iGCDP Q3 National Taskforces

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Ester –

Monika –

Educate Slovakia Research Team Coordinator + Mirka ,Monika & Pet’a

National Quality Standards Responsible + Costi

Martuska –

Mirka –

SPEAK / Tea at 5 Research Team Coordinator + Miso, Kika

Global Family Research Team Coordinator + all others

Miso –

Kika –

Kindergartens Research Team Coordinator + Ester, Kika

National Partners & Codelivery Responsible + Costi

Educate Slovakia Research Taskforce – Responsibles: Ester, Mirka, Monika, Pet’a, NST ES National Project Manager

Stage no.1: 1st of July – 14th of July – Research in ALL LCs: I. No. of primary schools that a) participated before in ES; b) participated in other projects only; c) didn’t collaborate before but can be approached. II. All the concrete issues (according to iGCDP sub-issues) ES had until now; III. On the TOP3 issues make a research on: - the current external trends in Slovakia that are affecting the issues; - the competitors and their products on the market; - how other organizations (or the state institutions) are involved in solving these issues.

IV. Separate research (with separate responsible) on TOP3 Most important / prevalent Social issues in Slovakia. Analyze: the external trends affecting the issue; the causes that created the issue; how other organizations are involved in solving these issues.

To be continued in Stage no.2: CEC Functional Agenda

SPEAK / Tea at 5 Research Taskforce – Responsibles: Martuska, Miso, Kika

Stage no.1: 1st of July – 14th of July – Research in ALL LCs: I. No. of university students that : a) participated at least once in SPEAK / Tea at 5 in each LC separated; b) are studying in the Universities of these LCs II. All the concrete issues (according to iGCDP sub-issues) SP/Tea had until now; III. All the partners each LC had for the project (with concrete explanation of the support they offered) IV. On the TOP3 issues make a research on: - the current external trends in Slovakia that are affecting the issues; - the competitors and their products on the market; - how other organizations (or the state institutions) are involved in solving these issues. Advice: coordinate your work with ES Taskforce, as one of these 3 issues might be common. In this case, only one of you will research it.

To be continued in Stage no.2: CEC Functional Agenda

Kindergartens Research Taskforce – Responsibles: Miso, Ester, Kika

Stage no.1: 1st of July – 14th of July – Research in ALL LCs: I. No. of private kindergartens that : a) participated before in Kindergarten projects (& what kind of concept were they offered: how much time, how many interns, how much money, re-raised) b) didn’t participate, but could be approached. II. All the public kindergartens that participate before: same requirements as I.a) III. All the partners each LC had for the project (with concrete explanation of the support they offered) IV. All the concrete issues (according to iGCDP sub-issues) we had until now; V. On the TOP3 issues make a research on how other organizations (or the state institutions) are involved in solving these issues (concrete, in the “kindergarten world”). Advice: coordinate your work with ES Taskforce, as one of these 3 issues might be common. In this case, their research might help you also.

To be continued in Stage no.2: CEC Functional Agenda

National Quality Standards Taskforce – Responsibles: Monika, Costi, NST Internal Quality Manager Responsibilities: preparation of the Standards to be implemented in 14/15 term, according to the International Quality Standards and the new GCDP Customer Flow. Taskforce Timeline: July-September 2014

Global Family Research Taskforce – Responsibles: Mirka, all iGCDP VPs, Costi, NST iGCDP Marketing Manager Responsibilities: preparation of a new iGCDP Product, based on a national platform for Host Families. Analyzing the feasability of having the ES trainees in Families. Taskforce Timeline: July-September 2014 (possible also Q4 and/or Q1 and/or Q2)

National Partners & Co-delivery Taskforce – Responsibles: Kika, Costi, NST Matching & Codelivery Manager Responsibilities: selection of the Country Partners and preparation of the codelivery standards and tracking tools to be implemented in 14/15 term. Taskforce Timeline: July-September 2014

Stay tuned! All these taskforces will start after CEC!

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