Newsies Jr. - RED CAST - Count Basie Center Academy of the Arts - Summer 2022

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Who’s Who in the RED CAST JACK KELLY ……………………………………………..… Addy O’Mara KATHERINE …………………………………..………… Lillian Haverty CRUTCHIE ……………………………………………… Aldan Philipson DAVEY ………………………………………..………………… Max DeVivo LES ……………………………………………………………… Maggie Parker MEDDA …………………………………………………..… Michayla Bland RACE …………………………………….…………………… Henry Griffith ADA/ROMEO ……………………………………………………. Abby Jain ALBERT/SPOT CONLON ….…………………….. Araceli English BUTTONS/SCAB 2/DOROTHY ….…………….… Leah Miraglia ETHEL/PIGTAILS ………………………………...…. Hannah O’Brien HAZEL …………………………………………….…… Isabella Hernandez JO JO/SCAB 1 …………………………………………..… Hailey Basurto MURIEL …………………………………… Giuseppina (Josie) Saraceni OLIVE/NANCY/TOMBOY ………………..….…… Athena Barrett SPECS/SCAB 3/BILL ….……………………………… Ellery Donohue PAT/POLICE CHIEF/BILL/ROOSEVELT……………….… Nakhai Carty

JOSEPH PULITZER …..………………….……………… Korbyn Selby BUNSEN …………………………………………………… Bryan Reimertz HANNAH ……………………………………..……………….. Bry Morales SNYDER …………………..…………..…………………………… Luke Hall WIESEL …..…………….………………….…………. Carl Sterling Smith OSCAR DELANCEY ……………………..……… Gemma Formisano

Production Staff Director Choreographer Assistant Choreographers Musical Director Costume & Props Design Costume Alterations Lighting Design Playbill Design Graphic Design

Anthony Greco Jessica O’Brien Ariana Centamore Edward Itte Anthony Greco Anthony Greco Joanne Penrose Emily Lovell Julia Catuogno & Isabella Landolfi Andrew Musser

Production Interns Direction

Gemma Formisano, Zoe Kenney, Bryanna Morales, & Carl Smith Choreography Ainsley Lang, Benjamin Neller, & Bryan Reinmertz Musical Direction Carolena Blasucci, Olivia Conti, Gianna Giglio, Luke Hall, & Shea Preston Company Management/Administration Isabelle Landolfi Company Management/Props Management Gemma Formisano Stage Management Benjamin Neller Wardrobe Assistance Gianna Giglio

Special Thanks

Andrew Musser, Charlie Christensen, the Count Basie technical crew, Chris Lomazzo, Samantha Giustiniani, the Education Department, Joanne Penrose, Phoenix Productions, Mark Sullivan, Kate Pinner, Algonquin Arts Theatre, Axelrod Performing Arts Center, our fabulous production interns, and, of course, the parents for their continued support!


Time Period: 1899

PROLOGUE: Alley “Santa Fe”…………………..………..………………….…….…..… Jack + Crutchie SCENE 1: Newsie Square “Carrying The Banner” …………………………………………. Jack + Newsies “Carrying The Banner (Reprise)” …………………….....…………… Newsies SCENE 2: Pulitzer’s Office SCENE 3: Street SCENE 4: Medda’s Theater “Just A Pretty Face”……………………………… Medda, Ethel, Ada + Olive SCENE 5: Newsie Square “The World Will Know”................................................ Jack + Newsies SCENE 6: Katherine’s Office “Watch What Happens” …………………………………………………Katherine SCENE 7: Newsie Square “Seize The Day (Part 1) ……………………………………….. Davey +Newsies “Seize The Day (Part 2) …………………………….. Davey, Newsies + Scabs “Santa Fe” ………………………………………………….………….………..……. Jack

–INTERMISSION– SCENE 8: The Refuge “Letter From The Refuge” ………………………………….….………. Crutchie SCENE 9: Newsie Square “King Of New York” ………………... Race, Davey, Katherine + Newsies

SCENE & SONG BREAKDOWN Time Period: 1899

SCENE 10: Medda’s Theatre SCENE 11: Pulitzer’s Office SCENE 12: Medda’s Theatre “Brooklyn’s Here” ……………….….. Spot + Brooklyn Newsies SCENE 13: Newsie Square/Cellar Door “Seize The Day” (Reprise) ……………………………..…… Newsies “Once And For All” .. Jack, Davey, Katherine, Les +Newsies SCENE 14: Pulitzer’s Office/Newsies Square “Finale” …………………………………………………….……. Company

Addy O’Mara (Jack Kelly)

Lillian Haverty (Katherine)

Aldan Philipson (Crutchie)

Max DeVivo (Davey)

Maggie Parker (Les)

Michayla Bland (Medda)

Henry Griffith (Race)

Abby Jain (Ada/Romeo)

Araceli English (Albert/Spot Conlon)

Leah Miraglia (Buttons/Scab 2/Dorothy)

Hannah O’Brien (Ethel/Pigtails)

Isabella Hernandez (Hazel)

Hailey Basurto (Jo Jo/Scab 1)

Giuseppina (Josie) Saraceni


Athena Barrett (Olive/Nancy/Tomboy)

Ellery Donohue (Specs/Scab 3/Bill)

Nakhai Carty (Pat/Police Chief/Roosevelt)

Korbyn Selby (Joseph Pulitzer)

Bryan Reimertz (Bunsen)

Bry Morales (Hannah)

Luke Hall (Snyder)

Carl Sterling Smith (Wiesel)

Gemma Formisano (Oscar Delancey)

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CONGRATULATIONS to the spectacular NEWSIES cast and crew! Araceli, We love you so much. Mama, Daddy, and Ruby

Sing your heart out! We are so proud of you and all of your hard work! Love Grandma, Pop, Deb

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