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Foreign worker boom
according to new figures released by the spanish Government there were 17,478 more foreign workers registered in the country in February, than there were in January. this takes the total figure to 2,549,823. compared to February 2020, the system recorded an increase of more than 360,000 workers from other countries, of which more than 214,000 joined in the last twelve months. this figure represents 12.5 per cent of all social security members in February in seasonally adjusted terms.

a substantial number of those foreign workers come from romania and Morocco.
the largest group of foreign workers came from romania with 332,627, followed by Morocco with 308,581, italy with 159,244, colombia with 131,577 and Venezuela with 125,747. according to government figures, 56.1 per cent or 1,384,405 were men, while 43.9 per cent or 1,081,838 were women. according to the figures, 33.8 per cent or 832,648 came from european Union countries, and 66.2 per cent or 1,633,595 from third countries.
Percentage of self-employed female workers coming from china with 15.2 per cent, romania at 11.1 per cent, and italy at 8.8 per cent. in line with the time of year, as the country prepares for the start of the holiday season, with easter just around the corner. data from the Ministry of industry, trade and tourism of spain has shown that during the first month of 2023, social security affiliates related to tourism activities increased by 7.4 per cent, reaching 2,404,387 workers compared to the same month last year.
oblivion astounded me. So, that was the tipping point for me and I let her have it, and wrote her a very long email. I kept my dignity and remained calm in the letter and was not insulting, but detailed everything that she had ever done to me. Since then I haven’t heard from her. She ran straight to my parents, and amazingly, they are unhappy with me!
Your longer email to me details years of mental and sometimes physical abuse at the hands of your sister. Whilst that is sufficient in itself for you not to want a relationship with her, she has continued to cause trouble for you and be spiteful, spreading tales to the rest of the family. The only way to deal with people like this, even though they are family who are supposed to love you, is to distance yourself, which is what you have done. Continue to be present at family events, but don’t engage.
Relations with my older sister have never been good, not even when we were young. All I remember was her hitting me a fair bit. There’s seven years between us. She’s been spiteful to me all my life, in a passive aggressive sort of way, that my mum, I used to think never picked up on, so my sister was rarely chastised for her behaviour. When I got older I pointed it out to my mother, who agreed and said her treatment of me had not gone unnoticed, but still she was allowed to get away with it. I have always wondered why my mother did not take my sister aside and read her the riot act. As I’ve got older I realised that my parents were frightened of her, and that my sister’s behaviour was not only reserved for me. Even though the behaviour continued, I concluded it was her problem, and I stopped having much to do with her and only met up at family occasions. Amazingly, recently she asked me why I did not choose her to be my bridesmaid 20 years ago, her sense of entitlement and Write to Sara in confidence. a p S eudonym W ill be u S ed if you WiS h. Sara read S all letter S and can give a per S onal reply. e mail your que S tion to S ara@ co S tablancapeople.com or Sara i S available for private con S ultation S, telephone 650 054 467.