How Long Can A Corporation Live? Chapter 6 In order to keep this short, I'll get right to the point. I have been saying for over two years that Americans are still subject to the king/queen (crown) of England. Why? You are subject to whom you pay a tribute/tax. I have shown how the crown is still receiving a tax to compensate the king for his corporate venture in America. I have shown many documents where the king by Charter created several corporations in America. These corporations were consolidated into America Inc., in 1783. I have said and shown in these documents, that not only did the king intend for his corporations to last forever, but also his tax to benefit his heirs and successors, forever. I am going to show you by a recently obtained newspaper article, provided by the Informer that brings the historical facts I have presented crashing into the present, in a very sobering way. A couple of weeks ago I put out via email historical documents concerning the creation of New Jersey. I am not going to again attach them to this email, because it would make it unnecessarily long, which may cause some people to skim the information rather than read it. Anyone that would like these documents concerning the creation of New Jersey, can send me an email to that effect, and I will promptly send it to you. I include in total at the end of this research paper the news article I will now quote from. "....They were 12 men, most of them from London. Most would never set foot in the New World. But they owned half of what would become New Jersey, 1.1 million acres of verdant field and forest and pristine; shoreline. All but a smattering of those lands, were: sold off long ago, but their corporation survived, its shares handed down from generation to generation. It is now 314 years old, the oldest continuously operated corporation in the United States. But not for long. A court will soon dissolve the East Jersey Board of Proprietors, and a vestige of Colonial America will be gone.... ....Still, the proprietors met every year, on the third Tuesday of May, to sort through the year's business. Shares were bought and sold, though the proprietors are circumspect when asked about the price (I could never get a straight answer," said Lurie). Among the shareholders are prominent families like that of former Gov. Thomas Kean. Fewer than half live in New Jersey, and some live in Europe.... ....But if he should regret the loss, he could buy a share in the board's successor as the nation's oldest corporation: the West Jersey Board of Proprietors, is still going strong with 3,200 shareholders." (Liquidation of the East Jersey Board of Proprietors, Philadelphia Inquirer August 10, 1998) That's right America, the very East New Jersey Charter/grant to the king's proprietors, is still alive and kicking. Also, the West New Jersey corporation which boasts 3,200 proprietors, sounds like the king's subjects are still prospering from his original grant. The only reason the East New Jersey Corporation is being dissolved is, because the young heirs have lost interest in the Corporation. What does this mean, to dissolve the East New Jersey Corporation? This is just one question I want to address. I question that a civil District court can dissolve a corporation, it had nothing to do with, in its creation. How can a de facto court, dissolve a corporation created under the common law? If the corporation is dissolved, what does this mean? The king of England was grantor of the corporation in America, this cannot be disputed. He is the Corporation Sole, the grantor of the early Charters. Apart of his corporate Charters were the creation of civil corporations,