Count Basie Center Academy of the Arts PRODUCTION OF
Book by Music by Thomas Meehan Matthew Sklar and Bob Martin
Lyrics by Chad Beguelin
Based upon the New Line Cinema film written by David Berenbaum Originally produced by Warner Bros. Theatre Ventures In association with Unique Features ELF-THE MUSICAL JR. is presented through special arrangement with Music Theatre International (MTI). All authorized performance materials are also supplied by MTI. The videotaping or other video or audio recording of this production is strictly prohibited.
Santa Claus …………………………………………. Bryan Reimertz Buddy …………………………………………………… Olivia Conti Charlie ………………………………………………. Athena Barrett Shawanda ……………………………………........... Devon Spiwak Sam/Elf #4 ……………………………………………….. Sean Busk Walter Hobbs …………………………………….. Angelo Esposito Deb/Elf #3 ……………………………………………… Hailey Blum Emily Hobbs …………………………………………. Gianna Giglio Michael Hobbs ……………………………………... Elena Asfendis Security Guard #1/Elf #2 ……………………….. Madison Sammis Security Guard #2/Sarah ……………………………. Kate O’Brien Saleswoman/Businesswoman …………………… Georgia Attardi Macy’s Manager …………………………………………. Carl Smith Josie …………………………………………………… Ainsley Lang Fake Santa/Jogger …………………………………. Addy O’Mara Santa’s Helper/Flyer Gal #1 ……………………... Emma DePalma Policewoman #1/Flyer Gal #2 ……………………… Ava DePalma Policewoman #2/Teenager ……………………………….. Ava Tirri Mr. Greenway ………………………………………… Jason Lavery Chadwick/Elf #1 ………………………………… Carolena Blasucci Matthews/Elf #5 ……………………………………. Nolan O’Keefe Charlotte Dennon/Child/Comforting New Yorker…. Zoe Kenney Darlene Lambert/Macy’s Employee #1 ………. Delaney Corrigan Emma Van Brocklin/Mother ………………………. Emma Noonan
Scene 1: Santa’s Toy Shop “Happy All the Time” ………........................................... Santa, Buddy, + Elves on the Shelves Ensemble Scene 2: New York City, 2020 “World’s Greatest Dad” …………….. Buddy + Candy Cane Ensemble Scene 3: The Greenway Press Office Scene 4: Macy’s Department Store “Sparklejollytwinklejingley” …………………… Buddy, Jovie, Manager, + Candy Cane Ensemble Scene 5: The Hobbs’ Apartment, Central Park West “I’ll Believe in You” …………………………………….. Michael + Emily Scene 6: The Greenway Press Office Scene 7: Rockefeller Center “A Christmas Song” .. Buddy, Jovie, + Elves on the Shelves Ensemble Scene 8: The Greenway Press Office “World’s Greatest Dad” (Reprise) ……………………………… Buddy + Elves on the Shelves Ensemble Scene 9: Tavern on the Green “Never Fall in Love” …………………………………………………. Jovie Scene 10: The Hobbs’ Apartment/Throughout New York City “There Is A Santa Claus” ….. Michael, Emily, + Candy Cane Ensemble Scene 11: The Greenway Press Office “The Story of Buddy” ……………………………………. Buddy, Walter, Michael, Emily, + Elves on the Shelves Ensemble Scene 12: Central Park “A Christmas Song” (Reprise) …………………………………. Company “Sparklejollytwinklejingley” ……………………………………. Company
Coach Anthony, Miss Jess, Mr. Mark, Miss Malak D., Miss Jessica F., + Miss Olivia T. (Production Interns), Joanne Penrose, Phoenix Productions, Andrew Musser, the Count Basie technical crew, Yvonne Scudiery, the Count Basie Education Department, and all of the parents for their endless support throughout this process!
ELF, Jr. CAST Break-a-leg today; sing loud and proud, and think of all you can accomplish on that stage: “Just sing a Christmas song
and keep on singing all season long. Think of the joy you’l bring If you just close your eyes and sing!” Love, Coach Anthony, Miss Jess, Mr. Mark, Miss Malak, Miss Jessica, + Miss Olivia
Congratulations, Ava and Emma and to everyone in the cast and crew of Elf, Jr. ! May you always sparkle!! Happy Holidays to everyone and Wishes for a healthy New Year!
Love, The DePalma Family
Athena, We are so proud of you!! You are a hardworking and talented young lady, and we can't wait to see you in Elf Jr! Keep up the great work, remember to smile, and enjoy every minute!! XOXO, Dad, Mom, Kalista, Maya, Mak & Reef
Elena NoelleYou have spread Christmas cheer in our family since the day you were born... two weeks before Christmas! We love you and are so proud of you always. Congratulations to you, the entire cast of ELF, Jr and it’s amazing director and fabulous coaches! Love, Mom, Dad & Autumn
>> Devon <<
Congratulations to you and the rest of the Elf, Jr. cast. We are so proud of you and love to watch you shine!! >><< We love you always, Mom, Dad and Ben
Break a leg, Peggy!
Love, Mom & Dad
To Our Best Buddy, Olivia Your smile's our favorite!!!
We Love You!!! Mom, Dad, Amanda, Jesse, Dylan, Grandma, and Papa
Madison, Congratulations on your first production with CBT! It is truly a pleasure to watch you do what you love, and we are so excited to see you bring your magic to the stage in Elf Jr! Seeing YOU smile is OUR favorite!
Your hard work and dedication always pay off and we can't wait to see what is next. Keep shining bright in all you do. We love you and are so proud! Love Always, Mom, Dad & Mason
Delaney, We are so proud of you ! Break a leg !!
We cannot wait to see you shine on the stage in your Count Basie debut. Love, Mom, Dad, Fiona & Siobhan
Sean, Watching you perform is OUR favorite! Congratulations! We love you very much, and are so proud of you!! Love, Mom, Dad, & James xoxo
Congratulations Zoe and the entire cast and crew of Elf Jr! We love watching you on stage doing what you love! Keep smiling and shining in all that you do. Love, Daddy, Mommy, and Molly
Congratulations, Bryan!!!We are so proud of the hard work you put into everything!! Keep singing, dancing, and making us laugh!! Love, Mom, Dad, Justin, and Deanna
Dear Carl -- Yes it is! Thanks for managing the business of Christmas. We love you and are so proud of you -Mom & Dad
B a s e d u p o n th e N e w L in e C in e m a film w ritte n b y D a v id B e r e n b a u m O rig in a lly p ro d u c e d b y W a rn e r B ro s. T h e a tre V e n tu re s In a s s o c ia t io n w it h U n iq u e F e a t u r e s E lf T h e M u s ic a l J R . Is p re s e n te d th ro u g h s p e c ia l a rra n g e m e n t w ith M u s ic T h e a tre In te rn a tio n a l (M T I). A ll a u t h o r iz e d p e r f o r m a n c e m a t e r ia ls a r e a ls o s u p p lie d b y M T I . w w w .m t is h o w s .c o m T h e v id e o ta p in g o r o th e r v id e o o r a u d io re c o rd in g o f th is p ro d u c tio n is stric tly p ro h ib ite d