1 minute read

Almoradi ecopark for Las Maromas

Industrial Estate

Almoradí Town Council unanimously approved in the last plenary session, the proposed agreement for the signing of an agreement with the Consorcio Vega Baja Sostenible to transfer the use of the municipal plot located in the Polígono de Las Maromas, in order to transform it into an ECOPARQUE.


With this ECOPARQUE the municipality will have containers for glass, packaging, cardboard, pruning and rubble from individuals and the selfemployed with weight limits, electronic waste, as well as hazardous waste (batteries, vegetable and car oils, X-rays, etc.). It will also have weighing scales, a control office with staff and access to users after registration, with the forecast of being able to provide service from Monday to Sunday, with uninterrupted opening hours.

The Almoradí Town Hall has described this proposal as excellent news, given that at last there will be proper and beneficial facilities for citizens and demanded by the Consistory itself since 2014. Finally, it should be noted that the maximum period foreseen for the start of the works is five months after the signing of the agreement and that the planned investment is around 500,000 euros.

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Thursday 13th April

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