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built project

Primary School Marquez, Barcelona. Spain

Cross section


The entire program is developed on the ground floor, though there are some elements of double height which PLAY with COMPOSITION and new voluminosity, which makes it different from the existing building. These double height spaces are used to store equipment, to allow access of natural light and to create porch-like areas.

View from the interior courtyard and South facade

In collaboration with Willy Muller Architects, Barcelona

The building is a result of the integration of PREINDUSTRIALIZIED MODULES, both width and lengthwise. Research into the MAXIMUM STANDARTIZATION of the project’s elements was made. As the extension was of an existing and operating school, a type of construction where 80% of the modules are fabricated and assembled in a WORKSHOP, functions perfectly well. The school is organized in a fork-like form, united at the top with the common zones. Each line contains the classrooms and its own exterior area. In the zone where 3 forks join we can see the general classroom, that of psychomotorics, the teacher’s rooms and the classrooms for small groups. The classrooms are oriented Easterly, so are protected from the West and use CROSSVENTILATION.

Main entrance

Costanza Profumo

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