BAWBC 2011 Yearbook (english)

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23 April 2011 – 23 April 2012












March February January August July June

Head of Government: Mauricio Macri. Vice-Head of Government: María Eugenia Vidal. Cabinet Chief: Horacio Rodríguez Larreta. Minister of Culture: Hernán Lombardi. Undersecretary of Cultural Management: Alejandro Damián Gómez. Undersecreatry of Cultural Heritage: María Victoria Alcaraz. Director- General SPU Buenos Aires World Book Capital: Luciana Blasco. Coordinator: Jimena Soria. Advisors: Jesica Pelisch, Luis Gimelli, Federico Coulin y Santiago González Quesnel.









Bs. As. World Book Capital 2011

Yearbook. Buenos Aires World Book Capital 2011

Address by the Head of Government of the City of Buenos Aires, Mauricio Macri...............09 Address by the Minister of Culture of the City of Buenos Aires, Hernán Lombardi.................11 Address by the Director-General of Buenos Aires World Book Capital, Luciana Blasco........13 Overview.....................................................................................................................................................................15 The appointment.....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................15 Background...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................16 Some final figures....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................21

The program: Buenos Aires World Book Capital from Fair to Fair...................................................23 April: • Buenos Aires, first city invited to the Paris Book Fair 2011 as guest of honor. International presentation of Buenos Aires World Book Capital..............................................................................................................................................................................................26 • Buenos Aires International Book Fair. Launching of Buenos Aires World Book Capital 2011...............................................27 • Visit of writer and Literature Nobel Prize laureate Mario Vargas Llosa..................................................................................................28 • The Night of the City at the Fair...........................................................................................................................................................................................29 • VI International Poetry Festival................................................................................................................................................................................................32 • IPA freedom to publish prize.......................................................................................................................................................................................................34 • “El Atlas de Borges” in Rome....................................................................................................................................................................................................35 • “Literary Buenos Aires” communication campaign................................................................................................................................................36 • Issue of Buenos Aires World Book Capital 2011 postage seal.........................................................................................................................37 May: • The Book Tower of Babel.........................................................................................................................................................................................................40 • French book week in Buenos Aires..................................................................................................................................................................................43 • Intensive workshop on literary chronicle “Writing the City”............................................................................................................................44 • “Remarkable Voices” cycle on Ciudad Viva....................................................................................................................................................................45 June: • Tribute to Federico García Lorca: “The 5th at 5 in 5”..............................................................................................................................................48 • BACML at the Metrobus Festival.........................................................................................................................................................................................50 • “El Atlas de Borges” in Milán........................................................................................................................................................................................................51 • “Open library” day................................................................................................................................................................................................................................52 • Tribute to Jorge Luis Borges - 14 June.................................................................................................................................................................................53 • Best-edited book award ceremony.....................................................................................................................................................................................54 • BACML at Ciudad Emergente...................................................................................................................................................................................................55 • Tribute to Ernesto Sábato on his one hundredth birthday anniversary..........................................................................................57 • “Doña disparate y Bambuco”.....................................................................................................................................................................................................58

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March February January ‹ 05 ›





December November: • "Birds and I” exhibition by Juan Carlos Benítez.........................................................................................................................................................100 • Night of museums 2011....................................................................................................................................................................................................................101 • Poetry flowers......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................102 • Night of bookstores 2011...............................................................................................................................................................................................................103


October: • Tribute to National Dance Day................................................................................................................................................................................................88 • Andalusian book week....................................................................................................................................................................................................................89 • Letters and music.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................90 • “Buenos Aires bookstores” photo exhibition..................................................................................................................................................................91 • BACML at “Buenos Aires Photo”...........................................................................................................................................................................................92 • Coffee told on the “Cafés day”............................................................................................................................................................................................93 • IV Crafts Biennial.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................94 • “A certain Julio”.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................95 • Under 40 philosophy competition..........................................................................................................................................................................................96 • Buenos Aires sidewalk of books...............................................................................................................................................................................................97


September: • “Narrations of reality” literary journalism encounter...............................................................................................................................................82 • Tribute to Domingo Faustino Sarmiento on the bicentennial of his birth...........................................................................................83 • “In favor of living” by Trilce choir..............................................................................................................................................................................................84 • Bibliodiversidad day...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................85


August: • Quebec book week in Buenos Aires.....................................................................................................................................................................................76 • Tribute to Oliverio Girondo on his 120th birthday anniversary........................................................................................................................77 • Opening of "The book of life" by Raúl Farco. Tribute to Jorge Luis Borges on his 112th birthday anniversary.........78 • “Young reader” prize award..........................................................................................................................................................................................................79


July: • “Borges for kids. The book of imaginary beings”........................................................................................................................................................62 • Cosmópolis: Borges and Buenos Aires...............................................................................................................................................................................63 • BACML space at the Children and Youth Book Fair...............................................................................................................................................64 • “The three shores” by Daniel Mordzinski.........................................................................................................................................................................65 • “Buenos Aires in books” competition...................................................................................................................................................................................66 • “Biblos”...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................67 • “Secrets of two houses with history. From the Viceroy to books.A fantastic journey through two centuries”: a historic visit.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................68 • “Terrible women””.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................69 • “With love for Buenos Aires”.......................................................................................................................................................................................................70 • Opening of “La Reina Batata” library....................................................................................................................................................................................72

Yearbook. Buenos Aires World Book Capital 2011

December: • Presentation of Movie Museum calendar 2012.........................................................................................................................................................106 January: • “Sarmiento, a man of two worlds”......................................................................................................................................................................................110 • “Poetry and music” cycle................................................................................................................................................................................................................111 February: • Tribute to Dickens..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................114 • “Poetry Tuesdays” at Eterna Cadencia.............................................................................................................................................................................115 • II Festival Shakespeare Buenos Aires...................................................................................................................................................................................116 • Tribute to Rafael Alberti.................................................................................................................................................................................................................117 March: • Book and women’s week............................................................................................................................................................................................................120 • Buenos Aires humor at the Paris Book Fair...................................................................................................................................................................121 • Cortázar-Perec Biennial.................................................................................................................................................................................................................122 • The City told. Buenos Aires under the eye of the new Spanish American narrative..........................................................124 April: • E-readers come to the City’s Public Library Network.......................................................................................................................................128 • III Borges-Kafka Biennial..............................................................................................................................................................................................................129 • “El Atlas de Borges” in Prague.................................................................................................................................................................................................130 • Transfer of the World Book Capital title to the city of Yerevan..................................................................................................................131 • Buenos Aires International Book Fair. Closing of Buenos Aires World Book Capital & Night of the city at the Fair......................................................................................................................................................................................................134 • VII International Poetry Festival..............................................................................................................................................................................................134 • School of poetry.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................134 • “The faces of writing” by Daniel Mordzinski................................................................................................................................................................136 • “On the other side of the tunnnel” tribute to Ernesto Sábato..................................................................................................................137

BACML, we can do it all together: some joint initiatives...................................................................139 Some projects carried out with the support of the Cultural Promotion System • Great authors, great illustrators – Museum of Drawings and Illustration.....................................................................................142 • Buenos Aires International Literature Festival - FILBA Foundation.....................................................................................................142 • Art photography book fair – Espacio Ecléctico....................................................................................................................................................142 • “Illustrations in exile” by Cristóbal Arteche...................................................................................................................................................................142 • “Approach” video poetry by María Casiraghi and Dolores Martin...........................................................................................................143 • KBB Publishing project...................................................................................................................................................................................................................143 • From book to book: Reino Crepuscular by Daniela Lozano.......................................................................................................................143

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March February January December November October September

Some projects having BACML institutional backing • Presentation of the book “Smelling of freshly mown grass” by Facundo Soto...............................................................................152 • Literary generators by Sur de Babel book club........................................................................................................................................................152 • EMA Leatón...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................152 • “Colectivo Ilustrado” exhibit........................................................................................................................................................................................................152 • First medicine and health Book Fair – Argentine Medical Association..................................................................................................152 • Jewish Book Fair. Davar: the word and the verb – Sociedad Hebraica Argentina..........................................................................152 • Free Book Day – CEPP Foundation....................................................................................................................................................................................152 • The work of writing: a talk – Conejos publishing house....................................................................................................................................153 • Writing clinic – Conejos publishing house........................................................................................................................................................................153 • “Literary magazines …printed or virtual?” talk –La Balandra magazine..................................................................................................153 • Presentation of the book “The other happiness” by Lila Navarro..............................................................................................................153


Some projects supported by the Metropolitan Fund for the Development of Culture, Arts and Sciences • The Ink Garden, a starting point – CIPAC Foundation.......................................................................................................................................148 • Aguafuertes Porteñas by Roberto Arlt – Argentine Illustrators Forum.................................................................................................148 • Buenos Aires, translation port - TYPA...............................................................................................................................................................................148 • The 13 violations (to human rights) by Matilde Bensignor................................................................................................................................148 • Open Book Project - Leer Foundation...............................................................................................................................................................................148 • Reading Promotion Program“We want to read!” - Temas Foundation...................................................................................................149


• Señaladores de artista” exhibition competition by Espacio Vuelvo al sur..........................................................................................143 • Book mural by Georgina Ciotti................................................................................................................................................................................................144 • Mnemosyne by Rubén Grau.....................................................................................................................................................................................................144

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Thank you................................................................................................................................................................156

THe Book Tower of Babel

March February


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October September April


Mauricio Macri Head of Government of the City of Buenos Aires


Buenos Aires would not be the same without its passion for books. It is that same passion which makes it a literary City and which is daily enriched by its writers who, with creativity and talent, have gained world recognition, its bookstores, public libraries and publishing ventures cherishing our cultural identity and, mainly, the millions of us readers who have turned and still turn reading into a celebration, a way of living. When our City was honored as World Book Capital 2011, we knew that a wide range of possibilities opened up for us not only to strengthen Buenos Aires international positioning but also to enrich us, neighbors, with original and distinctive activities and projects. As Government, the news filled us with pride and with an enormous responsibility; therefore, we set out to make the City shine through books like never before. We undertook intense work in order to promote those literary expressions which place us, porteños, in a privileged position before the world and we stimulate those actions which have helped children and adults to discover the pleasure of reading, of exploring, of experiencing an adventure on every page read. We are a diverse and cultural City. We are the City of art, music, dance and sports. We are also, now more than ever, the City of books. From our place, we will keep encouraging such richness and we hope neighbors will join us on this road. Together we will continue to make Buenos Aires a cultural power worldwide.


Address by the Head of Government of the City.


Mauricio Macri




Head of Government of the City of Buenos Aires


March February


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October September April


Hernán Lombardi Minister of Culture of the City of Buenos Aires


Buenos Aires is a city inhabited by people who read and people who give themselves over to the pleasure of reading on the train, in the park or in every corner coffee store. That is why we believe that having been appointed by UNESCO as World Book Capital 2011 was not only a great honor but also some well-deserved recognition to the historical literary devotion of this beloved City. 2011 was for Buenos Aires a unique opportunity to celebrate the written word. No effort has been spared to promote books and literature as emblems of knowledge and pleasure. We have strengthened the ties with libraries and publishing houses as they represent the main link between the public and literature and we have also honored both national and foreign writers who were able to find in our City a privileged place to perform their work. Buenos Aires was quickly filled with tributes to very important authors like Borges, Sábato and García Lorca and with new publications and activities whose aim was to celebrate the passion for reading in its full expression. But above all, 2011 was a year to reflect upon the true value of the written word. That word which is present where there is a need to say something to create new ideas and that word without which, we stronly believe, there is no possible thought or communication allowing us to either disagree or forge closer ties.


Adress by the Minister of Culture of the City of Buenos Aires.


Hernán Lombardi




Minister of Culture of the City of Buenos Aires


March February


October May


Luciana Blasco SPU Director- General Buenos Aires World Book Capital


solitary, almost hermit passion called reading turned into a party and burst out on every city corner. Books became protagonists in festivals, tributes, readings, discussions, international visits and launchings. The joy and need to pass on the pleasure of reading were the unidsputed basis of our celebration. This year, the honor to be the World Book Capital corresponds to Yerevan, Armenia. However, we have every reason to go on celebrating. Our literary Buenos Aires’s party continues in every open book, every reader and each and every person devoting his life to the literature ... and it will never end. Thank you everybody for being part of this immense satisfaction.

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Buenos Aires is —and has always been — a literary city not only as scenario for countless fictions but because literature is breathed in every reader, every bookstore, every mind devoted to day and night creating new worlds through the written word. Borges, Sábato, Bioy Casares, Ocampo, Cortázar, Arlt, Mujica Láinez and Girondo are just some of the great writers who meandered through these streets and made them immortal with the genius behind their stories and verses. In “The name of the rose” Umberto Eco made reference to an important discovery in a Corrientes Avenue book store. Even Voltaire, in 1759, imagined his characters in Buenos Aires, a city of fervor and mistery, of river and poetry, of melancholy and uprooting. But apart from the classics, new generations of authors —novel and consecrated— live and write in Buenos Aires or about it. Story tellers, novelists, dramatists, poets: the literary talent is constantly growing and renewing itself, filling publishers’ catalogs and bookstore shelves with new titles. Readers are certainly part of the porteño scenery: anonymous and passionate, every day they enjoy books’ magical ability to silently transmit sensations and experiences again and again. People who share that same love, like a secret, and who are able to read and become lost in thought anywhere. And books. How many books live in this city of bookstores, of libraries, of schools? How many books are there at each home, each of them like a promise, their words waiting to wake up and take on meaning for each new pair of eyes and ears ready to interpret them? In 2011, UNESCO awarded Buenos Aires the annual title of World Book Capital. So, for a whole year, that


Adress by the SPU Director- General. Buenos Aires World Book Capital.


Luciana Blasco




SPU Director- General Bs. As. World Book Capital

CorTAzar-Perec Biennial

March February




Buenos Aires World Book Capital 2011

September May



The year of celebrations beginning on 23 April 2011 was a well-deserved tribute to our writers, booksellers, publishers, librarians, literary translators, educators and readers. As it has been done in Madrid, Alexandria, New Delhi, Antwerp, Bogotá, Amsterdam, Montreal, Turin and Ljubljana, the other cities that deserved this distinction, we tried to take advantage of each and every one of the 365 days on which the City was World Book Capital to celebrate the written word through a vast program organized together with civil society organizations that have been working for many years to promote books, reading and to spread our literary heritage.

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In 1996 the General Conference of the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization selected April 23 as the World Book Day in commemoration of the death of Miguel de Cervantes, William Shakespeare and Inca Garcilaso de la Vega. Such background has proved to be a great opportunity to foster actions that encourage children and adults to discover the pleasure of reading and understand the importance of creators’ contributions. Based on the positive results shown by the previous experience, UNESCO decided to create the distinction of World Book Capital in 2001. Such award is granted every year to a different city in recognition of the work it has developed to promote books and reading and, on the other hand, it is a big opportunity for readers, writers, publishers, translators, states and enterprises to join throughout one year in seeking out a common objective: the celebration of the written word. Buenos Aires has always been and is a city of books. Its bookstores, its publishing undertakings, its literary magazines, its public and popular libraries, its celebrated and award-winning authors and its readers all make books and literature the pillars of porteño identity. It is for this reason that in March 2009, the Government of the City of Buenos Aires, together with Fundación el Libro, CAL, CAPLA, CAP, ABGRA, ALIJA, SADE and SEA presented its candidacy before UNESCO. In June that same year after reviewing all applications, the Selection Committee, made up of UNESCO and the International Publishers Federation, the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions and the International Booksellers Federation, honored the city of Buenos Aires as World Book Capital 2011.


The appointment




BACKGROUND Buenos Aires World Book Capital 2011

Background In view of the coordination and implementation of the set of activities that would be part of the Buenos Aires World Book Capital 2011 program, the Unidad de Proyectos Buenos Aires Capital Mundial del Libro (UPE BACML – Project Unit Buenos Aires World Book Capital) is created by joint order of the Head of Government, Mauricio Macri, and the Minister of Culture, Hernán Lombardi, within the framework of the Ministry of Culture of the City. This UPE is responsible for planning the work strategy during 2010 and putting into practice the activity program approved by the Ministry of Culture in 2011 – 2012.

First International Meeting of World Book Capital Cities Buenos Aires served as stage of this meeting in which representatives from Amsterdam Bogotá, New Delhi, Montreal, Antwerp and Ljubljana participated. From 29 April to 2 May, 2010, meetings with City government officers, representatives of the local publishing industry and of reading promoting associations were held with the purpose of sharing the experience of those who had already played host to this distinction awarded by UNESCO. This fruitful exchange of experiences was the initial kick off for designing the Organizational Strategy and Plan, a document that organized the preparatory phase work.

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Presentation of preparatory Strategy at the 36th Edition of the Buenos Aires Book Fair The International Book Fair 2010 was the chosen venue to present this document, which proposed the three major conceptual guidelines encompassing BACML actions: • Promotion of books • Promotion of reading • Promotion of literary heritage On the other hand, three forms of management or implementation of activities to be developed the following year were stipulated: • Executed and financed by the Ministry of Culture • Executed by civil society or private organizations and financed by public contributions through two tools: the Metropolitan Fund for the Arts and the Patronage System • Executed and financed by civil society and/or private organizations

Creation, design and implementation of communication tools: The website was specially thought as a dissemination tool for everything that makes Buenos Aires a city of books well deserving the award. With that in mind, we worked in building the databases of bookstores, publishing houses, public,

March February January December November October ‚ 17 ›







popular and museum libraries and innovative and educational ways of showing to all these players making up the book value chain were considered. Hundreds of illustrators were also contacted so that they could make use of the web as a space to exhibit their products; a timeline showing classical Argentine writers was generated and contemporary Argentine authors were interviewed as a way to spread their work. Besides, everything that happened and happens in the city regarding literature week by week was compiled; and a space was created for disseminating the several programs that different GCBA areas use to promote books and reading. During the Buenos Aires World Book Capital year the webpage served as the main communication and promotion tool for activities included in the program. Moreover, other dissemination and promotion channels were devised such as a You Tube video gallery, a photo gallery on Flickr ( 37020@N05), a user on Twitter (@BACML2011) and a fan page on Facebook ( 2011) which was daily updated and allowed for constant interaction with fans (over 12,000). Finally, an electronic newsletter was especially designed to allow more than 20,000 subscribers to follow month by month a summary of the most relevant activities that took place as well as a hint of those to come.







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II Festival Shakespeare Buenos Aires

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March February


than 7 activities a month and one every four days.

* More than 3 million people participated in developed activities.

* 80% of activities were free of charge.

BACML, showing the relevance that the award had for the whole government management (for example, Night of the Museums, Night of the bookstores, Buenos Aires International Poetry Festival this year were dedicated to the World Book Capital). The City also added a new festival, the Shakespeare Festival, which every year will fill the city with proposals related to one of the most acclaimed authors of world literature.

* 75% of activities were focused on the general public, aiming at promoting books and reading among citizens.


* More than half of activities linked literature with other artistic disciplines attempting to reach new audiences in a playful and novel manner (The Tower of Babel, the Shakespearean bike ride or the medieval hamlet are just some examples of this).


* Over 85 activities were carried out: this means more


Some final figures




Buenos Aires World Book Capital 2011


* Three out of 10 activities were carried out in nonconventional spaces with the aim of bringing books and reading closer to new audiences. * Over 115,000 books were specially edited by


BACML2011 and distributed free of charge in non-conventional spaces. This means an average of around 9,600 books a month, more than 300 books a day. The Subway, the premetro, metrobús, the historic tram, San Martín Square, the Colón Theater and the San Martín Theater were some of the chosen places.


* More than 80% of events took place in collaboration with other players, thus building exchange bridges between state and society.

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* Cultural flagship activities carried out every year in the City had this year their special edition within the








The program: Buenos Aires World Book Capital from Fair to Fair November





March February January December November October September August July June

• Buenos Aires, first city invited to the Paris Book Fair 2011 as guest of honor International presentation of Buenos Aires World Book Capital • Buenos Aires International Book Fair. Launching of Buenos Aires World Book Capital 2011 • Visit of writer and Literature Nobel Prize laureate Mario Vargas Llosa • The Night of the City at the Fair • VI International Poetry Festival • IPA freedom to publish prize • “El Atlas de Borges” in Rome • “Literary Buenos Aires” communication campaign • Issue of Buenos Aires World Book Capital 2011 postage seal




.2011 APRIL

.2011 APRIL activities

International presentation of Bs. As. World Book Capital

Bs. As., first city invited to Paris Book Fair 2011 as guest of honor International presentation of Buenos Aires World Book Capital

The launching of this great international year took place as part of the traditional Paris Book Fair, a strategic platform of the global publishing market. In the context of TANDEM, which links the European city with our city, Buenos Aires had the unique privilege of being the first City invited as guest of honor in the history of the Fair and, during the four-day fair, it participated through the presence of a wide variety of talented and renowned personalities from the local publishing world. The Ministry of Culture recreated a space which represents porteño identity, a typical literary bar, which served as stage for lectures and discussions among writers

of the standing of Martín Kohan, Elsa Osorio, Alan Pauls, Oliverio Coelho, Pablo De Santis, Juan José Sebreli, Hernán Ronsino, Graciela Aráoz and artist Hermenegildo Sábat. Others living abroad like Quino, Andrés Neuman and Alicia Dujovne Ortiz also joined in. The history of Argentine literature, the contemporary narrative of the country and its past and present literary ties with Paris and the world were some of the main topics that motivated the reflections taking place both inside and outside the fair for several days as part of the program organized in parallel with Argentine celebrities within the circuit of bookstores and libraries of the city of Paris.

with Maria Koda ma dama con Maria Ko

dancing champions

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with Frederic M












.2011 APRIL activities

Launching of Bs. As. World Book Capital 2011.

Bs. As. International Book Fair. Launching of Buenos Aires World Book Capital 2011 In the context of the 37th edition of the Buenos Aires International Book Fair, attended by Literature Nobel Prize 2010, Mario Vargas Llosa, and an endless number of

Stand at the Book Fa ir

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activities that crowded the public space, the City started the great year of Buenos Aires World Book Capital.

March February

.2011 APRIL activities

honor for a distinguished visitor to the City of Buenos Aires when he was declared Guest of Honor by the City Legislature.

award of distin ction at book fair openi ng

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November April

opening award of distinction at book fair






The prestigious Peruvian writer was the keynote speaker at the opening ceremony of this traditional literary event. During his stay, he donated all his autographed works to Miguel Cané public library and received the highest


Visit of writer and Literature Nobel Prize laureate Mario Vargas Llosa



Visit of writer and Literature Nobel Prize laureate Mario Vargas Llosa

.2011 APRIL activities

The Night of the City at the Fair

The Night of the City at the Fair April 23rd hosted a big party both inside and outside the Fair. By means of a mass street concert, the city remembered writer, composer and singer María Elena Walsh. Artists like Sandra Mihanovich, Julia Zenko, Jairo, Pedro Aznar, Raúl Lavié and Bahiano celebrated her songs under the City sky and thousands of people gathered to enjoy this warm tribute.

night of the city

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From 09:00 pm to 02:00 am the Fair was open and admission was free for all the public who, once again, accompanied this night of books which has become a classic within the porteño cultural agenda.


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.2011 APRIL activities

VI International Poetry Festival

VI International Poetry Festival For five consecutive days the city breathed poetry. Organized by the Sociedad de Escritoras y Escritores Argentinos (SEA – Society for Argentine Male and Female Writers) and the Buenos Aires Ministry of Culture, the sixth edition of the Buenos Aires International Poetry Festival took place from April 29 to May 3. This time the challenge was to double the bets and go far beyond the fair’s geographical boundaries. Museums, remarkable cafés and even the classic Mercado del Progreso in Caballito neighborhood served as stage to allow over 40 poets from different parts of the world to participate with their creations.

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Under the premise that “poetry is written everywhere”, the Spanish Cultural Center facilities in Buenos Aires opened their doors to house the closing of the Festival, a real celebration where hundreds of guests dared to play with words.

March February January December November October September August


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Poets’ surprise visit to Mercado del Progreso in Caballito

Poetry in Bars




Poets from Korea, Turkey, Italy, Spain, Chile, Uruguay, Cuba, Canada, Colombia visited our city

.2011 APRIL activities

IPA freedom to publish prize

IPA freedom to publish prize The Freedom to Publish prize by the International Publishers Association (IPA) is annually awarded to either a writer, an organization or an institution in recognition of their work in and commitment to defending and promoting freedom of expression around the world.

Every year a different city harbors the possibility of hosting this tribute to freedom and in 2011 Buenos Aires had this possibility. On April 25 in the Jorge Luis Borges Room of the Book Fair, Vietnamese poet and editor Bui Chat received the award. “Books can free the world”, said the prizewinner.

stand de la feria

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March February

.2011 APRIL activities



“El Atlas de Borges” in Rome

October September May




This different treatment also allows people to discover this eminent writer as a man who performs pleasant activities, who is relaxed, thoughtful, solemn, a mate. The exhibition consists of different installations stimulating interaction, exhibition areas, audio and projections allowing for discovery of a show revealing the author’s intimate content and where visitors travel a vast road of sensitivity going deeper into knowledge of Borges’s countless realities and worlds. This exhibition will also help people find new meanings in his work.

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Within the framework of the V Rome Book Fair, “El Atlas de Borges” exhibition, organized by the Buenos Aires Ministry of Culture and the Borges Foundation, was opened. Such exhibition has been touring different world cities since 2008. This show calls us into the intimacy of the Borgean world through a selection of pictures taken by Borges and María Kodama while travelling around the world. The perceptions they got of the world are reflected on these photographs which do not mean to have technical value, but the power of genuineness, of amazement and freshness of their experiences. In all there are more than 130 photographs from the travel album which had not been exhibited before and which invite to a new approach to 20 cities across the globe in a way that only Borges could have perceived them.


“El Atlas de Borges”in Rome

.2011 APRIL activities

“Literary Buenos Aires” communication campaign

“Literary Buenos Aires” communication campaign Through joint efforts with the communication team of the Buenos Aires City Government, commercials were created under the slogan “Buenos Aires, capital of all those

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worlds where literature takes you” and broadcast on TV and subway stations in the City at the beginning of the year of celebration.

March February

.2011 APRIL activities

les e seal soltag selatsop pos

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November May





the issuance (Buenos Aires World Book Capital). Inside the design there are relevant works by Argentine authors ordered by neighborhoods, special city streets and some coffee stores and literary places of interest.


Correo Argentino accompanied the appointment of BACML with the design and printing of a postage seal highlighting the designation received by the city. The design consists of two seals which act separately forming a panoramic view of the city with the words of


Issue of Buenos Aires World Book Capital 2011 postage seal



Issue of Buenos Aires World Book Capital 2011 postage seal

March February January December November October September August July June

.2011 MAY


• The Book Tower of Babel • French book week in Buenos Aires. • Intensive workshop on literary chronicle “Writing the City” • “Remarkable Voices” cycle on Ciudad Viva



.2011 MAY activities

The Book Tower of Babel

The Book Tower of Babel Conceived by recognized Argentine plastic artist Marta Minujín and made possible thanks to the support of more than fifty countries which accompanied the City Government in managing this project, the Book Tower of Babel symbolized the possibility of building from diversity through words and emerged as the great metaphor of what every day happens in the vast urban porteño space. This more than twenty five-meter high ephemeral work of art was covered by around 30,000 books written in various languages and mostly donated by embassies, cultural centers and communities from around the world residing in Buenos Aires. We say “mostly” because apart from this invaluable contribution, over 5,000 porteños

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supported the initiative by taking their "favorite book” to bookstores and Management and Participation Centers to make them part of the Tower. The Tower, built on downtown San Martín square, opened to the public on May 11 and was visited by more than 26,000 people until it was dismantled on June 28. Those neighbors and tourists who visited it received a copy of the short story “The library of Babel” by Argentine writer Jorge Luis Borges. Located next to the Tower, the activity space was open while the Tower could be visited for more than 45 days and was meant for promoting the culture and literature of those communities participating in this great project.


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March February

.2011 MAY activities

November May





and a professional day seminar on the book publishing market for children and youngsters. The publishing industry as well as the most important city bookstores joined this international week highlighting French literary production in Buenos Aires through special exhibitors.

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The first activity under the International Literature Cycle proposed this year took place on May 16-22 and was The French book week. Within the context of the close relations arising from the Paris - Buenos Aires TANDEM, the French Embassy and the Government of the City organized a full program of activities including a meeting with fiction writer Dominique Fabre, an evening marathon of literary cinema


French book week in Buenos Aires



French book week in Buenos Aires

.2011 MAY activities

Intensive Workshop on literary chronicle “Writing the City”

Intensive Workshop on literary chronicle “Writing the City” Writing the city was a literary chronicle workshop in charge of journalist and writer Ana Basualdo. Aiming for training those who wish to develop themselves professionally in literature, the workshop purpose – planned

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by the Ministry of Culture through the Undersecretariat of Culture –was the production of a series of chronicles on Buenos Aires, using “The dream of heroes” by Adolfo Bioy Casares as a guide.

March February

.2011 MAY activities

November October May




As a way of saving this very rich material, the Ministry of Culture through its Directorate of Heritage organized this cycle in which prestigious Argentine actresses lent their voices and breathed new life into those valuable texts. Activities were held on Tuesdays of May, June and July at the Claridge Hotel coffee store and actresses like Leonor Benedetto, Ana María Cores, Elena Tasisto and Mónica Galán participated in them.

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La Ciudad Viva was a radio program from the seventies and one of the first actions of the Historical Institute of the City of Buenos Aires. Poets, playwrights, novelists, moviemakers, plastic artists and essayists from different political thinking collaborated with this program saying their share on the City. Some of these participations were later expressed in a book having the same title as the radio program.


“Remarkable Voices” cycle on Ciudad Viva



“Remarkable Voices” cycle on Ciudad Viva

March February January December November October September August June

July • Tribute to Federico García Lorca: “The 5th in 5 at 5” • BACML at the Metrobus Festival • “El Atlas de Borges” in Milán • “Open library” day • Tribute to Jorge Luis Borges - 14 June • Best-edited book award ceremony • BACML at Ciudad Emergente • Tribute to Ernesto Sábato on his one hundredth birthday anniversary • “Doña disparate y Bambuco”




.2011 JUNE

.2011 JUNE activities

Tribute to Federico García Lorca: “The 5th in 5 at 5”

Tribute to Federico García Lorca: “The 5th in 5 at 5” Federico García Lorca was born on 5 June, 1898. He was a great Spanish writer who, for the joy of all porteños, visited the City of Buenos Aires for some months in the thirties linking since then his life and work to various points of the urban geography. Sunday 5 June, 2011 was his 113th birthday anniversary and, for that reason, five cities where the writer had spent some days during his life, decided to join and pay him this warm tribute. On June 5 at 05:00 pm in Fuente Vaqueros (Granada), Madrid, New York, La Habana and Buenos Aires, hundreds of followers remembered Federico’s sensitivity and poetry.

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The main activity, which was replicated in all the cities and broadcast to them live via streaming, was the reading of two poems from Diván del Tamarit. The program in Buenos Aires, whose venue was the Castelar Hotel, included dance, theater and music shows inspired in García Lorca’s work and a guided visit called “Federico, a poet in Buenos Aires”, which offers a journey through relevant settings in the author’s life and finishes with the visit to the Castelar Hotel room where he stayed while visiting the city. With full room capacity, this fall afternoon showed the local public’s affection for the Spanish poet.


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.2011 JUNE activities

BACML at the Metrobus Festival

BACML at the Metrobus Festival The decision to take books even to spaces where they may not be usually found was one of the central ideas driving this year’s actions. That is why the Ministry of Culture, supported by Norma and Sigmar publishing houses, was present and celebrated books with the youngest at a big party that took place on Sunday, June 11 in order to inaugurate the new Metrobus public transport service.

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Pappo square in La Paternal neighborhood was the stage to learn by playing through literary workshops, storytelling by authors themselves and setting up libraries.

March February

.2011 JUNE activities

November May





the City of Buenos Aires, Hernán Lombardi, and the head of the Jorge Luis Borges International Foundation, María Kodama.

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El Atlas de Borges exhibition got out again and met new audiences, this time in the city of Milan. The exhibition was opened on June 6 at the Sormani Library in Milan with the presence of the Minister of Culture of


“El Atlas de Borges” in Milán



“El Atlas de Borges” in Milan

.2011 JUNE activities

“Open library” Day

“Open library” Day On Sunday, June 12 the city was festively docked out and opened the doors of its public libraries in an attempt to bring books closer to all porteños. This activity, which every year is encouraged by the Ministry of Culture through the General Directorate of Books and Promotion of Reading, had a special edition in this 2011 by multiplying the number and variety of activities performed. There were narrations, readings, projections, workshops, guided visits, talks and many other tempting

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proposals for children and adults alike. The most popular activity was undoubtedly “The game of clues”, which proposed a playful itinerary among different libraries for those who dared to rebuild some of the most known texts by classic Argentine authors like María Elena Walsh and Ernesto Sábato. People who managed to finish the journey and rewrite the text obtained their reward and could collect their prize at the Tower of Babel.

March February

.2011 JUNE activities

November October May




With his poems told by recognized actors and actresses like Mike Amigorena, Jorge D’Elía, Betty Elizalde and Julieta Cardinali and the interpretation of his milongas by the Baraj-Barrueco duet, the great master’s work was remembered. Many youngsters, full of surprise and emotion, listened to the Borgean word at the foot of the Tower of Babel, where the activity was held, that winter noon.

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Jorge Luis Borges was certainly one of the greatest writers of the twentieth century. His brilliant narrative entails some of the most essential dilemmas of human race. Throughout this year he has been the center of heartfelt tributes on more than one occasion. The first one took place on June 14, when we remember his 25th death anniversary.


Tribute to Jorge Luis Borges



Tribute to Jorge Luis Borges – 14 June

.2011 JUNE activities

Best-edited book award ceremony

Best-edited book award ceremony Buenos Aires is a literary city and it is usually said that in this city one should not try to find books, but books are the ones that find us. Part of this diverse and abundant offer that crowds the shelves of libraries and of the more than five hundred bookstores in our city is generated on porteño soil. Recognizing the daily work of those who make it possible was one of the main objectives driving the special edition of the 2010 Best-edited and printed book awards proposed by the Argentine Chamber of Publications and the Ministry of Culture of the City of Buenos Aires.

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The Isaac Fernández Blanco City museum was the ceremony venue and among the most important awards, Planeta publishing house and Gráfica Triñanes received the First Prize for the book “Disculpe las molestias” by Ernesto Savaglio. Besides, Gate Gourmet and Platt Grupo Impresor received the Accesit Prize for the book “Recetas que conquistan el mundo” (Recipes that conquer the world) by The Bue Trainers (cooking school). They were given a prize specially designed by plastic artist Fabiana Barreda.

March February

.2011 JUNE activities

November October May




Its 4th edition took place on June 16-20 at the Recoleta Cultural Center and gathered hundreds of young people for several days. This time, as part of Buenos Aires World Book Capital celebrations, each visitor could obtain a specially edited book including lyrics of various bands that played on different stages. “You listened to them, now you can also read them” was the title chosen for more than 20,000 copies distributed free of charge on those days.

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The Ciudad Emergente Festival is the meeting that year after year celebrates the creative impetus of new generations, those which provide the classical arts and new forms of aesthetic expression with renewed content. It has been consolidated as one of our city spaces where avant-garde and movement are brought to the fore and become protagonists in their different fields: music, fashion, cinema, theater, dance, literature, street art and digital art.


BACML at Ciudad Emergente



BACML at Ciudad Emergente

.2011 JUNE activities

Tribute to Ernesto Sábato on his 100th anniversary

Tribute to Ernesto Sábato on his one hundredth birthday anniversary June 24 was the 100th birthday anniversary of Ernesto Sábato, an endearing person for all Argentines, a man of letters, politics and sciences. As a way of remembering him, a series of activities were organized staring on June 19, when the traditional Del Plata building facade – on 9 de Julio Avenue, a few steps away from the Obelisk – was covered with a master’s image taken by Argentine photographer Daniel Mordzinski. This 88-meter long and 34-meter high photograph remained there for over 100 days. That same morning, copies of “On heroes and tombs” were handed out free of charge to passer-bys and drivers passing through. On the morning of Friday, June 24 books took to the streets once again and people going to work by subway received as a present a copy of “Cuatro hombres de pueblo” (Four townsmen), a special publication for the occasion. At mid-morning the Enrique Larreta museum opened its doors to present the anniversary edition of The Tunnel and to crown the winners of the photo contest – jointly organized by Editorial Planeta and the City Government – from which this edition’s cover photo was selected. That same morning the exhibition of the thirty finalist photographs was opened and it remained open until July 24 on Joaquín Sánchez square – The Round one – in Belgrano neighborhood. The Recoleta Cultural Center staged a movie marathon based on the author’s life and work which gathered over

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500 people on Thursday afternoon. On Saturday, the event was held at the Tower of Babel shortly after noon, where Leonor Manso and Paloma Contreras provided the voice to fragments from “Tango, discusión y clave” (Tango, discussion and key) in front of a large audience. Late in the afternoon actions went back to Belgrano neighborhood, where the Entity of Tourism of the City proposed various journeys through iconic points in this Argentine writer’s work. Moreover, a lot of twitter users participated in the playful proposals through #SiempreSabato and could obtain their copy of “On heroes and tombs”.


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.2011 JUNE activities

“Doña disparate y Bambuco”

“Doña disparate y Bambuco” Doña Disparate y Bambuco, played by Fabián Gianola and Julia Calvo, proposes an endearing journey through María Elena Walsh songs and characters. “El Monoliso”, “Osías”, “El gato que pesca”, “La vaca estudiosa” are just

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some of the stops along a story full of gags, nonsense and circus. It was on at 25 de Mayo Theater of Villa Urquiza neighborhood on June and July Saturdays and Sundays.













March February January December November October September August July

.2011 JULY

May April

• “Borges for kids. The book of imaginary beings” • Cosmópolis: Borges and Buenos Aires • BACML space at the Children and Youth Book Fair • “The three shores” by Daniel Mordzinski • “Buenos Aires in books” competition • “Biblos” • “Secrets of two houses with history. From the Viceroy to books. A fantastic journey through two centuries”: a historic visit • “Terrible women” • “With love for Buenos Aires” • Opening of “La Reina Batata”



.2011 JULY activities

“Borges for kids. The book of imaginary beings”

“Borges for kids. The book of imaginary beings” July, month of winter vacations, brought countless proposals for the youngest. This musical, a joint initiative of the Ministry of Culture and the Borges Foundation, aims at bringing the Borgean universe closer to kids and it included puppets, multimedia projections and black theater.

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With full room capacity, the play starring Marisel Otero was shown at Alvear Theater every day on winter vacations and on July and August weekends.

March February

.2011 JULY activities

November October May




Borges and Buenos Aires city and, at the same time, suggest a new vision on the multiple readings that his work still arouses 25 years after his death. This exhibition, which could be visited until December 2011, is an adaptation of the one presented at the Center of Contemporary Culture of Barcelona in 2002 with the same title and it is a production jointly carried out with the Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona CCCB.

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A fantastic journey through Jorge Luis Borges’s literary evolution focusing on how the author goes from one precise setting - Buenos Aires – to a universal city is what Cosmópolis: Borges and Buenos Aires exhibition recreates. The show was opened on July 6 at the House of Culture basement. Audiovisual installations with documentation sectors complementing the sound, graphic and textual discourse plunge visitors into the unfathomable Borgean world experience and reveal the deep link between Jorge Luis


Cosmópolis: Borges and Buenos Aires



Cosmópolis: Borges and Buenos Aires

.2011 JULY activities

BACML space at the Children and Youth Book Fair

BACML space at the Children and Youth Book Fair The children and youth book fair is one of the most relevant moments for the local publishing market and one of the most attended recreational proposals on winter vacations.

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Like every year, the Ministry of Culture of the City of Buenos Aires through the General Directorate of Books and Promotion of Reading was present in this opportunity redoubling the activity program both inside and outside the fair.

March February

.2011 JULY activities

November October May




Born in 1960 in Buenos Aires, Mordzinski is known as the “the writers’ photographer” and has been travelling around the world for more than thirty years photographing the most prominent literature characters and getting them together in an ambitious Human atlas of Spanish Latin American literature. Jorge Luis Borges, Gabriel García Márquez, Álvaro Mutis and so many others are protagonists of his portraits.

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Daniel Mordzinski took and selected 280 photos of worldwide writers to be part of “The three shores”, an exhibition shown within the framework of the Paris-Buenos Aires Tandem and thanks to joint efforts of the City Government and the French and Spanish Embassies. This exhibition, which has travelled to many parts of the world, was presented at the Recoleta Cultural Center from July 14 to August 15 and reserved a special chapter for Ernesto Sábato as the photographer’s tribute on the writer’s 100th birthday anniversary in 2011.


“The three shores” by Daniel Mordzinski



“The three shores” by Daniel Mordzinski

.2011 JULY activities

“Buenos Aires in books” competition

“Buenos Aires in books” competition The Ministry of Culture through the Undersecreatariat of Culture together with Todo es historia magazine organized this competition with the purpose of awarding a prize to those historical research works in which Buenos Aires is a literary protagonist and scenario. The jury was composed of writer and journalist Álvaro Abós, Natu

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Poblet – owner of Clásica y Moderna historical bookstore – and the magazine director, María Sáenz Quesada. Roberto Muller got the first prize, the second place winner was Milagros Belgrano Rawson and the third position was for Claudia Visconti.

March February

.2011 JULY activities




October May





Biblos, a show that was on throughout the winter vacations, invited both children and adults to dive into the world of literature from the circus arts.

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In Parque Patricios neighborhood, the Ministry of Culture has a space devoted to disseminating the circus arts: Buenos Aires Polo Circo.



.2011 JULY activities

“Secrets of two houses with history.”

“Secrets of two houses with history. From the Viceroy to books. A fantastic journey through two centuries”: a historic visit. Two houses that are part of the city heritage become the setting for a magical journey through our country’s uses, habits and part of the history. Viceroy Liniers’s legendary house and the former Estrada publishing house. This proposal, encouraged by the Ministry of Culture through the e General Directorate of Heritage gathered

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children and adults and took them to the past guided by nice ghosts that in diferent times lived in this ancestral home situated in the heart of Montserrat neighborhood. There were shows during the winter vacations every afternoon.

March February

.2011 JULY activities



“Terrible women”

October September May




pecularity of this drama proposal lies in the fact that the characters speak with their own texts and the play as a whole is a play made up of plays, a text shaped on the basis of texts taken from both writers’ bibliography. At the end of each performance, journalist Susana Reinoso chaired the discussion “The art of words”, which brought together personalities from the academic and theater worlds having deeep knowledge of Ocampo’s and Pizarnik’s work. There were shows at the Recoleta Cultural Center all the year round.

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Marta Bianchi and Noemí Frenkel become two great women of the Argentine literature to show this play at official porteño theaters for the second consecutive year. This play reconstructs the relationship betwen Silvina Ocampo and Alejandra Pizarnik in a poetic and essencial manner. The plot is developed between 1967 and 1972, a period in which both writers had a relationship after meeting at photographer Sara Facio’s home and a few days after a complimentary review of a book by Silvina had appeared in Sur magazine signed by Pizarnik. However, the


“Terrible women”

.2011 JULY activities

“With love for Buenos Aires”

“With love for Buenos Aires” With love for Buenos Aires is the name under which a countless number of renowned writers donated their autographed works to the city of Buenos Aires. This initiative starting point was taken in April by Peruvian writer and Nobel Prize winner in Literature, Mario Vargas Llosa, who, while in Buenos Aires, donated all his autographed work to Miguel Cané library. Since then, under the curatorship of María Sheila Cremaschi, the advice of Ana Gavin for Grupo Planeta and Augusto Di Marco for Grupo Santillana, 85 Spanish speaking authors donated their works. The following are among the ones who dedicated their books to the City of Buenos Aires: Eliseo Alberto, Luis Alberto de Cuenca, Blanca Andreu, Enriqueta Antolín, Pablo Aranda, Matilde Asensi, Nuria Barrios, Lola Beccaria, Ángela Becerra, Felipe Benítez Reyes, Andrés Berlanga, Caballero Bonald, Lolita Bosch, Guillermo Busutil, Nicolás Casariego, Ángeles Caso, Luisa Castro, Juan Cobos Wilkins, Jacobo Cortines, Fernando Delgado, Eva Díaz Pérez, María Dueñas, Juan Eslava Galán, Susana Fortes, Eugenio Fuentes, Juan Gabriel Vásquez, Antonio Gala, Fernando García de Cortázar, Luis García Jambrina, Alicia Giménez Bartlett, Antonio Gómez Rufo, Salvador Guitierrez Solís, Magdalena Lasala, Luis Leante, Elvira Lindo, Javier Lostale, José Luis Ferris, José Maria Guelbenzu, José María Plaza, Javier Marías, Ignacio Martínez de Pison, Eduardo Mendoza, Ricardo Menendez Salmón, Vicente Molina Foix, Rosa Montero, Javier Montes, Antonio Muñoz Molina, Justo Navarro, Andrés Neuman, Antonio Orejudo, Antonio Orlando Rodríguez, Lourdes Ortiz, Alejandro Palomas, Mari Pau Domínguez, Joaquín Pérez Azaustre, Arturo Pérez-Reverte, Elena Poniatowska, Carmen Posadas, Nativel Preciado, Patricio

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Pron, Sergio Ramírez, Laura Restrepo, Javier Reverte, Rodrigo Rey Rosa, Marta Rivera de la Cruz, Hernán Rivera Letelier, Santiago Roncagliolo, Clara Sánchez, Jesús Sánchez Adalid, Care Santos, Marta Sanz, Fernando Savater, Javier Sierra, Lorenzo Silva, Antonio Soler, Alfredo Taján, Jesús Torbado, Maruja Torres, Kirmen Urribe, Jorge Urrutia, Ángela Vallvey, Mario Vargas Llosa, Héctor Vázquez-Azpiri, Xavier Velasco and Manuel Vicent.


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.2011 JULY activities

Opening of “La Reina Batata” library

Opening of “La Reina Batata” library Since July 23, Belgrano neighborhood has had a new library and the public library network has had the first Children’s Library with a space for kids younger than 3 years old. Reina Batata is the name of this meeting point for childhood and books and Pampa and 11 de septiembre streets is its exact address.

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The opening, which delighted all kids and more than one adult, took place on Saturday morning and its protagonist was Magdalena Fleitas and her “Barrilete de canciones” (Kite of songs).













March February January December November October Septiembre August July June

.2011 AUGUST


• Quebec book week in Buenos Aires. • Tribute to Oliverio Girondo on his 120th birthday anniversary • Opening of "The book of life" by Raúl Farco. Tribute to Jorge Luis Borges on his 112th birthday anniversary • “Young reader” prize award



.2011 AUGUST activities

Quebec book week in Buenos Aires

Quebec book week in Buenos Aires With the visit of international writers, publishers, narrators, musicians and artists, The Quebec book week in Buenos Aires was held on August 9 - 13. The program, which included multimedia shows, talks, commercial exchanges, round tables, book presentations, storytelling, jazz and poetry shows, was focused on bringing the world of Quebec literature closer to the local public. This week is part of the BACML International Literature Cycle and was organized by the Ministry of Culture of the City, the Ministry of Economic Development, the Center for

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Argentine-Canadian Studies, the Quebec Ministry of Culture, Communications and the Status of Women, the Quebec Council of Arts and Letters, the Quebec Society for the Development of Cultural Enterprises (SODEC, by its acronym in French) and International Youth Offices of Quebec.

March February

.2011 AUGUST activities

November October Septiembre May



Some hours later, the day was closed at Fernández Blanco museum by the launching of the facsimile edition of "Twenty poems to be read on the tram” from Tajamar (Chilean publishing house), Tropos, a show by Andrés Gerszenzon, and a visit to the pictures with which Girondo illustrated his work, introduced by writer and researcher Martín Greco. On Saturday afternoon and as a joint initiative with the Tramway Friends Association, all those who dared to take a ride on the magical historic tramway in Caballito neighborhood could take as a present one of the copies of “Twenty poems”, which was specially edited for the occasion.

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August 17 was the 120th birthday anniversary of distinguished Argentine poet Oliverio Girondo. The homage program to remember him began on Tuesday, August 16 when the Entity of Tourism planned and organizad guided visits to various points around the City inspired in the author’s life and work. It is said that there is no city without poetry and that was true, more than ever, on Wednesday 17 morning, when thousands of copies of "Twenty poems to be read on the tram” were distributed free of charge among Metrobus and Premetro passengers. The legendary Café Tortoni gathered hundreds of spectators in the afternoon to enjoy “Espantapájaros” (Scarecrow), a one-man show by Osvaldo Tesser based on Girondo’s book.


Tribute to Oliverio Girondo on his 120th birthday anniversary



Tribute to O. Girondo on his 120th birthday anniversary

.2011 AUGUST activities

Tribute to Jorge Luis Borges on his 112th anniversay

Opening of "The book of life” by Raúl Farco. Tribute to Jorge Luis Borges on his 112th birthday anniversary August 24 was Jorge Luis Borges’s 112th birthday anniversary and since then “The book of life”, by sculptor Raúl Farco, is located in the central courtyard of the House of Culture, seat of the Buenos Aires City Ministry of Culture.

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The 6.5-meter sculpture is made up of 25 stone books engraved with the Argentine writer’s phrases. The correspondence established by these pieces converges into a relation that implies life, infinitude and eternity and is a tribute to the universal writer.

March February

.2011 AUGUST activities

November May





The prizes went to Clara Melis, 19 yers old, Sol Aparicio, 12 years old, and Shimrit Pirowicz, 12 years old. The youngest reader, 6 year-old Sabrina Menéndez, also got her prize for frequently visiting Antonio Devoto library.

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Jorge Luis Borges’s birthday anniversary coincides, and not by chance, with Reader’s Day, established by Act Nº 3170. In this context, the Ministry of Culture through the General Directorate of Books and Promotion of Reading awarded the “Young reader” prize to the three users who most consulted the Public Library Network of the City of Buenos Aires during 2010.


“Young reader” prize award



“Young reader” prize award

March February January December November October Septiembre August July June



• “Narrations of reality” literary journalism encounter • Tribute to Domingo Faustino Sarmiento on the bicentennial of his birth • “In favor of living” by Trilce choir • Bibliodiversidad day



.2011 SEPTEMBER activities

“Narrations of reality” literary journalism encounter

“Narrations of reality” literary journalism encounter 1On 1, 2 and 3 September, 2011 the “Narrations of reality” literary journalism encounter took place and was jointly organized by the City Ministry of Culture and the Spain Cultural Center in Buenos Aires. This meeting, which brought together researchers, scholars and students, was intended to reflect on the keys determining the exercise of literary journalism at present.

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The guests coming from Spain were Jorge Carrión, Robert Juan Cantavella, Cristina Fallarás, Jaime Rodríguez Z. and Gabriela Wiener, who accompanied in the discussions a big number of representatives of Argentina’s journalistic and literary environment, among whom were Osvaldo Aguirre, Martín Caparrós, Cristian Alarcón, Leila Gerriero, and Javier Sinay.

March February

.2011 SEPTEMBER activities

November October May




Defensa, together in one volume, seek to intertwine two moments in his life and is prologued by Tulio Halperín Donghi. Los rostros de Sarmiento. Iconografías, prologued by Carlos Páez de la Torre (son), collects images that transmit his personality. Harvard University was also the venue of commemorative days jointly organized by the Ministry of Culture of the City of Buenos Aires and the David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies.

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On the first day of September and due to the celebration of the bicentennial of Argentine thinker Domingo Faustino Sarmiento’s birth, the Ministry of Culture through the General Directorate of Books and Promotion of Reading together with Planeta publishing house presented a homage publication that collects a selection of his works in three volumes, specially edited for the occasion. Argirópolis, prologued by Natalio Botana, shows Sarmiento’s utopia; Recuerdos de Provincia and Mi


Tribute to Domingo Faustino Sarmiento on the bicentennial of his birth



Tribute to Domingo Faustino Sarmiento

.2011 SEPTEMBER activities

“In favor of living” by Trilce choir

“In favor of living” by Trilce choir Three big performances and hundreds of spectators were witnesses of Catalan master Josep Prats’s skills and the sensitivity of the Trilce choir voices when interpreting Spanish singer and songwriter Joan Manuel Serrat’s lyrics, all present in this heartfelt show.

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On September 9, 10 and 11 the choir conducted by Néstor Andrenacci and under the Directorate of Books and Promotion of Reading celebrated, with full room capacity, classics like 'Mediterráneo', 'Nanas de la cebolla' and 'Cada loco con su tema'.

March February

.2011 SEPTEMBER activities

November October Septiembre May



With the aim of promoting the term and creating awareness, the International Biblioidiversidad Day was set up on September 21. This day is simultaneously celebrated in various countries of the region being the invitation to free books in public spaces one of its principal activities as one more way of putting them into circulation. For this reason on this September 21 the Ministry of Culture joined this campaign through the BACML mass media and invited all neighbors to leave a book in any public space. To allow the wheel to go on turning, the instruction was that the person who finds a book, once he has finished reading it, releases it again so that it can follow its path in search of new readers.

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The term “bibliodiversidad" makes reference to cultural diversity applied to the world of books, i.e., to the production and circulation of a varied literary offer seeking to reach the public. The International Alliance of Publishers has been encouraging the dissemination of this term for many years and trying to incorporate it into different countries. Until now, the term has been taken in by various world organizations. In Argentina the main promoter of the dissemination of this concept is EDINAR – Argentine Alliance of Independent Publishers for Bibliodiversidad.


Bibliodiversidad day



Bibliodiversidad day

March February January December November October Septiembre August Tribute to National Dance Day Andalusian book week Letters and music “Buenos Aires bookstores” photo exhibition BACML at “Buenos Aires Photo” Coffee told on the “Cafés day” IV Crafts Biennial “A certain Julio” Under 40 philosophy competition Buenos Aires sidewalk of books


July • • • • • • • • • •





.2011 OCTOBER activities

Tribute to National Dance Day

Tribute to National Dance Day On October 10 the National Day is celebrated in commemoration of the nine dancers from the Colón Theater Ballet who died in the air tragedy of 10 October, 1971. With the special edition of the short story "El manto de plata” (The silver mantle) by Silvina Boschi, the Ministry of Culture joined the activities that were carried out throughout

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the city as a way of remembering these great artists. Each person who attended the ballet performances shown at the San Martín and Colón Theaters those days could take a copy of the publication with him.

March February

.2011 OCTOBER activities

November May





Over 800 books on flamenco literature, poetry, history and art which especially arrived from Andalusia as a donation made up the show that could be visited at the Recoleta Cultural Center those days.

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On October 12-17 the 2nd Flamenco Biennial “Enrique Morente” took place in Buenos Aires and in this context another activity of the International Literature Cycle was held: the Andalusian book week, a joint initiative of the Buenos Aires City Government, the Andalusian Flamenco Institute, the Andalusian Autonomous Government and the Spanish Embassy.


Andalusian book week



Andalusian book week

.2011 OCTOBER activities

Letters and music

Letters and music As an initiative of the Ministry of Culture of the City through the General Directorate of Books and Promotion of Reading, the Letters and Music cycle was held every week in October and November. This is a spece for experimentation and fusion of words and music. Original texts were read in the voice of their young authors and distinguished musicians participated as a corollary of the meeting.

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Presented by recognized writer Diego Paszkowzki, performances gathered important figures like Clara Checchi, Pablo Luparello, Martín Hain, Andrea Franco and were held at the Ricardo Güiraldes library every Friday.

March February

.2011 OCTOBER activities

November May





Culture through the Undersecretariat of Culture. It could be seen on the second floor of Avenida de Mayo 575, from October 21 to November 12, 2011.

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Shelves, bookcases, booksellers and readers are some of the images captured by the lens of Alejandro Lipszyc in a magical journey through Buenos Aires bookstores which make up this exhibition organized by the Ministry of


“Buenos Aires bookstores” photo exhibition



“Buenos Aires bookstores” photo exhibition

.2011 OCTOBER activities

BACML at "Buenos Aires Photo"

BACML at "Buenos Aires Photo" Alejandro Guyot started photographing writers on the intimate and almost literary night stage more than a decade ago. Part of this documental and poetic collection could be visited at the show set up within the 7th edition of Buenos Aires Photo, one of the most important Latin American art

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fairs which, in this case, gathered over 30 galleries from seven American and European countries such as Argentina, Peru, Uruguay, Spain, Bolivia and the United States.

March February

.2011 OCTOBER activities

November October May




A lot of coffee stores in the city join this celebration every year giving away free drinks to their customers. In the BACML year, additionally, the Ministry of Culture together with the Passion for Buenos Aires Program under the Cabinet Chief’s office, organized the special Coffee told performance, a show celebrating words and tango in one of the most characteristic spaces of the city: the café at the Ateneo Gran Splendid bookstore.

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Meeting with friends around a coffee table is part of the porteño identity. The coffee is an urban ritual, a habit which has even gone beyond the city boundaries and proposed on many tourist guides for travelers visiting the city. Perhaps that is the reason why every October 26 "The day of porteño cafés” is celebrated to remember 26 October 1894, when the mythical Tortoni café opened its doors.


Coffee told on the “Cafés Day”



Coffee told on the “Cafés Day”

.2011 OCTOBER activities

IV Crafts Biennial

IV Crafts Biennial The Crafts Biennial of the José Hernández Popular Art Museum, organized by the Ministry of Culture through the General Directorate of Museums, has been performed since 2005 and it has become a meeting point of creators from all parts of the country. In this new edition, hand-crafted items presented had to be inspired in writers and poets’ works.

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Luciano Polverigiani, Fernando Iphar, Cristián Roa, Beatriz Cabrera, Noemí Zlochisti, Vanin Abujalter, Alejandra Toribio and Mabel Pena obtained the first prizes. Their works were exhibited at the José Hernández Museum from October 27 to November 20.

March February

.2011 OCTOBER activities



“A certain Julio”

October May





Museum in Retiro neighborhood, the gardens of Enrique Larreta Museum in Belgrano and the gardens of former Munich beer pub in Costanera Sur. Shows were held between October and December.

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“A certain Julio” allows people to find again Julio Cortázar’s legacy through Santiago Kovadloff’s narration and precise and multi-faceted reading and Marcelo Moguilevsky and Cesar Lerner’s musical talent. The performances cycle, which received hundreds of spectators, was staged in the gardens of Fernández Blanco


“A certain Julio”

.2011 OCTOBER activities

Under 40 philosophy competition

Under 40 philosophy competition As a way of encouraging and promoting literary creation among writers under 40, the Ministry of Culture of the City through the General Directorate of Books and Promotion of Reading, the Spain Cultural Center in Buenos Aires (CCBA) and Fondo de Cultura Económica publishing house organized this competition from which fifteen essays were chosen to be compiled in just one volume to be edited and commercialized by the mentioned publishing house after August 2012.

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The jury was headed by Esther Díaz, Gustavo Santiago and Luis Chitarroni and the winner was Jazmín Anahí Acosta, who obtained the First Prize (10,000 pesos) for her essay Espectrogramas (post) modernos: el mito zombi en el horizonte de lo "post-humano". Besides, her work will be published in the year.

March February

.2011 OCTOBER activities

November May





For five days this campaign proposed that “books go out to the street” and urged every porteño bookstore to use the sidewalk to place their shelves.

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This is a joint initiative of the Ministry of Culture through the General Directorate of Books and Promotion of Reading and the Argentine Chamber of Stationary Stores, Bookstores and related stores.


Buenos Aires sidewalk of books



Buenos Aires sidewalk of books

March February January December November October September August July June



• "Birds and I” exhibition by Juan Carlos Benítez. • Night of museums 2011 • Poetry flowers • Night of bookstores 2011



.2011 NOVEMBER activities

"Birds and I” exhibition by Juan Carlos Benítez

"Birds and I” exhibition by Juan Carlos Benítez Recognized artist Juan Carlos Benítez was 80 during 2011, an opportunity to also celebrate Ernesto Sábato’s 100th birthday anniversary and the honor received by Buenos Aires as World Book Capital. As a result, the Ministry of Culture through the Undersecretariat of Culture

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organized the "Birds and I ” engraving exhibition. Serie “Los sueños” (Dreams series), a result of the dreams that "El informe sobre ciegos” (Report on the blind) and Ernesto Sábato himself inspired in the artist.

March February

.2011 NOVEMBER activities

November October May





and Piazzolla- The Tango” rescued the repertoire created by Astor Piazzola and Jorge Luis Borges from original scores and the transcription of the record that brought together the writer, Piazzolla quintet, Edmundo Rivero and Medina Castro. The gardens of the city museums also hosted the Poetry and Music Cycle, a meeting point of musicians, young writers and crowds of visitors. Gabo Ferro and Pablo Ramos were in charge of the closing, which took place in the terraces of the former Múnich beer pub. The night was closed, as every year, with music provided by Bobby Flores.

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Night of museums –organized by the Ministry of Culture through the General Directorate of Museums- is one of the most important moments in the city annual cultural agenda. The center of this great night in its 2011 edition was books and reading. On November 12, over 700,000 people thus enjoyed 174 museums and cultural spaces that opened their doors in twenty seven porteño neighborhoods with an outstanding program to celebrate the written word. The official opening on an open air stage and at the door of the House of Culture was headed by Julia Zenko. “Borges


Night of museums 2011



Night of museums 2011

.2011 NOVEMBER activities

Poetry flowers

Poetry flowers From November 18 and for three consecutive days the “Flores (Flowers) neighborhood was of flowers”. This activity, driven by the Ministry of Culture together with the Entity of Tourism and the Society for Argentine Male and Female Writers, has its venue at J.M. de Pueyrredón square and the protagonists were emblematic figures who dedicated part of their works to it such us Oliverio Girondo, Baldomero Fernández Moreno, Macedonio Fernández and Roberto Arlt.

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There were music, readings, open libraries, open-air projections and playful activities by great actors and literary referents. Milo Locket, Liniers, Magdalena Fleitas and the Babel Orkesta were just some of the performances of this poetic journey that filled Flores neighborhood all the weekend.

March February

.2011 NOVEMBER activities

November May





From Saturday 18 mid afternoon, workshops and shows for the youngest filled the street until night fell and gave rise to different proposals for readers and authors to meet. “Antonio Birabent sings Baldomero Fernández” was the closing night show on the main stage on Corrientes Avenue.

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The Night of bookstores is already a classic in the local publishing agenda. Readings, poetry concerts, talks, round tables and music shows spread all along Corrientes Avenue and Palermo and San Telmo neighborhoods. Organized by the Ministry of Economic Development of the City and in collaboration with the Ministry of Culture, this great night has over five hundred city bookstores as its epicenter and it is one of the main actions developed to promote book sales and recover Buenos Aires’s book tradition.


Night of bookstores 2011



Night of bookstores 2011





• Presentation of Movie Museum calendar 2012











.2011 DECEMBER activities

Presentation of Movie Museum calendar 2012

Presentation of Movie Museum calendar 2012 As it does every year when December comes, the Movie Museum, depending on the General Directorate of Museums, presented its calendar and the 2012 edition was dedicated to pay homage to the deep, fundamental and historic relationship between literature and Argentine movies.

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Twelve classic books of Argentine literature made into movies illustrate each of the pages of the calendar which was presented on December 15 at Cinecolor Digital offices in Palermo neighborhood under the title “See and read” and in front of a large audience of personalities from the local audiovisual industry.













March February January December November October September August July June activities




• “Sarmiento, a man of two worlds” • “Poetry and music” cycle

.2012 JANUARY activities

“Sarmiento, a man of two worlds”

“Sarmiento, a man of two worlds” Every Wednesday in January at the Parque Centenario Amphitheater, the musical Sarmiento, a man of two worlds was shown. Starring Julia Zenko and Alejandro Paker, it is

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based on writer Domingo Faustino Sarmiento’s texts, letters and speeches.

March February

.2012 JANUARY activities

of literature like Fernando Noy, Fabián Casas and Leopoldo Brizuela, who, accompanied by guest musicians, lent their voices to various Argentine authors’ texts.

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November April






Every Thursday in January at the Parque Centenario Amphitheater, the Poetry and Music cycle was held and gathered week after week different figures from the world


“Poetry and music” cycle



“Poetry and music” cycle

March February January December November October September August July June

.2012 FEBRUARY Tribute to Dickens “Poetry Tuesdays” at Eterna Cadencia II Festival Shakespeare Buenos Aires Tribute to Rafael Alberti


• • • •



.2012 FEBRUARY activities

Tribute to Dickens

Tribute to Dickens Dickens’s work goes beyond his language and time. Perhaps that is the reason why, on his 200th birthday anniversary, the whole world remembered the British writer and his work by means of a variety of tributes. In the city of Buenos Aires, the Ministry of Culture through the Directorate of Books and Promotion of Reading and the British Council organized a program of cultural activities whose main character was the writer.

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Ana Padovani, Malena Solda, Martín kohan, Fernando Noy, María Rosa Lojo, Marikena Monti, Ana María Shua, Ingrid Pelicori, Horacio Peña, Rodolfo Rabanal, Daniel Amiano and Federico Andahazi, under the artistic direction of Mónica Maffia, were the protagonists of the central meeting taking place at the former dining room of the San Francisco convent in Monserrat neighborhood on Tuesday, 7 February.

March February

.2012 FEBRUARY activities

November May





Sonia Scrabelli, Mario Ortiz, Martín Armada, Damián Ríos, Fernanda Laguna, Cecilia Pavón are just some of the artists who took part in these meetings sharing their work readings with the public. There were performances every February Tuesday at 07:00 pm.

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During the month of February Eterna Cadencia bookstore in Palermo neighborhood was the venue of the Poetry Tuesdays cycle sponsored by the Ministry of Culture of the City of Buenos Aires.


“Poetry Tuesdays” at Eterna Cadencia



“Poetry Tuesdays” at Eterna Cadencia

.2012 FEBRUARY activities

II Festival Shakespeare Buenos Aires

II Festival Shakespeare Buenos Aires The Festival Shakespeare de Buenos Aires, whose first edition had taken place in 2010, this year is added to the program of Festivals of the Buenos Aires City Government hosted by the Ministry of Culture through the General Directorate of Festivals. New venues, a larger number of shows, a growing range of proposals and thousands of spectators met on 11-19 February to pay homage to one of the most widely recognized writers in the world.

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The Festival Shakespeare Buenos Aires, headed by Patricio Orozco, is unique in Latin America because of its characteristics and it links the porteño theater tradition and the genius of the most important playwright throughout history. The spectrum of activities was broad and interdisciplinary combining drama, music, dance, puppets, a Shakespearean bike ride and also activities around international guests ands local referents.

March February

.2012 FEBRUARY activities

November October September May



Argentina the anthology entitled "Love and angels". The book was presented at the Recoleta Cultural Center and Aitana Alberti travelled from Cuba, where she lives, specially for this homage. Other special guests included singer Isabel de Sebastián, Rafael Alberti’s granddaughter and musician Bob Telson, responsible for the soundtrack for the wonderful movie Bagdad Café. They performed songs together to remember grandfather Rafael. Besides, the tribute included laying of a commemorative plaque of his stay in Buenos Aires on the building where he lived with his family on Avda. Pueyrredón 2471. The documentary “El poeta en la calle” (The poet in the street) was shown and attended by a large audience at the little movie Theater of the Recoleta Cultural Center.

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Persecuted by Franco’s dictatorship, Alberti had to leave his country and fled into exile with his wife María Teresa in 1939. In that period of his life he started visiting several countries until he finally put down roots in Argentina. The city of Buenos Aires accommodated him like one more son and he lived here for 23 years. His daughter Aitana was born here and the core of his work was generated here, too. Rafael and María Teresa found in the city a cultural environment at its apogee where they absolutely fit in and where they developed ties marking his literature, his life and our life for ever. In this occasion the Ministry of Culture of the City of Buenos Aires together with Último Reino publishing house, as a tribute to this great author, edited for the first time in


Tribute to Rafael Alberti



Tribute to Rafael Alberti

March February January December November October September August July June

.2012 MARCH


• Book and women’s week • Buenos Aires humor at the Paris Book Fair • Cortázar-Perec Biennial • The City told. Buenos Aires under the eye of the new Spanish American narrative



.2012 MARCH activities

Book and women’s week

Book and women’s week Together with Tierra Violeta Cultural Center, the "Book and women’s week” was celebrated in commemoration of the International Women’s day on 8 March. It was a week during which books and words were privileged protagonists. Congreso, Caballito, Almagro and

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Mataderos neighborhoods were some of the meeting points for this week, which finished with a doors open day at the Feminaria Library in San Telmo neighborhood.

March February

.2012 MARCH activities

November May






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With the participation of well-known Argentine cartoonists, the City of Buenos Aires was present once again at the Paris Book Fair on March 16 - 20. Guillermo Mordillo, Carlos Garaycochea, Manuel García Ferré, Horacio Altuna, Hernán Casciari, Fernando Sendra, José Muñoz and Napo are some of the names that represented the talent, creativity, potential and experience that the city of Buenos Aires has always had in graphic humor.


Buenos Aires humor at the Paris Book Fair



Buenos Aires humor at the Paris Book Fair

.2012 MARCH activities

Cortázar-Perec Biennial

Cortázar-Perec Biennial Many aspects link Julio Cortázar with George Perec. Considered the most innovative and original writers of their time, they broke the rules of classical narration and transformed the way of doing literature. The fascination that both of them share for words, for their playful nature and the possibility of their multiple combinations brought them together once again on this Cortázar – Perec Biennial organized by the Ministry of Culture of the City, the French Embassy in Argentina, Academia del Sur and the French Institutie Alliance Française. Two days full of academic meetings with the participation of foreign renowned specialists like Marcel Bénabou, Danielle Constantin and Steven Boldy together with important scholars form our country explored the possible relations between Cortázar and Perec from different conceptual axes. A movie afternoon was held at the Leopoldo Lugones room of the San Martín Theater and the public could see classics like Blow up, Ellis Island and Un Hombre que duerme and La cifra Impar. “Julio Cortázar - Georges Perec, versiones de la imaginación” was the title of the publication specially edited for the occasion by the Ministry of Culture of the City. It gathered memorable texts by both authors such as Ellis Island or La isla al mediodía and reached the hands of all those who went for a walk around San Martín Theater on Thursday afternoon.

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At the Photogallery of San Martín Theater, the exhibition Cortázar – Perec en imágenes was organized. This exhibition displays Cortázar portraits taken by Sara Facio and a series of photographs belonging to the Association George Perec in Paris which frame the French author’s intimacy in various moments of his life. The closing of these three days was hosted by the San Martin Theater hall and trumpeter Mariano Loiacono was in charge of it. He, together with his Sextet, interpreted jazz classics, a music genre loved by Cortázar and Perec alike. During these days, Cortázar’s Complete Collection of Short Stories and his classic Rayuela were incorporated into the libraries of the Notable Bars of Buenos Aires.


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.2012 MARCH activities

The City told

The City told. Buenos Aires under the eye of the new Spanish American narrative From March 26 to April 2, Buenos Aires was visited by prominent international writers. Alejandro Zambra (Chile), Yuri Herrera (Mexico), Elvira Navarro (Spain), Wilmer Urrelo Zárate (Bolivia), Natalia Mardero (Uruguay), Gabriela Alemán (Ecuador), Carlos Yushimito (Peru), Eunice Shade (Nicaragua) and Antonio García Ángel (Colombia) spent a week in the city to meet their readers and participate in different exchanges of ideas with their local counterparts: Oliverio Coelho, Juan Terranova and Matías Capelli.

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This visit also served as inspiration for each of them to write a non-fiction text on the City which will be published in an anthology by the Ministry of Culture and the already mentioned Argentine writers in June 2012. A hint of the anthology was presented within the Framework of the 38th Edition of the Book Fair in April with the presence of Natalia Mardero, Juan Terranova and Oliverio Coelho, who shared with the reading audience their experiences lived in that meeting and the various looks


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March February January December November October September August July

.2012 APRIL

May April

• E-readers come to the City’s Public Library Network • III Borges-Kafka Biennial • “El Atlas de Borges” in Prague • Transfer of the World Book Capital title to the city of Yerevan • Buenos Aires International Book Fair. Closing of Buenos Aires World Book Capital. Night of the city at the Fair • VII International Poetry Festival. School of poetry • “The faces of writing” by Daniel Mordzinski • “On the other side of the tunnnel” tribute to Ernesto Sábato



.2012 APRIL activities

E-readers come to the City’s Public Library Network

E-readers come to the City’s Public Library Network As another means of promoting reading and bringing the new technologies closer to citizens, the incorporation of e-reader devices into the public library Network of the Government of the City of Buenos Aires starts in April.

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Each electronic device will have a wide variety of authors like Miguel de Cervantes, Maquiavelo, Edgar Allan Poe, Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz, Rosalía de Castro, José Hernández, Horacio Quiroga and Miguel Cané. This new initiative was presented at the Estanislao del Campo Library on 7 April.

March February

.2012 APRIL activities

November October

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The third edition of the Borges-Kafka Biennial, which was hosted by Prague on 18 - 26 April, dedicated a special chapter to pay tribute to Argentine writer Ernesto Sábato and his Czeck counterpart Arnost Lustig. Both of them died in 2011.


The Borges-Kafka Biennial – jointly organized by the Ministry of Culture of the City, the Jorge Luis Borges International Foundation and the Franz Kafka Society – fosters cultural exchange and takes place every two years alternating venues between Buenos Aires and Prague. Its objective is to build bridges between the broad worlds of Argentine culture and Czeck culture through a central axis: the work of two internationally known writers: Jorge Luis Borges and Franz Kafka.


III Borges-Kafka Biennial



III Borges-Kafka Biennial

.2012 APRIL activities

“El Atlas de Borges” in Prague

“El Atlas de Borges” in Prague In the context of the Borges-Kafka Biennial, the exhibition El Atlas de Borges was shown at the Cervantes

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Institute in the city of Prague. It was opened on 16 April and it remained open until 19 May.

March February

.2012 APRIL activities

November October

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and the Minister of Culture, Hernán Lombardi, gave a commemorative distinction to President Serzh Sargsyan and Mayor Taron Margaryan and opened the exhibition Atlas de Borges with Maria Kodama at the Academia Gallery in Yerevan.


On April 22 Buenos Aires traveled to Armenia and formally transferred the World Book Capital 2012 title to Yerevan. In the context of this ceremony, the Head of the Government of the City of Buenos Aires, Mauricio Macri,


Transfer of the World Book Capital title to the City of Yerevan



Transfer of the World Book Capital title to the City of Yerevan

.2012 APRIL activities

Closing of Buenos Aires World Book Capital

Buenos Aires International Book Fair Closing of Buenos Aires World Book Capital As part of the 38th edition of the Buenos Aires International Book Fair, with a warm and mass tribute to rock poet Luis Alberto Spinetta, the year of Buenos Aires World Book Capital was closed.

Night of the City at the Fair On Saturday 29 April, over 50,000 people arrived at the stage mounted on Sarmiento Avenue at the door of the fair premises to celebrate the Night of the city at the Fair and enjoy the concert given by Pedro Aznar to remember great rock celebrity Luis Alberto Spinetta’s songs, poetry and music.

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The “Yellow Bridges” show was based on a review of Spinetta’s best known songs and Andrés Beeuwsaert, Pomo and Roxana Amed specially participated in the occasion. Moreover, like every year, admission to the fair was free from 09:00 pm and doors remained open until early in the morning.


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.2012 APRIL activities

VII International Poetry Festival

VII International Poetry Festival As it happens every year, 2012 also had its edition of the Buenos Aires International Poetry Festival organized by the Society of Argentine Male and Female Writers (SEA) and the Ministry of Culture of the City. The opening ceremony was held at the Book Fair and was chaired by the President of SEA and Director-General of the Festival, poet Graciela Aráoz, the Undersecreatary of Cultural Heritage, María Victoria Alcaraz, and Gustavo Canevaro, President of the Book Foundation. With the presence of poets from France, Scotland, Cuba, Canada, Colombia, El Salvador, Chile, and our country, this festival was a big party both inside and outside the fair. There were concerts in notable bars, museums, performances and surprises in non-conventional places. Interventions of poets reading their works in various public locations and poetry rooms were only some of this year’s attractions.

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Closing took place on Sunday 29 April in the context of the Night of the City at the Fair with the participation of Graciela Araoz, Fernando Noy and Víctor Redondo as the gala hosts.

School of Poetry Preceded and supported by experiences in Viena, Medellín and La Habana, the School of poetry is born within the framework of the Festival’s seventh edition and, through non-formal academic activities, aims at showing the creative capacity of words and their potential as tools for reflection and exchange. Given by many of the poets who arrived in the city from different parts of the world to take part in the Festival, this school extended over Wednesday 25 and Thursday 26 and was staged in cultural centers and museums in various neighborhoods of the city.


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.2012 APRIL activities

“The faces of writing” by Daniel Mordzinski

“The faces of writing” by Daniel Mordzinski The faces of writing is a travelling exhibition thought, designed and created by the talented writers’ photographer, Argentinian Daniel Mordzinski. This exhibit is made up of one hundred portraits out of thousands taken by Mordzinski throughout his professional life. They belong to recognized, acclaimed Latin American authors that the photographer’s magical lens has managed to capture, in its most intimate essence, far from any formalities and convention.

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Jorge Luis Borges, Ernesto Sábato, Rodolfo Fogwill, Mario Vargas Llosa, Julio Cortázar, Gabriel García Márquez, Olga Orozco are some of the names inviting to this journey through Latin American literature and history. The exhibit may be seen in exhibition centers of all the country during 2012.

March February

.2012 APRIL activities

November May





The exhibit, which was mounted at the offices of the Cervantes Institute in Madrid during 2011, may be visited in June 2012 in the City of Buenos Aires.

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The exhibition “On the other side of the tunnel” is composed of more than fifty portraits taken by Daniel Mordzinski, along fifteen years, to master Ernesto Sábato. A visual testimony of his face, his expressiveness, his creative acts scattered in the fields of painting and writing are only some of the images that visitors may take with them.


“On the other side of the tunnel” Tribute to Ernesto Sabato



“On the other side of the tunnel” tribute to Ernesto Sábato








BACML we can do it all together: some joint initiatives November





.2012 BACML initiatives

Some joint initiatives

BACML, we can do it all together: some joint initiatives The Cultural Promotion System - Patronage - is a mechanism of the city of Buenos Aires to financially support cultural activities. It is based on fiscal incentives for those taxpayers who wish to set aside part of their contributions to cultural ventures. During the Buenos Aires World Book Capital year there was a special announcement of projects aiming at promoting books, reading and disseminating the city’s literary heritage. The objective of the Metropolitan Fund for the Development of Culture, Arts and Sciences, under the Ministry of Culture of the City, is to promote the development and dissemination of culture and the various branches of art by subsidizing organizations or individuals’ projects. In 2011 the Fund allocated a special line of

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subsidies to financially accompany projects whose aim is the promotion of books and reading. BACML program also incorporated books and reading fostering activities fully funded and organized by the civil society. These initiatives were supported by all communication tools generally used as promotional channels of activities carried out by the Buenos Aires City Government. The following are some of the activities performed through these channels:













.2012 BACML initiatives

Cultural Promotion System

Some projects carried out with the support of the Cultural Promotion System Great authors, great illustrators The 37th Buenos Aires Book Fair provided the context for this exhibition made up of 60 works by recognized drawers and plastic artists organized by the Museum of Drawing and Illustration. Original drawings, lithographies and engravings by great artists who have illustrated countless number of books edited in Argentina like Carlos Alonso, Raúl Soldi, Américo Balán, Demetrio Urruchua, Adolfo Belloq, Juan Lamela, Blas Onofrio, Cristina Santander, Lino Spilimbergo and Raúl Russo were part of this show.

FILBA: Festival Internacional de Literatura de Buenos Aires (Buenos Aires International Literature Festival)

Another new feature was Filbita, a space for child and youth literature including activities promoting reading among children and several parent/teacher-oriented reflection and training workshops.

Art photography book fair On August 5-21, the Art Photography Book Fair took place in Buenos Aires. This is a space which has been organized by Espacio Ecléctico for ten years and seeks to show, promote and disseminate artists’ books and independent editions.

“Illustrations in exile” by Cristóbal Arteche

27 foreign writers and over 70 Argentine writers participated in the 3rd edition of Buenos Aires International Literature Festival on 9 -18 September. Although John Coetzee, Nobel Prize in Literature 2003, was undoubtedly the most awaited international figure of this festival edition, which has been organized by FILBA Foundation for many years, its nature was truly cosmopolitan as the list of guests shows: Cees Nooteboom (The Netherlands), Kjell Askildsen (Norway), Erling Jepsen (Denmark), Andrés Barba (Spain) and Luis Sepúlveda (Chile). The Festival had a section devoted to Brazilian literature in which writers Joâo Gilberto Noll, Adriana Lisboa, Santiago Nazarian, Vilma Áreas and Joca Reiners Terron as well as musician and artist Moreno Veloso participated.

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On November 5 – 28, Cristóbal Arteche’s exhibition “Illustrations in exile” was presented at the Eduardo Sívori Museum of Plastic Arts. This exhibit consists of thirty original illustrations by this plastic artist for the mythical Robin Hood Collection, edited in Argentina by Editorial Acme. Cristóbal Arteche was a Spanish drawer and illustrator who was born in Gijón in 1900 and died in Madrid in 1964. He was a caricaturist for La Nación newspaper and also participated in La Crítica newspaper. He portrayed leading stars for Mexican newspapers and American countries. Among titles illustrated by the artist we can mention Robin Hood, Kidnapped by Robert L. Stevenson and Marco Polo travels.

March February January December The international exhibition “Señaladores de artista” is brought to our city for the second consecutive year as an initiative of Vuelvo al sur space in commemoration of the World Book and Copyright Day celebrated every 23 April worldwide. The call – open to artists from all latitudes – had more than one hundred participants from various Argentine provinces, European countries such as Spain and others from Latin America.

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“Señaladores de artista” exhibition competition


KBB publishing project is focused on plastic artists’ book editions. Being launched in Buenos Aires in the gardens of Enrique Larreta Museum on 13 December, it aims a promoting different Argentinean and international artists who are not known in our country yet. Since 2009 KBB has edited six books of Argentinean artists Jorge Macchi, Adrián Villar Rojas, Diego Bianchi, Matías Duville and Sigismond de Vajay and a collective book of international artists entitled Of Bridges & Borders. In this opportunity the publishing house presented 170 titles which arrive in the country for the first time. Authors and artists like Jonathan Monk, Alberto Giacometti, Hans Ulrich Obrist, Alighiero e Boetti, John Baldessari, Subodh Gupta, General Idea, Mike Kelley, Thomas Hirschhorn, Doug Aitken, Jim Shaw, Fabrice Gygi, Liam Gillick, Richard Prince, Urs Fischer, Rirkrit Tiravanija, Heny Moore, Dieter Roth, Wolfgang Tillmans, David Claerbout, L/B, Ai Weiwei or Henrik Olesen stand out .


KBB (Kültur Büro Barcelona/Buenos Aires) publishing project


Reino Crepuscular is an idea conceived from the short stories “Bajo Nivel”, “Manuscrito hallado en una botella”, “Cuello de Gatito Negro” and “Texto en un libreta” by Julio Cortázar. It is also a multidisciplinary show where audiovisual arts, music and dance meet in a dialog involving the spectator-reader. This proposal offers a fascinating journey through nine stations where present images, taken at porteño subway stations, intertwine with original text extracts thus rewriting a new story. Under the general production of Daniela Lozano, this initiative, which also includes the publication of a book where all the creative experience is told, was first presented at San Martín Cultural Center rooms on 20 December.


María Casiraghi lends her voice to her creations, which are taken to the audiovisual field by M. Dolores Martin, in a poetic evocation of each reading.


From book to book: Reino Crepuscular


“Approach” video poetry

.2012 BACML initiatives

Cultural Promotion System

from book to book

Book mural by Georgina Ciotti The Book Mural is an ephemeral work of art by Georgina Ciotti which collects on a big wall more than five thousand books by classic and contemporary Argentinean writers. The continuity of written and printed words, as opposed to the brevity of the installation is certainly the core message of this big metaphor which could be visited at the San Martín Theater hall on 18 - 29 April.

Mnemosyne (Argentinean libraries) by Rubén Grau Mnemosyne is a project by Rubén Grau that started to be conceived at the beginning of 2010 with photographic records from libraries of artists such as Clorindo Testa, Yuyo Noe, Luis Fernando Benedit, Jacques Bedel, Eduardo Stupia and Roberto Elia. These photographic records performed in historic houses, workrooms and libraries triggered a polysemous development from which the artist sketched his cross-cutting look and the plot linking texts, images reflections, recreating an unusual journey. Mnemosyne could be visited at Laura Haber Gallery in Retiro neighborhood from 25 April to 25 June.

from book to boook

book mural

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March December



kbb publishing project book mural

Literature festival


bs. as. internacional


"approach" poetry video





grandes authors, great illustrators




book mural

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de artistas exhibition

.2012 BACML initiatives

Cultural Promotion System


from book to book

kbb publishing project ilustrations in exile

ilustrations in exile

book mural

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March June






Literature festival


great illustrators

bs. as. internacional

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great authors,



de artistas" exhibition


kbb publishing project "senaladores

.2012 BACML initiatives

Fund for the Development of Culture, Art and Sciences

Some projects supported by the Metropolitan Fund for the Development of Culture, Arts and Sciences The Ink Garden, a starting point With the presence in our city of recognized French poet Bernard Noel and his countryman, plastic artist François Round, in August the CIPAC Foundation developed a series of activities tending to promote and disseminate these creators’ works. The presentation of “The ink garden”, book having the joint intervention of Noel and Round, was the center of this cycle in which academic activities took place such as the “Round Lacan” Conference and others aimed at the general public like Round’s retrospective of his works held in the Foundation rooms.

Aguafuertes Porteñas by Roberto Arlt Aguafuertes Porteñas by Roberto Arlt - 10 texts illustrated by 250 artists – is the tenth annual exhibition of the Argentine Illustrators Forum and took place at the Recoleta Cultural Center in February 2012. This year porteño writer Roberto Arlt and ten of his literary engravings were the starting point for the work done by 250 artists involved. The creations making up the show will be part of the book to be published in December.

during a week in Buenos Aires with the purpose of generating an exchange space on our country’s literary scene and stimulating the translation and publication of Argentine writers abroad. This edition of the meeting, being held by TYPA Foundation every year, brought together several professionals and offered them an intense agenda of exchanges with relevant people from the local publishing industry.

The 13 violations (to human rights) by Matilde Bensignor Through thirteen heartrending stories, Matilde Bensignor, artist and writer with an acclaimed career, denounces some of the evils of our time such as arms trafficking, unemployment, poverty, nature’s destruction or organ trafficking. This book, prologued by Pacho O’Donnel and designed by Edgardo Giménez, is illustrated with works by a large number of artists like Antonio Berni, León Ferrari, Delia Cancela, Clorindo Testa, Carlos Gallardo and Marcia Schvartz.

Open Book Project Buenos Aires, translation port This meeting was organized by TYPA - Teoría y Práctica de las artes (Theory and Practice of Arts) Foundation and gathered worldwide publishers, agents and translators

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Open Book Project is a reading promotion program of Leer Foundation through which a Reading Corner is built in the Botanical Garden’s central building as well as a mobile Reading Corner that travels to open air places to

March February January December November October September August

The Library activities started in March and will continue until December. Thanks to the help of the Metropolitan Fund, a great professional team has been maintained, 420 high quality books and library furniture have been acquired and printing of 2 community newspapers that will include the works done by participants of the different Community Library workshops has been paid.

Reading Promotion Program “We want to read!”




This Temas Foundation program is aimed at developing activities in Villa 21-24 Community Library, which was opened in July 2011. By means of the creation of literary workshops for children, youngsters and adults, the program seeks to turn the community into the owner of the library making it a space to realize and exercise their rights to culture and education. Literary workshops are planned for 70 primary school children and there is also a workshop specially thought for teenagers over 12 years old. At the same time, the Foundation is determined to increase the impact of the Community Library on the neighborhood, promoting reading and the acquisition of reading mediation techniques by adults coming from different community areas within Villa 21-24.

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share the exercise of reading with visiting children and parents. The Reading Corner is a literacy, informal and cheerful space where children can chose the books they like, glance through and read them. Building a reading corner contributes to developing reading habits, which are necessary to achieve better school performance and integration in the society as well as to creating a proper atmosphere for the literacy process. Besides, a corner is a support, dialog and communication area. The Leer Foundation opened its doors in 1997 and since then it has been working in the promotion of reading habits among children throughout the country.

.2012 BACML initiatives

Fund for the Development of Culture, Art and Sciences

aguasfuertes portenas

Buenos Aires, translation port

Buenos Aires,

Buenos Aires,

translation port

translation port

aguasfuertes portenas

the ink garden

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March February

the ink garden

the 13 violations

the 13 violations


(to human rights)



the ink garden

(to human rights)



the ink garden

the 13 violations

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(to human rights)

.2012 BACML initiatives

BACML institutional backing

Some projects having BACML institutional backing Presentation of the book “Smelling of freshly mown grass” "Smelling of freshly mown grass” is the first book by writer Facundo Soto and was published by Conejos publishing house. Facundo, who gained notoriety for his participation in the Soy supplement to Página 12 newspaper, in this his first novel combines his two big passions: writing and soccer. Paula Brecciaroli, Ariel Bermani, Bruno Szister and Mariano Blatt were the hosts on the book presentation day which took place at Otras Letras, the first bookstore in the city exclusively devoted to disseminating literature on gay and sexual diversity issues.

schools of Argentina since 1993 as an initiative of EMA (Esclerosis Múltiple Argentina – Multiple Sclerosis Argentina). Under the slogan READ + GIVE, students, parents, schools, companies and EMA get together in this proposal aiming at promoting reading habits and fostering solidarity culture by raising funds to improve the quality life of people with multiple sclerosis and their socio-family environment. More than one hundred schools have already participated in this solidarity initiative over the past years.

“Colectivo ilustrado” exhibit On May 10-23 at Casa de la Lectura of Villa Crespo neighborhood the exhibit Colectivo Ilustrado could be seen. This is an exhibition of works done by recognized illustrator Istvansch’s pupils.

Literary generators Encouraged by the independent book club Sur de Babel and headed by Elsa Drucaroff from Argentina and Alejandra Jaramillo Morales from Colombia, on April 28 the No Avestruz Space of Palermo neighborhood was the venue of the encounter that gathered figures from the university world as well as professionals from the local publishing industry with the objective of generating possibilities for reflecting on young authors’ insertion and movement in the contemporary academic universe.

First Medicine and Health Book Fair Organized by the Argentine Medical Association, the medicine and health Book Fair was held on May 21-25. It was the first fair on this subject carried out in the City and it accompanied the International Medical Journalism Congress.

Jewish Book Fair Davar: the Word and the Verb

EMA Leatón Leatón is a solidarity reading program created in the United States that has been implemented in primary

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The Jewish Book Fair took place on June 23-30 at

March February January December November

The work of writing: a talk “The work of writing: a talk” was the name under which Conejos publishing house organized this encounter on 13 September to reflect on the work of writing. Washington Cucurto, Gabriela Cabezón Cámara, Alejandra Laurencich, Angela Pradelli and Ariel Bermani hosted the day.

La Balandra magazine organized this encounter within the framework of Night of bookstores. The meeting took place in the mythical La Paz bar on Corrientes Avenue and the discussion – in which Alejandra Laurencich, Sol Echeverría, Elsa Drucaroff and Fernando Zuñiga participated - focused on literature and new technologies.

Presentation of the book “The other happiness” by Lila Navarro On Thursday 26 April “The other happiness”, writer Lila Navarro’s first published book, was presented at CracK-Up bookstore in Palermo neighborhood. The presentation of the book, which is composed of 12 short stories, was chaired by Marcos de Soldati, in charge of Ciudad de Lectores publishing house.

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September August

“Literary magazines ... printed or virtual?” talk


The Fundación Centro de Estudios en Políticas Públicas (CEPP – Center for Public Policy Studies Foundation) organized this open reading day which was carried out in fifteen city squares on Sunday, 4 September. That day and at the same time in one square of the fifteen communes, street artists performed a public reading show and gave away books with passages from universal works, specially edited for the occasion.


Free Book Day


This clinic, planned by Conejos publishing house in the context of the Night of bookstores, was held in the gardens of the Sívori Museum and its protagonists were those who, with or without previous experience, dared to write. Letting words flow, trying and sharing were the engines of this space where “guiding writers” like Damián Ríos, Carlos Battilana, Leopoldo Brizuela or Facundo Soto were leading each participant’s personal way towards the transforming and enriched place resulting from collective action.


Writing clinic


Sociedad Hebraica Argentina with the purpose of making known and spreading Jewish literature, Judeo-Argentine authors’ productions and available bibliography on Jewish issues. Among the exhibitors were Milá publishing house (AMIA), Lilmod, the Latin American Rabbinical Seminary, the Holocaust Museum, Santa Fé bookstore and Libros del Zorzal publishing house, Ana María Shua, Marcelo Birmajer, Abrasha Rotemberg, Santiago Kovadloff, Ricardo Feierstein, Diana Sperling and Diana Wang.

.2012 BACML initiatives

BACML institutional backing

Writing clinic The work of writing: a talk

Writing clinic

"colectivo ilustrado" exhibit

Smelling of colectivo ilustrado

freshly mown grass


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March la balandra

the other happiness

muestra de





aguasfuertes portenas

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the other happiness







book fair



.2012 BACML Thanks to;

Thanks to: The organizations that selected us as World Book Capital: UNESCO, the International Publishers Association (IPA), the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) and the International Booksellers Federation (IBF). The organizations that accompanied us in the nomination before UNESCO: la Cámara Argentina del Libro (CAL – Argentine Book Chamber), la Cámara Argentina de Publicaciones (CAP – Argentine Publications Chamber), la Cámara Argentina de Papelerías, Librerías y afines (CAPLA – Argentine Chamber of Stationary Stores, Bookstores and related stores), la Asociación de Bibliotecarios Graduados de la República Argentina (ABGRA – Association of Graduate Librarians of Argentina), la Sociedad de escritoras y escritores de la Argentina (SEA – Society of Argentine Male and Female Writers), la Sociedad Argentina de Escritores (SADE – Argentine Society of Writers) y Asociación de Literatura Infantil y Juvenil de la Argentina (ALIJA – Argentine Association for Children and Youth Literature). All those who helped us carry out the BACML activity program: the different areas of the Government of the City, representatives, writers, illustrators, cartoonists, poets, actors, musicians, plastic artists, photographers, dancers, journalists, publishing houses, bookstores, libraries, associations, foundations, embassies, theaters, museums, cultural centers, companies, mass media and many others. And all those who enjoyed the Buenos Aires World Book Capital program.

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