(Dog Catcher / House

You are our shining star You light up the stage & our lives everyday!
We are so proud of you & the Annie Jr cast & crew!
Love, Mom, Dad & Sienna
Dear Angie, We can’t wait to see your performance! You always have such an amazing attitude and energy when you perform. We love to see you shine!
" "You are special. Never stop believing in that!"
Love, Mommy, Daddy, Anthony, Skyla and Lucas
Congratulations to the Cast and Crew of Annie Jr.! Break a leg everyone!
Ava: we are so proud of you. Love, The McTaggart's - Lynn, Rob, Chuck, Grammy, and Grandpa, and all the rest
"You're Never Fully Dressed Without a Smile!"
Congratulations to our very own Annie and to the entire cast and crew of Annie Jr!
Sammy, you are our brilliant star and we love nothing more than to see you shine brightly on stage! We love you beyond measure! Mom, Dad & Alex
You never cease to amaze us with your hard work, dedication and talents. You shine on that stage and we love watching you perform. We are so proud of you! Your whole family loves you so much! “Shine girl!”
Love always, Mommy, Daddy, Chase and your whole entire family!
Ella Grace,
You were literally meant to be Grace. We are so proud of you once again. “We know you’re gonna like it here.” You’re where you’re meant to be.
We love you so much!
Mom, Dad, Ethan, MeMom and G-Pa
Ruby, we are all so proud of you!
There is nothing better than watching you on that stage! You are beautiful, talented and as confident as they come. You were made for this! And remember, you’re never fully dressed without a smile.
We love you!
Mom, Dad, Edie, Leni and Lucci
Way to go Emily! The best dog catcher I know! Love, Trixie and the humans she lives with
We are so proud of you. Just remember, the key to success is to hit those high notes with gusto, and never let the curtain fall on your dreams!
Love the Loony Bin
Alexa eres una niña muy talentosa estamos muy orgullosos de tî, sabemos que tu todo lo que te propones lo logras. Sigue asî, y lograrás todo lo que te propongas en la vida. Te queremos mucho, Mama y Papá
Congratulations Amélie and the entire cast of Annie Jr. We are very proud of all your hard work and dedication. Have fun! Dad, Mom and Hud (Riley and Ash too)
We are so proud of our Olivia! Keep shining bright our star!
PLUS student productions, music lessons at the Basie’s Monmouth Conservatory, private instruction + more!