Cougar Crier June 2017

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Volume L Issue III

June 2017

John F. Kennedy High School

Letters from the Editor By Alixandra Wilens Editor-In-Chief …To Ms. Seigneuray, You have been a fantastic advisor throughout this past year! The Cougar Crier staff has been lucky to have you. Your newly designed masthead has looked beautiful on our Volume L issues. I have been so proud to have your name above the writers’ and editors’ names each issue. Nobody knew what to expect with a new advisor, but you took on every challenge we faced like it was your personal mission. You have raised our standards and kept us on deadline (as much as anybody wrangling over 25 journalists could). Thanks to you, we now have a Twitter account (@CougarCrierJFK), we are online (, and we have a much stronger inschool media campaign to promote our papers when they are released. You never let the fact that this was your first year in our school slow you down. Every meeting you hit the ground running, and our papers have been better than ever as a result. I feel confident leaving this publication knowing that you will be guiding the future Cougar Crier forward. Thanks for an amazing year, Alixandra

…To the Cougar Crier staff,

…To John F. Kennedy High School,

I am constantly amazed by the dedication that you show to both this club and this publication. To anyone who has ever submitted something to our paper, thank you for your submission and your support. To the editors of this paper, you earn the title of editor every single meeting. To my fellow Editor-in-Chief, Melissa, thanks for a great four years (and for managing the Remind thread). To the photographers and artists, your creativity brings our paper to life. Finally, to our wonderful writers, you are the lifeblood of our publication. Your voices on the subjects that you deem important are vital to this school. I sincerely hope that all of you continue to support our paper next year because this school deserves to hear what you all have to say.

What can I say other than thank you? You have given me an unforgettable four years. I have had so many wonderful opportunities throughout my time here, and running this paper during this past year has been one of my favorites. I have met teachers that have changed the way I think and perceive the world, and I have forged friendships that will endure even after my last year here has ended. I have been pushed beyond my original academic limits in ways that I know will help me as I continue into college and beyond. I am a proud second-generation Kennedy student. After four years, I understand why families choose to return to this community and this school. The Cougar Nation is an entity unlike any other, and I believe that it will continue to thrive for another fifty years.

Proudly your fellow writer and editor, Alixandra

A Cougar until the end, Alixandra

…To the Class of 2017, We did it. If you need proof, see the College Map. See the friends we made. See the standardized tests we conquered. See the teachers we’ll never forget. See the school of which we get the honor of being the 50th graduating class. See you at graduation! Alixandra

Robbie’s Run By. Adam Bernstein

The Robbie’s Run is a 5K race and family-fun day hosted every April to raise money for AEDs (Automated Defibrillators) all over the world. The Levine family hosts the fundraiser every year since 2006 in honor of their son, Robbie. Robbie passed away in 2005 during a baseball practice. While running the bases, Robbie suffered from a heart failure, and he sadly passed away at the age of nine. Today, the foundation, run by the Levine family, is called the Forever 9 Foundation. This year marked the 12th annual commencement of the 5K race which honors Robbie. The event took place on Sunday, April 30th, 2017 at Levy-Lakeside Elementary School. The money collected is donated and invested in placing AEDs in all schools, baseball fields, gyms, and other public facilities all over the world. According to the National Safety Council, AEDs could save 40,000 lives worldwide across the globe. The Levine Family has also made sure that in physical education classes across Long Island, CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation) is taught and known as Fitness for Life. This is to educate students of training in CPR and make sure they knew what to do during an emergency and how to perform the life-savingprocedure. Every year, the Bellmore-Merrick community participates in a series of three runs which are the Fun Run, 1 Mile Run, and the 5K run. Along with the races, the Robbie’s Run includes entertainment, such as live music, games, and raffle prizes. The Robbie’s Run includes food and beverages donated by local restaurants who support the Foundation. The family-fun day is an enjoyable time for kids of all ages. This cause has been supported for the past twelve years and will continue to be a successful event which everyone enjoys. The Forever 9 Foundation is successful every year in donating AEDs all over the world which save thousands of lives. The event will continue to run for a long time and support this wonderful cause which saves lives.

(Photo by Jennifer Rakhimov, courtesy of Yearbook Club) Above: Seniors proudly display their college choices. See pages 8 through 11 for more college decisions!

The Lives of Manchester Page 7

College Map Pages 8-11

Bulldogs Hockey Page 15

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