JULY 2022 - DECEMBER 2023

An Introduction
Over the past 18 months, the Count Basie Center’s mission to “Inspire, Educate and Entertain” has shined brighter than ever. In a post-pandemic world, we’re as confident as ever that the arts are vital to the health and wellbeing of our communities.
But can we reach everyone?
How hard must we work to ensure that everyone in our community feels welcomed, and has access to the Count Basie Center’s performing and cultural arts programs?
This Impact Report demonstrates the steps we’re taking to shape the Count Basie Center as a community asset that’s equitable, accessible and inclusive to all.
A driving force in this effort is our FOREVER FOR EVERYONE endowment campaign. Over the last year and a half, we’ve been fundraising and putting the promise of FOREVER FOR EVERYONE into place, which will provide critical long-term stability to our organization, deepen our community impact and expand access to our programs and performances.
We’ve already increased scholarships at the Count Basie Center Academy by 342% since fiscal year 2022, creating a nearly 50% increase in the total number of students participating in our programs.
In the pages that follow, you’ll learn more about FOREVER FOR EVERYONE, plus the other initiatives aiming to foster a better, more diverse and inclusive community through education and the performing and cultural arts.
A Letter from our Board Chair and President / CEO
Our annual Impact Report is an opportunity to showcase the accomplishments we feel are crucial to the wellbeing of our community.
The Count Basie Center is flourishing, with more performances on our two stages, arts education opportunities, programs in schools, and students reached than ever before in our history.
And while we look back at the year and our accomplishments, we are also looking ahead to 2026, when we’ll celebrate 100 years of our building’s rich heritage – and yet, it seems we’ve only scratched the surface in terms of the positive effect we work to bring to our Basie Center community.
Our mission is to Inspire, Educate and Entertain. In the past year, thousands of students have attended performing arts classes and workshops through the Count Basie Center Academy and the Basie Center’s Monmouth Conservatory of Music. Hundreds of these students are on scholarship through our ‘AllAccess Arts’ initiative – made possible in part by our amazing sponsors and our FOREVER FOR EVERYONE endowment campaign, which you’ll read about herein.
You’ll also learn about the Count Basie Center’s focus on diversity, equity and inclusion, and the steps our staff and board has taken to address unconscious biases, and to put equity and representation at the forefront of all that we do.

None of this would be possible without an engaged and dedicated Board of Trustees, led by Executive Committee members Stephen Cutler (Treasurer), SoVonna Day-Goins (Co-Secretary), Claudia Dulac (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Officer), Robin Klein (Governance Officer), Maria Maher (Co-Secretary), and our Co-Vice Chairpersons, Michael Parent and Maggie Riker.
Equally as important is the Count Basie Center leadership team, headed by Chief Financial Officer Karen Franklin, Chief Marketing Officer Jonathan Vena and Chief Operations Officer Izzy Sackowitz. Our Education offerings are led by Samantha Giustiniani, Vice President, Education and Outreach, while Lysa J. Israel, our Senior Director of Development, heads our ambitious fundraising efforts. And each of our Basie Center employees can take comfort in knowing that Ann Marie Keenan is always available as our Senior Director of Human Resources.
Along the way, you’ll see how Phoenix Productions, our thriving community theatre company, attracted more than 20,000 patrons to this year’s productions. And you’ll see how we supported and delivered recognition to twelve vital area nonprofits through our initiative called The Giving Year.
In all, this Impact Report is a testament to what our organization has achieved. But we could not do it alone. Through partnerships with other nonprofit organizations, schools, community leaders, government officials, our Basie Center members, donors, patrons, board of trustees, staff and community we are committed to making sure that the performing arts flourish now and into the future, for everyone.

Adam Philipson President / CEO Count Basie Center for the Arts

Jeremy Grunin Chairperson, Board Of Trustees Count Basie Center for the Arts

Led by co-chairs Carol Stillwell and Valerie Montecalvo, the Count Basie Center kicked off its $20 million FOREVER FOR EVERYONE endowment campaign in August 2022. In October, global superstar Charlie Puth – who as a child took jazz classes at the Basie –was named the campaign’s honorary chair on the night he kicked off his sold-out 2022 tour on our historic stage. Proceeds from that performance led to the establishment of the Charlie Puth Performance Scholarships, two $1,500 opportunities to be awarded annually and in perpetuity for any Count Basie Center Academy program.
A key component of the FOREVER FOR EVERYONE campaign is the Basie Center’s commitment to amplifying and embracing the region’s diversity, fostering a community where the performing and cultural arts are accessible to all. Funding from the endowment campaign will provide critical, long-term stability to our organization, deepening our community impact and expanding access to our programs and performances.
Through December 2023, $10,815,990 has been raised toward the $20M goal.

Endowment Campaign Honorary Chair
Charlie Puth
Endowment Campaign Co-Chairs
Carol Stillwell Valerie Montecalvo
Jerry Bakal
Steven Denholtz
Claudia Dulac
Robert Evanson
Jeremy Grunin
Campaign Committee
Mark Hogan
MaryAnne Kanacki
Nancy Karpf
Robin Klein
Marshall Knopf
Lysa Israel Senior Director of Development
Maria Maher
Michael Parent
Maggie Riker
Cathy Sivo
Tom Widener
Basie Center Board of Trustees Executive Committee
Jeremy Grunin Chairperson
Stephen Cutler Treasurer
Robin Klein Governance Officer
Michael Parent Co-Vice Chairperson
SoVonna Day-Goins Co-Secretary
Claudia Dulac Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Officer
Maggie Riker Co-Vice Chairperson
Maria Maher Co-Secretary
Adam Philipson President & Chief Executive Officer, Ex Officio

The Count Basie Center strives to create programs built to foster and strengthen community outreach and enrich classrooms across the region. Since July 2022, the Count Basie Center has launched or participated in 36 such school and outreach programs, impacting more than 20,000 students:
• Our Curtains Up for Kids school shows featured 11 onsite performances, serving nearly 10,000 students – approximately 75% of whom attend Title 1 Abbott / special populations schools. The Basie Center subsidized tickets and transportation for each of these underserved students and districts.
• Poetry Out Loud: As the New Jersey State Council on the Arts’ statewide partner, the Basie Center oversaw the Garden State’s participation in this national recitation competition, conducted in partnership with the National Endowment for the Arts, the Poetry Foundation and state and jurisdictional arts agencies.
At the Poetry Out Loud state finals in March 2023, Lydia Smith, a junior from Henry Hudson Regional High School in Highlands, was crowned state champion. The finals represented the culmination of that year’s competition, which began in the fall and included 10,179 New Jersey students from 64 different high schools and organizations.
• Stormy Singers, a chorus program for kindergartners at Red Bank Primary School, teaches students songs in both English and Spanish, with the goal of increasing and expanding family participation in the arts, music and education.
• Music & Movement: Teaching artist John Sferra’s prerecorded content allows all Red Bank Borough school district preschoolers to experience this musical education offering, which imparts music fundamentals through playing instruments, singing, dancing and experimenting with rhythm and other musical concepts. John also participates in the borough’s Family Engagement Day so parents and caregivers can experience the program alongside their students.
• Life-Skills and Special Education Classes: Teaching artist Chris Tomaino continued his work in borough schools with creative arts and life skills classes at Joseph Bolger Middle School in Keansburg, the multiple disabilities classroom at Thorne Middle School in Port Monmouth, and with adults with special needs through the Arc of Monmouth.

• Red Bank Enrichment Programming sends teaching artists into Red Bank Primary School to provide a rotating schedule of creative arts and theatre-based classes to approximately 600 students.
• mindALIGNED: the Basie Center’s mindALIGNED creative teaching initiative continues to provide professional development and creative teaching strategies to educators interested in integrating the arts into their classrooms. Through December 31, the Count Basie Center hosted 31 trainings with 9 schools and community organizations, impacting over 2,000 students.
• Calpulli Mexican Dance Company: New York’s Calpulli Mexican Dance Company is one of the Basie Center’s most vibrant partnership programs, teaching children, teens and adults the traditions of Mexican folklore and dance. Conducted in both English and Spanish, hundreds of classes have been held at the Basie Center since 2016, with students going on to perform on our historic stages, various community events and the Staten Island Childrens Museum.
• The Count Basie Center Gospel Choir continues to flourish. Led by celebrated director Gwen Moten and assistant music director Dr. B. Dexter Allgood, the choir has become an engaging and cultural environment for its participants, with performers from New Jersey and surrounding areas performing several times a year at the Count Basie Center, as well as other regional community venues and events.
• The Basie Awards: In 2023, the Basie Awards nomination committee evaluated more than 40 productions starring Monmouth County high school students. Nominations recognized excellence in everything from acting and directing to set and costume design, with a sold-out awards ceremony taking place onsite at the Basie Center last May.
• The 2023 Count Basie Center Breakthrough Filmmaker Fest was celebrated in April with screenings of official selections at Basie Center Cinemas, plus networking opportunities and a Q&A panel with industry experts, studio heads and others who took questions from student filmmakers, educators and parents.

• Count Basie Center Arts Impact Scholarships: The Basie Center continued its tradition of awarding scholarships to graduating Monmouth County high school students who demonstrate the connection between their scholastic arts experiences and their future professional ambitions. In 2023, ten, $2,500 scholarships were awarded.

Last March, the Count Basie Center announced the hiring of its first-ever Director of Community Engagement. Today, Adriana Medina-Gomez fosters engagement with community leaders and fellow mission-based nonprofits to create programming opportunities here at the Basie Center. With a background deeply rooted in community development and a proven track record of steering impactful initiatives, Adriana has emerged as a driving force in fostering positive change, youth empowerment, and inclusivity.

For years, I looked for a place where I can celebrate my culture freely. I dress up as a Catrina every year and travel hours away to get visibility. It feels good to know I can express my art here.


Our Community Engagement has:
• Increased participation and visibility of the organization’s annual Cinco de Mayo celebration, which has become a community-wide, culturally authentic celebration of Mexican history, storytelling, cuisine and the performing arts. Members of the Basie Center’s Calpulli Mexican Dance company and music conservatory, plus community leaders and neighbors revel in this vibrant and empowering holiday event.
• Implemented an annual Juneteenth celebration, coinciding with the day’s Federal Holiday designation in 2021. In just two years, the event has become a must-see attraction, incorporating traditional Black and African culture, food, music, storytelling and cohesion, joining participants in adjacent Basie Center initiatives such as 2022 New Jersey Poetry Out Loud champion Italy Lee, local members of the Calpulli Mexican Dance Company, and the Count Basie Center Gospel Choir.

• An annual birthday celebration for our namesake, William James “Count” Basie to be held every August 21. In last year’s inaugural event, a bronze statue of Basie, commissioned by noted sculptor Brian Hanlon, was formally dedicated. Wayne Winborne, Executive Director of Rutgers-Newark’s Institute of Jazz Studies, gave remarks, and along with 250 members of the Basie Center community, enjoyed birthday cake, plus live music from noted jazz pianist Phil Bingham and students of the Count Basie Center Conservatory. `
• The Basie Center’s annual Dia de los Muertos celebration has grown into a vibrant, community commemoration of families, ancestry and MexicanAmerican heritage. 2023’s event featured an array of performances, including members of our Basie Center Academy’s bilingual ACTOS class, members of the Basie Center Conservatory, our vibrant Calpulli dancers, and local act Mariachi Huitzilin. Partnerships with Red Bank’s public library, schools and local businesses were also activated to create a drawing contest to depict La Cavalera Catrina, the female “sugar skull” character often associated with the holiday.

With Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) such an important aspect of the Basie Center’s strategic growth and a hallmark of the FOREVER FOR EVERYONE campaign, the Basie has been committed to espouse these virtues to its community, its Board of Trustees, and especially its full- and part-time staff.
Count Basie Center staffers have completed a six-week DEI curriculum offered by Olive Branch Educators of Fanwood, New Jersey. Dr. Diana Artis, founder of Olive Branch Educators, collaborated with the Basie Center to model strategies to overcome resistance to change, respectfully identify and unpack biases, and create an environment that encourages members of the community to remain focused and forward moving in their efforts.
“I commend The Basie Center for its unwavering commitment to creating space for its stakeholders who enter through the doors to do so as their most authentic selves,” says Dr. Artis.
“The success of the DEI work at the Basie Center is a testament to the unwavering support of its leadership. They welcomed questions and concerns about the required training but stood firm about its importance.”
“Folks have not just checked a box,” Dr. Artis notes. “Evidence of the success at the Basie Center can be seen in the ongoing questioning and courageous conversations about how to implement the skills and strategies learned.”
At the Board level, an Executive Committee DEI seat has been created to ensure DEI values are part of all decision making. Claudia Dulac, newly appointed DEI chair, and chairperson Jeremy Grunin serve as the co-chairs for a Basie Center’s board DEI committee. The Basie Center has also created an organization-wide DEI Task Force, made up of team members at all levels who are participating in additional training to become a volunteer advisory group for the organization’s policies, procedures, and expectations of all personnel moving forward.
These are just some of the strategies to intentionally embrace our values as an organization and prepare the organization with resources to effect meaningful and long-lasting institutional change.

Count Basie Center community theatre company Phoenix Productions attracted more than 20,000 patrons through performances of ten, full-length Broadway shows: School of Rock – The Musical, Hair, A Christmas Carol, Once on this Island, Guys and Dolls, The Music Man, In the Heights, The Addams Family, American Idiot and Evil Dead – The Musical. These productions included 300+ community cast members and more than 115 area musicians in the company’s famed live orchestras. With the leadership of Managing Artistic Director James Grausam, Phoenix’s mission to put diversity and inclusivity at the forefront of its casting process has raised the bar in terms of new talent and participants, with more than 40% of cast members and orchestra musicians identifying as coming from a diverse background.

In November 2022, the Count Basie Center and Bank of America announced The Giving Year, a year-long initiative to recognize and reward nonprofits for their contributions to the regional community. The Giving Year lasted throughout 2023, with the Basie Center donating $1 from every ticket sold to one of twelve area nonprofits – a different nonprofit per month. Organizations received $15,000, along with complimentary tickets to shows for their volunteers or beneficiaries, plus visibility through the Basie Center’s email marketing, website, and social media platforms to highlight their important work and endeavors.
total of $180,000 was raised for these important area nonprofits:
• Mental wellness organization Shore House (Long Branch)
• Community empowerment organization Inspire Life (Asbury Park)
• The Society for the Prevention of Teen Suicide (Freehold)
• Environmental advocacy group The Sandy Hook Foundation (Sandy Hook)
• Intellectual and developmental disability training program No Limits Café (Middletown)
• LGBTQ+ advocacy group QSpot (Asbury Park)
• Ritesh Sha Charitable Pharmacy (Red Bank)
• Literacy and writing skills advocates Project Write Now (Red Bank)
• Red Bank Public Library (Red Bank)
• The Parker Family Health Center (Red Bank)
• Food pantry and community advocacy organization Freehold Area Open Door (Freehold)
• Elder and veteran services organization Caregiver Volunteers of Central Jersey (Toms River)

Count Basie Center for the Arts, a not for profit organization
Count Basie Center Executive Committee of the Board
Jeremy Grunin Chairperson
Stephen Cutler Treasurer
Robin Klein Governance Officer
Stuart Alderoty
Mitch Ansell
Alison Banks-Moore
Tom Bernard
Sarah Bradley
Michael Bruno
Heather Burke
James M. Cadet
Puja Choudhry
Jerry Conaty
Michael Parent Co-Vice Chairperson
SoVonna Day-Goins Co-Secretary
Claudia Dulac Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Officer
Maggie Riker Co-Vice Chairperson
Maria Maher Co-Secretary
Adam Philipson President & Chief Executive Officer, Ex Officio
Count Basie Center Board of Trustees
Craig Cummings
Mollie Giamanco
Lauren Goldfarb
Delisha Grant
Yvonne Grayson
Jason Jurgens
Steve Kaiman
Nancy Karpf
Marshall Knopf
Mario Monello
Mark Rohl
Count Basie Center Board of Advisors
Peter T. Roselle
Matthew J. Saker
Dr. Perry Scaranni
Carol Stillwell
Fran Turner
Joe Wajda
Tom Widener
Darrell Lawrence Willis
Kaye Wise
Edward J. Zipprich
Harry Agnostak • Monmouth County Commissioner Lillian G. Burry • Faith and Warren Diamond • Beth Giannotto • Senator Vin Gopal
Tim Hogan • Senator Joseph Kyrillos, (Ret.) • Russell J. Lucas • James Marhold • Ed McKenna • Raymond Moser
Nancy Mulheren • Patti Scialfa-Springsteen • Pat Scire • Karen Siciliano • Peter B. Seligman • David A. Springsteen Larry Sykoff • Maureen Van Zandt • Steven Van Zandt • Hugh Ward • Al Weiss
President & Chief Executive Officer: Adam Philipson
Director of Community Engagement: Adriana Medina Gomez
Executive Assistant/Project Coordinator: Jennifer Lee
Senior Director of Development: Lysa J. Israel
Membership Manager: Cindy Jimenez
Sponsorship Manager and VIP Liaison: Kelly Schmidt
Development Events Manager: Gabriella LaFata
Grants Manager: Eleanor Silva
Development Database Coordinator: Wilma Porter
Sales Representative: Jaime Palumbo
Vice President, Education & Outreach: Samantha Giustiniani
Education Program Manager: Jessica O’Brien
Music Programs Manager: Dr. Laura Petillo
Arts Education and Outreach Manager: Anthony Greco
School Programs and Partnerships Manager: Kenya Bullock
Education Associate: Christopher Harrison
Chief Financial Officer &
Vice President of Finance: Karen Franklin
Finance Manager: Kitti Mosolygo
Finance Coordinator – A/R: Antoinette Koski
Finance Coordinator – A/P: Cassandra Worman
Finance Assistant: Angela Stern
Chief Marketing Officer: Jonathan E. Vena
Marketing Director: Stefanie Moelius
Interactive Marketing Manager: Nina DeGori
Creative Director: Andrew Musser
Video Content Producer: Alexandra Morris
Graphic Designer: Amy Wojtowicz
Senior Director of Human Resources: Ann Marie Keenan
Human Resources Assistant: Jazmin Graham
Administrative Assistant: Kevin McGee
Chief Operating Officer: Izzy Sackowitz
Venue Operations Manager: Andrea Morreale
Operations Assistant: Alyssa Santiago
House Manager: Cory Minervini
Assistant House Manager: Christopher Harrison
Assistant House Manager: Kim Kutschman
Facilities Director: Chris Lomazzo
Facilities Assistant: Greg Trapanese
Maintenance Assistant: Sofia Gonzalez
Technical Director: Michael Jacoby
Phoenix Artistic Producing Director: James Grausam
Assistant Technical Director: Kyle Santopadre
Stage Manager: Greg Wilkens
Production Manager, The Vogel: Charlie Christensen
Lighting Designer, The Vogel: Emily Lovell
Bar Manager: Art Veglia
Assistant Bar Manager: Brendan Crosby
House Crew: Daniel Gibson, Michael Johnstone
Cinema Manager: Raphael Silva
Security Supervisor: Butch Neis
Security Supervisor: Ron Neis
Director, Ticketing & Venue Engagement: Bobby Mack
Box Office Manager: Yolande Ruggiero
Representatives: Natalie Bilella, Carly Brach, Lisa Cohn, Elizabeth Long, Sydney Lowenstein, Donna Peger, Kristina Z.
Accounting: WithumSmith+Brown, PC, Karen Kowgios
Insurance: NPPG, Inc.
National Trust Insurance Services, LLC
Legal: Ansell, Grimm & Aaron Giordano, Halleran & Ciesla, P.C
Production Sound: ACIR Professional
Technical Support: ACA Computers
Transportation: Royal Limousine
Ansell, Grimm & Aaron Bank of America
Bistro Restaurant
Food Circus Supermarkets Inc
Gallo Wines of NJ
Grunin Foundation
Gia Maione Prima Foundation
The Horizon Foundation for New Jersey
Melting Pot of Red Bank
The Monmouth County Board of County Commissioners
OceanFirst Bank
Pazzo Restaurant
Peapack Private Wealth Management
Ranney School
Red Bank River Center
Wealth Partners
Tito’s Handmade Vodka
Triumph Brewing Co.
Urban Coalhouse Pizza + Bar
World Subaru
D&M Enterprise Group
Gannett Fleming Inc.
Law Offices of Paone, Zaleski & Murphy
Nissan City of Red Bank
Lenny August & Ciro Laezza
Cheryl and Timothy Cuddihy
Dragonfly Agency
Robert Evanson and Cynthia Bajorek
Gill & Chamas, LLC
Golden Dome Foundation
Jason and Maria Jurgens
Nancy Karpf
Gregory Lyden and Cathy Tormey
David A. Rivera
The Sivo Family
Laura Sperber
Paul and Joan Bartoli
Heather Burke and Colin Day
Dominick and Marlene Cipollini
Columbian Towers Development Company
John and Maria Crowley
Craig Cummings and BCS Private Wealth Management
Jonathan D’Agostino
Frank & Tricia D’Orazio
Kathleen and Michael Downey
Joanne and James Formisano
Nancy and Thomas Gravina
Fran and Richard Habib
HFA Partners
The Ketterer Family Foundation
Carmela and Anthony Lauto
Ed McKenna
Kristin and Brett McQuillan
Molly Pitcher Inn-Oyster Point Hotels
The Pinto Family
Thomas and Karen Pizzo
PNC Wealth Management
Maria and Andy Polansky
RBC Wealth Management
Maggie Riker
David Roslonski
Craig Schmell
Seelaus Asset Management
Richard and Annexie Singh
Thomas and Alex Skove
Heather and Greg Slavin
Craig and Jackie Steel
Chris Tubby and Deborah Wilson Giving Fund
Sheldon Vogel
Jennifer Barr Whaley
Kaye and Edward Wise
World Subaru
Chris and Jennifer Young
$25,000 AND UP
Ansell Grimm & Aaron PC
Bank of America
Heather Burke and Colin Day
Citizens Bank
Craig Cummings and BCS Private Wealth
Stephen Cutler
Steven and Lisa Denholtz
Warren and Faith Diamond
Dubose & Dorothy
Heyward Memorial Fund
D&M Enterprise
Gannett Fleming Inc
Gia Maione Prima Foundation
Grunin Foundation
Victoria and Justin Gmelich
Meridian Health
The Horizon Foundation for New Jersey
Investors Bank Foundation
Jason and Maria Jurgens
Nancy Karpf
Robin and John Klein
Law Offices of Paone, Zaleski & Murphy
Maria and Chris Maher
Margrit McCrane
Mario Monello
Monmouth County Board of County Commissioners
Valerie and Frank Montecalvo
National Endowment of the Arts
New Jersey State Council on the Arts
Michael Parent
OceanFirst Bank
Maggie Riker
Cathy and Tom Sivo
State of New Jersey
Historic Trust
Carol Stillwell/ Stillwell-Hansen, Inc.
Frances and Paul Turner
Tom and Janet Widener
World Subaru
JULY 2022 - DECEMBER 2023
$10,000 to $24,999
Lenny August & Ciro Laezza
Sarah and Colin Bradley
Buona Sera
Vito Cardinale
Robert and Pamela Chandler
Char Steakhouse
Columbian Towers Development Company
John and Maria Crowley
Cheryl and Timothy Cuddihy
Jonathan & Jade
Frank & Tricia D’Orazio
Robert Evanson and Cynthia Bajorek
Joanne and James Formisano
Guttenplan Family Foundation
Laura and Bob Garrett
Gill & Chamas
Giordano, Halleran & Ciesla, PC
Fran and Richard Habib
Mary Ellen Harris
John Ben Snow Memorial Trust
MaryAnne Kanacki
John Ketterer
Liberty Coca-Cola
Gregory Lyden and Cathy Tormey
William Marraccini
Marrus Family Foundation
Marrus Family
Mary Owen Borden Foundation
McGue Millhiser
Family Trust
Melting Pot
Mid Atlantic Arts
Magda and James Muka
OceanFirst Foundation
Pazzo Restaurant
Peapack Private Wealth Management
PNC Foundation
PNC Private Bank
Annamaria and Thomas V. Reilly
David A. Rivera
Mark and Denise Rohl
Peter T. Roselle
Thomas and Alex Skove
Heather and Greg Slavin
Richard Spengler and Karen Cangialosi
Laura Sperber
Teak Restaurant
Triumph Brewery
William T. Morris
Foundation Incorporated
Kaye and Edward Wise
Chris and Jennifer Young
$5,000 to $9,999
Angelo Family Charitable Foundation
Backyard Structures LLC
Paul and Joan Bartoli
BCB Community Bank
Karl and Barbara Brand
Dominick Cipollini
Complete Security Systems
Lee and Stacye Dejulius
Serena and Gerald DiMaso
Kathleen and Michael Downey
Rebecca and Eoin Duane
Dublin House
Eagle Oaks Golf &
Country Club
Fair Haven Hardware
Sean Feehan
Steven and Alison Friedel
General Plumbing SupplySpitball Advertising
Nancy and Thomas Gravina
Joshua and Jeanette Henne
Mark Landesman
Carmela and Anthony Lauto
Claire Lonegan
Margaret Mass
Bill McDaid
Edward McKenna
Kristin and Brett McQuillan
Molly Pitcher InnOyster Point Hotels
Monmouth Meats
Monmouth Medical Center
Nancy Mulheren
Arthur Murphy
Fran and Andy Pinto
Thomas and Karen Pizzo
Maria and Andy Polansky
Jack Privetera/ Annabelle Foundation
Ranney School
RBC Wealth Management
Red Bank River Center
Rumson Country Day School
Anita Roselle
David Roslonski
Rowan University
Rumson Wine and Spirit Shop
Alison and Jonathan Schultz
Jaime and Steven Schultz
Steven Scopellite
Shore Haven
Wealth Partners
Karen Siciliano
Matthew Sivo
Spirits Investors
Craig and Jackie Steel
Gia Maione Prima Foundation
Chris Tubby and Deborah
Wilson Giving Fund
Pat Tully
Urban Coalhouse
$1,000 to $4,999
Keith Abe
Stacey Afflitto-Wain
Harry and Kathleen Agnostak
Danette and Stuart Alderoty
John Allegra
John Alonso
Douglas and Cathy Andersen
Mary and Mitchell Ansell
Patrick Ard
Drs. Paul Axelrad and Jacqueline Zuckerbrod
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Baccala
Alison Banks-Moore
Robert Barbieri
Adam Bellincampi
Michael and Patrice
John Benge
Barbara Berman
Tom Bernard
Laurie Bertsch
Kevin & Elise Boman
Michael and Courtney Bonanno
Nancy and Bob Bonanno
Andy and Amy Boyer
Mark Brennan
Peter and Cathleen Broege
The Brown Family
Susan Buffa
Chris & Terry Burns
Lillian & Donald Burry
Cadet Family Foundation
Michael F. Callahan
Carolyn Campo and Richard Marcolus
William Cardinal
Eileen Carton
Stephen Cassidy
John Cederholm
Peter Cherasia
Paul Chew
Peter Chirlian
Bob Chirmside
Circle BMW
Ted Coene
Storm Colleton
Elizabeth Columbo
Jerry Conaty
Raymond A. and Debora A. Conklin
Philip Green & Allison
Jennifer Cory
Vincent Costa
Josy and Bill Coughlin
Linda and Scott Curran
Richard H Curry
Cynthia Czop
Alfred Dalessandro
Chris Davis
Craig Davis
SoVonna Day-Goins
Shifu Dean
Dechert LLP
John Decker
Patricia Delcioppio
Gregory & Paula DeMasi
Denholtz Associates/ Properties
Keith Dice
John DiPietro
Paul Dolan
Maureen and Roger Domal
Arthur Dooling
Gayle and Brian Dougherty
Kenneth J. Duane
Taplynn Dugan
Lawrence Durso
Joy Einhorn
David Eklund
Liz and Todd Erichsen
Kevin Esposito
Toni Esposito
Jay Felsenstein
David Figur
Mike Fitzgerald
Food Circus
Supermarkets Inc
Jennifer Foster
Lee and Tricia Frankenfield
Laura and Franklin Frasco M.D.
Joseph Galdo
Douglas Gallagher
Edward Galli
Cathy Gallo
Deirdre and Dave Gelinne
Mollie Giamanco
Beth and John Giannotto
Marty and Ruth Ginsberg
Stephanie Giordano
Bernard Goldsmith
Mr. Richard Gottuso and Mrs. Suzanne Gottuso
Carol and Peter Graham
Yvonne Grayson
Helen Green
Janelle Griffith
Gerald Grispart
Andrew Grossman
Marta Gutierrez
Russell Gutter
Ross Haik
John and Kristen Hall
Anthony Hanlon
Brian Hanlon
Shane Haverstick
Todd Herman
John and Coralie Hoffman
Mark and Karey Hogan
Robert Honecker
Vera Hough
Ron and Maria Importico
Industrial Cooling Corporation
Glen Johnson
Guy Johnson
Richard and Cindy Johnson
Jon Bon Jovi Soul
Chuck Jones
Kathleen Jones
Elisabeth Kaplan and Stephen Foley
Karen Joseph Salon, Red Bank
Fran Katz
Eric & Marie Knochenhauer
Marshall and Janice Harrington-Knopf
Richard Kolber
Jennifer Krimko
Herbert Kruttschnitt
III. Esq.
Philip Kuntz
Joseph and Susan Kyrillos
Joseph La Russo
Thomas Lankey
Lawrence Lapitan
Darcy P. Lawes
Joe Lazorik and Kate Lydon
Gary and Linda Leasor
Thomas and Nancy Leidell
The Lester Family
Paul Lindman
Abe and Linda Littenberg
John and Karen Lorenz
Lisa & Richard Loshiavo
Luby Family
Charitable Fund
Debbie and Robert MacDougall
Karen Mack and Donald Jacobs
Michael Maresca
Roxanne and Anthony Margadonna
James and Kathleen Marhold
Marc J Leder
Foundation Inc
Richard Maser and Debbie Maser
Vincent J. Mazza and Beth Fitzgerald
Kerry McBride
Patricia McCafferty
Matthew Mccarron
Peter McCarthy
Virginia McDonald
Molly McGinley
Margaret McGuire MD
Sylvia and Shawn McInerney
McLoone’s Restaurants
Phyllis McQuillan
Glenn Mekles
Nyire Melconian
Merrill Lynch Wealth
Metropolitan Commercial Bank
Vincent Hager and Maria Micale
Michele Minunno
Douglas Mishkin
Eve and Ed Moldaver
Elena Mondini
Monmouth County
Arts Council
Raymond Moser
Richard J Moylan
Michael Muha
Kevin Mullan
Pizza & Bar
Edward and Dianne Jordan
Bridget Murphy

Nelson, Fromer, Crocco & Jordan
Jeremy Neuer
Newport Capital Group
Ron and Ann Novotny
Hon. Declan O’Scanlon
Mike O’Brien
Teri O’Connor and Dean Reade
Daniel Oldroyd
Gary Olivero
Jim and Mindy O’Mealia
Joseph Pacelli
John P. Paone Jr.
Bob & Karen Parry
Mary Pearce and Peter Wolf
Victoria A. Perry
Donna Phair
Greg Philips
Alma & Adam and The Philipson Family
JP and Emily Pladek
Jules Plangere
Linda and Michael Plodwick
Susan Ponas
Michael and Judy Power
Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Pretre
Patrick and Julia Quinn
Tom Quinn
Paul and Christy Ramos
Lawrence and Barbara Rapisarda
Raymond Rasa
Richard Raymond
New Tamarind Foundation
Tami Regan
George Reich
Bill and Susan Reilly
Michael Remey
Myra and Dominick Ricci
Gerald Rizzo
Danon and Heather Robinson
Patricia Rodihan
Diane Rumpeltin
RWJBarnabas Health
Izzy Sackowitz and Lauren Vincelli
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Sandoli
Phil and Silvia Scaduto
Craig Schmell
Mark Schultz
Mike and Debbie Schurer
Tom Seidner and Martin Riehm
Ron and Helaina
Mickey and April Shabot
Philip Shaheen and Builders’ General Supply
Madelane Shane
Tori Sickles
2022 - DECEMBER 2023
John Eric Sonatore
David and Audrey Spader
David Springsteen
Spiro Harrison and Nelson
Stone Mandia LLC
Felecia Stratton
National Trust Insurance Services, LLC
Susan Szafranski
Alan Taboada
Liz A. Taieb
Miriam Tetelbom
The Amboy Foundation
Memorial Home
Rob Thomson
Robert Thugut
Mary & David Tinker
Tito’s Handmade Vodka
Diane Tresente
Trinity Hall
Antonia Tschampion
Town Title Agency
Valko Family
David & Dana Vargo
John Vazzana
Jonathan Vena
Ed and Bev Vienckowski
Jeffrey Vogl
Cathy Volker
Richard & Catherine Wagner
Joe and Nicole Wajda
Laura and Gregg Wallace
Joy Weinstein and Bruce Forman
Julia Welch
David Wickersham
Lysa Israel and Thomas Wilson
Liz and Rich Witterschein
Robert & Suzanne Woertz
Christine Wolter and Ray Oriente
Kelly Zaccaro
Steve and Tammy Zacks
Christine and Scott Zettell
MaryAnn Zicarelli
David Zimmel
Hon. Edward Zipprich & JP Nicolaides
Dr. Ira Zohn
Up to $999
Jeffry R. Abramson and Jodi Rose
Lora Acerra
Iris & Jeff Acker
Stephanie Ackerman
Amy & Chris Adamo
Jackie Adams
Paul Adams
Matt Agpaoa
Catherine Ahlers
Catherine Ainora
Rose and Joel Albert
Jeannine Dresch and Ellen Albrecht
Cathy Alescio
Maria Allas
Maria Allocco
Christine Almasy
Dr. Phyllis Alongi
Aurelio and
Brenda Alvarez
Cheryl Amato
Gregory Amici
Thomass Andretti
Robyn Andreula
Catherine and Michael Anthony
Diane Anzalone
Julianne Apostolopoulos
David Armstrong
Susan Asaro
Richard A. Askoff and Lisa D. McComsey
MaryBeth Auleta
Deborah and John Ayres
Madeline Badalaty
Sylvia Farley
Matthew Baier
Bruce R. Balbach
Patricia Balderas
David Balint
Steve Balzarini
Holly Banach
Theresa Banke
Ellen Baran
Linda Barbalinardo
Joanne Barbara &
John Fesken
Carol and Harold Barfield
Colleen Barillari
Donald Barnes
Joyce Barnett
Scott Barnett
Susan Barschow
Patrick Barton
Ron and Martha Baruzzi
Victor and Mary Basile
Les and Patti Baxter
William Beaver
Heather Bedenko
Nancy Bedenko
Kerry and Karen Beetel
David Behrend
Bernett Belgraier
Frank and Nancy Bellezza
Mark Bemis
Jennifer Bennett
Mark Bere
Dianne Gwynne Berger
Berman Family
Marianne Beyer
Robert J. Bifani
Tracey Bifani
Suzanne Biga
Philip Bingham
Shirley and Jerry Birenz
Brian and Debbie Blair
Debra Blair
Mark Blatt
Gary Bleetstein
Deborah Bleisnick
Blue Sky Title
Carolyn Bodner
Kelly and Ed Bolger
David Bona
Bruce Bonanno
Judy Bonanno
Joel Bondy
Sally Bonello
Carol Bonham
Jonathan Boniecki
Claire Bonti
John Bormann
Colette Borreo
Marie Borrong
Mary Ann Bosco
Ashley Bosonac
Darlene Bovo
William and Elizabeth Braden
John Bradley
Carmela Brady
Judith Brady
Patricia Brady
Susan Brady
Sinead Brady Littlefield
Owen and Sherl Brand
Lisa and Peter Breen
Vivian Breen
Deborah Breidt
Mackenzie Breitowich
Susan Brennan
Donna Broadbent
Brian Brockway
Christopher Broome
Joseph Brower
Robbie and Jennifer
Berger Brown
Julie Brown Barber
Richard Buckley
Tracy Buckley
Paul Buerck
Tom and Marybeth Bull
Thomas Bunge
Rene` and George Burger
Karen Burke
William Burke
Kyle Burnett
Star Burnett
Patrick & Ellen Burns
Julian Burr
Lawrence Burstein
Mark Bussy
George & Tammy Butler
Michael Butler
Jerry Cafone
Patrick & Sue Cahalane
Stephen Caporaletti
AJ Cappeto
Peter Carey
Virginia Carhuff
William Carlin
Monty Carlo
Lisa Carlson
The Carlucci Family
Stephen Carolonza
“B” Carr and Ed Mahon
Donna Carroll
Grant Carroll
Regina Carroll and Eric Abraham
Mario Castelli
Peter Cavalier
Howard Centro
Kelly Chaddha
The Charleston Family
Carolyn Chave
Teresa Chavez
Adam Cheek
Monica Chernow
Robert Chernow
Caren Chesler
Stephen A. Chidyllo MD
James Child
Michael Chilton
Scott & Jill Ciccone
Michael Ciccotello
Brian Cilli
John Cioffi
Anne Clewell
Cathleen Clifford
Karen Clores
Robert Cocca
The Cocco Family
Caryn Cohen and Andy Zeitlin
Kevin Colangelo
Christopher Cole
Denise Colella
Jessica Cole-Recco
Ray Coles
Kim & Joe Conley
Christopher and Kirsten
David and Judi Conover
Patricia Conte
Michele Conway
Karen Cook
Richard Cooke and
Carol Siegel
Patricia Cookson
Jonathan Coon
Michele Coppolino
Regina Corbett
Tina Corrado
Patricia Corridon
Anthony Corvasce
The Cosmas Family
Jennifer Costa
Brian Cotter
Richard Cox
Joseph and Patricia
Francine Crifasi
Joe & Ellie Crimi
Joe Critchley
Frances and Charles Crocco
Hester Crosby
Susan Culbert
Brooks and Kelly Cullen
Thomas Cullum
Lou Cundari
Janet Cunningham
Dee Curran
John and Kathleen Currie
James and
Kimberly Curry
Thomas Curtis
Del Dal Pra
Patricia Dalm-Moreland
Robyn Damien
Joe D’Amore
Vincent Daniele
Dale and Steven Daniels
Phyllis Danza
Karen Davies
Shelley Davimos
Anne Davis
Allen De La Cruz
Karen L Deaney
Michael Decker
Diana DeFrate
Charles Deitz
Christine DelCuore
Victoria and Anthony Dellarosa
Michele DellaVentura
Robert Delorenzo
Gracelyn Delucia
Karen DeMarco
Peter DeMarco
Jack Demarest
Joanne Demichele
Diane Dempsey
John Dent
Kenneth DeRoberts
Paul Desilva
James DeSocio
Alan Deutsch
Nora DeVeau-Rosen
Laurie Devino
John DeVito
Alan and Kathleen
Stacy Diaz
Ray Diaz
Elizabeth Diehl
Jen Diehl
Gregory DiLalo
Mike DiLeva
Robert DiMartino
James and Marie Dirscherl
Ann and Peter Dobrzynski
Michael Doherty
James Donachy
Paula Donley
Kenneth Donnelly
Bruce Doremus
BettyJean Downing
DK Doyle
Mark Doyle
Joseph Duenas
Brian Dugan
Claudia Dulac
Lisa Dumont
MaryEllen Durning
Linh Dyer
Scott Silberman
Michael Simpson
J Robert Small
Janice Bergstresser
Dr. Mark and Lois
Dr. Joseph J. Calabro
Jack Callahan
Ashley Campbell
Stacy Cannamela
Carol Cuddy and Peter Reniers
Kim Cugini
Andrew Eckmann
Roland J. Eckstein
Dale E Edlin