Who’s Who in the YOUTH CAST JACK KELLY …………..………….….…………………………… Darren Freeman KATHERINE …………………..………………..………………. Victoria Marques CRUTCHIE ………………………………..……………….………… Andrew Jacobs DAVEY ………………………………………………………………..…………. Neo Vela LES ……………………….………….………………………………………….. Ellora Jain MEDDA …………………………...………………………………….. Avery Bonanno RACE ……………………………..……………………………………… Regan Manley ALBERT ….…………………..…………………………………………. Aidan Heaney BUTTONS/SPOT CONLON ….……………………………. Stella Greenman HAZEL …………………………………………………………………. Nicolena Petitti JO JO/SCAB 1 ……….……………………..……………………………. Katie Roche MURIEL …………………..…………….…………………………. Siobhan Corrigan NANCY …………….………………..…………………………………. Vivian Bufano PIGTAILS …………………………..………………………………. Addison Del Tin ROMEO/SCAB 2 …………………………………..…………………… PJ DiFranco SPECS ….…………………………………………………………………. Caroline Scott DARCY/PAT…………………………..…………………………...……….… Nakhai Carty
JOSEPH PULITZER …..…..………………………..……….……… Korbyn Selby BUNSEN …..……………………..……………………………….…….. Gianna Giglio HANNAH ….………………………………………………………………. Bry Morales SNYDER …………………………………………..…………………………… Luke Hall WIESEL …..……………..………………………………………. Carl Sterling Smith OSCAR DELANCEY…………………………………..………Gemma Formisano
Production Staff Producers
Jessica O’Brien & Anthony Greco
Director|Choreographer Team
Ariana Centamore Edward Itte
Costume & Props Design
Anthony Greco
Costume Alterations
Joanne Penrose
Lighting Design
Emily Lovell
Playbill Design
Julia Catuogno & Isabelle Landolfi
Graphic Design
Andrew Musser
Production Interns Direction
Gemma Formisano, Zoe Kenney, Bryanna Morales, & Carl Smith Choreography Bella Campo & Alyssa Kiselev Musical Direction Carolena Blasucci, Olivia Conti, Gianna Giglio, Luke Hall, & Shea Preston Company Management/Administration Isabelle Landolfi Company Management/Props Management Gemma Formisano Stage Management Julia Catuogno Wardrobe Assistance Bryanna Morales
Special Thanks
Andrew Musser, Charlie Christensen, the Count Basie technical crew, Chris Lomazzo, Samantha Giustiniani, the Education Department, Joanne Penrose, Phoenix Productions, Mark Sullivan, Kate Pinner, Algonquin Arts Theatre, Axelrod Performing Arts Center, our fabulous production interns, and, of course, the parents for their continued support!
Time Period: Manhattan 1899 PROLOGUE “Santa Fe”.................................................................................Jack & Crutchie SCENE 1: Newsie Square “Carrying the Banner”………………………….…………………………Jack & Newsies SCENE 2: Pulitzer’s Office SCENE 3: Street. SCENE 4: Medda’s Theater “Just A Pretty Face ”.............................................................................. Medda SCENE 5: Newsie Square “The World Will Know”................... Jack , Crutchie, Davey, Les, & Newsies SCENE 6: Katherine’s Office “What What Happens ”................................................................... Katherine SCENE 7: Newsie Square, Next Morning “Seize The Day”.......................................... Jack, Davey, Crutchie, & Newsies “Seize The Day (Part 2)........................................................ Davey & Newsies “Santa Fe”.................................................................................................... Jack SCENE 8: The Refuge “Letter from the Refuge”……………..……………………..………………….. Crutchie SCENE 9: Newsie Square “King of New York”............................................ Race, Katherine & Newsies SCENE 10: Medda’s Theater SCENE 11: Pulitzer’s Office SCENE 12: Medda’s Theater SCENE 13: Newsie Square/ Cellar Door “Seize the Day (Reprise)”..................................................................... Newsies SCENE 14: Pulitzer’s Office SCENE 15: Newsie Square “Finale”............................................................................................... Company
Darren Freeman (Jack Kelly)
Victoria Marques (Katherine)
Andrew Jacobs (Crutchie)
Neo Vela (Davey)
Ellora Jain (Les)
Avery Bonanno (Medda)
Regan Manley (Race)
Aidan Heaney (Albert)
Stella Greenman (Buttons/Spot Conlon)
Nicolena Petitti (Hazel)
Katie Roche (Jo Jo/Scab One)
Siobhan Corrigan (Muriel)
Vivian Bufano (Nancy)
Addison Del Tin (Pigtails)
PJ DiFranco (Romeo/Scab 2)
Caroline Scott (Specs)
Nakhai Carty (Darcy/Pat)
Korbyn Selby (Joseph Pulitzer)
Gianna Giglio (Bunsen)
Bry Morales (Hannah)
Luke Hall (Snyder)
Carl Sterling Smith (Wiesel)
Gemma Formisano (Oscar Delancey)
We are so proud of your hard work and dedication! We love your love for theatre! We love you, Dad, Mom, Ella and Camryn
Congrats to the cast and crew of Newsies! We are always so proud of you Neo in everything you do !! We always enjoy whenever you preform and we are so happy to see you shine in your role of Davey. We will always be there to support you and cheer you on from the audience. Break a leg !! We love you Mom, Dad, Cami, Emilio, Cheeto and Cookie
Congratulations Andrew “Crutchie”! We Love You! Mom, Dad, & Lucy
Victoria, we are so proud of how far you have come! Keep shooting for the stars! We love you to the moon and back! Love, Mom, Dad and Sissy
Congratulations on a job well done. We are so proud of you! Love, Mom, Dad and Eagan
"Extra Extra! Read all about it - PJ is a Newsie! PJ, we are incredibly proud of you and the hard work you have put in the last couple of weeks! Keep pursuing your dreams! Love, Mom, Dad, and Madi!
Congratulations Siobhan and Delaney! We can’t wait to see you both in Newsies. And thank you Coach Anthony, Miss Jess, Miss Ariana, Coach Eddie and the Interns, cast and crew for a wonderful summer season at Count Basie!
Dearest Avery, We are so proud of you and all your incredible accomplishments. Keep shining bright superstar! Love, Your family Xxoo Extra hugs and kisses from Mom, Dad & Char