GENIE………………………………………..Marie McBurnie
ALADDIN………………………………..Ma’Ayan Mendoza
BABKAK………………………………………...Jordan Blake
OMAR…………………………………………..Regan Manley
KASSIM………………..…………………..Darren Freeman
JASMINE…………………………………………….Evie Lyons
SULTAN………………………….….Alexa Pacheco-Perez
JAFAR…………………………………….…..Filip Rubanyuk
IAGO…………………………………………….Carly Hoffman
RAZOUL……………………………………………..Emily Steel
GUARD 1……………………………………..….Amélie Walsh
GUARD 2…………………………….…..Juliana McMeans
BEGGAR 3/MAGIC ENCHANTER ….Scarlett Harrison
MANAL…………………………………….……Hayley Nastro
ISIR…………………………………………………Ella Topham
RAJAH……………………………….……Daphna Mendoza
Abigail Towers
Addison Siconolfi
Angelina DeRosa
Charli Kreizer
Clayton Simmons
Dorothy Graham
Dylan Manley
Emma Mayersohn
Evelyn Biegen
Gabby Maher
Isla Dileo
Julia McCroy
Keira Streiter
Khloe Rosamilia
Liberty Birch
Lillian Richardson
Mia Codey
Riley Granja
Ruby Pisano
Samantha Goldblatt
Savanna Kutsak
Savannah Papa
Scarlet Perrotto
Scarlett Kutsak
Tonilove Birch
Vivienne Aldrich
Vizcaya Curro Zoë
Associate Teaching Artists
Costume Design
Lighting Design
Anthony Greco
Jessica O’Brien
Ariana Centamore
Edward Itte
Alyssa Kiselev
Zoe Kenney
Kate O’Brien
Anthony Greco + Tina’s Productions
Kyle Santopadre
Anthony Greco
Playbill Design Jenna Barry
Graphic Design
Andrew Musser
Sound Effects Operator Jack McCall
Makeup Design
Shannon Naughton
Production Interns
Valentin Garcia-Linares, Victoria D’Avino, Zoe Kenney, Jenna Barry, Benjamin Neller, Kate O’Brien, Giana Schroeder, Nick Lutz, Skylar Hillin, Emma Idzahl, Christina Forte, and Carolena Blasucci
Andrew Musser, Izzy Sackowitz, Mike Jacoby, Kyle Santopadre, the Basie technical crew, Chris Lomazzo, Samantha Giustiniani, James Grausam, Phoenix Productions, our fabulous production interns, and, of course, the parents for their continued support
“Arabian Nights”............................Genie & Agrabahns
“One Jump Ahead”............Aladdin, Kassim, Babkak, Omar, Guards, & Agrabahns
“One Jump Ahead (Reprise)/Proud of Your Boy”....... Aladdin
“These Palace Walls”.................Isir, Manal, Jasmine, & Rajah
“Babkak, Omar, Aladdin, Kassmin”...............Kassim, Babkak, Omar, Aladdin, & Agrabahns
“Friend Like Me”.............................Genie, & Ensemble
“Proud of Your Boy (Reprise)”.........................Aladdin
“Prince Ali”.................Genie, Babkak, Omar, Kassim, & Entourage Ensemble
“A Whole New World”......................Aladdin, Jasmine, & Ensemble
“High Adventure”...................Omar, Babkak, Kassim, & Agrabahns
“Prince Ali (Reprise)”......Jafar, Iago, & Agrahbahns
Dear Angie, We can’t wait to see you shine!
“Like so many things, it is not what’s outside but what is inside that counts” - Aladdin movie
We love you, Mom, Dad, Lucas, Skyla and Anthony.
Congratulations Charli!
We are so proud of you today and always!
Love, Mom, Dad, Dylan and Austin
We are so proud of you Olivia!
Love, Mommy, Daddy and AJ
Ellie, we are all SO super proud of you and all the work you’ve done! We absolutely LOVE seeing you do what you love to do! You bring us so much joy and laugher and we just can’t wait to see what you’ll do next!
Love you tons, Mama, Daddy, Charley and Peggy
Dear Emily,
To our Razoul, you did a great job leading the guards! We love watching you perform and do what you love!
Congratulations to the cast of Aladdin Jr.!
Love, Mom, Dad, & Julia
Congratulations Anand Shah and the entire Aladdin team for all your hard work and dedication.
For Sophia Nicole,
May your smile light up the stage the way it lights up our hearts. Break legs girlfriend
Xoxo Mamma, Daddy & Cam
We are so Proud of you Amélie Belle. Congratulations!
Love Mom,
Dad, Hud and Riley
Estamos muy orgullosos de ti, eres una chica que siempre logras lo que quieres, sigue asi, porque la que persevera lo logra, no renuncies a tus sueños, lucha por ellos, luchando y trabajando duro lo lograrás. Todo lo que te propongas en la vida, nunca olvides que estamos aquí para ayudarte en todo lo que podamos, te queremos.
Reyna y Carlos.
Alexa Pacheco,
We are very proud of you, you are a girl who always achieves what you want, keep it up, because those who persevere achieve it. Do not give up on your dreams, fight for them, fighting and working hard you will achieve everything you set out to do in life, never forget that we are here to help you in every way we can, we love you.
Reyna y Carlos
Ruby, we are all so proud of you!
There is nothing better than watching you on that stage! You are beautiful, talented and as confident as they come. You were made for this!
Keep shining! We love you!
Mom, Dad, Edie, Leni and Lucci
Khloe, We love you and are always so proud of you! You are a star on and off the stage.
Love Your Family and Friends
Break a leg Marie and the Cast of Aladdin Jr!
Marie ~ We can’t wait for you to escape the lamp and shine on stage as the Genie! We love the way you enjoy every moment in life as you pursue your dreams. We are so proud of you. We love you, Mom, Dad, Robert & LuLu
Congratulations Emma & the whole cast of Aladdin Jr! We are so proud of you and love watching you shine on stage. Keep chasing your dreams!
Ella Grace, Always follow your heart. We are so proud of you. You are amazing! We can’t wait to see you and hear your beautiful voice as Isir.
We love you, Mom, Dad, Ethan, MeMom and Gpa
Love, Mommy, Daddy, and Blake
Lucia, we are so proud of you on stage again for the production of Aladdin , Jr!
You are growing and learning so much as a performer at the Basie! Congratulations to the Aladdin Jr. cast, crew and to you!
We love you, Mom, Dad & Michael
Riley, We are so proud of you! You amaze us in everything you do. Always keep reaching for the stars and be the best you, you can be! We love you!
Laurali and Abby, we are so proud of you! Congratulations on all of your hard work!
Love, Mom, Dad and Brian
Mommy, Daddy, Chase, and your entire family are so excited to see you perform in Aladdin!
It’s amazing watching you have so much fun up on that stage and we are so proud of all your hard work and dedication to the show!
Keep on shining!
We love you so much!
Congratulations and break a leg to Isla and the entire cast of Aladdin Jr!
We are so proud of all of your hard work and dedication! Have a great show!
Love, Mom, Dad, Keira and Finn
Congrats to Sammy & the entire cast & crew of Aladdin Jr!
Sammy, you are forever our star and we love to see you shine bright doing what you love most! We will always be your BIGGEST fans!
Love, Mom, Dad & Alex
Clayton on your first ever theatre production!
We are so proud of all of your hard work and dedication!
To you and all the Aladdin, Jr. cast and crew, BREAK A LEG!
Love, Mommy, Kyla, Nanny, Aunt D., Daddy and Benjamin
ScarletYou are our shining star You light up the stage & our lives everyday!
We are so proud of you & the Aladdin Jr cast & crew!
Joell, Your family is so proud of you for stepping out of your comfort zone and being your true self.
Love, Mom, Dad & Sienna