final thesis
Basse di Stura, Torino. Italy PROCESS AND PROJECT Proposal for Basse di Stura in the Torino area Keywords of the project: SUSTAINABLE RENOVATION. "T 続" Torino -Telecommunication -Technology, existent farms as a network hub for telecommunications innovation, research, demonstration, production and sale to supplement the already existent resources of Telecom. A. RESEARCH ON NEW TECHNOLOGIES Action: New research center and field testing Objective: Research and testing of new technologies to then develope their production Time scale: Research Center: 2008-2028 Test Field: 2008-2015
Implementation project: Rehabilitation of the existent farms into new research centers. Recovery of the most polluted areas in the south of the river Stura di Lanzo with new tecnologies and testing here the new tech productions.
B. SUPPLYING GREEN ENERGY Action: Biogas, solar thermal, photo-voltaic, and biomass to retreive energy Objective: Provide green energy to the research center and surrounding industrial area Time scale: Biogas: 2008-2028 PV: 2016-2040 Solar thermal: 2016-2040 Biomass: 2016-2040
Implementation project: Equipping the energy station with photovoltaic panels (landfill), solar thermal systems (underground), and biomass (soil). Installing a low-energy field of study and integrate them with various types of renewable sources.
C. TECHNOLOGY EXHIBITION PARK Action: Designing parks for exhibitions and sales of products Objective: Expose the future applications of the new technologies Display the most up-to-date productions to the consumers Create and re-think new types of exhibit and public spaces, providing environmental protection education to the City of Torino Implementation project: Rehabilitation of farms and construction of a Technological Exhibition Park Time scale: Technologi exhibition park: 2008-2020 Green energy exhibition park: 2012-2020 in the north-east of the site to present the application of new techniques on buildings
In collaboration with Politecnico di Torino, Italy and Universitad Politecnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain.
Costanza Profumo