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Preliminary 2002 A) Write a paragraph of 50-70 words: 1. My friend

2. My pet

3. My daily routine

/20 A) Read the story Gila monsters are lizards. They live in the deserts of Arizona around Gila river. They are poisonous, but they are not dangerous to people. Gila monsters are not like other lizards. They are heavy and have got short legs and a thick short tail, so they move slowly. They are ugly, but they have got beautiful colours. They are usually black and pink. Gila monsters eat mice, insects, spiders and eggs. In the summer they always eat at night because it is hot during the day. TRUE (T) or FALSE (F)? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Gila monsters live in the water. They are not poisonous. They are not dangerous to people. They are not like other lizards. They are very beautiful with ugly colours. They have long legs and a long tail. They can be black and pink. They eat small animals and insects. In the summer they always eat during the day. Gilas are slow lizards. /20 2


B) Multiple choice 1.

you like watching films on TV? A. Are

B. Do

C. Does

2. There isn’t __________tall tree next to our house A. a

B. any

c. some

3. We don’t go to school A. on


B. in

C. at

4. In summer it is __________than in winter. A. hotter

B. hot

C. hottest.

5. She is the ___________girl in class. A. tall

B. taller

C. tallest

6. My house is next ____________ the school. A. to

B. at

C. a

7. Can I have A. some

cake, please? B. any

C. a

8. I went to the cinema A. last


B. every

C. today

9. Mary is my best friend. I play with A. she

B. her

every day

C. hers

10. ________ new flat is very modern. A. We

B. Our

C .Us /20



B) Question Words. Why – Who – When – What –Where – How – How much– How many – Whose. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10 .

is your favourite sport? – Tennis . is that ? – That’s my friend Peter. eggs are there in the fridge? – Not many. book is this? – It’s Paul’s. bread do we need ? – A loaf. do you go to church? – On Sundays. is my bag? – In your bedroom . often do you play football? – Every afternoon. did he go to bed early last night? – Because he was tired. is your favourite football player? – Michalis Constantinou. /10


Put the sentences in the Plural.


There is a beautiful beach near the village.


The baby has got a new toy.


There is an ox in the field.


The child is playing in the garden.


That lady has a broken tooth.

/10 4


F) Put the verbs in the Simple Present or Present Continuous. 1.

Dad always ( go )

to work

in the

morning. 2.

Be quiet! The baby ( sleep )


Mary and Frank ( watch )


______they ( play )

. TV now. football


Sunday? 5.

______Tom ( eat )

an ice-cream now?


We usually ( swim )

in the pool.


Look! The cat ( chase )


It ( rain)


She (sit )


It’s windy today. The children (fly )

a mouse. heavily today. in the kitchen. Go and talk to her. their

kites . /10


Put the verb in the simple past.

1. Mary and Kate (go)________________to the beach yesterday. 2. The cat (drink) ___________________all the milk last night. 3. I (do) ___________________the washing two hours ago. 4. They (take) ___________________ their dog for a walk in the morning. 5. Les (speak) ___________________on the phone yesterday. 6. Last week I (have) ___________________a lot of homework. 7. The children (fly) ___________________their kite yesterday. 8. We (eat) ___________________pizza last night. 9. I (see) ___________________ a lion yesterday. 10. He ______________________(drive) a fast car yesterday. /10 5


Preliminary 2003 A) Write a paragraph of 50-70 words: 1. My house

2. My father

3. My favourite animal

/20 B) Read the story Owls are very beautiful animals. They have got wings, short tails and big round heads. They‘ve also got large eyes, sharp beaks and a lot of soft feathers. They’re usually brown or white. Owls are 20-30 cm long and their wings are 50-70 cm wide. Owls live in trees. They sleep during the day and hunt for food at night. They eat small animals, especially mice, and large insects. They can fly in silence and they can also hear very well. They can catch small animals in total darkness. TRUE (T) or FALSE (F)? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Owls are ugly animals. They have got long tails. Their heads are big. They haven’t got feathers. They’re colourful, full of colours. They hunt during the day. 6


7. 8. 9. 10.

They eat large animals. When they fly they can be silent. They can’t hear very well. They can catch animals in darkness. /20 C) Multiple choice


you watching TV now? A. Are

B. Do

C. Does

2. There are __________some birds in the tree. A. a

B. any

C. some

3. We always go swimming A. on

B. in

summer. C. at

4. Mary is __________than Peter. A. tall 5. They are the A. fast

B. taller

C. tallest.

___________athletes in the world.. B. faster

C. fastest

6. Paul sits ____________ me. A. on

B. in

7. There isn’t A. some

C. next to milk in the fridge.

B. any

8. I didn’t go on holiday A. last

B. every

9. This is Anna’s ball. It’s A. she

B. her

C. a summer. C. today . C. hers

10. The twins are happy________ father bought presents A. Their

B. They

C .Them 7



C) Question Words. Why – Who – When – What –Where – How – How much– How many – Whose. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10 .

is your favourite singer? – Madonna. bike is that? It’s John’s. pens have you got? – Not many. often do you visit your grandparents? – Every week. money have you got ? – I haven’t got any. is Christmas? – On 25 December. are my trainers? – In the garage. didn’t you come? – I was tired. is his job? – He’s a doctor. books are these? – They’re Mike’s.. /10


Put the sentences in the Plural.


There is a goose in the garden.


The lady has got a big foot.


That is a mouse in the house.


The child broke a tooth.


This is my baby brother. 8



E) Put the verbs in the Simple Present or Present Continuous. 1. They usually (play)

in the fields.

2. Listen! Someone (knock)

on the door.

3. Paul and Peter (sleep)


4. ______they

(go) to church every Sunday?

5. ______the boys

(swim) now?

6. He usually (watch)

TV in the afternoon.

7. Look! Father (wash)

the car.

8. It (snow)


9. She never (do)

her homework. She’s lazy.

10.It’s raining today. The children (wear)

their raincoats. /10


Put the verb in the simple past.

1. Mary (do)________________her homework yesterday. 2. The boy (sit) ___________________outside last night. 3. I (swim) ___________________in the river two hours ago. 4. They (take) ___________________ pictures in the morning. 5. Mother (make) ___________________a cake yesterday. 6. Last week I (buy) ___________________a new computer game. 7. The children (meet) ___________________their friends yesterday. 8. We (eat) ___________________spaghetti last night. 9. She (see) ___________________ a snake yesterday. 10. He (run) _____________________fast yesterday. /10 9


Preliminary 2005 A) Write a paragraph of 50-70 words: 1. My mother

2. What I did yesterday

3. My favourite animal

/20 B) Read the story My name is Melanie Smith and I am ten years old. My day always starts at eight o’clock in the morning when I get up and have a shower. Then I go downstairs and have breakfast with my family. I usually have toast and a glass of milk, but I never have bacon and eggs. After breakfast I make my bed and I go to school. I finish school at half past three in the afternoon. When I go home I take our dog, Gemma, for a walk. I always do my homework at five o’clock in the afternoon. Then, we all have dinner together. After dinner, my brother and I do the washing up. I watch TV in the evening and my brother plays computer games in his room. I always go to bed before eleven o’clock. TRUE (T) or FALSE (F)? 1. Melanie gets up at 8 o’clock. 2. Melanie has a shower at 9 o’clock in the morning. 3. She has breakfast with her friend. 4. She has bacon and eggs for breakfast. 5. She makes her bed every morning. 6. She finishes school at half past three. 10



7. 8. 9. 10.

She does her homework in the evening. She does the washing up with her brother. She never watches TV. Her brother plays computer games in the evening. C) Multiple choice

1.My father went to Greece A. on


B. by

C. at

2. __________ you eat ice cream in the summer? A. Do 3. Have you got A. some

B. Does

C. Are

pens? B. a

C. any

4. I watched TV__________ night. A. every

B. last

C. today

5. Tom is ___________ than Jim. A. fat

B. fatter

C. fattest

6. We don’t go to school____________ Sunday. A. on

B. in

C. at

7. This is Mary’s doll. It’s A. she

B. her

8. There are A. some

. C. hers toys on the floor.

B. a

C. any

9. ____________ you playing now? A. Do

B. Are

C. Can

10. ________ he got a pet? A. Did

B. Have

C .Has 11



D) Question Words. Why – Who – When – What –Where – How – How much– How many – Whose. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10 .

pupils are there in the class? – 20. is she going ? To the park. jacket is this? – It’s Jack’s. is he crying ? – Because he lost his dog. is the party? – On Friday. is that woman? – My mother. do you go to school ? – By car. water is there in the bottle? – Not much. have you got in your bag? – Two books and a pencil case. is Mary? – She’s in her bedroom. /10


Put the sentences in the Plural.


There is a dictionary on my desk.


The mouse is running in the house.


There is a sheep and a wolf in the field.


She has got a puppy and a kitten.


This is a goose and that is a fish. 12



E) Put the verbs in the Simple Present or Present Continuous. 1. The boys (study)

at the moment.

2. She (do)

her homework every day.

3. They never (drink)

coffee in the evening.

4. ______he

(have)a shower now?

5. ______Mary

(go) go to the church every Sunday?

6. We always (clean)

our room.

7. Be quiet! The baby (sleep)


8. I usually (finish)

work at half past six.

9. She sometimes (help)

her mother.

10.It’s my birthday today. I (have)

a party. /10


Put the verb in the simple past.

1. Peter (go)________________ to London last summer. 2. I (meet) ___________________a lot of people at the party. 3. He (come) ___________________home late last night. 4. Sue (listen) ___________________ to music yesterday. 5. Mother (make) ___________________a delicious cake on my birthday. 6. I (watch) ___________________TV last night. 7. John (be) ___________________very happy yesterday. 8. Sally (play) ___________________ with her friends last Friday. 9. They (have) ___________________ a party two days ago. 10. We (eat) _____________________pizza last night. /10 13


Preliminary 2006 A) Write a paragraph of 50-70 words: 1. My favourite star

2. My best friend

3. My favourite animal

/20 F) Read the story. Last year my family and I went to Troodos Camp. My cousins were there, too. All the children slept in the caravan and our parents slept in the tents. Our parents cooked in the caravan but we ate outside because the caravan was very small. They sometimes made chips hamburgers and hot-dogs. We didn’t swim because there wasn’t a beach or a river near the camp. We played lots of games and sports. One day we saw two big animals in the forest. They were brown and grey. We saw lots of birds too. It was fun. TRUE (T) or FALSE (F)? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

He went to Troodos with his family. The children slept in the caravan. Their parents slept in a hotel. They ate outside because the weather was nice. They ate pizza, too. They didn’t swim because the water was cold. They played games and sports. 14


8. 9. 10.

They saw two big animals. They didn’t see any birds. They had a nice time. /20 G) Multiple choice

1.My sister and I A. be

at the zoo yesterday. B. are

C. were

2. There are__________ birds in the tree. A. lots

B. a lot

C. some the 21st of January.

3. When’s your birthday? It’s A. on

B. in

C. at

4. It __________snows in the summer. A .always

B. never

C. sometimes

5. I don’t go to school ___________ the weekend. A. at

B. in

C. by

6. ____________ books are these? They’re Mary’s. A. Whose

B. Who’s

C. Who

7. Where’s the train station? It’s A. next to

B. between C. behind

8. I go on holiday A. last

the hotel and the restaurant.

year. B. every

C. this

9. Fiona is rollerblading. Look at ______ A. she

B. hers


C. her

10. ________ you work yesterday? A. Did

B. Do

C .Does 15



E) Question Words. Why – Who – When – What –Where – How – How much– How many – Whose. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10 .

is the market? – Opposite the toy shop. is your birthday ? It’s in May. is the time? – It’s a quarter past six. stamps have you got? – 34. are you wearing boots ? – Because it’s raining. is the date today ? – It’s the twentieth of December is hungry? – Andrew. cheese is there? – There isn’t any. car is that? – It’s Terry’s. old is your father? – He’s thirty-six. /10


Put the sentences in the Plural.


That is a lazy mouse.


The lady is swimming in the river.


There is a big wolf in the forest.


The child is playing with a knife.


My brother has got a puppy.




F) Put the verbs in the Simple Present or Present Continuous. 1. She (ride)

her bike every day.

2. Look! He (hold)

a snake.

3. They (sleep)


4. My father (clean)

the car every Saturday.

5. Helen (tidy)

her room every morning.

6. He always (wash)





afternoon. 7. Listen! She (sing)


8. It (rain)


9. She (help)

her mother at the moment.

10.It’s her birthday today. She (have)

a party. /10


Put the verb in the simple past.

1. Mary (see)________________a snake yesterday. 2. The boys (play) ___________________tennis yesterday. 3. I (have ) ___________________a great time in Greece last year. 4. Helen (meet) ___________________ her friend yesterday. 5. Mother (leave) ___________________early in the morning. 6. Last week they (fly) ___________________their kites. 7. The children (take) ___________________the dog for a walk this morning. 8. We (be) ___________________at the circus yesterday. 9. She (read) ___________________ a book last night. 10. He (not go) _____________________to the beach yesterday. 17



Preliminary 2007 A.Write a paragraph of 50-70 words: 1. My bedroom 2. My daily routine

3. My sister

(20 pts) 4. My brother

B. Read the story. (20 pts) My name is Paul. I’m from Athens. I’m 11 years old and I love reading books. I want to tell you about my summer holiday. In August my family and I travelled to China. We flew for eight hours on a plane. In China we visited many different places. We ate a lot of fish and rice in restaurants. Our best trip was to the Beijing zoo. I saw lots of animals there. My favourite was the giant panda. I learned that the giant panda grows to be about 18 meters tall. It weighs about 140 kilos. When I was at the zoo I watched the zookeeper, feed the pandas. He gave them bamboo plants. He said they eat about 39 kilos of bamboo a day! The giant panda can have a baby once a year. The baby panda has white and black fur, a big round head and small ears. Next year I’m going to Russia! True or False 1. Paul is from Athens. _________ 2. Paul flew for 11 hours on a plane. _________ 3. The giant panda weighs about 18 kilos. ________ 4. The giant panda eats about 39 kilos of bamboo a day. __________ 5. A giant panda can have a baby once a year. _________ 6. The baby panda’s fur was only white. __________ 7. Paul is going to England next year. _________ 8. The baby panda has big black ears. _________ 9. Paul went to Japan last year. __________ 10. He travelled to China in August. __________ 18


C. Multiple choice (20pts) 1. My mother and my sister ____________at the shops yesterday. a. were

b. are

c. be

2. There isn’t ____________ cheese in the fridge. a. some

b. many

c. any

3. I don’t go to school ____________ Sundays. a. at

b. on

c. in

4. _____________ bag is this? It’s Paul’s. a. Whose

b. Who’s

c. Who

5. _____________ she play basketball yesterday ? a. Do

b. Did

c. Does

6. We go to church _____________ Sunday. a. last

b. this

c. every

7. It ______________ rains in the winter. a. always

b. never

c. every

8. ______________ sugar do we have? a. How much

b. How many

c. How often

9. John is watching T.V. now. Look at ________________ . a. his

b. he

c. him



10. ______________ Mary and Tom play basketball everyday? a. Does

b. Do

c. Are

D) Question Words. (10pts) Why – Who – When – What –Where – How – How much– How many – Whose. 1.

is Maria smiling ? Because she is happy .


cars can you see? I can see 15 cars.


is your brother? He is in the kitchen.

4. 5.

is that man? He is my art teacher . are you going to your friend’s house? On Saturday afternoon.


have you got in your bag? One book and my pencil case.


do you go to school ? By bus.


orange juice is there in the glass? Just a little.


are you going? To my friend’s house.

10 .

car is this? It’s Maria’s.

E) Put the sentences in the Plural. 1 It is a big white goose.



His toy is very big.


She has got a red armchair.


The shelf isn’t blue.


There is a beautiful beach next to the hotel. 20


F. Put the verb in the Simple Present or Present Continuous. (10 pts) 1. Maggie ________________________ (go) to her friend’s house every day. 2. Look! He _____________________________________ (run) in the house. 3. Helen _________________________ (clean) her bedroom at the moment. 4. My father always ________________________ (wash) his car on Fridays. 5. Julie can’t answer the phone. She _________________ (study) at the moment. 6. I _______________________________(do) my homework very afternoon. 7. They ______________________________(not/work) today. It’s a holiday. 8. Tom _______________________________ (eat) breakfast every morning. 9. Listen! Someone _______________________________________(shout) . 10. Paul ______________________ (not/like) chicken nuggets.

G. Put the verbs in the Simple Past .

(10 pts)

1. Mum _________________________________ (be) very happy yesterday. 2. I _____________________________ (eat) three pieces of pizza last night! 3. Mr John ____________________________(buy) a new car for his family. 4. We ________________________(go) to our grandparents house last night. 5. Our teacher _____________(see) Mary cleaning the classroom this morning. 6. My parents ___________________ (be) at the Italian restaurant last night. 7. They _____________ (take) their dog to the vet last night because it was sick. 8. Jenny _______________(cook) fish and chips for their friends a week ago. 21


9. We _____________________ (stop) at the supermarket to buy some milk. 10. I _________________________(do) my homework yesterday afternoon. Preliminary 2009

A) Write a paragraph of 50-70 words: 1. My sister / My brother 2. My classroom

3. My favourite animal

/ 20 B) Read the story My name is Oliver and I live in Seathorpe. I think it’s a great town. Everyone is very friendly and there are lots of things for young people to do. There are some great shops in the town centre. On Saturdays, my friends and I go there and buy clothes and CDs. Then we go to a café on the High Street. “Picasso” is our favourite café because the owner makes great sandwiches! Seathorpe has got a small beach. The sea is very cold, but people swim there in the summer. There’s also a lovely park with lots of trees and a lake. Children often play football in the park. For entertainment, there is a cinema and a brilliant funfair. The funfair only opens at the weekend, but the cinema is busy every evening. I love Seathorpe – it’s a really cool town! TRUE (T) or FALSE (F)? /20 1. There are not many things to do in Seathorpe. 2. The shops are very good. 3. Oliver buys CDs on Saturdays. 4. The owner of Picasso’s makes good sandwiches. 5. There isn’t a lake. 6. People swim in the lake in the summer. 7. Children play football in the park. 22


8. 9. 10.

The cinema is open only on Saturday. The funfair is open every evening. Oliver hates Seathorpe. C) Multiple choice


sleep well last night.

A. weren’t

B. don’t

C. didn’t

2. Can I have __________ milk in my tea? A. a little

B. a

C. a few

3. Dan and Kevin have got a pet. A. Them

pet is a fish

B. Their

C. They

4. It’s late. __________ go home. A. Let’s

B. Don’t

C. Do

5. The ___________ car is red. A. doctor

B. doctor’s

C. doctors

6. Bill is the ____________ boy in the class. A.short

B. shorter

7. This is Ann’s doll. It’s A. she 8. It never snows A. on

C. shortest .

B. her

C. hers

the summer. B. in

C. at

9. Would you like____________ juice? A. a

B. some

C. any

10. I________ always take my books to school. 23


A. have

B. must

C .do /20

D) Question Words. Why – Who – When – What –Where – How – How much– How many – Whose. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10 .

-Fifteen -Mum. -On Sunday. -Because I am tired. -€10 -At school. -She is dancing. -It’s Peter’s. -By car. -At 7:00.

boys are in your class? is in the bedroom? is the party? are you going home? money have you got? is Dan? is the girl doing? yo-yo is this? do you go to school? time do you wake up?

/10 E) Put the sentences in the Plural. 1

The tomato on the shelf is big.


The man and the woman have a child.


There is a sharp knife on the table.


The baby has got a doll.


I am reading a funny story. 24



F) Put the verbs in the Simple Present or Present Continuous. 1. Tim (tidy)

his room every evening.

2. It (not/snow)

at the moment.

3. Dad (not/read)

a newspaper every day.

4. She(have)

lunch now.

5. We never (go)

to the cinema on Mondays.

6. Alice(write)

a letter now.

7. I usually(wake)

up late on Saturdays.

8. __________ they (walk)

to school today?

9. Mum sometimes (make)

a cake.

10.Look! Those children (play)

basketball. /10


Put the verb in the simple past.

1. I (see)________________ a film last night. 2. He(eat) ___________________a sandwich yesterday. 3. They (study) ___________________for the test last week. 4. She (buy) ___________________ new shoes yesterday. 5. Mother (go) ___________________to the supermarket an hour ago. 6. The boys (be) ___________________ill yesterday so they didn’t go to school. 7. I (visit) ___________________my friend last Sunday. 8. Dad (take) ___________________a lot of pictures yesterday. 9. Mum (talk) ___________________ to aunt Laura last night. 25


10. Sally(lose) _____________________her bag yesterday. /10 Preliminary 2010 WRITING A) Write a paragraph of 50-70 words: 1. My cousin 2. My bedroom 3. My daily routine


Read the story B)Read the text and mark the sentences T (True) or F (False)


PRELIMINARY FINAL EXAM Man’s Best Friend There are many kinds of dogs in the world. They can be big, or they can be small. The St Bernard is a very big dog with thick fur and thick legs. The Chihuahua is very small and has thin, short legs. Dogs love to play, but they can also work. Sheepdogs work on farms and help their owners take care of farm animals like cows and sheep. The Alaskan Husky can pull people in sleds across the snow. One kind of dog, the German Shepherd, works with the police. Dogs are really great animals. A dog is man’s best friend!

TRUE (T) or FALSE (F)?


1. There are many kinds of dogs. 2. The St Bernard is a small dog. 3. Chihuahuas have long legs. 4. Chihuahuas are small animals. 5. Dogs can work on farms. 6. Sheepdogs help take care of cows. 7. The Alaskan Husky can pull sleds. 8. Dogs love to play. 9. Dogs can’t work with the police. 10. The German Shepherd helps teachers at schools.

C) Multiple Choice. 1. Where__________ last night? 27

a. is she going


b. does she go

2. There is __________ soup in the bowl. a. any

b. a little

c. a few

3. Mum always goes to the church________ Sunday. a. on

b. in

c. at

4. Mary and Tom are twins. This is _________ house. a. them

b. their

c. theirs

5. Helen is ______________ girl in the class. a. tall

b. taller

c. the tallest

6. A chef ________cook very well. a. is

b. can

c. has

7. We haven’t got _________ sugar. a. many


c. a

8. Your hands are dirty. You _________ wash them. a. must

b. can

c. mustn’t

9. There____________ 20 pupils in my class last year. a. is

b. was

c. were

10. I’ve got some money._________ buy an ice-cream. a. Don’t

b. Let’s

c. No




D) Question Words. Why – Who – When – What –Where – How – How much– How many – Whose. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

does she live?

-In London.

is the party?

-On Sunday.

do you eat for breakfast?


does she go to school?

-By car.

boys are there in your class?


are you going to bed?

-Because I am tired.

sugar do you take in your coffee?

-Just a little.

is sitting next to you?

-My friend.

jacket is this?

-It’s Peter’s.

is your mum?

-In the kitchen. /10

E) Put the sentences in the Plural. 1

He is brushing his tooth.


I put the glass on the shelf.


This is a wonderful party.


She has got a new dress.


There is a sheep next to the boy.




F) Put the verbs in the Simple Present or Present Continuous. 1. Look! Grandpa ( sleep)

on the sofa.

2. Mary (not/listen)

to music now.

3. I (not/tidy)

my room every day.

4. We never (eat)

sweets before we go to bed.

5. __________ (she/read)

a book every evening?

6. Mr Smith (drive)

his new car today.

7. They usually (play)

in the park every Saturday.

8. Look at Liz! She(draw)

a lovely picture.

9. Dad(come)

home late every evening.

10. The students(have)

their break now.


G) Put the verb in the simple past. 1. I(drink)________________ a glass of milk this morning. 2. Our lesson(start) ___________________at 8:00 yesterday. 3. Bob(work) ___________________hard yesterday. 4. We(have) ___________________a party last Friday. 5. Mum and Dad (watch) ___________________a comedy last night. 6. Mary (make) ___________________a cake yesterday. 7. Liz(go) _____________________to the zoo last Sunday. 8. Sally(buy) ___________________a new dress two days ago. 9. Dad (cook) ___________________dinner last night. 10. I (be) ___________________very happy yesterday.





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