Anne Furbank Spring/Summer news

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Monday 4th to Saturday 9th March



Spring/Summer 2019

Contents 4

Editor’s letter


Letter from Annie


Spring fashion week


Love is in the air


Ray of sunshine


Into the wild


Me and my mum


New years honour


Repeat fashion show


Cambodia - the adventure


Diary dates


Staff spotlight - 60 seconds with...


Luisa Cerano


Wedding special


Expert advice


The George


Front cover by Marc Cain



11 17



13 Anne Furbank 41 High Street, Buckden, St Neots, Cambs PE19 5WZ Shop: 01480 811333 Office: 01480 811321


The George Hotel and Brasserie High Street, Buckden, St Neots, Cambs PE19 5XA 01480 812300 3

Anne Furbank Fashion

Editors Letter I’ve reached an age when the fashions I wore as a young teenager seem to re-emerge. It was apt then, when I received a Christmas card from a supplier, with a lovely story about fashion and how it comes round again but even better. Better fabric, better design, better functionality. How those pieces that you fell in love with the first time round you get to fall in love with all over again. I certainly had that feeling when buying the Marc Cain ‘Out of Africa’ collection for Spring. I had a cognac coloured dress in my teens with buttons down the front and belted at the waist. I can still remember the day I last wore it, sat in a car with a takeaway curry on my lap – only for the juices to seep through and condemn it to the bin. How excited was I when it appeared before my eyes in the Marc Cain showroom? Even better and more glorious than my version all those years ago. It has now arrived in store and I have fallen in love all over again.

Anne Furbank Director

This spring and summer is full of love with hearts and flowers in so many collections bringing a calm to this chaotic world we live in. At the hotel we are spreading that love by looking after your health, as well as tempting your taste buds, with our extended offer of vegetarian and vegan dishes as well as non-alcoholic beers and wine to choose. I also have to say huge congratulations to Anne for her award in the New Year’s Honours, receiving the British Empire Medal, for her services to the fashion industry and for her fundraising for BBC Children In Need, Arthur Rank Hospice, Cystic Fibrosis and Medical Detection Dogs.

Richard Furbank Director

Debbie Daniels Sales Director

Becky Rebecca Furbank Managing Director

Jacky Maskell Assistant Manager

This SPring I will be: • Wearing my Marc Cain dress • Accompanying Anne when she recieves her honour • Introducing vegan dishes in my diet 4

Editor: Rebecca Furbank Design & Print: Right Click Creative

Spring/Summer 2019

Letter from


What a start to 2019. Receiving a letter saying I was named in the New Year’s Honours List was one hell of a surprise! I was to receive the British Empire Medal for my services to the fashion industry and the charitable fundraising I have done over the years. I now know why they call it the honours list as I do feel truly honoured. The messages and cards I have received from everyone has just added to the joy. The official ceremony is in April and then I will be lucky enough to go to one of the Garden Parties in the summer – I can’t wait and I already have my outfit! I certainly couldn’t have done what I have done without an amazing team behind me. Nor could I have managed without the support of my husband, Richard, who has been my mentor, coach and therapist, as well as a wonderful husband for over 50 years. Anyway enough about me. Here’s to a wonderful season of fashion and food that I know you will all enjoy.

“I certainly couldn’t have done what I have done without an amazing team behind me. The business wouldn’t be what it is without them.”



Fashion Week Monday 4th to Saturday 9th March

A week of fashion shows to inspire you, delight you, lift you, awaken you and launch you into spring with not just a step but a hop, skip and a jump. With colours inspired from the garden of rose pinks, lavender and daffodil yellow. African prints with elephants and giraffes in all their splendid glory. And Indian spice colours of saffron, turmeric and chilli, blended in fabrics and woven into kaftans and long flowing skirts.

These are fashions which have been re-invented from old favourites – better and more beautiful than before. Giving you the chance to fall in love with pieces again and again. Our shows are a great way to see the collections come alive and focus the mind on what will suit you and your lifestyle.

Show timetable with a glass of bubbles at the ready! Monday at 11am and 2pm Spring Fashion Shows Tuesday at 11am and 2pm Spring Fashion Shows Wednesday at 11am and 2pm Marc Cain Roadshow shows

We all want to do our bit for the environment and if everyone helped just a little bit then that would mean a whole lot globally. So we thought we would like to do our bit for you, and the environment, and give everyone who books a seat at one of our Spring Fashion Shows a re-usable, eco-friendly bamboo cup. In pretty spring colours to match the season, it is perfect for your daily dose of caffeine, or to hold your cooling summer drink.

Thursday – no shows but a shop full of spring clothes Friday at 11am and 2pm Spring Fashion Shows Saturday at 11am and 2pm Spring Fashion Shows

To reserve your place email or call the shop on 01480 811333. 6

There will be a gift on your seat at the shows.


Anne Furbank Fashion

Lovethe air is in

Romance was obviously in the air when the designers started putting together their spring collections 2019. Love hearts have made it into the fabric of virtually every kind of top. Knitwear, shirts and t-shirts are blazoned with love.

Oui has a dreamy feel to the collection with bubble gum pink and red mixed in a story full of love. Heavenly captions on knitwear add to the dreamy feel and help put a smile on your face, and on those of every passer-by! It’s a more dramatic statement with Gerry Weber lifting the ever popular navy, red and white combination with a multitude of printed red hearts. You can’t fail to fall in love.


Spring/Summer 2019


Anne Furbank Fashion

Sunshine Ray of

“It may not be the easiest colour to wear but get it right and it really is a ray of sunshine in your wardrobe.”

Yellow has been creeping back into fashion over the last couple of seasons and it is making more of a splash this year. So how do you wear it without looking like Laa Laa the Teletubby?

Choose the right shade If your skin has warm undertones you’ll be able to pull off richer, stronger yellows. If you have cooler undertones then opt for more pastel shades of yellow. Not sure which skintone you are – look at the veins on your inner wrist; if they look blue-ish you’re a cool lady, if they are more green you’re warm.

Colour pairings


Think of the colour wheel at school and the rule of thumb being that colours on the opposite side complement each other – so for yellow think purples and blues or you could opt for some unexpected mixes and try pastel pinks. If this is all sounding a little dramatic and you want to play it safe, neutrals like nude and white work a treat.

Spring/Summer 2019

Add a pop of colour Accessories are a great way to add a trend colour if you are too scared to wear it – bags and shoes this season all have a touch of yellow in them.


Anne Furbank Fashion

Into the


Ralph Lauren perfected the safari look in the 80s and the look has come back in waves each decade. Iconic fashion images across the globe have mimicked the look and styling and there is something slightly raw about it.

“This season Marc Cain, with its love for all things animal, has a fabulous ‘Out of Africa’ look about it.”

Photographic elephant prints make an impact on silk tops and dresses for a bold statement. Zebra prints can be found on trousers and dresses and subtle leopard print has made its way to all manner of items. All the colour tones are earthy and soft so unusually white makes a great highlight colour, or delve into rich cognac for a rustic feel. You will definitely feel at one with nature and like you are in the middle of a David Attenborough documentary!



Anne Furbank Fashion

Me and My Mum by Rebecca Furbank

I consider myself to have had a very happy childhood. I grew up in a very small village in Yorkshire where we were free to play out and where I spent many hours on a neighbour’s farm in the workshop or milking cows.

Rebecca and mum Linda

My mum, although she worked, seemed to be around and gave her time, not only to me, but to all the children in the village, whether it was inviting the children in the village to group baking sessions or making up games to play. She was the taxi to me, my brother and sister and the older we got the later those pick up times became! There were boundaries and rules, but no iron rod. You just somehow knew when you might be pushing things too far. She has always allowed me the freedom to do what I wanted and it is only as I get older that I appreciate how unnerving and difficult that might have been at times. We’ve always had a lovely, close relationship and that has been shared equally with my brother and sister, and we all love spending time with her without obligation or guilt.

“She is kind, caring and independent and I adore her. She also does a mean Michael McIntyre impression!”


From left brother M: sister Sara, me - R att and m e um Linda becca,

Spring/Summer 2019

Mother daughter day &

Saturday 30th March There’s no better way to start the Mother’s Day weekend off than a girly shopping trip and lunch out. Our Mother and Daughter fashion show won’t just be about mum on this occasion as we will have outfits suitable for both mothers and daughters with all generations on the catwalk! Celebrations of mothers and motherhood can be traced back to the ancient Greeks and Romans, who held festivals in honour of the mother goddesses Rhea and Cybele. Mothering Sunday is the clearest modern day tradition in the UK and with a little American dusting we all know it as Mother’s Day.

“My mum has always supported me with my choices.”

“On Saturday 30 March you can enjoy lunch at The George Hotel (next to the shop) and have a complimentary glass of Prosecco on us.” th

Rebecca and Alex

My Mum and Me by Alex Furbank

Growing up I’ve always been close to my mum, but since I was about 14, she really has become my best friend. I can honestly say she is one of the most hard working women I’ve ever come across, and has taught me so many valuable life lessons – the main one being, you get out what you put in. I absolutely love the shop and my fashion, however no matter how much mum tries to persuade me, I will never join the business, because my passion has always been to do with sport!

Alex and Rebecca

My mum has always supported me with my choices, whether they are the right ones or wrong ones, I know she will never judge me (as mums never should)! As clichéd as this sounds, I truly hope my future children and I have the same bond, friendship and love, that me and my mum do.


Anne Furbank Fashion

New Year’s

Honour Anne Furbank has been named in the Queen’s New Year’s Honours list being awarded the British Empire Medal for her work in the clothing industry and her charitable fundraising. The British Empire Medal was revived in 1993 to recognise the dedication and hard work so many provide to their communities. ‘I’m truly delighted to receive this honour,’ said Anne. ‘It came as a complete surprise and I was bursting to say something but was sworn to secrecy.’

Anne “I have a wonderful team behind me who have all been part of the success of Anne Furbank so it is a real treat for them as well.”

For many years the shop held a Children In Need sale and raised over £90,000 for the BBC Children in Need Appeal. The charity work didn’t stop there with Anne running marathons to raise money for the Arthur Rank Hospice. She also ran the length of the Leeds-Liverpool canal to raise thousands for Cystic Fibrosis and from Oxford to London to raise money for Medical Detection Dogs.

Anne launched her fashion business in the village of Buckden in 1981 and has worked hard over the years to build one of the most successful independent womenswear businesses in the country. Over the years she has won local business awards as well as the Drapers Independent Retailer of the Year.


‘I have a very supportive and loving husband who helps me with all my mad challenges, said Anne. ‘He’s encouraged me, been there through hours of training, has cycled alongside me and kept me warm on the very cold mountainside when I ran the Everest Marathon.’ Anne will receive her award from the Lord Lieutenant in April and then join others at the Queen’s Garden Party in the summer. Look out for pictures on our website, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter pages.

Spring/Summer 2019


Fashion Event

Saturday 2nd March Without doubt, Swiss knitwear brand, Repeat, has got us all super excited this spring. With such a mêlée of colour there is definitely something there for all complexions. With colour names such as grass, sunshine, raspberry, blossom and denim you can picture the colours across a rainbow. For those of you who have discovered Repeat in the 20 years we have been stocking it, you will know its ability to bring life into essential wardrobe pieces. Adding little touches of detail and styling that makes something so simple into something extra special. Natural fabrics of cotton and cashmere dominate and yes you can wear cashmere in spring and summer – we are in Britain after all and because it can breathe it will be cosy but won’t make you hot under the collar.

We will be showcasing the collection at two fashion shows on

Saturday 2nd March, 11am and 2pm. Make sure you book your seat by emailing or calling the shop on 01480 811333 and there will be a Repeat gift with purchase waiting for you.


Anne Furbank Fashion

Cambodia -the adventure

If Richard had said to me, the day before we were due to travel to Cambodia, that the trip had been cancelled, I wouldn’t have shed a tear: the thought of cycling over 600 kilometres on a bike I wasn’t used to, on dusty, pot-holed roads through manically busy towns and villages, didn’t exactly float my boat!

Every day was different; every day we met friendly, generous Cambodian people and families who ostensibly had nothing but were always willing to provide for weary, sweaty strangers, from their subsistence culture.

Royal Palace

How wrong I was – had I not gone, I would have missed the most amazing two weeks of my 70 years. On arrival in Phnom Penh, we were surprised – and delighted – to find that we and our two friends were the only people on this tour, led by our lovely Cambodian guide, Phea, and supported by his friend Nal who followed in a van loaded with all the necessary equipment and ice boxes full of water, isotonic drinks and fresh fruit. United with our modern hybrid bikes, we set off on a circuit of southern Cambodia to Kirirom National Park, Kampot, Kep, Takeo and back to Phnom Penh. After a day’s rest, we then cycled north along the Mekong River to Kampong Cham, Kampong Thom and Siem Reap.

Cold Flannels

Cycles and Buffalo


ily ian Fam Cambod

Spring/Summer 2019

r bike on he Annie

Street Market

We passed avocado, cashew, mango, palm oil, peanut, pepper, pineapple and rubber plantations; thousands of acres of rice paddies; fishing boats, fishing villages, salt pans, silkworm farms and silk weaving communities; markets, festivals, weddings, funerals and, of course, temples: ancient temples – of Hindu and Buddhist origin – and modern, garish, Buddhist temples where monks, in their orange habits, chanted mantras and strolled in the shade. From the moment we arrived in Phnom Penh to the moment we flew home from Siem Reap, it was a truly cultural and sensory overload – and a holiday that Richard and I will never forget.

Anne “It was a truly cultural and sensory overload – and a holiday that Richard and I will never forget.”

Busy St reet sce ne

Mekong Path Collapse


Anne Furbank Fashion

Diary dates March Veggie Month

Pick one of our veggie/vegan options for a change

Seafood and white wine dinner Friday 15th 4-courses with paired wines £45pp St Patrick’s Weekend Friday 15th - Sunday 17th special

Guinness offer of £3.50/pint

Turkish Night Thursday 28th 2-courses and a glass of

wine or beer £21

Market Day Friday 29th the hotel’s home-cooked and

All day roast Easter Sunday 21st 12pm - 9pm. Make the

most of the long weekend and stay the night for just £60 extra (incl breakfast)

Moroccan Night Thursday 25th 2-courses and a glass of

wine or beer £21

Market Day Friday 26th the hotel’s home-cooked and baked products to take and enjoy at home, 9am - 12pm

UK Coffee Week, 29th April – 5th May have a coffee on us

just as long as you accompany it with a cake!

baked products to take and enjoy at home

Mother’s Day Menu Sunday 31st 3-courses plus tea/coffee £29pp

April Champagne Birthday Month We’ve gone English this year so not quite Champagne but worthy of the title. Nyetimber Classic Cuvee Brut NV – special introductory price for one month only

Fizz and chips Good Friday 19th fish and chip supper with 20

a glass of prosecco or pint of beer £15

May Martini Cocktail Month

Friday night all Martini cocktails £7.50

Italian Night

Thursday 23rd 2-courses and a glass of

wine or beer £21

Market Day

Friday 24th the hotel’s home-cooked and baked products to take and enjoy at home, 9am -12pm

Spring/Summer 2019



Repeat Fashion Shows Saturday 2nd 11am and 2pm, gift with purchase

Luisa Cerano Day Saturday 6th show at 11am

Spring Fashion Shows Monday 4th at 11am and 2pm

Trouser Day Saturday 13th shows at 11am and 2pm

Tuesday 5th at 11am and 2 pm Friday 8


at 11am and 2pm

Saturday 9th at 11am and 2pm

Joseph Ribkoff Day Good Friday 19th shows at 11am and 2pm


Marc Cain Roadshow shows Wednesday 6th at 11am and 2pm

Holiday Fashion Event Saturday 4th shows at 11am and 2pm

Mother and Daughter Day Saturday 30th show at 11am,

Annie’s Weekend Away Saturday 11th talks at 11am and 2pm

complimentary glass of prosecco with your lunch

staff spotlight

Anne Furbank Fashion

60 Seconds with...



• What is your go-to item of clothing? Dependant on weather – Jeans & a cropped sweatshirt OR Jeans & a T-shirt • Which song do you always sing along to? Actually I prefer Talk Radio! • Dressing up or casual? Definitely casual

• What is your go-to item of clothing? My go-to look at home is jeans & a jacket. • Which song do you always sing along to? All of the ABBA hits. • Dressing up or casual? Casual. • Where is your favourite place to be? At home, gardening my veggie patch, with my black Labrador.

• Where is your favourite place to be? Anywhere hot, sunny & green (South East Asia is a favourite)

• Is there one thing you cannot resist? Buying things for the house & garden.

• Is there one thing you cannot resist? Eggs, I love them cooked in any way!

• Are you a thrower or a hoarder? I’m good at throwing things out, but if it’s an antique or a gift from the children I will treasure it forever.

• Are you a thrower or a hoarder? Definitely a thrower.

EMMA ANKERS • What is your go-to item of clothing? My Adidas sweatshirt. After work I snuggle up in it. • Which song do you always sing along to? Dancing Queen by ABBA • Dressing up or casual? Casual. Nothing better than being at home in my cosies. 22

• Where is your favourite place to be? Being with my Grandson Archie. He never fails to make me smile. • Is there one thing you cannot resist? Crisps. I love Kettle crisps. • Are you a thrower or a hoarder? I’m a hoarder, just like my mum!

Spring/Summer 2019

CAROLYN HODGSON • What is your go-to item of clothing? • Is there one thing you cannot resist? A pair of jeans. My Labrador, Sammy. • Which song do you always sing • Are you a thrower or a hoarder? along to? Thrower. Being married to the military Pie Jesu – Katherine Jenkins I have had to move around frequently • Dressing up or casual? and have learnt that you can’t keep Both, it keeps life interesting! everything. • Where is your favourite place to be? Scotland’s Coast. The drama of the landscape, white beaches and peace & quiet.

DEBBIE DANIELS • What is your go-to item of clothing? A Marc Cain jacket. The bomber style is a new look for me as opposed to a classic blazer. • Which song do you always sing along to? All of George Michael. I play his songs again and again, I know every song off by heart and I even play them in the gym haha!

DEBBIE TOMLIN • What is your go-to item of clothing? My Gerry Weber pink stripe shirt. I can wear it with jeans, white trousers and shorts. It’s summery and feminine. • Which song do you always sing along to? Mr. Blue Sky by E.L.O.

• Dressing up or casual? Casual. I don’t do heels.

• Dressing up or casual? Dressing up. I love heels, pretty dresses and doing my make-up and hair.

• Where is your favourite place to be? Harbour bar in Port Rush, My home.

• Where is your favourite place to be? By the pool at our Spanish getaway.

• Is there one thing you cannot resist? Good food & cooking. I spend a lot of my time and money outside of work on this.

• Is there one thing you cannot resist? A glass of fizz.

• Are you a thrower or a hoarder? Thrower. I always make room for new things. One in, one out! I like to try new looks.

• Are you a thrower or a hoarder? Thrower. I like everything to be clear. Especially in my wardrobe so I can see all my outfits.


Anne Furbank Fashion

Luisa Cerano Luisa Cerano is a brand that has definitely found a home here at Anne Furbank and it’s no surprise as the history and philosophy mirror ours. It is part of a family run business which sees its greatest achievement as the appreciation of its customers. It manages to create collections that combines femininity, sportiness and comfort using quality fabrics to produce exciting looks each season.

‘There is always something a little individual about Luisa Cerano,’ said Rebecca Furbank. ‘It somehow manages to have a little nod to the fashion trends but interprets them to make pieces that you enjoy every time you wear them.’


To see this season’s collection join us on Saturday 6th April at 11am for our Luisa Cerano Fashion Show. You must reserve your seat by emailing or calling the shop on 01480 811333.

brand Spotlight

Spring/Summer 2019

The faces of the brand Luisa Cerano has worked with some of the world’s leading fashion names. Renowned photographers including Michel Comte, Roxanne Lowit and Patrizio di Renzo, and top models including Nadja Auermann, Jessica Stam and Esther Heesch.

There is always something a little individual about Luisa Cerano

Family Driven Luisa Cerano is part of the HAUBER Group, a textile dynasty rich in tradition in Southern Germany. Ferdinand Hauber laid the foundation for the group in 1870. Walter Leuthe, a member of the fourth generation of the founding family now runs it and his sons Michael and Jurgen are part of the management team, so the fifth generation is already involved.


Anne Furbank Fashion

Wedding Special Prince Harry and Meghan Markle sent out wedding invitations with the dress code as ‘Day Dresses’ – this shows how far weddings have come when, what once would have been a very formal occasion, had a more relaxed feel to it. Your wedding may not be in a castle with the world’s media in attendance but it might be on a boat, a beach, a barn, a hotel, a marquee or even a field or forest. ‘Wherever it is there is still need for something new to wear,’ said Rebecca Furbank. ‘What is great is that the designers are very aware of this diversity in wedding styles. ‘There is, absolutely, the place for traditional wedding outfits. As mother of the bride/groom you want something extra special and the likes of Condici and John Charles produce stunning ranges. And traditional doesn’t have to mean old! ‘Ian Stuart has a flamboyancy around it and the detail in every piece is why his work has been showcased in the V&A.


‘For a slightly more relaxed, or simple look, Irish label Aideen Bodkin or British label, Goat, offer simplicity and elegance.’

Spring/Summer 2019

When to buy? When is the best time to buy your outfit? If you have a spring, summer or early autumn wedding then now is a great time to come and buy. The choice is wide and each brand will be represented in the shop. If you feel great in an outfit then buy it. Don’t think ‘what if something else comes in’. You could wait and nothing matches up to that first choice, come back to find it has sold – you definitely don’t want that!

I don’t dress up Our girls are very experienced at helping you get it right for you and your personality. There aren’t many times when we get the opportunity to dress up. The best advice is to try different looks and you will find one that suits your style.

Blend in or stand out There is no rule of thumb about whether the whole wedding party should co-ordinate, the best advice is to maintain communication with the bride and the other mother. Make sure you have an idea of the feel of the wedding before you make the decision. You don’t want to buy a huge hat to find out it is a no hat affair!

enjoy Think of the process of buying your wedding outfit as part of the joy of the wedding and you will enjoy yourself! 27


Anne Furbank Fashion


Wedding Special Heather Smith, owner of

Eloise Lingerie in Buckden Whether you are the bride or mother of the bride/groom your lingerie can transform your body and enhance whatever you have chosen to wear for that very special day. Its main purpose is to provide the perfect foundation for your dress which means choosing a style that flatters both you and the outfit. In most cases you will want your lingerie to be invisible and both style and colour will need to be taken into consideration. The neckline of your dress will determine the style of bra you need but the most important thing is to get a good fit and try it on with the dress. Matching briefs either smooth or lacy will usually have an invisible flat edged option and if you require control, shapewear can make all the difference to how your dress hangs. Don’t forget hosiery provides the perfect finishing touch whether it is traditional stockings and garter, or sheer smooth tights, shade is important. Allow yourself plenty of time to choose your lingerie for your special day. You will need it for fittings and before any alterations to your outfit, to ensure a perfect fit. 01480 812740 28

Expert Advice

We asked the experts for their top tips.

Spring/Summer 2019

Fiona Tibbs, owner of The Beauty Room in Buckden

Prepare your skin with facials. If possible start a year in advance but if you don’t have enough time, 6 weeks and 2 weeks before the wedding is a must as your makeup will look better with glowing skin. Do not use moisturiser with an SPF in it. If you are having any flash photography, it is recommended not to wear an SPF as the flash will bounce off the skin making you look washed out. Drink plenty of water - a hydrated skin glows.

Eyebrows frame your face but do any tidying and brow tinting a few days before - you will need a patch test. Moisturising your lips with lip balm will avoid dryness and flakiness colour with lip pencil and apply gloss for longer lasting look. Lashes are extremely popular now, whether individual, strip or natural. It’s important that you try the look in advance to make sure you are happy with the result.

Use make-up to give the best version of yourself. Don’t change your look too significantly before the day. Aim to look yourself, just a little enhanced as the camera can tone your make-up down.

Lock down your look with setting mist. We use Mii supercharged mist which is infused with hydrating coconut water, energising matcha green tea, vitamin rich peach and grapes extract.This spectacularly fixes your finish and keeps your skin feeling fresh and energised.

Always use moisturiser and primer before your make up to hydrate and prolong your look.

Touch up bag is a must containing lipstick/gloss, cotton buds to remove smudges, concealer/foundation.

And finally get plenty of regular sleep a good 8 hours will make a huge difference to the way your skin looks.

Enjoy your day!

01480 812803

Vikki of

Darcie Mae Millinery Don’t take too many people with you when choosing your outfit and hat. Different people have different opinions and may have only done this once or twice before. Too many voices cause confusion. Take advice from the staff as they do this every day! Make sure you feel comfortable in the hat you choose, as you need to put it on and forget you’re wearing it. You will have lots of other things on your mind on the special day. Wear it around the house regularly beforehand so that you’re confident on the day! Hair extension clips are a great way to fix a fascinator in place if it just has a comb, particularly if you have fine hair. Don’t forget that your hat or fascinator is the finishing touch. A wedding outfit without a hat is like a tea pot without a lid!


March offer Enjoy a fabulous shopping experience, afternoon tea, delicious dinner and an overnight stay in The George for £150*

Eat, sleep shop! and

We have become a great midway meeting point for many friends and family travelling north to south or east to west and many of you make a day of visiting us at the shop with either lunch or afternoon tea in The George. We want to make it extra special for you and to coincide with the launch of our spring collections we have an overnight offer you won’t be able to resist. It’s the perfect way to make the most of a shopping trip. Whether you bring a friend, husband or partner it will be a treat for everyone.

To book please call the hotel on 01480 812300 or visit the website and quote AnneFurbank 150


*based on two people sharing

Award-winning hotel & brasserie

Wedding Venue Over the years we have had the privilege of hosting lots of lovely weddings including, in the early years, the wedding of Jonathan Furbank and Rivka Mordecai, owners of LOCI Interiors, the team that brought the hotel back to life when it first became part of the Furbank family. Margaret who works on our reception, her son was married here, and Gill, from the shop, her daughter was married in the hotel. We’ve had wedding parties as small and intimate as 9, and much larger occasions where the hotel has been booked exclusively.

Each one has been special and individual to the couple getting married and that is what, for us, makes holding a wedding at The George such a wonderful occasion. ‘We can make it as individual as the couple want,’ said Katie Goodacre, Assistant Manager. ‘Because we are an independent hotel we are not tied to set plans, dishes or layout. ‘We are not a large purpose built wedding venue and that is what makes it so special. The hotel is a beautiful building which sets the scene and then we create the rest.’ 2019 sees the launch of our new

wedding brochure which is available by calling the hotel on 01480 812300 or downloading it from the


Anne Furbank Fashion

Food Variety We’ve expanded the menu without necessarily expanding the waistline. For a long time we have all been more aware of the provenance of our food but we are also becoming aware of healthy option choices both at home and when we go out to eat. Food in the hotel has always been produced on site so we know exactly what goes into our dishes, what we have done for 2019 is expanded our choice of vegan and vegetarian options.

‘People are looking for more variety in their diet,’ said Richard O’Leary, General Manager. ‘They may not be vegetarian but they would quite happily choose a vegetarian option.’

‘We’ve added more dishes to our menus so there is plenty of choice and with both the A La Carte and Bar Menu available lunch and dinner there really is something for everyone.


‘If you came in every evening you could have fish and chips one night, kale and pulse salad another and a three course á la carte meal on another.’

Autumn 2018

Award-winning hotel & brasserie

Savoury Cream Tea Love the idea of a cream tea but have a more savoury tooth then you really should try our Savoury Cream Tea. Instead of a jam and cream you will get our lovely warm homemade parmesan cheese scones served with savoury chutney and cream cheese, plus a hot drink or with an upgrade to a glass of Taittinger. Of course the traditional cream tea is also available.

A sample of our menu can be found on

For table reservations call the hotel on 01480 812300 or visit the website


Alcohol Free Wine and Ale While alcohol free lagers have been widely accepted, finding a good alcohol free ale has been a little more tricky – until now. Introducing, behind the bar at The George, the delicious Adnams alcohol-free Ghost Ship. It is a citrusy pale ale with no compromise on taste and only 21 kcal per 100ml. Fergus Fitzgerald, Head Brewer at Adnams explains: ‘Over the past few years we have looked at lots of different ways of making low alcohol beers. The reverse osmosis method gave by far the best tasting beer. It allows us to brew and ferment as normal and then, at cold temperatures, remove the alcohol whilst leaving the other flavours of fermentation in the beer.’ We have also started stocking, from Spain, Torres Natureo white and red alcohol free wine. Similarly created to other wines but with alcohol removed after all the flavours have been created. Natureo is the fruit of long term research placing Torres at the forefront of high quality de-alcoholised wine since 2008.

The George Food Market On the last Friday of every month we will hold The George Food Market where you get the chance to buy a selection of food and dishes prepared in the hotel kitchen ready for you to eat at home.


Pastry chef, Amina, will be baking her breads, delicious cakes and desserts and Head chef, Akil, with his team, will be rustling up everything from homemade jams, chutneys, fish pies and cottage pies.

Open from 9am in the hotel Last Friday of every month

Award-winning hotel & brasserie

Huntingdon Dining Club For the third year running we are supporting the Huntingdon Dining Club, playing host to four of their lunches and two of their fashion shows. The lunch club is a great way to meet friends and support this wonderful charity. You simply pay £30/year for membership and get exclusive invitations to their events throughout the year. The February lunch has already taken place, but with three more in the diary there is still more to enjoy.

Monday 25th March

Lunch with a demonstration in the Art of Floristry

Monday 1st July

Lunch with a Detective Inspector speaking on safeguarding

Monday 7th October

Lunch with Autumn Fashion Show by Anne Furbank

For more information contact Kate Armstrong on

Vouchers Gift

‘It is a little bit of The George that you can take away and enjoy at home.’

If you are looking for a gift idea then the George Gift Vouchers could be just what you are looking for. Not only do they come in monetary quantities but they can be bought as a specific item. For example a bottle of Champagne with chocolates: Afternoon Tea for Two: Sunday Lunch: Coffee and Cake: Dinner or an Overnight Stay including Dinner. We can tailor make them for you and personalise. Simply call the hotel on 01480 812300.


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