Proposal for a School Campus in Albenga, Savona. Italy
Section of the auditorium and gym construction
Ortofotoplan. Existing U shape school department buildings. Proposal includes insertion of green patios in each. Auditorium and gym building is located in the center of the site, it functions as an attractor.
Exterior view of the Campus and new equipment building
Interior view of the auditorium lobby
In collaboration with OAB Carlos Ferrater Office of Architecture, Barcelona. Spain
In the conviction that public architecture has the task of not only trying to meet the functional needs of the community, but also pursuing the redevelopment of a site so that it can become a pole of attraction and socialization, the project has aimed to achieve a fragment urban space in which this building represents the emergence of a set of functions linked system of internal trails within the area and at the same time, open to the city. The building is designed as a large rectangular container, marked by the shift of the band-mail distribution to the west, within which the different spaces intersect and overlap in a game of grooves and sequences. The geometric regularity of the plans is contrasted by the volumetric articulation characterized by different structural levels. Of these, the mid-altitude site in the outer areas, link to the path of direct connection with the buildings for teaching posts at the edge and opens onto the square next to the main entrance to the campus. This is treated as a continuous surface in light gradient fills the interior volume of penetrating into the base. One of the elements that most characterize the composition of the complex is the roof. With its particular articulation, it creates a series of volumes that slip against each other according to a careful balance of solids and voids, creating new opportunities in the urban skyline , recalling the profile of the surrounding mountains.
Costanza Profumo