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PRIMARY FINAL EXAM Primary 2005 A Read and answer the questions.


My name is Steven Hart. I live in Oxford.I am ten years old. My birthday is in January. I have got blue eyes and brown hair. My mother’s name is Sarah. My father’s name is Tim. I have got a brother and two sisters. My favourite colour is green and my favourite food is ice-cream. 1 2 3 4 5

What’s his name? _____________________________________________ Where does he live? _____________________________________________ Is he eleven years old? _____________________________________________ Has he got a brother? _____________________________________________ What is his favourite food? _____________________________________________

B. Match the questions and answers. /10 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. C

How many pens have you got? Is he reading a book? What are you eating? When is your birthday? Why are you crying? 2. 3.

a. b. c. d. e.

Multiple Choice


1. We don’t go to school__________ Sundays. a. in

b. on

c. at

2. __________ apple are there in the bowl ? a. What

In July. Because I am sad. A sandwich. Five. Yes, he is. 4. 5.

b. How many

c. How much

3. She ________ a new bicycle. 2


b. is

c. have got

4. _________ a lot of pupils in the class. a. There is

b. It is

c. There are

5. This is______________sister. a. Helens’

b. Helen

c. Helen’s

6. She has breakfast ________ seven o’clock. a. on

b. at

c. in

7. She _________ a cat. a. have got

b. has got

c. are

8. We_________ brush our teeth every day. a. must

b. are

c. mustn’t

9. There aren’t ____________ books in my bag. a. a

b. some

c. any

10. _________ you ride a bike? a. What

b. Can

c. How many

D. Put the sentences in the Plural /10 1. The mouse is in the house. 2. The baby has got a tooth. 3. She has got a dress. 3

PRIMARY FINAL EXAM 4. There is a dish in the kitchen. 5. This is a big city.

E. What time is it? /10 1.










F. Underline the correct word.


1. ( I / Me )like chocolate. 2. I can’t find my trousers. Where are (they /them)? 3. (He / His) doesn’t work on Saturdays. 4. Susan is thirsty. Give (she /her) a drink. 5. (It / Its) is a good dog. 6. Listen to ( he / him). ( He / His ) is singing. 7. My mother always helps ( me / my ) with my homework. 4

PRIMARY FINAL EXAM 8. ( She / Her ) is a good pupil. 9. ( They / Their ) are teachers.

G. Simple Present or Continuous.


1. She (swim) ______________________________ now. 2. We (travel) _________________________ by bus at the moment. 3. He never (come ) _________________________ to school on foot. 4. Helen (work) _________________________ every day. 5. The boys (eat) ______________________________ apples now. 6. Listen! The girls (sing) ___________________________. 7. My brother usually (go) ______________________ to the cinema. 8. Sam never (run) ___________________________ in the street. 9. The children (listen) _______________________ to the radio now. 10.Paul (feed) _____________________________ his dog every day.

H. Fill in.




on, between, next to,



in front of


1. The fish is

the bowl.

2. The window is

the picture and the plant.

3. The chest is

the bed.

4. The lamp is

the bedside table.

5. The picture is

the wall.

6.The bedside table is

the bed.

7. The jacket is

the wardrobe.

8. The cat is

the chair.

9. The wardrobe is

the clown.

10. The table is

the wardrobe.


Primary 2006 A Read and answer the questions.

/10 6

PRIMARY FINAL EXAM Peter is eleven years old and he lives in a town with his parents and his sister Mary. Their house is big and new. The bedrooms are upstairs and the kitchen, living room and dining room are downstairs. They eat breakfast in the kitchen but they have dinner in the dining room. They watch TV in the living room. He plays football with his friends in the garden. There is a garage next to the house. 1 2 3 4 5

What’s his sister’s name? _____________________________________________ Where does he live? _____________________________________________ Where do they eat breakfast? _____________________________________________ What do they do in the living room? _____________________________________________ Where is the garage? _____________________________________________

B. Match the questions and answers. /10 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. C

When is your birthday? What’s your favourite season? What time do you get up? Do you like animals? Is there an airport in your city? 2. 3.

a. b. c. d. e.

Summer. At seven. In May. No, there isn’t. Yes, I do. 4.

Multiple Choice


1. __________ you like animals? a. Can

b. Do

c. Have

2. __________ are my glasses? –They’re under your bed. a. What

b. Where

c. How

3. We never go to school ________ Christmas. a. in

b. on


c. at 7

PRIMARY FINAL EXAM 4. There aren’t _________ bananas in the fridge. a. a lot of

b. any

c. some

5.______________do you go to church? a. How old b. How much

c. How often

6. The lights are purple. Look at ________. a. it

b. them

c. you

7. _________ two mice in the house. a. There are

b. There is

c. They

8. Whose shoes _________ ? -They’re Mary’s. a. they are

b. these are

c. are these

9. You ____________write on the walls. a. must

b. can

c. mustn’t

10. They go to school _________ bus. a. by

b. in

c. at

D. Put the sentences in the Plural /10 1. He is an old man. 2. This is a lazy mouse. 3. That is a sad child. 8

PRIMARY FINAL EXAM 4. There is a dog in the garden. 5. She is a tall woman.

E. What time is it? /10 1.










F. Underline the correct word. /10 1. (She / Her) house is big. 2. The children are happy. Listen to (they / them). 3. (He / Him) is a doctor. 4. Open the window, please! Open (it / him). 5. We are under the table. Look at (we / us). 6. (We / Us ) have got a big house. 7. (He / Him ) is a teacher and (he / him ) lives in Paralimni. 9

PRIMARY FINAL EXAM 8. (I/Me) have got a new bike. Look at (it/him).

G. Simple Present or Continuous.


1. She (swim) ___________________________ in the sea every day. 2. We (watch) ___________________________ TV now. 3. The children (do) ___________________________their homework at the moment. 4. They sometimes (walk) ___________________________ to school. 5. The dogs (eat) ___________________________ now. 6. She always (clean) ___________________________ her bedroom. 7. We usually (go) ___________________________skiing in the winter. 8. He never (listen) ___________________________to his parents. 9. I (write) ___________________________ a letter now. 10. You sometimes (play) ___________________________football with friends.

H. Fill in.



next to



in in front of




1. The girl is

the bedroom.

2. The cats are

the bookcase

3. The lamp is

the bookcase.

4. The bags are

the table.

5. The birds are

the garden.

6. The garden is

the house.

7. The birds are

the trees.

8. The dog is

the door.

9. The books are

the bookcase.

10. The boy is

the table.


PRIMARY FINAL EXAM Primary 2007 A. Read and answer the questions (10pts) Mary is ten years old. She lives in London with her parents and two sisters, Gina and Stella. They live in a big flat. It is a beautiful flat with four bedrooms, a bathroom, a kitchen and a big living room. The kitchen is next to the living room. There is also a garage behind the flat. They always eat breakfast in the kitchen. Mary and her sisters usually play in the playground next to their flat on Sundays. 1. Where does Mary live ? ____________________________________________________________ . 2. How many sisters has she got? ____________________________________________________________ . 3. What are her sisters’ names? ___________________________________________________________ . 4. Where do they usually play on Sundays? ____________________________________________________________ . 5. Where is the garage ? ____________________________________________________________ . B. Match the questions and answers. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Do you like crocodiles? Is there a cinema in your town? What time do you go to school? When’s your birthday? Why are you smiling?

1. _________

2. _________

(10 pts) a. b. c. d. e.

Yes, there is. At seven No, I don’t. Because I am happy. In August.

3. __________

C. Multiple choice

4. __________ 5. _________

(20 pts) 12

PRIMARY FINAL EXAM 1. She _______________ two sisters. a. hasn’t got

b. haven’t got

c. isn’t

2. There aren’t ___________________ apples on the table. a. an

b. some

c. any

3. ________________ you play basketball? a. What

b. Can’t

c. Can

4. This is _________________ brother. a. Marys’

b. Mary’s

c. Mary

5. __________________ sugar do we need? a. How much

b. How many

c. How

6. We usually play football _________________ Saturdays. a. in

b. at

c. on

7. You ________________ write on your desk. a. can

b. must

c. mustn’t

8. Mary and John go to the Second Primary school. It’s _____________ school. a. our

b. their

c. them

9. We go to school _______________ bus. a. by

b. on

c. with

10. _________________ do you play football ? a. How much

b. How old

c. How often

D. Put the sentences in the PLURAL form. 13

(10 pts)


1. She is a lovely lady. 2. He has got a big cat in the house. 3. This is a little child. 4. That is an old woman. 5. It is a strange mouse. E. What time is it?











(10 pts)

F. Underline the correct word.


1. ( He / His ) bag is empty. 2. The birds are singing. Listen to ( them / they ) 14

PRIMARY FINAL EXAM 3. (Me / I ) have got a new computer. Look at ( him / it ). 4. ( We / Us ) live in Nicosia. 5. We are standing on the balcony. Can you see ( us / we ) ? 6. ( She / Her) is a doctor. 7. John is a very good football player. Look at ( he / him ). 8. ( I / My ) father is a teacher. 9. ( Their / They ) are pupils. G. Present Simple or Presents Continuous ?

(20 pts.)

1. She ________________________________ (play) with her sister every day. 2. The baby _____________________________________ (eat) at the moment. 3. I always ______________________________________ (do) my homework. 4. We ____________________________________________ (watch) T.V now. 5. Paul sometimes __________________________________ (walk) to school. 6. The pupils _______________________ (listen) to their teacher at the moment. 7. Mary and her brother always _____________________ (brush) their teeth in the morning. 8. My father _____________________________________ (wash) his car now. 9. She ______________________________________ (drink) milk every morning. 10. I ____________________________________________ (read) a book now.

H. Fill in.

(10 pts)





next to



in front of


1. The cat is

the bed.

2. The table is

the bed and the box.

3. The window is

the bed.

4. The shoes are

the desk.

5. The books are

the bookcase.

6.The car is

the chair.

7. The teddy bear is

the table.

8. The bag is

the bed.

9. The clock is

the wall.

10. The vase is

the bed.


Primary 2008 A Read and answer the questions.

/10 16

PRIMARY FINAL EXAM Mary and Sarah are best friends. They live in Leeds and they are both 9 years old. They are in the same class and their teacher is Mrs White. Mary has got a sister but Sarah is an only child. She hasn’t got a brother or a sister. Mary and Sarah like dancing and listening to music. 1 2 3 4 5

Are Mary and Sarah friends? _____________________________________________ Where do they live? _____________________________________________ Are they seven years old? _____________________________________________ What is their teacher’s name? _____________________________________________ Has Sarah got a brother? _____________________________________________

B. Match the questions and answers. /10 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1.


Where are you going? Have you got a new bike? Who is that? How many books have you got? Are they watching TV? 2. 3.

a. b. c. d. e.

My brother. To school. Four. Yes, they are. No, I haven’t. 4.

Multiple Choice.


1. __________ you fly a plane? a. Have

b. Can

c. Does

2. I get up__________ 7:00 every morning. a. on

b. in

c. at

3. There isn’t ________ milk in the fridge. a. some


b. any

c. a 17

PRIMARY FINAL EXAM 4. _________ books have you got in your bag? a. How often

b. How many

c. How much

5. Mr Brian is______________math’s teacher. a. we

b. our

c. ours

6. ________ father is a doctor. a. Bill

b. Bills


7. I never go to school _________ bus. a. on

b. in

c. by

8. We_________ do our homework every day. a. must

b. mustn’t

c. can’t

9. ____________ bag is this? It’s Helen’s. a. Who

b. Which

c. Whose

10. It is _________ today. Take your jacket. a. cold

b. hot

c. sunny

D. Put the sentences in the Plural /10 1. The crocodile has got a sharp tooth. 2. She is sitting on the bench. 3. The baby has got a new toy. 4. There is a mouse in the kitchen. 5. This is a family. 18


E. What time is it? /10 1.










F. Underline the correct word.


1. John is thirsty.Give ( he / him) a drink. 2. Marian is ( my / I) best friend. 3. ( They / Their ) are doctors. 4. ( It / Its ) is a good day today. 5. Listen to ( she / her )! She is singing. 6. (He / His) doesn’t like fish. 7. ( She / Her ) has got a beautiful bag. 8. ( We / Our) school is new. 9. My mother always helps ( me / my ) with my homework. 10.( I / Me ) am a good student.



G. Simple Present or Continuous.

1. She (go) ______________________________to church every Sunday. 2. They (listen) _________________________ to music at the moment. 3. Tina always (tidy ) _________________________ her room. 4. Helen (draw) _________________________ a picture now. 5. Look! Father (wash) ______________________________ the car. 6. The boys never (play) ___________________________with dolls. 7. My mother usually (make) ______________________ a cake. 8. Samantha (visit) ___________________________ her aunt now. 9. The baby (sleep) _______________________ at the moment. 10.Gina (take) _______________________ her dog for a walk every day.

H. Fill in.





next to



in front of



1. The cat is

the bed.

2. The shoes are

the wardrobe.

3. The computer is

the desk.

4. The chair is

the desk.

5. The dog is

the bed.

6.The bedside table is

the bed.

7. The ball is

the desk.

8. The bed is

the bedside table and the wardrobe.

9. The lamp is

the bedside table.

10. The trousers are

the book.

Primary 2009 A Read and answer the questions.


My name is Bob and this is my classroom. It is very big. It has got a white board, but it hasn’t got a TV. There is a clock on the wall. The pupils have got green desks, but our teacher has got a white desk. The pupils have got pens and pencils on their desks, but they haven’t got notebooks. The teacher has got sweets for the pupils on her desk. 1 2 3 4 5

Is Bob’s classroom big? _____________________________________________ Has the classroom got a TV? _____________________________________________ Where is the clock? _____________________________________________ What colour are the pupils’ desks? _____________________________________________ What has the teacher got on her desk? 21

PRIMARY FINAL EXAM _____________________________________________

B. Match the questions and answers. /10 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1.

When is your birthday? How do you go to school? How many pens have you got? Where is the vase? Are you ten years old? 2. 3.


a. b. c. d. e.

Nine. It’s on the table. No, I am not. In June. By car. 4.

Multiple Choice.

5. /20

1. __________ toy car is this? It’s Ben’s. a. Who

b. Where

c. Whose

2. I am tired. I __________ go to sleep. a. can’t

b. must

c. mustn’t

3. We go to the beach________ the summer. a. on

b. in

c. at

4. We_________ pens and books. a. have got

b. are

c. can

5. They have got sandwiches.______________sandwiches are in the lunch box. a. Its

b. Our

c. Their

6. ________ father is a doctor. a. Bill

b. Bills


7. I never go to school _________ bus. a. on

b. in

c. by

8. It is raining. I _________ play in the park. 22


b. am

c. can’t

9. Grandma is telling us ____________ stories. a. a

b. some


10. _________ children are in the school? a. How much

b. How

c. How many

D. Put the sentences in the Plural /10 1. There is a toy in the box. 2. The child is in the bedroom. 3. She has got a baby. 4. This is a beautiful dress. 5. The woman is holding a knife.

E. What time is it? /10 1.









3:45 23


F. Underline the correct word.


1. The shoes are dirty. Don’t wear ( they / them ). 2. ( Him / He ) usually studies in the afternoon. 3. This is a lovely picture. Show it to ( you / your ) mother. 4. I want that book. Give it to ( I / me ). 5. This is Gloria. ( She / Her ) is my sister. 6. Helen is singing. I can hear ( she / her ). 7. (He / His) doesn’t speak Italian. 8. ( We / Our) teacher is very nice. 9. Tim is my baby brother. It’s ( he / his ) birthday today. 10. ( I / Me ) like ice-cream.

G. Simple Present or Continuous.


1. My cat never (sleep) ______________________________on my bed. 2. The man (run) _________________________ in the stadium now. 3. I always (read) _________________________ a book before I go to bed. 4. Look at Sally! She (open) _________________________ her presents. 5. Bob (watch) _________________________ TV at the moment. 6. We (visit) _________________________ grandma and grandpa every Sunday. 7. Sally usually (ride) ___________________________her bike to school. 8. We (write) ______________________ a test now. 24

PRIMARY FINAL EXAM 9. She (put) ________________________ the flowers in the vase at the moment. 10.She (brush) _______________________ her teeth every morning.

H. Fill in.



next to



in front of



1. The pictures are

the wall.

2. The bag is

the desk.

3. The chair is


4. The clock is

the cupboard.

5. The bed is

the cupboard and the bedside table.

6.The lamp is

the bedside table.

7. The doll is

the cupboard. 25

PRIMARY FINAL EXAM 8. The tennis racket is

the chair.

9. The flowers are

the vase.

10. The girl is

the bed.

Primary 2003

A Read and answer the questions.


Maria is from Cyprus. She is ten years old .Every day she goes to school but she doesn’t like it. She wants to stay home and play with her favourite toys. She has got six computer games and a lot of dolls. She has also got a red bike and an orange kite.

1 2 3 4 5

What’s her name? _____________________________________________ How old is she? _____________________________________________ Does she like school? _____________________________________________ How many computer games has she got? _____________________________________________ What colour is her kite? _____________________________________________

B. Match the questions and answers. /10 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. C

What are you eating? Do they watch TV every day? Where are you? Why are you crying? How many pencils have you got? 2. 3.

a. b. c. d. e.

Multiple Choice

In the garden. Not many. Because I’m sad. An apple. Yes, they do. 4. 5. /30

1. __________ you play football? 26


b. Are

c. Have

2. __________ time is it? a. What

b. Where

c. How

3. We go to church ________ Sunday. a. in

b. on

c. at

4. There isn’t _________ water in the bottle. a. a

b. any

c. some

5.______________cheese is there in the fridge? a. How many b. How much

c. How often

6. They wake up ________ six o’clock every morning. a. on

b. in

c. at

7. She _________ a brother and a sister. a. have got

b. has got

c. is

8. _________ a lot of animals in the zoo. a. There are

b. They are

c. There is

9. This is ____________blue bike. a. Mary

b. Mary’s

c. Marys

10. _________ balls have you got? a. How much

b. Can

c. How many

11. _________ he play computer games every day ? a. Is

b. Do

c. Does

12. It is ____________today. Let’s go to the beach. a. raining

b. hot

c. windy

13. There is __________ mouse in the house. a. any

b. a

c. some

14. We go to work ________car. a . in

b. by

c. on

15. You _________write on the walls. a. must

b. mustn’t

c. can

D. Put the sentences in the Plural /14 27

PRIMARY FINAL EXAM 1. This is a new plane. 2. The man is working now. 3. That is a slow mouse. 4. The woman is from London. 5. The boy is playing with the dog. 6. He has got a sister. 7. The lady has got a goose.

E. What time is it? /6 1.












F. Underline the correct word. /10 1. ( She / Her ) is from Cyprus. 2. Listen to ( he / him). ( He / His ) is playing the piano. 28

PRIMARY FINAL EXAM 3. ( They / Their ) are taxi drivers. 4. (It / Its) is a fast car. 5. (I / My ) mother is a teacher. 6. ( We / Our ) house is big. 7. ( He / His ) is a pilot and (he / him ) lives in Athens. 8. My dog always makes ( me / my ) laugh.

G. Simple Present or Continuous.


1. She (play) ___________________________ tennis every day. 2. Marina (swim) ___________________________ now. 3. Jim (do) ___________________________his homework at the moment. 4. They always (take) ___________________________the bus to school. 5. The dog (sleep) ___________________________ now. 6. They sometimes (visit) ___________________________ their grandfather. 7. The children (watch) ___________________________now. 8. They usually (go) ___________________________for a walk at he weekend. 9. Mother (cook) ___________________________ dinner now. 10. I (have) ___________________________a test now.

H. Fill in.




on, between, next to,



in front of,


1. The trousers

the wardrobe.

2. The T-shirt is

the chest.

3. The bookcase is

the wardrobe and the bed.

4. The hat is

the bed.

5. The picture is

the wall.

6. The mouse is

the bag.

7. The bag is

the bookcase.

8. The chest is

the bookcase.

9. The books are

the bookcase.

10. The shoes are

the bookcase.











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