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Redevelopment of Torrevieja´s salt flat buildings proposed
this proposal was presented at the Centro Cultural Virgen del Carmen the proposed rehabilitation of the old Buildings of “Chemistry” of the Salinas de torrevieja, which has been attended by the mayor of torrevieja, eduardo dolon, the former director of las Salinas de torrevieja, pedro Gomez Mateo, and david ruiz Molina, architect who has made this proposal project commissioned by the City of torrevieja. the main idea of the project is to position the torrevieja salt flats as a tourist and health resource by preserving, protecting and caring for the old buildings that are in disuse, converting them into an interpretation centre, museum and shop. in addition, another module would be rehabilitated as a space for catering and there will also be spaces for research and dissemination of products related to salt and its sludge. all this next to an area where the old settling ponds are located, which will be reconfigured into a salt hydrotherapy centre, which can be used as a salt water bathing area, as well as mud therapy areas. not forgetting the rehabilitation of one of the old buildings to house the School of Salt Crafts, in order to keep alive the tradition of making salt boats curdled in the lagoon itself. all this with an action totally integrated with the natural environment and absolutely respectful of the aesthetic and ornamental conditioning factors that the site imposes. a complex that aims to become the epicentre of dissemination and research on the Salinas de torrevieja, with the creation of an interpretation centre that will allow us to learn about the world of salt extraction and its applications, as well as to use it as a permanent museum.

For many years the image of the Salinas de torrevieja has been promoted as a centre for mud bathing, all of this with great inconvenience, given that users entered the lagoon in an uncontrolled manner. By means of this solution, the old ponds, this controlled bathing area will be implemented and will become a singular and unique attraction in terms of tourism and health projection.
Finally, the mayor of torrevieja has reported that in the coming weeks will work with the company Salins to form the legal form to exploit this project, and will carry out the project of execution of work that will go along with the relevant authorizations by the public administrations involved.

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