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Podcasts, backgammon and kindness
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Students make rapid progress from their various starting points, in small-sized classes, due to highly e ective specialist teaching and closely focused pastoral support.
MPW London Independent Schools
Inspectorate Report
Churcher’s College, Hampshire
Suzy Dixon from Francis Holland Prep
Joe Knight from e White House Prep
Samantha Price from Cranleigh School
Inside High eld and Brookham Schools
Maria Gardener talks about her life in education with Liz Ivens
Students are being prepared for a global future, says Emma Reed
Alice Smellie nds out why the next generation all want a ‘green job’ TURN OFF, TUNE IN
Tessa Dunthorpe explores the ways mobile phone use is being restricted in schools
Business studies are nding a place in the curriculum, says Anna Tyzack ‘EMBRACE LEARNING, STAY CURIOUS’
Ricky Tavares of Dukes Plus explains the secret to going it alone HEAD SPACE
Wellbeing hubs and meditation are core to the modern
Eleanor Doughty talks to experts about the International Baccalaureate
Why smart schools are o ering fencing. By Sally Jones 10 BEST... SCHOOL FARMS
What’s better than getting down adn dirty? Gregory Taylor on the schools where children can get a taste of rural life
Read it, Watch it, Do it! TEEN
Emilia Fox recalls Bryanston DR EMEKA EXPLAINS... e School House doctor on anxiety MY SCHOOL REPORT
Sir Ben Elliot remembers Eton THE FULL ENGLISH
Chewton Glen o ers a home from home BEYOND LISBON
Victoria Lambert visits a family haven in Setubal, Portugal
Tess Shepherd from e Willow Nursery IRON POWER
How much iron does your under ve need? Lara Isaac has the answer GOING UP e transition from nursery to school is about trust, says Alice Smellie THE GREAT OUTDOORS
Emma Reed explores the way nurseries are introducing children to nature
It ’s about now that many of us will look back at our list of New Year Resolutions for 2025 – started with such optimism on 1 January – and have the uncomfortable feeling we’ve failed. Failed to follow that health kick, stride up every ight of stairs rather than use a lift, write more letters to friends instead of sending soulless texts. Failed to be a better person – kinder, calmer, more composed.Yet, when we can choose to turn that feeling around and explore what we have achieved instead, we’re allowing ourselves to build another layer of resilience. ‘Failures, repeated failures, are nger posts on the road to achievement,’ said CS Lewis. ‘One fails forward toward success.’ And isn’t that the lesson we want our children to learn more than most others: that learning is a non-stop process, and errors are inevitable and even necessary as we develop our skills.
In this edition of School House, that theme of self-development looms large. On page 54, we look at the ways mindfulness is being encouraged in schools – including the prep where Sanskrit is taught as part of the wellbeing approach. We’re also examining how young people’s addiction to mobile phones can be tackled on page 44.
In some ways, our children are ahead of the game when it comes to learning through failure – and no more so than in the world of renewables. Tackling global environmental challenges requires a great deal of clever thought, of trial and error, and young people are eager to get involved. Read about the future of the ‘green job’ on p41, plus the way schools are building the study of global a airs into the curriculum (p35).
On a di erent note, our expert panel answers questions on the International Baccalaureate for our Insiders’ Guide (p58) – does it o er more than traditional A-levels? And we have a double dose of School Reports in this issue – nd out how businessman and philanthropist Sir Ben Elliot got on at Eton and what actor Emilia Fox found most memorable at Bryanston.
Lastly, our chosen charity for 2025 this year is Farms for City Children – the wonderful organisation set up by Sir Michael Morpurgo and his wife Clare. Find out more on page 65, where you can also take a peep at farms attached to schools. Pupils who study at these establishments are fortunate enough to have opportunity on their doorstep – but mucking out the pigs is the same whether you come from the city or the countryside. And something you will have to practise a few times – mud and all – before you get past failure to shining success.
A prominent figure in boarding education and a leading voice of support for young people, last year Samantha Price was President of the Girls’ Schools Association and listed as one of the UK’s best Headteachers by TES . Price has recently moved to Cranleigh school, which shares her vision for inquiry-based learning with a focus on future skills and excellence in co-curricular as well as academics.
The White House Prep School, Joe Knight began his teaching career in Kuwait after attending the University of Durham where he took a degree in combined arts. For this issue, Knight discusses the importance of a constantly evolving, dynamic and enhanced curriculum for younger learners - and how this will future proof children for the changing world they face.
Anna lives between London and the West Country and writes for various publications including e Telegraph, e Independent and e i Paper. She’s always enjoyed interviewing head teachers and educationalists and visiting schools but now her own ve children are of school age the subject has even more resonance. Her piece on entrepreneurialism in this issue explores ways schools are helping pupils to develop a business mindset.
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A national newspaper journalist specialising in independent education, Elizabeth Ivens has written for titles including the Sunday Telegraph and Daily Mail and currently works for the Mail on Sunday. She was one of the rst journalists to bring to public attention the threat posed to the independent sector of VAT on school fees. Previously, she handled communications for key gures in the education world and independent schools.
e head of Francis Holland Prep, Sloane Square, Suzy Dixon has a long history in education. Having achieved her PGCE at the University of York, she also holds an MA in Education Management from King’s College London. Dixon is now overseeing a move of a di erent type, as Francis Holland Prep relocates to a Victorian building o the Kings Road, including the Old Chelsea Library.
Having established her portrait, family, wedding and branding photography business in 2000, Hester Marriott has worked in independent and state schools for many years providing editorial, website and event photography. She has been School House magazine’s in-house photographer since 2021, shooting covers and head-pupil portraits. She is a quali ed member of the British Institute of Professional Photography.
EDITORIAL ENQUIRIES victorialambert@schoolhousemagazine.co.uk
ADVERTISING ENQUIRIES camilla@schoolhousemagazine.co.uk
SCHOOL HOUSE is a biannual magazine published with Country & Town House magazine and distributed to AB homes in Barnes, Battersea, Bayswater, Belgravia, Brook Green, Chelsea, Chiswick, Clapham, Coombe, Fulham, Hampstead, Highgate, Holland Park, Kensington, Knightsbridge, Marylebone, Mayfair, Notting Hill, Pimlico, Putney, Richmond, South Kensington, St John’s Wood, Wandsworth and Wimbledon. It is also on sale at selected WHSmith, Sainsbury’s, M&S, and Waitrose stores and independent newsagents nationwide. School House is published by Country & Town House Ltd, Studio 2, Chelsea Gate Studios, 115 Harwood Road, London SW6 4QL (tel: 020 7384 9011). Registered number 576850 England and Wales. Printed in the UK by William Gibbons and Sons Ltd, West Midlands. Paper supplied by Gerald Judd. Distribution by Letterbox. Copyright © 2024 School House. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is strictly prohibited. Materials are accepted on the understanding that no liability is incurred for safe custody. The publisher cannot be responsible for unsolicited material. All prices are correct at the time of going to press but are subject to change. While every care is taken to ensure all information is correct at the time of going to press, it is subject to change, and School House takes no responsibility for omissions or errors.
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School Captain Maddie Gay, 17, loves her role at Churcher’s College, an independent mixed day school in Peters eld, Hampshire. Whether she’s involved in peer mentoring or interacting with the teachers to make school life better for the younger years, Maddie has enjoyed being a positive role model. at enthusiastic approach is also present in the way she is planning for the future. Maddie, who is taking English, History and Politics at A-level, hopes to study journalism. So in her spare time, she writes for local newspapers and has volunteered with the community-led Shine Radio – even working for them on the night of the General Election last summer. Like her fellow students, Maddie embraces all the school can o er; she’s a keen netball player and a member of the CCF, as well as taking part in the annual Devizes to Westminster canoe race. She loves the variety of extracurricular o erings: ‘You can be good at loads of things here. It makes you more well-rounded and supports you learning soft skills.’
Her co-Captain, Max Cropley, 18, is studying English, History and Drama, planning on reading History at university. Having joined the school aged 12, Max has thrown himself into everything the school can o er, from music to drama and sport. ‘It’s easy to get involved,’ he says, ‘whether that’s playing hockey or being in the annual school musical.’
For Max, one of the joys of the school is how well the students get on with each other. ‘We all blend in di erent ways, there’s no sense of cliques.’ When he leaves, Max knows he will miss everything about the school: ‘the lessons, the teachers, the environment. I’m so at home here – I don’t think I’ll know what to do with myself once I leave,’ he jokes.
Sophia Farmer, 17, has her eyes set on a degree in pharmacology at university after studying Chemistry, Maths and English Literature at A-level. Unlike the two Captains – who were noti ed in advance, Sophia and Toby learned they had been appointed Deputy Captains during a school assembly. ‘We were so surprised,’ she says, laughing. eir role means attending school council meetings and acting as a form of communication between year groups and teachers, trying to get across concerns. One achievement was persuading the school to modernise the rugby strip exchanging the old style baggy tops for a lightweight, tted version.
When not on school business, Sophia does ‘a bit of everything – three choirs, netball, hockey, ballet, and Chem Soc.’ Having started at the school in Reception, she says leaving will be ‘daunting’ but is con dent that ‘Churcher’s has equipped me with all the skills I need for life’.
Toby Medley is not just a Deputy Captain of the school but also the leader of the Army section of the CCF. It’s a position that the 17-year-old really enjoys. ‘I thought it would be fun and it has been. Plus, we do lots of team building and leadership work.’ A particular highlight was leading the Remembrance Day parade in uniform. ‘I’ve learned a lot about presentation,’ he adds, ‘and I think that’s spilled into everyday life.’
Not that the Forces attract him long term. Toby is studying Maths, Further Maths, Physics and Economics and hopes to read Economics at university.
When not studying he plays water polo, as well as piano and trombone in the school ensembles. A special performance at the Cadogan Hall was a great opportunity, he says.
Toby is keenly aware of what he’s going to leave behind. ‘I’ll miss my teachers and friends. at sense of community.’
Portrait by Hester Marriott
Ihad more reason than ever to consider new beginnings at the start of this particular September, as Francis Holland’s Junior School at Sloane Square moved just down the King’s Road to an iconic Grade II listed building in the leafy heart of Chelsea, becoming Francis Holland Preparatory School. Having been Head of Francis Holland Junior School since 2017 and now Head of Francis Holland Prep, I have relished the challenge of managing this transition.
This new beginning has highlighted how the educational world runs to such a distinctive annual timetable; that every September is our new beginning. Not necessarily something that builders fully grasp, but doesn’t every teacher in the land have that dreadful dream about losing your class on the rst day of term? September is our educational deadline, and usually a nervous new beginning for us all.
Transition is a changing state, and change is usually a potent mix of excitement and fear; we tend to worry about change even when it is changing for something better. We seem to be creatures of habit who take comfort in the familiar. It is perhaps not surprising that when we are teaching emotion regulation to our youngest pupils, in trying to name those butter ies in the tummy feelings, they seem to signify both excitement and nervousness.
Our new beginning was a move into a bigger, better and more beautiful building that gave us room to spread our wings, o ering a wealth of impressive facilities including the old Chelsea library, a spacious school hall with staging, a specialist STEAM facility and an extensive outdoor play area. Yet I can guarantee that every adult has felt a moment of nostalgia for the old space.
knew the pupils needed to own their new space. How were we going to make this happen? Firstly, we had to unpack billions of boxes! is was a tremendous team-building exercise for sta , building great resilience and team spirit as a sta body. Secondly, we welcomed our pupils in. We had prepared them as much as possible for all the change. We needed to build an immediate harmony. We had old and new sta , pupils, resources, and even lessons. As Henry Ford said, ‘Coming together is a beginning; Staying together is progress; Working together is success.’ I really wanted success for everyone so that their new beginning would be an inspiring and positive experience, full of optimism and the excitement of a shared adventure.
To manage this journey together, I needed parents equally involved and invested. ey were keen to come into school, but also waited patiently whilst their children developed their relationship with the new school rst. Some pupils did miss the smaller familiar building, so we sent them o to explore every single room to develop their familiarity and start to create their personal narrative within their new school.
‘Change is usually a potent mix of excitement and fear; we tend to worry about change even when it is changing for something better’
In considering practical matters like the placement of interactive whiteboards, lockers, pegs, cupboards, bookcases, desks and chairs, there was a re ection on best arrangements so that the pupils could most engage with the teaching. In unpacking the old and buying some new, there was an audit of which resources work best. In planning our lessons for new classes, we analysed our curriculum and lesson plans through fresh eyes. All excellent educational thinking, but in our hearts, we
Often a transition feels as if only you alone are experiencing change, but we have had the bene t of a group change. It really has been an adventure full of ‘change, interest, excitement!’, as Toad said in Wind in the Willows. However, whereas he was up for ‘Here today, up and o to somewhere else tomorrow!’, I can adamantly con rm that we are all happy to settle down now. Our pupils will have another transition at age 11, so it was key to ensure this one was a happy change, preparing them for the next; providing an outstanding platform for entry into leading Senior Schools, including our two Francis Holland Senior Schools.
New beginnings are fertile learning ground; nding new experiences and friends with that positive feeling of starting afresh. Now we are enjoying the very beginning being over, and nding the time to root ourselves rmly, to grow happily, strongly, and resiliently, with an optimistic eye on the future for our school community together.
Preparation for life is key, says Joe Knight, headmaster of The
he importance of enhancing the curriculum and taking learning to a more practical level from an early age cannot be underestimated. Research suggests giving children independence in these areas builds happier, more con dent children who are less anxious.
As the headmaster of a family-owned prep school in London, we take the ‘prep’ in preparing children seriously. is isn’t just preparation for their future schools but also for life, by o ering enrichment programmes from Reception to Year 6 in which children learn soft skills and are exposed to different experiences that help to prepare them for their secondary school years ahead. When thinking about such enrichment programmes, it is essential to consider what passions, interests or hobbies the children have to captivate their minds. Whilst clubs such as debating, lm club, touch typing and coding o er core skills, these are becoming standard o erings which don’t truly elevate the child’s experience at school or allow them the independence to make and learn from their mistakes, thus building more con dent learners who are happy to have a go at things.
At The White House Prep School, we are o ering an innovative and wellthought out alternative across three phases of the school. Appropriately named Nurture, Choice and Futures, the crosscurricular enrichment programme o ered at e White House truly does nd ways to extend, enrich and intrigue children in aspects of everyday life which will bene t them both practically and in terms of their mental preparation for their future.
and develop ne motor skills such as using a knife as they plan, purchase and prepare food. is evolves with children’s interests and recently a ‘road’ was set up in the playground to help teach children about road safety, and gain practice on scooters and bikes in a safe environment.
‘Every year what we proide has to be reviewed, reinvigorated and made current if it’s going to keep pace with our dyanmic and evolving lifestyles’
e Nurture programme – broadening educational opportunities outside of the classroom – begins in Early Years, where children work in small groups to make a purposeful and meaningful di erence in our community. Children are introduced to the nancial and retail world,
As pupils move up in the years, our Enterprise lessons for Years 3-5 become more creative and pro t driven to teach about real-world money situations, how to budget and how to market to drive sales and interest. Alongside this runs our Choice programme which allows pupils to elect one period a week to follow a subject of their choosing, anything from STEM to Performing Arts, Alternative Sports and Public Speaking.
In Year 6 Life Skills, our ‘Futures’ programme turns to preparing the boys and girls for life, not just careers: challenges in geography see children given the task to navigate public transport (with teacher supervision from distance) from school to Covent Garden; children have practical science lessons with a top surgeon who leads them in a heart dissection (not human!) and also complete a rst aid training including CPR; Spanish lessons switch to conversational as the leavers prepare for their residential trip to Seville; Latin vocabulary focuses on legal terminology before a visit to the law courts. While enthusing children with curriculum extending opportunities can never be sidelined in a school, it is the life skills and nancial awareness, exposure to independence – and to daily pursuits – which will make our young citizens be future-proof in everyday life.
One thing, which I believe is critically important if this is going to be a relevant programme, is that every year what we provide has to be reviewed, reinvigorated and made current if it’s going to keep pace with our dynamic and evolving lifestyles.
In these isolating times, creating connections has never mattered more, says Samantha Price, Head of Cranleigh
One of the most important aspects of education is to foster a sense of belonging and individual purpose. As a Head it’s vital to create and nurture a school culture in which every single child and his or her individual needs are known, understood, and supported. Academics are important, of course, but as educators we are in danger of getting so ground down in exam results being the barometer for success that we can lose sight of the importance of belonging and the role that individual purpose plays in the wellbeing of our teens and their successful outcomes. When a child becomes isolated, feels that they don’t t in, and doesn’t have a recognised purpose, they disengage and too often fail to achieve their full potential.
Adolescence is a difficult time that young people have always needed help in navigating. Teenagers today face a barrage of potential expectations from various sources, increasingly via social media. For our children to become ready to face the world after education they need support to celebrate what makes them unique and di erent at a time when trying to t in is the default aim. Much is currently written about ‘pick me’ girls and ‘toxic males’ but many young people are just making mistakes by trying too hard to nd their tribe and impress their peers. ese are formative years and their online role models are not robust. Society must understand that teenagers need strong guidance, good role models and clear boundaries to thrive instead of taking these away and then blaming them for getting things wrong.
alumni continue to enact positive change in the world by giving back and volunteering and we know that this continues to enhance their sense of purpose and belonging.
As a boarding school Cranleigh has more time with the children in our care and so we are well placed to celebrate di erence by rst seeing and recognising that individuals are all unique and that each individual has worth. We put considerable time and expertise into the formal structures that underpin this. ese structures include a well-researched and expertly-delivered PSHE programme, and the pupil-led groups championing tolerance and empathy. Our social programmes are speci cally designed to help teenagers understand the teen years: outside pressures, social norms, an appreciation of the di erences between the genders and a rational approach to technology.
Belonging means inclusion and good Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) strategies are vital, but belonging is also more than that. It is the creation of cultures that help each child to feel valued and to have his or her skills noticed and valued as part of a community. is is true equity and a young person who is valued at school and encouraged to play a wider supporting role in the community will inevitably reach adulthood as a more rounded and more giving person who can play a valuable role in the society in which they live. Voluntary work – called ‘ Voluntary Action’ at Cranleigh – is when our pupils go out to support other groups and organisations; this has bene ts to the individual as well as those they help. Our engaged
A boarding environment provides the necessary time to dedicate to these groups and conversations, allowing teenagers the space and freedom to explore and talk through topics that are important to them. Pupil-led groups provide leadership opportunities as well as safe spaces.
e Cranleigh Diversity Alliance is a pupil-led group that acts as an umbrella structure for our protected characteristic support groups. The Alliance banner emphasises the importance for all pupils of being an ally – this is central to one of the School’s primary values: ‘Cranleigh Being’, which asks pupils and sta to recognise who we are, and how we are.
‘Society must understand that teenagers need strong guidance, good role models and clear boundaries to thrive rather than taking these away’
The teenage years are such a crucial period for developing social and emotional habits important for mental wellbeing. Adopting healthy sleep patterns, exercising regularly, developing coping, problem-solving, and interpersonal skills and learning to manage emotions are all important. But the key to enabling young people to grow and thrive is to provide a supportive environment at school. A sense of belonging in the pivotal years that will carry a person throughout life and positively impact the society they join.
Victoria Lambert visits the Hampshire prep with a reputation for excellence – and adventure
With its top-notch academic record, superb sports, arts and drama facilities, excellent food, cosy boarding facilities and even an atmospheric chapel, High eld and Brookham o ers an all-round education that’s truly impressive. Established in Liphook, Hampshire, in 1907, the school is family owned; the current proprietor, William Mills, is the grandson of the founder. Perhaps that helps to account for the warm and friendly atmosphere. Whether you’re in the modern, airy nursery and pre-prep buildings or the older years’ classrooms in the main house, there is a cheerful buzz of activity and lots of smiles.
And yes, High eld and Brookham gets results – last year 30 Year 8 students scored scholarships at schools ranging from Charterhouse to Wellington College and Gordonstoun – but it’s the breadth of opportunities on o er that attract many parents. Youngsters leave wellrounded, happy, con dent and ready for whatever comes next.
As is the school itself – which is working towards becoming carbon neutral with a woodchip-burning biomass boiler currently providing 85 per ent of the energy required to heat the school and its indoor swimming pool. e wood itself comes from the school’s vast estate, primarily through
chestnut coppicing as chestnut is a naturally self-replenishing variety of tree which requires little or no replanting. Other ongoing initiatives include solar panels, wildlife habitats, recycling, and children tending their own vegetable plots. Beehives are a new arrival on site.
High eld and Brookham has a roster of about 450 students across its nursery, pre-prep and prep provision, aged between two to 13. ese include international students from countries like Spain, China and Ukraine, plus lots of local families based in this corner of Hampshire, West Sussex and Surrey. Armed Forces families are always welcomed (with up to 27 percent fee discount) and a generous timetable of wrap-around care – including breakfast clubs, and late pick up, as well as the opportunity to board –means grateful working parents are helped, too.
e school has moved away from o ering a full Common Entrance syllabus – although keeping the core subjects such as maths, English and science. is means subjects like geography can be taught in a more
adventurous way by specialist teachers while academic rigour remains. So while children learn to sit exams, learning is enquiry-based – focused on self-directed research by children. Pupils are also taught essential skills via the Skills Builder Framework. is covers listening, speaking, creativity, problem solving, positivity, aiming high, leadership and teamwork. For those with a particular thirst for knowledge, a scholarship programme enhances their education and increases their chance of being awarded a scholarship in senior school. Classes are taken four times a week and children get the opportunity to discuss current a airs, share art appreciation and develop their presentation and debating skills.
All tastes are catered for – from pilates to movie night, history club to current a airs. Hot right now is Air x; rock club is a perennial favourite with musicians. Sporting opportunities include martial arts as well as football and gymnastics.
Senior (Years 6-8) dorms are situated in the main building with all boarders having their own bed – even if they only sleep over two nights a week. Rooms are bright and cheerful and kept tidy thanks to incentives! Junior boarders (Years 3-5) are housed in the Junior Boarding, separate from the main school, but still at the heart of the school site. Food is considered excellent by mosteverything is made at the school, no outside catering. Apart from the hearty meals on o er, pupils get ‘Sus’ (short for sustenance) twice a day – mid-morning and mid-afternoon, which might be apjacks or cake. Boarders can stock up on toast and milk before bed every evening. Pastoral care is exceptional; all students have access to the new wellbeing hub e Beehive, and there are 11 trained mental health rst aiders on sta
Suzannah Cryer returned to High eld and Brookham to become head after four years at omas’s Battersea where she was Deputy Head (pastoral). Before that she had spent seven years at High eld and Brookham as Head of Boarding and Head of Drama. For Suzannah, there is a distinct appeal to High eld and Brookham’s
location and 175-acre site: ‘I have never worked in a school where the children are able to spread their wings as much as they are able to here. ey just get to enjoy a longer childhood here than in other settings.’ She points out High eld and Brookham is very much an outdoor school: ‘ ere’s no such thing as a day that’s too wet to go outdoors.’ Wellies and waterproofs are in evidence by all doors. Inside the classroom, Suzannah is encouraging a generation of pupils to develop skills for the 21st century such as the ability to carry out in depth research and be con dent presenters.
High eld and Brookham is not academically selective. e school believes that its mixed ability intake adds to the diversity of daily life. But academic high iers can expect to be encouraged with a no-limits approach. Children can join at any time during the school year. ere is a non-refundable registration fee of £150, and sibling discounts are on o er. Pre-Prep day fees start at £5,400 in Reception and rise to £7,250 in Year 3. Prep fees start at £11,855 for full boarding in Year 4, with day fees starting at £9,175. Unusually for a prep, the school o ers support through its Centenary Bursaries scheme to children who would draw exceptional bene t from a High eld and Brookham education.
Habitat retail chain founder Terence Conran, leading racehorse trainer Archie Watson and Game of rones stalwart Rupert Vansittart all started their school journey here as did sailor Edward Allcard and former Downing Street Chief of Sta Jonathan Powell.
e school has a reputation for achieving places at the top educational establishments for its pupils, usually rst choice. ese include Eton, Charterhouse, Radley, Downe House, Benenden, Cheltenham Ladies’ College, Bedales, Wellington and Marlborough.
High eld and Brookham children are all water babies, thanks to weekly lessons which begin in pre-prep from highly quali ed teachers. Children learn all four major strokes early meaning they are pro cient and competitive by the time they are old enough to enter interschool galas. As a result, the school’s swim team remains unbeaten since 2018 and has quali ed for IAPS nals every year since 2015.
When Maria Gardener founded her first school, it was the start of an incredible journey, reports Elizabeth Ivens
Thirty- ve years ago, Maria Gardener stood in her dungarees working on the site of what would become one of the most fashionable prep schools in London and the gateway to her own education empire. Typically leading from the front, this petite but fearless gure has gone on to become a powerhouse on the London school scene: hard-working, relentlessly innovating and never afraid to speak her mind. A dedicated state school teacher, she founded Ravenscourt Park Prep in west London in 1991 ‘combining the best she had seen in the state and independent systems’ and has gone on to develop Gardener Schools Group in partnership with her son, eo Brehony, which today includes a second prep – Kew Green, two secondary schools – Kew House and Maida Vale – and a nursery.
Only the day before we meet at Ravenscourt Park Prep, she had spoken at one of her open mornings (she speaks at all the schools’ open mornings) and is still heavily involved in the group’s running. As much as Gardener loves meeting prospective parents, they too enjoy hearing from and meeting the woman who founded the school. It is clear her passion for discovering children’s talents and ‘ nding the potential to tap into’ burns as brightly today as it did in her early years of teaching.
‘I am happy to this day when I meet children and I see something in them that perhaps someone else hasn’t seen. I always try to be openminded – everyone has potential,’ she says. ‘I have seen parents cry when they see their child ful l their potential before leaving us. I am not looking for the nished article, especially when we rst meet them when they are two or three years old!’
at 11+, GCSE and A-level, our children can adjust to the trials of the outside world. To this day I say that.’
Driven to develop her rst school by a steadfast belief in putting children at the centre of education, her overriding belief was that creative subjects would be given equal weighting alongside achieving success in 11+ and public exams, her initial vision was so powerful that parents who had heard about her were lining up to try and secure a place.
‘The most important thing is that when they leave school, children can adjust to the trials of the outside world’
She is still involved in the selection process and, with her prep schools remaining determinedly non-selective, upon entry to Nursery or Reception, she vows she would never turn a child away unless they ‘would stop another child from learning’. Schools often have a massive sell on exam results. ‘To me, the most important thing is that when they leave our schools, as well as achieving great results
With a nostalgic glance to the original derelict building, formerly a vicarage, long since transformed, she recalls working frantically on the site to get it ready for the rst term.
‘Having received positive press from a local paper and in the midst of building works, people were coming in with bunches of money and anxious to secure a place, saying ‘we want to come to your school’ and I would say ‘you don’t know anything about me. Why don’t you wait for an open morning and then you can hear?’. ey would say ‘no, we know enough about you. We have read about you.’
‘One man even said ‘I can’t go back to my wife without a place here’ and came out with a term’s fees in cash there and then. In the end, I was working out on the site and had to have a receipt book on me so I could give people receipts!’
Just months earlier, the unconventional Gardener, who had dreamt about running her own school, had been persuaded by a loan of £10,000 brought to her in cash in a Tesco carrier bag by a parent that could make her dream become a reality. At the time Gardener and her husband, also a state school teacher, were tutoring in their spare time, rst at home and then also at a local church hall, winning a loyal following.
‘It was a huge gamble, but that initial £10k made me realise people believed in me,’ she explains. ‘I went to the bank, we gave notice on our jobs and we put everything on the line to follow our dream. e building we purchased was derelict and full of wild animals and there was an old theatre on the site. When we held the
rst open mornings, it was still painted pink and silver and I had to stand there and talk,’ she laughs. Even this odd décor did not deter prospective parents from signing up.
Word of Gardener’s novel approach started to spread further a eld. Ravenscourt opened with 43 students but numbers swelled and plans were afoot for a second school. Now the student roll across the group is approximately 1,600.
Intuitive and passionate about teaching, the foundations for the philosophy which informs education at her schools were clearly shaped from a young age Born and raised in London by Greek Cypriot parents, coming by her own admission from a working-class family, Gardener was educated in state schools. She ‘didn’t want to be anything else in the world apart from a teacher.’
Completing her A-levels in a local working men’s college, she went on to teacher training college where her experiences working in ‘really rough schools’ shaped her into what she is today. Stints in teaching in a ‘maladjusted children’s school’ and a Young O enders’ Institute also clearly inculcated her with a passion to bring out the best in each child.
‘In my three years’ training, I was observed and graded in at least three or four schools and I didn’t always come out of it well, but it was an incredible experience. at’s where I learnt to be a teacher – I felt I could cope with anything after seeing kids of all ages without shoes on, on free school lunches and with no coats coming to school. I believe strongly that teachers need to spend more time training in order to become the best educators they can be.’
She is rightly proud of the many children’s lives she hopes she has a ected and says she still delights in keeping in touch with former pupils and loves
hearing about their personal and professional successes. A rm believer that children are not ‘one size ts all’, she believes in working closely with students and their parents. Many of her former pupils have attended world-class universities, top drama schools, conservatoires and in more recent years taken up degree apprenticeships with companies such as Dyson and Amazon. She credits her dedicated Sixth Form team, who help their students make the right post-18 choices.
‘Years ago, I had a child who was so keen on making musical instruments, we had a great woodwork department and encouraged him and he is now making violins. We need more dedicated people coming into teaching, not only to teach but to inspire the next generation. Here I see the satisfaction teachers get from their work. We need more like this.’
And while she has no plans to stop what she is doing because ‘every day is still a challenge’, she admits to her one-time one secret desire to be an Education Minister.‘I would love to have been an Education Minister.
ere is good practice in both the private and state sectors. Keen to continue her partnership with state schools, her next project is to produce a musical evening with local state schools. ese types of partnerships are now more important than ever. Gardener still believes passionately that parents must be allowed to have a choice on how they want to educate their children without being nancially penalised.
Meanwhile, despite ruling out any current plans for growth, it may just be a case of watch this space if politics doesn’t snap her up rst. ‘If I opened another school, I would do exactly the same again,’ she says.
The environment, golf swings and community action
e world’s longest established cricket magazine, e Cricketer, has selected Felsted Prep to be among the top 50 Prep schools in the country for cricket. e Cricketer’s Schools Guide’s special 10th anniversary judged the prep against an against an extensive set of criteria, including ‘a compelling commitment to cricket in the curriculum, facilities, xture programmes and coaching’. e senior school was also named one of the top 100 independent schools for cricket in the country.
Eaton House e Manor takes sustainability seriously, and Clapham Common opposite the school o ers many chances to step up and do some good for the environment. Last term, the Prep Eco Committee – and support sta – did their bit by planting wild owers on Clapham Common. is is part of a series of actions at Eaton House e Manor designed to promote a greener world, from on-site conservation to class projects.
riving Surrey prep school, e Hawthorns School will join the awardwinning Caterham Family of Schools. Ceri Jones, Headmaster of Caterham School commented, ‘Both Schools have given their wholehearted support to the new partnership and this relationship will enable us to build on a shared educational vision and purpose, and a culture of excellence underpinned by wellbeing and innovation.’
The Governors of Sandroyd School are delighted to announce the appointment of Sarah Segrave as the new Headmistress. She will assume the position in September 2025.
Mrs Alice Goodfellow has been appointed as the new Head of Brentwood Preparatory School, effective September 2024. She was formerly Deputy Head at Brentwood Senior School.
Edge Grove, leading independent prep school in Aldenham Village near Watford, has appointed Richard Stanley as its new Head. He has over 40 years in primary education.
King’s College Prep has appointed Heidi Berry as its new Head, starting in September 2025. Heidi brings with her over 14 years of leadership experience and a great passion for education.
The new Head of Headington Rye Oxford Prep School has been announced as Bertrand Leullier, current Senior Deputy Head at St Hugh’s. He will take up the post in September 2025.
Sasha Davies has been appointed Head of Radnor House Prep School from September 2025 Sasha is currently Head of Kew Green Preparatory School.
Tockington Manor School has selected literacy champion Teach Us Too as its charity for the next academic year. Founded by young author Jonathan Bryan in 2018, Teach Us Too promotes the right for all children, regardless of their label or diagnosis, to be taught to read and write in school. ‘I am so grateful to Tockington for choosing Teach Us Too as their charity,’ says Bryan. ‘Literacy is life-changing for children like me who are non-speaking, and it opens up the adventure of reading and writing for all children.’
Louise Caldwell, a teacher at St Swithun’s Prep School, has published her rst children’s book. Dancing Sloths is a conservation-driven adventure story with strong environmental themes. e aim is to inspire young readers to become con dent advocates for the natural world.
At Hazlegrove Prep School, Somerset, the students have been awarded an Eco-Schools’ Green Flag for their exceptional work promoting sustainability and raising environmental awareness among their peers. Eco-Schools is an international programme of the Foundation for Environmental Education, charged with empowering students to take positive action regarding the biosphere and engage in sustainable and environmentally friendly practices.
Windlesham House is excited to announce that it has become one of the only prep schools in the entire country to have its own indoor golf simulator. is state-of-the-art facility isn’t the only golf-related feature of the school – it compliments the pre-existing nine-hole golf course at the school. e simulator and the golf course will work in concert, allowing children and families to have individual and group coaching from the school’s own golf professionals all year round.
Knightsbridge School Education Foundation
founder Mr Magoo has devised a creative way to raise money for bursaries: a signature gin. Collaborating with Mr. Batra, a Knightsbridge School parent and owner of gin company ‘Diistil’, they’ve launched ‘Keep it Simple Gin’. Through the Easy Fundraising program, money raised by purchase of this gin will go towards the education foundation’s bursary program.
Poetry, Parliament and a pilgrimage
Year 11 pupil at Bede’s, Mabel, has been elected to the National Youth Cabinet, one of only three representatives from East Sussex out of 300 members selected from across the UK. ‘I’m excited about debating in the House of Commons and representing a larger part of my community’ she says.‘It’s my chance to have my voice heard on issues that matter to young people across the country.’
Haileybury School, Hertfordshire, has announced a space programme and is aiming to become the rst school in Europe to launch a satellite. ‘At Haileybury, we are committed to providing our pupils with extraordinary opportunities such as this space mission,’ explains Eugene du Toit, Master of Haileybury. e endeavour is made possible through an exciting partnership with British multinational aerospace company, BAE Systems.
e remarkable sculpture ‘Single Form’ (1962) by Dame Barbara Hepworth has been rediscovered at Bryanston School Its sale at auction on 17th April 2025 will create a unique opportunity to raise substantial funds for the Bryanston Art Bursary Fund.
Canford School, Dorset, has been awarded with a prestigious green plaque by Plant Heritage to celebrate its national plant collections. Canford’s sprawling 260 acres of ground play host to an arboretum - that’s where you can nd the two national plant collections of Katsura (Cercidiphyllum) and Walnut (Juglans) trees. Remarkably, the oldest tree in the park dates back to the 12th century.
Brighton College Group has set up several a liated schools across the globe, and it’s about to increase that number. Introducing: Brighton College Bangkok Vibhavadi. is venture builds upon the success of Brighton College Bangkok, which has operated in ailand for the past decade. Due to exceptional demand at this school, Brighton College will be opening the doors to its second school in Bangkok in August 2025.
Haberdashers’ Monmouth School celebrated a major milestone as His Royal Highness e Duke of Edinburgh o cially opened the school as a fully co-educational institution. e visit highlighted the school’s commitment to cutting-edge education, supported by world-class facilities and the longstanding connection to the Worshipful Company of Haberdashers.
Royal Hospital School Year 9 pupil Daniel Otsapa won second place in the prestigious Oxford Canal Festival Poetry Competition, which attracts entrants aged between 12-18 from all over the country. Prizes were presented by Sir Philip Pullman and Roy McFarlane FRSL.
Teachers from St Margaret’s School for Girls are walking Scotland’s only pilgrimage route named for a woman to raise money for the school’s means-tested Bursary Programme. ‘As our school was named for her, it seemed like a wonderful opportunity to link our history with this fundraising challenge,’ says the Head.
Ten thousand primary and secondary students attended orpe Park for the ACS International Schools’ STEAM 2024 event. Building on the power of gami cation in education, students participated in the educational STEAM activities from more than 50 of ACS International Schools’ partners – including the Royal Air Force, Microsoft and the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra – to turn their learning into coupons for rides on orpe Park’s rollercoasters.
Inspired Education has launched the 2025 Nsouli Scholars Programme, a groundbreaking global initiative o ering full scholarships to exceptional students for the duration of their education at Inspired’s prestigious UK schools. e Nsouli Scholars Programme provides full coverage of day or boarding fees for students starting in September 2025, in addition to the 175 scholarships already available across Inspired’s UK schools. Applications are open and close on 30th April 2025. Successful candidates will be announced on 30th May 2025.
Heathfield School, Ascotan independent secondary boarding and day school for girls aged 11-18, – is delighted to welcome Jonathan Williams as the new Deputy Head (Academic).
St Helen and St Katharine, a leading independent day school for girls, is delighted to announce the appointment of Sarah Rollings as the new Head following the retirement of Rebecca Dougall.
Haileybury, one of the UK’s leading co-educational independent boarding and day schools, has welcomed new Master, Eugene du Toit, to lead the School through its next exciting chapter.
Heidi-Jayne Boyes took the lead as Head of Royal High School Bath GDST and the school community is already energised by her leadership. She formally assumed the role on 1 January 2025.
ACS International School Cobham in Surrey has announced the appointment of Robert Crowther as its new Head of School. He was formerly the Middle School Principal and Head of Senior School.
May eld School was thrilled to welcome back former pupil and Olympic Rowing Champion, Emily Craig, to open o cially its new Wellbeing Centre in September.
Brighton College has announced that award-winning prep Handcross Park School will become Brighton College Prep Handcross from September 2025, ensuring all its pupils get the very best educational experience.
St Hilary’s School in Godalming will be joining the St Edmund’s School Trust in December 2024. For many years the two schools have enjoyed a very positive informal relationship, with St.Hilary’s pupils regularly progressing to St Edmund’s at Year 7.
Downsend School in Surrey is launching a new Sixth Form site in September. e purposedesigned, o -site campus in Leatherhead will provide an exceptional A-level experience.
Loughborough Grammar School has revealed its newly refurbished, striking Tower and Sixth Form Centre.
Brad eld College’s new state-of-the-art St Andrew’s Study Centre was o cially opened in September by author and former pupil, Louis de Bernières. It’s in a converted church, which was purchased and renovated by the College over a two-year period.
Wetherby Pembridge, a state-of-the-art independent co-educational senior school in Kensington Olympia, West London, will be opening its doors to its first class of pupils in September 2025.
Ashfold School will be joining The Stowe Group as its third prep school. This a natural progression for Ashfold – which has a long tradition of sending pupils to Stowe School. Their shared ethos and values make this an ideal partnership.
Eaton House Belgravia rea rmed its commitment to cutting-edge learning practices as it unveiled its new ‘Innovation Centre’, which includes a purpose built podcasting studio for students.
It’s time to invite all schools to enter our annual awards. Who will be this year’s champions? By Victoria Lambert
Dynamic teachers, free-thinking pedagogy, engagement with the future – and a deep-seated belief in the power of social mobility: this is what the UK’s independent schools contribute to our nation. Nowhere in the world is there an education system like ours where excellence is celebrated and every pupil matters. We are very lucky.
And so it’s only right that at School House, we want to celebrate these centres of learning not just for what they o er but also for what they contribute to society. We want to cheer on those schools which are getting it right in terms of pastoral care, mental health support, environmental awareness, and who are animal friendly, those with local partnerships, and those who have really gone beyond the standard charitable work.
Last year winning schools ranged from country preps to city senior schools – and all were pleased to be recognised as Champions at what they do. When James Allen’s Girls’ School (JAGS) was announced as the winner of the Social Mobility Champion category, Head Alex Hutchison said she was grateful to receive the award, explaining: ‘Since 1741, JAGS has been guided by a philanthropic approach to education. At the heart of this vision is a generous bursary scheme which allows the school to o er life-changing educational opportunities to bright, talented girls.
‘We are proud of our o ering and working harder than ever to ensure a JAGS education remains accessible to everyone. In addition, the work being done at Christ’s Hospital has long been a source of inspiration
to us and the rest of the sector, making this award from them all the more meaningful.’
e Charity Champion Award went to Notting Hill and Ealing High School (NHEHS) delighting sta and pupils alike. Rebecca Irwin, Acting Head, says: ‘We are thrilled our culture of giving and philanthropy, and commitment to charity and volunteering work, has been recognised by winning the Charity Champion award. Last year alone NHEHS supported over 40 charities, from bake sales, co ee mornings and food bank collections to collecting items and packing hampers for numerous charities.’ And St Cat’s Bramley collected the award for Alumni Relationships, with Head Alice Phillips saying: ‘Winning this award is a wonderful recognition of the team of our dedicated Foundation O ce sta who have nurtured our alumnae relations over the past 20 years, and of the alumnae themselves whose motivation is always to give back and support current students. e St. Cat’s spirit of collaboration and mutual support is at the heart of it all.’
But our awards aren’t just about the winners. ey give us the chance to learn about and celebrate the amazing work carried out by all our independent schools - information we love to share with the readership of the magazine. Hopefully, heads across the country are even now getting ready to submit their entries for this year’s awards; as ever, results will be announced in the Scholarships, Bursaries & Champions edition of the magazine, in October. We are expecting the highest standard of entry and cannot wait to be impressed. Let battle commence!
Raising con dent young people ready to live up to their potential requires attention to more than their education. We’re looking for recommendations for pastoral care that exceeds expectations – whether it’s a one-to-one tutoring system that can spot problems like bullying before they develop, or a network of support which wraps around students to make sure they are thoroughly supported in mind, body and spirit.
Many parents’ number one concern is whether their child is feeling OK. e pressures of the modern world and social media in particular are leading to worrying increases in the amount of children reporting anxiety and depression. We’d like to hear what steps schools are taking to ensure that those students who are struggling get the best possible support .
Our Green Champion will be a school where environmental awareness is a verb, not a noun. With the astonishing range of eco-endeavours underway, schools will have to impress the judges with a really innovative plan, which puts sustainability and green concerts at the heart of the operation.
SUPPORT CHAMPION (Sponsored by Farms for City Children)
School House believes animals of all shapes and sizes belong in our schools; whether that’s guinea pigs brought from home to keep boarders cheery, or ponies to be used in competition. From the headmaster’s dog who’s always available for cuddles, exotica like llamas and wallabies popping up unexpectedly, or farm animals which are there to be reared and sent to market, animals have many roles to play at school. We’re looking for some special, unexpected stories of how animals are used in the most interesting educational way.
Independent schools are rightly collaborating more often with local academies and primaries, sharing resources and even lessons to justify their place in the community. is trend is a powerful signi er of change in the sector and we know that many independents are justly proud of how much they have achieved already and their plans to widen their charitable purpose. We can’t wait to hear them
Students at many schools enjoy working in and supporting settings that take them from their comfort zone. at might be an orphanage in Cape Town or an elderly persons’ home in London. We’re interested in exploring the concept of what it means to do good for others and seeing the results it has on students.
How well do independent schools improve the life chances of their least privileged students. is award goes to the school which seeks out those children who will bene t by a place – for academic or social reasons. is isn’t just about A grades, but the life-changing power of a rounded and supportive education
e power of the school network is celebrated in this award; we’re looking for schools which have built a devoted base of former pupils. is has led to a valued working relationship, where they can support current students into the world of work, as well as enjoying the community spirit of their school association. It says much about a school when it engenders lifelong loyalty
Schools can enter as many categories as they like, submitting details of what they are achieving in the relevant area by email, with pictures as appropriate. Entries are now open and will close on June 14. The winners will be announced in the Scholarships, Bursaries and Champions 2025 issue in October.
To find out more and to enter, visit countryandtownhouse.com/school-house-awards-2025
Samantha Knights KC, alumna 1989, Matrix
Self-belief from St Cat’s stcatherines.info
Students are being prepared for for a global future, says Emma Reed – and it’s exciting
Advances in technology, communication, social media and the coverage of current a airs 24/7 means that you would have to be a cave-dwelling hermit to lack an awareness of global matters. e immediacy of events and constantly evolving opportunities – some yet to exist – now requires young people to be more adaptable than ever as they progress into the workplace. Schools are increasingly aware of this and are implementing measures to maximise success as their pupils step on to the global stage.
Downe House is one of those schools. ‘Downe House recognises that global awareness and experience matter more in the 21st century than ever before at all levels of education and employment,’ says Marya Akhtar, Director of Global Business Development. ‘Our aim is to make our girls ‘World Ready’ and help them stand out in their future careers, both in the UK and globally.’
To this end, Downe House runs a Global Education Programme. is involves a Global Schools’ Exchange Programme where girls in Years 10 and 12 can go on an exchange to one of Downe’s 15 partner schools spread across 12 countries. ‘Students nd themselves becoming more comfortable in international environments,’ notes Akhtar.
ey also run Global Internships where girls in the Lower Sixth are invited to apply for 15 placements in nine countries ranging from Finance, Law, Human Rights, Veterinary Medicine, Education, Marketing and Engineering. ‘We believe an early introduction to global cultures and work styles is vital, and want our girls to take their rst steps into the world of work early to gain a more competitive edge and enhance their CVs,’ Akhtar adds.
As part of the life of the school generally, Global Ambassadors help organise a Festival of Culture where the school comes together to celebrate world cultures.
Wycombe Abbey’s appointment of a Director of Global Links demonstrates the growing importance accorded to global awareness. ‘It’s been quite a strategic decision for the school,’ says Deputy Head, Nick Woods. ‘Our vision is to be a world class school and to be at the forefront of girls’ education.’ An exchange programme with schools in Perth, Sydney and Brisbane has been running; Woods describes how the girls were able
to articulate just how much they had gained from this experience. ‘ ey were talking to us about the impact that the non-Aboriginal community has on the Aboriginal community and how they have to work together,’ he says. What is striking to Woods is how the girls share their experiences upon their return and inspire their peers. e school already bene ts from having an international community among its boarders. ‘Quite often they will be getting involved in charity work in their home countries and communities,’ says Woods. He cites an example of one pupil who has been working to alleviate period poverty in developing countries, designing period pants. at achievement is shared back in the school community. As Woods notes, it inspires peers to think about what they might do in the long summer holidays that could make a genuine di erence and develop those soft skills that employers seek.
Global awareness is not only con ned to the pupils. ere is also a focus on sta professional development and exchanges such as the partnership the school has with Oaks Christian School in California. ‘It’s a cutting-edge school at the front end of tech and entrepreneurship,’ says Woods. ‘We’re looking at the way in which world-class schools in North America are teaching, what they’re doing in the areas of design, engineering and STEM because it’s so di erent to how we teach in the UK.’
Wetherby Pembridge, a new co-educational school in Kensington, London – due to open in September this year - is part of a worldwide group of schools and has global awareness very much on its agenda. Founding Head Nick Page is excited to have the opportunity to build a curriculum from the start. ‘Inherently that
brings with it that kind of global approach and global perspective, and practically, there are huge opportunities for pupils.’ is will be facilitated by collaboration across the schools globally.
While academic quali cations are key, Page stresses the importance of sending pupils out into the world with a set of values that fosters their in uence and employability. For Wetherby Pembridge, those values are kindness, respect, resilience and ambition. ‘Having a global perspective and open mindset is absolutely fundamental,’ he adds. Being able to collaborate, and to challenge e ectively, whilst maintaining dialogue are all critical to this.
What Page would like to see is pupils attending universities around the world, indicative of the school’s global outlook. ‘Not just the UK and US,’ he notes. ‘ ere are some great English language delivered courses in European universities.’
As a linguist himself, Page would like to see an increased uptake of languages at A-level. He gives an example of someone going to work in Germany. ‘Imagine if they’ve done some German at school and they’ve been on a language exchange, visited the country and engaged with the literature a little. Just think how they can interact with their colleagues.’
Where Page thinks Wetherby Pembridge might be unusual, particularly for a London day school, is the equal emphasis that will be placed on creative and performing arts which encourage pupils to step out of their comfort zone and try new things. Not only does this create a more well-rounded person, but someone who can take that resilience and adaptability on to the world stage.
At St. Dunstan’s College, they refer to global awareness as the teaching and learning of ‘international mindedness,’ which is woven through their curriculum. ‘We teach history, geography, science, religion, philosophy and ethics via the International Primary Curriculum, which is an immersive, thematic approach to education,’ says Head of Junior, Laura Whitwood. ‘ e units are designed to support children to become globally competent, socially conscious individuals who feel motivated to contribute towards the world in which they live,’ she adds.
For example, Year 4 pupils entered a rainforest-inspired classroom to discover it being ripped down some days later as a way of learning about deforestation. is culminated in a ‘protest’ in the school playground to raise money for their chosen charities. ‘It genuinely encourages our pupils to begin to look at each strand of learning through a global lens, making connections between their school, local, national and international communities,’ notes Whitwood.
‘We aim to embed a rich understanding of other cultures, languages and ways of life, helping our pupils to respect those di erences and feel they can then work with anyone from around the globe.’
At Benenden, pupils are also introduced to global concepts woven throughout the curriculum. However, Deputy Head of Academic, Helen Semple, explains that ‘enquiry days’ permit a deeper dive into some areas such as recently, where pupils explored issues a ecting climate change and undertook challenges to work collaboratively and work through global geo-political concerns.
In addition, the availability of an elective programme enables pupils to probe deeper for the love of learning. Such topics have encompassed an introduction to politics and international relations and a course on global sheries. A student-led eco committee also meets regularly to discuss global issues. ‘ e Humanities faculty have been at the forefront of hosting seminars to engage with the big issues of the day,’ says Semple. ‘In the aftermath of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, and again at the start of the recent con ict in Gaza, the History, Philosophy and Religion, Geography and Politics departments combined to host an informative evening discussion. e Politics department has delivered assemblies regarding both the UK and US elections this year.’ Semple highlights that the school’s approach is to equip pupils with the knowledge and skills to understand and appreciate the signi cance of world events and to recognise di erent perspectives. ‘We believe that it is important not to shy away from controversial issues,’ she adds.
Semple sums up the approach that more schools are now taking. ‘Our curriculum needs to be agile and responsive to the ever-changing world our students will inhabit.’ Such an approach will hopefully ensure that not only will young people be able to exist happily in such a world but be able to problem solve, adapt, contribute and, most importantly, to thrive in it.
A growing interest in ‘green jobs’ is driving change in how schools prepare students for the future, finds Alice Smellie
There’s no question it’s a cliche that young people want to change the world, but at the moment this is a welcome thought. A 2022 survey by Prospects, an employment agency for students, showed that the majority of graduates said that they wanted to make a di erence in people’s lives. en a 2023 survey by E.ON revealed that seven out of ten young people aged 16 to 24 want to work in a ‘green’ job so that they can play their part in supporting the future of the planet. e career landscape of the 2020s is shifting and changing as rapidly as the climate itself. But how are schools navigating this so that pupils can nd and enter the job they hope to do?
Well, you’d certainly be hard pushed to nd a school that didn’t acknowledge the new wave of jobs that are being created. ‘It is so important to make our girls aware of the changing nature of Labour Market Information (LMI) and ensure that we introduce them to the
jobs of the future, not just the traditional paths,’ says Jonathan Caseley, Careers Coordinator at Sherborne Girls’ School, a school set in the beautiful town of Sherborne in Dorset. It provides pupils from Year 7 to A level with a comprehensive understanding of both local and global issues, with a particular emphasis on sustainability and environmental challenges, as well as initiatives such as a Fashion Forward Clothes swap that was spearheaded by the pupil-led Eco Council.
And the proof is very much in the academic pudding; recent alumni are studying subjects such as environmental sciences, sustainability and geography, all of which are degrees that might lead to environmentally focused careers.
In addition to learning about subjects ranging from environmental tourism and sustainable food production, e Joint Pupil Forum, which is between Sherborne Boys’ and Girls’ Schools, is one way in which pupils
share ideas and initiatives. To mark Earth Day, student independently recruited 40 volunteers who suited up and tidied the town’s streets. ‘Together, we are not just discussing environmental issues. We’re taking tangible steps towards a sustainable future, reinforcing the importance of our roles as stewards of the planet,’ say current pupils Alice E and Imo C. And of course this idealism is being taken into the o ces of the near future.
It’s not all about science. Many subjects can be useful if pupils wish to take an interest in the environment into their future. ‘I can de nitely say that we are delivering more and more curriculum content on sustainability,’ says Richard Fuller, Head of Geography at partner school, Sherborne Boys, and a member of the careers team. ‘ e A-level course includes a whole unit on environmental management. In addition, the AS level looks at population and food resources and also has lots of content on sustainability’.
ere’s a strong sense that schools are keeping pace with real life in recognising the importance of these new careers with a sustainable shift. ‘When I was growing up, jobs ghting climate change, which are going to embrace sustainability and a healthy environment, didn’t even exist,’ says Irfan Latif, Head of co-ed Royal Hospital School in Su olk. Global awareness is an integral part of the school ethos. ‘Just this week we’ve had our Head of Careers talking to pupils about green careers.’ He says that there is broad scope within available jobs. ‘It’s not all about STEM subjects. Yes, there’s science, technology, engineering and maths, but it’s also about communications, problems solving, decision making and political agency, so jobs might include climate scientists and responsibility and sustainability practitioners.’
Pupils are encouraged to ‘green up’ their CVs; who’d have thought that would be an integral part of some university entries! Royal Hospital School is set in 200 acres of Su olk Countryside overlooking the River Stour, and the grounds pretty much represent a vast classroom. ‘We look
at how we use our estate e ciently,’ says Irfan. ‘We have our own water system and are looking to create our own electricity. And we also look at preserving and protecting the wildlife both on and o the water’. He says that this is a generation who are very aware of their responsibilities going forwards. ‘ e interest we nurture in them by developing our own energy supply will mean that they might in the future have jobs in building sustainable cities that are ood proof. We’re just trying to inspire that initial interest and knowledge.’
In fact, the majority of schools embed sustainability into the curriculum so that pupils recognise how it permeates every area of life. King Edward’s School in Bath is an excellent example of a school with this ethos. ‘We are well aware that the world of work is changing immeasurably,’ says Julia Rees-Roberts, Careers Education Coordinator. ‘All the way through we encourage our pupils to think about di erent ways of living and interacting with the environment.’
e school speci cally encourages and supports pupils who might want to work in renewables and sustainability. Last year, KES had a green careers and ethics convention with around 15 experts from all areas, including parents who worked in renewable industries, a canals and rivers expert and zoologists. ‘All the heads of department looked at how it could tie in with what pupils needed to know for their A level courses, whilst also stretching and challenging them, and hoping to inspire and prepare them for their futures, to see the scope of career that might be available, and what they’d need to do to enter these.’ She says that sixth formers were inspired and enthused.
In Year 12, pupils have work experience opportunities. ‘Quite a few go and do something speci cally environmentally based, such as zoology, and they get a chance to meet some of our industry experts’.
Notting Hill and Ealing High School GDST, an award-winning girls’ school in West London’s leafy Ealing, has also enthusiastically embraced the new wave of job opportunities. e school has a new
sustainability strategy that permeates throughout the school and is supremely manifested in the new carbon-neutral sustainable junior school that opened at the end of 2023. roughout their time at the school pupils are empowered with the knowledge and skills necessary to nurture a healthier planet.
‘We have found there is a growing demand for information about careers in the green and renewable energy sector,’ says Catherine Parr, Head of Careers. e school has taken a multi-pronged approach. ‘We have a number of alumnae and other members of the school community working in this sector who have been actively supporting our careers programme with talks, work experience and mentoring. Last year we co-hosted the GDST Sustainability Careers spotlight talk with three speakers. is year, our Careers Fair (to be held February 2025) will include aspects of sustainability across many di erent elds, including engineering, economics, politics and charity/aid.’
Employing the skills of alumni and parents to encourage and inspire is another common theme. Being directly supported by those already working in the eld can give a realistic perception of what jobs might entail. At Stephen Perse Senior School, in Cambridge, they are often visited by guest speakers.
‘ ey give our older students insight into di erent careers within the varied eld of sustainability, covering areas such as construction, engineering, climate planning and mitigation, and renewable energy development and applications,’ says Helen Cornish, Director of Development and Communications. ‘In the past year, we have welcomed a representative from Mott MacDonald who spoke about planning for and building in climate change resilience to major infrastructure projects, while one of our parents spoke to students about their role as Director of Sustainability at Specsavers and their career path to reach that point.’
And working in renewals surely means an appreciation of the needs of others and working together. To this end, look no further than
Stowe School in Buckingham. ‘I think young people see the climate and renewals as a lifestyle and a way of living,’ says Head, Anthony Wallersteiner. ‘Whatever age they are, they might not yet link, for example, engineering and being environmentally conscious, but these days they are inextricably connected. We help join those dots.’ Stowe has what they call a Big Issue conference to which they invite schools around the country. ‘A couple of years ago it was about climate action, and the kids brought in the head of Greenpeace, talking about what each child can do, either working in this space or supporting and helping.’
In turbulent times, it is highly reassuring that renowned and respected educators are supporting and grounding our children towards what now – hopefully – feels like a brighter and more sustainable future.
Moves are afoot to tackle the growing crisis of mobile phone addition among children, says Tessa Dunthorne
Although he is speaking in an upbeat tone to a sunny crowd of Californians, Dino Ambrosi is presenting something much gloomier: the average US teen – should they live to 90 – will spend 93 percent of their remaining free time staring at a screen. Dino, who founded Project Reboot (which helps teens build healthier tech habits) is giving a TedX talk titled e Battle For Your Time, and laying out the stark reality of our relationship to digital devices – should we continue as we are.
‘I remember when smartphones rst came out,’ says Daisy Greenwell, ‘I was about 25. My friend Nick was the rst in our group to get one. In the pub one day, we noticed he’d just disappeared into it. And one by one we all succumbed.’
e chances are that your screentime is scarily high – translating to weeks-each-year high. According to the Opal Screen Time Report 2023, the average adult in the UK spends ve hours outside of work looking at a screen, well on their way to Dino’s 93 percent. e e ects of this are miserable, and quite literally so: one study found that people who spent more than 6 hours a day on screens had a higher odds ratio of developing moderate or severe depression. Still, the chances are that you also recall a time before the ubiquity of smartphones. is allows you, when confronted with the facts, to re-evaluate the relationship to the supercomputer in your pocket. e issue?
e next generation won’t. And they’re getting far phones.
‘If an adult disappears into their phone, that’s ultimately ne,’ says Greenwell. ‘But with a child? eir prefrontal cortex isn’t developed. ey’re
less able to pull themselves out of it; the impulse control isn’t there.’ While in Australia a landmark bill has just passed, banning social media for all under-16s, in the UK parents complain that there’s no guidance on when or how to allow children social media or smartphone access. We’re woefully behind. A quarter of all British children receive their rst smartphone aged ve to seven years old, and among this cohort, a third are on social media platforms (despite minimum age guidance).
It was this context that led Greenwell to start the Smartphone Free Childhood campaign in February 2024. What started as a WhatsApp channel between friends – ‘my daughter was eight and had realised people were getting phones in her class’ – contained 2,000 families within 48 hours. e campaign’s mission critical is to encourage parents to band together, in conjunction with schools, to delay smartphones for their children until the age of 14.
‘ e internet is not a safe place for children,’ says Greenwell, ‘it’s commonplace for children to see lots that we’d never show them in real life: disgusting porn videos; violent beheadings; anorexia content; self-harm.’ is is not helicopter parent worries. Global research rm e Harris Poll estimates that 41 percent of children have been exposed to mature content after receiving a smartphone; just under half of parents surveyed wish they’d gotten their child a phone slightly later in life.
erapist Chloe Billington points out the very real dangers of smartphones to a young mind. ‘Evidence strongly indicates that the surge in anxiety among
teens since 2010 – and depression to a lesser extent – is directly related to smartphone use,’ she says, ‘ ere is also now a sizeable link being made between heavy social media use and mental illness in girls speci cally.’ ‘And beyond that,’ says Greenwell, ‘it’s about the addictive nature of the device.’ ere is still some debate about whether smartphones are inherently addictive. e de nition of addiction is spurious and for phone-addiction to qualify it would need to o er some social harm. But one recent review of the literature suggests that by any de nition 25 percent of the global population might be considered addicted in some way to their smartphone. And the technology seems designed to capture and keep us there. Short-form video and in nite scroll, posited the penitent engineer who invented the latter, tickles the same part of our brain that is tantalised by slot machines. We keep on swiping, anticipating that we’re always on the cusp of a motherload of dopamine.
‘Every parent feels they’re in this impossible position,’ says Greenwell, ‘desperately not wanting to give their child a phone, but feeling there’s no other choice, their child is saying, “I’m miserable, I’m the only one without one.’’’ is, suggests Greenwell, is where schools may play a unique role in this. ‘Teachers have an outsize in uence on their parent community in terms of what the social norms are,’ she says. ‘To come out and say ‘we don’t think your child needs a smartphone’ gives parents the cover they need to resist the upwards pressure from their child.’
Will Orr-Ewing’s role in the campaign is to ‘give a voice to how this issue intersects with schools’. A tutor by day (at Keystone Tutors, which he founded), he has seen the impact of phones on learning rsthand. ‘Phones
have been in kids’ hands for around 12 years, and most school policies around their usage have been historically imsy,’ he says, ‘that phones should not be seen or heard within the classroom.’
He says this does not go far enough: ‘these machines have never been more captivating. e average child gets 235 noti cations a day. When you’ve got this thing vibrating or pinging in your pocket during class, it’s basically impossible for a child and their daily thinking not to get hijacked by it. at’s the main way I think that it intersects with schools.’
Indeed, studies show that even having a smartphone near a learner impacts their studies. A PLOS One study of 119 undergraduates (who might be supposed to have a little more self-control than, say, the quarter of 5-7 year olds with phones) found that as little as a 3-second distraction knocked cognitive processes o -track. Wider empirical evidence even goes so far as to suggest that thinking about your smartphone has a signi cant negative relationship with memory recall. Seen-and-not-heard policies may not be enough, then.
Orr-Ewing says he’s a longtime admirer of the Heritage School in Cambridge. is school is thought to be the country’s only screen-free school – the school’s own marketing claims children recite poetry and never learn from powerpoints or iPads. Many schools, if not going to such lengths, are establishing stricter smartphone boundaries. St Swithun’s this September became a smartphone-free environment for its year seven to 11-year-old girls (‘Research shows direct links to poor mental health and low self-esteem – and also time on smartphones is time not spent with peers,’ said headmistress Jane Gandee). Eton now provides a school-issued Nokia brick to all new boarders. Belhaven School completely bans mobiles but permits managed iPads (Head
Olly Langton: ‘Smartphones are designed to be addictive. ey’re a distraction.’). And Brighton College’s headmaster was crying out for a schools’ ban as early as 2018 .
Schools are perhaps the battleground most vital to getting the UK’s children away from smartphones. But not alone, cautions Greenwell.
‘ e clear problem here is that tech companies keep telling us that it’s a question of an individual choice: everyone can do what they want,’ she says. ‘But no one at all feels they have a choice. We need a societal solution.’
‘We can’t be naive about it,’ agrees Orr-Ewing. ‘If you see tech companies’ reaction to e Anxious Generation by Jonathan Haidt, they began focusing on and funding research which demonstrates that correlation doesn’t equal causation – stating that just because all of these negative things are happening after people started using smartphones doesn’t mean it’s causing it.
‘ ey’re funding a lot of academics, a lot of public a airs research around the question. eir commercial interests are at stake. I think Meta makes 25 percent of its pro ts from children.’ is claim is hard to verify; when contacting Meta for this article, it contests that it does not break down its public earnings by demographic. But a study by Harvard in 2023 does show evidence that social media companies in combination made $11 billion in revenue from advertising targeting children. And the funding bias is a real phenomenon: when scienti c studies have a nancial sponsor, the results tend to lean in the favour of the sponsor’s interests. is has been observed in studies funded by tobacco and pharmaceutical companies.
ough Big Tech has brought us to this place, it may o er some solution. Smart-ish phones – or ‘dumbphones’, as they’ve been monikered – which still have WhatsApp, music and maps, but that’s about the sum of it. e options on the market are currently limited. Pinwheel, a US product recently launched in the UK, is a smartphone designed for kids that allows parents to gradually increase the range of
apps accessible on the device. But more excitingly, suggests Orr-Ewing, this o ers a market opportunity. ‘A lot of phone manufacturers don’t currently receive much revenue from a child having a phone,’ he says, ‘as most rst phones are hand-me-downs. We could create a market for starter phones, bring in the tech and telecoms companies in that space, like the BBC and BT.’
‘And we’re working with Nokia HMD on the Better Phone Project, to co-create the ideal phone for kids,’ says Greenwell, ‘and then Xplora, who make smartwatches, to launch their rst smartphone this year.’
e other part of the solution is the law. ‘Parents feel totally lost without guidance from any o cial body about what age to get your child, how young is too young,’ says Greenwell.
e UK government is toying with one bill, but ‘we were disappointed on the last hearing,’ says Orr-Ewing, ‘as our part of the bill was dropped, where we were trying to legislate to make schools completely smartphone free.’ e Safer Phone Bill is on its second reading and has cross party support. Its three main prongs are: to raise the age of internet adulthood from 13 to 16, so companies cannot harvest data from children; provide headteachers the legal footing to ban phone usage within school hours; and provide Ofcom the power to punish those exposing children to ‘addictive by design’ applications.
Despite their part in the bill being dropped, campaigners still back it more broadly. ‘I really hope that it will make this discussion more of a mainstream issue,’ says Orr-Ewing.
But they urge it to be swift. ‘AI is going to supercharge all of this,’ warns Greenwell, ‘so we’ve this last chance saloon to get some people-power structures in place to prevent the issue escalating. is is xable. It’s going to require uni ed e orts between parents and schools and teachers. If everyone recognises the problem, and we link arms, we can sort it: the children happier, the parents happier, the schools happier. It’s people-power in action.’
There’s no point leaving school with a clutch of impressive grades and no idea what to do with them. Now, more than ever, secondary education has to look to the future – the rising costs of university and changing jobs landscape dictate it, says Richard Jones, headmaster of Bryanston School in Dorset. ‘What a child might do next should be intrinsic to what’s on offer at school,’ he says. ‘It’s the aspect parents are most interested in – how the school can fast track your entry into the real world. For some pupils, the path ahead may not be a traditional professional career, but rather the exciting prospect of starting their own business.’ Emily Ashe, head tutor of Stonyhurst College in Lancashire, another school with a focus on entrepreneurialism, agrees that there is no longer a traditional exit route from public school. ‘Pupils are anxious about racking up debt at university: it might suit them more to do a degree apprenticeship at a company like BAE or Rolls Royce,’ she says.
This is why schools such as Stonyhurst and Bryanston are embedding entrepreneurialism into the school day – in lessons and in co-curricular activities.
Caroline De Mowbray, Bryanston’s new full-time head of entrepreneurship and innovation is creating a bespoke programme collaborating closely with academic and co-curricular departments. ‘Every child should leave school with the skills to succeed in the modern workplace,’ she says. ‘They need a diverse skill set – including digital literacy, networking and team building.’
All pupils now run entrepreneurial projects within various aspects of school life, learning how to network and make the most of an opportunity. At business mentoring sessions, they can pitch their idea and be supported through the process of commercialising it and devising a production and sales strategy. ‘It’s important that they realise what kind of idea has legs and what doesn’t,’ explains De Mowbray.
Putney High is another school putting entrepreneurialism and enterprise firmly on the curriculum. Year 8 pupils attend ‘Learn to Earn’ workshops to understand the relationship between the subjects they study at school and the occupations and potential incomes those
might lead to and how these might affect their future lifestyle. Then, in Year 9, pupils complete a Design Thinking module, which gives them a solid understanding of engineering, design thinking, architecture, product design and robotics, and how they link to their computer science, maths and physics lessons. According to Jo Sharrock, Head, pupils are more motivated to learn once their studies have been put into the context of the real world. The school also offers a GCSEequivalent financial literacy course to pupils in Year 10, which helps them understand the economics of both running a business and working for a company.
When it comes to finding innovative speakers and business mentors from the real world to convince pupils that they can be successful entrepreneurs, independent schools only need tap into their alumnae network. Putney High runs regular working breakfasts and alumnae lunches, where former pupils return to inform and inspire students keen to follow similar career paths.
‘Many make valuable connections,’ Hazelhurst says. ‘At the most recent event former pupils came from fields as diverse as finance, fashion, film, interior design, law and construction.’ Caterham in Surrey meanwhile, has launched Caterham Connect, a professional and social network for the sixth form and alumni. The school runs regular Insight evenings in the City connecting current pupils with a line up for entrepreneurs who have links to the school. They discuss the inspiration and resilience it takes to turn a great idea into a thriving business and afterwards sixth formers cut their networking teeth, rubbing shoulders with leaders in a variety of sectors.
Private schools are also networking with each other to help pupils develop business and entrepreneurial skills. Putney High is a founding member of the West London Schools Enterprise Network where sixth formers work with others from local schools to develop leadership, negotiation and other skills, mentored by top business brains. Sixth formers also take part in a regular business strategy day with St Paul’s Boys’ school. ‘Through these initiatives and others, our
students develop creativity, confidence and resilience,’ Sharrock says. ‘They learn to work with others as a team, to play to their strengths and compromise when working with others. They also develop confidence as they learn to adapt to new environments and working practices.’
Young people have always run successful side hustles – Richard Branson started selling Christmas trees when he was 10, while Lord Alan Sugar started working for a green grocer when he was 12. Stella McCartney had designed her first jacket by 13 and, at 16, had an internship at fashion house Christian Lacroix. Within a school community, however, enterprises have traditionally been regarded as illicit and thus take place undercover; the key is to bring them out into the open, Jones says. This is what he’s striving to do at Bryanston: by making space for personal enterprise within the co-curricular part of the school day, pupils can make a business idea part of their learning experience. ‘One of our sixth formers has set up a sustainable fashion initiative –pupils can rent from a bank of dresses with money going to charity. It’s amazing what gaps there are in the market in a school,’ agrees Ashe. Putney High’s Entrepreneurship Club, meanwhile, is a sell out after school activity: pupils develop handmade products to sell at seasonal fairs and take part in a £10 challenge, where they’re given £10 to develop a business idea or product and see how much profit they can make. Last year a Year 8 pupil was awarded the Atherton Award for Outstanding Entrepreneurial Achievement for producing a ‘Find It’ app, reuniting students with lost property.
character shaping, according to Alastair Chirnside, warden of St Edward’s Oxford, as well as essential to becoming a future captain of industry. The school runs a program called Teddies Collaborates, with pupils in the Lower Sixth partaking in a timetabled volunteering session each week at a local social enterprise be it a charity shop or food bank or local primary school. ‘They learn how a job works: if you don’t show up, no one is going to stack the shelves for you,’ Chirnside continues. ‘Afterwards, when pupils are asked about their experience of school, they almost always talk about the benefits of Teddies Collaborates scheme.’
‘Every child should leave school with the skills to succeed in the modern workplace. They need a diverse skill set’
While some school enterprises go on to become profitable businesses – Jo Malone began making scents when she was at school – the point is not for children to line their own pockets while studying, Jones points out. At all these schools, entrepreneurialism is community-centred in spirit – pupils understand that their business ventures are social enterprises. ‘At Stonyhurst entrepreneurship is about giving back to society,’ Ashe says. ‘This still means pupils can set up a business, run it, deal with customers and complaints –this experience is now an important part of our co-curricular programme.’ Besides, learning how can make a difference to your wider community is
De Mowbray has been amazed by the quality and relevance of the business ideas being developed at Bryanston. Entrepreneurialism is infectious, she says, and the digital world has made small grassroots businesses easier to commercialise. The DT department ran a Dragon’s Den competition last summer term where pupils pitched a business case for a new product and this term pupils will be invited to make a business plan for a school adventure expedition – the winning team will develop their trip with De Mowbray with a view to it later being offered by the school. Meanwhile at Stonyhurst, pupils ran a secret Santa Christmas box scheme: advertising, taking orders, ordering the components, putting the boxes together and then taking orders and delivering. They’re also working on a rose delivery business for Valentine’s Day. ‘We now give them the chance to be involved in creating and selling an annual school Christmas card,’ Ashe continues. ‘They order 2,000 cards, pack them up and send them out to parents – it’s a huge learning curve. Their ideas are brilliant but only by doing proper market research do they get to understand their target market and learn about correct pricing and what will sell well.’
The marketplace at a public school is as brutal as any other, according to De Mowbray, which is why it is the perfect place to hone an idea and test it out. ‘You’re in a safe space where you can learn about taking risks and there are people to support you if your idea doesn’t take off.’ Indeed as old Bryanstonian, the designer Sebastian Conran, once remarked, ‘Having an idea is five percent of the work, making it happen is 95 percent.’ n
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What did you do at school today?
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Did you imagine you would change your medical career to become an entrepreneur? As a school leaver, it was not on my radar. I was overjoyed to get into medical school. However, after my rst two years at Oxford University, I became increasingly curious about the world of business and entrepreneurship. is was triggered by a series of talks I attended at the university on the world of business. What were the biggest challenges? Taking the rst step to leave medicine behind, a safe career with years of investment – both academic and emotional – was a huge challenge. A game changer for me was learning how to embrace the challenges with the right mindset – changing my thinking about how to overcome obstacles really helped me. What were the most exciting moments of starting your own company? Freedom to be in charge of your own destiny was both liberating and exciting at the start. Being involved in every aspect of the business was super stimulating – be it branding, product design or funding strategies. Finally, working and co-founding a business with friends was enjoyable and exciting. Was there one particular moment when you realised that you had created something special? A few, but one in particular springs to mind. Dukes Plus, which is a specialised consultancy services and educational experience provider, evolved from a direct B2B approach working with schools across the UK to an e-commerce platform that enabled us to reach millions of students at scale. e day we launched it was an in exion point for me.
Did you regret not studying business rather than medicine? Absolutely not. My medical degree and the years I spent as a junior doctor equipped me with a unique set of skills. Being a doctor is a privilege and one of the few roles where you need to build links with people from all walks of life in order to unlock better health outcomes. Really connecting with people is something I believe is central to leading a happy and successful life; be it driving business outcomes or a relationship within your personal life. I feel this skill is something I would not have developed had I jumped straight into the world of business. Looking back, what advice do you wish you had received at school or university? Embrace life-long learning, stay curious and work on selfdevelopment – especially your ability to self-regulate. What advice would you offer anyone hoping to become an
entrepreneur? 1. Mindset – it is tough. You will have multiple highs and lows. Being able to stay steady throughout the rollercoaster is key. Become less reactionary and stay true to the mission you are on. 2. Passion – enter a eld that you are interested in. 3. Iteration – be prepared that you will likely pivot many times before you nd the path to scale. How did you raise finance? Our rst round of funding came through the angel network. I was fortunate enough to have a good friend who was several steps ahead in his entrepreneurial journey who introduced us to a set of excellent investors.
And where did you find advice and mentorship? Advice initially came from my parents (neither of whom are entrepreneurs) and my wife, but now having developed a network of mentors, I realise the value they can bring. I would highly recommend nding people who can provide a non-judgemental view and who have been through what you are trying to do. It is invaluable. Do you still have plans for new businesses? Yes. At Dukes Plus, we have a very clear purpose – to empower young people to live a happy and successful life. In order to ful l that purpose, we are always evolving what we do to ensure we can continue to best prepare our students for the ever-changing world. Does your creative brain just keep producing ideas? A hundred percent. I am always coming up with new ways of doing things or new products. A model I often use on the go is called e Walt Disney Method. It involves three distinct roles: the Dreamer, who envisions bold and imaginative ideas; the Realist, who pragmatically plans and organises these ideas into actionable steps; and the Critic, who evaluates and re nes the ideas to ensure they are feasible and e ective. I like this model as it creates a very balanced approach to creativity, combining imagination with practical execution and critical assessment. What’s your one piece of advice to young entrepreneurs? Steve Jobs once said, ‘To me, ideas are worth nothing unless executed. ey are just a multiplier. Execution is worth millions.’ I think this is so important. Lots of people have great ideas, but few can execute them successfully.
Dukes Plus is a family of specialised consultancy services and educational experience providers, including the highest standards of university preparation, once-in-alifetime industry experiences, tuition, summer schools and day camps. dukesplus.com
Wellbeing hubs and meditation are core to the modern
Warwick Jessup, head of Sanskrit at St James Schools, was recently stopped in a coffee shop in central London by a young lady who recognised him. ‘She said, ‘I know you,’’ Jessup remembers, telling him that she had been a pupil at St James. ‘I said, ‘what do you remember about your schooldays?’’ and she said, ‘the pause – I’ve been using it ever since.’
‘The pause’ is something that St James, a group of three schools based in west London and Surrey, has been teaching since its foundation 50 years ago. It is a literal pause, five to ten minutes allocated to quietude, and forms a central part of the school’s educational method, drawing on the traditions of meditative practice. ‘What we’ve been doing here since 1975 is allied to the yoga movement and the interest in eastern philosophy,’ says Jessup. ‘If someone can give attention, then they can do anything. One phrase which we really adhere to is ‘attention is key.’’
Jessup makes it sound straightforward, but it isn’t a given that the pause,
and the school’s teachings around it, will have instant results. ‘You can invite someone to be mindful and you can create the circumstances, but every pupil and teacher comes at it in a different way,’ he says. ‘The principle of it is quietness, and that is a brilliant teaching for life – to give your attention to the sounds, and not be distracted by thoughts. If you can connect with the present moment and if the worries of the day running in your mind fall quiet then you feel contentment, and that can even be a touch of bliss.’
St James has long been the pack-leader as far as mindfulness in schools is concerned. Beyond ‘the pause’ is Jessup’s teaching of the Indo-European language Sanskrit. At St James, pupils start learning this when they join the prep school. ‘The children love reciting the texts, they love the sound of the language, and the writing of the language,’ says Jessup. ‘They love the ability to translate, and they love doing something their parents can’t. There’s the intellectual challenge, but it is a divine subject, very much allied to this whole area of mindfulness.’
Although St James is one of very few schools in the country to teach Sanskrit, in recent years, a number of other prep schools have made a move towards incorporating mindfulness into their curriculums. These have been supported by the Mindfulness in Schools project whose belief is that ‘everyone deserves to not ‘just get by’ but to positively flourish.’ To achieve this means more than just meditation, says Professor Katherine Weare. Weare is emeritus professor of education at the University of Southampton. She’s also the author of Happy Teachers Change the World with Thich Nhat Hanh - a guide for cultivating mindfulness in education. Some people, she says, ‘think that mindfulness is about teaching kids to meditate, but that is a very small part of it. We’ve got obsessed with closed-eyes meditation in the west, but it doesn’t suit everybody.’ The key, she says, is that ‘mindfulness encourages all of us to focus on the here and now, and not let our minds race off into the future or ruminate on the past. Good teachers have been doing this for a long time – particularly with the younger ones. A lot of it is not particularly esoteric.’
At Wells Cathedral School’s prep school in Somerset, mindfulness forms a part of the school’s mental health and wellbeing policy. This, says Steve Bratt, head of sport, ‘encourages children to look after their own mental health and independence.’ When in 2021 he watched the broadcaster Roman Kemp’s documentary about mental health, Our Silent Emergency, in which Kemp spoke to children at a school in Tamworth about their experience with depression, Bratt felt determined to bring mindfulness to Wells. He trained as a mental health lead, and from there instituted a three-year
strategic plan to support wellbeing school-wide, with mindfulness one of the key elements. ‘We’re seeing many additional mental health issues within the cohort of children,’ he says. ‘They’re not necessarily prescribable, but it’s non-negotiable that we try and help, and put scaffolding in place for them.’ It’s not enough to just say you want to help either, he says. ‘For us, mindfulness is something tangible that I can get hold of and run with.’
As a games teacher, Bratt finds it easy to integrate his two passions of sport and mindfulness. ‘We do a bit of yoga at the end of every PE session, right from nursery,’ he says. ‘That way, the children are calming down for the next session and learning to relax.’ That yoga practice can be used to great effect during exam time too: ‘it’s a technique the children can use the night before if they can’t sleep.’ Importantly, he adds, pupils develop these skills as a ‘positive habit – it’s never introduced, as such. It’s not just a case of doing an assembly and that’s that, they’re all ‘mentally healthed’. It’s got to continue throughout the year.’
The approach that mindfulness should become a natural part of life runs as a common thread between the schools that have embraced it. At Broomwood Girls in southwest London, leadership is ‘mindful of mindful opportunities,’ explains assistant head William Morris. Initially, the school dabbled with working mindfulness into PSHE lessons. Now, there is a little bit of mindfulness dotted all round the school: during yoga, part of the sports provision; in prep at the end of the day; and in church, every other Thursday. More conspicuous is a mindfulness initiative run by the older girls. ‘It’s pretty cool to go to it,’ says Morris. ‘Instead of
us turning up and telling them, ‘this is what mindfulness is’, they’re running it themselves.’ He adds the school is ‘mindful that mindfulness isn’t just an initiative but something we are careful to protect in our opportunities, routines, and traditions. It is a thing that is built in the pupils’ lives.’
Broomwood parents are on board too, just as they are at the Londonbased Eaton House Group, where Philippa Cawthorne is head of wellbeing, working across the pre-prep, prep, and the girls’ school sites. Wellbeing, she says, is ‘the bedrock foundation on which everything else is built within the schools,’ and mindfulness is ‘a useful way of getting children to understand how their brains work.’ At Eaton House, pupils begin mindfulness lessons in year 3, when Cawthorne shows them the different parts of the brain and what they do. ‘You can see the light-bulb moment when they can see, ‘that’s why I get cross,’ and they can do something about it.’
At Eaton House The Manor, on Clapham Common North Side, a new wellbeing hub opened in the autumn term, in which Cawthorne has her own room, as does the school nurse – ‘she looks after the body, and I look after the mind.’ A room in between hosts visiting counsellors, and the hub has been a boon for pupils. ‘Cut off from the rest of the school, there’s not much noise, people aren’t walking past the door – it’s a lovely calm space.’ And a perfect one for Cawthorne to see pupils privately, should they wish to have a chat. ‘The most important thing in mindfulness is being kind to yourself, and I say that to the children,’ she says. ‘When they see me one-to-one I can say, who is responsible for your thoughts, feelings and actions, and they say, ‘I am’. It’s good to be able to empower them, and give them a chance to reflect.’ After all, she says, ‘sometimes we need to have a good old cry, and that’s awareness, noticing the way your thoughts are going, and stopping them. The children are very receptive.’
Not all elements of mindfulness will work in every school or for every individual. But calming the mind and understanding it is the central ambition. ‘We all have busy minds,’ says Jessup. ‘If we can stop, if we can pause, if we can just let the body be still, the the mind eventually follows suit.’ And, breathe. n
Students are increasingly seeing the benefits of the IB – so what do they and their parents need to know in advance?
By Eleanor Doughty
Anna Fielding
Director of IB, St Edward’s School, Oxford
Anna Saunders and Dr Victoria Sherwood
IB DP Coordinator and Head of Professional Guidance Centre and Assistant Head of Sixth Form, Cheltenham Ladies’ College
David Cass
Director of IB, King’s College School, Wimbledon, recently awarded Parent Power Independent International Baccalaureate School of the Year
Ed Pyke
Head of IB, Bryanston School
How does the IB differ from A levels?
Unlike the study of A-levels, where pupils study three or four standalone quali cations, the IB requires students to study six
subjects across various disciplines, including languages, humanities, sciences and mathematics. Pupils study three subjects at higher level and three at standard level, with the standard level subjects having a reduced content. David Cass
What is a ‘good’ IB score?
Achieving the IB Diploma is evidence of a student who has embraced depth, breadth and international mindedness in their post-16 studies, and as such, any score which achieves the IB Diploma is a good score. Anna Saunders
What is the most popular work experience sought? Banking and nance. ere are various schemes [in those sectors],
but when they’re younger than 18, they tend to be o ered work shadowing. Ruth Davis
What are the best subjects to choose?
Pupils study three Higher Level (HL) subjects and three Standard Level (SL) subjects. e HL subjects are likely to lead them to their future degree or employment, and it is often the case that there are links between them. SL subjects can either complement the HL subjects or o er alternative areas of interest. SL Maths would help a future geography student use the data from a eld trip, for example. Anna Fielding
Do you need to include a second language? Yes, pupils need to choose a subject from ‘group 2’, which means
an additional language. At King’s, pupils can choose from French, Spanish, German, Greek, Latin and Mandarin – both classical and modern languages are equally popular. We want our young people to thrive in a globally competitive world, and studying an additional language until the age of 18 is worthwhile. David Cass
What is the Theory of Knowledge?
Unlike A-levels where you’re thinking about individual subjects, the IB is a complete curriculum, and the eory of Knowledge is at the heart of the IB. It’s a taught piece of the programme, unlike the extended essay which is self-directed. It asks students to re ect on the nature of knowledge and how we know what we claim to know. So much
of what we’re taught at school we take in and don’t question, but the IB expects students to re ect on what they’ve learned, and this forms part of every subject.
Ed Pyke
Can you explain the CAS element? CAS encourages pupils to take part in Creative, Active (sport) and Service activities, and is similar to the activities on the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award. e CAS programme also encourages pupils to re ect on the skills that they have acquired; the resilience of getting back on the hockey pitch after a defeat, the leadership skills needed to run a debating team, the empathy when volunteering at a local care home.
Anna Fielding
Do universities prefer A-levels over the IB? Universities respect both the IB and A-levels equally. We spend a considerable amount of time working with students individually to support them to decide which pathway they wish to follow. We take an individualised case by case approach, advising students to consider their strengths, and see equal success in university applications for both IB and A Levels in all our applications. Dr Victoria Sherwood
What do employers think of IB? is is something that parents usually ask about universities, and British universities are now fully aware of the bene ts of IB. For employers it’s a little bit greyer and it depends on the employer. International
employers know all about it, but local employers are like our parents here – not necessarily knowing so much about the IB and knowing more about the English system. But there is so much one can look up that they quickly get comfortable. Ed Pyke
Do American universities recognise the IB? Yes, in the same way as they recognise A-levels. e breadth o ered in the IB can be a good foundation for the broader curriculum in US undergraduate degrees. However, it is also perfectly possible to o er this breadth through your A-level choices. Dr Victoria Sherwood
Is it suitable for any student? Absolutely! In the past, there was a myth that the IB was the preserve of the most able pupils, but this couldn’t be further from reality. e IB o ers a good structure and is therefore an ideal antidote to the well-documented problems of teenage procrastination. Learning how to manage the six academic subjects and the
demands of the ‘core’ is a skill that will bene t them throughout their lives. David Cass
Can you swap to A-levels if you aren’t enjoying IB (or vice versa)? We have lots of conversations between pupils, teachers, tutors and parents which helps pupils to understand their own strengths and interests. As a result, we nd that pupils generally nd themselves on the course most suited to their learning style and aspirations but there are occasional reasons when pupils need to change courses, and this can be accommodated depending on the circumstances. Anna Fielding
What is the IB alumni programme? It’s something that the IB has tried to create but the nature of it means that it just doesn’t zzle as much as a school alumni network, as the IB has no buildings around which to centre. It’s not something that we have pushed, or that students have mentioned to us. e students’ fond memories are of school itself. Ed Pyke
'Some might tell you that the IB is ‘too much work’ but most schools carefully plan the schedule of coursework and provide the necessary support to ensure that it is achievable. This enables pupils to fulfil their course requirements in good order and with less pressure from all assessments being on the final exams' Anna Fielding
'Students often ask which is ‘better’ and there is no single answer to this question – each student must decide which pathway is right for them.' Anna Saunders
'One of the questions we are asked is about the workload, but the support systems in place, including dedicated teachers and a collaborative learning environment with a good size cohort of students studying IB, help students manage their workload effectively. Many students find that the skills they develop in the IB are invaluable in their future academic and professional lives.' David Cass
'Parents and students sometimes ask whether the IB is more work, and the answer has to be yes – but I tell students not to make the mistake of thinking that they can sit back with A levels.' Ed Pyke
Learning the basics of fencing with a foil, the smallest of the three di erent weapons used in the sport – the épée and sabre are the others – it can be surprising at the precision and strategy required. at’s to say nothing of the discipline, tness and ne footwork also needed. at combination of mind and body work makes it as relevant today as at any time in the past.
No wonder scores of independent schools excel in the sport. Some, such as Whitgift and Mill eld, due to their strong tradition in Modern Pentathlon, fence in swashbuckling style with an épée – though both schools boast numerous internationals at foil too. Westminster, Brentwood and the King Edward Schools in Birmingham are also well-known for the sport and usually dominate the Public Schools Championships.
Fencing is even thriving among younger children. It has long been a popular activity at Bromsgrove Prep and Pre-Prep, and at St Helen’s Prep School in London. Here, thanks to growing demand it has recently been o ered at the Senior School too: at after-school clubs helping girls acquire the ‘quick thinking, precision, and discipline’, which the sport o ers. At Hatherop Castle, in Gloucestershire, all the pupils from Year 2 try their hand at it and the school has produced numerous national age-group medallists.
Fencing at the Royal Grammar School, Worcester is on a high, with
top-class coaches John Rees and Nick Chapman running di erent training sessions from beginners upwards, including one focused on developing the more experienced competitive fencers. Even the novices enter friendly local competitions almost from the start of their training. Meanwhile the star performers regularly qualify for the British Youth Champs and the school’s annual Fencing Gala draws around 100 good fencers from all over the Midlands. e aim is to score hits on the target area of the opponent, registered by the electric scoring equipment. Most of the time, the winner is the rst to 15 hits over three three-minute rounds,
‘To many kids, duelling with real-life swords sounds like fun,’ says Nick Chapman, ‘so I try to keep that sense of enjoyment and make my sessions equally fun. Fencing teaches concentration, resilience, discipline, accuracy and it’s highly competitive so fencers learn important life skills from losing as well as winning. It builds physical and mental tness. e speed of thought needed to react, in hundredths of a second, not simply to avoid being hit, but to make tactical choices about how best to exploit the situation, is immense.’
He adds: ‘It’s like playing chess at the speed of squash, but with more moves than in chess and it’s far faster than squash.
‘Fencing appeals across the board, but intelligent kids are more likely to become competitive and successful, even those who weren’t especially sporty
to begin with, maybe because many seem to value the strategic, problem-solving aspects of it. It’s not a cheap sport and youngsters need to compete all over the place to improve their ranking – it helps to have supportive parents who will run them up and down the country to competitions.’
Emily de Bono, 12 – a Year 8 at RGS – has only been fencing for two years but is very much a rising star, and already an England international. As her brother is on the British Under 17 épée squad members, their parents face a double load of driving them to training and tournaments.
‘I love fencing because it needs agility and tness as well as lots of tactics,’ explains Emily, ‘changing your plans to work out how to beat an opponent.
‘ e school has been very supportive when I’ve needed to go to fencing competitions and international xtures, making sure I stay up to date with my work and even allowing me to move my exams this year.’
Issy Pottinger, 15 – another of RGS’s stars – has been fencing épée for just over two years but has already won junior international selection. e school helps her balance academic work and her fencing commitments.
‘It’s been an amazing journey that’s helped me grow into a stronger, more independent person,’ she says. ‘ ere’ve been highs and lows. Fencing is tough - physically and emotionally. I’ve had to work through two injuries but I know they’ve made me a better fencer.’
Gloriosa Sung, 15, from King Edward VI High School for Girls is in the GB Under 17 Foil squad and has won several medals in national championships. ough quiet and slightly built, her coaches describe her as enormously focused and determined in regard to achieving her goals. She juggles her schoolwork with training twice a week in London.
Issy Pottinger, 15, a natural athlete, showed immediate promise at épée and was recently selected for three international trips, with the school helping her balance academic work and her fencing commitments. ‘I train ve times a week,’ she said, ‘and I’m aiming to climb higher in the British and international rankings next season.’
Henry De Bono, 17, from King Edward’s School, Birmingham, loved fencing from the rst time he stepped onto the piste in Year 7. Although not specially sporty originally, his coach Nick Chapman describes him as highly intelligent and focused. anks to his talent and determination, De Bono won his rst international call-up this season and now trains hard, working on his tness to reach the next level. His sister Emily De Bono, 12, from RGS, Worcester, is currently ranked 10th in the GB Under 14 Épée rankings, nishing 7th at the National Championships, and being selected to represent England at a European Fencing competition in Lausanne. She is also West Midlands Under 12 Épée Championship.
Leon Paul makes a ‘Contour Fit’ mask, held in place using a plastic disk suspended on elastic that fits to the back of the head – this is instead of the traditional curved metal spring. It makes a far more comfortable fit.
Among those specifically designed for fencing, Nick Chapman favours Excalibur Sport’s ES ‘Lightweight Pro’, but young fencers can buy good and rather cheaper squash shoes for around £25 which do a similar job. They should have flat soles giving maximum contact with the ground.
This costs around £1,250 and it’s smaller and much lighter than the old-style set-up. With no cables, it’s easier to set up – and safer, too.
4 ONE TO READ: ‘Épée Fencing, a step-by-step guide to achieving Olympic Gold (with no guarantee you’ll get anywhere near it)’ by Steve Paul, Paul Beasley, and Lindsay Bottoms. Written in short, punchy sections, easy to read and covering a lot of subjects., it has a holistic approach to developing a competitive fencer, with information on technique, timing, and tactics but unlike others plenty of detail about rules, equipment and competition formats, too.
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Milking cows or picking beans, lessons in country living are always popular, says Gregory Taylor
This year, School House is proud to be partnering with Farms for City Children (FfCC), a charity founded in 1976 by celebrated children’s author Sir Michael Morpurgo and his wife, Clare. e charity was set up to encourage and support those children – often from the most disadvantaged backgrounds – who grow up in cities and can consequently become disengaged from the countryside, animals, and where their food comes from.
Farms for City Children has set up three farm sites across the UK - in Devon, Gloucestershire and Pembrokeshirewhere children get the chance to try their hands at feeding poultry and collecting eggs, grooming and mucking out ponies and donkeys, feeding cattle and herding sheep - even making butter and yoghurt or lighting res and whittling wood. More than 100,000 children have
enjoyed a slice of rural life since the charity began - and FfCC hopes many more will get the same opportunity.
e farm stays aim to build children’s self worth and self con dence as they work as a team. Michael and Clare put it like this: ‘For today’s children who are ever more disconnected from the countryside, nature, and the source of the food they eat, spending time on the farms brings great joy, new discoveries, and the opportunity to reconnect with friends and teachers.’
For more fortunate young people, some schools o er the chance to experience farm work alongside their studies. At Bedales in Hampshire, Outdoor Work can even be taken as a BAC – equivalent to a GCSE. And as an extra curricular, farming remains one of the most popular ways for pupils to spend their free time as the schools overleaf demonstrate.
e Downs Malvern is lucky enough to have a smallholding, home to rare breed pigs, sheep, quail, chickens and guinea fowl. Encouraging children to explore the rural world to foster growth across all areas of achievement, the Worcestershire school maximises its 55-acre grounds with an innovative outdoor programme. A farming club and market garden complement the varied teaching opportunities of the smallholding, which enhances pupils’ understanding of agriculture and sustainability. e school has an egg kiosk where they sell eggs from the chickens and quail, and the pigs have helped to teach the children about the principle of farm to fork. Headteacher Andy Nuttall – who has a background in zoology – is passionate about engaging children in the economics of producing, marketing and selling what they produce.
At Milton Abbey School, the farm is a popular feature; students get the opportunity for hands-on experience whether they study land-based and animal BTEC Level 2 and 3 courses or not. In lessons, pupils study topics such as plant and soil science, wildlife ecology and conservation. But crucially, all students in the school can learn about – and care for – the animals, including horses and ponies, sheep, goats, pigs and chickens. Many students particularly enjoy caring for the Shetlands, Amber and Lexi, and some choose to bring their horses or ponies to school on an assisted livery basis, either for the purpose of equine courses or to ride as their sport.
e smallholding at York House School is home to more than 65 animals, which includes sheep, pigs, donkeys, a pony, goats, chickens, tortoises and a rabbit – with the majority of the animals coming from rescue centres. ese creatures aid the pupil’s education in a variety of ways, whether it’s experiencing new life through lambing and hatching chicks or just being something to pet. Pupils from all age groups interact with the animals daily during smallholding club, outdoor learning lessons and within animal therapy intervention – pithily titled ‘Donkey Downtime’. e tortoises also visit pre-prep for their weekly ‘reading with the tortoises’ session to bring con dence to the pupils’ reading.
e School Farm is a vital resource for New Hall’s community. From Nursery children’s nature walks, and a Farm Club educating pupils in animal care and ecology, to Biology lessons and work experience for aspiring veterinarians, its onsite farm provides a perfect setting for experiential learning, inspiration and fun. e two-acre farm proves especially bene cial for boarders and sta who call the school home, providing a welcome break from a busy life in the digital age, turning ‘screen time’ into connection with nature and their 100 furry and feathered ‘neighbours’.
e Lancing College farm is a working business and covers 320 acres, with approximately 70 of them focused on educational farming and animal care led by Farm Manager, Jon Hutcheon. Here, students help care for a variety of livestock, and there is also a small animal unit where they can progress their animal care skills. ey also gain rsthand experience learning about conservation and sustainability such as crop rotation, grass production and woodland care.
e Farm is a popular part of the co-curricular programme and is open to any pupil with an interest. Alongside the College’s busy Equestrian Centre it serves as a unique and practical classroom for many students pursuing their studies and interests in the environment, sustainability and life sciences.
Bredon’s farm represents the perfect example of how the school uses the outdoors to give pupils the best of what an all-round education can be. It is home to pedigree sheep and pigs alongside cattle, ponies, hens and ducks - and Socks, the farm cat. e sta report seeing the pupils’ genuine pride and joy when, for example, they enter their pig in an agricultural show, hold a new-born lamb or sell their farm-grown plants for charity.
All pupils have weekly lessons on the farm to Year 9 and can then opt to study City & Guilds quali cations in Animal Care or Agriculture.
They can also work on the farm in their own time and as an extracurricular activity. Equally it is not unusual to see teachers leading maths, geography or science lessons on the farm.
Bedales is set on 120 acres of elds and woodland, with an on-site working farm central to school life since its founding in 1893. It’s where students put into practice the school motto –‘work of each for weal of all’ – and learn the value of collective e ort.
Home to livestock and bees, the farm underpins the school’s Outdoor Work curriculum from Pre-prep to Senior, with opportunities to experience a rich variety of activities as students progress through the school.
In Years 10 and 11, Senior School students can pursue Outdoor Work as a Bedales Assessed Course (BAC), practising skills in animal husbandry, cooking, building, gardening, country crafts and conservation.
e Outdoor Work Farm Shop sells produce and handmade goods, with all pro ts reinvested in the farm.
Gregory Taylor rounds up some wonderful things to do this spring
Director Dean DeBlois has assembled an all-star cast for a live action remake of How To Train Your Dragon?, the beloved fable by Cressida Cowell. Follow the adventures of Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III, a mis t viking who forms a forbidden bond with his people’s sworn enemy – a Night Fury dragon called Toothless. With lming in Northern Ireland, Gerard Butler reprises his role as Stoick the Vast from the earlier animated versions.
In cinemas from 13 June 2025
A MINECRAFT MOVIE is best-selling video game is getting a big screen adaptation, with Jack Black leading a starry cast which also includes Jason Momoa. Four adventurers are pulled through a mysterious portal into the Overworld: a bizarre wonderland that thrives on imagination.
In cinemas from 4 April 2025
e winner of six Olivier Awards and ve WhatsOnStage Awards, My Neighbour Totoro broke the Barbican’s Box O ce record for most tickets sold in a single day in April 2022, ahead of its global premiere later that year. And now it’s back – and in the West End!
You’ll be able to catch this spellbinding RSC adaptation of Hayao Miyazaki’s celebrated 1988 animated feature lm at the Gillian Lynne eatre from March.
e play centres around Satsuki and Mei, two sisters, who have moved from their home in a city to the countryside to stay close to their ailing mother, only to encounter a myriad of magical creatures and spirits, including the titular ancient protector of the forest: ‘Totoro’. Don’t miss out!
From 8 March to 2 November 2025 at the Gillian Lynne eatre. totoroshow.com
Beloved author of e Gru alo, Julia Donaldson is back as the curator of a charming collection of 300 poems. ‘I hope you’ll nd lots of delicious poetry treats inside, like a bagful of pick-and-mix sweets,’ she says. ‘I’ve done the mixing, and now you can do the picking!’ is delightful compedium has poems from WB Yeats and Maya Angelou and the late Benjamin Zephaniah –we’d go so far as to say that it might be de nitive. And fans will be glad to know the most proli c poet of all time is featured: ‘anon’. £25.99, Pan Macmillan
For fans of all things ancient Egypt, this exhibition is a must see. Take a journey through time – nearly 6,000 years of it –brought to life cutting-edge technology like holograms, virtual reality and more. Set over a vast 26,909 sqft space, the exhibition features six galleries exploring Egyptian civilisation, natural landscapes, cultural heritage and the life of Tutankhamun, before we are transported to 1922, when Howard Carter entered the Valley of the Kings and made his incredible discovery. e whole experience takes about 90 minutes. Fom March 28 to June 29. tutankhamunexperience.com/london
e afternoon tea experience 145 million years in the making. Head down to e Ampersand Hotel near the Natural History Museum – perfect as the second pit stop on a dinosaur-themed day – and enjoy all manner of savouries, scones, and such exciting and curious dishes as the apricot & lemon crémeux volcano eruption and a dark chocolate, caramel and raspberry dinosaur egg nest. And for budding palaeontologists, there is also dinosaur chocolate. ampersandhotel.com
Looking to abscond from the city? en plan a trip to the Four Seasons Hotel in Hampshire. With an array of restaurants and bars, a sumptuous spa and even the opportunity for a pony ride, it’s all you could want in a weekend away in the heart of England. Don’t miss the Wild Carrot restaurant –make sure to try the lobster linguine. And yes, you can bring your pet. fourseasons.com/ hampshire
There’s an art to public speaking, finds our reviewer Lara Smellie
Ialways have lots to say, but it frustrates me that I sometimes struggle to express myself, especially in front of a few people. Now I’m doing an A-level in creative media, I have to do presentations, and I feel that my ideas aren’t well explained. I get lost when I try to tell a story. What to do? Well, I hunted around and found Guy Hughes, a voice coach in Bristol, who teaches public speaking, acting and singing to professionals and students alike, and booked in for an hour of coaching. I reckoned it would be really useful to learn how to make my message clear, and it even might boost those A-level grades!
I’ve never thought about what public speaking is, which might be part of the problem. ‘When we’re public speaking, we’re trying to connect with the audience,’ explains Hughes. ‘You are putting on a performance, but also showing a version of yourself. We’re trying to get rid of anything that gets in the way of our connection with the audience, be it nerve or lack of clarity.’ He says that we are all storytellers.
First of all, we look at breathing – Hughes says that doing the right breathing helps with nerves. ‘It helps to slow the heart rate, stay grounded and also calmly formulate and express our thoughts.’ I have to put one hand on my stomach and blow out an imaginary candle that Hughes is ‘holding’ in one big breath. ‘Ideally, our abdominal wall is released when we’re breathing in and not over engaging when we speak. is allows us to breathe deeply and stay calm,’ says Hughes. ‘Don’t force your breath or your voice. You need less than you think!’ Practising breathing daily will help it to come more naturally when performing. It is, he says, like meditation.
For the second exercise – and yes, I feel pretty silly doing this – I put my hands on my hips and say ‘sh’ over and again so I can feel the muscles engaging. Again, the idea is that doing this before speaking will make you feel relaxed and con dent.
Next, we try doing my presentation, which is my idea for a short lm. I fall over myself trying to explain to Hughes and keep repeating words and phrases. He says that I need to structure my pitch and then break it down. ‘ ink of three key points; what’s the lm, what’s the main story, and who
the audience is.’ As I explain each point, he makes me stand in a di erent spot in the room – this is to help me remember things as well as separating out my thought processes. ‘Within each of these key points, you can have three or four minor ones,’ he says. ‘But remember those main ones.’ Most interestingly, and the thing I think makes the most di erence, is not saying the word ‘and’. ‘Rather than running all your sentences together, stop, and start another one. at will have more impact,’ he says.
Everything seems straightforward but sensible. I have a presentation the following week, and rather than panicking, I plan it out, do the breathing exercises and – oh yes, this is important as well – I practise a few times. It makes all the di erence!
PARENT VERDICT: ‘I am over the moon that Lara is testing this as I’m curious to know how to improve my own public speaking. It’s fascinating to watch Guy explaining how to be calmer, and how to connect with the audience, and also watching Lara becoming more con dent and clearer in how she explains herself. A class in public speaking would be bene cial for all young people; it’s something that we all have to do, but we learn as we go along.’
From £60 an hour, thevocalstudio.co.uk
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The actress and presenteron an inspiring teacher at Bryanston and listening to political podcasts
What’s your favourite memory of school? e summer terms when so much time was spent outside in the beautiful Bryanston grounds –either doing a play in the Greek theatre or playing sport or hanging out with friends
What’s the biggest learning experience you’ve had? Parenting and understanding all the decisions my parents made for me and now wanting to make the right decisions and help my 14-year-old daughter to make the right decisions for herself.
Name a cause that is important to you – and why Being involved with and protect ing the natural world. I feel beyond lucky to have had a childhood spent in the wild natural beauty of Dorset – living on the Jurassic coastline, spending every bit of free time outside and then being at school in the beauty of the Bryanston ground s. ere was no digital, virtual world to compete with the real, natural world and now a new balance needs to be struck. I care passionately about protecting the environment and biodiversity of the natural world and am an ambassador for Kew Gardens trying to spread the word about how we can all play a part in doing that. Tell us three things you can’t live without Books, owers, dogs.
How do you start your day? With co ee and the Today programme on Radio 4 or catching up on an episode of e Rest is Politics
What’s the most adventurous thing you’ve done in your life? A show called Mission Survive. It was a psychological and physical challenge living in the Costa Rican rainforest. I was set challenges that I would never have done otherwise in my life like eating a live scorpion, building a shelter and camping out in an electric storm and jumping out of a helicopter into water with no parachute. And what’s one thing you’ve always wanted to try but have been too scared to do (so far)? Directing TV. Lots of people have suggested over the years that I do it – and I keep meaning to take up opportunities, but think I would like to learn a bit more about the technical side of it
rst just so I could be super prepared. I’d like to go to lm school and study again.
Name a teacher who inspired you – and why Duncan Fowler Watt. e way he taught classical civilisation made it the most exciting subject to learn because he was so full of enthusiasm about it. He was also the most approachable teacher which in teenage years was formative. I wanted to do well in the subject because he taught it so well and because I had, and continue to have, such huge respect for him.
What’s the best piece of advice you’ve received?
Never read your own reviews. What’s on your music playlist right now? I’m listening to podcasts more than music at the moment. I am completely hooked on e Rest is Politics and e Rest is Politics US – and am listening to a series on BBC Sounds called Sweet Bobby, as well as Rory Stewart’s awesome series on ignorance.
What’s your favourite board game? Backgammon. Name your biggest weakness? Overthinking. It makes everything take longer than it should.
Name your biggest strength? Overthinking. I strive to do my very best however long it takes. What’s the kindest thing a stranger has done for you? When I was 24, I was rescued in a Russian airport from a perilous situation by a BA air hostess I had never met. She had me released after eight hours of being detained. What’s something you wish more people talked about? eir true feelings.. What are the best qualities you think you inherited from your parents? Kindness, love, loyalty, friendship, a strong work ethic and the importance of the simplest things in life being the most important and rewarding.
What’s been the highlight of your past year? Completing lming on my 21st series of Silent Witness. What’s the one thing you wish you knew when you left school? Another language.
Mental health conditions are surprisingly common, says DR EMEKA. Here’s what you can do
The majority of us will experience anxiety at some level and that’s normal, even in children. Anxiety alerts us to threats, protects us from danger and helps us reach important goals. It isn’t necessarily dangerous, and although uncomfortable it is temporary and will eventually decrease. However, although anxiety is part of everyday life, for some children it can take over and the bodily sensations we experience when we’re anxious that help keep us safe can feel overwhelming. Children may be ooded with unpleasant physical feelings, unwanted thoughts, and as a result avoid or opt out of important routines such as playing a sport, making friends, going to school, and more.
ese sensations occur about various things at di erent stages of life. For example, from the age of about six months to three years it’s common for young children to have separation anxiety – to worry when they are not with their parents or caregiver. It’s also common for preschool-age children to develop speci c fears or phobias, such as monsters in the bedroom, ghosts, thunder and lightning or the dark. Usually these fears go away as children age and learn more about the world and themselves.
ere may also be other times in a child’s life when they feel anxious. For example, many children feel anxious when
going to a new school, moving house, or before tests and exams. Some children feel shy in social situations and may need support with this. Teenagers are more likely to have anxiety in social situations than other age groups. ey may try to avoid them, or make excuses to not go, or nd socialising di cult in general.
Unfortunately anxiety can run in families and some children may have a genetic predisposition to developing it, however it’s key to note that certain environmental factors such as domestic violence, a recent passing of a friend or relative, abuse or neglect, bullying at school and even serious illnesses, like asthma and accidents like a previous tra c accident or re can increase the chances of a child developing anxiety and so should be eliminated where possible.
How likely is it your child will be a ected? It is thought that about 300,000 young people in the UK have a problem with it. So it is important to recognise young people’s problems and ask for advice and support, especially when it starts a ecting everyday life. It is now accepted that as many as eight to 11 percent of children and adolescents su er from anxiety that a ects their ability to get on with their lives.
Approximately 13.3 percent of 16-19 year olds and about 15.8 percent of 20-24 year olds have experienced anxiety –
with 1.7 percent of 16 – 19 year olds having a depressive episode and 0.9 percent having experienced obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD).
What signs and symptoms should you look out for? When children feel anxious at a younger age they can be irritable or tearful or clingy, or experience poor sleeping, often reporting having bad dreams or wetting the bed. Children may have other miscellaneous symptoms such as stomachaches and headaches. As they become older they may nd it di cult to concentrate in school, neglect everyday activities such as socialising with friends. ey may have have angry outbursts or develop negative thoughts. How can you help? First and foremost, it’s important to talk to your child about their anxiety or worries. Listen to them carefully to understand their
feelings. Try not to make assumptions or dismiss their worries. Reassure them that recognising and talking about problems is good, and show them you understand how they feel. If old enough, try explaining why they might be experiencing those physical symptoms and how it a ects our bodies. Sometimes talking about worries and anxiety – and helping them nd a solution, of course – can be e ective as well.
Work with your child where possible to nd out solutions to make things easier. is may mean involving a child’s teacher and special educational needs coordinator. If the problem persists take your child to see a GP who can take a good history and examine children and look for any other causes for signs and symptoms. e GP can then refer the child for children and young persons mental health services which will give access to counselling or family therapy. Cognitive Behavioural erapy (CBT) is a speci c type of talking therapy often used with anxiety. It helps the anxious person manage their problems by changing the way they feel, think and act. e therapy aims to nd practical ways to help deal with problems in a more positive way by breaking them down into smaller parts - situations, thoughts, emotions, physical feelings and actions. A level of communication skill and maturity is needed for a child or young person to engage successfully with this type of therapy. If all of the methods of counselling and therapy prove to be unsuccessful we then look towards medications prescribed by specialists.
For more help and advice about children’s mental health try Young Minds’ free parent helpline on 0808 802 5544, from Monday to Friday, 9.30am-4pm.
Five ways to get anxiety under control
Engage and talk to your children about what they might be feeling with their mind and body. When discussing the anxiety, listen to where it’s coming from and how to prevent and manage it. Remember to understand and accept what they’re feeling and try not to label it with good or bad connotations. Sometimes drawing a picture of how they feel can be useful in uncovering a cause.
Think about different activities that might help to distract them and make them feel calmer. This might be going for exercise or having a walk, or using a fidget toy, doing some puzzles and quizzes, or drawing, or painting, watching a film, or even talking to friends and baking. Relaxation techniques are also useful. For example, stretching, yoga and deep breathing techniques, especially if they’re older.
Make sure to get adequate support. Sometimes a child may need the input of an expert or clinical professional for help, in which case the parent should seek out guidance, for example from a GP appointment or a referral to specialist services where the child may be managed via medication and or therapy techniques.
Stick to healthy habits. like regular physical exercise. This might even be beneficial if they can do it with friends, for example, sports and games and team building exercises. Make sure they get adequate sleep and are eating healthily and drinking enough water. Don’t rely on phones or TV to keep children quiet and distracted, as too much screen time can lead to anxiety and antisocial behaviour.
Be prepared for a change. Often a change of scenery or environment or situation might cause a child to have anxiety. For example, if you know your child is worried about changing schools or a new sleepover, talk to them and prepare them for what’s going to happen and discuss what their concerns might be. You can help them get prepared by getting extra support which may be in the form of a friend or a cuddle buddy or a toy, to help them build some confidence.
The Founder of Quintessentially, the luxury lifestyle group that includes the schools consultancy Quintessentially Education, on too many sweets and finding his purpose
What school did you go to and when? I went to a prep school called Hawtreys in Wiltshire parkland near the Savernake Forest (it no longer exists) and then on to Eton in 1987 where I was the youngest boy in my year. Were you a boarder or day pupil? I was boarding at just eight, but my prep school was absolutely amazing. Yes, it might have looked like a cast-o from Colditz in terms of the food, the dormitories and the showers - but it was set in this extraordinary Wiltshire parkland, the Savernake Forest. ere was this wonderful expanse of rhododendrons and trees called e Pleasurey; we were always outside. All my best friends come from that time. You might say we were driven together by adversity and terrible food rations, but I loved it.
I had such a totally idyllic time at home that I never liked going back to school, even at Eton. I was jealous of my sisters who were at Bryanston, which is near where we lived. I remember my father saying, ‘No, this will serve you well’, which I resented then, but by the time I left school – and for the rest of my life – I was extremely grateful that he was prescient enough to insist Eton was a good education for me. And I certainly knew, even then, how privileged that experience was. Did you have a memorable teacher at Eton? I had at least three. I was in James Cook’s house which was a bit like winning the lottery. He was just a total gentleman. At the time, I don’t think I understood what he gave me in terms of his values and integrity – he was a solid Church of England man –but I understand now. is was a man who was so thoughtful, dedicated. He knew that boys probably will be boys but should be encouraged to do things they are interested in, and that they should have proper manners. Joe Spence (who went on to become Head of Dulwich College) became my tutor. He inspired me so much as a 15-year-old. He encouraged me to do things that I probably wouldn’t have done, like becoming editor of the school magazine and acting in lots of plays. I don’t think I would necessarily have had the con dence to do all of that if it hadn’t been for him seeing something in me. And an Australian teacher called Charles Milne ran the social outreach; we used to head o to Slough together. When there is a teacher that shows an interest, it’s amazing how somebody really becomes more alive.
What A-levels did you choose? English, History, Economics & Politics and eatre Studies – which I think everyone got an A in.
What were your passions at school? e social outreach I did at Eton. I developed my social conscience at home. If you are in a family such as mine, where we were always encouraged to go and do stu , then a social conscience is inevitable. Eton then encouraged me and provided me with the opportunity. I loved the Eton Action Fair which is all about community action. When I left school I went to work in an orphanage in north-eastern Romania arranged by Eton. It was the opposite to the experiences that I’d had so far in my life. I loved it even though I found it extremely challenging.
Did you have a favourite place? Rowlands, the sweet shop. My cousin, Tom Parker-Bowles and I have spoken about this. We think we both got rather podgy because we tended to spend most of our time there aged 13.
Favourite memory? Being at the end of my time at Eton in the College Chapel. Being with all my friends of ve years, I just remember that being very powerful.
What are you most proud of? I loved running the social services outreach and I loved editing the school magazine. e latter involved interviewing Margaret atcher, which seemed a big deal at the time. But I’m proudest of the friendships that I built and still have today.
If you had one perfect day at school what would it be? It would start at 11 o’clock in the tuckshop eating a prawn roll with mayonnaise and some Nice ‘N’ Spicy Nik Naks and a pint of Coca Cola. It would then roll into a long evening with my friends, playing cricket.
How did being at Eton inspire you to set up Quintessentially Education? I think that one of things I learnt from Eton was how to treat people as individuals. You might be interested in cricket or stamp collecting and they would encourage that out of you. I think Quintessentially Education works in that way. We are lucky that we have a brilliant leader in our director, Jess Harris. Jess and her team don’t just think about education in terms of A-stars. It’s about sitting with families, sometimes who don’t know the system well enough, and shepherding them through an experience which can feel like a mine eld.
Forest walks, spa indulgences and a (luxurious) home from home vibe, Victoria Lambert stays at Chewton Glen
‘Horses, and all animals indeed, know that there is no place like home’: wise words written nearly 200 years ago by Captain Frederick Marryat in his novel e Children of the New Forest. One of the rst children’s books, Marryat’s novel, you may recall, is set in the Civil War, where four privileged young Cavaliers learn to live o the land whilein hiding from the Roundheads. Marryat’s home at the time, Chewton Glen, belonged to his brother George. And it doesn’t take long at this stunning 18th-century house complete with croquet lawn, sculptures and statues, topiary and fountains to realise just why the good Captain was so moved to think warmly of the concept of home.
Chewton Glen - the name refers to a nearby tree-lined ravine, enjoyably called Chewton Bunny – is like the home you always thought you might get one day. Well, in your dreams. Only these days, it’s better. Because as one of Hampshire’s most stunning boutique hotels and a member of luxury guarantor Relais & Chateaux, you can stay at Chewton Glen as often as like. And you will like. is is what you might call the Full English. Heavy drapes, velvet sofas, good antiques and crackling res to sit in front of with a negroni. Dinner in the conservatory. Silver service. A range of Champagne. Preferably after a hard day in the spa. Before getting a proper night’s sleep.
As parents, sleep is a proven necessity. A 2023 survey found that nearly half (46 percent) of those aged 50-59 years report not sleeping well any more. We’re more tense, more short-fused, more tired. And so we need this.
is is where a weekend break can work miracles, encouraging good behaviours and lifting the spirits.On my visit, I was settled into a suite overlooking the said croquet lawn complete with private terrace. e bedroom was cocoon-like with oversized bed and light as air duvets. e sitting room was spacious and had all the good amenities from Nespresso machine to bluetooth speakers.
But you could also try one of the hotel’s famous tree-houses, raised 35ft above ground amongst the ancient New Forest woodland. e Hideaway o ers a private outdoor hot tub and master bedroom separated from the main suite by a covered walkway. Very romantic – and dogs are welcome too.
Time away from your room can be spent at the spa which has a hydrotherapy pool as well as saunas and steam rooms. e treatments are unmissable. Opt for a bespoke Natura Bisse facial or a warm oil massage for
full sleepy e ect. And there are plenty of activities on site. Choose from golf, tennis, a well-equipped gym or take a class at James Martin’s ‘ e Kitchen Cookery School’. en book in at night for an unforgettable dinner prepared under the guidance of long-standing Executive Head Chef Luke Matthews. Try Twice Baked Emmental Sou é, ai Lobster Curry or Loin of Wiltshire Venison. Puddings include Valrhona Chocolate Slice with banana ice cream. e wine list includes excellent non-alcoholic options such as Wild Idol Sparkling Rose. And then you may just be forti ed enough to face departure. Although before you – like Captain Marryat in the 1840s – leave Chewton Glen, make sure to pick up some of the hotel’s own honey for a taste of the New Forest at home. You may not have a croquet lawn to look down on to, but you can at least savour the memory with tea and toast at your leisure.
BOOK IT: Rates from £420 B&B; chewtonglen.com
Victoria Lambert explores Setubal – a Portugese off-the-beaten-track destination for all ages
Strolling through the farmers’ market, the Mercado do Livramento, at Setubal, there is no doubt this is a very special Iberian city. Special for the extraordinary range of seafood and fresh sh, many of which nd their way to the icy slabs of this handsome blue-and-white tiled indoor market – and historically made it one of Portugal’s most important shing centres. Here, you can gawp like a grouper while enjoying the theatrics of the seasoned Portuguese stallholders who slice and dice the sh with due theatre.
Special, too, for its history which stretches back as far as Roman times, when locals began a long history of harvesting and selling ne sea salt from its shores. And special as well for its stunning location between the Sado Estuary Nature Reserve and the Arrábida Natural Park, where rare Mediterranean ora can be found and a protected marine park plays kindergarten to colonies of long-snouted seahorses that breed here in safety.
Even its notable citizens are pretty, well, interesting – Hugo Ricciardi O’Neill, the man who claims a right to the long vanished throne of Ireland. Sabrina, an unsuccessful entrant to the Eurovision Song Contest. Oh, and the ultimate Special One of football, former manager of Chelsea FC José Mourinho.
I can’t promise you’ll bump into José if you decide to explore this corner of Portugal, barely 30 minutes’ drive south of Lisbon – so perfect for a long weekend or half-term treat. But what I can assure you is that no one in the family will be bored.
For the adventurous, opportunities to go riding or mountain biking abound, as well as hiking and kayaking or paddleboarding; half an hour’s drive north-east will take you to the North Atlantic sur ng beaches of Costa da Caparica. e estuary itself is home to a pod of dolphins and boat tours are easily available. We enjoyed a catamaran ride with local yachties A Vela Passeios, navigating smoothly up the estuary to admire the unspoilt coastline and the 45km stretch of Grândola beach and its golden sand. A picnic on board with some white wine felt indulgent and even though it was too choppy to venture into the Atlantic waves to the west, we left the boat well satis ed with our expedition.
Not all Setubal experiences are so active. A peaceful afternoon learning about azulejos (traditional tiles), at Azulejos de Azeitao, a family-run workshop, as well as the chance to paint our own, was a highlight. Azulejos were introduced to Portugal by King Manuel I after a trip to Spain in 1503, their hardwearing glaze making these tiles useful for keeping homes cool in summer and warm in winter.
But their cultural importance is signi cant too. Sets of tiles depict famous battles or national
events, and common designs nod to Moorish themes as well as religious icons and – in this century, abstract creations by artists such as Paula Rego, which line the Lisbon Metro station at the airport.
Painting your own tile is harder than it looks. Colours are added in layers using the majolica technique so that the more brush strokes you add, the more vibrant the nal work. And a very steady hand is needed to follow the stencils which are helpfully provided. It’s not quite painting by numbers, though – especially as you can’t be sure of the nal result until the tile is red and allowed to dry overnight.
Relaxing afterwards at our hotel Casa Palmela with massages at the Slow Wellness Centre felt well-earned – as was the delicious dinner which followed in the Zimbral restaurant where we ate tuna tartare and grouper with clams. Vegetarians and vegans are well catered for – I loved the gnocchi with sun dried tomato pesto.
e hotel sits in a vineyard and takes its wine seriously too. We sipped local Alambre moscatel as an aperitif and enjoyed a fresh Aveleda Vinho Verde with our supper as recommended by the talented sommelier.
Casa Palmela is one of those ‘ nds’ that you are desperate to share with friends. A member of the Once Upon a House chain, this historic hotel balances luxury and sophistication with charm and a cosy atmosphere. Owned by the same family for 200 years, its former inhabitants include politician Pedro de Sousa Holstein, Duke of Palmela.
Rooms are large and elegantly dressed without clutter; my shower could have tted the whole family in at once. A deeply comfortable bed and a private terrace outside made it feel like a sanctuary. e hotel has a fabulously can-do approach to life. ey organised our itinerary with genuine pleasure at showing o their region. Running late? Sem problemas. Schedules are exible. Nobody rushes you yet there always seems to be enough time to see and do everything. Back for a night in Lisbon – across the seven-mile long Vasco da Gama bridge – we checked into the equally historic Palácio Ludovice, in the lively Bairro Alto district. e hotel itself has a remarkable place in the city’s history: completed in 1747 by its owner German architect Joao Ludovice, it was one of the few houses to survive the catastrophic 1755 Lisbon earthquake.
e Portuguese king of the day was so impressed he insisted that Ludovice’s building methods be adopted across the city as it was rebuilt, ensuring that future earthquakes could never do as much damage again.
e hotel has been brought up to date of course, but it is still a magni cent building with elegant interiors and even its own chapel. Sta are attentive and thoughtful; a request for a hair appointment with an hour’s notice was met with two options, one within walking distance and its own celebrity clientele. Try that in London.
Spending only one day in Lisbon is almost insulting to a city with so much going on. But don’t miss the 28 tram, which o ers a ride around the old town for about three euros in a wooden tram modelled on those found in San Francisco. You’ll get a sense of the winding hills and astonishing views and can stop o at the magni cent cathedral.
ere’s still time to choose one of the many museums – for tiles, of course, royal treasure, Fado, or modern art and culture at the Gulbenkian. Football fans can get a ticket to watch SL Ben ca, one of Portugal’s most followed clubs.
And before you leave, enjoying a co ee at A Brasileira do Chiado, one of Lisbon’s most emblematic cafes, is a must; the interior is Instagram perfection and the pancakes are delicious.
Ending a trip to Portugal talking about food seems apt. If you were too busy painting tiles and haven’t had time to take a masterclass in making the traditional custard tarts, the Pastéis de Nata, stock up at the airport and tuck in at home as you celebrate a busy, enjoyable trip. A special one, in fact.
BOOK IT: Doubles from €250 at Casa Palmela (hotelcasapalmela.pt). Cosy room from €305 at Palácio Ludovice (palacioludovice.com)
Tess Shepherd, head of the Willow Nursery School, explains how children can be best prepared for the future
While parents are always keen that their children leave nursery reading books and doing their times tables, we know that our most important job at e Willow is to prepare them for starting school. A child who is motivated to learn and makes an e ort, even when they’re nding something a challenge, will nd the transition to school so much easier, as will one who can dress themselves, keep charge of their things and share with others. is is why we’ve structured our days at e Willow around school readiness and what will be expected of them in Reception. e children don’t realise, of course, that they’re being prepared for school. Our focus is on making them feel safe, which is the foundation of successful learning. at means providing clear structure. So our days have a distinct structure: each child knows what to expect and what’s expected of them at every stage, be it story time, free play, number work or singing. is helps them to become con dent and independent in the environment from the start: when children feel safe, they’re happier to try new things. Our structure brings with it rm boundaries, which I believe help children to settle and apply their minds. e whole atmosphere at nursery or school is more positive if children are encouraged to listen quietly when someone is speaking and make eye contact when saying thank you and goodbye.
with learning soft skills such as putting on coats, pouring drinks and cutting paper. I stand by Malcolm Gladwell’s 10,000 hours theory – if we do something enough times, we master it. With very young children, I believe it’s better to work on these skills while they play and learn, rather than dwelling on speci cs for too long. is way manners and life skills become instinctive and part of who they are both at home and in the classroom. It’s no good being able to use a pair of scissors if you’re too afraid to cut, though. A large part of being ready for school is having the con dence and resilience to try something new. Children should start Reception knowing it can be fun and rewarding to be dirty and messy sometimes and to do something that feels dangerous. ey might not enjoy it the rst time but it will get easier In this way we build a growth mindset; they learn that they can improve or feel better about something if they practice.
‘It’s no good being able to use a pair of scissors if you’re too afraid to cut... being ready for school is having the confidence and resilience to try something new’
Once children know that there are times for listening and times for asking questions, they have a pathway to gaining knowledge for themselves, which is the foundation of independent thought. I also believe good manners are an empowering soft skill that helps a child to thrive academically as well as socially.
Children don’t just pick up good manners and kind behaviour through osmosis, though. ey need to be reminded, just as they need guidance
It was Carol Dweck, Professor of Psychology at Stanford University, who came up with the theory of growth and xed mindsets in her work on motivation. She theorised that those with xed mindsets tend to believe that ability is pre-determined and e ort is pointless. But those with a growth mindset tend to embrace challenges, persevere in the face of adversity, accept and learn from failure, focus on process rather than outcome, and see abilities as skills which are developed through e or. Studies have since shown that children with a growth mindset process errors more deeply, allowing their intelligence to improve. In later life children might not remember what they did day to day at e Willow but I hope they never forget the happy, safe feeling they had when they were with us. If they leave us feeling inspired by the world and con dent in themselves, the rest will follow.
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Supercharge children’s meals with these simple suggestions
Iron deficiency is not uncommon in children today, but Lara Isaac is on hand to ensure your under-five is getting enough in their diet
Popeye the Sailorman was on to something when he proclaimed that his superhero strength came from his penchant for gobbling cans of spinach (a rich source of iron). A crucial mineral in the body, iron is needed to produce red blood cells which carry oxygen from the lungs to all parts of the body; it’s also vital for a fully functioning immune system, healthy hormone production and brain development. Babies should be born with good iron stores, but once they are six months old they need to consume iron-rich foods daily. e British Nutrition Foundation states that 1-3 year olds need 6.9mg/day and four to six-year-olds need 6.1mg/day.
Iron de ciency is common in children in the UK. ‘Iron de ciency’ refers to a reduction of total body iron stores, and if this reduction becomes severe enough to reduce red blood cell production, it becomes ‘iron de ciency anaemia’. Both de ciency and anaemia can present with myriad symptoms including pale skin, tiredness, weakness, slow growth rate, tongue swelling, hair loss and spoon shaped nails. Children might also su er from a condition called pica (associated with both iron and zinc de ciencies) which precipitates a desire to eat unusual non-food items such as ice, clay or paper.
While the most common cause is a diet too low in iron, secondary conditions such as coeliac disease, thyroid conditions or chronic threadworm/diarrhoea can all impair iron absorption, driving de ciency. If you suspect your child might be de cient then speak to the GP; a full blood count (FBC) with iron studies (ideally including ferritin, serum iron, iron saturation, transferrin and total iron binding capacity) will reveal their nutrition status, and supplementation can be tailored – either under the guidance of the GP or another health practitioner such as a nutritional therapist. Whatever you do, don’t take it
upon yourself to begin supplementation without testing or consulting a health practitioner rst; iron intake epitomizes the golden rule of nutrition: not too much, not too little - too much iron can drive bacterial growth, and even accumulate in internal organs, potentially causing toxicity and fatal damage to the brain and liver.
In order to ensure your under-5 is getting enough iron, it’s important to understand the di erence between haem and non-haem iron. Haem iron is found in animal tissue (meat) and is the type that is most easily absorbed in the body; non-haem, on the other hand, is found in plant sources and has about half the bioavailability of haem iron. Liver, red meat (beef, lamb, venison), poultry and sh (salmon, mackerel, sardines, prawns) are good sources of haem iron and top sources of non-haem iron include lentils, chickpeas, beans, apricots and leafy green vegetables. e bioavailability of non-haem can make it a challenge for vegetarian and vegan eaters to meet their daily requirements; while spinach is considered a good source of iron, studies estimate that as little as 2 percent of the iron from spinach is absorbed by the body (which is fairly low - the absorption of iron from meat is about 15-35 percent). is isn’t to say your child won’t get enough iron from plant foods alone (we are all di erent, and both gut health and genetics can impact iron status), but if they aren’t eating haem sources, you should keep an eye out for signs of de ciency.
Other top tips include avoiding serving dairy alongside iron-rich meals (as calcium inhibits iron absorption) and pairing non-haem iron sources with foods high in vitamin C, which boosts absorption. e key is encouraging your child to eat a balanced and varied diet and, ultimately, if their dietary intake proves insu cient and they do become de cient, then supplementation can help build their iron stores, keeping them ghting t.
Whip up a super simple homemade pesto with spinach, chickpeas and extra virgin olive oil. Top with a squeeze of lemon for a hit of vitamin C to boost iron absorption.
Try swapping regular wheat-based pasta for red lentil pasta; not only is it rich in iron, it’s also higher in protein and fibre.
Always ask yourself what you can add on to meals: sprinkle pistachios, apricots or pumpkin seeds onto porridge; ground flaxseeds onto pasta or crispy roasted kale on top of bean stews
Spread on seeded toast. Bonus points for adding a handful of chopped carrots and cucumber for extra antioxidants
For a toddler, nursery is a place of safety and fun. And as parents, we see it as a place to learn but also a place to play. But what happens when big school looms, and how do nurseries support not just the child, but also the parent in managing the enormous transition?Well, building trust starts even before the nursery doors open. ‘From the moment we receive a registration for a child entering nursery, we organise a home visit and settling in sessions with both parents and child,’ says Amanda Willis, Head of Hoe Bridge Nursery and Pre-Prep in Woking, Surrey. ‘We begin building strong and trusting relationships so that we know both parent and child well.’ is close relationship is, she says, fostered throughout nursery all the way up to starting Pre-Prep.
How about choosing that all-important next school? Well, many will have put names down at birth or have a very clear idea as to what school will best suit their child, but rest assured, no matter to which environment they’re heading, they will be well-prepared.
‘We send children to other private schools, as well as our own and to
state schools,’ says Louise Collingwood-Ellis, head of e Villa School Nursery and Pre-Prep, in South East London, whose motto is ‘A small school with a big heart’.
She adds: ‘Quite a few come to our Prep school. It used to be that all children in the nursery would get a place, but we are so over-subscribed that we’ve had to move towards an assessment model.’ is isn’t unusual, especially in London schools, where places at good schools are hotly competed for.
‘We aren’t asking the children to do a big exam,’ reassures CollingwoodEllis. ‘ ey are only three years old.’ She says that the nursery focuses on the personal, social and emotional side of development, because it gives children an understanding of self and the resilience to do assessments, rather than hothousing them academically.
‘Some schools assess far more heavily than e Villa, and we prepare them for those slightly more stringent situations. However, we’re not just coaching, we’re also setting them up for their future.’ As an aside, she says that the assessments are generally great fun, ensure that children aren’t
stressed, and often involve a biscuit. ‘At the end of the day, schools want their pupils to love learning and to come to school buzzing about the fact that they’re going swimming or doing gardening.’ And working on their emotional resilience, their risk-taking and their self-regulation are building blocks for future learning.
Amanda Willis says that all of their nursery pupils enter Reception at Hoe Bridge, and this means that preparation for the next step is simpler. ‘ roughout that whole year we take groups of children into the Reception area, and especially the outdoor area, where they’re working alongside Reception children, and mirroring some of their activities, learning social skills, independence and looking at early literacy and numbers.’ Teachers in Reception spend quality time with nursery children so that they are familiar with their friendly faces once they start in the autumn term. ‘We do a big moving on day, where they spend a morning in the new classroom, working with their new teachers.’ Pupils feel enthused and excited.
Communication with parents is of course key throughout. ‘We give nursery parents lots of information about children’s learning and the reason why they do what they do, and how it builds skills and con dence for the future,’ says Willis.
‘So, for example, if they are doing ne motor control activities, such as threading, we explain how this is helping strengthen dexterity in their ngers, ready for early writing. Our play isn’t just play. It’s purposeful play, and it’s building foundational skills for reception so that they are fully prepared and equipped with the tools they need to further develop.’ Hoe Bridge also delivers information evenings for parents at the beginning of reception, talking through procedures, expectations and how parents can support their children at home. Plus there is an open door policy. ‘We take great pride in our triangular approach, where we work
very closely with the parent, the child and the school to ensure each child has the very best educational journey.’ is communication weaves throughout a child’s schooling, as there are many stages to go through. ‘We go back to handholding with parents when it comes to moving up to Prep school,’ says Louise Collingwood-Ellis. ‘We have a very tried and tested, solid route for the seven-plus process, for example, and that is to collaborate with the parents at every stage. We update with data reports twice a year, we have one to one meetings with myself, and we also have an open door policy.’ Recognising the individual child is key, she says. ‘We have very bespoke homework packs, support and prep, tailored both to the child and to the school the parents wish them to attend.’
She says that they guide parents. ‘I have excellent relationships with head teachers, and we are very honest about where their child sits within any assessment process. e next school is a discussion that develops over time.’
So much of our lives are experienced through screens now. We fail to notice what’s around us as we walk about plugged into the online world, and it’s the same for our sons and daughters. However, Early Years providers are ensuring that young children experience something that the online world can’t replicate: the magical properties and wide-ranging bene ts of being outside.
Amy Frampton, a Year 1 teacher at Walhampton School in Hampshire, radiates enthusiasm when I speak to her about the Forest School provision they run there, remarking that it’s very much part of the school’s DNA. ‘We are blessed with our grounds surrounded by trees and lakes,’ she notes.
She particularly loves how being outside enables teachers to see the children from di erent perspectives, picking up on things that sitting in a classroom doesn’t always allow. It’s a vital opportunity to see children in what she describes as their ‘more natural way of being.’ Frampton highlights that being outside is more uid, and that some children are more at ease. ‘Some will nd nooks and crannies for a quiet space, whereas others will be running around. It works harmoniously. ere are also more opportunities for conversation. Children have so many questions and we have more time to do that.’
For younger children, Frampton notes, Forest School is an opportunity to experience awe and wonder. Everything is new to the younger children and the best thing for her as a teacher is seeing the joy it brings them. With a daughter at the school too, she also sees what these activities contribute as a parent. She describes how they pass an oak tree on the way to their weekly trip to Forest School and they use that opportunity to talk about nature, noticing the changes with the seasons, such as how much sky can be seen through its canopy. ey might also spy snowdrops for the rst time and discuss the timing of their appearance.
What Forest School does is bring to life those conversations surrounding nature in the classroom. It’s also a way for children to expand and experiment and take more risks. ‘Children have space to move around,’ Frampton says. ‘ ey can climb a tree in a safe environment asking themselves how high they can go. I see their language develop and their con dence. ey learn independence in getting dressed in waterproofs, hats and gloves and they have space to follow their own interests. Some love tools and others love the mud kitchen or den building.’
With an outdoor canopy providing a sheltered area, children are out there
in all weathers. Puddle jumping and getting dirty is actively encouraged, away from our obsession with sterile environments. Frampton describes how each week they cook a snack on the re such as warming porridge. ‘Reception gets to use a re striker, and their eyes light up when they get a spark,’ she adds. ‘ ere’s a community feel with everyone around the re. ey’re at ease and more open and willing to chat, especially the more reserved.’
Using tools such as the re striker and whittling sticks using a knife develop ne motor skills, while climbing trees and swinging o branches build strength, bene tting gross motor skills. All in the name of fun. ‘ rill, will, skill,’ as they say at Walhampton.
Frampton sees collaboration and leadership skills emerging when they take mixed age groups and the in uence is long lasting: Year 8 pupils still speak fondly of their Forest School memories.
Although Christ Church Cathedral School (CCCS) has the city of Oxford as its setting, there are opportunities aplenty for children to take their learning outside and experience nature. ‘It is a special destination for CCCS children to be within nature in the city, to experiment, learn respect for nature, and to explore it,’ notes Lucy Channer.
At the Montessori Early Years Setting housed in the 16th-century building where Cardinal Wolsey himself sketched plans for the college, the children have access to their own secret courtyard and garden. It’s here they add ‘leaf litter’ to their ‘cooking’ with mud kitchen materials, explore paths weaving around the ower beds or build dens.
Channer explains that beyond the school grounds, children have access to Christ Church Meadow. ‘It brings learning alive in the natural environment.’
e school’s Woodland School takes place on the edge of Merton Field. ‘We begin Woodland School each year explaining that they are fortunate to be custodians of our piece of woodland.’ Here learning is a natural process and is observed unobtrusively by the teachers. ‘Our Woodland School sessions allow for spontaneous learning,’ Channer explains. ‘Fine motor skills, creativity, concentration, teamwork and collaboration are all observed as the children undertake projects, use tools and express themselves in the fresh air.’
On one occasion, learning about the importance of trees in the carbon cycle, nursery children watched the ground under a tree being cleared of weeds and a wire fence being placed around the foot of the tree by one of the CCCS team. eir curiosity piqued, they learned that the weeds were removed so the tree could spread its roots, and the fence was to stop the
deer eating the tree. Channer notes how protective the children are of their special space. One day, searching for signs of Autumn, one child brought a paper bag to her full of small pieces of rubbish. ‘It’s Autumn,’ he said. ‘ ere are lots of new students and tourists back in Oxford!’
e location of e Gardens Daycare and Nursery School (‘Gardens’) in South West London, is further proof that a city location is no impediment to outdoor learning. A nature walk takes place once a week where the children learn about protecting the environment, so that they will develop into adults who look after it. Every day children also go to the local park to do their daily mile where they practice phonics and maths in noticing numbers on doors and car number plate details en route.
e use of natural materials enhances learning and development, whether it’s using stones for counting or building fairy houses outside to develop ne motor skills. Leaves, branches and other found treasures are brought back to the nursery to foster creativity.
At their Gardening Club, children learn about cultivating plants, giving them a sense of responsibility. Zso a Horvath, Garden’s Deputy Manager, explains that activities such as this provide an ideal environment in which to learn about climate change in an age-appropriate way. Discussing matters such as deforestation but framing it in a positive way entails looking at what steps children can actively take to protect the environment.
Wimbledon Common is the perfect setting to teach children about the life cycle by examining tadpoles, and the green areas around South elds mean children are exposed to wild ducks and birds. Walks to these areas are also an opportunity to teach the children about road safety and, where public transport is used, social aspects are nurtured, such as giving up seats for the elderly. A recent trip to Battersea Park saw children preparing their own sandwiches for a picnic.
Sta at Gardens are ambitious in the outdoor experiences they provide for their young charges. Nursery Manager, Ola Konkolewska, tells me how they organised a coach trip to Bocketts Farm. Closer to home, Gardens fosters the children’s engagement outside in the local community. ey’ve been helping to take care of their local park, Coronation Gardens, where
they’ve been involved in planting trees and plants, and were very proud to show their parents their work at a recent opening.
Horvath highlights just how much children understand, which should never be underestimated. e time invested in outdoor activities at Gardens lters out into the wider world. Parents tell Horvath that their children are proactive in picking up rubbish on weekend walks and also teach their parents how to identify plants. Similarly, a visit to the seaside sees the children choosing to pick up litter on the beach.
All this exposure outdoors also creates calmer children indoors.
‘During our evening circle, the children talk to their friends about what they have done; the activities help them open up,’ says Horvath. ‘It’s the healing e ect of nature.’ ere’s a mindfulness aspect to nature walks that naturally encourages this.
Meanwhile, Frampton highlights a surprising and amusing detail that pinpoints the deep levels of engagement young children have with the natural world. She and her sta at Walhampton had noticed that, unlike in the classroom, hardly anyone needs the loo when they are out! is aside, Frampton sees the instant positive e ect that nature has on everyone.
‘Everyone comes back with a smile, even the teachers,’ she says.
Parlez-vous Français? Situated in the heart of London, L’Ecole des Petits and L’Ecole de Battersea are more than just bilingual schools; they offer the chance to experience the best of both worlds
L’Ecole des Petits, established in 1977, and L’Ecole de Battersea, established in 2005, two English-French bilingual sister schools offer families a full immersion in the captivating world of bilingual learning tailored for children aged 3-11.
Recent studies reveal that bilingualism from an early age sparks enhanced cognitive abilities, creativity and advanced problem-solving skills. As our young learners master both languages, they are not just absorbing words; they are embracing a distinctive thinking and cultural perspective perfect for today’s interconnected global stage – and the earlier they start the better.
The children learn to glide effortlessly between French and English conversations, seamlessly blending linguistic finesse with
a sharp cognitive edge as they mature. The meticulously designed hybrid curriculum goes beyond simple language acquisition; it cultivates an environment where children thrive on open-mindedness and motivation, celebrating cultural diversity with more than 30 nationalities represented.
Blending the best elements of both French and British curriculum, L’Ecole des Petits & L’Ecole de Battersea offer an exceptional educational experience that not only values bilingualism and academics, but also the softer subjects such as sports, art and drama. The competitive school fees make this high-quality education accessible to a wide range of families.
‘Thanks to small-class sizes, the teaching staff are able to tailor their teaching to the individual needs of children’s learning and their abilities,’ a parent says. The diverse
team is passionately dedicated to providing a nurturing space where children don’t just grow – they flourish. From engaging activities to personalised pastoral care, the pupils thrive in a supportive and safe environment.
We offer weekly school visits on Thursdays and Fridays for families to discover the enchanting realm of our bilingual environment. ‘Where there is vision the children shall flourish’
RSVP: admissions@lecoledespetits.co.uk
+44(0)20 7371 8350
For L’Ecole des Petits (ages 3-6), SW6 2NB: lecoledespetits.co.uk
For L’Ecole de Battersea (ages 3-11), SW11 3DS: lecoledebattersea.co.uk
ADDRESS: Bassett Bear House, 73 St Helen’s Gardens, London W10 6LL
WEBSITE: www.bassetths.org.uk
AGES: 2-4
£3,867 per term (5 mornings per week)
£7,734 per term (5 full days per week)
HEAD TEACHER: Mr Christopher Woodward
CONTACT: Director of Admissions
EMAIL: admissions@bassetths.org.uk
SCHOOL VISITS: Personal tours are offered. Stay Play sessions take place regularly throughout each term.
THE CURRICULUM: We boast a bespoke future-focused curriculum, taught by specialists for the best outcomes, where much-loved traditions meet innovation. In our Early Years, our timetable offers a hybrid of structured lessons crossed with Montessori play-based principles.
GAMES & THE ARTS: Our specialist PE and sports teachers encourage pupils to try a host of activities and game. Music, drama and art are also taught by specialist teachers and allow for pupils to e press themselves with confidence across a spectrum of media.
PASTORAL CARE: Bassett House has a homely feel -where parents say their child is more nurtured, known and seen. We consider it a privilege to educate children in our academic school with small class sizes and e pert staff committed to making learning memorable. Happy children learn. When pupils join Bassett in our Nursery, they receive their very own Pastoral Plan from our Pastoral Lead.
HEAD TEACHER’S PHILOSOPHY: We teach Bassett pupils to be rounded and grounded: our pupils are balanced. They are taught to show humility, be tolerant and always thankful for what they have. We are a smaller school and so Bassett pupils create a palpable feeling of a school that is welcoming with a big heart; it is caring and full of charm.
OUTSTANDING CHARACTERISTICS: Tucked away in a thriving London village, we boast state of the art technology, performing arts studio, gym, stage and library. Our bespoke Early Years comprise of multi structure play spaces developed with House of in, which clearly say, You matter’ Horse riding is now part of the curriculum for children in Year 1 and up. We are also true to our founding vision in remaining a house school: our homefrom-home atmosphere is a particularly special quality that we cherish. And finally, our team of teachers are genuinely committed to working together to give the very best to Bassett pupils. For each the best.
ADDRESS: 62 Standen Road, London SW18 5TG
WEBSITE: www.gardenschildcare.co.uk
AGES: 9 Months to 5 Years
FEES: From £1139 per month. Short term, weekly and hourly ad-hoc care available. 15/30 Hours Universal Funding available.
HEAD TEACHER: Sarah Bokaie N.N.E.B
ENTRANCE PROCEDURE: Register from pregnancy
CONTACT: Leila Bokaie, Admissions Manager
EMAIL: leila@gardenschildcare.co.uk
SCHOOL VISITS: By appointment
THE CURRICULUM: The Gardens offers fle ible day care, within a structured, safe and e citing environment, where children have fun, make friends and en oy learning through play. Children over 2 benefit from a nursery school routine during term time and more informal, fun sessions during the holidays. By means of developmentally appropriate play activities and a high level of individual adult input, we offer a curriculum tailored to each child, enabling them to progress through the Early Years Foundation Stage and preparing them for the National Curriculum at ‘Big School’.
GAMES & THE ARTS: Throughout the year we introduce different themes incorporating colour, shape, number and letter recognition. We offer a variety of activities including Mandarin, French, ballet, music, singing, cooking, sports, arts cra s, and lots of messy play. We visit the local park and go on farms visits, Safari Club and fruit picking. Weekly, the pre-school children bring a packed lunch as part of ‘Big School’ preparations. These sessions are more work based and include the Jolly Phonic writing and reading system.
PASTORAL CARE: As one parent put it so brilliantly, ‘Nourish & Flourish’ (the name on the old baby food factory opposite the nursery) is at the heart of our business. We only recruit who we believe to be high quality staff who are calm, kind and caring, and genuinely love working with children. Our pastoral care e tends to our brilliant team we offer our staff a range of wellbeing supports, alongside training and social activities.
HEAD TEACHER’S PHILOSOPHY: We have an eco-friendly ethos at The Gardens, only using organic food and ethically sourced products, supporting good animal welfare. Our nappies, wipes, cotton wool and lotion that we use provides a clean, healthy and nurturing environment for your child. Our menu is organic, free range and homemade daily from scratch, even the ketchup - as well as being sugar, salt and nut free (e cept birthday cakes ).
OUTSTANDING CHARACTERISTICS: Our family-run nursery resides in a large and innovative building, where founder Mrs B and her team offer children, including her own grandchildren, a nurturing space to en oy learning through play. Our bright airy classrooms are filled with an abundance of e citing and educational toys, and our Magical Faraway Tree on our roof garden is a very special place, accessed by a grassy bridge where our children enjoy listening to stories under the leafy canopy.
ADDRESS: Kew Green Nursery, 85 Kew Green, TW9 3AH
WEBSITE: www.kewgreennursery.com
FOUNDED: September 2022 (Prep School founded in 2004)
AGES: 2-4 years old
FEES: (Termly): Starting at £3,100 (www.kewgreennursery.com/admissions/fees)
HEAD TEACHER: Mrs Sasha Davies
CONTACT: 0208 948 5999
EMAIL: rowena.heaton kgps.co.uk
SCHOOL VISITS: Please email rowena.heaton kgps.co.uk to book a tour.
THE CURRICULUM: Welcome to Kew Green Nursery, located in the heart of ew. Our nursery has witnessed a flourishing growth and has transformed into a thriving environment for early years education. With 35 children, our team is dedicated to tending to the needs of each uni ue child. Our aim is to create an environment where knowledge sprouts, curiosity blooms, and the roots of a lifelong love for learning develop.
CO-CURRICULAR: To enhance learning, we make use of our specialist teachers from ew Green Preparatory School for lessons such as PE, ICT, Music and Art. In addition, we use the glorious ew Green for our Forest School every week.
PASTORAL CARE: We aim to nurture and educate our children to develop their self-confidence, resilience and passion for learning. We provide a safe and stimulating environment where children thrive and develop a sense of belonging as they are cared for by our dedicated and talented staffing team. During these early years, we hope to promote e cellent social skills and we encourage the children to become responsible, confident and independent learners.
HEAD OF NURSERY’S PHILOSOPHY: Self-confidence is at the core of a child’s education, and is our founding principle. We focus on who the children are becoming as individuals. With us, they establish an articulate voice and self-awareness. The growth-mindset is celebrated, and we encourage our children to embrace, learn and grow from their mistakes.
OUTSTANDING CHARACTERISTICS: Our beautiful indoor and outdoor spaces are designed to provoke a sense of wonder and e citement in our children and include bespoke areas for roleplay, sand and water play, art and construction, a reading wall and places for uiet time. We have e uipped the building with a creative studio for specialist learning and mini-classrooms to support the transition to Reception.
Gardener Schools Group. One family, one vision, four schools.
ADDRESS: The ittle Courtyard, Hampton Court House, Richmondupon-Thames, T8 9BS
WEBSITE: www.hamptoncourthouse.co.uk/school/early-years/
FOUNDED: 2001 (Hampton Court House)
AGES: 2-5
FEES: £5,713 - £5,903 (e AT) (Termly, and 15 hour funding accepted)
HEAD TEACHER: Genevieve Mackenzie, Head of Early Years at Hampton Court House
ENTRANCE PROCEDURE: Selective: candidates invited to trial days
CONTACT: Dale Cash, Head of Admissions
EMAIL: admissions@hchnet.co.uk
SCHOOL VISITS: Open Mornings held fortnightly during term-time
THE CURRICULUM: The ittle Courtiers en oy a bespoke, child-centred curriculum, combining the EYFS with Forest School and drawing from Montessori and Reggio Emilia pedagogy which focuses on the holistic child as an individual.
GAMES & THE ARTS: Sports and the arts are a strong focus in our curriculum through specialist lessons like PE, Forest School, Music and Performance.
PASTORAL CARE: Through parent partnership we use a combined approach, utilising the EYFS, a positive behaviour management system and igsaw, a PSHE programme. Every child is treated as a uni ue individual. They are taught to e press themselves well, regulate their emotions, resolve conflict in a positive way, have manners, recognise the importance of their voice and to assert it in a respectful way. Safeguarding is key to e cellent pastoral care.
HEAD TEACHER’S PHILOSOPHY: We place the child and their families at the centre of every decision we make. We think of early years as a nurturing springboard to ensure children have the best start in life. It is our responsibility to foster a sense of awe and wonder of the world.
OUTSTANDING CHARACTERISTICS: The ittle Courtiers pre-prep at Hampton Court House stands out for its passionate staff dedicated to early years education. With beautiful grounds fostering outdoor e ploration, its child-centred approach and bespoke curriculum nurture a love for learning. Children thrive, making remarkable progress from their starting points, cultivating happiness and a positive learning environment. It is a perfect springboard for automatic entry to our Prep School as children are already known and nurtured, ma imising their potential for academic and individual development and growth as they move through each school year.
• Fun, nurturing, independent pre-school for 2½ to 5-year-olds
• Traditional & Montessori teaching from a long-established team of staff
• RULER (Well Being) Programme
• Playball
Afternoon Activities: Art & Craft, Little Foxes (Football & Rugby), STEM, Teddy Tennis, Forest School & Ballet (Chelsea Ballet School), Hot lunches provided for afternoon children by Chilli Bees
To find out more about how Kew reen ursery can make a difference to your child, please book a visit to view our beautiful facilities and meet our staff and children.
Part of the Gardener Schools Group - One family, one vision, four schools.
ADDRESS: The Old Methodist Hall, Gwendolen Avenue, ondon SW15 6EH
WEBSITE: www.hurlinghamschool.co.uk
AGES: 2-5
FEES: £3,530 (Nursery 5 sessions) £5,480 (Nursery 5 full days). We offer the 15 or 30 hours niversal Funding to those who are eligible
HEAD TEACHER: Mr Richard Mc elland
RELIGIOUS AFFILIATION: Non-denominational ENTRANCE PROCEDURE: Register from birth
CONTACT: Anna Williams, Nursery School Administrator, 020 8874 7186
EMAIL: nursery.office hurlinghamschool.co.uk
SCHOOL VISITS: Please contact the school to arrange an appointment
THE CURRICULUM: Hurlingham School’s Nursery offers outstanding provision for girls and boys aged two to five in a cutting-edge setting on Gwendolen Avenue in west Putney. The final year emphasises all aspects of school readiness to give children a flying start to their formal education. It includes a one day per week Forest School option.
GAMES & THE ARTS: Music, drama and sport are all co-ordinated by specialist staff. The children en oy regular music, movement, yoga, karate and outdoor learning, including Forest School.
PASTORAL CARE: Pupils are e ceptionally well cared for. The school has e cellent arrangements in place to ensure that pupils are safe at all times. The school is a kind place where adults are e tremely caring and pupils are considerate towards others. A pupil summed this up by commenting: children are kind and we share what we have with one another.’ Ofsted, February 2018.
RECENT SCHOLARSHIPS: E it Schools: Hurlingham Nursery provides an e cellent foundation for all children with a particular teaching and learning focus to prepare pupils for learning on the school’s main site on the Putney Bridge Road.
HEAD TEACHER’S PHILOSOPHY: The Nursery provision at Hurlingham fosters and develops children’s interest in the world around them through initiating a life-long love of learning and academia.
OUTSTANDING CHARACTERISTICS: An idyllic, small school with large classrooms and lots of scope for self-e pression in a nurturing, academic setting. In addition to the three terms in the academic year an additional 16 weeks of holiday club are offered to allow parents to opt in for specific weeks re uired, without having to financially commit to a full 50 weeks a year. (This e cludes a 2-week period over Christmas and Bank holidays outside).
ADDRESS: Dolphin branch ondon SW11, West Side branch ondon SW18
WEBSITE: www.noahsarknurseryschools.org.uk
AGES: 2-5
FEES: (termly) £2,646
ENTRANCE PROCEDURE: isit, then offers for siblings first, then in order of date of registration.
CONTACT: Mrs ivienne Benson. Admissions Registrar
EMAIL: admissions dolphinschool.org.uk
SCHOOL VISITS: isits by appointment with the Admissions Registrar
THE CURRICULUM: We follow the new 2022 EYFS Development Matters alongside the Birth to 5 curriculum. We use in-the-moment planning which responds to children’s interests, stretching those who need greater challenges and supporting those who need to embed basic skills. We use visual aids, songs, rhymes, picture books, including Bible stories and prepare children for primary/prep school.
GAMES & THE ARTS: We have a weekly PE lesson with a specialised PE teacher. We also have weekly Rhythm and Movement sessions, responding to songs with voice, instruments and movement. Art materials are plentiful and aim to develop creative flair.
PASTORAL CARE: Wonderful nursery that genuinely cares about bringing out the best in each and every child. The staff are incredibly kind and nurturing and the smaller class size means each child gets the support they need . We know each child well and they know they are loved and cared for by all staff. Noah’s Ark provides a great framework for character development. E cellent behaviour is modelled at every turn, kindness that supports each other is communicated with grace and confidence. Positive interaction with peers and adults is key to the nursery.
EXIT PREP/PRIMARY SCHOOLS: Broomwood Hall, Dolphin School, Eaton House Schools, Finton House, Hornsby House, Parkgate School, The Roche, Thomas’s Schools, local state schools.
HEAD TEACHER’S PHILOSOPHY: Our approach is about the individual and supporting each child to foster a love for learning. We have a community of staff, parents and children, encouraging the children to have a real sense of independence in themselves, their minds and learning.
OUTSTANDING CHARACTERISTICS: oving, kind, relational, listening, nurturing and skilled teachers. Child centred learning curriculum planned around the children’s interests. Children are allowed to be themselves, finding oy in the activities that interest them and their successes and discovering a deep love of learning. Children are encouraged to be independent, aspirational and positive in overcoming challenges. indness is at the heart of our community. The children skip in and leave with smiles on their faces and in their hearts they love their teachers and friends.
ADDRESS: 60 Bassett Road, W10 6JP
WEBSITE: www.bassetths.org.uk FOUNDED: 1947
AGES: 3-11
FEES: (termly) £7,734 - £8,618
HEAD TEACHER: Mr Christopher Woodward
RELIGIOUS AFFILIATION: Non-denominational ENTRANCE PROCEDURE: Non-selective in early years. Priority placement to siblings of current students and children of alumnae. Taster and assessment morning required for pupils in Year 1 and above.
CONTACT: Director of Admissions
EMAIL: admissions@basetths.org.uk
SCHOOL VISITS: Stay & Play sessions for Nursery and Reception applicants take place regularly throughout each term. Personal tours are offered with the Head twice per week.
THE CURRICULUM: We boast a bespoke future-focused Bassett Baccalaureate curriculum, taught by specialists for the best outcomes, where much-loved traditions meet innovation – a curriculum crammed with creativity, critical thinking, communication and collaboration.
GAMES & THE ARTS: Our specialist PE and sports teachers encourage pupils to try a host of activities and games from introduction to team sports. Music, drama and art are also taught by specialist teachers and allow for pupils to e press themselves with confidence across a spectrum of media.
PASTORAL CARE: Bassett House has a homely feel – where parents say their child is more nurtured, known and seen. We consider it a privilege to educate children in our academic school with small class sizes and expert staff committed to making learning memorable. Happy children learn. When pupils join Bassett in our pre-school, they receive their very own Pastoral Plan from our Pastoral Lead. Communication Station supports pupils who need a boost.
HEAD TEACHER’S PHILOSOPHY: We focus on what children can do because we know that achievement comes in all forms. We proudly celebrate our most academically able pupils who go on to Year 7 at some of London’s most academically selective schools, and we also celebrate those for whom success is richly deserved in many and multiple other ways.
OUTSTANDING CHARACTERISTICS: Tucked away in a thriving London village, we boast state of the art technology, performing arts studio, gym, stage and library. Our bespoke Early Years comprise of multi structure play spaces developed with House of Kin, which clearly say, ‘You Matter’! Horse riding is now part of the curriculum for children in Year 1 and up. Children learn not only to ride but biology, animal care and much more through the pioneering partnership with Wormwood Scrubs Pony Centre.
ADDRESS: 106 Northcote Road, London SW11 6QW
WEBSITE: www.dolphinschool.org.uk
AGES: 2-11
FEES: Termly: Nursery £2,646; Reception, Years 1 & 2 £5,190; Years 3-6 £5,690
ENTRANCE PROCEDURE: Reception class, early registration recommended. Non-selective for Reception; For Year 1–6, assessment day and past school reports
CONTACT: Vivienne Benson, 020 7924 3472 ext 2
EMAIL: admissions@dolphinschool.org.uk
SCHOOL VISITS: Please contact the Admissions Registrar
THE CURRICULUM: Our small class sizes enable us to get to know your child e tremely well so that we can not only set specific individualised academic targets, but also discover how they learn best. We prioritise English and maths, however, we do offer a holistic programme including science, geography, history, Spanish, computer coding, gardening and a vast array of extracurricular activities, clubs and outings.
GAMES & THE ARTS: We train pupils in the arts (drama, music, painting, drawing, clay and design and technology) with fantastic specialist teaching and a plethora of performing and exhibiting opportunities. We also coach children in a wide range of sports (football, tag rugby, hockey, netball, cricket, dance, athletics and cross-country running) through dynamic teaching and a superb fi ture list.
PASTORAL CARE: We are committed to giving both time and care to grow your child’s character on their journey from nursery to year six. Dolphin children are known to be caring, compassionate, supportive, funny, ambitious, “give-it-a-go” people who value integrity and truth and who go the extra mile to inspire others to achieve.
SENIOR EXIT SCHOOLS: Alleyn’s, Box Hill, Caterham, Christ’s Hospital, Dulwich College, Eaton Square Senior, Emanuel, Epsom College, Farnborough Hill, Francis Holland, Frensham Heights, Hurstpierpoint, Ibstock Place, James Allen’s Girls’ School, Kew House, King’s College Wimbledon, Northwood Senior, Priors Field, Royal Russell, St John’s Leatherhead, Streatham and Clapham High, Thomas’s Battersea Square, Trinity, Whitgi , Woldingham, Worth School.
HEAD TEACHER’S PHILOSOPHY: If we want children to be the best they can be, academically, artistically, in sport or as people, we must start by valuing them for who they are and to appreciate that they have different intelligences which need opportunities to be developed.
OUTSTANDING CHARACTERISTICS: With a combination of nurture and dynamism and the passionate and compassionate commitment of the highly skilled staff Dolphin School provides a fantastic all-round education allowing children to be known, heard and to have joy in finding their interests and gi s.
ADDRESS: 10-13 Prince’s Gardens, London, SW7 1ND WEBSITE: www.brightoncollegeprepkensington.co.uk
AGES: 2-13
FEES: (Termly) Pre-nursery and Nursery (part time) £3,861-£4,292; Pre-nursery and nursery (full time) £7,830; Reception, Year 1 and 2, £9,188; Year 3 – 6, £9,762; Year 7-8, £10,294
HEAD TEACHER: ois Gaffney
CONTACT: Jessica Jackson, Head of Admissions 020 7591 4620
EMAIL: admissions@brightoncollegeprepkensington.co.uk
SCHOOL VISITS: Open days and personal tours are available. Contact admissions@brightoncollegeprepkensington.co.uk
THE CURRICULUM: Our curriculum is driven by academic excellence, kindness and a love of learning, and aligns with the curriculum, ethos, and culture of Brighton College. Through our ‘London is our classroom’ and mini-MBA curriculum, specialist teaching, and a variety of extracurriculars, we provide a broad and engaging enrichment programme for the pupils.
GAMES & THE ARTS: Brighton College Prep Kensington boasts a twoacre garden and use of the local Hyde Park and Imperial College Ethos sports centre. The school encourages all pupils to be active, no matter their ability level, with our ‘Sport for All’ ethos. There are opportunities for all pupils to have specialist teaching in the arts including 1-1 music and drama lessons with teachers from the Royal College of Music.
PASTORAL CARE: Small class sizes and a kind environment mean that children are nurtured and feel confident to approach their teachers and peers. The school uses our Pelican Pathways programme (with award categories of Progress, Partnership, and Participation) to teach kindness, confidence, and self-awareness in the school and local community. Responsible and age appropriate use of technology is emphasised at school, and smartphones are banned on site.
HEAD TEACHER’S PHILOSOPHY: It’s important to foster an environment where a love of learning is at the forefront with kindness and confidence. Our school offers an approach where pupils become trailblazers, community builders, and global citizens – learning to be part of society instead of apart from it.
OUTSTANDING CHARACTERISTICS: A secret two-acre garden, stateof-the-art science labs and the makerspace, and an innovative learning environment that encourages children to develop ideas, collaborate and problem solve. Access to Hyde Park and outstanding facilities including Imperial College’s Ethos sports centre. World class museums are a 5-minute walk allowing for regular immersive learning experiences –London truly is our classroom. Our school boasts 100 school trips across the school community per year, including residentials for all children from Year 3 upwards.
ADDRESS: 38-42 Alleyn Park, London, SE21 (Years 1 - 11), 8 Gallery Road, London SE21 (Nursery & Reception)
WEBSITE: www.dulwichprepsenior.org.uk
AGES: Boys 2–16, Girls 2–4
FEES: £5,700 to £9,455
HEAD TEACHER: Miss Louise Davidson
ENTRANCE PROCEDURE: Main entry points are Nursery (3+), Reception (4+), Year 3 (7+), Year 7 (11+) and Year 9 (13+).
CONTACT: Mrs Claire Austin, Registrar
EMAIL: admissions@dulwichprepsenior.org.uk
SCHOOL VISITS: The school hosts regular small group tours.
THE CURRICULUM: Dulwich Prep & Senior believes in unlocking every child’s potential through an innovative and challenging curriculum. The school values of Love, Courage, Gratitude, Humility, Justice, Service, Selfdiscipline, and Honesty are taught to foster empathy and inspire boys to positively impact society.
GAMES & THE ARTS: Sport, Music, Drama, Art, Cookery, and Design Technology all play a fundamental part in daily life at Dulwich Prep & Senior. The school champions the ability to play sports or be creative with intelligence and passion, and they recognise the benefits of both. The co-curricular programme is vibrant and varied, with over 150 different options. Boys are encouraged to participate in musical activities and drama productions, with competitive sports offered.
PASTORAL CARE: Pastoral care is of the utmost importance to the staff team and community beyond. Dulwich Prep Senior’s e tensive experience working with boys gives them a clear understanding of the physical, emotional, and developmental needs that boys may encounter at school. Boys can only achieve their highest potential when they feel secure and confident. The school offers wraparound care from 7.00am to 7.30pm and fle i-boarding options.
RECENT SCHOLARSHIPS: Over the last seven years (2018-2024), boys have transitioned to over 50 of the top London Day Schools and the best boarding schools in the country. Pupils have been awarded over 300 scholarships (2020-2024), and 93 of families secured their first-choice senior school.
HEAD TEACHER’S PHILOSOPHY: Miss Davidson is passionate about boys learning holistically, building good character, and developing meaningful skills for their future. She effectively balances the school’s heritage and traditions with the need to be at the forefront of what is new and best in education.
OUTSTANDING CHARACTERISTICS: Dulwich Prep & Senior is renowned for providing an exceptional education for boys. Situated on 29 acres, including e tensive sports fields and woodland, the school offers a unique blend of a country atmosphere and a suburban setting.
Located in the heart of London’s vibrant Barbican, Charterhouse Square School offers an exceptional education for children aged 3 to 11.
LocatedintheheartofLondon’svibrantBarbican, CharterhouseSquareSchooloffersanexceptional educationforchildrenaged3to11.
We nurture confident, curious, and self-motivated pupils who thrive in a supportive and inclusive community. Through public speaking, creative projects, and performances, our pupils build a strong foundation that prepares them to excel at London’s top senior schools and beyond.
Wenurtureconfident,curious,andself-motivatedpupilswho thriveinasupportiveandinclusivecommunity.Through publicspeaking,creativeprojects,andperformances,our pupilsbuildastrongfoundationthatpreparesthemtoexcel ’stopseniorschoolsandbeyond.
With results consistently well above national averages and a school culture where kindness and respect flourish, pupils develop a lifelong love of learning. Our family-like ethos, with no uniforms and a first-name basis between teachers and pupils, fosters friendships, celebrates individuality, and empowers every child to achieve their best.
Withresultsconsistentlywellabovenationalaveragesanda schoolculturewherekindnessandrespectflourish,pupils developalifelongloveoflearning.Ourfamily-likeethos, withnouniformsandafirst-namebasisbetweenteachersand pupils,fostersfriendships,celebratesindividuality,and empowerseverychildtoachievetheirbest. www.charterhousesquareschool.co.uk
Scan QR code to book or visit our website.
JoinusatourupcomingNurseryViewingDaysorOpenMorningstodiscoverwhatmakes CharterhouseSquareSchooltrulyspecial.
Join us at our upcoming Nursery Viewing Days or Open Mornings to discover what makes Charterhouse Square School truly special.
To find out more about how Kew reen reparatory School can make a difference to your child, please visit us at one of our forthcoming open events.
Part of the Gardener Schools Group - One family, one vision, four schools.
To find out more about how avenscourt ark reparatory School can make a difference to your child, please visit us at one of our forthcoming open mornings.
Part of the Gardener Schools Group - One family, one vision, four schools.
ADDRESS: ayton House, Ferry ane, ew Green TW9 3AF
WEBSITE: www.kgps.co.uk
NUMBER OF PUPILS: 270 (135 boys, 135 girls)
AGES: 2-11
FEES: (Termly a er AT): From £7,495.20
HEAD TEACHER: Mrs Sasha Davies
RELIGIOUS AFFILIATION: Non-denominational ENTRANCE PROCEDURE: There are three main points of entry: Nursery (2 and 3 ) and Reception (4 ).
CONTACT: Michelle Wadsley, 020 8948 5999
EMAIL: Admissions kgps.co.uk
SCHOOL VISITS: By appointment or Open Mornings: www.kgps.co.uk/admissions/
THE CURRICULUM: Our curriculum far exceeds the national average and prepares all pupils for their 11+ examinations in Year 6. The curriculum is underpinned by the school’s aim to see every child as an individual, championing curiosity, creativity, confidence and collaboration across all areas of school life and learning.
CO-CURRICULAR: KGPS provides an excellent and specialist co-curricular provision in Languages, Art & DT, Music, Computing, Drama and Sports. We also offer full wrap-around care from 8am 6pm. Including an e tensive and wide-ranging e tra-curricular club and trips.
PASTORAL CARE: At GPS, every staff member knows every pupil and the strong relationships across the whole-school community are evident in both impressive pupil outcomes and the happiness of staff, pupils and parents. Our Open Door’ policy reflects a genuine partnership between teachers and parents and we collaborate to ensure our pupils are motivated to learn and happy in their environment.
RECENT SCHOLARSHIPS: Ibstock Place, Kings College, Hampton, Wimbledon High, ew House, Emanuel, ingston Grammar.
HEAD TEACHER’S PHILOSOPHY: Children thrive in an environment where they feel safe, happy, respected and inspired. E cellent education must reach beyond a prescribed knowledge-based curriculum and challenge pupils to ask uestions, think in an abstract and critical way, nurture adaptable mindsets, and an independent and articulate voice. The school culture should embrace who the child is becoming while they succeed and achieve academically and flourish pastorally.
OUTSTANDING CHARACTERISTICS: The school is located in an idyllic setting. Located moments from the Royal Botanic Gardens and the River Thames. Our nursery, opened in September 2022, is located close by. Our Through Schools Policy’ means that, in all but e ceptional circumstances, we can automatically offer pupils from our Preparatory schools entry to the Senior Schools within the Gardener Schools Group.
Part of the Gardener Schools Group - One family, four schools, one vision.
ADDRESS: 16 Ravenscourt Avenue, London W6 0SL
WEBSITE: www.rpps.co.uk
NUMBER OF PUPILS: 420 (210 boys, 210 girls)
AGES: 4-11
FEES: (Termly a er AT) £8,340
HEAD TEACHER: Carl Howes MA (Cantab) PGCE
ENTRANCE PROCEDURE: Register from birth. Entry by ballot; priority given to siblings. Non-selective
CONTACT: Charlie Hayden, 020 8846 9153
EMAIL: admissions rpps.co.uk
SCHOOL VISITS: By appointment or Open Event: www.rpps.co.uk/admissions/
THE CURRICULUM: Our curriculum far exceeds the national average in both breadth and depth and has been carefully cra ed to enable each child to fulfil their individual potential.
CO-CURRICULAR: We offer a plethora of opportunities for our pupils to immerse themselves in music, arts and sport. Our pupils participate in competitive sporting fi tures, perform in regular concerts, or learn an instrument. Pupils fre uently take part in e ternal competitions.
PASTORAL CARE: The pastoral care and well-being of our children is paramount. Our Open Door’ policy reflects a genuine partnership between teachers and parents the family atmosphere is noticeable when you visit. The behaviour we encourage and e pect from our children is based on a whole-school ethos of respect and tolerance. All children subscribe to the RPPS Code of Conduct which emphasises the importance of good manners and treating others with kindness.
RECENT SCHOLARSHIPS: Francis Holland, Notting Hill Ealing, Hampton, St. Swithun’s, CS, atymer, niversity College School, Ibstock Place, City of London, Queen’s Gate, St Benedict’s.
HEAD TEACHER’S PHILOSOPHY: At RPPS, laughter and learning go hand in hand and we ensure that the years with us are happy, successful and fulfilling for each and every child. Our pupils engage in the e citement of learning and develop the confidence to uestion, analyse and e press their opinions.
OUTSTANDING CHARACTERISTICS: RPPS is a thriving school, situated ne t to Ravenscourt Park. We pride ourselves on our e cellent pastoral care and believe that learning should be limitless. All our children from Year 3 to Year 6 take part in residential weeks which help to develop teamwork, resilience and perseverance. Following an inspection in November 2021 by the Independent Schools Inspectorate, the udges rated RPPS e cellent’ in both key outcomes.
Gardener Schools Group. One family, one vision, four schools.
ADDRESS: Hampton Court House, Hampton Court Road, RichmondUpon-Thames, London, KT8 9BS
WEBSITE: www.hamptoncourthouse.co.uk
FEES: Termly £5,713 - £8,354 (ex VAT)
HEAD TEACHER: Katherine Vintiner
RELIGIOUS AFFILIATION: Non-denominational ENTRANCE PROCEDURE: Selective from Prep to Sixth Form. English and Mathematics assessments and interviews. School reports and Heads references required.
CONTACT: Dale Cash, Head of Admissions, 020 8614 0857
EMAIL: admissions hchnet.co.uk
SCHOOL VISITS: Open Mornings held weekly during term time
THE CURRICULUM: An academically challenging curriculum with a focus on languages including our Label FrancÉducation accredited French immersion programme in the Prep School. Latin and Mandarin begin from Year 5 and Spanish begins from Year 7. Small class sizes and expert subject specialists - in 2024 over 50% of all GCSE grades awarded were grades 9-8 (A*) with 31% attaining a grade 9 (top 1/3 of A*). 76% of all GCSE grades were awarded 9-7 (A*/A).
GAMES & THE ARTS: Shortlisted for a national arts award in 2024, the Arts are strong with chamber choir, regular concerts and performances, and individual music tuition. Pupils up to Year 4 have RAD ballet lessons in the curriculum. Sport is taught throughout the school at excellent nearby facilities at St Mary’s and Excel sports facilities and Senior pupils row at the nearby Molesey Boat Club. Over 70 clubs offered throughout the year.
PASTORAL CARE: Our award-winning approach to pastoral care and our behaviour policy reflect our ethos as we always seek first to understand’ and invest time in having conversations with students and families. Our tutor and House system ensures each individual is known and supported to flourish personally and academically.
UNIVERSITY PLACES: In 2023, A-level students enjoyed a 100% O bridge success rate and all students secured places on their first-choice courses. In 2024, 30% of A Level grades were awarded A*/A, with a 100% Russell Group application success rate.
HEAD TEACHER’S PHILOSOPHY: Child-centred learning and relationship is at the heart of our philosophy. We believe that children learn best when they are actively engaged and invested in their education. By nurturing their natural sense of wonder, we lay the groundwork for a lifelong love of learning.
OUTSTANDING CHARACTERISTICS: At HCH, education combines academic rigour with e periential learning, language proficiency, and artistic exploration, from the Forest School in Early Year to the unique Sixth Form offer covering leadership, cultural literacy and physical and mental health. Every child is valued as an individual and our approach to educating the whole child - intellectually, emotionally, and socially - results in both academic excellence and personal growth of young people prepared to thrive in a complex and ever-changing world.
ADDRESS: Heathfield Gardens, Chiswick, W4 4
WEBSITE: www.heathfieldhouse.co.uk
AGES: 3-11
FEES: (termly from January 2025, VAT inc.) £4,606-£5,027
HEAD TEACHER: Mrs Caroline Goodsman
RELIGIOUS AFFILIATION: Non-Denominational ENTRANCE PROCEDURE: Non-selective in Reception. Sibling priority given. Places offered from Year 1 upwards a er a taster morning and academic assessment.
CONTACT: Our Proprietor, Pauline Williamson
EMAIL: admissions heathfieldhouse.co.uk
SCHOOL VISITS: We offer 1-1 tours throughout the year. Please contact us for more information.
THE CURRICULUM: As a school, we aim to provide a stimulating, well-balanced and varied education, helping each child to develop their full potential intellectually, socially and physically. Our strength lies in our family run, nurturing and vibrant community, in which each child’s individual needs, strengths and interests are recognised and valued in a secure, supportive and caring environment.
GAMES & THE ARTS: Children can experience a range of sports during Physical Education lessons, including weekly swimming lessons all year round. Creativity is encouraged; Art, Drama and Music all playing a large part in the curriculum. 1-1 Music Peripatetic lessons are offered, Christmas and Summer Productions also take place.
PASTORAL CARE: At the heart of Heathfield House School lies a welldeveloped pastoral system. Children flourish when they feel valued, safe, secure and happy. The school ethos is based upon The eys to Success’ which we feel are re uired to lead successful, fulfilling lives. Across the school, a growth mindset is developed by giving children the opportunity to experience new challenges, reviewing ways to approach problems and fostering resilience.
RECENT SCHOLARSHIPS: Emanuel, Francis Holland Sloane Square, Hampton, Ibstock Place, ingston Grammar, Notting Hill and Ealing High, St Benedict’s & St James’ Boys.
HEAD TEACHER’S PHILOSOPHY: We are committed to nurturing a caring, family-run environment where every child can develop the confidence needed to succeed. We believe that by focusing on developing not ust academic skills, but also social and physical well-being, we can equip our pupils with the tools to thrive in all aspects of their lives. We strive to foster an environment where each child feels valued and supported throughout their precious primary school years.
OUTSTANDING CHARACTERISTICS: We offer small class sizes to allow pupils to achieve across the curriculum with tailored support for all abilities. We have a strong track record of achieving e cellent results in the 11+ exams and are committed to nurturing the potential of each child and supporting their growth both academically and personally.
ADDRESS: 58 Clapham Common North Side, ondon SW4 9R and 3-5 Eaton Gate, ondon SW1W 9BA
WEBSITE: www.eatonhouseschools.com FOUNDED: 1897
NUMBER OF PUPILS: 823 (All schools) AGES: 4 13
FEES: (termly) Details from Admissions, 020 3917 5050
HEAD TEACHER: Sarah Segrave (Prep Manor); David Wingfield (PrePrep Manor);Claire Fildes (Girls Manor) Roosha Sue (Nursery Manor); Ross Montague (Belgravia)
RELIGIOUS AFFILIATION: Non-denominational, Christian ethos ENTRANCE PROCEDURE: Non-selective at 4 ; English and Maths assessment for other year groups; selective 8 entry at Eaton House The Manor only. CONTACT: Sam Feilding, Head of Admissions, 020 3917 5050 EMAIL: admissions@eatonhouseschools.com
SCHOOL VISITS: Book Open House tours (live tours) online at eatonhouseschools.com, or via admissions@eatonhouseschools.com
THE CURRICULUM: Eaton House Schools Eaton House Schools are the gold standard in single sex London Prep schools. Children soar academically with ambitious goals and unlimited opportunities, boosted by individual challenge in a caring culture, where excellence is supported by wellbeing. Since 1897, Eaton House Belgravia boys have been sent to the top schools in the UK, including Westminster, St Paul’s, and King’s College Wimbledon, achieving 14 coveted 7 offers in 2025. Eaton House The Manor is a Westminster feeder, and boys go on to Eton, St Paul’s, Winchester and Dulwich, and other top schools. Eaton House The Manor Girls won 30 scholarships in 2024 in a uni uely caring and inclusive environment.
GAMES & THE ARTS: Sport is an integral part of life at school. Specialist sports staff nurture a love of sport and nearly 75 percent of children play a musical instrument. Every pupil has weekly drama lessons and can get involved.
PASTORAL CARE: Pastoral care is our fundamental cornerstone. Our form tutors and House system provide the structure for pastoral care. Our buddy system helps integrate pupils into the schools and our Head of Wellbeing supports all parents in a brand-new Wellbeing Hub.
RECENT SCHOLARSHIPS: 42 scholarships and prizes in 2024, including Brighton College, Dulwich, ing’s Wimbledon, Marlborough, Alleyns, Downe House and AGS.
HEAD TEACHER’S PHILOSOPHY: Principal and Eaton House The Manor Head Sarah Segrave feels that: A school is a place where children grow, guided by teachers who are determined that they succeed and are happy.’ David Wingfield at the Pre-Prep is a maths specialist, bringing a high academic pedigree to the school’ (Good Schools). Claire Fildes at the Girls’ School is dynamic and e ceptionally competent’ (Tatler), Roosha Sue at EHTM Nursery is beloved by generations, and Eaton House Belgravia’s Ross Montague is a Superhead’ (The Spectator).
OUTSTANDING CHARACTERISTICS: Academically outstanding, with many scholarships. All pupils receive offers to an e cellent range of Prep and senior schools and set off happy, ambitious and ready to e cel. Eaton House Schools is a part of the Dukes Education family.
ADDRESS: 1 Fulham Park Road, ondon, SW6 4
WEBSITE: www.parsonsgreenprep.co.uk
AGES: 4-11
FEES: (termly) £8,685 to £9,360
HEAD TEACHER: Dr Pamela Edmonds
CONTACT: Mrs Ferne Watts - Admissions Registrar - 0207 610 8085
EMAIL: admissions@parsonsgreenprep.co.uk
SCHOOL VISITS: September Saturday Open Days, Drop-in Mornings each half of term and individual tours.
THE CURRICULUM: An Early Years curriculum through to the 11 enables rapid progress and pertinent challenge leading to high attainment. Specialist teaching in French, music, art and PE with STEAM and an all-embracing core curriculum to ma imise progress. Advanced French programme for fluent speakers.
GAMES & THE ARTS: National ISA and IAPS tournaments and local fi tures in football, netball, tag rugby, cricket, hockey, swimming and skiing. A creative art curriculum, art club, e hibitions and entry to national art competitions. Instrument lessons and AMDA e aminations.
PASTORAL CARE: A deep-rooted culture of effective pastoral care and focus on pupils’ mental wellbeing. The children have fun, are happy, make friends and learn in a personalised, secure and safe environment. They display e tremely high levels of emotional maturity and are highly understanding and empathetic of others’ feelings.’ ISI, May 2022. Those who are searching to nurture and inspire happy, confident children look no further.’ The Good Schools Guide.
RECENT SCHOLARSHIPS: Academic, ballet, sport and art scholarships to selective schools in London.
HEAD TEACHER’S PHILOSOPHY: A drive for academic e cellence within an adaptive ethos that enables high achievement. Encouragement to balance the school’s broad curriculum with co-curricular activities and make intellectual connections, think critically and have the confidence to collaborate and communicate effectively.
OUTSTANDING CHARACTERISTICS: A standalone prep school that ma imises attainment across the breadth of academic, sporting, music, drama, art and co-curricular activities, including an accelerated French programme. High- uality spacious premises, outdoor classroom for Reception, dedicated STEAM, music, library and IT facilities. The uality of pupils’ academic, and of personal development, is e cellent.’ ISI, May 2022.
At Sarum Hall School we believe that the spirit of every child should be nurtured; that happiness gets results; and that success is ensuring every girl achieves their personal best.
We are a modern, independent girls prep school in London’s Belsize Park. We focus on each girl as an individual, and inspire them to fulfil their potential and encourage them to achieve excellence.
Individual talents are nurtured, and we instil a strong sense of purpose to every girl, allowing them to explore our wonderful world with confidence. The foundations set at Sarum Hall School will last a lifetime. Find out more and
Miss K Coles - Headmistress Sarum Hall School 15 Eton Avenue, London, NW3 3EL 020 7794 2261 admissions@sarumhallschool.co.uk www.sarumhallschool.co.uk
ADDRESS: 48 Richmond Hill, Richmond Upon Thames TW10 6QX
WEBSITE: www.theoldvicarageschool.com
AGES: 3-11
FEES: Nursery £5,220 (5 full days), Reception to Year 6 £6,250
HEAD TEACHER: Mrs Clare Strickland
CONTACT: Miss Anna Myerscough, Head of Marketing and Admissions
EMAIL: a.myerscough@oldvicarageschool.com
SCHOOL VISITS: Please contact registrar@oldvicarageschool.com to book onto the next Open Morning or arrange a private tour.
THE CURRICULUM: Latest research helps inform best teaching practices, creating an exciting learning environment where the girls learn through collaboration and problem solving, promoting skills of critical thinking, communication and teamwork. Essential so skills vital for living in the 21st century.
GAMES & THE ARTS: Sports including netball, hockey, football and cricket with local and national competition. Weekly swimming lessons for all. Performing Arts, Art and DT with textiles, ceramics and design using 3D printers. A host of extra-curricular clubs from Music Technology to Debating to Yoga and Mindfulness.
PASTORAL CARE: A welcoming and supportive community, where girls can learn, play and grow together, creating the best possible start in life. Teachers are trained in the ‘Girls on Board’ approach to supporting girls in understanding the complexities and dynamics of girl friendships. The School Council, buddying system and Year 6 prefects are at the heart of the school.
RECENT SCHOLARSHIPS: Old Vicarage School Class of 2024 comprised of 24 girls going onto 10 different schools gaining an impressive 16 scholarships. Scholarships include Academic, Sport, Art and Dance.
HEAD TEACHER’S PHILOSOPHY: We teach the girls that there are no limits in what they can achieve. As they journey through the school, they continue to be challenged in all areas; being ambitious and aiming high is embedded into the ethos of the school.
OUTSTANDING CHARACTERISTICS: The school in the ‘castle’ on Richmond Hill. A special place with a unique blend of traditional education and a modern, outward-looking approach to nurturing creative, confident and ambitious girls who are well-prepared for life beyond in the wider world. Combining the best specialist teaching for girls aged 3-11 in classes of 16 or less, with a diverse range of sports and outdoor activities to enjoy.
ADDRESS: 6 Wetherby Place, London SW7 4NE
WEBSITE: www.stpschool.co.uk
NUMBER OF PUPILS: Approx. 100 boys
AGES: 4-13
FEES: (termly) £9,390 (inclusive of VAT) for 2025/26
HEAD TEACHER: Mr Alexander Thomas
RELIGIOUS AFFILIATION: Roman Catholic, welcomes all faiths
ENTRANCE PROCEDURE: Register from birth, entry by assessment
CONTACT: Mrs Fiona Kaye, Registrar 020 7373 3944
EMAIL: fkaye@stpschool.co.uk
SCHOOL VISITS: Please contact the Registrar to arrange a tour or to attend one of our open days
THE CURRICULUM: A broad and liberal curriculum which prepares pupils well for the ISEB Common Pre-Test, Common Entrance and scholarships while giving them a broad introduction the great civilisations and achievements of world history.
GAMES & THE ARTS: The school makes full use of its 30 acres of facilities at Barn Elms where the boys take part in a variety of sports two a ernoons a week including: cricket, rugby, hockey, athletics and cross-country. Music is an integral part of school life, and there is a strong choral tradition. Plenty of extra-curricular activities are available, with a wide variety of clubs on offer from cricket and fencing to ornithology and astronomy.
PASTORAL CARE: Pastoral care is particularly strong with excellent individualised support in a caring environment with a familial ethos. Parents o en say that the school feels like an e tended family.
HEAD TEACHER’S PHILOSOPHY: We are a Catholic school and our patron, St Philip Neri, is the patron saint of happiness, joy and humour. Whether it be in the classroom, at our vast games fields by the side of the Thames, or in our wonderful garden back at base, we put fun at the heart of everything we do. Our boys work hard too, and are well-taught within a bespoke and broad liberal curriculum. They leave St Philip’s aged 13 ready for the next stage of their education at some of the leading schools in the country.
OUTSTANDING CHARACTERISTICS: Inspirational teaching in a warm and nurturing environment that delivers exceptional results. Leavers go on to: City of ondon, Dulwich, Eton, Harrow, St Paul’s, Tonbridge, Westminster, Winchester, etc.
ADDRESS: 188 Sheen Lane, East Sheen, London, SW14 8LF
WEBSITE: www.thsboys.org.uk
AGES: 4-13
FEES: (Termly) Reception & Year 1 £5,600; Years 2 & 3 £6,150; Years 4 to 8 £6,350
HEAD TEACHER: Neill Lunnon
ENTRANCE PROCEDURE: THS is non-selective so there is no entrance test to start in Reception
CONTACT: Mrs Caroline Booth
EMAIL: admissions@thsboys.org.uk
SCHOOL VISITS: Termly open events are held as well as weekly personal tours. Please contact the Head of Admissions to arrange
THE CURRICULUM: THS provides a rich and exciting curriculum which encourages curiosity and allows the boys to practise the skills of thinking, debate and in uiry. Our small classes and specialised staff ensure that THS pupils are well prepared for the demands of senior school and beyond.
GAMES & THE ARTS: Identifying passions in sports, art, music and drama is something in which Tower House takes a lot of care. The awardwinning performing arts programme is key to equipping pupils with fle ible, transferable skills to take on challenges faced later in life.
PASTORAL CARE: A great emphasis is placed on the development of each boy’s character and confidence encouraging responsibility, self-discipline and above all kindness and compassion for others. The school has a close nurturing community, where everyone knows and supports each other, allowing strong self-esteem in pupils. Our skilled and motivated staff take pride in ensuring that as well as academic strength, the so skills’ of confidence, empathy and resilience are taught.
RECENT SCHOLARSHIPS: Pupils are placed at leading senior schools with academic, music, drama, art and sport scholarships.
HEAD TEACHER’S PHILOSOPHY: Learning is life’s greatest adventure. We want our boys to feel inspired to explore the subjects and areas they love with open hearts and minds. This can happen because of our strong commitment and the school’s uniquely supportive environment, in which all boys feel valued and able to contribute on a daily basis.
OUTSTANDING CHARACTERISTICS: The school strongly supports and encourages the boys to try new things and challenge themselves. Recently winning Talk Education’s Innovation In Education 2023 Award for Performing Arts, as well as being selected as 2023 Finalists for the Independent School of the Year in Performing Arts, are both fantastic recognitions of the school’s unique focus and dedication in this area.
ADDRESS: 24 Thornton Road, London SW12 0LF
WEBSITE: www.whitehouseschool.com
FEES: (Termly) Reception & KS1 - £7,168 per term; KS2 - £7,773 per term (VAT included)
ENTRANCE PROCEDURE: Early registration essential, places allocated in order of registration. Settling-in day for children age 1 6.
CONTACT: Admissions, 020 8674 9514
EMAIL: admissions@whitehouseschool.com
SCHOOL VISITS: Weekly showrounds available by appointment only. Please contact Admissions to arrange
THE CURRICULUM: The White House Prep School offers an e cellent education, as recently confirmed by the ISI. It delivers strong literacy, maths, extra-curricular lessons and activities. Children relish challenges, enjoy working together to solve problems, have an excexllent attitude to learning and are both enthusiastic and eager to participate.
GAMES & THE ARTS: Physical education is an integral part of the curriculum at the White House and all pupils are given the opportunity to develop personal fitness and participate in team activities. The annual drama production and art exhibition are highlights in the school’s calendar and illustrates their commitment to performing and creative arts and the involvement of all children in these activities.
PASTORAL CARE: The school provides an outstanding education which is shown through excellent 11+ results and achievements from pupils throughout the year. More importantly, the children are happy. They are encouraged to develop emotionally as well as intellectually and the ISI commented that both pupils’ personal and moral development was e cellent. Dedicated and e perienced staff work closely with parents to enable all children to e cel as people with confidence.
RECENT SCHOLARSHIPS: Over 50 percent of pupils receive academic, music, sports and all round scholarships to top London day schools and boarding schools when they leave at 11+. Future schools include Dulwich College, Alleyn’s, Beneden, JAGS, Emmanuel, Brighton College, Downe House, Francis Holland.
HEAD TEACHER’S PHILOSOPHY: A culture of supporting one another combined with a safe, inspiring, engaging and fun learning environment that sets high expectations and ensures children have an empowering educational experience.
OUTSTANDING CHARACTERISTICS: A vibrant, forward thinking school with purposefully small class sizes which encourages and supports independent thinking. The school feels like one big family; this develops strong self-esteem in pupils who are confident but without arrogance.
ADDRESS: Earsby Street, W14 8SH
WEBSITE: st amesprep.co.uk
FEES: £7,325 per term (for Prep School), £5,585 per term (Nursery Full Day) in September 2024.
HEAD TEACHER: Hilary Wyatt, St ames Nursery Preparatory School Headmistress
RELIGIOUS AFFILIATION: Non-denominational ENTRANCE PROCEDURE: Admission is selective through a test, interview and a taster day
CONTACT: 020 7348 1793
EMAIL: admissions st amesprep.co.uk
SCHOOL VISITS: Open Events run throughout the year and private tours are also available by appointment
THE CURRICULUM: We offer a stimulating and creative curriculum that gives children the confidence to open doors for themselves in the future. We balance the academic, pastoral, sporting, creative and spiritual elements of our curriculum to create a vibrant learning environment.
GAMES & THE ARTS: We make use of our well-e uipped gym and the e tensive sporting facilities at ing’s House, Barn Elms and Fulham Pools. We offer specialist teaching in all arts, with performances including a Shakespeare Festival, and a great art department including pottery.
PASTORAL CARE: Staff are strongly supported in their pastoral role. All pupils are valued and valuable members of the community and are encouraged to speak about their worries no matter how small. St ames offers chances for every child to succeed and celebrates when they do which boosts self-assurance and the ability for pupils to care for themselves and others.
HEAD TEACHER’S PHILOSOPHY: At St ames, we want children to have fun as they learn, because we know happy children succeed. As a result of our uni ue educational approach, which combines creativity and philosophy with specialist teaching, children leaving us a er Year 6 are kind, generous, confident and well-balanced individuals.
OUTSTANDING CHARACTERISTICS: essons start and end with a mindfulness practice, The Pause’, a short period of uiet reflection and stillness. A love of learning is encouraged so pupils get great results, without feeling stressed. Pupils can progress seamlessly to our senior girls’ or boys’ schools. Our 11 programme also helps leavers move to schools like St Paul’s Girls’ and atymer pper.
ADDRESS: Earsby Street, ondon W14 8SH
WEBSITE: www.st amesgirls.co.uk
AGES: 11-18
FEES: £8,545 per term in September 2024.
ENTRANCE PROCEDURE: Selective entrance via the West ondon Schools 11 Consortium e am and an interview, or via our Prep School.
CONTACT: 020 7348 1748
EMAIL: admissions st amesgirls.co.uk
SCHOOL VISITS: Open Events run throughout the year and private tours are also available by appointment.
THE CURRICULUM: Our curriculum is carefully planned to ensure pupils e perience a broad range of sub ects, developing a true love of learning and having the opportunity to find their passions. We place great importance on the uality of material offered across lessons.
GAMES & THE ARTS: We nurture a spark of sporting enthusiasm in each pupil with a wide range of sports, from team to individual activities. We host several whole school drama and music events, and Art shows and sales to support our pool of artists.
PASTORAL CARE: Caring for the emotional health of our pupils at an individual level is a fundamental part of our ethos, and personal development is embedded within our educational approach. Teachers work to support all pupils, helping them discover their particular interests, strengths and ualities, and providing the necessary tools to develop self-confidence. Our pastoral care is structured to e uip pupils with strategies to support positive mental health and nurture emotional resilience.
RECENT SCHOLARSHIPS: In the last three year, 59 of students achieved A A results, 80 achieved their 1st-choice universities and 10 went to O bridge.
HEAD TEACHER’S PHILOSOPHY: Our approach is rooted in kindness and a belief in the limitless possibility of the human spirit, facilitated by e pert teaching and compassionate pastoral care. In an always-on’ world, our pupils are never afraid to stop and think, drawing on wisdom to bring fresh perspectives and solutions to personal and global challenges.
OUTSTANDING CHARACTERISTICS: We actively support our pupils’ emotional wellbeing, fostering a positive school atmosphere built on mutual respect, trust and kindness. Pupils are familiar with a daily meditative practice The Pause’, a period of uiet reflection and stillness before and a er each lesson, and at lunchtime. This allows pupils to oin the present moment, refocus and digest the fruits of their learning.
ADDRESS: 6 Capital Interchange Way, ondon TW8 0E
WEBSITE: www.kewhouseschool.com
AGES: 11-18
FEES: (Termly a er AT): £10,153.20
HEAD TEACHER: Will Williams
ENTRANCE PROCED RE: Combination of interview and entrance exam
CONTACT: Dawn Hassett
EMAIL: admissions@kewhouseschool.com
SCHOOL VISITS: By appointment or Open Event: www.kewhouseschool.com/admissions
THE CURRICULUM: Our aim is to provide a rich and broad education to all pupils whatever their specialism. The daily timetable is six taught hours plus an extensive extracurricular programme.
CO-CURRICULAR: Our pupils are highly creative, with a reputation for excellence in music and the performing and visual arts. Our dynamic PE department ensures success at both regional and national level across rowing, athletics, tennis, table tennis, cross country and netball.
PASTORAL CARE: We are a caring school community giving emotional support and security to all pupils and employees. Our approach is holistic, as we believe that there can be no artificial barriers between a pupil’s intellectual, emotional, social and spiritual growth. A number of staff are involved in the life of each pupil, but in particular, the personal tutor who meets their tutee on a daily basis.
HEAD TEACHER’S PHILOSOPHY: We recognise and enhance the individual abilities of each child, welcoming pupils with varying academic profiles and placing emphasis on confidence, curiosity and creativity. Whilst we aim to achieve the highest academic results, we will not serve as an e amination factory’. By operating a true Open Door’ policy, we welcome parents and wider community members to become a part of the Kew House school community.
OUTSTANDING CHARACTERISTICS: Rated E cellent’ in all areas by ISI, the school is firmly established as a character-selective institution, with a community that celebrates success in all areas of endeavour.
The school prides itself on preparing students for myriad post-18 pathways, illustrated by some of our recent leavers who successfully achieved their ambitions, ranging for medicine and veterinary courses, to modern apprenticeships in logistics, the arts, and hospitality. We are a thriving school community and are proud of our pupils and the individuals that they grow into throughout their years spent with us.
Gardener Schools Group. One family, four schools, one vision.
ADDRESS: 18 Saltram Crescent, ondon W9 3HR
WEBSITE: www.maidavaleschool.com
NUMBER OF PUPILS: Ma imum 600 students
AGES: 11-18
FEES: (Termly a er AT) £10,153.20
HEAD TEACHER: Magnus Bashaarat
RELIGIOUS AFFILIATION: All faiths welcome ENTRANCE PROCEDURE: Combination of interview and entrance exam
CONTACT: Harriet Williams, Registrar, 020 3196 1860
EMAIL: admissions@maidavaleschool.com
SCHOOL VISITS: By appointment or Open Event: www.maidavaleschool.com/admissions
THE CURRICULUM: M S offers a diverse range of GCSE, A-level and BTEC sub ects designed to captivate and inspire all students. Teaching values aim to educate both the intellect and the character, coupled with a structured 3-year GCSE program, which provides ample time for reflection. This approach cultivates creativity and independent thinking, essential for unlocking each student’s full potential.
GAMES & THE ARTS: Complementing a rich and diverse academic offering is an e ually rich and diverse range of sports and creative arts. Sports is centred around helping students discover their passion and aptitude. Students are provided with numerous opportunities to explore and find their fit and a sport for life. Creativity runs throughout the building from an enviable DT lab and Food Technology in the basement up to the top floor’s theatre and light flooded Art classrooms.
PASTORAL CARE: Every staff member, regardless of their role, shares the responsibility for the well-being of each pupil. Providing individual attention to every student, recognising that both educational and pastoral support are integral to the development of children and young adults. The personal tutor group system plays a significant role in this regard. Through regular meetings, each tutor remains a constant guide and mentor throughout a student’s time at Maida ale School contributing to the development of their self-esteem and confidence.
HEAD TEACHER’S PHILOSOPHY: The school adopts a discerning approach to admissions, considering not only academic ability but also seeking a spark of interest, engagement, or passion. Education as a shared ourney, one where pupils, parents, and the school can work together. An Open-Door’ policy encourages parents to share thoughts, issues, and concerns, fostering a spirit of collaboration. The result is empowered individuals who have developed their own perspectives, reached their full potential, and are prepared for the challenges of the world.
OUTSTANDING CHARACTERISTICS: A handsome ictorian building housing state-of-the-art facilities optimised for educating today’s children. Over 4 floors and 62,000 s uare feet there are 30 classrooms. Gardener Schools Group. One family, four schools, one vision.
To find out more about how Kew House School can make a difference to your child, please visit us at one of our forthcoming open mornings.
Part of the Gardener Schools Group - One family, one vision, four schools.
To find out more about how Maida Vale School can make a difference to your child, please visit us at one of our forthcoming open mornings.
Part of the Gardener Schools Group - One family, one vision, four schools.
Book now for our Open Morning on Thursday 6th February 2025 francishollandprep.org.uk | Follow us francishollandprep
Prep, Pre-Prep and Nursery
School Open Morning
Saturday 8 March 2025
9.30am to noon
Boys and girls 3 months to 13 years
IAPS – Boarding and day
To register or to arrange a personal visit, please contact: prep.admissions@bedes.org T 01323 356939
Senior School Open Morning
Saturday 15 March 2025
9.30am to noon
Boys and girls 13 to 18
(Entry at 13 and 16) HMC – Boarding and day
To register or to arrange a personal visit, please contact: admissions@bedes.org
T 01323 356609 bedes.org
ADDRESS: Church Road, Steep, Petersfield G 32 2DG
WEBSITE: www.bedales.org.uk FOUNDED: 1893
NUMBER OF PUPILS: 769 in total AGES: 3-8 (Pre-prep); 8-13 (Prep); 13-18 (Senior) FEES: (Termly) Nursery per session: £40-£95; Pre-prep: £4,825.60£6,302.40; Prep: Day £8,140.80-£8,851.60; Boarding £10,621.40£11,929.60; Senior: Day £13,445.40; Boarding £17,358.40
HEAD TEACHER: Will Goldsmith
RELIGIOUS AFFILIATION: Non-denominational ENTRANCE PROCEDURE: Selection by assessment and interview CONTACT: 01730 711733 (Senior) and 01730 711558 (Prep/Pre-prep)
EMAIL: admissions bedales.org.uk
SCHOOL VISITS: Open Mornings 2025, Senior: 10 May. Prep: Open Week, 10-14 March, 9 10 May. Pre-prep: 4 March, 22 May.
THE CURRICULUM: From the very youngest, students ‘learn through doing’ with an innovative, intellectually challenging curriculum. In the Senior School, students take five core IGCSEs alongside our own Bedales Assessed Courses (recognised by CAS) in Global Perspectives and Digital Game Design, for e ample. Si th Formers take enrichment courses in addition to A Levels.
GAMES & THE ARTS: Bedales competes in many sports including football, hockey, tennis, cricket and netball. E cellent facilities include floodlit astroturf, hockey pitches, tennis and netball courts and an indoor swimming pool. We are acclaimed for our drama, theatre, art and music opportunities for participation in performances, including overseas tours.
PASTORAL CARE: Every student is assigned to a house parent with whom they build a close relationship, and a tutor who monitors and guides their academic progress, tailoring support to the individual. Tutor groups and dormitories are mi ed age, to encourage communication and shared e perience across the years. There is a separate 6.2 (Year 13) house.
RECENT SCHOLARSHIPS: Scholarships are available from 10 for music and academic, 13 for art, and 16 for drama, dance, sport and design.
HEAD TEACHER’S PHILOSOPHY: The School’s motto work of each for weal of all’ emphasises both our attention to nurturing the individual as well as coming together in a collective endeavour. Today, our approach draws on our innovative traditions with Bedales Assessed Courses taught alongside five core GCSEs, pro ect-based learning as a key part of our Block 3 (Year 9) curriculum and approaches to boarding, pastoral care and interpersonal relationships that break down unnecessary barriers.
OUTSTANDING CHARACTERISTICS: Shared progressive ethos and vision across the Whole School with impressive university destinations including O bridge, music conservatoires, art colleges and overseas institutions such as Cornell and Columbia. Innovation in the curriculum with high e pectations.
A co-educational independent through school for children aged 3-18, located on a 25 acre site in the leafy London suburb of Chislehurst, Kent.
CumnorHouseSchool,afamilyoffourindependentschoolsin PurleyandSouthCroydonforboysandgirlsaged2to13, providesanenvironmentwhereyoungmindsthrive,talents arenurtured,andcharacterdevelopmenttakescentrestage.
Pupilsbegintheirjourneyinourco-educationalnurseriesand transitionseamlesslytoourGirls’andBoys’schools,which havebeenshortlistedforIndependentSchooloftheYear awards-atestamenttoourcommitmenttodeliveringa holisticandinclusiveeducationthatpromotesacademic excellence,personalgrowthandwell-being. JoinusatourOpenEventsorbookaPrivateTourto experienceourschoolcommunityfirst-hand. Tobookyourplace,scantheQRcodeorvisitourwebsite.
ADDRESS: 168 Pampisford Road, South Croydon CR2 6DA
WEBSITE: www.cumnorhouse.com
FEES: (Termly) From £4,850– £6,787
HEAD TEACHER: Emma Edwards BA (Hons) QTS, N.A.S.E.N.Co., DipSEN
RELIGIOUS AFFILIATION: Multi-denominational ENTRANCE PROCEDURE: Non-selective but with high academic standards. Pupils take part in lessons and we observe and talk to the child to see if they will thrive in our environment.
CONTACT: Admissions; 020 8660 3445 EMAIL: admissions@cumnorhouse.com
SCHOOL VISITS: Visit the school website to book Open Mornings and Private Tours.
THE CURRICULUM: We follow the National Curriculum Plus, where our pupils work ahead of the age-related expectations. From a young age, they are taught by specialist teachers in Music, Spanish, games, and swimming as well as Mandarin from Year 3. As they reach the Upper School, we continue to introduce specialist teachers in all subjects.
SPORTS & THE ARTS: The annual school production casts over 70 pupils and is performed at a local theatre. We also host an annual art exhibition, and our games teams have secured victories in both regional and national competitions. We rank among the top 50 schools for cricket in the country.
PASTORAL CARE: This is the place where children learn to be empathetic, have self-belief, be brave, do their utmost with earnestness, and build strong moral principles. Our guiding values of compassion, belief, courage, endeavour, and integrity are embedded throughout the school from Kindergarten to Year 8. Our teachers pride themselves on putting the wellbeing of the child first. With e ceptional class and form teachers, pupils are happy and excited to come into school.
RECENT SCHOLARSHIPS: In 2024, 18 scholarships were awarded at 11+ and 13+ to independent senior schools.
HEAD TEACHER’S PHILOSOPHY: My philosophy closely aligns with our school values and is one of compassion and kindness. All pupils need to know that they are valued, and we care for them by supporting their pastoral and academic needs, fostering an exciting and inspiring environment in which they will thrive. Everyone at Cumnor is part of the special community.
OUTSTANDING CHARACTERISTICS: Cumnor House Boys’ offers exceptional facilities, including a dedicated sports ground where pupils excel in football, rugby, and cricket. In swimming, our boys were crowned champions of the 2024 London League Swimming Grand Final and have won the area final for the past three years, as well as the Croydon Schools Championship for 16 consecutive years. Additional facilities include a DT workshop, an art room, a science lab, and the Music House. Cumnor House Boys’ and Nurseries have also been recognised as a Microso Showcase School for leading the way in using digital tools to enhance learning, empowering pupils with future-ready skills.
ADDRESS: 1 Woodcote Lane, Purley CR8 3HB
WEBSITE: www.cumnorhouse.com
FEES: (termly) from £4,850– £6,692
HEAD TEACHER: Amanda McShane
RELIGIOUS AFFILIATION: Multi-denominational
ENTRANCE PROCEDURE: Non-selective but with high academic standards. Pupils spend a morning taking part in lessons and we observe and talk to the child to see if they will thrive in our environment.
CONTACT: Admissions; 020 8660 3445
EMAIL: admissions@cumnorhouse.com
SCHOOL VISITS: Visit the school website to book Open Mornings and Private Tours.
THE CURRICULUM: Our academics are outstanding, but we firmly believe that we are educating a whole person, so we offer a broad curriculum and place emphasis on developing character and future skills.
SPORTS & THE ARTS: Cumnor girls love their sport, continuously developing skills and thriving in local, regional and national competitions. Music and Drama also play a key part in our curriculum, providing pupils with opportunities to learn instruments and to shine on stage. We proudly display pupils’ beautiful artwork around the school, inspiring others.
PASTORAL CARE: Pastoral care is embedded in all that we do. Teachers take the time to learn about each child as an individual. Every teacher knows every child, regardless of whether they teach them in class or not. As a result, our girls are happy, confident, and thriving in an environment where they feel valued, safe, and secure.
RECENT SCHOLARSHIPS: Our girls consistently achieve excellent academic results, making superb progress across all areas. In 2024, they secured 16 scholarships to independent senior schools. These achievements are a result of the support, coaching, and nurturing environment that ensures the girls’ happiness and well-being.
HEAD TEACHER’S PHILOSOPHY: First and foremost, I want my pupils to be happy. It is about educating the whole child, equipping them with life skills – this includes self-assuredness, skills of oracy, and selfreflection. I want my girls to be unafraid to think creatively and to be bold enough to share that thinking.
OUTSTANDING CHARACTERISTICS: We empower girls to reach their full potential, equipping them with the skills they need for prep school and beyond. Our pupils are happy, confident learners who achieve e ceptional outcomes. Offering a wide range of opportunities within and beyond the classroom, we embrace both forward-thinking innovation and traditional values. Cumnor Girls’ embodies a true sense of family, where everyone belongs and each girl is confident in who she is and what she strives to achieve. In 2024, Cumnor House School for Girls was a finalist in the Most Inclusive School category of the Muddy Stilettos Best School Award, celebrating our inclusive culture where diversity is valued, and everyone feels empowered.
HMC Independent Day and Boarding School for boys & girls aged 4 to 18 years
Academically, Caterham is up there with the big guns... all achieved without any undue stress. If Caterham isn’t on your list already, it most certainly should be.’
“A strong international focus and a huge spirit of adventure.”
- Muddy Stilettos
A boarding and day school for girls and boys aged 11-18.
Be inspired.
Welcome to Cobham Hall, a day and boarding school where centuries of history meet a curriculum for the future and creativity knows no bounds. Achieve more than you dreamed possible at Cobham Hall.
Open Morning
Saturday 15 th March 2025, 9.30am - 12.30pm
or contact us to arrange a visit for another date.
| admissions@cobhamhall.com
Launching in September 2025, Downsend Sixth students will benefit from a brand-new, purpose-built campus equipped with specialist facilities designed for modern learning. Our supportive and engaging environment and future skills focused approach ensure students explore their potential while preparing for the next steps in their journey.
With a tailored curriculum, dedicated teaching staff, and a range of A-Level, BTEC and Enrichment opportunities, we encourage personal growth alongside exceptional academic achievement. Small class sizes and state-of-the-art resources ensure every student receives the attention and tools they need to thrive.
Downsend Sixth is part of the Downsend Group of schools in Leatherhead, Ashtead and Epsom, Surrey providing an innovative education for children from 6 months to the age of 18.
ADDRESS: Red Rice, Andover, Hampshire SP11 7PW WEBSITE: www.farleighschool.com FOUNDED: 1982
AGES: 3-13
FEES: (termly, post AT) G, £2,320; Pre-Prep, £5,340-£5,489; Year 3 Day to Year 8 Boarding, £8,909-£13,243
HEAD TEACHER: Fr Simon Everson
RELIGIOUS AFFILIATION: Roman Catholic, welcoming all faiths, or none
CONTACT: Sarah O’Rorke, Registrar, 01264 712838
EMAIL: admissions@farleighschool.com
SCHOOL VISITS: Individual visits, as well as two to three Open Mornings per year
THE CURRICULUM: The stimulating curriculum is broad and tailored to individual needs. Our multi-sensory approach encompasses every type of learner; specialist teachers and imaginative teaching methods ensure all children thrive.
GAMES & THE ARTS: Sport, Art, DT, Music and Drama are pupil-centred and all-inclusive with countless opportunities to develop interests and discover talents.
PASTORAL CARE: Our Catholic ethos values every individual and we go to great lengths to ensure the happiness of every child, preparing them not only for senior school but for fulfilling and rewarding lives in the years to come. Boarders and day pupils alike benefit from the e ceptional pastoral care, which is ine tricably linked to the structural organisation of the school, through the quality of teaching and learning, the home-fromhome environment in the boarding houses, the e ceptional relationships between staff and pupils, and between the pupils.
RECENT SCHOLARSHIPS: Academic (Canford, Cheltenham, Dauntsey’s, Marlborough, Sherborne Girls, St Mary’s Calne), All-Rounder (Downside), Art (Bryanston, Godolphin, Radley, Sherborne), Drama (Bryanston, Godolphin, Sherborne, Sotogrande International, St Mary’s Calne), Head’s Award (Downe House), Music (Radley, Winchester), Sport (Dauntsey’s, Marlborough, Radley, St Mary’s Calne 2, Winchester 2).
HEAD TEACHER’S PHILOSOPHY: Farleigh is a place of energy and spirited enquiry. All abilities thrive in the warm and safe environment which values every individual and prepares them for senior school and beyond.
OUTSTANDING CHARACTERISTICS: Outstanding boarding provision, value-added academic and social development for children of all abilities with successful transition to senior schools due to e cellent, individualised preparation. A stunning 70-acre site with e ceptional facilities that enhance pupils’ learning: a new music school, floodlit all-weather pitch and tennis courts, theatre, indoor swimming pool, Forest School, huge variety of a er school activities and wraparound care
ADDRESS: Witley, Godalming, Surrey GU8 5SG
WEBSITE: www.kesw.org
AGES: 11-18
FEES: Day pupils: £8,375 - £9,665, Boarding pupils: £14,810 - £15,840
HEAD TEACHER: Joanna Wright BA
ENTRANCE PROCEDURE: Admission at 11, 13 and 16 via entrance e amination and interview
CONTACT: ustin Benson, Registrar, 01428 686735
EMAIL: admissions@kesw.org
SCHOOL VISITS: Prospective pupils are welcome at Open Mornings or individual visits. Please arrange visits through Admissions
THE CURRICULUM: A King Edward’s education is a rounded education. Academic staff are sub ect specialists, pupils take GCSE/IGCSE in Year 11 followed by a choice of A-level or BTEC courses in the Si th Form. Young people discover skills, talents and enthusiasms they never knew they had and are encouraged to set their sights high and be ambitious in their learning.
GAMES & THE ARTS: Our overall aims are to encourage our pupils to e plore and engage with a range of activities, and for them to want to continue those activities they have en oyed once they leave the school, at a level of their choosing, whilst providing a supportive, high performance environment where pupils wishing to e cel in their passions are supported in their goals, including through scholarships in art, drama, DT, music and sport.
PASTORAL CARE: All our pupils benefit from small class sizes and our House system with its supportive pastoral networks at the heart of school life. Each House is committed to strong connections uniting and blending fle i-, weekly and full boarders and day pupils into a single team. Each House has a pastoral team consisting of a House parent and assistant House parent, Matron and an academic tutor. There is a 24-hour Medical Centre and an on-site chaplain.
UNIVERSITY PLACES: We have an e tensive Ne t Steps careers and university discovery and preparation approach, commencing from year 7 and leading to a comprehensive si th form counselling programme. Each year around two thirds of our pupils transition to O bridge and Russell Group universities; others progress to a range of other, o en specialist universities, to apprenticeships or directly to their chosen careers.
HEAD TEACHER’S PHILOSOPHY: We aim to provide a transformative education, a love of independent learning and an e cellent foundation for adult life to a diverse range of enthusiastic, curious and kind pupils. We are mindful to work hard to enable our pupils to be e cellent learners, but also to equip and inspire them for their futures as kind and responsible leaders, inventors, entrepreneurs and employees.
OUTSTANDING CHARACTERISTICS: Our educational provision dates back to 1553 as part of the Bridewell Royal Hospital Foundation, and reaches far beyond the e citing and challenging curriculum and the range of opportunities in all areas of school life we offer sporting, artistic, social and cultural.
ADDRESS: Church Street, Rudgwick, West Susse , RH12 3H
WEBSITE: www.pennthorpe.com
FOUNDED: The Braby brothers NUMBER OF PUPILS: 282
AGES: 2-13
FEES: £3,364 £7,758 (per term)
HEAD TEACHER: Mr Chris Murray
CONTACT: Mrs Sam Curling, Registrar EMAIL: admissions@pennthorpe.com
SCHOOL VISITS: At least one Open Morning each term. The next event will take place on Saturday 8th March 2025, from 9.30am to 11.30am. Private Tours are available.
THE CURRICULUM: The curriculum is diverse at Pennthorpe with children encouraged to involve themselves in every opportunity. Children learn to harness the power of reflection at each step, understanding the different things that help them to learn. Pennthorpe’s curriculum re uires each child to be authentic, an independent learner, to trust their instincts and to be bold.
GAMES & THE ARTS: Pennthorpe is committed to the Arts. All pupils en oy weekly art, drama, DT and music sessions with specialist staff, in addition to AMDA, using our state of the art facilities on-site. Furthermore, 4 sport sessions per week are available to each child.
PASTORAL CARE: The happiness and wellbeing of all pupils is our top priority. Pennthorpe has a multifaceted approach to wellbeing, with numerous systems and support mechanisms in place. The pastoral staff are well trained and ualified in supporting the wellbeing of young people and act as tutors, champions and mentors. The pastoral programme enables staff to hold regular emotional temperature checks, one-to-one sessions and small group discussions. Our Wellbeing Guardian’, whose sole purpose at the school is to support the emotional wellbeing of pupils through counselling, is on hand each day.
RECENT SCHOLARSHIPS: Recent scholarships include multiple academic scholars, music, art, drama, sport, chess and e uestrian.
HEAD TEACHER’S PHILOSOPHY: Pennthorpe champions all children; everyone matters and everyone is known. Pennthorpe is a dynamic school built on authentic, personal relationships with a genuine sense of togetherness. indness, integrity and generosity are paramount, here. The girls and boys are encouraged to be unforgettably you’, to work hard and embrace the opportunities a school like Pennthorpe provides.
OUTSTANDING CHARACTERISTICS: Whether it’s academic achievement, consideration and kindness towards others, or an energetic and positive attitude e cellence underpins all that we do at Pennthorpe, and all that we strive to be together. A tight-knit community, each child is treated as an individual and embodies the Pennthorpe Purpose’ with our motto Born not for ourselves alone’ weaved into everything we do.
Book your place:
Book your place:
ADDRESS: Sandy ane, Cobham, Surrey T11 2ES
WEBSITE: reeds.surrey.sch.uk
FOUNDED: 1813 (The ondon Orphan Asylum by Rev Andrew Reed)
NUMBER OF PUPILS: 827 (719 boys, 108 girls)
AGES: 11-18 (Boys); 16-18 (Girls)
FEES: Day: £8,995 (Years 7 8), £10,865 (Years 9 13); boarding: £12,115 (Years 7 8), £14,170 (Years 9 13) . All fees are AT inc.
RELIGIOUS AFFILIATION: Church of England, although open to and respectful of all religious faiths
ENTRANCE PROCEDURE: Admission at 11+, 13+ and 16+ via entrance examination and interview
CONTACT: Admissions Registrar 01932 869001
EMAIL: admissions@reeds.surrey.sch.uk
SCHOOL VISITS: See the website for irtual isits Open Mornings
THE CURRICULUM: The philosophy behind the educational curriculum at Reed’s is based on three dimensions: core knowledge, skills, and values. The ability to impart information, share knowledge and make connections across multiple disciplines is crucial.
GAMES & THE ARTS: The excellent Activities Curriculum is integral to the broad educational experience and there is an expectation that pupils will take advantage of every opportunity on offer. Service is a key aspect encouraging pupils to show integrity and responsibility as well as compassion toward others.
PASTORAL CARE: The bedrock of a Reed’s education is the quality of the pastoral care given. It underpins the very essence of school life and places pupils at the heart of the school, with an emphasis on values and character to provide a rounded education. This is critical to produce happy and secure children who will thrive in and outside the classroom. The House system and boarding infrastructure provide the wrap-around care that benefits all pupils.
UNIVERSITY PLACES: Every year pupils achieve a number of Oxbridge and medical offers. The vast ma ority go to Russell Group universities.
HEAD TEACHER’S PHILOSOPHY: We are a dynamic school providing an excellent education that inspires our pupils to achieve their full potential, prepares them for a rapidly changing world and equips them with the ability to think critically and independently, instilling our values of Compassion, Curiosity, Resilience, Responsibility and Independence means they leave Reed’s as rounded individuals with a strong moral compass.
OUTSTANDING CHARACTERISTICS: A forward-looking educational curriculum based on core knowledge, values and skills. An all-boys structure from 11 to 16 with a co-educational Si th Form. A strong sense of community with teachers, parents and pupils working together. Exceptional pastoral care based on the rich heritage of the school. Wraparound care benefits all pupils. Rated as e cellent’ in an ISI Inspection in 2022.
ADDRESS: Paddockhurst Road, Turners Hill, West Susse , RH10 4SD
WEBSITE: www.worthschool.org.uk
AGES: 11-18 years
FEES: £6,935 - £15,110 per term (for 2024-25)
HEAD TEACHER: Mr Stuart McPherson
CONTACT: o Everett, Registrar, 01342 710200
EMAIL: admissions@worth.org.uk
SCHOOL VISITS: Please call or email to book an individual or group tour
THE CURRICULUM: Worth offers a broad and balanced curriculum including GCSE and pre-IB, and the choice of A-levels or the IB in the Si th Form.
GAMES & THE ARTS: There is a dynamic arts, drama and music scene with a vibrant programme of exhibitions, concerts, productions and e cursions. As well as mainstream sports there are 21 others on offer such as horse riding, sailing and golf.
PASTORAL CARE: Each pupil is a member of a house and has a personal tutor who monitors progress and assists the housemaster/housemistress. The house support structure also includes a matron. Parents are integral to the school; there are regular points of contact such as parent-teacher consultations, social events and active support from the Friends of Worth’ Parent Association.
UNIVERSITY PLACES: Students go on to study at world-class institutions including O ford, Cambridge, Durham, St Andrews and C as well as international destinations across S and Europe. Every Worthian remains part of the community long a er they leave, en oying the benefits of our Worth Society’ alumni association which offers career mentoring, networking and internships as well as sports, music and social events.
HEAD TEACHER’S PHILOSOPHY: At the same time as being an academically selective school, we take nothing for granted; we work hard to nurture every individual pupil’s desire to do well and en oy being at school, and to ultimately find through personal exploration their own particular direction in life.
OUTSTANDING CHARACTERISTICS: Recently udged as Boarding School of the Year’ at the Independent Schools of the Year awards, Worth School is a distinctive Catholic day and boarding school set in 500 acres of beautiful Susse countryside ust 30 minutes from ondon. It is an e ceptional place for young people, where friendships are made between children from all over the world. Aside from excellent examination results, wonderful facilities and a diverse range of 150 co-curricular activities, the School provides - in line with its motto - education with heart and soul’; preparing pupils to become truly well-rounded individuals.
ADDRESS: Holly Bush Lane, Sevenoaks, TN13 3UL
WEBSITE: www.walthamstow-hall.co.uk
AGES: 7-11 girls
FEES: Year 3-6
£7,027 (includes VAT)
HEAD TEACHER: Ms Louise Chamberlain
RELIGIOUS AFFILIATION: Christian non-denominational ENTRANCE PROCEDURE: All pupils attend a taster day where they are assessed.
CONTACT: Alex Knight, Registrar; 01732 468703
EMAIL: registrar@whall.school
SCHOOL VISITS: To arrange a visit contact Mrs Alex Knight, registrar@whall.school
THE CURRICULUM: A broad and well-balanced curriculum taught by committed teachers. Lots of learning outside the classroom. Whole school themed learning days e.g., ‘Community Day’, ‘Courage Day’ are cornerstones of a creative curriculum.
GAMES & THE ARTS: Pupils are taught by dedicated Sports, Art, Music, Dance and Drama specialists. Sports curriculum includes netball, cricket, football and year-round weekly swimming lessons for all pupils. An extensive co-curricular programme encourages participation in a diverse range of activities from Lego and Chess Clubs to Tennis.
PASTORAL CARE: Strong and effective pastoral systems and open communication underpins a supportive and harmonious community. The school’s size ensures that all pupils are known and seen. Students play an active role as peer mentors.
RECENT SCHOLARSHIPS: In 2024 scholarships were awarded at Walthamstow Hall Senior School, Sevenoaks School, St Paul’s Girls’ School, Woldingham School, Radnor House, Kent College and grammar schools.
HEAD TEACHER’S PHILOSOPHY: Walthamstow Hall not only offers tremendous scope for discovering who your child could be but also staff with an enthusiastic commitment to accompanying that voyage of discovery. Staff see each pupil as an individual capable of shining in their own distinct way. Pupils here have never felt the needs to constrain themselves to a ‘box’ early on but have relished in participating in all the School has to offer.’
OUTSTANDING CHARACTERISTICS: Children can join Walthamstow Hall from their seventh birthday. Specialised teaching facilities for pupils include a Science lab, Art and DT room and Music block on site. The Junior School pupils benefit from being on the Walthamstow Hall Senior School site enjoying the use of the 25 metre swimming pool, theatre and sports hall.
ADDRESS: Holly Bush Lane, Sevenoaks, Kent TN13 3UL
WEBSITE: www.walthamstow-hall.co.uk
AGES: 11-18
FEES: (termly) Senior School & Sixth Form, £7,870
HEAD TEACHER: Ms Louise Chamberlain
RELIGIOUS AFFILIATION: Christian non-denominational ENTRANCE PROCEDURE: ISEB Pre-Test for Year 7 and Year 9
Deferred Entry. Si th Form offers based on GCSE grades. Interviews at 11 , 13 and 16 . Separate academic scholarship assessments offered at 11+, 13+ and 16+
CONTACT: Alex Knight, Registrar; 01732 468703
EMAIL: registrar@whall.school
SCHOOL VISITS: Book at walthamstow-hall.co.uk
THE CURRICULUM: Offers unusual breadth and choice. Teachers are enthusiastic experts who nurture intellectual curiosity and aim their expectations high. In 5 of the last 6 years Walthamstow Hall has ranked in the top 5% of independent schools for value added at GCSE.
GAMES & THE ARTS: An embedded culture of getting involved and taking risks combined with a timetable with built in co-curricular time means high participation levels in sport and the performing and creative arts. Walthamstow Hall is the biggest Trinity Drama centre in UK and a designated DofE Centre. Pupils excel at regional and national levels in Sport. In 2023, 14 netballers took silver in national finals and our swimmers and badminton players took national titles.
PASTORAL CARE: Strong and effective pastoral systems and open communication underpins a supportive and harmonious community. The school’s size ensures that all pupils are known and seen. Students play an active role as peer mentors, prefects and The Diana Anti Bullying Award ambassadors.
RECENT SCHOLARSHIPS OR UNIVERSITY PLACES: Students well supported in securing their chosen destinations. The majority of students go onto university, over half to Russell group. In 2023, degree level apprenticeships gained at Barclays, Laing O’ Rourke and Unilever.
HEAD TEACHER’S PHILOSOPHY: Walthamstow Hall offers not only tremendous scope for discovering who you could be but also staff with an enthusiastic commitment to accompanying that voyage of discovery, staff who see each pupil as an individual capable of shining in their own distinct way. Pupils have never felt the needs to constrain themselves to a ‘box’ early on but have relished in participating in all the school has to offer.’
OUTSTANDING CHARACTERISTICS: In 2023 Walthamstow Hall ranked in top 6% for A-level and top 10% for GCSE value added. It is the invisible strands of learning leadership, collaboration and resilience; it is the warmth and joy to be found within the school’s community and it is the sense of every pupil being seen as a person of intrinsic value that each one is.
ADDRESS: 3 Brewer Street, O ford O 1 1QW
WEBSITE: www.cccs.org.uk
NUMBER OF PUPILS: 150 AGES: 2 to 13 years
FEES: (termly) From £2,745 for Nursery; from £4,945 for Pre Prep; Year 3 £6,825 (day), Years 4 - 8 £7,370 (day); from £4,650 for Cathedral Choristers (boarding)
HEAD TEACHER: Richard Murray
ENTRANCE PROCEDURE: Non-selective in Nursery and Pre-Prep, sub ect to a satisfactory taster session; selective in Prep
CONTACT: isa ohnson, Registrar
EMAIL: registrar cccs.org.uk
SCHOOL VISITS: Forthcoming Open Mornings will be published on the website.
Start Here, Go Anywhere... Beachborough School, Westbury, Brackley, NN13 5LB admissions@beachborough.com www.beachborough.com 01280 700071
THE CURRICULUM: Our Montessori-inspired co-ed Nursery prepares boys and girls for our Pre-Prep (Reception to Year 2) and then our all-boy Prep School (Years 3 8). We offer a rich and challenging curriculum with firstclass teaching and small class sizes. We aim to ensure every child gets the best from each lesson and prepare them for entry to leading senior schools.
GAMES & THE ARTS: The sports and e tra-curricular activities on offer are not defined by gender. Mi ed sports include Tag Rugby, Bikeability, Football and Swimming, amongst others. We offer a range of clubs including Chess, Robotics, Movie-making, and ife Skills essential for modern life, and more. We provide choristers for 3 choirs: Christ Church Cathedral, Worcester College Chapel, and Pembroke College Chapel. With over 150 music lessons every week, we have a large number of instrumentalists who achieve high grades.
PASTORAL CARE: We are proud of the warm and nurturing ethos of the School. Every child is noticed and feels part of the CCCS family. Our tutor system ensures that each Prep boy has someone looking out for him over and above the care he receives from every staff member. Our Pastoral Team includes earning Support, a full-time School Matron, and a ualified School Counsellor and the Headmaster’s door is always open.
RECENT SCHOLARSHIPS: In the last 3 years, 50 of Year 8 pupils gained a scholarship or award to their chosen senior school. In 2024, these included: Dean Close, Harrow School, Marlborough College, Rugby School.
HEAD TEACHER’S PHILOSOPHY: We have high e pectations of our pupils; to take any other approach is an insult to those in our care. Our teachers are e ceptional, it is their inspiration which sows the seeds of a love of learning. Good manners are seen as the outward sign of kindness, thoughtfulness, and self-confidence.
OUTSTANDING CHARACTERISTICS: We offer a local mini-bus service to and from school during the week, wrap-around care, and fle i-boarding. Music permeates the school along with three outstanding choirs. CCCS children are known for their polite manners, open-mindedness, and readiness to help others.
ADDRESS: udgrove, Wokingham, Berkshire RG40 3AB
WEBSITE: ludgrove.net
NUMBER OF PUPILS: 186 all boys
AGES: 8-13
FEES: £11,153 per term
HEAD TEACHER: Simon Barber
RELIGIOUS AFFILIATION: Church of England predominantly ENTRANCE PROCEDURE: Non-selective in Year 4, with assessment in subse uent years
CONTACT: Rebecca Philpott, Registrar; 01189 789881
EMAIL: registrar ludgroveschool.co.uk
SCHOOL VISITS: Open days in May and September, two years prior to entry for registered boys. Individual visits by appointment with the registrar
THE CURRICULUM: Our main focus is to build firm academic foundations and encourage a love of learning. We aim to realise the highest academic e pectations for all the boys with first class teaching and small classes.
GAMES & THE ARTS: We offer a vibrant e tracurricular programme with e posure to music, drama, the creative arts in a 350-seat theatre, and many sports, making the most of playing fields, cricket nets, s uash and Fives courts, astroturf and a 20m indoor swimming pool.
PASTORAL CARE: We have an outstanding body of staff who get to know the boys incredibly well, thereby understanding what makes each individual tick. Sophie Barber, the Headmaster’s wife, oversees the pastoral care and together with the resident matrons, school nurse, boarding house parents and all other staff is committed to ensuring that every child’s confidence and character are nurtured at every opportunity. Only if the boys are healthy and happy will they flourish in and outside the classroom.
RECENT SCHOLARSHIPS: Ampleforth Academic Scholarship; Eton Annah Shaw (Classic) Scholarship; Eton two Music Scholarships; Harrow Music E hibition; Marlborough Drama Scholarship; Marlborough Sports Award; Radley Academic E hibition; Winchester Music Scholarship; Winchester Sports E hibition; Winchester Sports Scholarship.
HEAD TEACHER’S PHILOSOPHY: We are unashamedly ambitious for every boy and are proud of our strong academic record. Most importantly, we aim to develop the boys’ confidence in a caring supportive environment, where each boy is valued as an individual, makes friends for life and can flourish and realise their potential.
OUTSTANDING CHARACTERISTICS: Outstanding academic results, with over 70 percent leaving to go to Eton, Harrow, Radley and Winchester. Set in 130 acres of grounds, ust 45 minutes from ondon. The school opened a £2.5m E ploration Centre in 2021, which provides one of the finest facilities for Science, Coding, Art, CDT and Ceramics in a prep school anywhere in the country. E ceptional pastoral care. One hundred percent full boarding with fortnightly e eats. Delicious food cooked on-site using fresh local ingredients.
ADDRESS: Windsor Road, Ascot, BerkshireS 5 7 H
WEBSITE: papplewick.org.uk
AGES: 6-13
FEES: Boarding, £12,755; International (Child Student isa), £14,225. Day, Year 2, £6,995; Years 3 and 4, £9,245; Years 5 and 6, £9,795
ENTRANCE PROCEDURE: isit and meeting with headmaster - all boys assessed but no entrance e am
CONTACT: Rebecca indley, 01344 621488
EMAIL: registrar papplewick.org.uk
SCHOOL VISITS: Ne t Open Mornings: Friday 2nd May from 10.00am to 12.00pm and Saturday 17th May from 9.30am to 11.30am
THE CURRICULUM: Outstanding record academically at both CE and scholarship level to ma or public schools. We aim to challenge and e cite boys through inspirational teaching. Broad but challenging curriculum with small class sizes.
GAMES & THE ARTS: Rugby/football/cricket (12 teams), athletics, hockey, tennis, s uash, golf, fencing, shooting, karate, scuba, polo. Papplewick has a covered swimming pool and Cathedral standard choir. Art and drama flourish. Three uarters learn musical instruments.
PASTORAL CARE: A school which celebrates individuality and where boys can still be boys. The tutor/houseparent system ensures outstanding pastoral care.
RECENT SCHOLARSHIPS: High academic record with 11 Scholarships so far in 2024 to Top Public Schools including a ing’s Scholarship to Eton College.
HEAD TEACHER’S PHILOSOPHY: The e cellence our boys achieve is worth little unless they are happy thus, our most coveted prize is for greatest enthusiasm for life, contribution to the community and kindness to others.
OUTSTANDING CHARACTERISTICS: oint winner of The Alice Rose Award, co-founder of Talk Education. E ceptional scholarship record. Outstanding preparation for top public schools. Best known for happy, confident and well-mannered boys. Three daily ondon transport services run from Brook Green, Hammersmith, and Gloucester Road area. Comprehensive daily activities programme (30 activities including 100-strong snake club). Daily chapel. Modern and family-friendly approach to boarding.
The Oratory Learning Culture goes well beyond preparation for exams – it is preparation for a life of curiosity and exploration. But we are not, and do not aspire to be, an academic hothouse. Think of us more as a greenhouse, where growth and flourishing happen naturally in a place of joy and safety.
Tatler School Guide 2025
Find out why our all-girls boarding and day school o ers the best possible experience and outcomes for young women, and why girls seek to join us from schools across the UK at 11+, 13+ and Sixth Form. Come along to one of our regular Open Fridays or arrange an individual visit; simply contact our Registrar, Elspeth Dyer, on 01295 756259 or email admissions@tudorhallschool.com Wykham Park, Banbury, Oxfordshire OX16 9UR www.tudorhallschool.com
Minibus routes for 2025: Oxford, Stratford-upon-Avon, Leamington Spa, Chipping Norton, Towcester, Brackley and surrounding villages.
To find out more and to enter, visit countryandtownhouse.com/school-house-awards-2025
ADDRESS: Henley Road, Caversham, Reading, Berkshire, RG4 6D
WEBSITE: qas.org.uk FOUNDED: 1894
AGES: 11-18
FEES: (termly fees start from) Day £8,559; Flexi-boarding £13,731; Full boarding £14.953; International boarding £15,985 (e . AT)
RELIGIOUS AFFILIATION: Church of England,accepting girls of no or all faith/s
CONTACT: Admissions; 01189 187 7333
EMAIL: admissions@qas.org.uk
SCHOOL VISITS: isit as.org.uk to book onto the termly open events in September, February and May. Contact admissions for information on group and individual visits.
THE CURRICULUM: A broad, balanced curriculum with excellent STEM, Performing Arts and Sport provision complements the extensive range of co-curricular opportunities. The variety of traditional subjects sits alongside Si th Form specific sub ects such as Criminology, Sociology and Film. Inter-disciplinary projects are introduced in Year 7, emphasising the harmony between subjects for real world skills.
GAMES & THE ARTS: Queen Anne’s boasts a state-of-the-art Music centre; outstanding art and ceramics facilities; plus, a 250-seat theatre and a thriving Dance department. Amazing performance opportunities such as the Westminster Abbey service and Music tours overseas are cherished by the girls here. Many students earn places on national sports teams and overseas sports scholarships, particularly in the school’s specialist sport of lacrosse. Students also excel in netball, tennis and athletics.
PASTORAL CARE: Gaining significant recognition for their innovative approach to student wellbeing, Queen Anne’s recently won three pastoral care awards, recognised by Talk Education, The Health in Education Association (HIEDA) and The Week Independent Schools Guide. At the heart of this achievement is the school’s Weekly Well-Being Check-In, an incredible initiative supporting students’ physical, mental and emotional well-being.
UNIVERSITY PLACES: UK and overseas including Oxbridge, Russell Group and Ivy League universities and degree apprenticeships.
HEAD TEACHER’S PHILOSOPHY: Elaine Purves has a wealth of experience along with a passion for student wellbeing and excellence. Ms Purves believes in providing an environment where girls can thrive academically and holistically to provide a brilliant launchpad for life.
OUTSTANDING CHARACTERISTICS: Tradition meets modernity in all aspects of learning, while honouring the importance of writing and de terity, Queen Anne’s embraces innovation such as Artificial Intelligence in learning and the use of digital devices. The school’s pioneering education prepares girls for the challenges of the modern world.
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Organ, Choral, Music, Art, Drama, Sports, Academic, Product Design & All-rounder scholarships available + means-tested bursaries www.downside.co.uk Downside School, Stratton-on-the-Fosse, Somerset, BA3 4RJ call issy hartnell on 01761 235103 or email admissions@downside.co.ukto find out more
ADDRESS: Westbury Road, Westbury-on-Trym, Bristol BS9 3BA
WEBSITE: badmintonschool.co.uk
AGES: 4-18 years
FEES: (termly) Day £4,752 - £7974. Boarding £10,854 - £19,932
HEAD TEACHER: Mrs Jessica Miles
RELIGIOUS AFFILIATION: Non-denominational ENTRANCE PROCEDURE: Entrance exams, online reasoning test, interview by a senior member of staff and reference from current school.
CONTACT: Admissions Team: 0117 9055271
EMAIL: admissions@badmintonschool.co.uk
SCHOOL VISITS: Individual visits welcome. Open Days: Prep School: 6th February, Senior School & Sixth Form: 28th February, Whole School: 2nd May
THE CURRICULUM: The emphasis at Badminton is on a holistic education, not narrowly academic. The curriculum and timetable are constructed to create balance between academic achievement, personal development, life skills and extra-curricular activities.
GAMES & THE ARTS: The Creative Arts Centre provides pupils with the inspiration and facilities to excel in the various mediums of art. Music, wellbeing and sports are a large part of school life. Wide ranging activities mean pupils can really get involved.
PASTORAL CARE: The campus and community at Badminton gives off a homely, vibrant feel. Coupled with excellent pastoral care the school lends itself to strong mutually supportive relationships between pupils and staff. We wish every pupil to feel happy and confident. Working to ensure a well ordered and supportive environment, we ask pupils to take responsibility for themselves and others. This gives them opportunities to face challenge and build resilience.
RECENT SCHOLARSHIPS: Awards and scholarships are available to pupils with particular talents.
HEAD TEACHER’S PHILOSOPHY: At Badminton, our focus continues to be on nurturing pupils’ natural curiosity and fuelling their passion for learning. We believe in practically engaging with the subjects and really getting under the skin of them. The enduring excellence that Badminton girls achieve stems from the positive atmosphere and holistic approach to education.
OUTSTANDING CHARACTERISTICS: While Badminton retains a nationally outstanding academic record, the community gives pupils a chance to develop an understanding of the viewpoints of others and to contributing to the world around them. Pupils leaving Badminton are ready to face the wider world and take with them a network of lifelong friends.
ADDRESS: Child Okeford, Blandford, Dorset DT11 8HN
WEBSITE: hanfordschool.co.uk
AGES: 7-13
FEES: Boarding from £7,752 - £10,116; Day from £5,370 - 7,758
HEAD TEACHER: Mrs Hilary Phillips
ENTRANCE PROCEDURE: No formal entrance exam. All enquiries are welcomed.
CONTACT: Julia Horton, Admissions Manager
EMAIL: office hanfordschool.co.uk
SCHOOL VISITS: Prospective parents are welcome at any time. We hold an Open Morning each term and prospective pupils have Taster Days throughout the year.
THE CURRICULUM: Our curriculum is based on the Common Entrance syllabus which incorporates the National Curriculum. Girls learn Latin, current affairs, ICT, religious education, drama, music and music appreciation, art appreciation, art, pottery and handwork/textiles.
GAMES & THE ARTS: Sport covers netball, hockey, tennis, gymnastics, cricket, pop lacrosse, rounders, athletics, cross country and swimming. Hanford is also famous for its riding and busy stables; nearly all girls have riding lessons, many bringing their own pony back to school.
PASTORAL CARE: Hanford is known for its family atmosphere; the girls make friends across the year groups and, because of its size, everybody gets to know each other extremely well. Boarding is a key part of Hanford life with full boarding and fle i boarding remaining e tremely popular.
SENIOR EXIT SCHOOLS: Choosing a senior school can be a daunting prospect at times however Hanford prides itself on helping parents find the right school for their child. The Head and senior staff are particularly well placed to help and advise with this decision.
RECENT SCHOLARSHIPS: Year on year, Hanford girls enjoy great academic success with over 90 scholarships awarded by leading senior schools in the past 9 years, a remarkable achievement for a non selective school. Recently scholarships have been awarded by Sherborne Girls, Canford, Bryanston, Oundle, Stowe, Tudor Hall, St Mary’s Calne, Godolphin, Leweston, Blundells, King’s Bruton and Ampleforth.
HEAD TEACHER’S PHILOSOPHY: Hanford allows children to be children, to enjoy their childhood while providing the opportunity to excel in any sphere. Hanford nurtures the seeds of achievement and independence of all girls allowing them to flourish wherever they go.
OUTSTANDING CHARACTERISTICS: This is an extremely happy girls day and boarding school where academic achievements sit comfortably alongside creativity, sport, friendship and fun.
For ages 3-18. Please register at kesbath.com or call 01225 820 399
ADDRESS: Hazlegrove, Sparkford, Yeovil, Somerset BA22 7JA
WEBSITE: hazlegrove.co.uk
NUMBER OF PUPILS: 373 in total, 199 Boys & 174 Girls
AGES: 2-13
FEES: Pre-Prep: £4,025; Prep Day £6,400 - £8,161; Prep Boarding £9,468 - £12,080
ENTRANCE PROCEDURE: Taster day at the school and assessment
CONTACT: Ali Rogers, admissions, 01963 442606
EMAIL: admissions@hazlegrove.co.uk
SCHOOL VISITS: Visitors always welcome by appointment, please contact the school for further details
THE CURRICULUM: The breadth and balance in the curriculum give pupils an opportunity to get excited about the lessons they have each day. The development of a creative and innovative curriculum sits alongside outdoor learning and sustainability.
GAMES & THE ARTS: Sports is a clear strength and significant success is achieved by pupils on the national and international stage. The grounds and indoor sports complex provide excellent facilities and all pupils are encouraged to join in and enjoy learning a wide variety of sports. Music and the Performing Arts are an integral part of life at Hazlegrove, with opportunities for every child both in and out of the classroom. Pupils sing, play and perform in every year of their Hazlegrove journey, developing confidence and displaying the school’s core values in all that they do.
PASTORAL CARE: There is a distinctive sense of community and wellbeing at Hazlegrove. ‘The pastoral care of the pupils is e emplary,’ ISI.
RECENT SCHOLARSHIPS: Over the last four years, an impressive 103 Scholarships and Awards have been gained to 20 different schools.
HEAD TEACHER’S PHILOSOPHY: Our greatest desire is to provide as many opportunities and experiences for each child, so that they can discover their own unique skills and talents and develop into curious and passionate learners. We want to ensure that they have the social, emotional and academic foundations to go on to thrive at senior school and beyond. We want our children to become kind, confident and selfassured young people.
OUTSTANDING CHARACTERISTICS: The Good Schools’ Guide writes: Try as we might, we could not find anything to fault about this super one-off school.’ Pupils lay down firm foundations in all areas of the curriculum, on which they can build in future years. Academic rigour sits alongside creative ambition, teamwork and a love of learning. Hazlegrove encourages individuality and values determination and perseverance, as well as qualities such as compassion and kindness. For the boarders there is a genuine sense of belonging to the Hazlegrove family.
ADDRESS: Bourton, Swindon, Wiltshire SN6 8H
WEBSITE: www.pinewoodschool.co.uk
FEES: £4,645.20 to £8,940.00 per term, plus £2,406.60 per term for Weekly Boarders (incl. VAT)
RELIGIOUS AFFILIATION: Pinewood is ecumenical in its outlook and accepts children of any faith.
ENTRANCE PROCEDURE: Non-selective. Two taster days for Year 3 upwards to ensure needs can be met.
CONTACT: Emily Miller – Head of Admissions & Marketing
EMAIL: emilymiller@pinewoodschool.co.uk
SCHOOL VISITS: Open mornings in October and May (Thursday 15th May 2025). Private tours are welcome by prior appointment.
THE CURRICULUM: Education is not confined to the classroom walls in recognition of the value brought by a broad extracurricular programme. Our S I S programme offers over 40 diverse activities with academic, pastoral and social benefits from mountain biking to mosaics.
GAMES & THE ARTS: The e tensive 84 acre grounds are home to a state-of-the-art sports hall, two multi-use AstroTurfs, nine-hole golf course, tennis courts and a refurbished swimming pool. A purpose-built Music School supports the Arts, with excellent successes achieved in Art and Drama.
PASTORAL CARE: At the heart of Pinewood is a family atmosphere and a support structure has been created to reflect this with huge importance placed on pastoral care. Mental health is prioritised from an early age and we have a dedicated Wellbeing Emotional Support Department. Our focus is on nurturing and educating happy children in a safe space and helping to develop personal characteristics such as resilience, selfawareness and confidence.
RECENT SCHOLARSHIPS: 23 scholarships (in 2024) to 12 different schools (including Radley, Marlborough, Downe House Cheltenham).
HEAD TEACHER’S PHILOSOPHY: Pinewood is a strikingly friendly school in which relationships are built on values of curiosity, perseverance and respect.
OUTSTANDING CHARACTERISTICS: Pinewood is a country prep school which Modernises Tradition’, a place in which EQ is deemed as important as IQ. With a flourishing Nursery and Pre-Prep, children make learning an adventure. Preparing them for their next steps at Senior School, children take advantage of excellent teaching and facilities with recent investment including a state of the art si -classroom teaching block.
ADDRESS: Rushmore, Tollard Royal, Salisbury, Wiltshire, SP5 5QD
WEBSITE: www.sandroyd.org
AGES: 2-13 (115 boys, 118 girls)
FEES: Nursery: £43 per day; Pre-Prep: £4,326; Year 3 (day): £7,602; Year 3 (boarding): £10,176; Years 4-5 (day): £10,218; Years 6-8 (day): £10,470; Years 4-8 (boarding): £12,858
HEAD TEACHER: Alastair Speers, BSc (Hons), Med, PGCE, QTS
ENTRANCE PROCEDURE: Early registration recommended. Nonselective. Offers based on taster day and school reports.
CONTACT: Dinah Rawlinson, Head of Admissions
EMAIL: admissions@sandroyd.com
SCHOOL VISITS: Call to organise a personal visit on 01725 530 124
THE CURRICULUM: Our primary aim in the classroom is to ignite a passion for learning in our pupils. Our carefully designed curriculum prepares students for Common Entrance and Scholarship examinations.
GAMES & THE ARTS: A significant amount of time is dedicated to sports as well as performing and creative arts. By participating in teams, bands, theatre productions, or sports teams, children continuously develop social and emotional intelligence, sharing the joys of success and learning from failures together.
PASTORAL CARE: Pastoral care is one of Sandroyd’s great strengths. Each child has a personal Tutor responsible for monitoring academic progress, ensuring productive use of out-of-class hours, and being a first point of contact when life doesn’t go according to plan.
RECENT SCHOLARSHIPS: Over the past five years, 40 percent of our leavers who have gone on to public schools have earned scholarship awards.
HEAD TEACHER’S PHILOSOPHY: At Sandroyd, we strive to create a learning environment where happiness and inclusivity are paramount. We offer a broad curriculum that allows every pupil to flourish as an individual. Our collaborative teaching and support staff are dedicated to providing an education that prepares our pupils in a nurturing yet ambitious setting, guiding each child to achieve their full potential. This culture is integral to our pupils’ success and is ingrained in everything we do.
OUTSTANDING CHARACTERISTICS: Sandroyd is set in over 500 acres of parkland on the Wiltshire/Dorset border. While academic results are crucial, we believe that character development extends beyond the classroom. Hence, we dedicate significant time to sports, performing, and creative arts. We nurture pupils to be ambitious and strive in all they do, embodying our motto, ‘Niti est Nitere’ (To strive is to shine).
ADDRESS: Curzon Street, Calne, Wiltshire SN11 0DF
WEBSITE: www.stmaryscalne.org
AGES: 11-18
FEES: (Termly) Boarding £18,546, Day £13,836
HEAD: Mrs Anne Wakefield, BMus (Sheffield), QTS (Hertfordshire)
ENTRANCE PROCEDURE: Entrance assessments can be held in person at St Marys or virtually. Depending on the entry point, girls will complete online and written assessments plus an interview.
CONTACT: Mrs Megan Davis, Head of Admissions, 01249 857 341
EMAIL: admissions@stmaryscalne.org
SCHOOL VISITS: Individual visits during the term. Open Days: Saturday 1 March and Friday 16 May 2025.
THE CURRICULUM: Our focus is ‘connected teaching and learning,’ encouraging girls to think broadly and deeply. We challenge girls to grow and develop personally, academically and socially, empowering them to be independent learners.
GAMES & THE ARTS: Sport is key to school life and success is achieved at local, national and international level. The arts are very strong with a wide variety of drama and music performance opportunities offered and art exhibitions are held in London.
PASTORAL CARE: Praised as consistently outstanding, St Mary’s has a close and caring atmosphere, with a vibrant, warm community. Every girl is known and cared for as an individual. Girls can approach anyone for support, with tutors fulfilling a vital role. They support and guide the girls through every aspect of school life; from organisational skills and subject choices through to university application.
UNIVERSITY PLACES: Girls gain places at their first-choice university, including Oxbridge, the Russell Group universities and leading universities around the world.
HEAD’S PHILOSOPHY: St Mary’s Calne offers a transformative and empowering education in a relaxed environment where girls love learning and aspire to be their best selves. Girls’ talents are recognised and nurtured by our highly motivated staff; their dedication underpins the warmth and vibrancy of this boarding community where the individual girl matters most. St Mary’s girls become independent thinkers and responsible citizens, they are articulate and confident as well as warm and caring, taking an active part in local community service.
OUTSTANDING CHARACTERISTICS: We provide an enriching, personalised curriculum, inspirational teaching and outstanding exam results. The school experience is enhanced by superb facilities as well as trips, outings and over 70 co-curricular clubs. We are ranked 1st independent secondary school in Wiltshire and 2nd in the South West (The Sunday Times Schools’ Guide, Parent Power 2024).
Bilton Grange is changing the face of prep-school boarding across the UK.
Designed with children’s comfort and modern lifestyle at its heart, our new house champions boarding fun for seven to 13-year-olds from hub spaces for games and music, to a helter skelter-style slide to transport them between the four levels.
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Set in 90-acres of grounds, this will be a true home-fromhome experience, staycation style, combined with academic excellence, superb sporting facilities and unparalleled pastoral care.
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98 Bassett Bear House Nursery
73 St Helens Gardens, London W10 6LL T: 020 8969 0313 bassetths.org.uk
142 Christ Church Cathedral School
3 Brewer Street, Oxford OX1 1QW T: 01865 242561 cccs.org.uk
111 Eaton House
Belgravia Nursery
3-5 Eaton Gate, London SW1W 9BA T: 020 3917 5050 eatonhouseschools.com
111 Eaton House
The Manor Nursery 58 Clapham Common, Northside, London SW4 9RU T: 020 3917 5050 eatonhouseschools.com
98 The Gardens Daycare & Nursery School
62 Standen Road, London SW18 5TG T: 020 8871 9478 gardenschildcare.co.uk
99 Kew Green Nursery
100 85 Kew Green, Richmond TW9 3AH T: 020 8948 5999 kgps.co.uk
97 L’ecole des Petits
2 Hazlebury Road, London SW6 2NB T: 020 7371 8350 lecoledespetits.co.uk
101 Noah’s Ark Nursery
106 Northcote Road, SW11 6QW | Melody Road, SW18 2ED T: 020 7924 3472 noahsarknurseryschools. org.uk
31 St James Preparatory & 115 Nursery School
Earsby Street, London W14 8SH T: 020 7348 1777 stjamesschools.co.uk
99 The Little Courtiers at Hampton Court House
The Little Courtyard, Hampton Court House, Richmond-uponThames KT8 9BS T: 020 8614 0865 hamptoncourt house.co.uk
13 Thomas’s Kindergarten
St Mary’s Church, Battersea Church Road, London SW11 3NA T: 020 7978 0900 thomas-s.co.uk
100 Willow Nursery School
55 Grafton Square, Clapham Old Town London SW4 0DE T: 020 7498 0319 willownursery.co.uk
102 The Villa School
Pre-preparatory School and Nursery
54 Lyndhurst Grove, London SE15 5AH T: 020 7703 6216 willownursery.co.uk thevillaschoolandnursery. co.uk
104 Bassett House School 60 Bassett Road, London W10 6JP T: 020 8969 0313 bassetths.org.uk
105 Brighton College Prep Kensington 10, 13 Prince’s Gardens, London SW7 1ND T: 020 7591 4620 brightoncollege.org.uk
107 Charterhouse Square School 40 Charterhouse Square, Barbican, London EC1M 6EA T: 020 7600 380 charterhousesquare school.co.uk
104 Dolphin School 106 Northcote Road, London SW11 6QW T: 020 7924 3472 dolphinschool.org.uk
105 Dulwich Prep 38-42 Alleyn Park, London SE21 7AA T: 020 8766 5500 dulwichprepsenior.org. uk
111 Eaton House Belgravia Prep 3–5 Eaton Gate, London SW1W 9BA T: 020 3917 5050 eatonhouseschools.com
111 Eaton House The Manor Pre-Prep School 58 Clapham Common, Northside, London SW4 9RU T: 020 3917 5050 eatonhouseschools.com
111 Eaton House
The Manor Boys’ School 58 Clapham Common, Northside, London SW4 9RU T: 020 3917 5050 eatonhouseschools.com
111 Eaton House The Manor Girls’ School 58 Clapham Common, Northside, London SW4 9RU T: 020 3917 5050 eatonhouseschools.com
97 L’Ecole de Battersea Trott Street, London SW11 3DS T: 020 7371 8350 lecoledespetits.co.uk
97 L’Ecole des Petits 2 Hazlebury Road, London SW6 2NB T: 020 7371 8350 lecoledespetits.co.uk
118 Francis Holland Preparatory School 15 Manresa Road, SW3 6NB T: 020 7730 2971 fhs-sw1.org.uk
110 Hampton Court House Hampton Court Road, London KT8 9BS T: 020 8614 0857 hamptoncourthouse. co.uk
110 Heathfield House Turnham Green Church Hall, Heathfield Gardens, Chiswick, London W4 4JU T: 020 8994 3385 heathfieldhouse.co.uk
106 Hornsby House Hearnville Road, Balham, London SW12 8RS T: 020 8673 7573 hornsbyhouse.org.uk
108 Kew Green
109 Preparatory School
Layton House, Ferry Lane, Kew Green, Richmond TW9 3AF
T: 020 8948 5999 kgps.co.uk
113 Old Vicarage School
48 Richmond Hill, Richmond TW10 6QX
T: 020 8940 0922 oldvicarageschool.com
111 Parsons Green Prep School
1 Fulham Park Road, London SW6 4LJ T: 020 7371 9009 parsonsgreenprep.co.uk
108 Ravenscourt Park
109 Preparatory School 16 Ravenscourt Avenue, London W6 0SL T: 020 8846 9153 rpps.co.uk
112 Rosemead Preparatory School & Nursery
70 Thurlow Park Road, Dulwich, London SE21 8HZ T: 020 8670 5865 rosemeadprep.org.uk
112 Sarum Hall School 15 Eton Avenue, Belsize Park, London NW3 3LJ T: 020 7794 2261 sarumhallschool.co.uk
106 St Dunstan’s College Junior School Stanstead Road, London SE6 4TY T: 020 8516 7200 stdunstans.org.uk
31 St James Preparatory
115 School
Earsby Street, London W14 8SH T: 020 7348 1793 stjamesprep.co.uk
113 St Philip’s School 6 Wetherby Place, London SW7 4NE
T: 020 7373 3944 stphilipschool.co.uk
13 Thomas’s Battersea 28-40 Battersea High Street, London SW11 3JB
T: 020 7978 0900 thomas-s.co.uk
13 Thomas’s Clapham Broomwood Road, London SW11 6JZ
T: 020 7326 9300 thomas-s.co.uk
13 Thomas’s Fulham
49 Hugon Road, London SW6 3ES T: 020 7751 8200 thomas-s.co.uk
13 Thomas’s Kensington Preparatory School 17-19 Cottesmore Gardens,London W8 5PR T: 020 7361 6500 thomas-s.co.uk
13 Thomas’s Kensington Lower School 39-41 Victoria Road, London W8 5RJ T: 020 7937 0583 thomas-s.co.uk
114 Tower House School 188 Sheen Lane, London SW14 8LF
T: 020 8876 3323 thsboys.org.uk
114 White House Preparatory School
24 Thornton Road, London SW12 0LF
T: 020 8674 9514 whitehouseschool.com
119 Blackheath High School Vanbrugh Park, London SE3 7AG T: 020 8852 1537 blackheathhighschool. gdst.net
105 Dulwich Senior 38-42 Alleyn Park, London SE21 7AA T: 020 8766 5500 dulwichprepsenior.org. uk
64 Eltham College Grove Park Road, Mottingham, London SE9 4QF
T: 020 8857 1455 elthamcollege.london
118 Francis Holland School (Regent’s Park, NW1) Ivor Place, London NW1 6XR T: 020 7723 0176 fhs-nw1.org.uk
118 Francis Holland School (Sloane Square, SW1) 39 Graham Terrace, London SW1W 8JF T: 020 7730 2971 fhs-sw1.org.uk
110 Hampton Court House Hampton Court Road, East Molesey KT8 9BS T: 020 8614 0857 hamptoncourthouse. co.uk
118 Kensington Park School 40-44 Bark Place, London W2 4AT T: 020 7616 4400 kps.co.uk
116 Kew House School 1176 Capital Interchange Way, London TW8 0EX T: 020 8742 2038 kewhouseschool.com
IFC London Park
School Clapham 7-11 Nightingale Lane, London SW4 9AH T: 020 8161 0305 londonparkschools.com
IFC London Park School Sixth 79 Ecclestone Square, London SW1VV 1PP T: 020 7491 7393 londonparkschools.com
IFC London Park School Mayfair 106 Piccadilly, W1J 7NL T: 020 7491 7393 londonparkschools.com
116 Maida Vale School 11718 Saltram Crescent, London W9 3HR T: 020 4511 6000 maidavaleschool.com
2 MPW London 90–92 Queen’s Gate, London SW7 5AB T: 020 7835 1355 mpw.ac.uk
120 Queen’s Gate 131-133 Queen’s Gate, London SW7 5LE T: 020 7589 3587 queensgate.org.uk
120 Queenswood Shepherd’s Way, Brookmans Park, Hatfield AL9 6NS T: 01707 602500 queenswood.org
121 St Dunstan’s College Stanstead Road, London SE6 4TY T: 020 8516 7200 stdunstans.org.uk
31 St James Senior Girls’ 115 Earsby Street, London W14 8SH T: 020 7348 1777 stjamesschools.co.uk
122 Sydenham High 19 Westwood Hill, London SE26 6BL T: 020 8557 7000 sydenhamhighschool. gdst.net
13 Thomas’s College Queen’s Road, Richmond Hill, London TW10 6JP T: 020 7978 0902 thomas-s.co.uk
13 Thomas’s Putney Vale Stroud Crescent London SW15 3EQ T: 020 3653 1640 thomas-s.co.uk
122 Whitgift School
Haling Park Road, South Croydon CR2 6YT T: 020 8688 9222 whitgift.co.uk
IFC Hybrid @ LPS 7-11 Nightingale Lane London SW4 9AH SW9 7QE T: 020 8161 0305 londonparkschools.com
124 Aldro Lombard Street, Shackleford, Godalming, Surrey GU8 6AS T: 01483 813535 aldro.org
126 Bedales Church Road, Steep, Petersfield, Hampshire GU32 2DG T: 01730 711733 bedales.org.uk
125 Bede’s Prep School Duke’s Drive, Eastbourne, East Sussex BN20 7XL T: 01323 734222 bedes.org
125 Bede’s Senior School Upper Dicker, East Sussex BN27 3QH T: 01323 843252 bedes.org
71 Benenden School Cranbrook, Kent TN17 4AA T: 01580 240592 benenden.school
141 Blackburn House at Walthamstow Hall Holly Bush Lane, Sevenoaks Kent TN13 3UL T: 01732 453815 walthamstow-hall .co.uk
9 Brighton College Eastern Road, Brighton BN2 0AL T: 01273 704200 brightoncollege.org.uk
135 Brighton College Prep Handcross London Road, Handcross RH17 6HF T: 01444 400526 handcrossparkschool. co.uk
131 Caterham School Harestone Valley Road, Caterham, Surrey CR3 6YA T: 01883 343028 caterhamschool.co.uk
19 Charterhouse Godalming, Surrey GU7 2DX T: 01483 291501 charterhouse.org.uk
127 Christ’s Hospital School Horsham, West Sussex RH13 0YP T: 01403 211293 christs-hospital.org.uk
134 Churchers College Ramshill, Petersfield Hampshire GU31 4AS T: 01730 263033 churcherscollege.com
124 Cottesmore School
Buchan Hill, Pease Pottage, West Sussex RH11 9AU T: 01293 520648 cottesmoreschool.com
53 Cranleigh Preparatory School Horseshoe Lane, Cranleigh, Surrey GU6 8QH T: 01483 542051 cranprep.org
53 Cranleigh School Horseshoe Lane, Cranleigh, Surrey GU6 8QQ T: 01483 273666 cranleigh.org
132 Cobham Hall School Brewers Road, Cobham DA12 3BL T: 01474 823371 cobhamhall.com
128 Cumnor House
129 Boy’s School 168 Pampisford Road, South Croydon CR2 6DA T: 020 8660 3445 cumnorhouse.com
128 Cumnor House
129 School For Girls 1 Woodcote Lane, Purley CR8 3HB T: 020 8668 0050 cumnorhouse.com
133 Downsend School 1 Leatherhead Road, Leatherhead KT22 8TJ T: 01372 372197 downsend.co.uk
136 Farleigh School Red Rice, Hampshire SP11 7PW T: 01264 712838 farleighschool.com
126 Farringtons Perry Street, Chislehurst, Kent BR7 6LR T: 020 8467 0256 farringtons.org.uk
126 Feltonfleet School Byfleet Road, Cobham, Surrey KT11 1DR T: 01932 826264 feltonfleet.co.uk
OBC Hurtwood House Holmbury St Mary, Dorking, Surrey RH5 6NU T: 01483 279000 hurtwoodhouse.com
136 King Edward’s Witley Wormley, Godalming, Surrey GU8 5SG T: 01428 686700 kesw.org
4 Lancing College Lancing, West Sussex BN15 0RW T: 01273 465805 lancingcollege.co.uk
130 Marymount International School
George Road, Kingston upon Thames KT2 7PE T: 020 8949 0571 marymountlondon.com
137 Mayfield School
The Old Palace, Mayfield, East Sussex TN20 6PH T: 01435 874642 mayfieldgirls.org
138 Pennthorpe
Church Street, Rudgwick, Horsham RH12 3HJ T: 01402 822391 pennthorpe.com
88 Prior’s Field
Priorsfield Road, Godalming, Surrey GU7 2RH T: 01483 810551 priorsfieldschool.com
140 Reed’s School
Sandy Lane, Cobham, Surrey KT11 2ES T: 01932 869001 reeds.surrey.sch.uk
130 Reigate Grammar School
Reigate Road, Surrey RH2 0QS T: 01737 222231 reigategrammar.org
68 Royal Russell School
Coombe Lane, Croydon CR9 5BX T: 020 8657 4433 royalrussell.co.uk
8 The Royal Alexandra and Albert School
Gatton Park, Reigate, Surrey RH2 0TD T: 01737 649000 raa-school.co.uk
34 St Catherine’s, Bramley Station Road, Bramley, Guildford GU5 0DF T: 01483 899609 stcatherines.info
31 St James Senior Boys’ 115 Church Road, Ashford, Surrey TW15 3DZ T: 01784 266 930 stjamesschools.co.uk
138 St Swithun’s School Alresford Road Winchester Hampshire SO21 1HA T: 01962 835750 stswithuns.com
139 Tormead Prep School Cranleigh Road, Guilford, Surrey GU1 2JD T: 01483 796073 tormeadschool.org.uk
139 Tormead Senior School
Cranleigh Road, Guilford, Surrey GU1 2JD T: 01483 575101 tormeadschool.org.u
138 Walhampton School School Lane, Walhampton, Lymington SO41 5ZG T: 01590 613300 walhampton.com
141 Walthamstow Hall Senior Holly Bush Lane, Sevenoaks Kent TN13 3UL T: 01732 451334 walthamstowhall.co.uk
11 Wellington College Dukes Ride, Berkshire, Crowthorne RG45 7PU T: 01344 444000 wellingtoncollege. org.uk
140 Worth School Paddockhurst Road, Turners Hill, Crawley RH10 4SD T: 01342 710200 worthschool.org.uk
142 Beachborough School Westbury, Nr. Brackley, Northamptonshire NN13 5LB T: 01280 700071 beachborough.com
143 The Beacon School 15 Amersham Road, Chesham Bois, Amersham, Bucks HP6 5PF T: 01494 433654 beaconschool.co.uk
57 Berkhamsted School Overton House, 131 High Street, Berkhamsted, Herts HP4 2DJ T: 01442 358001 berkhamsted.com
142 Cheam School
Headley, Newbury, Berkshire RG19 8LD T: 01635 267822 cheamschool.com
142 Christ Church Cathedral School 3 Brewer Street, Oxford OX1 1QW T: 01865 242561 cccs.org.uk
143 Felsted Preparatory School
Felsted, Essex CM6 3JL T: 01371 822611 felsted.org/prephome
143 Felsted School
Felsted, Essex CM6 3LL T: 01371 822600 felsted.org
Greenes College Oxford 45 Pembroke Street, Oxford OX1 1BP T: 01865 419998 greenes.org.uk
73 Haileybury
Haileybury, Hertford SG13 7NU T: 01992 706353 haileybury.com
39 Heathfield School
London Road, Ascot SL5 8BQ T: 01344 898 343 heathfieldschool.net
144 Ludgrove School
Ludgrove, Wokingham, Berkshire RG40 3AB T: 01189 789881 ludgrove.net
145 New Hall School
The Avenue, Boreham, Chelmsford CM3 3HS T: 01245 236 098 newhallschool.co.uk
145 The Oratory School
The Oratory School Woodcote, Oxfordshire RG8 0PJ T: 01491 683 500 oratory.co.uk
12 Oxford Science Studies
Oxford Science Studies
Oxford International College, 1 London Place Oxford, OX4 1BD T: 01865 240637 oxss.co.uk
144 Papplewick
Windsor Road, Ascot, Berkshire SL5 7LH T: 01344 621488 papplewick.org.uk
149 Queen Anne’s School
Henley Road, Caversham, Berkshire RG4 6DX T: 01189 187300 qas.org.uk
IBC Stowe School
Stowe, Buckingham MK18 5EH T: 01280 818205 stowe.co.uk
7 St Edward’s Oxford Woodstock Road, Oxford, OX2 7NN T: 01865 319200 stedwardsoxford.org
148 St George’s Ascot Wells Lane, Ascot SL5 7DZ T: 01344 629900 stgeorges-ascot.org.uk
148 Tudor Hall Wykham Park, Banbury Oxfordshire OX16 9UR T: 01295 263434 tudorhallschool.com
146 Wychwood School 74 Banbury Road, Oxford OX2 6JR T: 01865 557976 wychwoodschool.org
150 York House Sarratt Road, Rickmansworth, Herts WD3 4LW T: 01923 772 395 york-house.com
153 Badminton School Westbury Road, Westbury-on-Trym, Bristol BS9 3BA T: 0117 905 5271 badmintonschool.co.uk
51 Bryanston School Blandford Dorset DT11 0PX, T: 01258 452 411 bryanston.co.uk
FC Canford School
151 Wimborne, Dorset BH21 3AD T: 01202 847207 canford.com
151 Downside School Stratton-on-the-Fosse, Bath, Somerset BA3 4RJ T: 01761 235103 downside.co.uk
153 Hanford School Child Okeford, Blandford, Dorset DT11 8HN T: 01258 860219 hanford.dorset.sch.uk
155 Hazlegrove Preparatory School Hazlegrove, Sparkford, Somerset BA22 7JA T: 01963 442606 hazlegrove.co.uk
154 King Edward’s School Bath North Road, Bath BA2 6HU T: 01225 820399 kesbath.com
152 Marlborough College Bath Road, Marlborough, Wiltshire SN8 1PA T: 01672 892200 marlboroughcollege .org
154 Millfield School
Butleigh Road, Street, Somerset BA16 0YD T: 01458 444296 millfieldschool.com
154 Milton Abbey School Blandford Forum, Dorset DT11 0BZ T: 01258 880484 miltonabbey.co.uk
155 Pinewood School Bourton, Shrivenham, Wiltshire SN6 8HZ T: 01793 782205 pinewoodschool.co.uk
156 Sandroyd School
Rushmore Park, Salisbury SP5 5QD T: 01725 516264 sandroyd.org
156 St Mary’s Calne Calne, Wilts SN11 0DF T: 01249 857200 stmaryscalne.org
152 Taunton School Staplegrove Road, Taunton, Somerset TA2 6AD T: 01823 703703 tauntonschool.co.uk
10 Wells Cathedral School
The Liberty, Wells, Somerset BA5 2ST T: 01749 834200 wells.cathedral.school
157 Bilton Grange Preparatory School
Bilton Grange Preparatory School, Dunchurch, Rugby, CV22 6QU T: 01788 810217 biltongrange.co.uk
157 Glenalmond College
Glenalmond, Perth PH1 3RY T: 01738 842000 glenalmondcollege. co.uk
159 Queen Ethelburga’s Thorpe Underwood Estate, York YO26 9SS T: 01423 333333 qe.org
21 Rugby School Rugby School, Lawrence Sheriff Street, Rugby, Warwickshire, CV22 5EH T: 01788 556 216 rugbyschool.co.uk
17 Stonyhurst College
Stonyhurst, Clitheroe, Lancashire BB7 9PZ T: 01254 826345 stonyhurst.ac.uk
158 Shrewsbury School
The Schools, Shrewsbury, Shropshire SY3 7BA T: 01743 280500 shrewsbury.org.uk
160 Stephen Perse School Union Road, Cambridge CB2 1HF T: 01223 454700 stephenperse.com
158 Campbell College Belmont Road, Belfast, Northern Ireland BT4 2ND T: 02890 763076 campbellcollege.co.uk
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