統測高分 高頻英單 必考
高效打造最強記憶腦! 主題分類
作者 Sheng-chieh Je Chang /
Rob Webb
審訂者 Helen Yeh

將要複習單字加入單字簿, 自訂單字分組,集中背誦想 要加強的單字

Par t 1 人類
1 單字選填 (A) resident (B) owners (C) immigrate (D) personal (E) host
1. People’s opinions are largely influenced by beliefs or backgrounds. 109 補
2. Store are worried that the growing amount of online sales will hurt their businesses.
3. You should finish your food, or your will think you didn’t enjoy the meal.
4. Many people to foreign countries to look for a better life.
5. I’ve been a(n) in this building for 10 years, so know almost everyone in the area.
2 單字選擇 1. A: What is the most difficult part of learning English? 111 B: Probably listening. speakers talk so fast that I have problem understanding them.
(A) Own (B) Curious (C) Terrible (D) Native
2. The City of Cuzco sits at 3,400 meters above sea level and has a 111 改 of 350,000.
(A) population (B) teenager (C) production (D) neighborhood
3. The athlete injured his ankle so badly during training that he could not get well in time to take part in the
(A) race (B) crowd (C) expert (D) interest
4. The newly-wed spent their honeymoon in Paris.
(A) lifestyle (B) couple (C) folk (D) stress
5. In a rainy morning like today, Sam would take a taxi rather than a(n) bus to work.
(A) crowded (B) serious (C) able (D) plastic
6. Cheating at the game ruined the most valuable players’ reputation 102
(A) master (B) profession (C) fame (D) signature
7. Dr. Ho is known as an expert in training horses. He knows how to calm them down. (A) a human (B) an aborigine (C) a slave (D) a professional
3 填充
1. 個人的衣著是個人品味的問題,並且能反映出他/她的個性。 A person’s clothes are a matter of i taste and can reflect his or her p
2. 那位名人花了 些時間為他粉絲帶來的照片簽名 The c spent some time s the pictures that his fans had brought.
考 法。 部 分 題 目 特 別 採 用 統 測 考 古 題
建議每週念二至三個單元,教師也可依此作為測驗範圍,每週進行 次小考。
閱讀內文後搭配 MP3
學生可先閱讀內文,再聆聽 MP3 朗讀輔助記憶。閱讀內文能幫助學生記住單字的拼寫方式,後
搭 配 專 業 外 師 的 朗 讀, 以 視 覺 與 聽 覺 雙 管 齊 下 的 學 習 方 式, 加 深 對 單 字 拼 法、 發 音 以 及 音 節 的
印象,提升學習效果。 注意單字與相關片語在例句中的用法
impressive(令人印象深刻的);加上 -ion 則形成名詞 impression(印象)。
儘管這些相似單字的詞性不同,但是意義相近, 併記憶更能快速累積單字量。
形似 形似字(與該字長得很像的單字)
衍生 衍生字(該字加上字首、字尾等形成的相關單字)
索引 書 末 附 有 單 字 索 引 表, 按照 A–Z 字母順序排列, 方便學生查找單字。
單元練習加強學習記憶 每 個 單 元 皆 附 上 練 習 題, 供 學 生 檢 驗 學 習 成 果。
「 單
▶ My uncle and aunt treat me just like their own son. 我的叔叔和嬸嬸待我如同他們自己的兒子。
▶ The billionaire owns villas across Europe. 那位億萬富翁在歐洲到處都有別墅。
同 possess 擁有
補充 ❶ on sb.’s own 某人獨自(生活、做某事等)
❷ N of sb.’s own = sb.’s own N 某人自己的(事物)
owe 欠債
▶ Mr. Chang is the owner of the breakfast store. 張先生是那家早餐店的店長。
▶ Cats and dogs are humans’ favorite companions. 貓和狗是人類最愛的伙伴。
補充 ❶ human rights 人權 ❷ human nature 人性
提醒 複數為 humans
衍生 human being 人類
▶ Roy quit the training program for personal reasons. 羅伊因為個人因素退出了訓練課程。
同 private 私人的;私有的
補充 personal computer (= PC) 個人電腦
▶ Bella has many good friends because of her bright personality. 貝拉因為性格開朗,所以有很多好朋友。
同 character 性格;個性
▶ This small island has a population of about 300. 這座小島的人口大約為 300 人。
形似 popularity 流行;普及
▶ Our apartment is rented by a couple 我們的公寓由 對夫妻承租。
▶ My American friends will stay in Taipei for a couple of weeks.
補充 newly-wed couple 新婚夫妻
▶ Some financial experts are sharing their views about the world economy on TV.
同 professional 專業人士
補充 an expert in / at + 領域 方面的專家
▶ I signed my name on the printed letter. 我在印出來的信件上簽上我自己的名字。
▶ Sleeplessness may be a sign of stress. 失眠可能是有壓力的徵兆。
▶ The sign reads, “Don’t step on the grass.”
同 clue 跡象;線索
補充 ❶ traffic sign 交通號誌
The sign reads =The sign says 告示寫著⋯⋯
❷ sign up for 註冊;報名參加(課程、活動等)
❸ sign in 登入;簽到
❹ sign language 手語
形似 sigh 嘆氣
▶ Adam’s signature is easy to recognize. 亞當的簽名很好認。
09 individual [͵ɪndəˋvɪdʒʊl]
▶ Her role in that action movie won her international fame. 她在那部動作片的角色,為她博得了國際知名度。
同 reputation 名譽;名聲
補充 ❶ win / bring / earn sb. fame 為某人贏得名聲
❷ fame and fortune 名利
形似 flame 火焰 衍生 famous 有名的
▶ You can change the computer setting to meet your individual needs.
▶ Every individual has his or her own values.
▶ The host prepared a nice home-cooked dinner for us. 主人為我們準備了 頓很棒的家常晚餐。
▶ This talk show host is loved by the audience.
▶ Los Angeles is going to host the Olympic Games in 2028.
洛杉磯即將主辦 2028 年的奧林匹克運動會。
111 110 101
反 guest 賓客;(節目等的)特別來賓
▶ The negative comments greatly hurt the idol’s reputation.
111 102
同 fame 聲譽;名望
▶ The audience was entertained by the speaker’s funny speech.
▶ The author writes books for young audiences 這位作者為年輕讀者們寫書。
提醒 audience 是集合名詞,指「一群觀(聽)眾」,
複數 audiences 則指「多群觀(聽)眾」。
單數 audience 後面可搭配單數動詞或複數動詞。
13 race [res]
名 種族;競速比賽;
▶ I hope different races can live together peacefully. 我希望不同的種族能和平共存。
▶ The boat race between the two universities takes place every March.
補充 ❶ relay race 接力賽 ❷ 各種「比賽」的比較:
race 跟速度有關的比賽,有起點和終點。 match 兩個人或兩隊之間的比賽。
contest 能力、技巧等的靜態比賽。
game 遊戲類比賽或兩人以上的球賽。
competition 泛指所有的競賽。
衍生 racial 種族的
▶ I saw a large crowd of people gathering in front of the bank. What happened?
我看到 群人聚集在銀行前面。發生了什麼事?
▶ Buses are often very crowded at this time of the day.
同 jammed / packed 擁擠的 反 empty / vacant 空的 15
▶ Many teenagers are full of curiosity and willing to try new things.
名 青少年(13 至 19 歲的人)
107 10 6
16 neighbor [ˋnebɚ]
名 鄰居 10 4
neighborhood [ˋnebɚ͵hʊd]
名 鄰近地區 10 6
衍生 ❶ teen(13 至 19 歲的)青少年
❷ teenage 青少年時期;青少年的
▶ Grandpa is chatting with our neighbor who lives downstairs.
▶ I live in the neighborhood of the train station now.
17 resident [ˋrɛzədənt]
名 居民;住戶 107
18 identity [aɪˋdɛntətɪ]
名 身分 111 102
identif y [aɪˋdɛntə͵faɪ]
動 辨識;發現
▶ Only residents can use the gym in the apartment complex. 只有住戶可以使用社區大樓的健身房。
形似 president 總統;董事長
▶ The police are confirming the identity of the injured person. 警察正在確認傷者的身分。
補充 ❶ identity card 身分證 ❷ identity theft 身分竊取
▶ She identified her attacker by the birthmark on his face. 她藉著臉上的胎記辨識出攻擊她的人。
▶ We identified a few problems about the software. 我們發現這個軟體有 些問題。
三態 identify, identified, identified 同 recognize 認出
補充 identify A as B 將 A 辨識為 B
衍生 identification 識別;身分證 111 102
▶ Mr. Sato is a native Japanese speaker. 佐藤先生是日語母語人士。
天生的;本國的; 本土的 名 本地人;本國人
20 infant [ˋɪnfənt]
名 嬰兒 110
21 folk [fok] 名 人們;平民
形 民間的
▶ The Formosan black bear is native to Taiwan. 台灣黑熊是台灣原生的(物種)。
▶ Sorry, I’m not a native here. I’m just a tourist. 不好意思,我不是這裡的本地人,我只是 名遊客。
同 domestic 國內的 aborigine 原住民
反 foreign 外國的 foreigner 外國人
▶ Nancy gave birth to a healthy infant daughter. 南西生了 個健康的女寶寶。
同 baby 嬰兒
▶ The folks in this village are all friendly. 這座村莊的人都很友善。
▶ The hand puppet show is a traditional folk art in Taiwan. 布袋戲是台灣的 種傳統民間藝術。
補充 folk tale 民間故事 形似 fork 叉子
名 原住民
23 immigrant [ˋɪməgrənt]
名 (移入某國的) 移民者 111
▶ Taiwanese aborigines came to Taiwan thousands of years ago.
同 native 本地人;本國人
衍生 aboriginal 原住民的;原住民
▶ As an immigrant , Oliver is trying hard to adapt to his new life in Australia.
身為 位移民,奧利佛正努力適應澳洲的新生活。
反 emigrant(移出某國的)移民者 immigrate [ˋɪmə͵gret]
動 移入
24 celebrity [sɪˋlɛbrətɪ]
名 名人 10 6
25 master [ˋmæstɚ]
名 大師;(寵物的) 主人;碩士 動 精通;熟習
26 slave [slev]
名 奴隸
▶ Eric will immigrate to the US with his parents. 艾瑞克將會跟父母 起移民到美國。
反 emigrate 遷出
▶ Many celebrities attended this year’s Golden Melody Awards ceremony.
▶ The storybook’s illustrations were done by a master in design.
這本故事書的插圖出自 位設計大師之手。
▶ The dog doesn’t obey its master ’s commands sometimes.
▶ Henry mastered the skill of sketching very quickly. 亨利很快就熟習素描的技巧。
補充 masterpiece (大師的)傑作
▶ The king forced his slaves to work day and night to build his palace.
衍生 slavery 奴隸身分;奴隸制度
1 單字選填
(A) resident (B) owners (C) immigrate (D) personal (E) host
1. People’s opinions are largely influenced by beliefs or backgrounds.
2. Store are worried that the growing amount of online sales will hurt their businesses.
3. You should finish your food, or your will think you didn’t enjoy the meal.
4. Many people to foreign countries to look for a better life.
5. I’ve been a(n) in this building for 10 years, so I know almost everyone in the area.
2 單字選擇
1. A: What is the most difficult part of learning English? 111
B: Probably listening. speakers talk so fast that I have problem understanding them.
(A) Own (B) Curious (C) Terrible (D) Native
2. The City of Cuzco sits at 3,400 meters above sea level and has a
of 350,000.
(A) population (B) teenager (C) production (D) neighborhood
3. The athlete injured his ankle so badly during training that he could not get well in time to take part in the
(A) race (B) crowd (C) expert (D) interest
4. The newly-wed spent their honeymoon in Paris.
(A) lifestyle (B) couple (C) folk (D) stress
5. In a rainy morning like today, Sam would take a taxi rather than a(n) bus to work.
(A) crowded (B) serious (C) able (D) plastic
6. Cheating at the game ruined the most valuable players’ reputation
(A) master (B) profession (C) fame (D) signature
7. Dr. Ho is known as an expert in training horses. He knows how to calm them down.
(A) a human (B) an aborigine (C) a slave (D) a professional 3 填充
1. 個人的衣著是個人品味的問題,並且能反映出他/她的個 性。
A person’s clothes are a matter of i taste and can reflect his or her p .
2. 那位名人花了 些時間為他 粉 絲 帶來的照片簽名。 The c spent some time s the pictures that his fans had brought.
3. 在表 演 途中,我 藉由我媽 媽的大帽子,而得以在觀 眾 群中認出她 來。
During the performance, I was able to i my mother in the a by her large hat.
Par t 2 抽象概念
測量與數字 1
▶ The number of flu cases is decreasing.
▶ A number of patients are complaining about the hospital’s food.
同 figure 數字 quantity 數量
補充 ❶ the number of + 複數可數 N ⋯⋯ 的數量
(主詞為 number,後接單數動詞) a number of + 複數可數 N 些
(主詞為複數可數 N,後接複數動詞)
❷ a good / great / large number of + 複數可數 N 許多⋯⋯
提醒 number 和可數名詞搭配使用,而 amount(本單元的
第 3 個單字)和不可數名詞搭配使用。
▶ There are numerous reasons why this city has become a top tourist destination.
同 considerable 相當多的
▶ During the dry season, everyone must reduce their water usage.
▶ The lockdown led to a large reduction in traffic. 封城導致交通量銳
20 情況
▶ The price already includes the service fee.
同 contain 包含 反 exclude 排除
▶ Bananas are full of vitamins, including vitamins B6 and C. 香蕉含有豐富的維生素,包括維生素 B6 和維生素 C。
提醒 以上例句也可以改成:
Bananas are full of vitamins, vitamins B6 and C included.
改變後意義不變,只是過去分詞 included 表示「vitamins B6 and C『被』包含在此範圍內」, 且 included 要放在「被包含」的事物後方。
(比較:原句的 including 放在「包含」的事物前方。)
▶ John was excluded from military service because he was too thin.
反 include 包含 03 therefore [ˋðɛr͵for]
▶ Ken is only 16 years old. Therefore, he doesn’t have the right to vote yet. 肯只有 16 歲,因此還沒有投票權。
同 consequently 因此;結果 thus 因此 as a consequence / as a result 因此;於是
提醒 本單元有許多表示「因此」、「然而」的副詞,請注意它們不 是連接詞(如 so, but),無法直接連接兩個子句。
● Ken is only 16 years old and therefore he doesn’t have the right to vote yet.
● Ken is only 16 years old; therefore, he doesn’t have the right to vote yet.
19 nonetheless [͵nʌnðəˋlɛs]
副 然而;不過
111 10 6 105 10 0
20 perhaps [pɚˋhæps]
副 或許
111 10 6
21 other wise [ˋʌðɚ͵waɪz] 副 連 否則;不然
▶ Helena didn’t agree with the project; nonetheless, she didn’t stop us from doing it.
同 nevertheless 然而;不過
▶ Perhaps he’ll come over later.
或許他晚 點會過來。
同 maybe / possibly 可能 probably 很可能
▶ You had better write it down. Otherwise, you’ll forget it soon.
= You had better write it down, otherwise you’ll forget it soon.
提醒 ❶ otherwise 和 or 都是「否則;不然」的意思,但注意 otherwise 有副詞和連接詞兩種詞性,因此有兩種接法, 如上面的例句所示(第 句為副詞,第二句為連接詞)。
❷ or 只有連接詞的用法,直接連接兩個子句,因此上面的例 句也可以寫成:
● You had better write it down, or you’ll forget it soon.
▶ It’s obvious from her expression that she’s in trouble again.
同 apparent 表面的;明顯的 clear 明白的;清楚的 evident 明顯的
衍生 obviously 明顯地
▶ Listening is an important aspect of a psychologist’s work.
聆聽是心理師工作的 個重要面向。