Showtime Fall 2011 Issue

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Note from Numa Saisselin, CEO of the Count Basie Theatre Friends and Neighbors, As I write this, I have just learned that in October we will receive the Monmouth County Planning Board’s Planning Award for our recent renovation and restoration work. Since 2004, we have completed $12 million of work on this historic building. That puts us past the halfway mark on the projected $21.5 million it will cost to totally restore the building. This comes on the heels of receiving Preservation NJ’s 2010 Vision Award, the New Jersey Office of Historic Preservation’s 2009 Award, the Monmouth County Historical Preservation Commission’s 2009 Award and being listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 2009. This spring, NJ Monthly’s annual “Best of Jersey” issue named us Best Live Theatre/Arts Venue in the state. The NJ State Council on the Arts already designates the Basie as a Major Presenting Organization for the state and Pollstar Magazine, an industry trade journal, recognizes the Basie as one of the Top 100 Worldwide Theatres in terms of attendance. That’s world wide, folks. On numerous occasions in years past, the Asbury Park Press Readers’ Choice Awards have named the Basie as Best Community Theater, Best Place to Listen to Jazz/Blues and Best Comedy Venue. I always knew it, but these awards objectively value the importance of the Basie to our community. It’s a big community, and these awards speak to the success of our effort to offer a little something for everyone each year. Our job is to provide a place where artists and audiences can come together. It means nothing without you, the audience, and we thank you for playing your part. Next time you attend, bring a friend. They might like it here, too.

Note from Mark Hodges, CEO Count Basie Theatre Foundation Hello to all fans of the Basie! I am Mark Hodges, the new CEO of the Count Basie Theatre Foundation. I am delighted to be a member of the Basie team and look forward to being a part of the exciting future of the Theatre. With a beautiful facility, renovated with your support, fabulous programming and an amazing Performing Arts Academy, we have much to be proud of as a community. The Basie is a premier performing arts venue, recognized nationally for its reputation for excellence. I am proud to be a small part of it. You may not know that the Theatre is a non-profit organization, relying on generous support from our patrons, as well as from ticket sales, to continue our mission of providing a broad cultural arts experience to our community. Ticket sales cover only about half of our operating expenses, so we rely on community support to maintain our outstanding programming and educational programs. In addition, while the auditorium and façade of the building have been dramatically restored, there is much to do to improve the physical elements of the building. Planned enhancements include an updated heating and cooling system, sound system and, perhaps most obvious to our patrons, renovations to our restroom facilities are badly needed. We thank you for all your support in making the Basie a national landmark, and appreciate your continued support as we make the needed improvements to ensure that the Theatre is alive and well for another century!











Count Basie Theatre, Inc.


David J. Cooner Chairman

Francis Luisi Human Resources Chairman

Raymond R. Moser, Jr. Vice Chairman

Steve Bidgood Stephen Cutler Hon. John E. Ekdahl Siobhan Fallon Hogan Vinnie Favale Richard Kendarian Marshall Knopf Brian J. Leddin Russell J. Lucas Judith Marrus Christine E. Mosher

Laurence G. Thoma Treasurer Beth Giannotto Secretary William J. Marraccini Assistant Secretary

Count Basie Theatre Foundation Russell J. Lucas Chairman Stephen Cutler Vice Chairman James O’Mealia Treasurer Stuart Alderoty Secretary

Peter Ardolino Nick Brown David J. Cooner Craig Cummings Domenic DiPiero III Tony Fox Mickey Gooch Marshall Knopf Judi Marrus Nancy Mulheren Michael Oster Maggie Riker

Michael Parent William G. Reilly, Jr. Armins Rusis Kevin M. Ryan Steven M. Schultz Peter B. Seligman Stacy Smith Hugh J. Ward III Alfred J. Weiss Darrell Lawrence Willis, Sr. Edward J. Zipprich Numa C. Saisselin CEO

BOARD OF DIRECTORS Matthew J. Saker Steven M. Schultz Chip Schulz Pat Scire Karen Siciliano Chuck Soderstrom Patti Scialfa Springsteen Hugh J. Ward III Mark Hodges CEO

COUNT BASIE THEATRE FOUNDATION Chief Executive Officer: Mark Hodges Director of Membership: Ann Ciabattoni Director of Sponsorship: Shannon Eadon Director of Development: Tiffany C. McDermott Director of Special Events: Rachel O. Warnick Administrative Assistant: Lisa Marie O'Connell

BOX OFFICE Box Office Manager: Maryann Wrobel Assistant Box Office Manager: Yolande Ruggiero Representatives: Nicole Buonacquista, Laurie Dalton, Melissa Finkel, Donna Horsey, Kathy McGrath, Lisa Musillo, Jessica Pellegrino, Gina Rodrigues, Kathy Santiago, Tim Yerves

COUNT BASIE THEATRE, INC. ADMINISTRATION Chief Executive Officer: Numa Saisselin Operations Director: Izzy Sackowitz Marketing Director: Diana St. John Multimedia Manager: Alycia Yerves Marketing Assistant: Alex Campanella Finance Director: Peggy Shafai Finance Assistant: Antoinette Koski Administrative Assistant: Ann Marie Keenan Facility Director: Chris Lomazzo Custodial Supervisor: Roy McCurdy

FRONT OF HOUSE House Manager: Mary Hill Assistant House Manager: Pat Stephens Merchandise Manager: Marion Fuget Bar Manager: Michael Fitzgerald ADA Coordinator: Melissa Finkel Security Supervisor: William Topps

EDUCATION Director of Education: Yvonne Scudiery Education Assistant: Sue Brennan PRODUCTION Technical Director: Michael Jacoby Assistant Technical Director: Anthony Calicchio House Crew: Daniel Gibson, Todd Kearney, Greg Wilkens Backstage Catering Manager: Laurie Saisselin

The Count Basie Theatre, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation.

PROFESSIONAL ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Insurance: E & K Insurance; Ogden & Co. Accounting: Fried & Kowgios Partners, CPAs Legal: McCarter & English; K&L Gates; Ansell, Grimm & Aaron Production Sound: ACIR Professional Transportation: Royal Limousine Graphic Design: Diane Cuddy Design, Inc. Cleaning: M and C Cleaning LLC Web Site Management: Commercial Media The Count Basie Theatre is a member of Americans for the Arts, ArtPride NJ, Association of Performing Arts Presenters, Consortium of Eastern Regional Theatres, Eastern Monmouth Chamber of Commerce, International Ticketing Association, Jersey Shore Convention and Visitors Bureau, League of Historic American Theatres, Monmouth County Arts Council, New Jersey Travel Industry Association and Red Bank RiverCenter.

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History On July 29, 1925 the Red Bank Register reported that Joseph Oschwald of Little Silver announced plans to build a Theatre on Monmouth Street for a partnership of Joseph Stern of Newark, the Burns and Schaffer Amusement Co. and Walter Reade, then New Jersey’s largest theatre owner. The property and the rights of way for Copyright Kathy Dorn Severini DBA Dorn's Classic Images. Used by permission. the land were purchased for $21,000, the projected construction cost was roughly $300,000. Ground was broken on December 9, 1925 and the Theatre opened on Armistice Day, November 11, 1926. Opening night was a grand affair, headlined by a vaudeville performer, the feature film “The Quarterback,” starring Richard Dix, Carlton’s News Events and a ten piece orchestra. That summer and fall, the plan was to use the Theater to try out musical comedies and other shows to be produced in New York. Admission would never be more than 75 cents for movies and vaudeville shows. First known as the State Theatre (the initials “ST” are still inscribed on the peak of the building’s façade). The Theatre’s name was changed twice, first to the Red Bank Theatre and then to the name it operated under for over four decades, the Carlton Theatre. The Red Bank Register reported that the new Carlton Theatre, “…is a marvel of beauty, convenience and comfort. Outside and inside it is an architectural triumph. Color and light are two of the outstanding features of the new building. Thousands of electric lights stud the ceilings and sidewalls. In the center of the building is an enormous dome-like sunburst illuminated with a myriad of concealed lights. A very large glass chandelier is suspended from the center of the dome. The interior of the Theatre is rich with colors harmoniously blended. The furnishing are rich in velours and velvets in contrasting shades.” A grandly painted vaudeville curtain, still in use today, filled the proscenium arch. The Theatre was privately owned and operated for almost 50 years, until 1973, when an anonymous donation made it possible for the Monmouth County Arts Council to acquire the building for just $96,665 and preserve it for cultural uses. It operated as the Monmouth Arts Center until 1984, when it was renamed in honor of jazz pianist, composer, band leader and Red Bank native William “Count” Basie (1904-1984). On June 30, 1999, the Count Basie Theatre, Inc. was established as an independent nonprofit corporation to maintain ownership and manage, program and preserve the Theatre for the benefit of the community. In 2004, the first of a 12-phase, $21.5 million renovation began with the purchase and installation of brand new historically accurate Theatre seats. In 2008, the auditorium, lobbies and Carlton Lounge were renovated and restored. In 2011, the façade and marquee were restored and the Theatre was named to the National Register of Historic Places. Total expenditures on capital improvements have totaled $12 million to date. Although the current schedule is composed of “live” music, dance, theatre and arts education performances, much remains the same about the building. Almost 200,000 people a year attend events at the Count Basie Theatre. In an age when we communicate and entertain ourselves through mediums that its founders could not have even imagined, their Theatre is still the place where people go when they want to be entertained and enlightened in the company of their neighbors. A more expansive telling of the Count Basie Theatre’s history is available at

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B e A Part of The Basie - Membership has premiere perks! With membership ranging from $50 to $1,000+, the benefits abound. Based on your level of participation you can enjoy... l



Great Seats – Advance Purchase allows you to buy tickets before they go on sale to the general public Don't Wait In That Line: The Carlton Lounge is reserved for exclusive use by members Events – Invitations to member only special events

As a part of the Basie, your membership allows us to… l Offer the best possible programming l Preserve and improve this historic Theatre l Offset Theatre operating costs l Recognize you for your support If the arts, cultural entertainment and this historic Theatre are important to you, show your support by becoming a member TODAY!

MEMBERSHIP LEVELS Chairman’s Circle ($1,000) n All Patron benefits n Two complimentary beverages in the Carlton Lounge at every performance n Invitation for two to the Annual Chairmen’s Event Patron ($500) n All Fellow benefits n Admission to the Carlton Lounge for yourself and up to three guests for shows throughout the membership year Supporter ($300) n All Fellow benefits n Admission to the Carlton Lounge for yourself and up to three guests for three shows per membership year

Fellow ($100) n All Sponsor benefits n Advance ticket purchase of all upcoming shows Sponsor ($50) n Recognition in Showtime and our Annual Report n Invitations to select special events n Reduced ticket service fees when purchasing tickets by phone or in person. Please note that ALL ticket buyers are subject to the $2 per ticket Restoration fee.

FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE CONTACT ANN CIABATTONI AT 732.224.8778 X114 OR GO TO WWW.COUNTBASIETHEATRE.ORG AND CLICK CBT FOUNDATION, CLICK MEMBERSHIP. The Count Basie Theatre is owned and operated by the Count Basie Theatre, Inc., a section 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation dedicated to serving the people of Central New Jersey by maintaining, operating and programming the historic Count Basie Theatre. Membership is designed to enhance your enjoyment of attending programs at the Count Basie Theatre and is tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law.

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A bout the Operations of the Count Basie Theatre The Count Basie Theatre, Inc. is a nonprofit corporation organized under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. The designation indicates that the corporation’s purpose is to provide a community service. It can accept taxdeductible donations and all funds it generates must remain within the corporation to pay regular operating costs or to be reinvested in new programming or capital improvements. Any surplus funds cannot be retained by an individual or other entity. There are no owners or shareholders. The organization holds its assets in trust for the community. The Count Basie Theatre, Inc. is governed by a Board of Trustees comprised of civic and community leaders, who volunteer their time and receive no compensation for their efforts. Operations are conducted by a paid professional staff according to the policies and direction established by the Board, in the By Laws and the Mission Statement of the organization. The results of the corporation’s operations are a matter of public record and copies of its annual financial filings with the state and federal government are available either from the organization itself or from the appropriate government agency. The Count Basie Theatre Foundation, Inc. is the Theatre’s fundraising arm. Also a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, the Foundation was created to provide operating support to the Theatre, raise the capital needed to restore the Theatre and to create an endowment. The Foundation oversees Membership, Major Gifts, Benefit Concerts, Corporate Sponsorships and Special Events. Please see the Count Basie Theatre’s website for specific details at, click CBT Foundation or call Tiffany C. McDermott at the Foundation’s Office 732.224.8778 x115. The mission of the Count Basie Theatre is to serve the people of the State of New Jersey by providing a broad spectrum of quality entertainment and education programs that reflect and celebrate the diversity of the region, foster understanding and appreciation for the ennobling power of the performing arts and create opportunity for cultural enrichment for people at all economic levels. It also is our mission to develop and maintain a world-class venue that enhances the enjoyment of this entertainment and education programs, contributes to the cultural and economic vitality of the community and the region, and honors the memory of Count Basie. Each year the Theatre hosts approximately 200 public events, attended by about 200,000 people. Many of these events are presented or produced by other organizations renting the Theatre; the others the Theatre presents itself. In the case of a Theatre rental production, the Theatre earns a rental fee and is reimbursed for its other costs. The producer assumes the cost of engaging the artist and staging the event, establishes the ticket prices and receives the income. In the case of an event presented by the Count Basie Theatre, the Theatre has determined that it is in the community’s interest to present a particular program or artist and the Theatre takes the financial risk. If there is a surplus after costs have been covered, the Theatre retains the funds. If there is a loss, the Theatre must cover it from other sources, including membership contributions. Consistent with its mission, the Theatre’s own programming focuses on those programs which would otherwise not be available in this community.

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10 w eek cour se s begin in September, January and April. Locations in Red Bank, Chatham, and New York City. Fee: $90, $45 for fulltime students. For more information, and to register online, visit: Or call 732-778-2404.

CORPORATE PARTNERSHIP OPPORTUNITIES The Count Basie Theatre offers a wide variety of Corporate Partnership Opportunities and can create a sponsorship program tailored to your company’s marketing, entertaining and/or advertising needs. Corporate Sponsorship Availability: • Naming Opportunities • Performance Sponsorships including Benefit Concerts • Film Series Sponsorships • Corporate Marketing Sponsorships • Special Event Sponsorships The Distinguished Guest Sponsorship: • A Concierge Ticket Service • Corporate Marketing Exposure • VIP Access and Use of the Theatre Marketing Opportunities: • E-mail Blasts • Interactive Logo on the Count Basie Theatre Website • Logo on the In-Theatre PowerPoint Display • Your Corporate Name on the Marquee • Showtime Advertising • Social Networking: FaceBook, Twitter

BE A PART OF THE BASIE Of all the forms of media, partnership sponsorships are the only marketing platform that provides companies the opportunity to create an emotional connection with their customers, gaining share of heart as well as share of mind. The Count Basie Theatre offers the best Theatre and entertaining experience for you, your employees and guests. It is coupled with an enormous opportunity to get your brand name in the homes, hearts and minds of tens of thousands of Monmouth, Ocean County and Middlesex residents. For more information on Corporate Partnership Opportunities, please call Shannon Eadon at 732.224.8778 x128.

OceanFirst Foundation proudly supports the Count Basie Theatre At OceanFirst, we understand that at the heart of every great .community, there are great people, which is why we are proud to call ourselves your neighbor.

General Information FIRE NOTICE: The exit indicated by a red light and sign nearest to the seat you occupy is the shortest route to the street. In the event of fire or an other emergency please do not run, WALK TO THAT EXIT. Please follow the directions of the House Staff. If you become aware of a medical or other emergency, please inform the House Staff immediately. FOOD AND BEVERAGE: Food and beverages are permitted inside the Theatre at many events, but please help maintain this Theatre as an asset for this community by disposing of your own trash in the lobby receptacles. Please use the blue recycling receptacles for plastic bottles and cups. PHOTOGRAPHY AND RECORDING: Possession and/or use of devices for photographic, audio, video or electronic recording, reproduction or transmission of performances is prohibited. Such equipment may be confiscated. Violators may be ejected and/or held liable for monetary damages. CELL PHONES AND PAGERS: Please turn off alarm watches, cell phones and pagers. If you use your cell phone during intermission, please remember to turn it off again. RESTROOMS: On the ground level, a women’s room and a wheelchair accessible bathroom are located on the house left side of the lobby. On the balcony level, a women’s room is located on the house right side, and a men’s room is located on the house left side of the balcony lobby. PUBLIC TELEPHONES: The Theatre does not have a public pay telephone. If you need to make an emergency call, please see an usher for assistance. ACCESSIBILITY: Please inform the Box Office of any special arrangements you require when purchasing tickets. An assistive listening system for the hearing impaired is available from the House Manager. Large print programs are available on request. A wheelchair accessible bathroom is located on the house left side of the ground level lobby. The Theatre does not have its own parking lot. A disabled permit parking space is available on the street just in front and across the street in the municipal parking lot of Borough Hall. BOX OFFICE: The Box Office is located to the right of the lobby doors as you face the building and is open Monday-Friday 12:00-6:00pm, Saturdays 12:00-3:00pm and until onehalf hour after show time. Cash, check, VISA, MasterCard, Discover and American Express are accepted. All sales are final. No refunds or exchanges. Additional service charges do apply. Purchase tickets by phone at 732.842.9000 or online at PARKING: Please observe all parking regulations and signage, do not park in private parking lots and do not block our neighbor’s driveways. The best public parking is at the Red Bank Train Station, located two blocks west of the Theatre on Monmouth Street, and in the large municipal lot located one block east of the Theatre in between Monmouth and White Streets, behind the stores on the north side of Monmouth Street. LOST AND FOUND: Ask for the House Manager during a performance, or call the administrative office the next business day at 732.224.8778 x105. THEATRE RENTAL: The Theatre is available for rent for performances, fundraisers, corporate and special events. A wide variety of support services are available including artist bookings. For more information visit the Theatre’s web site or call the administrative office at 732.224.8778 x105. WEB SITE: Visit our website at, which features online ticket sales, the complete calendar of events, membership information, sponsorship information, special events, Showtime advertising, links to the Theatre’s FaceBook and Twitter sites and much much more. MAILING LIST: Add your name to the Theatre’s mailing list at the Box Office, call 732.842.9000 or email Name, address, and phone number are required of all ticket buyers to verify payment and to contact you in the event of a cancellation. Ticket buyers are automatically entered on the mailing list and may receive information about upcoming performances. However, all information is confidential, all mailings are done under the Theatre’s auspices. The Theatre does not sell, trade or rent its mailing list.

Count Basie Theatre’s Corporate Partners The Count Basie Theatre would like to thank their corporate partners for their support!

Corporate Sponsors Citi Galaxy Toyota Scion Pazzo Pepsi Point Pleasant Distributors Mahler Electric United Airlines

Distinguished Guest Sponsors Boynton & Boynton Drew and Kath Steck Investors Savings Bank Markit Newport Capital Group Pazzo RBC Wealth Management Tom and Nancy Gravina Tommy’s Coal Fired Pizza ViaSource Funding Group

Corporate funding goes directly towards the continued renovation of the Theatre, The Performing Arts Academy, Outreach Programs in the Red Bank public schools and summer camp programs. These donations are making a significant difference in our Theatre and in our community.

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© 2011 RBC Wealth Management, a division of RBC Capital Markets, LLC, Member NYSE/FINRA/SIPC. All rights reserved.

The Brown Family proudly supports “The Basie” Nick & Tracy Brown

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Complete Security Systems is a proud sponsor of the Count Basie Theatre

Kathy and Buddy Carter would like to thank everyone involved in making the Count Basie a wonderful community asset. We encourage everyone to come and enjoy the diverse programming, Carlton Lounge and the worthwhile benefit shows!

2 OPS 0 NS 1 OR 0S Seacoast Builders

J.C. Kellogg Foundation

D. Elvin L. John & Mai Cleary

Highlands First Aid Squad1721



Robert & Joyce Lawrence Sharon Chessman and Ivone Treacy

Starbucks Coffee

John McDonald

Dan Abbott

Thank You to Our Generous Supporters

The Friedel & Riker Families Media Sponsor

Lunch Sponsor

New Jersey Monthly


Breakfast Sponsor

Cart Sponsor

Beliza Ann Furman

Merrill Lynch

First Tee Sponsor

Maria & Chip Schulz Putting Green Sponsors

Lucas Capital Management Mary Beth Glaccum Amy & Ira Ross Kerrie Wagner Tee Sponsors

Beliza Ann Furman Family Intervention Services, Inc. The Plastic Surgery Center Anne & Sheldon Vogel



Awarded over 30 First Place Journalism Awards in 2011, including 4 EMMYS® for Video News on







2010 Annual Golf Outing

Lunch Sponsors

Putting Green Sponsors

Tom & Karen Hyland Mahler Electric Inc. Springpoint Senior Living, Inc. Tee Sponsors Sponsors Bike for the Basie z Jeff & Bonnie Buchner z Capitol Refrigeration, Inc. z Richard & Linda Cooper z Farewell Mills Gatsch Architects, LLC z Fox Rothschild LLP z G&A Realty LLC z Great American Insurance Company z High Point Insurance z Paul X. Arnone z K & L Gates LLP z The Lusty Lobster Seafood Market z McCarter & English z Ogden & Co. Insurance and Consulting Services z Ranney School z Peter & Nancy Reinhart z Sunnymeath Asset Management z In Memory of June Young

Asbury Park Press

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Members and Contributors We thank all of the following supporters for their generosity to the Count Basie Theatre’s Membership Program, Corporate Sponsors, Bike for the Basie event, Capital Campaign, Distinguished Guest Program, Spring Benefit Gala, Fab Faux Benefit Concert, Golf Outing and Take Your Seat Campaign during the 2010-2011 fiscal year. (This list reflects contributions given between July 1, 2010 and June, 30, 2011) $10,000+ Anonymous, Stu & Danette Alderoty, Richard & Ana Blank, Mr. & Mrs. Nick Brown, Cantor Fitzgerald Equities, Kathy & Buddy Carter, The Kathryn and J. Howard Carter Family Fund, Galaxy Toyota Scion/Robert Ciasulli, Continental Airlines/United Airlines, Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Diaco, David & Sarah Fischell, Fried and Kowgios Partners LLP, Justin & Victoria Gmelich, Michael & Diane Gooch, J.A.M. Anonymous Foundation, Chris & Etta Kelly, Marshall & Janice Knopf, Bill & Eileen Luby, Lucas Family Foundation/Russ & Kristina Lucas, William & Victoria Marraccini, Marrus Family Foundation, McCrane Foundation, Linda McKean, Pompano Partners, New Jersey State Council on the Arts, OceanFirst Foundation, RBC Wealth Management/Dan Finley, Peter Reinhart & Nancy Byrne Reinhart, Scire Family Foundation, Sheldon & Anne Vogel, Hugh & Lynne Ward. $5,000 - $9,999 American Express Foundation - Employee Giving, Boynton & Boynton, Citi, John & Mai Cleary, C. R. Bard, Mr. & Mrs. Stephen H. Cutler, R&M Richards, Inc., Michael & Nancy Delpriore, Bob & Helen Evanson, Tom & Nancy Gravina, K. Hovnanian Enterprises, Inc., Tom & Karen Hyland, Charles & Lisa Soderstrom, Investors Savings Bank, Robert & Joan Rechnitz, The Kroon Foundation, Brian & Joanna Leddin, Ray & June Moser, Newport Capital Group/Domenic DiPiero III, Michael & Cristina Oster, Tony Palagrossi, Michael Parent, PAZZO, Pepsi, PNC Bank Foundation, PNC Wealth Management, Postworks NYC, William & Susan Reilly, Maggie Riker & Family, Matt & Melanie Saker, Saker ShopRite/Richard & Saker, Scanlan Foundation, Steve & Jaime Schultz, Drew & Kath Steck, Joseph & Miriam Tort, Viasource Funding Group LLC, Ira Walker, William Gross Charitable Foundation. $2,500 - $4,999 Anonymous, The Arrom Family, Paul & Joan Bartoli, Mr. & Mrs. Tom Bernard, Scott Brady & Nancy Karpf, Deutsche Bank Americas Foundation, The Formisano Family, Fox Asset Management, John & Allison Gates, John & Beth Giannotto, Guttenplan Family Foundation, Hempstead Family, Mark & Karey Hogan, Woody & Claire Knopf, Dido and Sark Krikorian, Lauren & Paul Lavelle, Dorothy E. Lawrence, Luckow Family Foundation, Mr. Richard M. Maser, Thomas & Elizabeth Raike, Chip & Maria Schulz, Thomas & Alexandra Skove, Michael & Kelly Small, Sunnymeath Asset Management, Inc., Tom & Liz Thees, Bill & Linda Waylett, Tom Widener. $1,000 - $2,499 Anonymous, William & Alyson Agathis, John & Judy Angelo, Ansell, Grimm & Aaron, Atlantic Eye Physicians, Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Bisso, Vincent Bonavita, Jeffrey & Bonnie Buchner, Brian Buckelew, Bill Burlew, Mr. & Mrs. John Byren, Dr. Joseph Calabro, Caruso Family, Dominick & Marlene Cipollini, Circle BMW, Kathy Connerty, The Cookie Jar Foundation, Dave & Liz Cooner, Michael & Barbara Cronin, Mary & Craig Cummings, Thomas Dalessandro, Dr. Dana & Wendy Fallon, Thomas & Valarie DeFelice, Lillian & Michael DiPiazza, William & Kathryn Dodge, Mr. & Mrs. Gordon R. Eadon, Evan Blonder & Gail Dolen, Scott Fadynich & Linda Chorney, Mrs. Joseph Fahey, Ferma Group/Ed Mislavsky, Gus & Pam Fingado, Tony & Andrea Fox, Fox Rothschild LLP, Anne & Lawrence Frisman Foundation, Beliza Ann Furman, Karen Gajea, Vincent Galano, Janet & Scott Garley & Family, Allison M. Geiger, Arturo Gentile, John Giunco, Goldsmith Family Charitable Foundation Inc., Mr. & Mrs. Marc Gordon, Peter & Carol Graham, William & Karen Hyatt, Mrs. Charles H. Jones, Jr., Tom & Michele Karagianakis, George Kazepis, Nate & Mindy Kestenman, Gary & Laurie Kuskin, Emily & Michael Kuskin, Ian & Mary Lindston, Carey Loftus, Fran & Lauren Luisi, Premier Graphics, James & Teresa Maguire, Mr. & Mrs. Michael K. Mazzacco, McCarter & English, Michael & Susan Mikkelsen, Monmouth Medical Center, Mark & Barbara Murphy, New Jersey Natural Gas, James Ohlig, Emily & Michael Paasche, J. Pagnotta, Grace Parent, Brian Pasch, Mr. & Mrs. Merrick Pratt, Jamie & Stella Price, Rodney & Elise Pritchard, RBC Wealth Management, Robert & Monika Recek, Red Bank Antiques, Red Bank Radiologists, P.A., Kevin & Clare Ryan, Bradley P. Schaeffer, Seacoast Buliders Corp., Robert Sebia, Mr. & Mrs. M. Bruce Severance, Shebell & Shebell, Sophia Spehar, Michael & Rose Stallmeyer, Michael & Deborah Stasi, The Strack Family, Irving & Claire Strouse, Mark & Nancy Sullivan, Don J. Summa, The Target Foundation, The Grove at Shrewsbury, Laurence G. Thoma, Brian & Karen Torpey, Ann & Thomas Unterberg, VFW Post 9463 (New Shrewsbury Post), Walt Street Pub, Warters Family Fund, Dr. Joy Weinstein & Dr. Bruce H. Forman, Phil & Mimi Welch, Allen & Eileen Wilkie, The William T. Morris Foundation, John & Elizabeth Williams, Michael & Donna Winchell, Ted & Kimberly Yarbrough, Kelly A. Zaccaro, Dr. & Mrs. Ira Zohn $500 - $999 Anonymous (2), Mr. & Mrs. Gregg Abella, Michael & Lisa Absatz, John & Eileen Alexander, Jill & Henry Ann, Dr. Paul Axelrad & Dr. Jacqueline Zuckerbrod, Ran Lonnie Bae, Jennifer Bair, Bank of America, Bank of America Matching Gifts, David & Donna Barr, Robert & Denise Beehler, Michael & Stephanie Benedetto, David & Donna Binder, Mark Bizub, Gary Bleetstein & Family, BOC Partners Inc./Britain O'Connor, Kevin & Elise Boman, Mr. & Mrs. Donald Boughrum, Gus & Margaret Brandstetter, Trish & Steve Brennan, Mr. & Mrs. Peter J. Broege, James Brunner,



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Members and Contributors 2 $500 - $999 cont. Rudy Bruno, Kidzdent Pediatric Dentistry, Orthodontics, Special Needs, Max J. Budwick, John & Diane Burke, J. Burke Advisors/James Burke, Butler Family Foundation Inc, Claire M. Calinda, Esq., Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Cappillo, John E. Carroll, III, Mr. & Mrs James Celestino, Dr. Stephen & Roseanne Chidyllo, Hammond Contracting Co., Inc./Paul Chew, Goren Cohen & Vicky Oliver, Frank & Helene Collette, William A. Conte, Pat Conti, Mr. & Mrs. James J. Cooner, Richard & Lynda Cooper, David & Harriet Critelli, The John Crowley Family, Brooks Cullen, Mr. & Mrs.Thomas D. Cullum, Dick & Karen Curry, Andrew Czujko, John Dagistino, Lisa Dantonio, Chris & Stacie Davis, Frank Day, Steve & Regina deGersdorff, Renee DeLorenzo, Dr. Anthony Deluca, James & Anne Dengler, Donald & Rosanne DeRosa, George & Lynn DiStefano, Keyboard Doctor; LLC, Globe Hotel Co., Inc., Michael & Kathleen Downey, Paul D. Drobbin, Laurie Edwards, Norman & Joy Einhorn, E-K Insurance, John & Lolly Ekdahl, Marty & Marilyn Epstein, The David Epstein Family, Tom & Barbara Etter, Alison EvansFragale & Marc Fragale, Bob & Collen Fasulo, The Feinberg Family, Abe & Nadine Fedlmus, Laurence & Eileen Fell, Dan Finley, Frank J. Fischer, Esq., Michael & Kara Fitzgerald, Cheryl Fletcher, Franklin J. Frasco, M.D., Joy Freiberger, Bruce & Joan Fromer, Douglas Gallagher, Peter & Kristen Gerhard, Nancy Gill, Terry Glenn, Mr. & Mrs. Mitchell Goldberg, Michael Goldberg, Goldman, Sachs & Co. Matching Gift Program, Cheri Golub, Joan Gotti & Kevin McGettigan, Larry & Brenda Grafas, John Guempel, John Gulluscio, Fran & Richard Habib, January Hagan, Todd & Lanae Herman, Sue Hickey, The Higham Family, Jonathan Horn, Susan & Donald Huber, Lenore & Christopher Hunt, IFF Foundation, Inc., J. Fletcher Creamer Foundation, Thirza L. Jacobus, Frank Jadevaia, Michael & Kathy Jeary, Frank & Eileen Karpicki, Edward B. Kasselman, Esq., J.C. Kellogg Foundation, Kathie Kelly, Thomas & Joy Kempf, Richard Kenderian, Karen S. Kline, Lori Knorowski, Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Komar, George Laufenterg, Anthony & Carmela Lauto, Jim & Karen Lemoine, Ted Lengyel, Lindstrom Electric, Dr. & Mrs. Ronald Longhitano, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Longo, Chris Lorenc, Mark D Lowe;CFP;CLU;ChFC, David Lucantoni; Ph.D., Ann & Charles Maher, Paul Mahler, Carolyn Campo & Rich Marcolus, Bob & Pam Martin, Mr. & Mrs. William McClung, Mr. & Mrs. John McDonald, Bob & Annie McGinty, Kathleen McGrath, Ms. Erin R. Medlicott, Anna & Edward Meyer, Microsoft Matching Gift Program, Shawn & Cathy Miele, Ray Mikell, Robert Miller, Mills & Schnoering Architects. LLC, Mark & Dabney Moncher, Rich Monticello, John & Nancy Moorzitz, Moser IP Law Group, Darren Mueller, Dave & Kris Murphy, Nelson & Fromer, John Paul Nicolaides & Ed Zipprich, Tom Orlando, Ostrowitz & Ostrowitz, Esqs., Robert Lyttle & Alicia Owens, Karen & Robert Parry, Charles & Trudi Parton, Bob & Trish Patten, Gary & Rand Peppas, Helena Perrone & Malcom J. Astor Forbes, Petra Solar, Inc., Bill & Jo Ann Petruzel, Petruzzelli Brothers Excavation, Gary Puma, Charles & Deborah Piccinnini, Michael & Linda Plodwick, Scott & Diane Pomerantz, Grace Porrini, Mr. & Mrs Edward W Pretre, Pat & Paul Pritchard, The Prudential Foundation Matching Gifts, Sally Purrazzella, Thomas & Catherine Rechlin, Timothy & Colleen Regan, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Scott Roberts, Douglas & Nancy Roberts, Frank Scheuer & Leigh Royer, Bridget Ruane, Lauren Sadler, Charles & Laurie Scaturo, Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Scaturro, Andy & Alyssa Scheffer, Gary Schiavone, Barbara & Eric Schoenfeld, Mike Schreiber, David & Laura Scribellito, Tom Seeger, Peter & Karen Seligman, Helaina & Ronald Semmler, Juliann Shalack, Dana Shealey, Siciliano Landscape Company, Carol A. Siliato, Michelle Simon, Robert & Ellen Ruth Sorensen, Stephen Southern, Robert Spalteholz, The Stigler Family, Joy & John Stimson, Mr. & Mrs. Tony Stone, Mr & Mrs. Michael Storer, Nick & Penny Strakov, Liz & Brian Sullivan, Scott Swain, Nancy Tighe, Joanne S. Tomao, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Toscano, Traffic Lines, Inc., Mr. & Mrs. Robert Tresente, Jo Fine, Edward Trieber & Family, Lawrence & Penny Turtel, Mr. & Mrs. R. Tuzzo, David & Dana Vargo, John P. Vazzana, John V. Veech & Susan M. Kirby-Veech, Ed & Bev Vienckowski, Mark Vitale DMD & Deborah Mulligan, Rick & Mary Beth Wadbrook, Kerrie Wagner, James & Mary Warshauer, Al & Teresita Weiss, Bill & Ann Westerfield, Kerry A. White, John & Marybeth Wilson, Mike & Ann Wingertzahn, Ed & Kaye Wise, The Woertz Family, Andria & Henry Wojtunik, Dean & Annette Wright, Michael & Fran Young, Gary & Debra Zander, David Zimmel, Marc & Christina Zingarini, Melinda Zito, Lillian & Kenneth Zuar. $250 - $499 Anonymous (4), Paul & Kathy Ahn, John Alden & Kelly Silver, William & Trina Anderson, Alex Arbeitman, Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Ard, AT&T Foundation Matching Gifts Program, Scott & MaryAnn Balda, C.R. Bard Foundation, Laurie Batal, Jennifer Beck, Laurie Bertsch, Karen Blatchley, Peter & Ronni Bohm, Sally Bonello, The Borneo Family, Becky & Tim Boyle, Penelope Breen, Maria Breslin, BristolMyers Squibb Foundation, Mr. & Mrs. Eric Brophy, Mike & Barbara Brown, Terence Brown, Tony Busch, Jack & Marybeth Callahan, William Cardinal, John Caroli, Peggy & Peter Cherasia, Anne Chiappetta, John & Maureen Collins, Bruce Conly, Lynn Corino, The Lynn Ahrens & Neil Costa Foundation, Nicole & Eugene Croddick, Mark Dammeyer, Kelly Demarco, Mr & Mrs David DeScenza, Mr. & Mrs. William Doehler, Brian & Kelley Duddy, Brian Earle, Susan Elliott and Deborah Eickhoff, Eileen & Walter Farley, Frank Federici, Linda Figliolia, Mary Fitzgerald, Michele R. Foster, Kelly Fredericks, Vincent & Wendy Galano, Dr. & Mrs. William Gerard, Marci Goldfarb, Great American Insurance Co., Ross J. Haik, Michael Halfacre, Jennifer Hall, Colleen Haney, William & Carole Hankins, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hellerson, Bill & Denise Higgins, Adam M. Hilsen, John & Coralie Hoffman, Bruce & Debbie Hohorst, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Huesman, Johnson & Johnson Matching Gifts Program, K & L Gates, LLP, Mr & Mrs Mazin A.Kalian, Shari Kaplan, Betsy Kaplan & Steve Foley, Nancy Kast, Monmouth Conservation Foundation, Alicia A. Kenny, Susan E. Kindya, Ronni & David Kramer, Joseph Kyrillos & Susan Doctorian, Dan Langan, Barbara & Chris LaRocca, Richard Lee, Brent Little, Hannah Losavio, Makstein Family, Bridget B. Manzi, Neil & Carol McDevitt, Joan McMillan, Merck Partnership for Giving, Monte & Robyn Mingle, Wilson & Dolores Mohr, Donna Mussio & John Caroli, The Ojeda Family, Michael J. O'Malley, O'Toole Ferandez Weiner VanLieu, The Palmeri Family, Ray Paolantonio, Joseph R. Papa, John & Joy Papaioannou, Duffy & Monica Pastore, George Paterson, Mary Pearce & Peter Wolf,

The third act... 183 Riverside Avenue Red Bank, New Jersey Reservations: 732-842-5990 Just around the corner from the theater Ample Parking

Members and Contributors 3

$250 - $499 cont. Deborah & Kevin Pennell, Barbara & Louis Ploskonka, James & Marguerite Portagallo, Advantage Career Institute, Harriet M. Primack, PSE&G, Ranney School, Adam Rechnitz, Frances Rediker, Regions Financial Corporation, Brian Compton & Toni Rinella, Allison Roden, Peter T. Roselle, Teresa A. Rothman, Charlie & Mary Ryan, Mike & Ronnie Rybeck, Robert Schavleson, Patrick Schiavino, Sheila & Frank Schuck, Jolie Schwartz, Senator Joseph Kyrillos, Melissa Shaw, Kevin W. Shields, Ron & Ceci Shiftan, Shore Benefits Brokerage, Glenn Skelton, Ray Smith, Dr. Paul Starkey, Karin Stein, Kelsey Swikart, Jim Swinarski, Donald & Frances Sykes, Synergy Hot Yoga, Mary M Tassini, Colleen Thayer-Rovder, Denise & Fritz Thomas, David Portman, Trinity Worldwide Technologies,LLC, Tyco, Ray M. Tyska, Congressman Frank Pallone, Jim & Alyce Van Wagner, The Visceglia Family, Diane Wall, Jennifer Webb, Gedney & Nikki Webb, Douglas Wells, Frank & Kathy Whitley, Douglas Widman, William Langfitt Wilby, Ph.D. & Cynthia Pike Wilby, Dr. & Mrs. Robert J. Young, Zack Painting, Cliff Zukin. $100 - $249 Anonymous (15), Mark & Bette Abed, Joseph & Julie Acerra, Michael Adamski, Edward Adamsky, Albert & Carol Adler, Jane Agar, Joseph Alicino, John & Flo Alonso, Sherrin Altiere, Jose & Victoria Ambong, Douglas & Cathy Andersen, Steven Anderson, Mr. & Mrs. Michael Anderson, James Andreolo, Martha E. Andrews, Gregg & Marianne Agelillo, Jeff & Linda Angelucci, Michael & Catherine Anthony, Cathy Aquino, Mr. & Mrs. John C. Archibald, Mr. & Mrs. George Arnold, Mr. & Mrs. Howard Aronson, Gerard L. Artz, Kristin & Michael Arvanitis, Richard Assoian, Automatic Data Processing, Inc., The Baccala Family, Maria & Michael Bacchetta, Abraham Irving, Michael & Debra Bagnell, Leonard & Marion Baiori, Maria R. Baker, David & Patricia Baker, Regina T. Baldwin, Tracey Brown Bandiera, Harold & Carol Barfield, John Barker, Bruce Barlie, Greg & Edmar Barnes, Beracine Barnes, Mr. & Mrs. Brian Baroni, Philip & Mariveria Barr, Ken & Fran Barris, Basil T's Brewery and Italian Grill, Vic & Mary Alice Basile, Klaus Bauer, Cynthia Becht, George & Kate Beckett, Suzanne Beizer, Marie Bell, Carl & Jean Benfanti, Judy Benn & Frank Mancino, Mr. Philip Berg, Derba Ann Berger, Gail R. Berger, Marcia Berkow, Mark & Lois Berkowitz, Bambi Bernstein, Sharon Beskin-Goodman, Stefan & Liz Besterman, Bestshore Partners, Las Vegas Nevada, Deborah L. Betz, Ann Bianco Klafter, Karl & Candis Biester, James & Marie Biggs, Charles A. Billy, Nancy S. Bilow, Thomas & Elaine Bistocchi, Mr. & Mrs. T. Bizzoco, Blackfoot Marine, Gregory Blake, Mr. Charles Blunda, Mollie Bodnar, Edward & Debbie Bogachuk, Shirley Boll, Linda Bolte, Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas J. Bonamassa, Chris Bonocore, Peter & Nancy Bontempo, Mr. & Mrs. John Bosco, Owen & Linda Bowes, Dr. & Mrs. Michael Boyer, Donna Boyle, Paul & Maria Bracco, John & Sharon Bradley, Mr. & Mrs. William Bradshaw, Thomas Brady, Dr & Mrs Abe Bronner, Mr. & Mrs. William Brooks, Richard Brunelli, Mr. & Mrs. James Buckley, Bill & Star Burnett, Sheila & Sandra Turner, The Butler Family, Robert & Angela Buttacavoli, Joseph M. Byrne, C.R.Bard Foundation, John Cadmus, Dr. Paula Caffrey, Jerry & Lynne Cafone, Jack Cahill, Lawrence Calabrese, Edward Callow, Sheridan Camarata, Leonora Caminiti, Donna Campanile, Mr. & Mrs. Gerard F. Campbell, Wendy & Brian Campolattaro, Thomas Canarelli, Christopher Canavan, Robert Candela & Patricia Vigilante, John Carducci, Virginia & Donald Carlin, Jeff & Carol Carlson, Barry & Rita Carol, Dennis & Priscilla Carollo, Tom & Donna Carroll, Karen Carron, Michael & Joni Cassidy, Neil Caswell, Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Cavanaugh, Nena Cere, Ilene Chalupski, Dr. & Mrs. E. Cheslock, The Chibnik Family, Mr. & Mrs. Michael Chilton, Joan & Charles Chinni, Don Chittum, Robert & Carol Chojnacki, Richard Christensen, The Ciabattoni Family, Liz Ciampoli, Michael Cioffi, Kathryn Clark, Donna Clarke, Gregory Coakley, For the Music is Love, Mark & Laurie Cohen, Sandra & Ruth Cohen, Edward & Patricia Colandra, Susan Cole, Alan & Heather Colicchio, John Collins, Randolph Colson, Kevin & Elaine Conheeney, Mr. George Conlon, David Connelly, The Connone Family, Steve & Sherie Constantino, Richard Cooke, David Cookson, John & Amy Coons, Fred & Debbie Cooper, Cooper Rehabilitation, Sharon & Peter Coppola, Marc Corello, Linda Corsi, Jeanette & Carl Cosenzo, AnneMarie Cottone, Jane Coutu, Charles Cox, Mr. & Mrs. Howard Crain, Sandra & Hareld Crenshaw, Wayne & Diane Crutchfield, Ms. Rose Cundiff, Mark & Karen Cunningham, Patricia Curran, Bechi Currier & Brian LaRusso, Saul & Deborah Curtis, Jeremy Neuer, June S. Cuzzo, Dan & Beth D'Alessandro, Joseph Dalton, The D'Amico Family, The Daniele Family, Ken, Trudy & Heidi Daniels, Anthony & Judith Dannunzio, The DaPrato family, Michele Darling, Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Dasaro, Maryann D. Dean, Jackie & John DeCarlo, William Deetz, Bill Deitrich, Peter DeMarco, The Denzler Family, Mr. & Mrs. Frank D'Errico, Stephanie DeSesa, Sofia Desilva, Scott A. DeSimone, Sheri Deterling, John & Jane DeTullio, Lori & Gerry Deverin, David Diamant, Harvey & Janet Diamond, The Ramblin Dawgs, Roberta DiBiase, Allan Dickson, Mr. & Mrs. John Dietrich, Molly Dilks, Laurence Dimurro, Robert & Adelaide DiNatale, Rose DiPiero, Izzy Dipiero, Lorraine & Larry DeSanto, Thomas Donovan, Diane Doolittle, Erica & Richard Dorando, Warren & Bessie Doty, The Lusty Lobster, Adam & Terri Drapczuk, John & Beth Drummond, Mr. & Mrs. Brian Dugan, Lisa & Carl Dumont, Paul Dunberg, Lorraine Duncan, Gil & Anne Eckert, Todd & Susan Edwards, Thomas & Diane Eleneski, Joan Ellis, Norah English, Don & Judy Epstein, Lori Esparra, Fran & John Faccas, Peter M. Falk, Mr. & Mrs. Victor A. Falvo, Chris & Jill Famula, Mr. & Mrs. George Faragi, Christian & Susan Farber, Chris & Meg Farren, Mr & Mrs. Tim Faulknor, Vinnie Favale, Robert & Julie Feldman, Marna Feldt, Bruce Fenske, Trish & Jeff Ferretti, Gerald & Sharon Feurer, Donna Ficeto, Steven Fillweber, Michael Fitzgerald, Elsie A. Flannery, Lorin & Patricia Fleming, Arlene Flynn, Louis & Deborah Forte, Robert & Harriet Fortescue, George & Sonya Fortney, Karen Foster, Peter DiNardo, Hal & Beth Fox, Patrick & Sandra Fox, Henry J. Frank, Jr., Kenneth E. Frazee, Robert & Susan Freeman, Nancy Freeman, David & Janice Frent, Christine & Michael Fried, Paul & Marcia Friend, William & Arlene Fritz, Sandy & Bill Fritz, Florence & George Frizalone, Kingsley Development, Marty & Sofia Frumkin, Donald L. Fuchs, Peter Galassi, Stacy Gale, Margaret Gallagher, RockIt!, James Galvin, Ronald Gambardella, R. Scott Garley, Mr. & Mrs. Leo Gasienica, Mr. & Mrs. Glenn R. Geardino, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Gebhardt, Len & Maureen Goldberg,

Members and Contributors 4

$100- $249 cont. Herbert & Patricia Geiss, Antoinette Gelmont, Samantha Gelok, Robert Genco, Mr. & Mrs. David P. George, Joseph & Joan Geryk, Nat Giambalvo, Mr & Mrs Joseph J. Giardina, Karen Gibbens, Douglas Gibbens, Mr. Lonnie Gietter, John & Patricia Gill, Judith Gill, Katie Gill, Matteo Giordano, Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Giordano; III, Anthony & Christine Giunta, Lenny & Sandi Glickman, Brian Goldberg, Lynn Goldhammer, Alvin & Amy Goldman, Fran & Jerry Goldstein, Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Goldzweig, Monica Gorin, Thaddeus & Kathryn Grabowy, Brigitte Graf, Richard & Valerie Graham, Karen & Charles Grande, J. L. Grandinetti, John & Luise Grasty, Rowie Gray, Nancy & Todd Gray, Lois & Leonard Green, Arthur Greenbaum, James Greene, Barbara Greger, Etienne & Kelly Grignard, Peter & Diane Grim, Michael Grizzaffi, Robert Groder, Pamela Grohol, Mary Grubert, Louis & Elizabeth Gualtieri, Bellis Construction Corp., Mr & Mrs. Jack Guarnieri, Roger & Patricia Guidetti, Eva Gumbs, Michael N. Gussis, Patty & Herb Gutentag, Sheila Guttormsen, Carl J. Guzzo Jr., Hallie Hamilton, John & Coleen Hammitt, Barbara Hammond, Penny & Mark Hancox, Kevin & Dorene Hanley, Mr. & Mrs. Sean Hanlon, Mr. & Mrs. John Hanlon, Gene & Denys Hannafey, Preston G. Hansen, Donna Hansen, The Harkavy Family, Susan Harrison, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Harvey, Marie C. Hausner, W. Scott Havard, Norma Joelson Hayman, Stephen & Barbara Hecht, Stephan A. Heinlein, Scott & Toni Heller, Marjorie Heller, Richard & Ellen Hemel, Robert & Mary Henderson, Bob Herrmann, The Hersch Family, Erin Hines, Karen Hoben, Mr. Gary R. Hoffman, Alan & Jacqueline Hoffner, Richard & Patricia Hogan, Mr. & Mrs. Henry Hohorst, Holobowski Family, John Horl, Marcia & Jeff Horn, Mr & Mrs Glenn Hornedo, James Horowitz, David W Hostnik; DMD, David & Jan Houtman, Tamara A. Howard, Harriet Howard, Brian & Claudia Howell, Asialee Huang, Tabitha Huber, Patience P. Pierce & Stephen F. Hudecek, Marien Hummel, Elaine HuntFriedman, Fred & Claire Iannini, Patrick & Carla Iannone, IBM International Foundation, Peter Ierino, Mr & Mrs Michael J & Camille D Ince, Michael & Marion Insabella, Mr. & Mrs. David Jacobson, Marc Jacobson & Donna Wren, Eric & Bernadette Jaeger, Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Jaeger, Dan Jahnsen, Henry L. Jaszewski, John & Jane Jenninigs, Roy & Mary Jennings, Mr. Cato & Dr. Gwen Johnsen, Ron & Reba Johnson, Michael Johnson, Barry & Denise Johnstone, Mary K. Jordan, Joseph's Delicatessen, Vincent J. Jule, Mr. & Mrs. James Kaeli, Walter Kahn, MD, Michael & Lorraine Kahrer, Mr. Charles Kalina, Mark Kalmis, Paul Kaminsky, Kelly Kapin, Steven Kapsalakis & Bob Suydam, Dave the Rave Kapulsky, Dr. Jeffrey Kargman, Mark Karol, The Kaye Family, John Keegan, Patrice Keesser, Mr. Charlie Keidel, William & Kathy Keleher, Michele Kelly, William & Donna Kelly, Robert & Hazel Kelly, Susan Witman & Robert Kelly, Dean & Fran Kelly, Michael J. Kelly Sr., Thomas Kendra, The Kerner Family, Mr. & Mrs. Art Kestenbaum, Mr. & Mrs. John Kilduff, Neal C. King, Ann E. King, Howard Kingsley, Miss Susan Kinsella, Robert Kirsch, Shelly Kirshenbaum, Carolyn I. Klein, Paul Klevan, Carl & Elaine Kling, Len & Cathy Klisiewcz, Mr & Mrs W.Kmak, Mr. & Mrs. William Knowlton, Edward Kole, Susanne Koller, Joanne F. Kondrup, Marty & Kathy Kowalski, Kratka Family, James & Mikal Krauss, Erwin & Robin Kreiner, Joey & Coley Kritsky, Edward & Holly Kropinack, Kenneth & Debra Kroupa, Maria & Stan Kryla, Alison A. Kulick, Marybeth & John Kuras, Carl la Grassa, Kathy Labetti, Eileen Ladley & Douglas Menagh, Nancy LaFleur, A.K. LaMonica, Maurice & Phyllis Lampell, Bernardette Larsen, Susan & Johnny Larsen, Vaughn & Elizabeth Larsen, Stephen & Jennifer Lasala, Jacob Lat, Ed & Sandra Lauer, Marc Lavietes & Rose Rosal, Darcy Prendeville Lawes, Robert & Joyce Lawrence, Steven Lazarawicz, Sharon Le Rose, Bonnie V. Leandri, Joseph & Diane Leary, Rick Leclercq, Lynda Lee, Esq., Richard & Denise Lee, Christine Lenart, Nancy Lennon, Mark Lepore & Christine Matzek, Patricia Lepre, Eric Lerner & Ellen Davidson, Jerry Levanduski, Robb Levinsky, Diane & Jerry Levitz, Thomas & Joanne Levy, Elaine Lew, Thomas Ley, Christina Light, Phil Liguori & Family, John Lipton, Patricia Liptzin, Sal & Rosalie LoBosco, Michael & Vivian Loconsolo, Dr. & Mrs. Steven Loniewski, David & Paola Lopez, Mr. Anthony Lopez III, Joseph LoPresti, Patricia Lorenzo, Frank & Nruit Louis, Gay Lowden, Ann Lubrano, Eric & Lynn Ludwig, Jeffrey Luft, Francis Luisi, Iris Lurie, Lux Beauty, Marguerite & Richard Maccagnano, David MacDonald, Robert & Deborah MacDougall, Antonio Machado, John & Marlene Maciaszek, Mary MacIntyre, John Mackay, Beatrice Maffia, In Memory of June Young, Robert & Tricia Maguire, Jim & Terrie Mahedy, Tom Mainart, Erwin & Linda Malkin, John & Teresa Malley, Kate Malone & Paul Csibrik, Melissa & Robert Manaro, John Manaro, John J. Mancini, Suzanne Manelski, Maria Mangin, Marlene D. Mango, Geoffrey & Nancy Mann, Eileen M. Mannion, Cynthia & Rudolph Manz, Margaret Marchese, Joy Margolies, Mrs. Frances Marino, Kaye Marketing, George & Bridgette Markuson, David & Kathy Marone, Richard & Joy Marsh, The Marshall Family, Sheila Faith Martello, The Marut Family, Peter & Joanne Masco, Richard R. Masi, Elizabeth Matlaga, Robert W. & Bonnie Matthies, John & Janet Mawson, Robert & Christie Mazurek, Lynn McCabe, Barry & Cynthia McCarron, Pam McCoy, Alex & Lisa McCracken, William McDaid, Robert McDaid, John McDonald, Paul & Kathryn McDonough, Robert & Elisabeth McKay, Bernard & Margaret McKenna, Cynthia & Craig McKeown, John & Regina McLean, James & Dale McMullin, Mr & Mrs Kevin McNamara, Phyllis McQuillan, Ed & Nancy McSeaman, Timothy McWilliams, Bruce & Linda Mednick, Mr. Arthur Mehlman, Robert Meister, Juan & Eleanor Mejia, Mrs. Nyire Melconian, Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Mendillo, Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Mernick, William Merz, Kenneth & Grace Meswick, Howard & Sheila Meyer, Edward & Christine Mezzadri, Pat Miele, Nancy Mielnicki, Gregory & Rosemarie Miles, Carol Lynn Miller, Jeffrey & Linda Miller, Sherman Jewelers/Arleen Miller, The Mitchell Family, Helene Mitchell, Douglas & Kathleen Mitchell, Virginia A. Mobley, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Moglia, John & Karen Moody, Margaret Morris, George & Lydia Morris, Patricia A. Moschella, Barbara Moses, Richard J. & Gloria E. Moylan, Mr. & Mrs. John J. Mozart Jr., Tom & Karen Murphy, Brian & Aida Murphy, Ann Elizabeth Murray, Mr. Thomas A. Musumeci, Bill & Jane Naddeo, Virginia E. Nadramia, Mr. & Mrs. Michael Napoliello, Stephen Naughton, Karin Nazaruk, Edward & Karen Necela, John & Camille Negri, Laura S. Negron, Susan Neidich, Barbara Nevius & Thomas Curtis, Douglas Newsome, James J. Newton, Ted Nguyen, Jennifer Nicolay, Robert & Diane Nowicki, James Nutt, O.P.I. Gallery LLC, Jim O'Connor, Edward & Joyce O'Gorman, David Olstein, Ondea Family, Jacquelyn & Michael Ondrejik, Chuck & Nancy O'Neill, Desmond O'Neill, Ronnie Oppenheim, Charles Ortiz, Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Derek Osenenko, Mr. & Mrs. Cornelius O'Sullivan, Michael Pado & Robin Ginsburg, Marilyn & Herbert Paer,

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Members and Contributors 5

$100- $249 cont. Nancy Pagano, Mr. & Mrs. John Paglione, Mr. & Mrs. Steven Gabel, George & Carol Palko, Richard & Shari Palmer, Dan & Cynthia Cortese, Sheila Pardoe, Mrs. Patricia Paszamant, Paul & Linda Patruno, Louis Pavao, Jamie Pavlis, Ginger Pawlikowski, Mr. Gary Peatick, Bob & Pat Pellegrini, John & Susan Pellegrino, Kevin & Susan Pense., Ron & Nadine Perlman, Dr. & Mrs. Perlman, Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Pero, C.T. Peters, Frank Petruzzi, Angela Pfisterer, Kevin Pilla & Thomas Mannix, Christopher Pilloton & Susan Katz, Diane Pimm, Pinamonti Family, Richard & Elizabeth Pinnola, Doris Pintscher, Anita Pisani, Charles Pittman, Tom Ploskonka CPA, Susan & Lawrence Pollare, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Pollina, Ed & Sarah Pomphrey, Maria Portagallo, Susan & Gerald Post, Robert & Jane Post, Robin J. Powell, Peter & Claire Power, Marianne Powers, Arvo & Beverly Prima, Mr. & Mrs. Vance M. Prisco, Bill & Denise Provost, John Prudhomme, Mr. & Mrs. William V.Purcell, Arpad Pusztai & Arlene Allen, Joel & Nancy Quass, Robert & Ann Rafano, Joyce Rager & Roy Christensen, Lucille L. Raiola & Mary F. Murphy, Victor Rallo, Ignacio & Kathleen Ramirez, Barbara Rancourt, Stephen & Maria Rand, Patrick Rascona, Ila Rasmussen, Betty & Randy Rauscher, Kim & Paul Reale, Mr. & Mrs. Michael Recchia, Mr. Paul Reibel, Robert & Susan Reid, Dorothy Reilly, Rey & Susan Reino, Brandon Reo, Craig A. Repmann, Denise Rhoades, Todd & Deirdre Rice, Dr. & Mrs. Allen Rich, Don Crocker & Pat Richter, Mr. & Mrs. Craig Riddle, Debbie & Val Ries, Susan & Bruce Rifkin, Cliff Rigby, Bill & Barbara Riker, Michael & Heidi Riley, Stanley Rishty, Charles Roberts, Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Rocco, Jeffrey & Peggy Rodimer, Charles & Ann Roemmele, Stephen & Carolyn Rogers, Raymond Romano, Ronald McDonald House of Long Branch, Nancy & Tucker Ronzetti, Peter & Nita Rose, Mr.. & Mrs. Carl Rose, Ron & Diane Rosetto, Bruce Rossi, Bobby & Dany Rothchild, Charles Rott, Patrick Ruane & Lindsay Dewis, Diane Rubin, Ms. Rickee Rudowitz, Rumson Pharmacy, Ralph Ruocco, Linda & Thomas Rush, Angelo Russo, Mr. & Mrs. Donald E. Rustici, Mr. & Mrs. Timothy E. Ryan, Barbara Sager, Charles & Marjorie Salin, Eric A. Salkin, Robert Sandberg, Christopher Sandel, Henry & Susan Sandlass, Robert Sapero, William Sapienza & Jaqueline Francisco, The Sapone Family, Vincent & Lisa Sarullo, Dr. & Mrs. S.L. Sattenspiel, Joseph F. Savarese, Philip Scaduto, George & Phyllis Scardena, Chic & Violet Schafer, Bart & Sallyann Schanck, Robert Schechter, Anne Marie & Steven Schertz, Mr. & Mrs. John A. Schingo, Michael Schleifer, Brittany Schmell, Dencey Sherman Schmidt, Grace Schnoes, WIlliam D. & Linda Schroeder, Mr. & Mrs. Steve Schulek, Ronald & Barbara Schwan, Jim & Jane Schwartz, Jon & Holly Schwartz, Walter & Cathi Scott, Harvey & Lynda Segal, Joseph & Kathleen Settineri, The Sevastakis Family, Katherine & Joseph Sexton, Mickey Shabot, Peggy & Matt Shafai, Ms. Virginia Shaffer, Dr. Dennis Shavelson, Kenneth Shelly, Suzy Shepardson, Joe & Gabriella Sheridan, Rebecca Shields, Ronald & Diane Shimanowitz, Timothy Shinn, Joanne Shipley, Michael & Tara Short, Paul & Ellen Shur, Ren & Nancy Siclare, Mary Sidorski, The Siebenhellers, Mr. & Mrs. William Siebert, Joseph Silagyi, Adam & Ellen Silver, Mr. & Mrs. Kal Silverman, Daniel Silvester, Gary Silvestri & Kathleen Peterson, Mary Lou Simko, Pat & Rick Simon, Steven Simon, Al Simone, David Singer, Sue & Steve Sinofsky, Helgard Skewis, Scott & Kellie Sklaver, R. Sloan, Lisa Slowik, Katherine C. Smith, Craig Smith, Sue Smith, Nancy Smuro, Janis Smythe, William R. Snell, Esq., Brian & Susan Snyder, John H. Snyder, Judith A. Soden, Richard & Valerie Sofa, Joseph & Linda Spallina, Maya E. Speelmans, Michele Sprietsma, John & Susan Stankiewicz, John; Barbara & David Stanton, Robert H. Staples, Austin & Ann Starkey, Hilarie Stella & Christian Aussicker, Pete & Ginger Stendel, Debra Sterling, Doug & Esta Sternberg, Garry Sterns, Mark & Marguerite Stocker, The Stoeckel Family, Kathleen & John Stover, The Stratton Family, Janice & Ted Strauss, Jacqueline Sturdivant, Joseph & Regina Sturnialo, Big Hearted John, Jodi Sussman, Kelsey Swikart, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Syms, James R. Szatkowski & Barbara Minch, Linda Szwedo, Jay Taback, Alan & Judy Taboada, Glenn & Judi Taglieri, Elizabeth Taieb, William Tarallo, Robert Taurosa, Judith Tavill, Michael Tavill, Sharon Telesca, John & Dena Temple, Victoria & Chris Terry, Brigitte Tersek, Tetelbom Family, Patricia Theodoropoulos, Edward F. Thomas, Mr. John C. Thomas, Bob & Lata Thomas, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Tizzio, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Todd, Wendy & David Tooker, Richard Torelli, DJ & Trish Totland, Carol Tremble, Steven & Gail Trezza, Jack Trilling, John Troia, Michael Truffini, Mr. & Mrs. R. Charles Tschampion, Roberta & Gregory Tullock, Gail M. Turtora, Vincent Turturiello, Undici Restaurant, Paul & Christine Valestin, Angelo J. & Rosalind Valetutto, The Valko Family, Richard Valleau, Pieter Van der Heide, Martha & Garret VanSaders, Fern Varasano, Jeff & Nancy Ventrone, Rich & Gerrie Vergona, Joseph S. Vetrano, M.D., Denise & Ron Violand, Carol Vitale, Judi & Peter Vitanzo, Gina & Michael Vitkansas, Aristotelis Vlahos, Irwin & Betsy Vogel, Chuck & Lynn Volker, Charles Von Wyck, Anthony & MaryAnn Vulpis, Barry & Judy Wagner, Ralph Walag, Carolyn, Jessica & Andy Waldron, Jane & Buzz Waltman, Harold Wardell, Richard & Margaret Warga, James Wark, Mr & Mrs Daryl Warmbrand, David & Julia Warren, Scott J. Warren, Chris Olszewski & Chesla Wechsler, Barry & Rebecca Weinstein, Suzanne Werther, Connie Wetzler, Carter & Laura Whisnand, Eileen J. White, Dr. & Mrs. Thomas White, David & Sheila Wiener, Bill & Carol Wilson, James & Janet Wilson, Thomas Wilson, Gail Winsor & Donald Rispoli, Lisa J.C. Wissing, Mr. & Mrs. Marcus Witkowski, Ron & Judy Witt, Christine B. Wolter, Mr. & Mrs. Neil Wood, Captain B H & Valerie Wood, William Wood, James & Susan Woods, Kent & Mary Woods, Albert Wu, Robert Wyckoff, Diane Yakencheck, The Ybarra Family, Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Yostpille, Mr. & Mrs. John Yostpille, John & Barbara Young, Lisa Yourth, Bob & Judy Yuran, Brian Yuro, Janice Zajac, Dr. & Mrs. Zebrowski, Ruth & Jaine Zimmerman, Howard S. Zinn $50 - $99 Anonymous (2), Agnes Acosta, Todd & Cindy Adams, Sherri Adler, AIG Matching Gift Program, Mary Jo Alburtus, Frances Albury, Hank Alderoty, Kevin John Allen, Mr & Mrs Mark Allen, Alliance Woodwork, Maria Allocco, Corrinne Altenhaus, Frank & Martha Amato, Matthew & Lisa Ampolsky, Shannon Arnold, Ray Aronne & Sophie Fitzsimmons, Eva Arvanitis, Mr & Mrs. Joseph Attanasi, Jr., Robert & Diane Aversa, Ursula & Victor Ayers, Jack Babnew, Rosemary Bagwell, Concerts East/J. Bakal, Travis & Donna Ballew, Ally Baratta, Ruth Barker, Francine & Richard Barndt, Jennifer & Joshua Barons, Joan Barry, Barbara Bayer, Robert Bayer, Richard Bayer, Paul Bayer,

Members and Contributors 6

$50 - $99 cont. Mary Ann & Sidney Bembridge, Dr. & Mrs. William Benden, Maureen Benter, Michael B. Berman, Jim & Ellen Black, BNY Mellon Community Partnership, Theresa Bocchino, Dr. & Mrs. Domenick Bonanno, The R.F. Bongiovanni family, Christine Boyajieff, Edward & Mary Dorothy Braniff, Alan & Karen Brenner, Brian & Kim Brockway, Barry Burke, Vivian Burns, Tom & Eleanor Burrows, Dr. Darren M. Caffery, Anne Cahalane, Patrick Caiazzo, Janice Calvi-Ruimerman, Paul Carberry, David Carlson, Rev. Jacqueline Carr-Hamilton, John Cederholm, Joan Cestone, The Chace Family, Monica & Michael Chernow, Lisa Chinery, William E. Christine, Jo Ann Cinque, Barbara Clark, Rosemarie & Ronald Climes, David & Mildred Cohen, Alaina Colasurdo, Charlotte & Simon Cole, Nancy Conn-Levin, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Conroy, Charles & Judi Cooper, Stephanie Coskey, Debra Costa, Marie Cottrell, Anita Crapanzano, Bonnie Crotty, Carolyn Crowell, Mary Cummings, Christine Curatolo-Dowd, Maryanne Daddono, Natalio Damien, Jack & Louise Davies, Steven Davis, Louis DeDonno, Stephanie & AJ DeGeorge, Marilyn DeJesus, Anne Dematteis, Caren Demyen, Denise D'Esposito, Giulia Di Guglielmo, David & Deborah Diament, Second Acts Career Services, The Dixon Family, Bill & Heather Doherty, Donna Doherty, Robert & Mary Ann Dolan, Michael Donnelly, Stanley & Linda Draus, Gary & Robin Dreuer, Eileen & Tom Duff, Richard & Karin Eberhardt, Melvin & Erica Edelman, Allan Ellis, Richard Eng, Gary Enoch & Deborah Worthington, Jeannette Erbst, Thomas Eschenbrenner, Phil Esposito, Carmen Everett, Barbara Fanning, Gabe Farina, Brett Feinman, Jane & Rick Fendl, Claudine Fenniman, Joel Fink, Karen Fitzgerald, Mark Fitzgerald, Judith Flaherty, Flair Cleaners, Andrea Fox, Linda R. Frank, Michael Friedberg, Ruthe Friedenthal, John Frizalone, Allen Victor Gaskell, Virginia Gatens, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Gemignani, Neurology Specialists of Monmouth County, Rose Ann Giaquinto, Donna Gibson, Bartolo Giuffre, P.W. & Marie Goione, Anne Gonzalez, Craig & Colleen Gordon, Ruth M. Granstrom, Carolyn Greene & Vincent Fuschetti, Cheryl Greenfield, Karen Grezner, Allan Gutterman, Janine Hallisey, James R. Hamilton, Bunny Hammer, Carol Hammond, Susan & James Harbison, Thomas Haring, Harry Harkavy, Ms. Mary Harmyk, Pamela Hartman, Garret Harwood, Mrs. Rita Hausman, Pat Healy, Beverley Healy, Marian & Liam Heaney, Donald N. Heirman, Tom Herman, Brenda B. Herman, Joshua Hill, Jack R. Hill, Councilwoman Kathy Horgan, Holly & John Hyers, Jack Israel, Jeffrey E. Johnson, Donna L. Johnson, Rebecca Johnston, Fred & Jean Kaeli, Joyce, George & Debra Kaiser, Reba & Herb Kastel, Phyllis & Henry Kelch, Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Kelley, Karen Kelly, Patrick & Heidi Kielt, Phyllis King, McKenna Kingdon, Christopher & Leslie Kinsella, B. Kofman, Linda H. Kohler, Irene Korfes, Jane Korn, Mimi Korn, Thomas K. Kowalski, Judith Kramer, Mark & Tammie Krauskopf, Tricia & Curtis Krietzberg, Mr. & Mrs. Ed Kubaitis, Theresa Kudla, Lisa Lamana, Kenneth & Joan Latham, Teri Lawrence, Barbara Leboff, Theresa & Carl Lee, Ilene Lehrer, Jill Leitner, Stephen Leonard, Phil Lepore, Lloyd & Mary Leschuk, Rebecca Ley, Julie Lipton, Lisa & Chris Litwin, Karen Loehr, Bruce Lowe, Dr. Howard Lucks, Thomas E. Lynch, Sharyn Lynch, Randall MacBlane, Laura MacNeil, Kelley Madensky, Joanne & Glen Madsen, Steven Maggio, Maurice & Roberta Mahler, Ed & Yvonne Malcolm, Sherri Mallow, Antonia S. Malone, Marion Maloney, Greg Maloof, Maureen Manelski, Lester Martin, Christina Martuscelli, Barbara & John Matthews, Dawn McAuliffe, Tiffany McCann, C.J. McDonnell, Gabrielle McGill, Jim & Mary Ann McKee, Tom McKenna, The Dr. McManus Family, Donna & Robert McQuade, Malcolm Mead, Heather Medd, Donna Meluso, Anthony Merola, Mr. & Mrs. Mark L. Midgley, Linda Sue Miner, Brian & Anita Moore, Edward Moran, Joanne & Wyman Morgan, John Muldoon, The Mulligan Family, Cynthia Nappa, Stan & Donna Nazimek, Sheryl Lynn Nevin, John Newsome, Jack Newsome, April Nono, Janice & James Nusse, Tom O'Brien, Lisa Marie O'Connell, Barbara & John Oellermann, Ronald Ohnmacht, Hilary O'Hollaren, The O`Mara Family, Owen & Patty O`Neill, Luis Ortiz, John Palmer, Gary & Michelle Paone, Denise C. Pasch, Gene & Lynda Pedoto, Susan C. Penn, Lee A. Petersen, Maureen Petersen, William Pettersen, Desiree Piccarelli, William Pierotti, Wayne B. Pineault, Diane Policastro, Eugene & Shirley Poll-Waggelman, Thomas & AnnMarie Pontone, Laura Potter, Jeffrey Povell, Ellen Price, Paul & Ellen Prozeller, Maria & John Puryear, Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Quigley, Kathy Ramirez, Catherine Randazzo, Linnea Ransier, Mary T. Redfield, Grace M. Reilly, Maryann Reiner, James & Anna Reppermund, Mark & Judith Reuter, Elizabeth Ricker, Bobbie Ridgely, Eileen Rinaldi, Joyce & Arthur Roberts, Caroline Rodgers, Tom Rojas, Anna Marie Rongaus, Charles & Jan Ronk, Kathleen W. Rosenberg, Bruce & Rhea Rothenberg, Aldo & Joann Rubano, Helene Ruggieri, Yolande Ruggiero, Margaret & Nino Russo, The Safarian Family, Mr. & Mrs. Nick Sapnar, John Sarracco, Don & Judy Schenck, Patti Schlosser, Patricia Scimeca, Richard E. Scott, Bob & Becky Sesnowich, Mark & Lisa Sessa, Marcy Shamah, Gerry Sharpe, Paul & Sherry Sherman, James & Maria Sickels, Jeff Siegel, Stephen & Cathy Smith, Mr. & Mrs. David L. Smith, Lawrence & Kathy Smith, Stacy Smith, Ken & Barbara Snyder, Donna Snyder, Tom & Nancy Spiezio, Joseph & Frances Stankard, Mr. & Mrs. Eric Steiner, Gayle Steinhacker, Steinlight Media, LLC, Sam F. Stellatella, Andrea Stolfe, Bill & Mary Ann Strachan, Lois L. Strauss, John & Patricia Sudol, Mr & Mrs Mike Sullivan, Athena Surace, Dennis & Marie Sweeney, Mark Swersky, Burt & Suzanne Szerlip, John & Deirdre Tachine, Sandra G. Tartaglino, Sam Tavill, Anthony Tavill, Michael Tedesco, Toomas & Ellen Tehve, Matthew Thomson, Emily Tomaine, Geralynn Tortorice, Elizabeth Treadwell, Karen & Cono Trezza, Dominick & Lisa Tringali, Kurt & Margaret Tweten, Susan Uhl, Maureen Unsinn, Mr. & Mrs. A. Valentino, David & Karen Van Buskirk, Donald Gene VanBrunt, Marianne Velcamp, Mario & Elizabeth Venditti, Anita Verdiglione, Anthony & Barbara Villane, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Villani, Barbara Ann Villano, Karen Viola, Steve & Rose Vrabel, Steve & Pat Walker, Carol J. Walker, Scott Walker, Loretta Walsh, Mr. & Mrs. Lewis Weidenfeld, Diane Wellington, Joseph & Elizabeth Welter, Richard & Diana West, Constance & Robert Weygandt, David R. Whitmore, Ellen Williams, Cindy Williams, Edith Williams, David & Sandy Wilson, Barbara Ann Wingel, Grace & Jim Wolf, Christopher Wood, Jane Wooley, Emily Woolley, Lois Ann Wright, Be Yeamans, Chris Yonclas, Peter Yonclas, Richard & Julie Zakreski, Allan Zelkin, Karl & Stephanie Zielaznicki, Paul & Susan Zoubek, Dr. & Mrs. Alan Zwerdling.

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