American Land Ownership: A True Oxymoron Last Chapter
INTRODUCTION by the Informer What Mr. Montgomery is trying to convey in this, his final writing on this subject, is that of laying the foundation for how this country operates today. Not that you can go into a court and present these arguments today, you can't.. If you don't know the power structures beginnings then you are doomed forever to repeat the same mistakes as those that preceded you in their quest to seek justice. To truly win in the situation there must be a concerted effort by at least 70 percent of the people to overturn the present state of affairs. That will not happen because of the ignorance of the masses that are so easily led by those in power. The people have truly forsaken the true Sovereign, namely the Lord Almighty. Without going into the so-called "religion" aspect, let me just pose some questions. Did not the Lord Almighty create the land? Yes. Did the Pope create the land? No! Did the King create the land? No! Did any other man create the land? No! Did any group of men called State create the land? No! Now that I have answered the questions for you then here are some that you are to answer. Then, who is the real owner of the land? Did not the creator of the land bestow it upon all men and their heirs to be stewards of the land, granting to no one man or group of men, absolute dominion over any land? When man dies who does the land escheat to? For those not familiar with that term escheat, it means who does the land go back to when all men die? Your answers can only show that no Pope, King, Man himself, or group of men called State can ever claim they own the land and charge another man a fee to live on that land. Mr. Montgomery is showing you the progression from a certain period of time that certain mere mortal men have decided that they were granted certain rights above all other men in claiming dominion over all land. The pecking Order starting from the top in controlling land are; 1. The Pope 2. The Kings of all lands, but we are talking specifically England here. 3. Knights 4. Lord Proprietors of the King in America 5. Royal Governors of the King, in America 6. Administrative officers of the corporate colonies of America 7. Freeholders/Freemen of granted property in America. 8. The officers of the newly constituted States of America which, gave way to the; 9. Officers of the United States which now reverses 8 and 9 due to the States joining Union. 10. The County officers which are the corporate instrumentalities of the State. 11. Simple man, meaning you, reading this. You, number 11, are so far removed from the land that the Lord Almighty gave to all men, that essentially you have no claim but as a squatter on someone else's land and have no control whatsoever in saying you have the right to not pay taxes for the use of the Pope's land. But the Pope is the figure head of a corporation called the Vatican consisting of men forming a "religion," WHICH THE LORD ALMIGHTY NEVER CREATED A "RELIGION," claiming complete dominion over all land in the world. When the Pope dies another of these men is chosen as the new Pope. There is one little quirk that needs to be mentioned. That is, a group of men exist that has control of even the Vatican, therefore every chain holder on down to number 11 on the list is controlled. That group of men are called Bankers. The Pope and the King, in 1213, on to a period just past 1218, lost a lot of money fighting each other and drew on a group of men, one in particular, that loaned to each side money. When neither could pay the loans back and defaulted, the moneylender foreclosed. He foreclosed in agreement by not taking all the property, except for England, as is done today on foreclosures; but, an arrangement was made that satisfied the so called "holy trinity" that is espoused by Mr. Montgomery below. That "Holy Trinity" ismentioned in the Treaty of 1783. Of whom do you think the Holy Trinity consists? So the list above from 1 to 11 needs another entity. I did not put him in so I could make it clear who it is in order of claim to the land you live on as a tenant. Now number one has been replaced by the Banker and everyone has shifted down a notch.