In the Reading test, you will read a variety of texts and answer several different types of reading comprehension questions. The entire Reading test will last 75 minutes. There are three parts, and directions are given for each part. You are encouraged to answer as many questions as possible within the time allowed. You must mark your answers on the separate answer sheet. Do not write your answers in your test book.
Directions: A word or phrase is missing in each of the sentences below. Four answer choices are given below each sentence. Select the best answer to complete the sentence. Then mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet.
101. Mr. Ardary expressed concern that the proposed candidate ------- the required organizational skills. (A) fails (B) struggles (C) lacks (D) limits
102. Rayville’s Public Works Department hired local ------- to clean up the lakeside. (A) contract (B) contracted (C) contractor (D) contractors
103. Submissions of translated writings must include the original text ------- your translation. (A) along (B) as well as (C) altogether (D) also
104. ------- a temporary problem with the speaker system, the product launch event went as planned.
(A) Apart from (B) After all (C) Instead of (D) Not only
105. Please return the books to the library by the indicated date so that other patrons can borrow ------- freely. (A) it (B) its own (C) them (D) themselves
106. ------- this drug to strong light or heat will reduce its effectiveness. (A) Consuming (B) Handling (C) Allowing (D) Exposing
107. When the machine is out of paper or ------- unable to function, a notification will appear on the display screen.
(A) otherwise (B) however (C) in case (D) anymore
108. The ------- of a MimEx smartphone may be extended by filling out an online form. (A) warranty (B) lifespan (C) design (D) vendor
Directions: Read the texts that follow. A word, phrase, or sentence is missing in parts of each text. Four answer choices for each question are given below the text. Select the best answer to complete the text. Then mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet.
Questions 131–134 refer to the following Web page. www.vegashift.com
VegaShift is a mobile app that gives restaurants, stores, and other shift-based businesses a fast, simple way to facilitate shift trades. Workers offer unwanted shifts ------- to their coworkers, who can choose whether or not to take them. This enables employees to increase the flexibility of their working hours without inconveniencing their supervisors.
-------, VegaShift allows management to retain control of the schedule. Supervisors can require all trades to be approved so that no workers are scheduled to work more than their ------- hours. The app can also alert management to added costs that may arise due to differences in employees’ hourly pay.
132. 133. 134.
We are so confident in VegaShift’s quality that we give businesses the chance to use it for a whole month at no cost. ------- .
131. (A) directs
(B) directly
(C) directing
(D) direction
132. (A) As a result
(B) In other words
(C) On the contrary
(D) At the same time
133. (A) permitted
(B) shortened (C) preferred (D) extra
134. (A) Learn why Tech Z named us one of the industry’s top employers.
(B) Enter your information below to start your free trial today.
(C) For a full list of products, click on “Offerings”.
(D) Additional technical support is available at 1-800-555-0184.
Directions: In this part you will read a selection of texts, such as magazine and newspaper articles, e-mails, and instant messages. Each text or set of texts is followed by several questions. Select the best answer for each question and mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet.
Questions 147–148 refer to the following information.
Sky Lounge members are allowed to bring holders of tickets for same-day Howell Airlines flights into the lounge as guests. Platinum Membership holders may bring two guests or a spouse and any children under 21 years of age into the Sky Lounge at no cost; Gold Membership holders may do the same for a fee of $25 per person. Guests must be accompanied by the admitted member for the duration of their visit. They are also subject to Sky Lounge rules regarding attire, behavior, and use of lounge amenities.
147. According to the information, what is different between membership types?
(A) The amount of time guests can stay (B) The number of guests allowed (C) The cost of bringing a guest (D) The qualifications required of guests
148. What must guests do after entering the Sky Lounge?
(A) Remain with an escort (B) Wear a form of identification (C) Leave baggage in a designated area
(D) Pay a fee for amenities
Fans of Doretta, the eight-episode audio podcast chronicling the life of novelist Doretta Worth, will soon have many similar offerings to listen to. Doretta’s success has inspired its production company, Elgior Media, and several other podcast giants to develop scripted podcasts depicting interesting events and people in history. —[1]—.
According to podcast industry analytics firm Casteye, the majority of the top ten most popular podcasts are usually current events or interview shows. That is why Doretta’s achievement of mainstream popularity has made such an impression. As a historical fiction podcast, the show featured scripted dialogue performed by professional actors, sound effects, and a musical score. —[2]—. And yet, in the second month of its run, it reached number four on Casteye’s ranking list. The show still has an active discussion board on Elgior’s Web site, and the cast gave
five sold-out live performances of an abridged version of its story shortly after it ended.
Some have speculated that Doretta’s distinctness was the cause of its popularity instead of a barrier to it. —[3]—. However, Casteye analyst Cynthia Myers disagrees. “After all, Doretta was not the first historical fiction podcast,” she said. “Our research indicates that it was the excellence of the show’s writing and performances that appealed to listeners.”
Still, the industry believes that there is now an audience for similar projects. Elgior offered Kent Mulligan, Doretta’s creator, a lucrative deal to develop another historical fiction podcast next year. —[4]—. Meanwhile, Lenston Studios will release 1955, a podcast detailing a championship season for the Marchand Panthers, next month, and Carryover Radio says it is currently in production on a show depicting the Murrell v. Talbert court case.
Questions 172–175 refer to the following article.172. What is indicated about Doretta?
(A) It was based on a bestselling book.
(B) It was expected to run for more episodes.
(C) It was in a different genre from other popular podcasts.
(D) It was the first show made by its production company.
173. What can Doretta fans most likely do on Elgior Media’s Web site?
(A) Purchase themed merchandise
(B) Post messages to each other
(C) Read some biographical facts
(D) View photographs of a performance
174. What does Ms. Myers provide an expert opinion on?
(A) The cause of Doretta’s success
(B) The historical accuracy of Doretta
(C) The reliability of Casteye’s rankings
(D) The future prospects of Elgior Media
175. In which of the positions marked [1], [2], [3], and [4] does the following sentence best belong?
“A spokesperson for the company said it would deal with the building of Corbitt Bridge.”
(A) [1]
(B) [2] (C) [3]
(D) [4]
candidate (n.) 候選人 organizational (adj.) 組織的
102. 名詞詞彙題 動詞的受詞 雷維爾的公共工程部門聘僱當地的承包商來清 理湖邊。
(A) 合約 (C) 承包商
(B) 收縮的 (D) 承包商
• lakeside (n.) 湖邊
103. 相關連接詞 難 提交的翻譯作品必須包括原文和你的翻譯。
(A) 沿著⋯⋯ (C) 全部
(B) 和⋯⋯
107. 副詞詞彙題
難 當機器缺紙或無法運作時,顯示螢幕上會出現 通知。
(A) 在其他方面 (C) 萬一 (B) 然而 (D) 再也(不)
• function (v.) 運作;起作用 notification (n.) 通知
108. 名詞詞彙題 可以透過填寫線上表格來延長 MimEx 智慧型 手機的保固期。
(A) 保固 (C) 設計 (B) 生命週期 (D) 小販
• lifespan (n.) 生命週期
109. 代名詞詞彙題 主詞動詞單複數一致性 為了提高參與意願,每位參加攝影比賽的人都 會收到一份小禮物。
(A) 那些 (C) 他們 (B) 每個人 (D) 許多
• boost (v.) 提升;提高 participation (n.) 參與 receive (v.) 獲得
110. 介系詞詞彙題 難 艾爾提斯汽車的大部分財務資源都用於開發新 車。
(A) 藉由 (C) 為了 (B) 除⋯⋯之外 (D) 到⋯⋯之上
• bulk (n.)
(n.) 汽車
佣金制度為銷售人員提供了努力工作的強烈動 機。
(A) 動機;激勵 (C) 監督
(B) 滿足 (D) 方法
• commission (n.) 佣金 sales associate (n.) 銷售專員 supervision (n.) 監督 approach (n.) 方法
124. 副詞詞彙題
修飾介系詞片語 難 顧名思義,「初學者繪畫」專門針對那些以前 從未學習過這門工藝的人。
(A) 明確說明 (C) 明確說明的 (B) 明確的 (D) 明確地
• suggest (v.) 指出 cater to 為⋯⋯服務 craft (n.) 技藝 specify (v.) 明確指出 specific (adj.) 明確的
125. 形容詞詞彙題
技術支援部門的預算已不足以支付其人員開 支。
(A) 必不可少的 (C) 習慣的
(B) 豐富的 (D) 足夠的
• budget (n.) 預算
staffing expense (n.) 人事費用 vital (adj.) 必不可少的 accustomed (adj.) 習慣的
126. 副詞詞彙題
塔斯科軟體可幫助管理人員確保在團隊成員之 間平均分配任務。
(A) 簡要地 (C) 平均地
(B) 寬鬆地 (D) 最近
• ensure (v.) 確保 distribute (v.) 分發
127. 名詞詞彙題 動詞的受詞
• guidance (n.) 指導;輔導 seasoned (adj.) 經驗豐富的 attorney
129. 動詞詞類變化題
如果馬丁先生從馬德里起飛的航班有準時到 達,他當時就可以參加這場會議的歡迎會了。
(A) 正在參加 (C) 可以參加
(B) 可以參加 (D) 已參加
(A) 領導 (C) 正領導
(B) 直接地 (D) 方向
• direct 將⋯⋯導向
132. 連接副詞
(A) 因此 (C) 相反地
(B) 也就是說 (D) 同時
(A) 被允許的 (C) 偏好的
(B) 被縮短的 (D) 多餘的
134. 句子插入題
(A) 了解《Tech Z》為何將我們評為業界最佳 雇主之一。
(B) 在以下輸入您的資料,立即開始免費試 用。
(C) 如需完整的產品列表,請點選「產品」。
(D) 可撥打 1-800-555-0184 以獲得其他技術支 援。
• employer (n.) 雇主
(n.) 出售物
135–138 報導
(n.) 試用期
cutting-edge (adj.) 尖端的;領先的 exhibition (n.) 展覽
demonstration (n.) 展示;示範操作
(A) 選擇 (C) 競爭
(B) 機會 (D) 推薦
(A) 希望住宿的遊客應儘快預訂。
(B) 他在市府任職期間發起了數個同樣的專案 計畫。
(C) 在那裡的租戶公司可以獲得特別的資金和 建議。
(D) 擔心施工會在活動期間造成交通問題。
• initiate (v.) 開始;創始 tenant (n.) 租客;租戶
137. 形容詞詞彙題—修飾名詞
• performance evaluation (n.) 表現評估 conduct (v.) 執行 peer (n.) 同儕 rate (v.) 評價 a range of 一系列 expand on 闡述;詳述 urge (v.) 力勸
139. 介系詞詞彙題
(A) 來自⋯⋯ (C) 像⋯⋯
(B) 在⋯⋯之上 (D) 在⋯⋯之上
140. 動詞詞彙題
(A) 同意 (C) 完成
(B) 匯編 (D) 參加
• grant (v.) 給予;授與 compile (v.) 彙編
141. 句子插入題 難
(A) 問卷也會發送給圖書館常客。
(B) 問卷的格式沒有改變。
(C) 湯主任將出席每次審查。
(D) 你似乎有一些格子沒有填。
• survey (n.) 調查 distribute (v.) 發送;分發
(n.) 老主顧;常客 questionnaire (n.) 問卷
(A) 考量 (C) 相當大的
考量 (D) 相當大地
• considerable (adj.) 相當大的;相當多的
上述的 factor (n.) 因素 top-notch (adj.) 一流的 upfront (adj.) 坦率的
(A) 我們將無法再接受任何其他格式的電子 檔。
(B) 我們將自 2 月 8 日起恢復固定營業時間。
(C) 若要印刷包裝材料,請造訪我們的霍洛威 分廠。
(D) 我們的平面設計服務價格將維持不變。
• resume (v.) 恢復;重新開始
(A) 奎因先生是他的主管。
(B) 他協助草擬了一份協議。
(C) 他擔任一個剛設立的職位。
(D) 他瀏覽了赫夫尼製造公司的網站。
• draft (v.) 草擬
My department was established earlier this year(敞部門於今年稍早成立)
→ (C) He holds a newly-created position(他擔 任一個剛設立的職位)
170. 推論或暗示 難 麥克萊登企業最可能為其客戶做什麼?
(A) 執行行銷活動
(B) 提供保全人員
(C) 修理工廠設備
(D) 提供法律建議
• equipment (n.) 設備
guarding Hevney’s factory premises(守衛赫夫 尼的工廠場址)
(A) 購買主題商品
(B) 互相留言
(C) 閱讀一些生平事蹟
(D) 查看一場表演的照片
(互相留 言)
(A) 《多雷塔》成功的原因
(B) 《多雷塔》的歷史正確性