State Law Implementation of Private International Law Treaties

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Report: State Law Implementation of Private International Law Treaties Kathleen Patchel

I. Introduction At one time, international law was considered to be law that affected only rights of nations vis a vis each other, and not the rights of individuals residing in those nations. Increasingly, however, international law has moved towards rules that govern the rights of individuals. Many of these rules have developed in the human rights area, but increasingly states are entering treaties to govern not only aspects of public law, but also of private law. The treaties with which this Report is concerned are treaties in the area of private law. The whole purpose of these treaties is to govern the conduct of individuals– to establish uniform rules across international borders for the conduct of commercial, family law and other matters. These treaties primarily are those of three international organizations created for the purpose of furthering uniformity in private international law – The Hague Conference on Private International Law, the International Institute for the Unification of Private International Law (UNIDROIT) and the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL). The subject matter of these treaties is in large part governed by state law in the United States, and often by uniform state laws, promulgated by the National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws (NCCUSL). State law regulation of these areas domestically has not been in general problematic, at least in part because of the uniformity provided by the NCCUSL uniform laws process. Indeed, the effectiveness of state law regulation is in part demonstrated by the fact that international agreements now being promulgated in these areas often reflect in large part the substance of that state law. State law regulation in these areas also is supported by the practicalities of the structure of our federalist government. The national government of the United States is designed to be a government that regulates interstitially – it does not have general powers, but only those enumerated in the Constitution, and while it can bring to bear tremendous resources with regard to the issues that it does regulate, it is not designed to be able to regulate everything, or even most things. Instead, it was designed to regulate in those areas of particular national interest, while leaving the regulation of the day to day activities of citizen’s lives in large part to the states, who do have general legislative power. Federal regulation usually is accompanied by agency rule-making and, often, by specialized adjudicative bodies as well. While the federal government has considerable resources, it does not have the resources to commit to that type of comprehensive regulation with regard to every topic that may affect the citizens of the United States. That role, instead, was left by the Framers to the governments of the states and their subdivisions. This does not mean, of course, that over time matters that were once purely local matters may not become matters of particular national concern, and, thus the appropriate subject of federal regulation. The fact that the subject matter of national regulation may change over time, however, does not change the basic principle that the national government is designed to regulate with regard to matters of particular national concern, while the states provide the background of more general regulation of society. -1-

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