previous life time, and because the entity does not have the time to reassess his or
her own spiritual development and evaluation, the entity is more free to reincarnate directly and very quickly. This Awareness indicates that the entity may even be ready enough to reincarnate almost immediately upon death, particularly if the entity has already devoted his or her life to a high spiritual surrender so that the entity needs not spend time in the White Light. Because the entity's previous life experiences were already being lived in the highest spiritual frequencies, the entity may experience only a brief moment in the White Light and may not need to work off attachments by going through the lesser lights in between incarnations. This Awareness indicates that for the most part however, entities have various bardos and experiences that are necessarily between lives to learn from what they have experienced, because they simply went through life without being much aware on a spiritual level as to what they were experiencing, and thus, they need time to absorb everything that they have experienced in that life time, and therefore, need to go to various lesser lights, and various settings or situations before they are ready to reincarnate. This Awareness indicates that these entities may spend years, possibly even centuries between lives. They may find themselves locked into a tree and going through a vegetation cycle, perhaps an ancient tree, a tree that grows from birth to completion over a period of hundreds or even thousands of years before the entity is released to again reincarnate as a human. This Awareness indicates it depends on what lessons the entity needs to learn from previous experiences and whether the entity learns those lessons and how long it takes for the learning process to occur. This Awareness indicates there is also the entity who upon death, having been aware of his or her spiritual essence in life, chooses not to reincarnate, has not created enough karma to require reincarnation, and the entity may simply be able to move on into other dimensions, other frequencies, other realms of higher vibrations and go on to something other than reincarnated life on the planet. (Revelation of Awareness 96-14 Issue No. 474 with Paul Shockley as the Interpreter)
Journey Of The Soul 2-5: The Realm Known As "Heaven" This Awareness indicates that the entity for example, might move to another planet in another star system of a higher frequency, one more enjoyable, or the entity may move into another realm such as the realm of heaven or beyond the realm of heaven into still higher realms of existence. This Awareness indicates that the realm known as
heaven is still within the lower frequency levels and entities who experience heaven are not assured of eternal bliss, for there is a frequency beyond heaven that entities can move toward where they are truly freed from returning to terrestrial existence on Earth or in other planetary systems.
Sach Kahn the Realm Where Souls are Created This Awareness indicates the realm of heaven is the fourth realm. There are at least three realms beyond this: that known as Sach Kahn, where the souls are created, being the one which humans can eventually reach when they have satisfied their needs for attachments and when they have eliminated any karma. This Awareness indicates that those who seek to reach heaven and reach that fourth realm known as heaven may eventually find themselves reincarnating in the lower regions into that which is Terrestria or the material plane in one star system or another. This Awareness indicates however, those who move beyond heaven into Celestria, which contains that frequency know as Sach Kahn as its highest dimension or realm, those entities find they are not compelled or required to return to Terrestria at any time. This Awareness indicates however, they are allowed to volunteer to come to Terrestria to help raise consciousness of Terrestrials and to help those of the material realm to free themselves of the attachment to that material realm. Those of Sach Kahn can also move to that fourth level known as heaven and free entities from that level as well. This Awareness indicates that indeed, the heavenly bliss exists but there are certain undesirable experiences, even in that which has been described as heaven which entities eventually begin to seek to rise above. This Awareness indicates that for example, a certain boredom can become a problem to entities in heaven when there is nothing much to do other than sit around and sing praises to the Divine, or run around and enjoy Divine company, watching angels sing and so forth, or living in a kind of luxurious place filled with everything you want. The boredom can be a side-effect of such perfection, whereas in the state of Sach Kahn, entities have the choice of resting or creating anything of interest to them without it having any negative effect on anyone else. They can create their own personal storm that affects no one else. They can create anything that they can imagine, and keep the creation to themselves or include it with friends who also are involved in the creation as a co-creative experience between them. This Awareness indicates that in other words, Sach Kahn is simply consciousness with very little self involved, and great recognition of all that is as being part of your collective experience. Thus, the entity in Sach Kahn may experience without actually becoming attached, may experience events or situations anywhere in the universe on any level, as a kind of vicarious reality.
The entity in Sach Kahn can move into physical existence without becoming physical and experience through the lives of others what they experience. Thus, it becomes likened unto watching a movie, but not as a separate entity; rather as a participant, and the movie is that which entities on this plane would see as a reality. Thus, the energies of Sach Kahn can move in your reality as spirits, experience with you and yet not be directly caught in that experience. They can learn, they can see, they can observe the experience without being caught in it, whereas those on the physical plane who are caught in an experience find greater difficulty extracting themselves from such experience. This Awareness indicates that those of Sach Kahn can enter into negative or positive experiences according to their wish without being caught in the experience as are those on the lower frequency levels. This Awareness indicates in other words, there is no need for boredom in Sach Kahn for you can have all experiences you desire, but you do not have the karma, not do you get caught in the experiences in the way that those who are on the lower levels of vibration are caught.
The 4th Realm of Heaven: Is This the 7th Plane ? This Awareness indicates that it appears to be essentially the same. Sach Kahn being beyond the astral planes of existence. Astral planes essentially are still part of the magnetic realm associated with terrestrial existence. Terrestrial existence refers to material and its auras or astral energies. Once you get beyond the astral energies of material realms you become freed from these and need not return, or get caught in those realms. You may return as a higher spiritual being if you so desire, or may enter into the astral or material planes without being caught in these areas, moving simply as an explorer or as a visitor to experience these various events or circumstances of existence. Or, you may take on, if you so desire, a physical body, and enter into the terrestrial realm with its various levels of astral planes, and yet you are still free so long as you remember your source and your Divinity. If you should somehow lose track of who you are and find yourself in the physical realm with a physical body, it is possible for you to feel trapped in physical situations or circumstances, but it is also likely that part of your consciousness will remember your true freedom as a higher spirit, so that the feeling of entrapment does not last for long periods of time, and you can extract yourself from situations and circumstances that would trap most people. (Revelation of Awareness 96-14 Issue No. 474 with Paul Shockley as the Interpreter)
Journey Of The Soul 2-6: How Does One Get Heaven? How Does One Get To Sach Kahn? This Awareness indicates the soul of entities is very sturdy. It is very capable and it is automatically attuned to Sach Kahn. It will move toward Sach Kahn in almost every case if entities have even the slightest desire to progress spiritually and to give up egocentric ambitions. This Awareness indicates it is not a question of "How do I get there?" It is simply a question of surrendering to the Divine Energies and letting those Divine Energies take you there. This awareness indicates it is not a question of: "Which way is Sack Kahn?", for Sack Kahn is anywhere you are. It is a vibration, a realm in a higher vibration and it is reached by surrendering yourself to the highest vibration in existence. You cannot by your personal efforts claw your way to that higher vibration. You cannot fight your way to it. You can only surrender and allow it to enter into your soul, into your being and accept it as your Creator and Divine Self. By surrendering your personal self to the Divine Self, you allow that Divine Self to guide, to direct.
When This Awareness Suggests That You Surrender Yourself To The Divine Thus, when this Awareness suggests that you surrender yourself to the Divine, It is not referring to a discarnated spirit who tells you that it will fulfill your wishes and whose interests are no greater than your lusts, or whose assistance to you is no greater than to direct you into some kind of competitive action or competition with someone else. This Awareness indicates the Divine Being may not even speak, probably will not speak, but Its essence can be felt as the Highest and Best that you can perceive in your imagination, and when you surrender to that which you conceive as Highest and Best in the universe, or that which is Divine Creator, you will experience a bliss, a peacefulness, and that peacefulness will help you to know your direction, to experience your true self, and it will not be an experience of ego-building or ambition fulfilling. You will not find yourself being told how to profit monetarily or how to gain fame or how to become well known for your identity with God. You will not find it fulfilling some ego-expectation or helping to improve your public image. You will find it simply as a sense of devotion to that which is Highest and Best. You will experience humility. It will not be something you can capitalize on or sell or profit from: it will simply be a sense of devotion and recognition of Divinity as being in touch with you. This Awareness indicates that surrendering to the Divine is the simplest thing one can do,
but too often the mind gets in the way and entities want to talk about it, think about it, analyze it and this creates problems. Or, entities may choose to experience it and then get out and parade it publicly to their friends, colleagues, and to tell others: "I am God!", and in so saying, they are boosting their own ego rather than channeling or expressing Divinity, for they have separated the self of their own person from the Divine Self of God. They have not surrendered to God. (The Law of Gratitude is given) (Revelation of Awareness 97-6 Issue No. 483 with Paul Shockley as the Interpreter)
Journey Of The Soul 2-7: Is That All There Is What If You Don't Think About Surrender At All? "How can one live their life to be most spiritual?" And this Awareness suggests that the act of surrendering to the Divine as being that action. This Awareness indicates if entities are not interested in finding the most spiritual life, they are probably still building their individuality, building the self, and the self may not be developed enough yet to have anything to surrender, or to be ready for surrender to the Divine.
One Can't Surrender Until One Is Integrated This Awareness indicates that of course it is less effective as an action for those entities who have not yet developed a self. There are many people who are so disintegrated, they do not even have a self to surrender. They are still trying to find themselves, trying to form a self , trying to form some individuality, and therefore, they cannot surrender until they have found their own individuality, until they have found what they conceive of as being themselves. This Awareness suggests surrendering to the Divine Light or what you consider to be God or Divinity. This Awareness indicates that of course, before this happens, you must have something to surrender. If you are not yet whole, if you are not yet an individual, if you are unable to find who you are, what you are, or anything of substance in yourself, you may need to get out and make some mistakes and suffer some pitfalls of living in order to have something that you call yourself to surrender.
A Small Child Or Baby Could Not Surrender To God In other words, a small child a baby, would have a hard time surrendering to God. For one thing, the baby is still tied to the spirit, has not discovered self yet, and is only beginning to learn about self. This Awareness indicates there are many entities who are older than the small baby but still do not feel they have discovered themselves to
their satisfaction. This Awareness indicates the next question might be: How do you know when yourself is integrated enough to surrender it? This Awareness indicates that when you feel you have found a self that is complete, but it is not satisfied, then you may realize that it is unsatisfied because it is not One with God, with the Divine, and when you realize that there is a strong need to be with the Divine, then the surrender of self becomes meaningful. Until you have enough of a self developed to have a yearning for merging with the Divine, you are probably not quite ready to surrender to the Divine. Your self may not be integrated enough to have a meaningful conversion or integration, or ego death; whatever term you wish to call it. This Awareness indicates there comes a time in every life at some point where the self has culminated into an individuality and finds itself lacking, even though it is finished in its work of becoming a self. It then is on that cross of crucification. The ego then is on the cross, ready to surrender, to give up its existence to the Divine, and there it gives itself in the hands of the Divine. But this Awareness indicates it does not necessarily have to happen at the age of 33 as occurred in the Christian story, nor does it have to happen at the age of 50 or 60. It is whenever the entity has completed building his or her individuality and has a self that has no place to go but to surrender to the Divine, wherein the entity realizes that "All of his pursuit of happiness, all of his pursuit of wealth; all of his pursuit of great gain and glory amounts to nothing. The self has had that, done that, and needs nothing more, but it is not satisfied, because it still yearns for union with the Divine, with the Creator"; at that point the entity is ready for surrender to God, to the Divine.
Peggy Lee's Song "Is That All There Is?" This Awareness indicates there is a song by Peggy Lee: "Is that all there is?" She sings about love and wonders in her reminiscence "Is that all there is? Is there no more?" This Awareness indicates that this is much of the summation of what happens to many entities in their life. They have done this, they have done that. They have sailed the ocean, they have built empires, they have performed before thousands. They have done everything they could imagine doing of any importance, and yet they look at their life and say, "Is that all there is?" This Awareness indicates that it is likened unto the idea of "been there, done that. Now what?" This Awareness indicates that they might then at that point have completed their individuality. Their self is complete. They are bored with being a self. They have nothing of great significance or value. Even though they may be the most famous person in the world, even though they may be the most loved person in the world, even though they may have all the joys that anyone could possibly ask for, they will say, "Is that all there is?", because they are not complete. They do not feel satisfied in a complete sense.
It is because they are not One with God. This is the ultimate desire of all living beings, to merge again with the Creator. At such a point in one's life where the entity can realize this, that is when the surrender of self to the Divine becomes so simple and important. The rest of the time, entities who are not ready can talk about it, ask about it, think about it, debate it and turn it inside-out with discussions, with panels discussing it. It will still not happen, regardless of how much information is given, because the entities are not ready to surrender self. They have not yet completed themselves. They have not fulfilled their lives. They are not ready to ask: "Is that all there is? Is there anything more? (The Law of Gratitude is given) (Revelation of Awareness 95-15 Issue No. 509 with Paul Shockley as the Interpreter)
Journey Of The Soul 2-8: The Importance Of Developing An Individuality This Awareness indicates that the very reason that consciousness left the Divine level of vibration was to go out and return after many adventures and trials and tribulations with a personal or unique individuality. Thus, the individuality becomes the prized reward for the entities who fell from heaven, who fell from grace, who went into sin and suffering and who in time return to Celestria with their individuality intact and developed. This Awareness indicates that any entity who has not completely developed his or her individuality is likely to return to the realms of darkness for further work, and it will not even be to their benefit to force them toward the Light before they are ready. This Awareness indicates that thus, you see some entities who are bound and determined to do things that are essentially not good for themselves or others. You may understand this better by realizing they are working on their individuality and they are taking the path of suffering rather than the path of alchemy or service. They may, at some point, reach the worst case scenario for themselves: the Dark Night of the Soul. They may then turn back toward the Light. The story of the Prodigal Son is the story of every soul that has fallen from grace and goes out to find themselves. To find oneself is the effort to develop individuality, and there are many entities on the path seeking to discover who, in fact, they really are. They are in fact building their individuality, often on mistakes, often on great error, often at the expense of others, but eventually something occurs where they see that they have wronged themselves and others, and they return and they carry with them that uniqueness which is their own from their negative experiences and behavior, as well as from any
lessons they might have learned, and when they do return, they then are unique individuals in their own right. They are not mere reflections; they are not the perfect reflection of Divinity. They are individuals who have made mistakes, who have suffered, who have caused others to suffer, and they learn from these things and are then ready to try something for greater living and greater experiences and are then satisfied, having eaten from the fruits of the Tree of Knowledge, having eaten of the flesh and appetites, having eaten with the pigs at the trough and wallowed in the pig pens, they are through with that experience and are ready for a more blissful and serviceable expression. Thus, they become more interested in giving of themselves than taking from others, more interested in doing worthwhile things than causing trouble for others or for themselves. That essentially is the nature of the metaphor known as Hades. Hades is a state of being in which entities challenge themselves, challenge others in order to develop individuality, and once this is developed, once they reach a point of total dissatisfaction with themselves and with their world, they then cry out for salvation. They then reach out for help or they cling to the Light and return to the Divine as New Beings. (The Law of Gratitude is given) (Revelation of Awareness 97-6 Issue No. 483 with Paul Shockley as the Interpreter)
Journey Of The Soul 2-9: The Crisis That Is Coming Excerpts from a C.A. Reading given November 7, 1978; This Awareness suggests that the future is not fixed; yet there is that force which is in movement which is on a collision course with other forces which are in movement, and when these energies come together, there can be much which is disharmonious as these energies reach their reconciliation. This Awareness indicates that there is that Force of Darkness, that force which represents those energies which motivate greed, lust, power, and separateness. There is that force which has been called the Forces of Light, which represents Unity, service, Love and Harmony. These forces have enjoyed movement throughout the universe for eons of time; and there have been times wherein the Forces of darkness gained power over the Light Force, and times wherein this has been reversed. This Awareness indicates that upon this plane, near the time---the latter part of the Atlantean culture---the Forces of Dankness prevailed and won the battle against the Forces of Light. This Awareness indicates that this has now come around again and at this time the Forces of Light will win out against the Forces of darkness.
This Awareness wishes to clarify: The Forces of Darkness are those forces which emanate from the concept of separateness. The Forces of Light are those forces which emanate from the concept of unity. This Awareness indicates that the reconciliation between the Forces of Light and the Forces of Darkness is that which brings about the Clear Light, the Energy which is associated with this Awareness, with Love and Mercy, Harmony, and the acceptance of what is. This Awareness indicates that the Clear Light is neither knowledge of good nor the knowledge of evil, but rather the Wisdom of Understanding. This Awareness indicates that upon this plane there is that which is now accruing whereby The Rapture is in progress, wherein entities are lifted up spiritually, wherein entities in-groups are lifted spiritually; and these liftings, the spiritual raptures, will continue as the Forces of Light prepare for that is coming in the near future. This Awareness indicates that this rapture has been in progress for several years, since approximately 1969, and is not related unto the images which many hold; whereby angels, deities, or spacecraft are expected to land on this planet and take others away to other places. Rather, the rapture which is occurring at this time, is that wherein the souls of entities---the spirits, the etheric bodies of entities---are becoming enraptured with the spiritual energies of awakening consciousness of the Christ Consciousness, and are being raised to high levels of vibration. And these entities, in being given that dose of high energy, high spiritual awakening, will then be prepared by this Light Energy of spiritual awakening by the Christ Consciousness, to return back to the physical expressions, will be released again into the world of matter and materialism, carrying the Light Energy within their being; and these entities who have experienced the rapture of enlightenment will then take upon themselves the karma of the world, according to their own individual capacities. These entities being Christed, having received the Christ Light, or Christal Clear Consciousness, will then take upon themselves the energy of the Alien Force, the energies of the Dark Forces, and will let these energies into their own being to be worked out by the entity until there is a resolving of that energy and a dissolution of the concepts and forces of separateness. This Awareness indicates this as the Battle of Armageddon which takes place within each individual; who is open to exchange energies with the forces. This Awareness indicates that the Forces of Light are those which shall be asked to take on the Forces of darkness; to take these on themselves and to work off the karma of the collective consciousness of the planet Earth. This Awareness suggests that this Battle of Armageddon within the individuals is already in progress and has been accruing, and accounts for many of the disturbances which often become front page news in terms of individual expressions and activities
of violence, and accounts also for many of the personal annoyances, disturbances and frustrations in relationship with loved ones and associates; whereby entities are being given karma from the collective consciousness of humanity to work off and reconcile, or dissolve. This Awareness suggests that wherein you find yourself in a situation experiencing negative forces within your being, or having such forces directed toward you from another, that you consider carefully this message; for these energies may well be nothing more than your service to this planet, whereby you are reconciling these forces by dramatizing and working them out in conscious levels, working out those energies which are of such a level that you, can understand and deal with these energies without creating greater tragedy because of them.
How You Can Deal With These Negative Forces This Awareness suggests that wherein one entity experiences totally a particular type of energy, this wisdom and understanding that comes from this experience is presented into the collective consciousness as wisdom and understanding that assists others to tune in to that force to also see the solution without creating greater disturbance. This Awareness suggests that wherein one gains complete wisdom and understanding from an experience of a negative nature, all other benefit from that discovery. This as related unto the vibrations which float and permeate the planet; this is related unto the energies of the Earth's aura which emanates from the consciousness of entities upon its plane. This Awareness suggests this may be likened unto a bio-computer which floats in the earth's aura, which entities may tap into; even as weather affects entities and entities may be influenced by weather, likewise these energies of thought which have emanated from activities and expressions from activities and expressions of the billions of Earth entities, which float and hang in the atmosphere of the Earth and look for those entities who will express them in their actions; these various thought forms, looking for outlets through entities as agents of expression: these are energies which must be worked off, reconciled, and dissipated by the Battle of Armageddon, whether through individuals who are Light Workers who are capable of understanding these energies, dealing with these energies, and reconciling these energies without violence, or these energies will express themselves through anyone who is available; and if violence erupts, then that too will be a form of reconciliation or the playing out of these energies. This Awareness suggests that it behoves entities who can take on these intensities not to avoid looking at the intense realities of such energies, such as Alien Forces, but rather to enter into the "nitty-gritty" of the forces to the degree that you are capable of handling these forces without self-destruction or the destruction or harm to others. This Awareness suggests this be done in verbal levels as light as possible; but wherein
the energies must get heavy, that you let them get heavy in order to tap the energies and let them flow through you. This Awareness suggests that you recognize that this kind of action is nothing more than psycho-drama and suggests that you and your adversary, or partner in the psycho-drama scenes, both have an understanding of the nature and reasons for this action, so that neither gets carried away to the way of forgetfulness and forgetting that it is all psycho-drama to work off these energies in consciousness. This Awareness suggests this likened unto a play presented upon a stage for the benefit of an audience; presenting a drama which dramatize to the audience their own plight, and working off that plight through the scenes and plot of the show which takes place upon the stage, so that the audience has the opportunity to experience with the actors and release their own frustrations along the same lines of direction and plotting as it is indicated by the script which is being enacted upon the stage. This Awareness suggests that when entities engage in psycho-drama, even if there is no other person nearby to watch that performance, the energies within that psychodrama which are cleared by the psycho-drama emanate into all consciousness for the audience "out there" in consciousness to pick up on in their emotional levels and in that area of unconscious realizations, so that the audience itself, the masses of the people upon the Earth, need not express the intensities which the actors have played out in their own psycho-drama; because these actors have discharged the aura of the Earth from some of the energy which would otherwise have led to intense, chaotic situations for other entities who might not have the wisdom and understanding of how to deal with those energies in a manner that reconciles. This Awareness indicates that as per October of this year, (1978) there are forces emanating upon this plane which are beginning to have greater effect in terms of forcing entities to awaken or self-destruct. This Awareness indicates that these intense radiations coming upon this plane will have beneficial results in speeding up the awakening of consciousness, even though they will have detrimental results on those who are laggards and refuse to move. This awareness suggests that this as likened unto the separation of the wheat from the chaff, and there has been an intensity of this which begins now and continues for some time to come.
The Battle of Armageddon Begins Within Each Entity This Awareness indicates the sooner this Battle of Armageddon begins within each individual, the more time entities have for avoiding and diffusing the energies of the Beast and its powers. This Awareness suggests that entities begin now to clarify their relationship with one another, and in this manner, entities will begin to work off the Earth's karma. This Awareness suggests this begins first with those closest to you. That you discover exactly what your relationship is with another person; not to force a relationship of a
particular type, but to discover in fact the nature of the relationship; whether t is based on security needs, pasterns and habits, dependencies: emotional, mental, spiritual or physical. Whether it is of a deep loyalty or a feeling of a duty or obligation, a sense of responsibility, or whether the relationship is based upon some desire to learn, or to be pampered, or to be given something in the future as a reward for present behavior. Or whether the relationship is based upon clear, honest love and concern for one another well-being, one another's intentions, purposes and activities and interests. Or whether the relationship is based upon a person's ideals from childhood, from religions, from parents, or from other services or experiences. Whether the relationship has any real value or substance, or is simply being carried along by inertia. Or whether the relationship is based upon the welfare of others---such as children, or relatives, or the career. This Awareness suggests you not attempt to force the relationships into anything other than what they are, but rather that you discuss with one another to discover what the relationships are; and from there these relationship may begin to change, or they may remain as they are. This Awareness does not intend by this message to start entities fighting or arguing over whether or not they are truly loved, but does wish that entities look at their relationships clearly, discover their own motives in the relationships, and discover the motives of others, and to discover the nature of the relationship so that each may understand. This Awareness indicates confusion and frustration results when one entity is seeing a particular type of relationship with one another and attempts to energize that relationship, while the other entity envisions a totally different type of relationship and is not cooperating with the other's energizing. And therefore, both parties working against each other and the relationship is losing, or leaking energies which are being poured into it. This Awareness suggests that a clear definition of what the relationship is, will assist entities in not wasting their energies and in having a greater understanding of where each stands in terms of needs and expectations of the other. This Awareness indicates it is through this type of action that entities shall fight the Battle of Armageddon within themselves and lear the cobwebs from the aura of the planet to assist in diffusing those Alien forces and energies which presently appear to be so totally powerful with all the controls of military, armaments, computers, bureaucracies, law, television and newspaper and radio monopoly, industrial monopoly, banking monopoly; all of these controls mean nothing if the mind which lies behind the trigger does not have the energy, desire or motivation to pull the trigger that would destroy the freedom of the masses. This Awareness suggests that wherein entities work off these energies, the motivation for those channels of alien energy is cut off. Those channels of alien energy cannot
find motivation, purpose, desire, or drive to enslave humanity if those alien forces are not available to energize their being. This likened unto draining out the negative electronics, or electrical substances, so that the alien forces have no energy to tap, to motivate themselves, and therefore will be forced to plug into Light Forces, the sockets of the Light Forces, in order to have any energy, even for their own survival. This Awareness suggests you visualize this as electrical forces, dark electrical forces, and imagine yourself and thousands of others ripping off, or taking upon yourself, the Dark Forces, converting, transforming, transmuting those dark Forces into a reconciled energy---diffused, neutralized; so that the alien channels who have depended upon those dark energies to power themselves and their motivations, find themselves without any alien electrical energies. This Awareness indicates electricity here as used only allegorically , that in reality we are discussing consciousness; light or dark forces in consciousness. This Awareness suggests that by taking on the Dark Force yourself---working it out, neutralizing it in consciousness, being aware while experiencing those dark Forces, entities can drain the storehouse of the alien force and cut off the supplies that would feed the armies of the Dark Force which would enslave others. This Awareness suggests that all is not as dark and gloomy as it may appear to be, however; for there are forces which are working in other levels who are not quite as well organized, nor are they funded by a central control system; but nevertheless, these forces are being directed by Inner Light from Higher planes and these forces acting in spontaneous, and what appears to be individual expressions, are essentially organized from the spiritual plane and will, in fact, upset the applecard for those Black Internationalists. This Awareness indicates even those involved in the plan for the take-over realize that their efforts will be doomed to failure; yet these entities are so programmed on self-destruct courses that they will attempt this action anyway. This as likened unto the force that wants so badly to have its control over others that it is willing to destroy itself if it cannot have its way. This Awareness indicates this force is willing to destroy the earth if it cannot have its way; yet this will not be allowed. That the Forces of Light are much too strong for this to occur. This Awareness indicates that the Forces of Darkness shall have its brief moment while it attempts to promote its enslavement of humanity. That this being allowed in order that humanity may be made aware of the nature of the Beast and of the nature of each's own purposes and motives in relation to the Beast. This Awareness indicates that once its effect has been expressed in humanity and humanity awakens to the reality of its nature, then the Forces of Light shall intervene to bring a halt to the power of the Beast, and shall then release unto the people that which belongs unto the people. This being that which brings about freedom and understanding.
This Awareness indicates also that the Beast, in making its move, shall expose itself, and all of its parts shall become known to the public. This Awareness suggests that there shall be that which can become somewhat chaotic as the public begins to observe what is occurring and awakens to the nature of the Beast and the names of its parts and organs; and as these parts and organs are dealt with by the public, there may be some great disturbance upon this plane. This Awareness indicates that it would be beneficial for all concerned if entities can remember the Law of Mercy, the Law of Love, and can attempt to reconcile the "yes and no", the polarities between the Light and Dark Forces. This Awareness indicates that at this particular time, the Dark Force is not interested in reconciling, but the time shall come wherein the Dark Forces shall plead for mercy, shall plead for forgiveness. This Awareness requests that entities be more merciful to the Beast than the Beast would be to them. This Awareness indicates the stock market shall move up and down as entities invest to purchase stocks while the prices are low and jerk their earnings and profits out when the market is high. This causing the market to sink again. This Awareness indicates this action, known as "banditing". This Awareness indicates that October is also that time of the year wherein banks must be audited and their books brought up to date. This as another indication in terms of the probability of the crash of the economy.
The Time Of The Indulgence Is Over This Awareness indicates that essentially, the time of the indulgence is over. That the beer-drinking, pill-popping indulging, television watching era of good times or selfgratification is quickly becoming a thing of the past. That the purpose for these experiences of lethargy, the purpose of seduction from television and beer, alcohol, pills; that all of this was designed to lull entities asleep, that they might be more easily be seduced in terms of their freedoms, their rights and their livelihoods, so that the Beast might creep in and place its chains around the necks as they slept. (The Law of Gratitude is given) (Revelation of Awareness 79-1 "The Gathering Storm"with Paul Shockley as the Interpreter)
Journey Of The Soul 2-10: The United States Of Awareness And The Law Of One
This Awareness indicates there are always entities who intentions are not matched by their awareness, whose motives are not accompanied by wisdom, and such entities are like children needing guidance or direction, or in some cases, chastisement, in order to realign or reaffirm or bringing about a proper focusing of those intentions and energies. This awareness indicates that such entities may make mistakes and suffer the consequences for those mistakes. This awareness indicates, likewise, entities may wander onto the path of darkness, self-seeking, hungering for power and self-significance, and these entities also may suffer the consequences and may yet be redeemed through eventual recognition that the path is taking them toward separate, alienated experiences away from universal harmony. This Awareness indicates when the entity realizes that the path of self-esteem and power seeking in violation of others, in violation of the common good, is leading the entity into a path away from harmony, that entity may quickly return toward the path of harmony, or may return very gradually, through a series of shocks designed to change the course of movement back toward universal harmony. This Awareness indicates those whose will is extremely fixed toward the purpose of self-significance and personal power, those entities may move quite far in the path off separateness before they realize the error of their ways and return toward universal harmony. This Awareness indicates however, that in due time, all entities return to universal harmony or move toward total annihilation. This Awareness indicates likewise, the Lucifer or Rhyee, which separated from unity, moved out and created separateness and power, significance and personal glories, bitterness, hostilities, suspicions, violence, and yet eventually has returned to that which is the realization of the need to be integrated with universal harmony. This Awareness indicates that at any time on any path, wherein an entity experiences the realization for such a need to be included, when any entity experiences the realization for such a need to be included, when any entity experiences that realization of the need to be included, that entity is on the path back toward universal harmony. This Awareness indicates, however, wherein the entity seeks to be included among forces which are destructive and moving away from that which would be universal in scope, which would be harmonious in purpose, when entities seek to be included in those forces which are moving toward a destructive path---the path of darkness--these entities seeking to align themselves with that power which is moving as an Alien Force, these entities cannot find the peace and harmony which they desire, except on a temporal basis, for a time, as the power of the Alien Force moves along its destructive, chaotic path. This Awareness indicates there is no future for the Alien
Force or those forces which follow the path of separateness, except further separation and annihilation or the return to that which is harmony and unity in all things. This Awareness indicates the Law of One is a fixed and universal Law in which those who understand the Law of One realize that all is one, and all that appears to be separate will, in the end, be nothing but an illusion to those who followed the path of separateness which appeared as scattered fragments. This Awareness indicates wherein the universe is one totality and entities recognize that wholly universe, then entities may move into that universal harmony. This Awareness indicates wherein entities seek to separate themselves into a fragment of that universal force, seek to find personal significance as a fragment of that universal force, such entities will only discover that the fragmentation is the source of their suffering. This Awareness indicates that in the Law of One, realizes that the entire universe is alive and that the entity may be one with the universe. This Awareness indicates the entity following the Law of One may also recognize that even though it exists in a physical body which appears to be but a fragment of the universe, and each such fragment is essential to the whole of that mandala known as the universe, and each is as important as the other in completing the totality of that mandala known as the universe. This Awareness indicates, therefore, the fragment is as important a part as any other part of the universe. This Awareness indicates that entity has reconciled the microcosm, the individual with the universe, the self with the Deity. This Awareness indicates on the other hand, the entity who identifies with the fragment and does not recognize the unity of all things and seeks to have some special significance in the universe by separating from the rest of the fragments of the universe, ceases to see the totality and concentrates on the fragments, the various individuals or forces, and enhances his own fragment, his own fragmented self in an effort to make that fragmented self more significant and powerful than any of the others. This entity is simply turning his or her consciousness away from universal consciousness into self-centeredness; and in so doing, is fragmenting and separating the self from the total harmony, the universal harmony. This Awareness indicates in such an action, the entity is embarking on the dark path, toward that which is the Alien Force. This Awareness indicates such an action will lead the entity toward greater and greater suffering and fragmentation until the entity experiences the error in the action to such a degree that the entity realizes the error is his or her ways, and turns back toward the source of all joy, that which is unity and harmony with others and with the universal force of harmony. This Awareness indicates this essentially is the scenario for entities that they may follow with greater understanding of their movement through life. This Awareness indicates it has been told in many stories, in many ways: the story of Lucifer and
Rhyee separating from God and eventually returning: the story of the Messiahs, who move out, make miracles, become significant, then suffer and die and resurrect and return to the Universal Spirit of Harmony. This Awareness indicates every story of personal will which moves out in its struggle to achieve significance of power and meets with enough resistance and difficulty that it must surrender to the common decency, common good, the Will of God,---every story of this nature is telling the same thing, regardless of who the characters are, how the story is told, or what the circumstances and situation may be (The Law of Gratitude is given) (Revelation of Awareness 81-18 with Paul Shockley as the Interpreter)
Journey Of The Soul 2-11: Is There An "Unpardonable Sin"? This Awareness indicates that if there is an unpardonable sin, it is the sin of separation from the Divine. It is pardonable when the entity gives up the separation from the Divine, but it is unpardonable as long as the entity continues the separation from the Divine. This Awareness indicates if this separation continues long enough and create negative behavior toward others for a long enough period of time to where the entity can no longer find himself capable of returning to the Divine, of surrendering to the Divine, then the sin or error becomes fixed and the soul cannot be redeemed because the soul cannot surrender to the Divine. Such a situation leads the soul then to the realm know as Cimmeria, wherein the energies of that soul are swallowed by the seething energies of other lost souls that becomes more likened unto a subconscious see of seething energies with no direction, purpose or individuality, whereby they are simply emotional energies melted together as a kind of seething hunger. This Awareness indicates that the Cimmeria has been described by this Awareness previously. It is a realm wherein there is no escape back to individuality, but remains as a collective energy of hunger and seething subconscious energy. The only reason it is impardonable is because it does not have the will, the desire, or the capacity of surrendering itself to a higher frequency or vibration, to the Divine Energies. This Awareness indicates that this separation is not unpardonable by God, but it is impossible to allow the entity who does not wish to merge with the Divine to be forced into such a merger with the Divine, therefore, the entity has in separating from the Divine, created his own situation in which he is unable to align with the Divine, and that is the aspect that occurs.
It is not so much that the Divine cannot pardon him. The Divine would pardon the entity if it were of any use, but how can you pardon your child for leaving your family, if the child has no intention of returning. The pardon can be given, but it is meaningless to say that "I pardon you for not loving me," is meaningless if the child has no intent of loving.
The Unpardonable Error Or Sin The parent can, and God does pardon entities for all things, but it does not bring the entity back to the Divine, if the entity's choice and free will continues the separation, and the entity may move into greater and greater distance from the Divine until the entity is totally lost and separated and cannot find his way back, cannot surrender to the Divine, cannot return tot the Divine, and does not wish to. That is the true concept of the unpardonable error. It is not that God refuses to pardon the entity, it is more that the error or sin cannot be pardoned because it is separation that cannot be forgiven. How can you forgive an entity's separation? You can forgive the entity for separating, but the separation, the unpardonable sin or error, is still there and you cannot forgive the loss or the separation, even if you forgave the entity for doing it. If the entity does not want to return and to undo the separation, what good is a pardon? It is likened unto the entity who is in prison, and you may pardon the entity, but if the entity does not leave the prison, does not want to return to society, then what is the pardon? It is meaningless because of the entity own choice and action. (The Law of Gratitude is given) (Revelation of Awareness 94-15 Issue No. 441 with Paul Shockley as the Interpreter)
Journey Of The Soul 2-12: The Forces Of Ahriman & The Psychology Of The Mass Murderer The Desensitizing of the Masses This Awareness indicates that this as energy being channeled through certain agents or entities serving as agents to bring about a condition, a state of paranoia and fear among the masses, to bring the masses to accept murder, death through murder, as part of their daily lives; that the forces wishing to condition the masses into accepting this type of murder, first through criminal action, later through action of the state. This Awareness indicates that by conditioning the masses into becoming familiar with this type of news, the forces can pacify the outrage which would normally be felt in regard to future actions of the state. That this likened unto that which has been previously described in regards to entities trained for assassination who are first
placed in situations wherein they view continued violence, then the violence being viewed becomes that which has been filmed in regard to not staged violence, but actual violence to another, until the entity no longer reacts or recoils from the experience, accepting the experience of observing such without emotional reaction or abhorrence; that the more the entity is conditioned to accept the observation of such, the less the person is inclined to recoil when faced with the actual observation before him. That in this manner, this is also occurring for mass mind consumption. This Awareness indicates that It does not mean that this is being programmed consciously by agents of the state; this is being programmed by agents of Ahriman through astral and etheric entities who posses the minds of those who allow themselves to be open to such energies. Often such entities see themselves as doing a favor for the world in their hostility and hatred for the victim types; that often such entities do not fully comprehend the significance in proper proportion to the relationship involved, and see these victims simply as objects or symbols of a certain type of lifestyle which they abhor. Other such entities enjoy the thrill of having some kind of power over life and death and feel themselves more powerful when taken the life of another; that this involves the action of tuning in to the bloodlust consciousness of the Ahriman forces which thrive on such bloodlust and the excitement surrounding this. (The Law of Gratitude is given)
Journey Of The Soul 2-13: The Plan Of Ahriman 1: Keeping Entities Earthbound This Awareness indicates that wherein the Luciferian consciousness is such as to thrill at the theft of energies from others, to be pleased with overpowering another through deception, deceit, theft or trickery, using other's energies for personal growth and gain; the Ahriman Forces are more brutal, in that they enjoy the loss of life of others, and receive energy and excitement and thrills from observing or being associated which such. Wherein there is that which is violence, such as in battlegrounds, or in shootings or in accidents, and entities are injured or killed physically, these Ahriman Forces often rush to the energy field, rush to the area to bathe in the excitement of the energies that are being expended by those who are involved. This Awareness indicates that essentially, the Ahriman Forces derive energy from the suffering of others. That in using entities to serve this purpose of creating suffering and tragedy for others, the Ahriman Forces assist their purpose, which is to keep humanity Earthbound, unaware of etheric levels, unaware of the ability to rise above the physical existence.
This Awareness indicates the Ahriman Forces as those which tricked humanity into becoming involved in the physical form by first introducing them to assist in the evolution of animals, then by hovering near animals as guardian angels, or guides to the animals, gradually enticed the entities into entering into the body of the being, (the physical entity, the physical animal), showing them that they could be much more successful in their efforts to help these animals evolve if they actually moved into the bodies of these entities and directed the evolvement from within* (more on this can be found in the final chapter of the story of Edgar Cayce: "There is a River," by Thomas Sugrue. C.A.C. also stocks this book. Another book which refers also to this period wherein the Sons of God became entrapped is "Star Guests" by William Dudley Pelley published by Fellowship Press, Inc.) This Awareness indicates that the next step of the Ahriman Forces was to cause these entities who were then involved within the physical form, to forget from whence they came and to believe they came from the material evolutionary forces of matter,--chemical and biological physical beings in which they found themselves, and by continuing this belief system, and attempting to eradicate all concepts of etherial, of the non physical existence, the Ahriman Forces hope to trap mankind in the physical forms whereby they become servants to the Ahriman Forces and keep these entities totally Earthbound out of fear and out of desire to participate in what they would believe to be the only life they have available. This Awareness indicates that essentially, these forces are relatively successful except for those who are not accepting of the concept of traditional physical science, but who accept concepts of spiritual existence and etherical bodies and life after death; these are the bane to the Ahriman Forces. That in an effort to rid the planet of the spiritual types, the Ahriman Forces hope to create catastrophic conditions whereby they may use the conditions and find excuses or means to rid the planet of the spiritual types during times of chaos. This Awareness indicates that it appears that these attempts or plans will not be successful, although it appears also that their plans along this line will continue. That there are seen concentration camps throughout this nation (USA) in various places, some having gas-type ovens, similar to those of Nazi Germany; that these being intended for future use in destroying certain types; the spiritual types. This Awareness indicates, however, the spiritual types are growing too fast and are too prevalent while the Ahriman Forces are being spread thin in their efforts, and are finding it more and more difficult to cover their act:-- that time is on the side of the Light Workers and time is running out for the Ahriman Forces. That there are a great number of people waking up in various degrees, becoming more aware of the change that is needed in consciousness, and consciousness itself is on the brink of making a quantum leap into a new type of thinking, becoming the New Being which this Awareness has heralded for a number of years. (The Law of Gratitude is given)
(Revelation of Awareness 84-11 issue no. 252 with Paul Shockley as the Interpreter)
Journey Of The Soul 2-14: The Forces Of Ahriman 2: Time Is On The Side Of The Light Workers This Awareness indicates that many young people are indeed New Beings, seeking direction, seeking understanding to discover what their purposes are, which way they should go and where they should put their energies. Many older people, having lived a lifetime of devotion to authority, are now, after many years, beginning to question and raise doubts in regard to the integrity of many in authority, and are beginning to become more open and aware, and many are becoming Light Workers, having gained much wisdom over the years, whereby they too can teach the masses, and many of those who have been involved in the power game, climbing the pyramid of power, are beginning to look at the entire scenario and ask themselves: Is this not some strange type of futility? Where will it lead? What is its true purpose? Is there not something more suitable to do with life?", and many of these entities within the power structure are beginning to doubt their own devotion and purposes in supporting such a structure. This Awareness indicates it is likened unto the pyramid made of masses of beings, wherein each tier holds up others, and those hold up still others, and those hold up others; whereby the bottom tier begins to disperse, leaving the next tier on the bottom so that the top of the pyramid has come down one tier, and whereby those on the second tier from the bottom also begins to tire of supporting this great force of power, this hierarchy system and begin likewise to consider walking away and letting it coming down. In this manner over period of time, years or decades, the peak of power comes down the scale, note by note, step by step, until all entities find equality. The rule of Ahriman ascends and has been present for thousands of years, in secret to most, but now ascends into the public eye upon the stage of human development whereby the spotlight of consciousness begins to recognize this character of power and allows it to play out its last and final scenes upon the stage of human development, so that all entities can see its true nature, its true characteristics, and then, when it has run its course and the play is ended, and the audience dwindles and the viewers tire of watching this mad scenario and leave the theater for something else of greater enjoyment or joy, then the mad scene, the mad pursuit of power and its game and all its show shall experience its final curtain call, and the Ahriman Forces shall be out of a job, unemployed, and shall have to find some other role to play on the human stage of development. (The Law of Gratitude is given) (Revelation of Awareness 84-11 issue no. 252 with Paul Shockley as the Interpreter)
Journey Of The Soul 2-15: The Forces Of Ahriman 3: The Pioneers, The Way Showers To The New Age This Awareness indicates that all of these movements are preordained. Only the timing is left to change, and the timing is that which can regulate the intensity and speed of change, or the smoothness of the transition, for when there is extreme and quick transition, this is explosive in nature, and when there is the slow and gradual transition, this is seen as painful and slow change, dreadful in some respects, gradual and tedious, yet moving ever toward that new beginning. This Awareness indicates that there will be change, and with change there will be pain and suffering, for nothing changes without motivation, and motivation does not occur without pain and suffering, but entities can move quickly as possibly toward the end results, toward the goal, and toward the New Being and New Energy and thus cut down the length and duration of the suffering and struggle and the pain which motivates. This Awareness indicates those who cling to the old ways, who are drawn and pulled reluctantly into the New Age, are those who will have the greatest suffering. Those who attempt to push against the odds, pushing against the forces that would hold them back; these entities may experience the greatest struggle, and may suffer from these difficulties, but many of these entities will be those who are the Way Showers, who are the pioneers leading to the New Age, and there will be many of these who rush toward that which is the way of peace, the way of harmony, the way of love, the way of mutual respect and courtesy toward others. (The Law of Gratitude is given) (Revelation of Awareness 84-11 issue no. 252 with Paul Shockley as the Interpreter)
Journey Of The Soul 2-16: The Forces Of Ahriman 4: How Ahriman's Forces Get Their Energy This Awareness indicates that the Ahriman Forces find it most unpleasant to deal with entities who understand their game, who understand the nature of their controls and tricks. The Ahriman Forces prefer that entities not understand, not believe, or recognize the possibility of other dimensions, other vibrations of etheric beings, for the etheric realm is where they hide, and from that etheric realm they influence entities on the physical plane, and on occasion, by collecting energies from entities on the physical plane through blood sacrifice, such as mass destruction or war, such as the slaughters that are occurring in various places on the Earth at almost any time; it is these energies of blood sacrifice that allow the Ahriman Forces to take physical form and to
move into physical manifestation and to function in the physical world, or to attach themselves in the minds, into the bodies of physical beings, and then manipulate and use those physical beings for Ahriman purposes. (The Law of Gratitude is given) (Revelation of Awareness 84-11 issue no. 252 with Paul Shockley as the Interpreter)
Journey Of The Soul 2-17: The Forces Of Ahriman 5: One-Third Of World Is Unevolved Laggards This Awareness indicates that there are approximately a third of the people on Earth who are created not from Celestria, but from a type of genetic engineering during ancient past. Many of these entities have a very rudimentary and slowly developing soul--(or in some cases, hardly a soul at all),--and these entities are easily influenced by Ahriman Forces and by the general public: the trend of consciousness, and wherein consciousness is of a high order of behavior, and wherein the general consciousness is low and gross in its sensitivities, filled with hatred, dualities, polarized consciousness of violence or lust or greed or power pursuits; these unevolved laggards become highly susceptible to those energies and are ready and willing soldiers to be used for any violent or low purpose, for these entities being easily influenced, can and often do seek to be of service to anyone who appears to know what is going on and what should be done, for these entities have not the ability to think clearly and with high level of consciousness, and thus they become likened unto an army of ants, willing to serve whoever commands, for whatever reason, without question. This Awareness indicates that these essentially are entities without much inner guidance and can be influenced by Ahriman Forces and many of these entities become willing tools of Ahriman Forces, will take up the knife, the gun, the axe, the missile, and do so, or even because someone said that person or that type of person is evil and doesn't deserve to live. (The Law of Gratitude is given) (Revelation of Awareness 84-11 issue no. 252 with Paul Shockley as the Interpreter)
Journey Of The Soul 2-19: The First And Second Traps For The Seeker All That Is Necessary Is To Know The Divine Is Everywhere
This Awareness indicates that all is necessary for entities to know that the Divine is everywhere present. It is also within you. You may, if you wish, ride on the coattails of some master or teacher or group, which claims to have especial standing with the Divine, or you may simply accept the Divine as part of your life, as being one with yourself by surrendering your whole being to the Divine that permeates and expresses Itself to all nature, and in that action, you become one attuned to the Divine, and from that Divinity State, you are then free to study all of the religions, all of the philosophies, any cult information, whatever it is that you desire to study, with the knowledge that you are One with God and cannot be seduced or misled by some false teacher, even if you study the false teacher's teachings, because you know you are one with God. For God is everywhere and is in you, and you have surrendered to that Universal Divinity. You don't need the false teacher's teachings for your salvation, but you want to study it just to see what they are doing, what they are doing to the mind of others, what they are promoting, or you may study a teaching to get a better understanding of certain principles, but the bottom line of your being is that you are already One with the Divine. You surrender yourself totally, absolutely, to the Universal Being that is everywhere present, and is within you. And your dedicate yourself to the highest and best expression of self in order to serve and reflect that Divinity to whom you have given yourself. This Awareness that is all there is to. From that on you can explore anything, study anything, with the absolute knowledge that it can't harm you, it can't affect you. It can give you information, and from your position of being One with God, you can discern and evaluate that information for yourself, to know what is true and what isn't, and you can see, you can search, you can discover, you can explore anything in consciousness, with the confidence and assurance that it cannot entrap you. It cannot seduce you. It cannot control you. It can not take away from your absolute vantage point and marriage to the Divine, to which you have surrendered yourself.
It Comes All Down To Surrender One's Self-Importance Into The Importance Of The Divine This Awareness indicates that it is amazing how many words and how many questions and how many ways things can be viewed from the realm of thought about that action which this Awareness has said is the method for achieving enlightenment, when it all comes down to surrender one's self-importance into the importance of the Divine.
The Mind Can't Stand the Thought That It Has No Role This Awareness indicates that the mind does not like things to be so simple. It wants to complicate the whole process, to make it more difficult. It want to make this challenging. How can it be so simple and yet to bring so much, for isn't enlightenment, spiritual development and enlightenment to goal of all entities on Earth? Surely it must be more complicated!
The mind can't stand the thought that it has no role in the process of reaching enlightenment, that it is simply and only matter of surrendering one's self-importance to the Divine.
Merging With the Divine Not a One-Shot Episode This Awareness indicates that the important thing is that whatever means entities choose, they should realize it is not a one time episode. It is an action that needs be done moment to moment, day in day out, for it to be a lasting and permanent union with the Divine. When you feel yourself as the bride of the Divine as has been described in the Book of Revelation, when you feel yourself as being able to give yourself totally to the Divine, and this feeling is perpetual in nature, then you are indeed one with the Divine. When this is perpetual, you are perpetually one with the Divine. This Awareness indicates that you cannot, however, go out and build a reputation or self-promotion on a claim of being one with the Divine without threatening that relationship, because, when you start to brag about your marriage to the Divine, you are in danger of promoting yourself as more important than the Divine, and getting a claim from your peers for being one with the Divine puts you in jeopardy of selfimportance. Self importance is incompatible with Divine Importance and surrender to the Divinity. You must always keep the Divine in higher importance than self, or you threaten the union that you have formed with the Divine. Thus, you see occasional ministers or holy men who begin to take great advantage of others for being one with the master, one with the Divine and expect that others should hold them in high esteem for being one with the Divine, and in the process of this shift, they are simply using the Divine to further themselves.
The First And Second Traps For The Seeker This becomes the second trap for the seeker. The first trap being the idea that you have to do something difficult to become one with the Divine, when in fact all you have to do is to surrender. The second trap being to think of yourself as excessively important because you have somehow fused or merged with the Divine, whereby you start to use the Divine for your own gain and self-importance. It is simple. Surrender yourself to the Divine and remain surrendered from moment to moment forever after. (The Law of Gratitude is given) (Revelation of Awareness 97-6 Issue No. 483 with Paul Shockley as the Interpreter)
Journey Of The Soul 2-18: When We Are Reunited With God, Will We Cease To Exist? This Awareness indicates that you become a New Being; you retain the memory of all that has been part of you in your deeper regions of yourself, yet these memories may fade except when you seek to recall these experiences. This Awareness indicates that as you become more attuned to the immediate present and your awareness is focused on the now, that which is passed,--the "me", the self, --loses its significance; and therefore, you may think in one sense that you are no longer the person you once were, because you are not longer thinking of the vents of the past and are more in the present. This Awareness indicates that spirit is present, soul is past. The soul is the record of all events of your past; and the accumulating of these events, experiences, and activities create that which is the soul. This Awareness indicates the totally of all your past experiences is the soul, yet your present experiences and present attention and activities is that is with the spirit, or presence of God, the immediate "now"; that which is the past is no longer of great significance. The soul is always present, and you may draw upon the soul for energies to deal with the present. This Awareness indicates however, you will not be inclined to dwell in the past, to dwell on the soul's energies when living in the present. This Awareness indicates that the entity who looks back ( as Lot's wife looked back), and seeks to hold onto past self; the frustrations of the childhood of one's soul many lifetimes back, or in early parts of the present lifetime: the frustrations which made you what you are--the joys of the past, the joys of the sorrows, the friends and loved ones...all of these which make you what you are today,--this moment,--may be absolutely necessary in creating you as you are. But if you dwell on the past and forget the present, you lose the spirit; and though you are locked within the soul, you may find yourself cristalizing as a pillar of salt, in material realms. The matter is of the past, the reality of the present. The spirit is present, the soul is past. The soul brings you as a vehicle to the present, and it allows you to look to the past. This Awareness suggests that it is a servant to your spirit. This Awareness suggests however, that you not allow yourself to become locked up, imprisoned by things of the past; that you use the soul and its memories, its experiences, its accumulation, for your present realities and abilities, for it gives you great wisdom from all of the experiences of the past. This Awareness suggests that to live in the past is an error, but to draw from the past is Divine. (Revelation of Awareness 83-22 with Paul Shockley as the Interpreter)
Attachment and Desire Hooks Entities Into Maya
This Awareness indicates that the spiritual realities as that which is the everlasting sea of consciousness; the physical realities as that which is likened unto the shore which is washed into the sea, and which offers only the appearance of stability. This Awareness indicates that the sea continues forever; and those who identify with the sea of consciousness, the Akasha, the Spirit which permeates the universe,--those entities in identifying with this have attached themselves to the eternal truth and the eternal permanence. Those entities who attach themselves to the physical realm attach themselves to that which must fade, must decay, and must fall and dissolve into that sea of permanence. This Awareness indicates, therefore, the emotions, or that which is Magnetism, is that which needs to be watched; for as entities desire, so their Magnetism attaches. The attachment and desire is that which hooks entities into material realms, or that which in the Hindu philosophy is known as Maya, the grand illusion of material values; and as entities attach themselves to this material reality through their emotional or magnetic energies, they can find themselves clinging to that which is dissolving: the house built upon sand. This Awareness indicates that as entities attach themselves to that Rock of Ages, which is in fact the Being of the Universe, the Akasha, the Spirit of God; then entities find their realm of permanence (Revelation of Awareness 2001-3 Issue No. 537 with Paul Shockley as the Interpreter)
Your Subconscious Mind is the "Genie in the Bottle" The subconscious obeys the wish of the master. The subconscious is the genie in the bottle that will grant your wishes, if your conscious mind does not keep changing the wishes or erasing or criticizing or filtering out the commands to confuse the subconscious as many people do. The conscious mind, for many entities will cancel out the command that it has given. The conscious mind, for example, may say, "I will have good luck! The genie will give me what I asked for!"And two minutes later the conscious mind will say, "I really don't think the genie is going to do this!, and the genie hears, "Oh. You don't think I am going to do this. This is your new command? You do not want or expect this?" and the genie is then confused whether to bring it about or drop the project. Therefore, if you are going to give a command to the genie in the bottle, the subconscious mind, then give it, and one good way to give it is to say, "It is going to happen whether I consciously believe it or not!" The message then becomes very clear to the subconscious. It no longer has a need to question or attempt to figure out what the conscious mind really wants. (Revelation of Awareness 99-7 with Paul Shockley as the Interpreter)
(The Law of Gratitude is given)
Journey Of The Soul 2-20: On Ascending Into The Light Body And Nirvana Levels The judgement is that which creates the polarity which forces the atoms of your form to become dense matter. The total elimination of all judgement, all feelings of separateness, and self would indeed create that which is the Light Body, and you would ascend, into the third level* dissolving in light before the eyes of others.
* The Trinity of Self; Level 1; the Subconscious Mind Level 2; the Conscious Mind Level 3; the Superconscious Mind (or Christ Light, Overself, High Self, Cosmic Conscious Mind or simply "The Light") You may not wish to move this far, this quickly, you may wish to continue your physical existence while also tripping along merrily in the spiritual realm, near the level of light energies; that this balance-point between physical and spiritual as that which is a very enjoyable state, this as theNirvana level which entities have often sought to experience. ON LIGHT "Basically, all is light." "....wherein an entity wishes to move into levels of manifesting that which may be termed "miraculous experiences", the entity must allow the opposing beliefs to fall away (which) and recognize only the reality of what can be done...entities cannot simply believe these opposition forces as having fallen away on a verbal and conscious level, but must accept this in the unconscious or subconscious level as well."
Journey Of The Soul 2-21: Life After Death And Merging With The White Light This Awareness indicates that there is that which is the moment of death. It is at such an instance that there are opportunities in which an entity can make contact with the White Light of truth; this is a form of absolute merging with the White Light, or that which has been termed the Christ Light or Buddha, Amitabha. This moment of death is that which is the ultimate bliss, but there is also at the moment of death, an alteration in the sense of time and that moment can become extended for the individual in terms of his or her perception of time, to appear to last for many hours.
This Awareness indicates that this portion of consciousness that reaches the Clear Light may be associated with the entity's own High Self, higher frequencies of the self. While this is occurring in this moment, other aspects of the entity may not have moved that far, may be still hovering around the corpse, may even be observing the corpse, and watching entities trying to revive the corpse: that this portion as that which is associated with the mental or astral aspects of an entity's being; the more conscious areas. In some instances, this mental or astral or both aspects of the being travel through that which is described as a tunnel, leading to that which is the White Light, or a reflection of that, and the entity will visualize perhaps those who have departed previously, meeting old friends who have already passed over. This Awareness indicates that in some instances, the astral will remain and not follow the mental body into this tunnel, but will remain behind, confused and lost, and not knowing where it is. It can, in fact, if the attachment to the body is great enough, or if the attachment to the physical world is so strong, or if the attachment to something or someone is strong enough, it can remain in the same area of the passing over for even years thereafter, in some cases , even centuries, or until someone somehow coaxes it to move on to some other realm or to find its mental body for attachment. This Awareness indicates that essentially, that portion that moves most instantaneously to the White Light is that which carries the essence of the soul. It is likened unto the Higher Self taking and caressing the soul and carrying it to that place of the White Light, the land of a thousand rainbows, that land of Essence. This Awareness indicates that this is the important movement; that the astral body which carries some of the lesser attachments and emotions can get stuck in areas associated and identified with the life that has been terminated, so that it remains in the same area as a kind of ghost, and entities can say that place is haunted. This Awareness indicates that the mental body tends to move on into that area which many entities like to associate with the afterlife or heaven, wherein the entity sees their old friends and witnesses peace and joy, and this mental body will remain in that dimension in a state of comfort. It is the conscious mind. This Awareness indicates that when it comes time for an integration to take place, wherein the soul and higher spirit of the individual, the High Self and the soul, or the essence of the soul begins to move away from the pure White Light, if this occurs, this High Self and the essence of the soul then begin to move into that which is the lesser lights, and as this occurs, there is a rejoining of the conscious self, a gradual rejoining of the conscious self to this Higher Self and the soul, and the entity starts to take on personal identification again, in that realm which entities have associated with as heaven. This Awareness indicates this pure White Light essence to which the soul and High Self travel is in effect the same at that known as Sach Kahn, where the souls are created. It is generally but a brief moment, a split second in earth time; it can be of great duration to the one experiencing it, for all things become clear; truth becomes everything and everything is seen in a moment of truth.
It is said in , The Tibetan Book of the Dead, which accurately portrays this, that entities must cling to that pure White Light state for as long as possible because they gain so much spiritual essence in that moment, but entities generally cannot take that high vibration and frequency for any great period of time, unless their lives have been lived in a high frequency, in which little or no karma calls them back, in which case their mental and astral bodies would have followed them into that White Light at the moment of death. If entities still have mental or astral karma, then they begin to move from that White Light back toward that which is referred to as heaven, collecting their conscious or mental body, then eventually, when and if ready to leave that state of heaven, which lasts only so long unless the astral body has also followed; in other words, if the mental body has gone into heaven and the astral body is able to detach itself from earthly things, giving up all claims to earth, it too can follow the mental body into heaven, and the entity will then, along with the astral body, reside in heaven on a more indefinite basis, returning only when desirous or if desirous to the earth.
The Heaven Experience This Awareness indicates there is always a time in which the entity from heaven will be called back to earth, because heaven is still under the control of those forces associated with material being and essences. This Awareness indicates that if the entity has not been able to bring the astral body into heaven, when the Higher Self and soul return to the mental body which is in the heaven state, and the astral body is still hanging around where the entity died, trying to reattach itself somehow to something, that heavenly experience will be cut short and the entity will begin to recall or seek reattachments with the astral body on earth. This may not come for some long periods of time. There are ghosts which have hung around castles and places for hundreds, even thousands of years, waiting for the return of the body that is residing in heaven but eventually this must occur or otherwise, that astral body must attach itself to some other entity, taking possession of that other entity and hoping in some way to get a free ride. This Awareness indicates that generally the mental body will somewhere along the line reclaim the energies of the astral body, or it abandons the astral body totally, then the astral body may attach to something else, or eventually disintegrate into parts or pieces of desires and emotions that float around seeking attachments to something or someone. Many of these astral body energies attach to plants and remain with plants while the plants grow, and upon the return of the entity toward reincarnation, the astral bodies then leave the plants and seek reattachment to the native from whence they came or in some cases they remain with the plants, if it is more satisfying to them. It is a kind of limbo experience for these astral energies.
This Awareness indicates that once the entity has reincarnated, if they have all of the elements back, including the astral energies that have been discarded, they generally begin anew, with whatever wisdom they have gained from the visit form the White Light, along with any other insight from the heavenly experience, along with a recharging of vitality and life force, and they are in a new body which needs to grow and develop. They will have whatever karma follows the memory that they have carried over.
On Reincarnation and the Bible ....there were many...references to reincarnation through the text and teachings of Jesus. That the emperor, Justine, did have these references to reincarnation taken from the bible at the Niocene Council during the 5th Century. These references being removed for purposes of causing the followers of the Christian religion to put forth more effort in their spiritual devotion as demanded by the church. ....this as becoming that which may be termed as a tool for greater control, for the greater psychological control over the consciousness of the followers of the church. ....that wherein entities believed that they have only one chance to make it, then the priests in power could cause those entities to behave in a manner as dictated. That this as a form of behavioral management, or modification of behavior, through the threats of heaven and hell, by removing the concepts of reincarnation: life after death, other than a life of heaven or a life of hell. ....this as a major hoax, and one of the great violations brought about through the manipulation of spiritual teachings by those priescraft rulers who sought power through spiritual controls. (77-9 Revelations Newsletter)
On Reincarnation and Prejudice: Each entity, when reincarnating upon this plane, is potentially capable of reincarnating into any race, whether this be Oriental, Indian, Jewish, Gypsy, Black, Caucasian, or the Brown Race, or of Latin nature. Any entity has the potential of reincarnating into any culture, any nation, any area, and any status of being, whether of poverty or wealth; the potential as determined by those needs which will give the entity the greatest spiritual growth, according to their ability to grow. It behooves entities not to plant seeds of hostility toward any particular race, culture, status or nation, for indeed they may return to live a life within the skin of that culture which they have directed hostility towards. (7829 Revelations Newsletter) (The Law of Gratitude is given) (Revelation of Awareness Life after Death series with Paul Shockley as the Interpreter)
Journey Of The Soul 2-22: Life After Death And Merging With The White Light (Part2) The More Evolved Entities Can Take A Short Cut This Awareness indicates that the more evolved entity, upon the moment of death, whose attachment, whose attachment to physical things is not as great as the attachment to the spiritual essences, when this spiritual attachment is genuine, so genuine that it penetrates not only the spiritual and soul levels, but also the mental and emotional or astral levels (this Awareness reminds you the astral and emotional levels being the same), whenever this is strong enough to penetrate and permeate the entire being, then when the entity goes to the pure White Light at the moment of death, all of the entity goes. It is like nothing is left to linger in limbo or purgatory, and the entity may even surpass the levels of heaven entirely, going straight to the Godhead,and becoming one with the White Light; at such time, at such moment, time no longer exists in terms of relativity, because there is nothing to relate it to, and the entity can remain for as long as desired, in absolute truth-realization of everything, as a part of the Godhead, but not even realizing the entity is a part of it, because it is too much likened unto being the whole of the Godhead. This Awareness indicates for example, do you think that if the ocean water had the knowledge of knowing itself to be ocean water, that any part of the ocean water would be aware that it was only a part? For it is all the same. Thus when an entity becomes absolute, and enters into a absolute total serenity and absolute surrender to God, the entity becomes One with God, and no longer thinks of itself as being part of God, for there is no self left; it has all been given. This Awareness indicates that this becomes the ultimate end of the journey fore entities seeking the path to absolute enlightenment, but there are many many lifetimes for most entities. There may be thousands, even ;millions of lifetimes before this becomes a final experience. This Awareness indicates there may be many times when entities touch and experience this moment of absolute unity with the Divine, but they may break off after a certain amount of experiencing to go out and re experience as a separateness, to go through experiences and then come back. This Awareness indicates that this then is the map, but the map is really a picture of your journey; the experiences of your journey are what really give it meaning and value.
Are those really friends and loved ones who greet the entity after passing over?
This Awareness indicates that these are the conscious mind's....this may be better understood as fragments of the individuals. This Awareness reminds you that when an entity is in the physical body, there is an integration that has taken place, wherein there are the emotions, the astral energies, the soul which is a more permanent center around which the astral energies reside, and there is the conscious mind, which includes everything, all images and thought forms that the entity consciously perceives and there is the Higher Self, which is the guardian of the entity's total being. This Higher Self is essentially the Christ Consciousness, or what may be termed as a ray from the Godhead, and when an entity departs the physical body, separations occur. The White Light High Self Consciousness takes the essence of the soul toward the White Light. The conscious mind goes toward the tunnel and fragmentations from the conscious mind will often emit or project images familiar to the conscious mind of those things which it recalls. In some cases there are entities who have passed over who are not simply waiting on the vibratory plane for that entity, but they are there when the entity arrives and in some cases, they recognize that the entity is not ready, and warn the entity back. In other cases they are there to greet the entity.
The "Burning In Hell" Syndrome This Awareness indicates that these are not the full integrated aspects of the persons who have passed over. They are cast off portions; they are part of the conscious minds of the entities. In some cases, their High Self may have returned to them, but they are generally not totally integrated as they were on the earth plane, with all of their aspects. The emotional or astral parts of the individual may still linger in the astral planes or astral levels, not necessarily confined to the same place as the death occurred, but generally confined to some kind of limbo state in which they had desires but cannot fulfill those desires. This is an aspect of the entity which may be said to be burning in hell. The burning situation as that which is the burning desires that cannot be fulfilled. It can also be a burning or waiting for delivery and thus, the feeling is that the entity must wait for eternity. This Awareness indicates that these descriptions of hell generally are descriptions that relate to the astral body, the emotions which the entity has had during their lifetime or at the moment of death; the attachments that have not been released at the time the entity passes over; these are the areas that continue to suffer, because there is no way whereby these attachments, desires and fears can be fulfilled. Thus, if an entity has a drinking habit, a narcotics habit, or if the entity is so emotionally attached to someone and can't give that someone up, then that entity
will be suffering in regard to the astral level, the emotional level, after the passing over, yet the entity's conscious mind will have moved on in all likelihood and the entity's spiritual and soul essences will have moved on. This Awareness indicates those astral shells known as ghosts are but the cast-off energies of the emotions which the entity experienced during the living period of his or her existence.
Attachments And Commitments This Awareness indicates that it is important for entities to realize that they always have the choice to be attached, and to break attachments, to honor their commitments or to break their commitments, but it is important also that entities make those attachments while living that allow them to develop their highest and best qualities and that when preparing and when ready to die, or even when living and knowing that one must eventually pass on, that they set the greater priority in their lives as the attachment to God the Creator, their own Higher Divinity, and let this be above their attachment to their mate, or even to their children, but let them give their devotion and love and energies into fulfilling their commitment to their loved ones, to their mate and to their children and their family, so that they do not need upon passing over to feel the astral shell feelings of having failed in their commitments and needing to come back to fulfill karma for not having already given their all, their love, their energies, to their commitments, to family, to loved ones, to mates, so that while entities serve their god, they also serve their god by giving service to their own commitments and family; those things for whom they have committed part of their earthly life. Thus, by serving your children, your mate, your loved ones, you are serving God. This Awareness indicates there are many entities who find it difficult to distinguish how to put their priorities. They think that if they serve God, they do not have time to serve their children or their mate, and they become annoyed at their children and their mate for taking them away from their spiritual obligations. This Awareness reminds you that their spiritual obligations are their children and their mate as well as their devotion to the creator. There are others who put their obligations into their children and mate and do not have time for spiritual obligations, and they feel that hopefully God will understand and overlook the situation. This Awareness indicates that they may then go about their mundane activities to the point wherein they totally forget about the spiritual obligations, but when it comes time for passing over, rather than realizing that they have the first priority; that of serving the Divine Creator of their souls; that of joining with this, they may feel that they have greater obligation to their husband, wife or child, and so may turn their attention in that direction. This Awareness indicates that when this occurs, the High Self and essence of the soul still will go to that White Light, but it may be pulled back quickly, and the conscious
mind may then, rather than moving toward the heavenly aspect, may be facing more toward the obligations to children and husband or wife, and thus the entity does not feel ready to pass over, because there is much more left to do, in which case, the entity may return to the body and such action results in that which has been termed the near-death experience. This Awareness indicates that the entity then has the opportunity and time as well as the inclination to again place priorities in which not only the service toward those on earth become a priority, but also the realization and attachment to the Divine Creator becomes a greater reality for the individual, so that the individual then never again fears death, knowing that it is a peaceful experience, a warm experience, but knowing also that there are things the entity needs to reconcile so that the next time the entity does not feel obliged to return to finish. This Awareness indicates it is for this reason that many who have had the after-death experience begin spending the rest of their lives making sure that no karma or no unfinished actions are taken that would cause them to feel guilty or to feel earthbound. This Awareness indicates that this movement for these entities into that experience known as the after-death experience, wherein they return to tell about it are rare and it should be considered a blessing, for those who experience it, and in most cases is.
Those Accounts of Experiencing the Hell Fires! There have been rare cases in which the entities move into an after death experience recalling only the negatives; there have been some few who saw or claimed to see the fires of hell and found themselves descending toward these flames. This Awareness indicates that this as that which came about because the entity had extreme burning astral energies and desires and hostilities and fears and programming in the conscious level to project those energies and feelings into images of fire and brimstone. This Awareness indicates that this was the metaphorical illusion the entity created as she moved into those astral energies with her conscious mind. This Awareness indicates that this however is most rare and occurs only temporarily, and occurs only to those who have very disturbed emotional and distressed astral bodies. That for the most part, the passing over experience is that which entities will find most blissful, but it is also a very crucial time wherein future lifetimes are determined so that entities should give highest priority to integrating all of their being, including the astral and mental aspects of self into traveling toward the White Light at that moment of death, without looking back or trying to hold on to the physical body or its attachments. This Awareness indicates that It does not advocate that entities leave, prior to necessity, but once an entity knows there is no return it should integrate its all and go toward the White Light rather than letting itself become split and having the astral body ripped from it because of attachments it cannot release or having the mental
body taken away from it because it expects to see somebody there, or to go to some paradise. It is far greater that entities go directly to the source of their being; the pure White Light or the Absolute Creator. If they can integrate their body to follow the soul so that the astral and mental bodies accompany the soul, they will become unified and total, and become future masters, Christs, representatives of that Light, even if its is but for a brief moment that they bask in the pure White Light of truth. (The Law of Gratitude is given) (Revelation of Awareness Life after Death series with Paul Shockley as the Interpreter)
Journey Of The Soul 2-23: The Definition Of Love & The Perfect State Of Being Meditation How Your Meditation (Visualization) Affects Others This Awareness indicates that this as related to the neutrino, a sub-particle in the atom. This Awareness indicates that neutrinos are substances within the atom, or atomic level which are responsive to consciousness, and which are carriers of attitudes and information from atom to atom, at a speed similar to that of the speed of light, but this as even faster than the speed of light. This Awareness indicates that this neutrino is as that which may be thought as a kind of link between consciousness and matter on the atomic level, and as that which assists in those types of phenomena known as telepathy, clairaudiance and clairvoyance. This also is associated with tele-transportation. This Awareness indicates that entities in state of meditation essentially, are through certain sensitivities, becoming more close to the neutrino in their conscious levels as well as their physical levels. That bridging the gap between conscious and physical, as linking through the neutrino, is that which allows entities to gain certain types of psychic power of force which can be used for influencing mind over matter, or for reading information associated with material events, even at a distance.
The Most Effective Form of Meditation This Awareness indicates that it is this action of meditation which brings about that contact with the neutrino and allows for this type of psychic energy to increase within an entity's consciousness. This Awareness indicates that the particular types of meditation may vary; that some are more effective than others. This Awareness indicates that the most important and effective form of meditation is an attitude of oneness, or universal love, and entities who have this attitude throughout their lives are in a state of continuous meditation. This Awareness indicates however, that it is
not always easy to simply assume a state of universal love, and therefore it may be necessarily for entities to move into attentive meditation whereby they set aside portions of time to tune in to spiritual and universal experiences, of the focus and concentration on the Light, on the inner Light and the sound current associated with that, and those qualities associated with the universal love, such as the Christ Consciousness.
The Definition of Love This awareness indicates that love itself is an action comprised of both radiance and magnetism, and an attitude of well-being. This quality, when commingled with the neutrino, then spreads from the entity, or the consciousness perceiving that quality, out into other areas of the universe and is enhanced by other areas through the neutrino, which in turn assists those in those other areas to receive an increase in the volume of love qualities carried by those neutrinos in their area. This Awareness indicates likewise, in contraposition to this, attitudes of hostility, when expressed through the neutrino may be carried toward other areas and as such, may be picked up by entities who feel hostile, more hostile, and that greater intensity may be interpreted as a mood which they simply fell into, and may be directed toward others. This Awareness indicates that through meditation, on concepts of Light and Love, it is possible for entities to transmute any forms of negativity vibrations, or any form of vibrations which could be used in a negative manner, so that these vibrations are used in a more constructive manner. This Awareness indicates that the same energies which lead one entity to behave in a barbaric manner, causing great conflict and destruction, may be used by another entity to give the force and power, the incentive and push to do something which becomes very meaningful and valuable to others. This Awareness indicates therefore, entities may begin to better understand the nature and purpose and value of meditation in dealing with the conveyance of attitudes and energies through the neutrino.
Everyone Should Meditate Daily, Setting Aside Time, Having A Time Of Solitude This Awareness wishes to remind entities of the importance of setting aside a certain amount of time, preferable on a daily basis, for meditating, still there is also a particular value in setting aside time whereby one finds a place of solitude and simply meditates on silence, and on consciousness itself. This Awareness indicates that it is not of great importance whether an entity sits in a traditional meditation position, such as the lotus position suggested by many, or whether the entity lies flat in bed. This Awareness indicates however, it is important
that the entity be comfortable and have a time of solitude whereby the entity is not distracted by physical position or external influences. This Awareness indicates the purpose of keeping the spine straight is so that the entity, while remaining in a relatively relaxed position is still consciously alert, and not inclined to fall asleep. This Awareness indicates that the value of the time spent in meditation, taken away from other activities, is that which gives forth greater blessings than would be lost when entities spend hours often pursuing useless activities. This Awareness indicates that those moments can be of a great value in balancing the aura, this as similar to what would occur from a vitalizing acupuncture treatment to enhance one's energy. This Awareness indicates that a regular period set aside for meditation can be beneficial in both physical and spiritual values. This Awareness wishes at this moment to move into that timeless state, The state of Here and Now in which you do not even consider clock time, or yearly time, or anything, you simply experience NOW. This Awareness wishes you to accept these words as though they were you own words;
The Perfect State Of Being Meditation (The Timeless "Here and Now" to STOP Aging) "I am moving towards my perfect age, my perfect maturity in my body, wherein I am at my very best, having my best strength, my best health and my most beautiful state of being, and this is happening to me and will continue happening to me, whether or not I believe it! My belief has nothing to do with this. It is occurring because I have tapped into the cosmic energy of Here and Now which automatically moves me to this perfect state of being. I am always in the Here and Now, and therefore, I am always moving to correct myself to become the perfect state of being that I am intended to become as a cosmic being. In this perfect state of being I attune to that which is immortality. This is happening whether or not I believe it, in spite of my thinking. Even when I move back into thinking three dimensionally, I will continue to move in this direction of attuning to my perfect state of being. This will happen whether or not I believe it, because having tapped into the Universal Moment of Now, I am in touch with Cosmic Being of myself, and this creates all the corrections that are necessary to move me into perfection.
I am no longer hypnotized by the belief that time moves and drags me toward a dysfunctional destiny. I am instead floating in a perfection of cosmic energies that make corrections on my being and leads me into my perfect state. Wherever I go, whatever I am doing, that perfect state in my being is always there and I can notice it, at any time, regardless of what I am doing, regardless of where I am, regardless of what is happening around me. I can check on it and it is always present with me. I have stepped into the cosmic energies and reside therein on a permanent basis, and these cosmic energies move me toward perfection: perfection in body, perfection in age, perfection in beauty, perfection in spirit, and I am always moving toward perfect emotional balance and toward perfect love. My presence in this state of perfection as I move more and more toward it with each passing moments affects others and helps them also to move toward their own perfection. The vibrations that I float in emanate from me and touch the vibrations of others who are not yet aware of their perfect being and help them to move also in this same direction toward perfection". This Awareness suggests that entities allow this to either be placed on a tape*; they can read it themselves and put it on tape or they can have someone read it to them while they are in a state of meditation, or they can simply have it read while they are moving around and notice that even though they are walking around and doing things, the perfect state of being is still with them. They are still floating in it. They are basically attuned to it, attached to it, and it moves and affects them even as if they were in a state of meditation. This Awareness indicates that if you find it easier to stop moving and experience this state, then let that occur until it becomes equally easy to move around and experience this state in movement. Eventually this Awareness wishes entities to make their entire life a state of meditation and attunement to the Cosmic Energies of the Divine Force, of the Divine Creator. This Awareness indicates that the only thing necessary for this to happen is your realization that you are always wrapped in the arms of this Cosmic Force of the Divine Creation regardless of where you are. By "wrapped in the arms" this Awareness is poetically speaking of being attuned to the vibrations of the highest frequencies in the universe. They are always with you, whether or not you realize it.
It is important for you as much as possible to realize it, to get the full benefit of their frequencies in your life and on your being. Paul Shockley interpreter. (Opening Message, CAC General Reading, March 25, 1994). * For Ordering Audio Tapes of the Timeless Here and Now, the Perfect State of Being Visit Cosmic Awareness Communications How your meditation (visualization) effects others This Awareness indicates that this as related to the neutrino, a sub-particle in the atom. This Awareness indicates that neutrinos are substances within the atom, or atomic level which are responsive to consciousness, and which are carriers of attitudes and information from atom to atom, at a speed similar to that of the speed of light, but this as even faster than the speed of light. This Awareness indicates that this neutrino is as that which may be thought as a kind of link between consciousness and matter on the atomic level, and as that which assists in those types of phenomena known as telepathy, clairaudiance and clairvoyance. This also is associated with teletransportation. This Awareness indicates that entities in state of meditation essentially, are through certain sensitivities, becoming more close to the neutrino in their conscious levels as well as their physical levels. That bridging the gap between conscious and physical, as linking through the neutrino, is that which allows entities to gain certain types of psychic power of force which can be used for influencing mind over matter, or for reading information associated with material events, even at a distance. The Most effective Form of Meditation This Awareness indicates that it is this action of meditation which brings about that contact with the neutrino and allows for this type of psychic energy to increase within an entity's consciousness. This Awareness indicates that the particular types of meditation may vary; that some are more effective than others. This Awareness indicates that the most important and effective form of meditation is an attitude of oneness, or universal love, and entities who have this attitude throughout their lives are in a state of continuous meditation. This Awareness indicates however, that it is not always easy to simply assume a state of universal love, and therefore it may be necessarily for entities to move into attentive meditation whereby they set aside portions of time to tune in to spiritual and universal experiences, of the focus and concentration on the Light, on the inner Light and the sound current associated with that, and those qualities associated with the universal love, such as the Christ Consciousness. The Definition of Love
This awareness indicates that love itself is an action comprised of both radiance and magnetism, and an attitude of well-being. This quality, when commingled with the neutrino, then spreads from the entity, or the consciousness perceiving that quality, out into other areas of the universe and is enhanced by other areas through the neutrino, which in turn assists those in those other areas to receive an increase in the volume of love qualities carried by those neutrinos in their area. This Awareness indicates likewise, in contraposition to this, attitudes of hostility, when expressed through the neutrino may be carried toward other areas and as such, may be picked up by entities who feel hostile, more hostile, and that greater intensity may be interpreted as a mood which they simply fell into, and may be directed toward others. This Awareness indicates that through meditation, on concepts of Light and Love, it is possible for entities to transmute any forms of negativity vibrations, or any form of vibrations which could be used in a negative manner, so that these vibrations are used in a more constructive manner. This Awareness indicates that the same energies which lead one entity to behave in a barbaric manner, causing great conflict and destruction, may be used by another entity to give the force and power, the incentive and push to do something which becomes very meaningful and valuable to others. This Awareness indicates therefore, entities may begin to better understand the nature and purpose and value of meditation in dealing with the conveyance of attitudes and energies through the neutrino. Everyone Should Meditate Daily-setting aside time-having a time of solitude This Awareness wishes to remind entities of the importance of setting aside a certain amount of time, preferable on a daily basis, for meditating, still there is also a particular value in setting aside time whereby one finds a place of solitude and simply meditates on silence, and on consciousness itself. This Awareness indicates that it is not of great importance whether an entity sits in a traditional meditation position, such as the lotus position suggested by many, or whether the entity lies flat in bed. This Awareness indicates however, it is important that the entity be comfortable and have a time of solitude whereby the entity is not distracted by physical position or external influences. This Awareness indicates the purpose of keeping the spine straight is so that the entity, while remaining in a relatively relaxed position is still consciously alert, and not inclined to fall asleep. This Awareness indicates that the value of the time spent in meditation, taken away from other activities, is that which gives forth greater blessings than would be lost when entities spend hours often pursuing useless activities. This Awareness indicates that those moments can be of a great value in balancing the aura, this as similar to what would occur from a vitalizing acupuncture treatment to enhance one's energy.
This Awareness indicates that a regular period set aside for meditation can be beneficial in both physical and spiritual values. This Awareness wishes at this moment to move into that timeless state, the state of Here and Now in which you do not even consider clock time, or yearly time, or anything, you simply experience NOW. This Awareness wishes you to accept these words as though they were you own words; THE PERFECT STATE OF BEING MEDITATION (The Timeless "Here and Now" to STOP Aging) "I am moving towards my perfect age, my perfect maturity in my body, wherein I am at my very best, having my best strength, my best health and my most beautiful state of being, and this is happening to me and will continue happening to me, whether or not I believe it! My belief has nothing to do with this. It is occurring because I have tapped into the cosmic energy of Here and Now which automatically moves me to this perfect state of being. I am always in the Here and Now, and therefore, I am always moving to correct myself to become the perfect state of being that I am intended to become as a cosmic being. In this perfect state of being I attune to that which is immortality. This is happening whether or not I believe it, in spite of my thinking. Even when I move back into thinking three dimensionally, I will continue to move in this direction of attuning to my perfect state of being. This will happen whether or not I believe it, because having tapped into the Universal Moment of Now, I am in touch with Cosmic Being of myself, and this creates all the corrections that are necessary to move me into perfection. I am no longer hypnotized by the belief that time moves and drags me toward a dysfunctional destiny. I am instead floating in a perfection of cosmic energies that make corrections on my being and leads me into my perfect state. Wherever I go, whatever I am doing, that perfect state in my being is always there and I can notice it, at any time, regardless of what I am doing, regardless of where I am, regardless of what is happening around me. I can check on it and it is always present with me. I have stepped into the cosmic energies and reside therein on a permanent basis, and these cosmic energies move me toward perfection: perfection in body, perfection in age, perfection in beauty, perfection in spirit, and I am always moving toward perfect emotional balance and toward perfect love.
My presence in this state of perfection as I move more and more toward it with each passing moments affects others and helps them also to move toward their own perfection. The vibrations that I float in emanate from me and touch the vibrations of others who are not yet aware of their perfect being and help them to move also in this same direction toward perfection". This Awareness suggests that entities allow this to either be placed on a tape*; they can read it themselves and put it on tape or they can have someone read it to them while they are in a state of meditation, or they can simply have it read while they are moving around and notice that even though they are walking around and doing things, the perfect state of being is still with them. They are still floating in it. They are basically attuned to it, attached to it, and it moves and affects them even as if they were in a state of meditation. This Awareness indicates that if you find it easier to stop moving and experience this state, then let that occur until it becomes equally easy to move around and experience this state in movement. Eventually this Awareness wishes entities to make their entire life a state of meditation and attunement to the Cosmic Energies of the Divine Force, of the Divine Creator. This Awareness indicates that the only thing necessary for this to happen is your realization that you are always wrapped in the arms of this Cosmic Force of the Divine Creation regardless of where you are. By "wrapped in the arms" this Awareness is poetically speaking of being attuned to the vibrations of the highest frequencies in the universe. They are always with you, whether or not you realize it. It is important for you as much as possible to realize it, to get the full benefit of their frequencies in your life and on your being. Paul Shockley interpreter. (Opening Message, CAC General Reading, March 25, 1994).
Journey Of The Soul 2-24: What Is The Divine Being? This Awareness indicates that other entities may have a different word or meaning for the term "God." Many entities see God as a male figure in the form of a human being. This Awareness indicates that this is a kind of a childish view, brut it is understandable because entities have been told that man is created in the image of God, which would imply that God must be shaped like a man.
Reflecting The Creator Through Your DNA
This Awareness indicates what if It were to say that DNA is made in the image of man; does this mean that all those little DNA cells in your body are like little men running around that look exactly like you? This Awareness indicates that scientifically it is understood that DNA carries the exact replica of the body in which the DNA resides, but that the DNA, if seen through a microscope, would look different from the entity that carries the DNA; yet the DNA reflects precisely the entity, and with proper technology, a DNA substance could be used to create a clone of the body that holds the DNA. Is this not a kind of pattern that could be described as "being made in the image of the Creator?"If the host body is the creator of the DNA or if it is a reflection of the DNA of the host, can it not also be seen that man is a kind of DNA reflection from the Divine Creator and that individuals in their human bodies are made in the image of the Divine Creator, or are reflection of the Divine Creator just in the same way that the DNA is a reflection of the body in which it is found? This awareness indicates that with this kind of understanding, it simplifies the recognition that man or woman or child or whatever; the human, is a reflection of the Divine Frequency or Vibration that creates the created individual, and therefore, the idea of God being a humanoid type of being can be symbolically true as long as it is seen as a symbol; but it is only metaphorical and the true Divine Being is a frequency, a Divine Consciousness, an Awareness, a recognition of a Universal Consciousness. By the term "universal," this Awareness is actually referring to the Creation in its entirely rather than of many universes. The Creation in its entirety as a reflection of the Creator in Its entity, are closely linked. Essentially, they are one and the same, but the Creator part of the Creation is a higher frequency, which caused the lower frequencies created that which is seen as the Creation, or the manifestation of all things spiritual and physical, all things material and immaterial that reside below the highest Creator Frequencies.
Surrendering To The Highest Frequency It may be that you cannot do it once. It may be that it has to be done repeatedly, every moment, from moment to moment throughout your entire life. This Awareness indicates it will be a very rewarding time for soul growth, for how can your soul grow any faster than being surrendered to\o the highest vibration in the Creation? Surrendering yourself to the highest frequencies of love, life and divinity is the most rapid way, because you are there already. You cannot go any higher. You are there at the time of such surrender, and when this surrender is moment to moment, you are not falling from grace, you are remaining in grace. You will not need to follow gurus, great sports personages, famous people, famous movie stars, famous entertainers, great comedians or great leaders of the Earth or great spiritual masters. You may do so as part of your journey through the circus of
life, but it is not a necessity for your growth, for when you have totally surrendered yourself to the Divine, there is no further thinking involved. You have found that which you once sought to find through all these other things.
Life Filled With Distractions, But Don't Forget! This Awareness indicates the circus of life is filled with distractions from your union with the Divine, and all of these distractions can become so over-powering that you forget your Oneness with the Divine and start thinking more in terms of yourself as a poor individual caught in the wheels of society, being ground to bits and trying to find some kind out of the society machine, trying to find some kind of solitude away from it all, to get something that you had in the back of your mind, but can't quite remember, and thus, if you are fortunate, you can get your mind back, even for a few minutes, long enough to realize: "Oh yes! I was once with God! How did I lose my attunement? All of these things distracted me! Now I want to get back to that place in consciousness where I and God were One!" This Awareness indicates just keep in mind that all you must do to be back with the Divine is surrender self at every moment. If you get distracted, think back: "There was something I was doing! What was it? Oh, yes! I was One with God! I got pulled off of my trip. I must get back to it! "This Awareness does not admonish entities to avoid all of the world in which they reside. It is not necessary for entities to be One with God every single moment, or to have that as the utmost focus. The more you can do so, the better off you will be. This Awareness indicates there is also benefit in experiencing the other things in life in order to rediscover the higher values and the importance of being One with God do that your center becomes attuned to the Divine, and that in moving into those outer regions of the circus of life, you can move while still being One with the Divine
A Caution On Basking In The Divine Light This Awareness also cautions that when entities find themselves in the Divine Light, they may bask in that Divine Light to their heart's content, but in the basking in the light, this Awareness cautions entities not to indulge in self-worshiping for it is the light that deserves worshiping, and it is important that if ego begins to build in regard to one's Divinity, that ego needs to be immediately sacrificed or surrendered to the Divine Light so that it does not become a Luciferian quality in your spiritual essence.
Remember The Story of Lucifer This Awareness suggests you recall the story of Lucifer, who was the brightest of all the angels, who saw himself as being One with God, as being equal to God, and possible rightfully so, if the entity was indeed totally surrendered to God, totally immersed in the Light of Divinity; but when the entity began to see "self" as being the
Divinity, the Light, and began to separate self as significant and equal to God, or even greater than God; when the entity began to bask in "his"own light of Divinity, a separation occurred and the entity Lucifer fell from heaven, and the separation from God did not leave Lucifer as a god, but simply as an egoist, trying to be one equal to God.
Don't Allow Vanity To Bring you Down This Awareness indicates that the vanity of spiritual evolution brought the entity down and this is another thing that can happen to entities who become One with God. In humility they serve God by giving themselves to God, but it is very easy at that time to become comfortable in your Oneness with God and to turn and take an ego trip, seeing your self as important because you have such spiritual insight, or such spiritual qualities, and thus your ego can bring your down, even as Lucifer fell from grace. This Awareness indicates that this will be something to watch carefully as you reach your Oneness with the divine. It is important not to become egotistical or selfglorifying in your spiritual evolution. (Revelation of Awareness 98-11 Issue No. 505 with Paul Shockley as the Interpreter)
Journey Of The Soul 2-25: A Great Time To Stay Alive! A Great New World Is Coming! (Closing message from CAC General reading 12-15-94) Paul Shockley Interpreter This Awareness indicates that entities are very fortunate to be living in this time. There may be very unusual changes occurring during these times, and in some cases there may be some dangers and risks involved, but it is an extremely historical time and entities should extremely become aware of the importance things that are occurring in the present time. This Awareness indicates when you in the future time do age regression and come back to this life, you will recognize the great importance of having lived at this time. This Awareness suggests that entities who are approaching the later years of their life should determine and focus on years to come, to extend their life as much as possible. If you can only believe yourself able to live the year 2000, then set that goal of improving your health so that you can live beyond that the year 2000, for there is so much importance in living these next few years.
If you can make it to the years 2012 or 2013, that is even better. But 2012 and 2013 is only the beginning of a new change, a new reality, and you might like to extend it even further so that you can be part of the new reality. If you reach that point, there may be no need to pass over, This Awareness indicates it is possible for entities to extend their lives simply by having a goal that is beyond that which they have come to accept. Many entities will time their future death to a birthdate or special time. If you can reach beyond that time to another more important date, you may very well find your health being restored and things working better, for much of the reason your body shuts down is because the mind begins to give directions, begins to suggest to shut down. When entities get old and feel they have accomplished much of the importance of their lives, they often tend to feel tired of living and start giving subconscious directions to their body to shut down, and when this occur, they may start developing diseases or organs will stop functioning properly so that they just simply begin the dying process. But if they have something to look forward to and they really want to reach that event, to experience that event, the body will start repairing itself, to try to satisfy the command of their directions, their mental goal. This Awareness indicates you have a great opportunity of going through a transition in which the body need not die, if you can make it close to the years of 2012/2013. If you can get through the next few years, it may be sufficient, because you may have a new mental understanding of the new reality that allows you to restore your body to make it to those times described. In other words, even if right now you feel you cannot make it for even a few years more, if you do somehow extend your ability to live longer, there may be changes in consciousness that allow you to get new hope, find new excitement or reasons to extend your life, and as you start a slight improvement, it may help you to go even further, and from there, go on quite a distance. This Awareness really urges entities to stay alive, hang in there and keep going, to experience this new world that is coming, if it is at all possible for you to do so. (The Law of Gratitude is given) (Revelation of Awareness with Paul Shockley as the Interpreter)