Will the real government please stand up! Chapter 3 9/05/97 After writing British Colony parts 1&2 I was amazed how some people react, when confronted with information that goes against their prior programming. It is as if to even consider the threat to their mental well being. They were going to deny any truth that threatens their belief structure. The good news is those with such a reaction were of the minority. This is promising, because it shows Americans can still think past years of incomplete teaching, concerning our history. Those in the negative believe the information had to be bogus and they could not believe the government could wrong them. So this third part is for them, to show them that government has and does lie to them and violates their trust on major issues. As always this information and supporting documents, are given so the reader can form their own opinion. Other writers, I will mention one since he uses a pen name, the Informer, has also done extensive research on this subject and has been forced to come to the same conclusions. (Check out the latest work of the Informer, his new book called, THE NEW HISTORY OF AMERICA.) The information the Informer and I have found is so clear and undeniable, even the doubting thomas' will have to face reality. Not to make us right, but for America to become aware of lost history, that neither of us formed, but are willing to be Guide to the Footnotes: 1. Quotes on the fraudulent ramification of the 14th. Amendment. 2. Tulane Law Review vol. 28 1953, The Dubious Origin Of The Fourteenth Amendment, by Walter J. Suthon, Jr. 3. Reconstruction Act of March 2, 1867. 4. Reconstruction Act of March 11, 1868. 5. Reconstruction Act of March 23, 1867. 6. Reconstruction Act of July 19, 1867. 7. President Lincoln's Proclamation of Amnesty & Reconstruction. 8. Veto message by President Johnson, March 2, 1867. 9. Gen. Orders No. 100 by President Lincoln, April 24 1863. 10.Court cases on Conquest and Military Occupation. 11.Letter I wrote to a local sheriff, August 27, 1995. 12.New Jersey's removal of their ratification of the 14th Amendment. 13.Addendum I will begin with the touchstone of the patriot community, the Fourteenth Amendment. Everyone knows about the citizenship issue. I raised another issue concerning the 4th section of the Fourteenth Amendment in British Colony part 1, and issues regarding sec. 3, in court documents found in Footnote 13. Doubting thomas' think this is a conspiracy theory. In the new propaganda movie called "Conspiracy Theory", the establishment wants you to think that anyone that believes there is someone behind the scenes calling the shots is mentally unbalanced. What the doubting thomas' do not realize, is this is a big puzzle and is hard to recognize, and can be incorrectly viewed. The biggest problem is, it can be put together more than one way, totally changing its appearance and outcome. The doubting thomas' may say how is it you think you have the correct pieces? My answer is, I shoot a lot of archery, in archery you shoot for the bullseye, not the less important areas outside the bullseye. You have to stay focused on what are the core issues, not the side issues/collateral issues, where valuable time is lost. I conduct my research in this way.