Question 10 Constitutional frau

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Question 10 Constitutional fraud Hello Rob, I am going to answer your questions, but first I must lay a few things out. I have been out of this system, as much as one can since 1992. I have caused myself a great deal of problems, thinking I was doing the Lord's will, based on certain scriptures. Such as, you cannot serve two masters, you love one and hate the other, paraphrase, and come out of Babylon, lest you suffer her plagues, paraphrase, just to name a few. Let’s first look at why others and I have felt compelled to come out of this system. Others and I have discovered fraud and deception in our government. Not to mention oppression and great harm to many in this country, via. the IRS and the other alphabet agencies. The greatest problem that I have found is that, not only is the above true, but our history has been covered up, modified by unnamed individuals, to change the course of our government. This goes back to the founding of our country. I am talking about the Charters creating the commercial enterprise we now call the United States. I can prove that we were allowed and encouraged to believe we were free, and that the Declaration of Independence and the Revolutionary War were overturned by the Peace Treaty of 1783, Jay Treaty of 1795, and the Treaty of Ghent 1814. I can prove our forefathers for the most part were mainly concerned with their holdings in England, and their fortunes that were tied to England, through trading in their businesses. Because of this they conceded to the wishes of the king and allowed him to retain control of his Colonies, but do it in a way that the Colonist would not be aware of. The United States Constitution was just a continuation of the earlier Charters, a continuation of the king’s corporate enterprise. The states granted certain powers in the 1787 Constitution to the United States government (corporation) it created, and no more. Yet, I can prove as early as 1791 Congress violated the corporate Charter and gave unconstitutional powers to the President, whereby President Washington created District states, by "dividing the states", his words. Since that time Congress has continued to cede Congressional powers to the President completing the office of king. Congress is now going to give the President fast track authority to enter treaties, without prior Senate approval. The biggest fraud and unconstitutional act to take place was during and after the Civil War. Namely the death of the 1787 Constitution, via Congress going out of session, Sine Die in 1861 and the passage of the Fourteenth Amendment. Congress then installed an unconstitutional de facto government, under the disguise of the 1787 Constitution, which forbids their actions. The re-declaration of War against the South, after the Civil War was over, and after they were granted a full pardon by President Johnson, was against the 1787 Constitution and American jurisprudence. Since that time we have had a military government, not a Constitutional government. As soon as Congress went Sine Die as a result of the Southern states removing their representatives from Congress, the United States government had to operate in its military capacity. President Lincoln had to act as Commanderin-Chief, it was the only position left, he could not act as President, all states were not represented in Congress, so the corporation was dissolved. After the Civil War and pardon, the Southern states retook their seats in Congress. The northern states decided they would rather remain a de facto government, because they had more power that way, so they kicked the southern states out of Congress again and demanded the new United States Constitution be ratified by the southern states, before they could be re admitted again for a second time. The Fourteenth Amendment was not properly ratified, and this is very easy to prove. The Republican governments of the South were kicked out of office by the military district commanders, and puppet governments put in place to pass the Amendment. This is a matter of history, but hardly anyone is aware of it. The fraud has been kept from Americans, by selected history being taught to Americans in the public school system, colored to meet the purpose of the military government and those they work for. If that weren’t enough, in 1933 all Americans were made enemies of the Bankers, to force us to pay their fraudulent debts, which they created. This brings us to the SS# problem you were asking about. This number has one purpose, to number and identify those responsible for the debt owed to the Bankers, making us chattel

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