Sendreforms schools 2014

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The SEND Reforms: What schools need to know and do

SEN and Part 3 of the Children and Families Act The Children and Families Act received Royal Assent on 13th March 2014 and the Department for Education a revised SEN Code of Practice is due to be published at the end of July 2014. Changes to the operation of the SEN framework will be implemented from September 2014. At the same time, school funding changes have affected the way schools are funded to meet SEN and Ofsted have an increased focus on the progress of vulnerable groups of children. This briefing is designed to give schools information about the forthcoming changes and to help them prepare for the reforms.

Key principles in the Children and Families Act Participation: The Act promotes the participation of parents and young people in decision-making about SEN outcomes: the Act focuses on outcomes and improving progress for children and young people with SEN. The Act requires a joint approach across all agencies: •

education, health and social care will be required to co-operate at a local level to meet children and young people’s needs: and

local authorities and health commissioning groups will be required to commission services jointly for children and young people, with SEN.

Changes in assessment and planning •

School Action and School Action Plus will be replaced by SEN support: a graduated approach to identifying and meeting SEN, with schools involving parents in identifying needs, deciding outcomes, planning provision and seeking expertise at whatever point it is needed.

Statements will be phased out from September 2014 and will be replaced by Education, Health and Care (EHC) assessments and plans.

EHC plans will extend from birth to 25, where necessary, replacing the Learning Difficulties Assessment for young people leaving school.

Academies will be covered by the same statutory requirements as maintained schools.

Local Offer The Local Offer will set out what all local agencies are expected to provide including what schools are expected to provide from their delegated budget, their ‘notional SEN budget’. 1

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