2 minute read
Month 2Beach Body Fit Routine by
Matt Nuttall
Costalink’s Resident PT Expert
So hopefully by now you´ve been following along with my programme and you´ve already started to see some results!! Great news!! You´ve probably noticed a change in the weather also, weather much more suited to the beach! So it’s time to take things up a notch to get you beach body ready!
Your mission should you choose (or desire a beach body) to accept it is as follows!
Day 1
Upper Body Push
A1-Chest Press Machine
A2-Dumbbell Lateral Raises
B1-Shoulder Press Machine
B2-Incline Dumbbell Chest Fly
C1-Incline Chest Press Machine
C2-Overhead Dumbbell Tricep Extension
D1-Rope Cable Front Raises
D2-Straight Bar Tricep Pushdown
Day 2
Upper Body Pull
A1-Palms Facing Lat Pulldown
A2-Dumbbell Hammer Curls
B1-Wide Bar Seated Row
B2-Incline Dumbbell Bicep Curls
C1-Single Arm Pull Down Machine
C2-Bent Over Barbell Row
D1-Barbell Shrugs
D2-Cable Bicep Curls
Day 3
A1-Leg Press Machine Wide Stance
A2-Walking Lunges
B1-Standing Calf Raises
B2-Single Leg Hamstring Curls
C1-Lying Hamstring Curls
C2-Barbell Glute Raises
D1-Abductor Machine
D2-Hack Squat Machine
Day 4
Additional Circuit (to be performed on a 4th separate day or even after the main workout should you be feeling like taking things up a further notch!)
A-Dumbbell Thrusters
B-Medicine Ball Slam
C-Squat Jumps
D-Mountain Climbers
E-Sit Ups
For the circuit you are going to perform each exercise in succession for a total of 40 seconds, resting for 20 seconds before moving onto the next exercise. After completing all exercises you´re going to rest for a total of 2 minutes, then hit the circuit again. This is going to be repeated 3 times!
So you may have noticed A1, A2, B1, B2 etc. This is what we call supersetting, what it basically means is that you are going to perform the exercises back to back. So for instance, on Upper Body Push Day, you would hit 10-15 reps of A1-Chest Press Machine, immediately followed by A2-Dumbbell Lateral Raises, then you´d rest for around 2 mins, then perform another set. With all exercises we are going to shoot for 3 sets of 10-15 reps. This is going to get our heart rate pumping a little and serve as a way of increasing the intensity of the workout!
Daily step count remains the same, get outside, get some sunshine and get 10k steps in per day!
So hopefully you have been writing down what you have been eating, and hopefully you have started to identify patterns of when you or if you over consume calories. If you have been losing weight over the last month and you are still losing then nothing needs to change. But if your weight loss has stalled, it’s time to dial things in a little. Get online and find ´Calorie Calculator´, enter your details and discover the amount you should be eating to lose body fat, then try sticking to that amount by entering the foods you eat into myfitnesspal.
The true key to all of this working is CONSISTENCY over time, so be sure to get good at these key points. Stay focused, keep showing up and I truly hope you find the enjoyment in getting fit and making progress!
Hit me up on Instagram if you have any questions!
Till next time, Matt