Voice 9/13

Page 1





Beginning A New

Welcome back to GCGS Page 4






Be a Writer

A message from Mr. Li and tips for the new year

Test scores, trainings, and essays

Moon festival mythology and going to concerts

Find out where students went during break

From beautiful artwork to fictional stories

Learn how you can help the Voice







Guangdong Country Garden School



in the community

Guangdong Country Garden School (GCGS) has a vibrant and

To better serve our students’ learning needs and personal development,

purposeful school community. GCGS is committed to providing a high

we aim to continuously improve the quality of our facilities and the

quality, affordable international education that represents excellence &

educational programs we offer. We are proud of our school and of the

quality. We are a selective, coeducational, independent Kindergarten

achievements of the members of our school community but we are not

through Year 15 school. You will discover new things, and share your

complacent. We welcome constructive feedback on how we’re doing

enthusiasm with new friends from all over the world. As an international

because it helps us grow and improve.

school located in the South of China, we value and celebrate the rich

GCGS is an inclusive learning community, which inspires International

diversity of the many nationalities, cultures and traditions of all our

Mindedness, Personal Excellence, and Creative and Critical Thinking.

students and we aim to provide a safe, inclusive and caring environment

One of the things immediately apparent at GCGS is that we are a

in which young people can learn to live and work together in a spirit

community of learners, actively engaged in a wide range of activities

of harmony and mutual respect. Each student is encouraged to play an

requiring diverse skills. Because we are a community much of our learning

active role in school life, both in and out of the classroom.

occurs collaboratively, within and across groups, which may be defined

We have a tradition of curriculum development and innovation and are

socially or professionally. This sense of community encourages risk-taking,

currently one of 150 schools in the world to offer all three programs

communication and involvement, regardless of age or role.

of the International Baccalaureate, PYP, MYP & DP. The final two years

You are always welcome to contact us or make an appointment to visit.

of these programs, taught in grades 11 and 12, lead to the award of the IB Diploma, a qualification recognized and sought after by universities around the world. Our students acquire 21st century skills to enable them

David Li

to thrive in an increasingly mobile and interdependent world. In addition,

Principal of Guangdong Country Garden School

we also offer IGCSE, IFY & A-Levels as part of our academic program.

Questions? countrygardenvoice@gmail.com Want to contribute? Have a great idea for the magazine? Have a paper airplane war with the editor?

Design by Jessica Soeland

Edited by Jason Ault, Hector Flores







I Love my Dormitory

2 Words from the Founder 3 New Models of the IB Programs 4 Welcome Back - A message from David Li 5 How to have a Successful Start to a New School Year 6 An unforgettable Birthday Party 7 I am a Pupil Today! 7 I love my Dormitory 8 Happy Teacher Day 9 How to Learn English 10 Theory of Knowledge 12 Training in Hong Kong 13 Partnering for Great Parenting 14 IELTS and TOEFL test scores 15 Our ASDAN summer program 16 I Hope 17 Studying Abroad 17 Disneyland 18 Summer Travel 20 Summer School Testimonial 21 Summer vacation in the USA 21 An Australian Vacation

22 A new adventure 23 Concerts, orchestras, and orchestral concerts! 24 Moon festival mythology and tradition 25 Moon cakes for Mid-autumn festival 26 Art 31 A Bunny (story) 32 The Ark & The city of Paradise 34 Calling All Writers! 35 Voice Article Manager Worksheet 36 Calendar 37 Comments

12 14

IELTS and TOEFL Test Scores


Moon Festival Mythology

Studying Abroad


Welcome Back!

Training in Hong Kong

Year 12 Artwork




SCHOOL Words from the Founder The most valuable investment is in the children’s education. As an old Chinese adage goes, “A great wealth in one’s family is not as valuable as a slight skill in one’s hand.” Money will be used up some day, but abilities may enable someone


Country Garden Resort (Luxury Club)

to create an unlimited amount of wealth for lifelong enjoyment.



Southern Gate

Another Chinese proverb says, “A family’s wealth seldom continues beyond Gymnasium

three generations.” Today, I would take the courage to offer my advice to the

Track & Field

successful people: “Success in one’s career alone is not enough. Besides your



nt D

o rm


career achievement, your children must be promising and well mannered. Only in this way can the joys of your family life have substantive meaning. In addition,


as head of a household, you can enjoy a peaceful and care-free mind only Botani

after you have raised your children who have a sound physical health; a noble

Observatory Tower

cal G arden

determination, and brilliant wisdom to carry forward your career. The realization




of all these will be impossible without receiving a quality education.


National Junior High School National Senior High School

International Cafeteria

Science and Technology Center



ent ’s Pala



National Primary School

g ro

International Building




tu d


e as ers Ov ction Se

IT Center

Lecture Hall for MYP and DP



0086-757-2667-7428 0086-757-2667-7328


www.bgy.gd.cn bgy.gd.cn/foreign/index.html

Western Toilets!





Administration Building Kindergarten


Guangdong Country Garden School Beijiao town, Shunde district, Foshan city, Guangdong province, China 528312

EMAIL bgy@bgymail.gd.cn countrygardenvoice@gmail.com



New Models of the IB Programs The Primary Years Program (PYP)

The Middle Years Program (MYP)

The Diploma Program (DP)

The new PYP model differs from the old PYP model in the following ways

The new model contains the same message about an MYP education but with a different presentation. The circle closest to the center of the model now contains four elements.

The new DP model differs from the old DP model in the following ways:

1. The core circle remains illustrative of the learner’s position at the heart of the PYP curriculum framework. 2. The innermost circle unites the pedagogy of the PYP with its essential elements 3. The three components of the PYP curriculum cycle (written, taught and assessed) now embodied in Approaches to

1. Approaches to learning—this demonstrates the commitment to approaches to learning

on the new model as Approaches to Learning, is also in alignment with MYP,

2. Approaches to teaching and learning model demonstrating the DP’s commitment

2. Approaches to teaching—this emphasizes authentic learning through inquiry.

related and trans-disciplinary) represented

of education

developing skills for learning.

programs. It reinforces the PYP pedagogy

4. The essential element of skills (subject

other program and the IB’s continuum

are included in the inner circle of the

the MYP pedagogy, including collaborative,

and conceptually driven

a hexagon to a circle to align with the

as a key component of the MYP for

Teaching, aligns with MYP, DP and IBCC of authentic learning that is inquiry-based

1. The shape of the model changes from

3. Concepts—this shows the emphasis placed on a concept-based curriculum. 4. Areas of interaction—shows how learning best takes place in context, and can help to develop international-mindedness.

to particular pedagogical approaches to teaching and to developing particular skills for learning 3. The term experimental sciences has changed to the term sciences to more closely align with the other programs 4. The watermark of the world indicates that much learning for the DP takes place in the global context.

DP and IBCC 5. Concepts feature separately to show the alignment with MYP 6. Attitudes remain a PYP essential element. 7. The PYP culminates in the Exhibition, and this features on the new model. This circle demonstrates the clear alignment with action, and with the culminating activities in MYP, DP and IBCC.



Welcome back teachers and students!

After a long and fruitful summer vacation, we are fully refreshed from our holiday and ready for a wonderful and successful school year.


In our last academic year, under the guidance of the school board, we made steadfast achievements as a result of our collective effort. This resulted in a large

festivals. Students are encouraged to take

when thinking about luxury, we look towards

part in as many kinds of activities as possible

more valuable life luxuries such as faith,

that help to develop critical thinking skills and

honesty, simplicity, responsibility, happiness,

creativity. As a result, good teamwork and team

vigor, restfulness, an open mind, conscience

spirit will be cultivated and strengthened.

and experience.

number of our students earning admissions

Standing at the starting line of a new academic

Establishing “education as luxury” is the

from the top universities at home and abroad.

year, we should have a better understanding

principle as well as the common belief of our

Additionally, we have been continually

of the statement “education as luxury.” This idea

school. Students should set up personal goals

improving our over all marks and scores in

was the resolution of the founder of our school.

based on this principle. Through listening,


The philosophy of “education as luxury” means

observing, reading and thinking extensively,

To embrace the 20th anniversary of our

that a school should provide the top quality

our students will develop self-discipline, self-

school, paramount reforms will be initiated

international education to help students go

awareness with a firm belief in education. Let

this academic year. The focus of our work will

onto the most prestigious universities and thus

us all bear this quote in mind - “On our path of

include the education of the “Ten Qualities”, the

achieve greater success than their parents’

development, knowledge is important without

deepening and consolidation of core courses

generation. Students should receive real quality

doubt, however, what comes before knowledge

and the introduction of an assessment system

education, grow up healthily and happy and

is ability, before that comes morality; and

with an international authority. Furthermore

to develop excellent character to become a

before that comes faith.”

more, we will launch the ASDAN program

global citizen.

with an emphasis on scientific experiments,

Let us not consider material possessions of

observation and exploration. Additionally, we

“education as luxury” as this philosophy has a

will start an IPad class, resume the operation of

deeper significance. Instead of Louis Vuitton,

our schools observatory and celebrate school

Gucci or Prada as some might initially imagine


David Li Principal of Guangdong Country Garden School


Stay organized Make sure you have all the supplies you need. It may help to have one binder with pockets for each class. If your teacher likes to lecture, have a spiral notebook for notes.

A Successful Start To A New School Year

Keep papers in chronological order- they’ll be easier to find later when studying. If your binder starts to get full, transfer old papers into another binder to keep at home. This way you won’t have to lug them around, but they will be there when studying for midterms and finals.

Care about your GPA Your Grade Point Average is your lifeline! With a HIGH GPA many options are available after graduation. You will have many choices regarding which colleges you can attend. A low GPA limits your options.

Make good use of your time Buy a planner as soon as possible. Don’t only write homework, but make sure to write down

There is a program out there for everyone but having a choice makes the walk across the stage a sweet victory!

other stuff you’ll need to remember (like games, practices, study sessions, etc.). In order to be a successful student, you need to have the ability

Get involved at your school

to stay on top of all your activities. Use your

All you need to do is to stay on top of current

with your plans.

planner to stay organized and follow through

Make friends with everyone The best thing to do is to just be friends with everyone. Be confident and be yourself. Get into the habit of saying “ni hao” to people and

events, sporting teams, attending school

not being afraid to talk to new classmates. The

functions like festivals, keeping up with plans

more comfortable you become with a more

Figure out what your hobbies are and find a club that matches that

diverse group of people, the more people

Not being an athlete is no excuse for not having something to do after school. If you’re

Don’t compare yourself

into art, join the art club. Music, and join the

There’s already too much on your plate to

It’s easy to forget to stay in shape when the

orchestra or a band. Join something and be

worry about trivial stuff like this. High school

workload starts piling up, so joining a team at

sure to stick with it for a long time; it looks good

is only a competition with yourself. Everyday

your school makes it one less worry in your

on college applications. If you’re not into any of

you should only be trying to get better. Focus

schedule; it’s already incorporated in your

your school’s clubs, ask your classmates to help

on yourself. Focus on what you can do to make

daily routine. Try your hardest at both your

you start a new one!

yourself better. Then, most importantly, go for it!

Care about college

Never give up

your student council has for the school. Not only will it bond you with other people, but it shows that you care about your fellow students and the school.

Join a sport

will like you and the more you will accustom yourself to the art of versatility later in life

sport and your schoolwork and you should be more than great- you’re healthy and on top of your schoolwork.

As soon as your second year of high school,

Learn to laugh at yourself when you make

start researching colleges. You don’t need to

a mistake. Don’t beat yourself up over

decide anything yet, but it will help you decide

the occasional low mark on a test or quiz.

if you want a large school or small. Begin to

Tell yourself to study harder and strive for

Balance is the key. You can be someone who

build strong academic relationships with your

excellence the next time. If your team lost a

makes high marks in all advanced classes, but

teachers- they’re going to have to write a letter

game, push yourself a little harder at the next

if you have zero extra-curricular activities in

of recommendation so the better they know

practice. Learning this will soon apply outside

your application for college, you will have a

you, the better a letter you’ll get. Also, visit your

of school and into other parts of your life.

much more difficult time getting accepted.

college advisors, they’ll also be able to help

Learn from your mistakes and you will go a

recommend colleges and find scholarships.

long way. Remember, NO ONE IS PERFECT.

School is important, but so is a social life

Hector Flores




An Unforgettable Birthday Party MUSIC CLASS

Making Music and Finding the Rhythm “The next period is a music lesson, please come prepared.” “Oh, we can play the Djembe again!” Since the foreign teachers have come to our school, there have been significant changes and additions in musical instruments. The children are always really excited. For the children to work so diligently, and to produce such amazing results; it has really inspired everyone. The class starts with a warm-up by playing a rhythm, then beating orderly for practice. With the guidance of the Chinese and western teachers, students’ movements are directed to be more specialized. Soon every kids’ smiling face is like a blooming flower, charming and fragrant! Emily (Luo Wenqing)



Today is September 2nd. It’s our first school day in the new semester and I am going to have a birthday party in class.

to study here in Country Garden School. Also

It’s a special day today. I feel very excited as I

well. Thank you, my teachers! At last, I have to

am going to celebrate my 8th birthday with my

be grateful for my classmates. They make me

teachers and classmates at school.

feel happy and joyful everyday.

I am extremely happy as the party goes well.

This is my first unforgettable birthday party;

I’ve received many blessing from my friends.

I will remember it forever.

Some were surprised and some were grateful.

By Tina(Zeng Xi) Tutor: Julia ( Wang Huiyi)

First, I have to thank my parents, they gave me life and they offered me the best environment

they spent a lot of time ordering me a cake. Secondly, I have to thank my teachers. They are very busy but they hosted my birthday party

I am a pupil today! Micro-news on the first day of grade one

Principal Mo spoke at the content-rich parents’ meeting

I wash my cup with my teacher’s help.

“Teacher, please look at my new school bag, I became a primary student today!” A smiling girl said to me proudly, pointing at her school bag. Indeed, for grade one students, today must be a very special and meaningful day. They took their first step to study in Guangdong Country School! Now, let’s take a look at how colorful their first day was! Emma ( Chen Jingjing)

Let’s share our opinions in the parents’ meeting

Schooling and Parenting together to create our children a better future

I Love My Dormitory How time flies! A brand new semester! Today is children’s first day to sleep in the dormitories. After an expectant class meeting, they cannot wait to go back to their rooms to share interesting stories with their roommates. Many children consider their dormitories as their homes at school. They lie on warm beds with comfortable pajamas, have funny talks with their friends… … Children love their dormitories, they feel wonderful living here! Lora (Liu Chang)


Tips for dealing with

Stress at School Break down whatever you have to do into smaller tasks. If you have to tackle a beast, carve it into nibble-sized hors d’oeuvres. Think of things that make teaching fun for you - and do them! Deal openly with a colleague who has upset you before the situation festers.


HAPPY TEACHERS’ DAY There are various ways to celebrate Teachers’

The parent representative gave a thankful

Day: a bunch of flowers, a little hand-made

speech. She mentioned all the progress

greeting card, a warm hug or a good wish. For

her child has made with the support of the

us - the teachers in Class 5 Year 3 - this year

dedicated teachers.

was quite unique.

Thank you, our dear parents and kids! We will

September 10th was on Sunday. As usual, we

keep on working hard to offer an excellent

all came to the classroom at about 6:30 P.M,

education for each child.

waiting for the kids to come back. As we were

Try not to take things personally because often comments aren’t meant to be digs. Make time during the school year for your hobbies. Don’t wait for summer vacation. Put a cartoon or photo that makes you laugh in you plan book or desk drawer and look at it when you need a boost.

talking with the parents, suddenly the classroom

The teachers of C5Y3 of PYP

doors were closed and the lights were turned off. Then the beautiful song “A thankful heart” was heard, sung by all the kids and parents! Some parents presented flowers and cakes and some kids were giving thank you cards. “Happy Teachers’ Day,” every one cheered.

Take a walk during lunch, a planning period, or after school. During your walk, don’t think about the things you have to do. Steer clear of the coffee pot in the faculty room. Too much caffeine can make you nervous and irritable. Keep in mind that no matter what colleagues, your principal, students, or parents say, you’re basically a good teacher who can’t please all the people all the time. Don’t listen to rumors that fly around school. Just say no. Politely refuse to take on more projects than you can handle, even if a colleague or a parent asks you to. Be grateful to have a meaningful job.




Fill in the blank with the corrrect word

1 2 3 4 5

Jack is responsible__________ advertising. a) of

b) on

c) for

d) by

That’s very kind _______ you. Thank you! a) to b) with c) for d) of My boyfriend is very interested ____ art. a) in b) to c) into d) by My school is close __________ the pool. a) by b) with c) to d) at The policeman was shouting __________ the boys who were throwing stones. a) on b) after at) d) to

6 7 8 9 10

I’m going to visit London _______ August. a) on b) at c) in d) for Jack is married _________ my sister. a) to b) onto c) with d) of It was difficult for my grandmother to get __________ the taxi. a) at b) on c) in d) into Your grandfather is old. You must be nice __________ him. a) with b) to c) of d) by Please stop making fun _____ my accent! a) with b) for c) of d) out of

How to learn English English is sometimes called the most important language in the world. In most countries in the world you can use English to communicate. Now, you might say: “ We know English is the most important language in the world, but it’s harder to learn than other languages, so how should I learn it?” I asked the same questions when I first started learning English. But after a few years of learning, I have some advice that might help a little bit on your journey.


Classroom lessons are important.

You might think it’s a really stupid way to learn,



Books are the best teachers.

Watch DVDs.

As a very popular learning

Through books, English cultures,

tool, DVD learning programs

I mean, everyone may think that, right? Still, it’s

reading and writing techniques

one of the best ways to learn English. Because

become evident, and the ability to imagine

can be very successful if used correctly. Most

your teachers have been learning English for

the scene in English becomes real before your

people enjoy the flexibility and freedom

a long, long time. They definitely have years

eyes. However, you must remember to read

that comes with using a DVD. Most English

of experience and lots of advice to give you.

books that are suitable for your understanding

movies might be so hard that you don’t even

When you’re learning a language, that’s

and reading level. Not too easy or you can’t

understand a whole sentence. Don’t worry

exactly what you need. Also, discussion with

learn, but not too hard or you can’t understand.

and try again. Listen to the words; check your

friends and schoolmates that are at the same

Read the first page of the book that you think

dictionary which you should bring with you

level also helps, because it could improve your

is challenging out loud on the internet or next to

everywhere. One day you will understand what

spoken English skills and confidence.

the shelf in the bookshop. If you find that you have

the movie is talking about. Another easy way is

more than 5 new words then it means that the

using a radio. It helps with your listening ability

book is usually too hard for you. It is discouraging

too. I suggest you listen to NPR (National Public

and frustrating to read something that is

Radio) news or the BBC (British Broadcasting

beyond you. If you don’t want to use books,


then you could read English news or articles.

After a few months, your English should be better than before. Now you should try to think in English, next time you see a problem, instead of thinking: 我现在该怎么办?, try thinking: “what should I do now?” That way your English will be much better if you use it in life later. Now that I have given all my suggestions to you. You can start your English learning. Remember, advice is just advice. You shouldn’t think of it as too important. You need to find answers yourself rather than wait for others to tell you what to do. PYP Lanjiesong



Theory of knowledge

To begin with, emotion offers people positive

way of pursuing truth. Since the four ways of

energy to take part in intellectual activities.

knowing are closely related, if our emotion

Since investigations and researches in

is too strong, it may color our perception,

The Theory of Knowledge essay is part of the evaluation that is corrected by external examiners every year. The essay will be evaluated according to criteria that emerge from the single summary question:

Chemistry and Business Management can get

influence our reason and affect our language,

really complicated, they may become boring,

which will lead us to a biased result. How

annoying and even stressful to people who

emotion is sometimes an obstacle to truth can

are trying hard to reach the results. Yet, no

be explained with reference to an experiment

matter how difficult the researches get, many

in Chemistry proving that the rate of reaction

scientists still ultimately reach to conclusions and

between sulfuric acid and sodium increases

truth. Then what makes people not give in and

when at a higher temperature. Normally, the

stick on to the researches? It is the emotional

first step of doing an experiment in Chemistry

energy. I have felt the power that emotion

is to state your hypothesis, which is what you

brings before. It was when I was writing an

expect to get as a result in the experiment.

Two thirds of students’ final TOK mark for the

essay on the company P&G for Business

In this case, you may state that the reaction

Diploma Programme rests on how well they

Management course. I was asked to do an

gets faster when at a higher temperature

demonstrate the breadth and depth of TOK

elaborate research and then analyze the

as your hypothesis. Then you carry out an

learning through an essay in response to the

promotional strategies P&G has taken. Since I

experiment with twenty trials in total, using

given title. The following is a great example of one

had not developed a very deep and thorough

the same amount of sulfuric acid and sodium,

of my students Eva (Wang Yifan) from year 12.

understanding on this course back then, it

investigating the relationship between the

was very tiring and difficult for me to write

rate of reaction and the temperature it is at.

this essay. However, I really wanted to get a

For nineteen trials, the rate increases when

good grade on it as I always got C’s on the

at a higher temperature, and in only one trial

“In what ways may disagreement aid the pursuit of knowledge in the Natural and Human Science?”

Business Management essays. Unexpectedly,

the rate remains unchanged. Since there are

this goal gave me a very strong emotional

nineteen trials proving your hypothesis to be

energy and motivated me to devote much time

correct and only one proving you wrong, you

Wang Yifan - DP year 12

and effort during research and analysis. The

may just ignore that one trial, believing that the

result turned out to be great as I got an A on

observation is wrong, thinking that the rate did

that essay. Some may claim that hoping to get

not change in this trial due to some random or

a good grade on an essay so eagerly in this

systematic errors. But what if the truth is that

case may bring me high pressure, nervousness,

the rate is independent of the temperature

even jealousy at the others who were good

and that the nineteen trials are wrong and

at writing. They think that these emotions are

the very one trail is actually right? Then your

negative and will demotivate me, causing low

result is completely wrong. Some people

marks instead. Well, negative emotions did

may argue that a hypothesis is made with a

occur to me. But when I started to feel them,

deep understanding on the topic investigated

I adjusted myself to them by listening to music

as reference. It is formed by an educated

or chatting with friends, etc. to get myself back

intuition, which is most likely to be right and

to a mentally relaxed state. Therefore, the

can be proved by experiments. Therefore,

negative emotions did not hit me hard and

the hypothetical situation mentioned in the

emotion still mainly brought me positive power.

previous example stating that hypothesis leads

Does the student present an appropriate and cogent analysis of knowledge questions in discussion of the title?

Natalia Diaz - TOK Head of Department, DP

Since people have different values and priorities, disagreement occurs very often, especially between the fields of Chemistry and Business Management. These two areas of knowledge are very different from each other in many aspects, such as the objects of study and the methods of study. Because of that, even though sometimes Chemistry and Business Management work perfectly together, oftentimes conflicts arise. It is believed that these conflicts help the pursuit of knowledge and truth. But how do they aid? Since emotion is one way of knowing, it seems like emotion is essential during the process of gaining


knowledge. So what role exactly does emotion

Although emotional energy is beneficial

play in gaining knowledge from Chemistry and

in research of Chemistry and Business

Business Management? How does it aid in the

Management, emotion sometimes has a

process of pursuing knowledge and truth when

great effect on the reliability and accuracy of

conflicts occur?

researches and knowledge and gets into the


to a wrong result is unlikely to happen. In response to this argument, it should be clear that the hypothetical situation I mentioned in the example may be exaggerated, as it only aims to demonstrate how an expectation that is too strong may cause a strong emotion,

hiding the obvious truth from you and making

After we know why conflicts occur, let’s find the

that the beef extracts contained. In the end,

your ways of knowing biased and inaccurate.

answer to the question of how emotion aid in

it was found that beef extracts contained

If expectation and emotion are controllable

the pursuit of knowledge when disagreement

chemicals that could cause cancer, and the

and not too strong, then emotion is still more

occurs. As people always have goal to

use of beef extracts were prohibited. During

beneficial than harmful.

be the ones that are correct, whenever a

the process of solving this conflict, chemists

disagreement takes place, people tend to

did researches and experiments which helped

try their best to prove how they are right

them gain more knowledge on certain type of

and how the others are wrong. The goal of

chemicals. Businesses realize the fact that beef

proving themselves gives people emotional

extracts are harmful and stop using them. The

energy and motivates them to research

public realizes the truth that the cheap beef

elaborately for further evidences so that they

they were eating was harmful and fake, and

can persuade the others to believe in them.

may possibly start buying beef that are more

During research, people undoubtedly learn

expensive. It is clear from the example how

more and develop a deeper understanding

people learn knowledge and discover truth

on the topic. During the discussion with

through conflicts.

Now that we know both the positive and negative sides of emotion, before exploring how emotion helps in the pursuit of knowledge when conflicts occur between Business Management and Chemistry, let’s first see why disagreement takes place between these two areas of knowledge. Chemistry and Business Management are very different from each other. While Chemistry focuses on various elements and chemicals, Business Management studies customers’ minds in order to help managers decide which strategies to use to sell more products. Chemists use the scientific method to study chemical, which includes observation, hypothesis, experiment, law and theory. Due to the fact that Business Management explores how customers think about certain product, it is impossible for scientists to cut a human’s head open and observe his brain directly, as that human is already dead by then. As a result, Business Management scientists use surveys and questionnaires to “read” human minds indirectly. The priorities of Chemistry and Business Management are different as well. Chemists want to bring advantages to the society and people by using chemicals. Business managers want to do whatever they can to lower cost so that the profits are maximized, so many companies do harm to the environment or treat workers poorly. This difference in priorities brings conflicts. An example will be that a company may want to use certain pesticide to prevent vegetables from rotting too quickly. Since chemists may consider the pesticide harmful for human health, a conflict will take place between the company and the chemists on the use of this pesticide.

people holding opposite opinions, people can learn from their opponents when they are trying to argue back by listening to their opponents’ views and looking through their opponents’ researches. Also, the audience is able to learn the truth from disagreement. A good example might be the conflict between chemists and business managers on the use of beef extracts. In 2011 in China, it was found that many restaurants used beef extracts to turn pork into beef in ninety minutes. Since pork was cheaper than beef and in this way the restaurants could lower cost, business managers were in favor of using this additives. Chemists were against the use of beef extracts since beef extracts contained chemicals that

In all, emotion can affect our process of pursuing knowledge and truth both positively and negatively. Therefore, we need to justify emotion with other ways of knowing once in a while and be careful not to have too strong of emotion so that we are not biased. Due to the differences between Chemistry and Business Management, conflicts occur very frequently and during the process of solving these conflicts, people are motivated by their emotion to do further research and to persuade the others, which let them have the chance to gain more knowledge, develop deeper understanding and get closer to the ultimate truth.

were dangerous to human bodies. Conflict arose and business managers and chemists were trying to prove the others wrong. Business managers were trying their best to prove how beef extracts were not harmful, while chemists conducted many experiments in testing the toxicity of chemicals

BIBLIOGRAPHY Brown, Catrin. Higher Level Chemistry Developed Specifically for the IB Diploma. Essex: Pearson Education Limited, 2009. Print. Clark, Paul. Business and Management Course Companion. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009. Print. Lagemaat, Richard van de. Theory of Knowledge for the IB Diploma. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2012. Print. Liu, Zhong Yu. “Noodle Restaurant Uses ‘Beef Extract’ Additive to Turn Pork into Beef in 90 Minutes”. NetEase. 13th April 2011. Web. 22th May 2012. http://news.163. com/11/0413/08/71GPSGM600011229.html.



Training in

HONG KONG From July 15th to July 20th, Administrators from our school attended a training in Hong Kong to learn more about educational theories and development.



Partnering For Great Parenting PYP School Grade One Parents Meeting

of education. And

Teachers and parents reached a consensus on

he also introduced

training children’s behaviors (civilized manner,

the personalized

operational abilities, etc.) and their study habits

education’s essence,

(writing, listening, reading, etc.) Some of the

theory and the basic

classes put a cup of water on every desk for

Children’s developing needs two wings. One is a teacher, the other is parents. Only if these two wings work together can the education be effective and our children fly high.

framework for the curriculum from ancient to

parents and it showed the teachers warm and

today. Through lectures, parents understand the

thoughtful arrangement as the host; some of

high level of expectation at our school and our

the classes showed children’s work and parents

desire to provide the highest quality education

spoke highly of that.

to their children.

More than 99.6% of parents took part in this

-–XueLi Rao

After listening to the speech from Principle Li,

parents’ meeting. Thanks to the teachers for all

On September 13, 2013, the theme of

parents went back to their children’s classroom

the hard work and professionalism. Also, thanks

“Partnering for Great Parenting” parents

to go on the parents’ meeting. As Year

must go to the parents for their participation,

meeting for PYP School grade one went

One is the most important part in children’s

support and enthusiasm during the meeting and

ahead as planned.

educational lives, parents and teachers had

throughout the rest of the year. We believe with

a very sincere and delicate communication.

the cooperation of school and family that the

From the PPT, we shared the wonderful time

personalized education can be better executed

we had together the first two weeks of school.

and the results more fruitful.

At 2pm there were more than 200 parents from 8 classes in Year One together in the new opera theater in kindergarten to listen to Principle Li give us a speech about “offer students the best fit education”. “What is the best fit education?” “How do we give every child the best fit education?” These two

Parents smiled, nodded and communicated with each other… It showed their recognition and


support and it passed on their confidence and satisfaction with the school.

questions attracted all the parents’ attention.

Good habits make a good life. Good habits

Embarking from the question, Principle Li

are the point of Year One education and it

guided us to analyze the current condition

was the main theme of the parents’ meeting.





TEST scores ?

Ou Minxuan



Cai Bowen


Chen Kaiying


Cui Zhiwei

Ding Zeqi


Du Lingyi


Gou Youzhen


Lai Ertian


Li Junning



Mo Yehan



Xie Yuan


Zhong Weitao


Huang Haobin

Liang Zimin


Lu Jiayi

Pan Fengyuan


Wu Zhihao

Yi Xin


Yuan Ruofeng



International English Language Testing System



Test of English as a Foreign Language


Zhong Yingying




Students from the MYP


department participated in the ASDAN program and included: Angel 马文君, Kitty 欧可风, Frank 谭骏嵘, Barry 谢林杉, Miranda 何子宜, Wendy 陈嘉 颖, Zale 周易达, Mark 郑皓

Students visited various cities to experience cultural diversity and complete various Asdan tasks.

They traveled to Italy, France, Switzerland and England.

宇, Seyma 艾玉妲. Students had the opportunity to participate in the ASDAN program.

This last summer, students from the MYP department had the opportunity to take part in the ASDAN summer program. The ASDAN (Award Scheme Development and Accreditation Network) program was developed in England with the aim of helping students develop their life skills. The mission

The first step in the process was preparation where the students talked to their tutors to make an overall goal and agreed targets. Accordingly, students wrote their own study plan in which they considered elements such as time management, learning approaches, possible difficulties and positive/ negative effects.

of ASDAN states “the advancement of

The next step was implementation, or simply put,

education, by providing opportunities for all

to actually DO! The students carried out their

learners to develop their personal and social

plans during the learning process and made

attributes and levels of achievement through

great efforts to achieve their targets while at

ASDAN awards and resources, and the

the same time they adapted their plans to meet

relief of poverty, where poverty inhibits such

new challenges. Students then had to put into

opportunities for learners.”

words what they did, sought feedback and

The core values of the ASDAN program are

support but still had to meet their deadlines.

what set it apart and what drew our interest.

Students had to do their own assessment

They are as follows;

themselves upon which they reflected on

• Providing opportunities for all to achieve • Promoting personal and social development • Celebrating success

their achievements, performances or learning proficiency. This offered students to learn from their experiences and helped them to do a better job next time. I must also add, that I also learned from the

• Promoting assessment for learning

ASDAN program as well as the students. I had

• Supporting personalized learning

the opportunity to experience the program

Additionally, ADSDAN has organizational values that promote students to become more reflective and encourage their empathy of the world. The core organization values are; • People matter

alongside my students and to tutor and watch them achieve. We encouraged, shared, cooperated and consoled with each other to overcome obstacles and tasks. I want to extend my great appreciation to our student candidates who participated in

• Supporting teachers

ASDAN. From the bottom of my heart, I feel

• Independence

very proud of each student, as they are a

• Openness • Accountability

generation of great energy, vast potential and clever innovation. Lily, Cai Lili, MYP English Teacher



I HOPE “I have a brother and a sister. I feel so happy to be with them.

I can feel a stream of happiness and satisfaction flowing through my heart when we are playing, singing and dancing together everyday. Even if we have quarrels or fights, we can get on well together and be as sweet as honey the next moment. I’m so lucky that I can have brothers and sisters, not like other millions of children on the mainland of China, who haven’t the chance to touch this happiness under the One-Child Policy. I hope they can be as happy as me, tasting sweetness, bitterness, acidity and piquancy in the fancy dinner of brotherhood and sisterhood, but not just tasting the vapidity of the spoiling and pressure from adults. I hope they can share secrets, discuss, do stupid things with their brothers and sisters, not swimming in the dark and freezing ocean of loneliness and not being able to see the shore of warmth. I hope other families can be as lively as mine, always filled with the pure sound of angel’s laughs and songs. 16


About 10 million abortions are performed every year in China and most of them are girls. I hope these babies can grow up to be lovely children and go to school hand in hand with us. ” I hope the children who are not the first child can have the identification from the government, too. I hope they can sit beside me in the classroom, have free treatment in the hospital, apply for a general job one day, and be married legally one day.” I hope that every child can have a brother or sister, and then, people will be happier, the families will be livelier, the society will be better, the country will be greater.” This was my speech in class. I was doing an oral presentation of the ASDAN project in England. There were 12 students from different countries talking about social problems in their countries. I expressed my opinions of the One-Child Policy in China, which has become a big issue nowadays. While I was making this speech, I remembered some weeks ago, when I sent my sister to the airport. She was going to Canada for a monthlong summer camp. Everything went well until the moment before my sister stepped in the forbidden area. I couldn’t help myself and I ran to her and held her in my arms. When I waved goodbye, she finally stepped into the forbidden area. Before that, I thought in my heart: finally I can have some quiet time because she was going to Canada. However, at that time, I really wanted to go to Canada with her. I didn’t like it when she was at home. I hated

A few weeks later, in England, I made my first telephone call to my sister. She was happily preparing her dinner with her friends. She told me she went to Niagara Falls, and that she could see the United States there. She told me her lunch was tasty, she told me she made many friends, she was taller and heavier, she said she bought me a lovely doll… I was watching the Badminton World Championship. My friends around could hardly understand me, they said I was crazy. But when I told my sister about this, she knew what I was talking about. She could talk with me about that. Yes, she knew me, she always knows me. When I heard her immature voice telling me that she loved playing golf, I felt on top of the world. I felt like she had grown up. At that moment, my eyes were filled with tears. I was so fortunate to be a sister. I could still remember when my little brother was born, my family was an ocean of happiness. We discussed everyday about the baby’s name, we decorated the baby room together, we bought his clothes together. My grandparents smiled everyday, it seemed that they just couldn’t close their mouths. When the time came, my sister and I jumped to the ceiling. We tried to stay with the little baby every moment, watching him, talking about him and singing to him. When he was older, we went to the park together, watching the sprouts growing in spring, the lotuses blooming in summer, the dead leaves falling in autumn and the deadwood in winter. He loves cars, so I and my sister bought him many car models. We love seeing him being happy. I have finishing reading the book Kira-Kira. It tells a story about two sisters and a brother, just like my own family. I was moved by the story. Whenever I read this book, I thought of myself, my sister and brother.

all the screaming and stupid songs. But that

I am not judging the One Child Policy. After all,

night, when I went home and sat in bed, I was

the government has its own reason to carry this

amazed that the house became so quiet and

policy. I just want to say, brothers and sisters are

empty. I was so lonely. I couldn’t refrain from

very important in every child’s life. I just hope

missing her and thinking what she was doing.

every child can as happy as me.

Suddenly I realized how I love her!


Summer travel family has enough money, it is a good choice to



send children to study abroad for the summer vacation. Studying abroad makes us better understand other country’s cultures more easily. During a visit, we have more opportunities to visit Britain’s historic sites or (if we visit America), American historic sites. We can learn how to communicate with others more efficiently and it

Confucius once studied abroad with his students. They wanted to learn new things and improve their individual qualities.

will make us improve our English more quickly; especially speaking and listening. This is the real test of one’s language ability. It is important to note that Chinese education is different from western countries. In the west,students

Nowadays ”study abroad” has changed its

will have less home work, more free time and

meaning. Here in the modern day it means,

be more relaxed. On the other hand, they

playing and learning through traveling. It seems

will have a strong sense of responsibility. If

that more and more students will choose to

someone had gone abroad to study before, he

study abroad during the summer vacation; so

would have to adapt quickly.

what are the advantages and disadvantages of studying abroad?

For some students, summer vacation means playing on the computer or television all day.

First of all, studying abroad can require a lot of

Why not use these time to study or to meet with

money. Just for one month, you may need up to

other countries students. I believe everyone

50 thousands or more. I once heard an opinion

will like it. Maybe some believe that studying

from one other school’s teacher. He said: “We

abroad during the summer vacation is more

don’t have to study abroad during the summer

dangerous than staying at home. Foods at

vacation. It’s a waste of time. When we study in

home are more delicious, but don’t forget to

college abroad, we will adapt to everything.”

experience other cultures.

May be he is right, but in my opinion, if a

MYP 10(4)李泽伟

Disneyland I want to go to Disneyland. It’s very famous and

characters to real life. Not

exciting. It will be cool and fun.

only can I meet many cartoon

First of all, I want to go to Disneyland because

characters, but I can ride roller coasters

of its good reputation. It attracts so many

and play games.

children and adults alike, every day from all

In conclusion, it is fun, exciting

over the world.

and famous. I could do many

Also, Disney is exciting because there are

things there! If I get to go there it will

story characters, parades and games. I can

be a once in a lifetime experience.

experience so many new rides with excitement

Eric Yang杨迪戈 PYP Class 1 Year 5

and try new things. Disney brings story

Tutor: Sue 张淑梅


Summer travel

R om e

Today is the first day in Rome, Italy. After a ten-hour journey, everyone felt exhausted.

inside has a relation with the Catholic faith.

Although everyone felt tired, after arriving

protestant, orthodox and Catholic. When I saw

in Italy we were still on our way to our

a big door in the St. Peter’s cathedral I was

destination—the Vatican. Vatican is the smallest

overwhelmed to see Jesus tied to the cross.

country in the world. It is located in Rome,

There are many golden lights around him. Since

Italy. So it also called a “city within a city”. But

that moment, I didn’t really realize how great

it is a truly independent from the politics and

and magnificent a power it was. He was not in

laws of Rome. This beautiful place made me

my heart once upon a time, but is a faith that

interested in its religion. In one thousand years

really exists, and it has saved a lot of people.

All the Vaticans are his citizen. As we all know, Christianity has three sects, they are: the

religion has always been a mysterious topic, When the religion comes to faith in politics, then everything will become complicated. Inside the Vatican, at St. Peter’s cathedral, everything

P is a

On the second day in Europe. We left and arrived in Pisa, Italy. Pisa is a small town and because of the earths movements, a certain building began to tilt. Pisa became famous because of the leaning tower. It became a popular place that people like to visit. In my journey to the tower, we saw lots of incredible scenery .Pisa was a very quiet and beautiful town. I think it also has something to do with the charm that Europe has. We had to go to tower by the bus. Actually, it only took two minutes So, why didn’t we go to the tower by our own car? I think it might because the Italian government has to protect the famous scenic spot. In short, they don’t want too many private cars to drive into this quiet and peaceful town. I think it should be more encouraged. Especially in China! China has thousands of years of history, a lot of heritages have been left. By the increasing numbers of visitors. These places are gradually becoming damaged and destroyed. The government spent a lot of money to restore these scenic spots, but the reorganization is not original. So, I think we should educate tourists, ban the cars driving into the scenic spots, and also use public vehicles. Let’s keep less pollution and less damage in these beautiful places. We are responsible for it.



On the third day, we went to Florence. Our trip was relaxing today. Florence, Italy used to be the capital of the Roman Empire. So, Florence has a long history. When we reached the top of the mountain in Florence, we saw many houses, all of them looked like a quiet and peaceful village. However, there was also

some damage in this quiet beautiful village.

This is a kind of makes me sad. I heard that

As we all know, Europe’s public security is not

these people who steal the visitors’ items, some

very good. I think it is because of the high

of them come from the same clan. . People

flow rate of visitors in Europe. I think the local

said they are very brutal and also like to steal

government should be more strict, to keep

things. There are many countries of the world

everything in order. Don’t give criminals a

banning them from staying in their places, but

chance to break this kind of peacefulness.

Italy has allowed them to live in their homeland.

When the tourists visit the resort, they can’t completely enjoy their trip, because they need to keep alert, making sure that their items are safe

F lor en c e It caused a tragedy They are now stealing the tourists’ items. I hope this situation can be improved in the future. Then Europe can be an international vacation spot that not only attracts tourists by their history and scenery but also by their strict laws and useful regulations

In my impression, Venice is a city full of romance and melancholy.

The doves were not afraid of people, still they

I think maybe this is a kind of lazy attitude

around the square. It seemed the pigeons were

to life in Venice. Because of this, Venice is

flying free. At that moment, I also felt free!

endowed with an extremely high status in my mind, so I am looking forward to seeing this

were coming and getting their food. A boy in the square, he opened his hands then ran

Ou Kefeng ( Kitty )

beautiful city. July 17, I came to the city in mind, Venice. The real Venice seemed to have been a little different than my imagination. It was noisy and disturbing there, not peaceful. We rowed the “Gondola”; it seems a trivial boat but it actually, helped brew the story of this historic city. We were rowing the boat slowly, appreciating the scenery of Venice. The scenery were very beautiful. We passed through Marco Polo’s former residence. Today, his birthplace still has an ineffable value In the st. Mark’s square. We saw a lot of lovely pigeons, we wanted to get close and touch them



Summer School Testimonial

IELTS training abroad I went to England this summer for IELTS training, as all the year 10 students did. The The trip to Oxford was really an enriching and inspiring experience. It gave me the chance to communicate with foreigners and experience different cultures. The insightful classes provided me a really good training of IELTS as well as latest thinking of global issues.. The tutor there was outstanding. They had a good control of classes and profound knowledge in IELTS teaching. In addition, the class arrangement was perfectly organized We had general English (grammar, vocabulary etc.), IELTS training, presentation skills and English culture. All the classes enabld me to setup a good understanding of English learning and gain a high score in IELTS. Furthermore, the CGS teachers were being both responsible and helpful during the whole trip. They organized us to have extra classes for IELTS and supervised us so that we had enough English input (vocabulary memorization). In one phrase, the training trip was a fantastic experience in my life. DP 1(2) 潘凤苑 Pan fengyuan




Summer vacation in the USA

class, Betsy and I talked about religions in America, roles of government, voluntary works in colleges and so on. We had more opportunities to think about the differences

From July 13th to August 4th this summer, we, a group of 27 teachers from Country Garden, went to Worcester State University in America for further study. It made our vacation meaningful and special. There we had English language practicing, courses about English and subjects teaching and workshops about the American education system. During the daytime, we had the Intensive English Language Program and Best Practices in L1 and L2. In the evening, we had different kinds of workshops to teach us even more

between American and Chinese culture. From July 22nd to August 2nd, Sarah Young helped us get familiar with SIOP. We discussed what the academic language was, how to scaffold reading and writing and how to use poetry in our classes. All of these were so helpful to us. We chose our mental texts for our students and wrote lesson plans according to them with the help of SIOP. We all got feedback from Sarah about our lesson plans and homework.

about American education. What’s more, we

After three weeks, we had a talent show

had very busy weekends. We went to New

to thank our teachers for their hard-work.

Hampshire for the beach and whale-watching.

Because of them, we had a wonderful time.

We also went to Boston for lobsters and a duck

Three weeks is a short time, but we did learn

tour. We went to New York for the Empire State

a lot. We definitely will put what we have

Building, Wall Street, The Statue of Liberty etc.

experienced and learned in America into

The teachers at the university were very nice and helpful. In the intensive English language

practice in the classroom here Peng chao

An Australian Vacation

My summer vacation was pretty interesting and I enjoyed it very much. I went to Australia by plane on August 2nd. I stayed at a big and beautiful hotel. The first day, we went to a zoo. Wow, we saw so many animals there such as pandas, kangaroos, koalas, ostriches and so on. I was very excited to see them so I took many photos. My mom went to a very big supermarket. She bought a kind of candy. It was not sweet and it tasted a little strange. The last day I went to visit a special amusement park. I sheared a sheep there. Isn’t that so funny? I think I had a very interesting and happy summer vacation. Sophia 张萌 from PYP Class 4 Year 4 Tutor: Thomas 黄勇泉



interrogation of their feelings I found that it was

largest city and explore its nooks this year.

simply based in the fear of the unknown and

BGY School has graciously brought me into

traveling a great distance. But, this is precisely

the fold this semester and the staff has been

why I am here teaching at BGY School,

a great help as I have adjusted to my new life

because I love the excitement of unraveling

here in Country Garden. I am teaching MYP

the unknown and probing the mystery of a

English this year and so far have enjoyed

new place. It seems that I am surrounded by

every moment with the students, though at

like-minded explorers, thus this year looks to be

times it has been challenging. There are a few

exciting at the least.

cultural differences that I am quickly learning to

I did have some experience living and working

traverse, and the language barrier has been

in another country so traveling over Pacific

a bit challenging, but integration up to this

Ocean was not an incredibly daunting

point been seamless and comfortable. I was

notion. Last year I lived and taught in the

pleasantly surprised to find that there were

geographic center of Mexico in a city called

relatively inexpensive Gogi Berries here, which

Aguascalientes, which is the capital of the small

were an expensive treat back in Oregon, so

state by the same name. I was a professor of

there are small surprises like this that have

English at the state college there, Universidad

made my day on a few occasions.

Autónoma de Aguascalientes, which proved

It takes moxie to leave your home country to travel across the world to live and work.

I am glad that I have made this foray into

to be an illuminating experience filled with lots

international teaching and I know that the rest

of adventure. I am confident that my exploits

of my stay here should be as interesting and

in China this year will be equally interesting if

eventful as the short month I have been here.

Most friends and family back home in my

not more exciting. Thus far I have ventured into

I would like to thank BGY School, the Country

beautiful home state of Oregon (USA) thought

Guangzhou on a few domestic house supply

Garden community, and my new friends for

I had a few screws loose when I told them

escapades and the city did not disappoint. It will

making my reception a comfortable one thus far.

that I was going to China to teach. After some

be fun to live on the edge of the world’s eighth

New Adventure

Benjamin Lucas Garcia


Did you know?















Halloween, also known as All Hallows’ Eve, is a yearly celebration observed in a number of countries on October 31. Typical festive Halloween activities include trick-or-treating, attending costume parties, decorating, carving pumpkins into jack-o’-lanterns, lighting bonfires, apple bobbing, visiting haunted attractions, playing pranks, telling scary stories, and watching horror films.



Hello Country Garden School community, my name is Neal Postma and I teach music in the MYP. Last year my wife, Becky, and I put together trips to see concerts in Guangzhou. There are many events going on in Guangzhou from cover bands to orchestral concerts to Elton John! I generally arrange only the Guangzhou Symphony Orchestra concerts. The GSO is high-level professional orchestra based out of Guangzhou but tours around China over the year. They tend to be a conservative orchestra pulling standard repertoire rather than pulling from the modern or avant-garde. We encourage our staff and students to attend as many performances as they have time for. While I do not arrange tickets for every concert, I welcome everyone who would be interested in attending. The first one will be on Saturday, October 12 at 20:00. All of the concerts are performed at Xinghai Concert Hall on Ersha Island (Dao) in Guangzhou. Ersha Island is just south of Zhujiang New Town, near Canton Tower and the Opera House. Tickets are 60, 100, 120, and 150 RMB.

comes back to Country Garden that is about

If Beethoven is not your cup of “cha” there

a 30 minute walk from the concert hall. We

are many different concerts to come. Some

generally walk back to Zhujiang New Town

highlights of the repertoire are Stravinsky’s

afterwards and it takes about 30 minutes.

Firebird Suite, Dvorak’s New World Symphony,

Our first outing will be Beethoven’s 5th

Tchaikovsky’s Violin Concerto, Brahms 2nd

Symphony, which he wrote during his middle

Symphony, Rachmaninoff’s Second Piano

or heroic period and opens with perhaps the

Concerto and Second Symphony, Tchaikovsky’s

most well known line in all of classical music.

4th Symphony, Bernstein’s Overture to

Often referred to as the most influential work

Candide, and Sibelius’ Violin Concerto.

of the period, the 5th symphony is typical of

By Neal Postma

Beethoven in that its long length and incredible

concerts, orchestras,

combination of beautiful melodies and perfection orchestration

It is always well received by audiences regardless of how much they enjoy classical music. Beethoven’s 5th, and last,

piano concerto

and orchestral concerts!

also known

as the Emperor Concerto is perhaps his most played concerto. It is nearly 40 minutes in length and was coined as the Emperor Concerto by a publisher who named it as such due to the absolute grandness of the work.

The Xinghai Concert Hall is very well designed in that it is not very big so there are no bad seats in the house. If you want to attend but do not want to spend a lot, 60 RMB tickets will be the best value, you will not have trouble seeing or hearing the orchestra. We generally go for the 100 RMB seats to get a little better view. To get tickets, please visit the website (Chinese) www.gso.org.cn or buy your tickets at the ticket counter at the performance hall. For popular performances, we encourage you to purchase your ticket several days prior to event. Getting to the concert hall is fairly straightforward. Take the bus from the traffic center destined for “tian he” and get off the bus at Zhejiang New Town stop and walk south. The concert hall is on an island and it can be easy to get there by cab. There is a bus that


In the United States, we often graciously give each other fruitcakes during the holiday season. While many of us either enjoy or abhor the treat, many hold it in high regard. In much the same way that we view fruitcake, Asian communities have their own personal relationship with a similarly gifted snack, the moon cake. Communities throughout Asia have a long tradition of gifting each other little confections full of savory fillings, traditionally during the fall harvest and/or in accordance with the lunar calendar. Moon cakes are usually round and contain a sweet filling, with the most common one being red bean paste. This recipe uses a filling based on a preserve (jam) with dried fruits, for added sweetness.

Moon Festival Mythology and Tradition

The Emperor ordered a famous archer named Hou Yi to shoot down the nine extra suns. Once the task was accomplished, Goddess of Western Heaven rewarded the archer with a pill (or elixir) that would make him immortal. However, his wife found the pill, took it, and was banished to the moon as a result. Legend says that her beauty is greatest on the day of the Moon festival.

Traditional Food Taro, Pomelo (Chinese Grapefruit), and snails. The Taro because it saved Chinese soldiers from starvations, Pomelo because the sweet

• The yolk symbolizes the moon • Moon cakes are round like the moon • The circle shape is a symbol of harmony • Round shape stands for family unity • Round shape symbolizes the cycle of life • Connects the past, present, and future • Long life and good health

Celebrating the Moon Festival There are Moon Festivals celebrated

fruit is believed to scare off evil and it has

throughout the world, especially anywhere

a round shape. Snails as a reminder of the

there is a strong and vibrant Chinese

earth’s wealth. Dishes served should be 5, 7, or

community. The festival is enjoyed by all

9 because these are lucky yang numbers.

participants due to its colorful nature, tradition,

cake or Mid-Autumn festival) falls this year on

Moon Cakes

history and food. Moon cakes are sold by

September 19th in 2013. What is the Moon

Moon Cakes symbolize both longevity and

on the day of the Moon Festival. Moon

festival? Every year on the fifteenth day of the

good health. They are imprinted with the

poetry is also written and enjoyed under the

eighth month of the lunar calendar, when the

Moon Goddess, a grove, jade rabbit, or a

auspiciousness of the full moon.

moon is at its maximum brightness for the entire

toad. The centers can contain red bean paste

year, the Chinese celebrate “zhong qiu jie.”

(sweet), lotus seed paste, melon, dried fruits,

Children are told the story of the moon fairy

coconut, pineapple, and often have an egg

named Chang’e living in a crystal palace, who

inside. Legend has it that in the 14th Century,

comes out to dance on the moon’s shadowed

messages were contained within the moon

surface. The legend surrounding the “lady living

cakes for secret communication for a rebellion

in the moon” dates back to ancient times, to a

against the ruling Mongols that then replace

day when ten suns appeared at once in the sky.

them with the Ming Dynasty. Moon Cakes are

Origins The Moon festival (also called the moon

credited with this victory.


Moon Cake Symbolizes


Chinese bakeries and given as gifts to enjoy

Future Dates: • September 19, 2013 • September 8, 2014 • September 27, 2015


1 2

Make the moon cake dough. In one bowl, mix the flour, milk powder, and salt together. Break the eggs into another bowl. Add the sugar, and beat together for up to 5 minutes. Pour in the melted butter, vanilla extract. Fold through.


Add the sifted, dry ingredients to liquid mixture. Fold in to create a dough.


Knead the dough. Tip the dough onto a floured surface and knead lightly. Once smooth, the dough

is ready. Roll a log shape from the dough. If possible, at this point it is helpful to let the dough


sit in the refrigerator overnight, as this makes it

For dough


4 cups all-purpose flour (plain flour) 3/4 cup dried milk powder 1 tablespoon baking powder 1 teaspoon salt 3 large eggs 1 1/4 cups sugar 3/4 cup unsalted butter 1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla extract

for filling

easier to work with. Cut into evenly sized rounds. Make the filling. Mix the apricot preserves, chopped dates, coconut and raisins together in a small bowl.

Use a fork to mash down any large, chunky pieces of apricot.


Preheat the oven to 375ºF/190ºC/Gas mark 5. Prepare baking sheets by covering in parchment paper.

a 3-inch (7.5 cm) circle. When stretching the dough, make the edges thinner and the center thicker. Add the filling. Press the filling into the middle of each circle. Gather the edges over to enclose the filling

and pinch closed. Roll into a ball, then flatten. Prepare the moon cake press. Add flour to it to help ease the cake out after pressing. Then,

press each flattened circle in the mold to shape the moon cake. To remove each pressed cake, bang all four sides, until it comes out. If you don’t have a moon cake press, try to shape the cake as round as possible and use a fork or a skewer to draw a design. It can be as simple as making a cross or a series of lines, or more elaborate if you’re patient.


Brush each moon cake with egg wash. Place each cake about 1 inch (2.5cm) apart on a

baking sheet. Once each baking sheet it filled, put them into the oven.

1 cup apricot preserves

Items you’ll need

1 cup chopped pitted dates

2 mixing bowls

1 cup sweetened, flaked coconut

Flour sifter

3/4 cup raisins

Floured wooden board or similar surface

Red Bean Paste (if you do add this filling, you don’t

2 baking sheets

need anymore mixing or ingredients)

7 8 9

Press each dough piece into

Parchment paper (baking paper)


2 pastry brushes

1 lightly beaten egg

Moon cake press

2 tablespoons water

Wire cooling rack


Bake for 30 minutes or until the moon cakes turn golden brown.


Remove from the oven. Leave to cool on a wire cooling rack. Once cooled, they are ready to serve or package.



Landscape with Pond This is a Pen and Ink sketch that I had intended on creating without the use of color. I chose to add subtle hints of blue as I developed better contrast and drew attention to the small gazebo in the middle-ground of the painting. I worked from a photograph that I took during a family vacation Carol Li Jingmin

Self Portrait at age 5 I am painting a series of works that document my life up utnil my experience as an IB Visual Arts student. I worked from photographs that my mother took of me when I was much younger. Susie Ahn Heeyun



Candles for Change This piece depicts the Korea people reacting with great emotion as they disagree with recent political decisions. Bonnie Park Sohyun

A Village in South Korea I visited the village where my mother grew up and complimented my experience by completing this pencil sketch. I worked on site and completed much of what you see here but had to rely on a photograph that I took to make the final touches. I enjoy working on site but I have to admit it is very challenging Susie Ahn Heeyun

The Demands of Modernity Here I experimented with two very common images, the mobile phone and figure, to create a complex and pattern of tangled bodies that are firmly attached to technology. I think the world is too connected to the complexity of modern day inventions and this hinders our creative thought. Susie Ahn Heeyun Susie

See No Evil I created this piece that deals with common issues that teenagers deal with. See No Evil has an expressive element that suggests the importance ignoring the negativity that our lives often present and focus on the here and now. Dara Den Xinyue

On this small canvas I have once again experimented with textures using many methods of “roughing” up the canvas to provide a course surface to apply my unique designs. I have a deep interest in fashion design and enjoy the visual appearance of street art. Here I think I present a nice mix of studio and “street art” that helps to convey my message. Bruce Huang Donglin



Portrait of a Friend with plaster craft This painting deals with very complex and controversial issues. I find the human mind very interesting and I am captivated with how we are able to deal with stressful challenges in life. I mix my discovery of Glen Brown’s work with stories I feel are important for expression in the visual arts. In this painting you can see the many tiny colorful lines that make up the dress worn by this lady. Carol Li Jingmen - Year 12

I developed the idea for this painting while spending time with my father where he works at a architectural design company. The painting depicts a local bridge here in Guangdong in my hometown of Daliang. The bridge used to have this wonderful rainbow structure that helps to set it apart from the many bridges found in the Pearl River Delta area. The government ordered the demolition of the colorful rainbow structures as they required costly up keep. I think it is important for people to recognize the many changes that China is going through as a direct result of growth. Kenneth Hu Lexian

Architectural Drawing


Self Portrait

I very much want to study architecture in university and this goal seeps into my everyday

I became inspired by the work of Gustav Klimt and began painting this self-

thought. Here I use my long term goal to connect to some short term demands of improving

portrait that is obviously influenced by the artist’s wonderful use of pattern.

my hand eye coordination. This is a building right here in Shunde Bi Gui Yuan.

Mia Pan

Susie Ahn Heeyun


Landscape I began painting this landscape after photographing a beautiful park while on vacation with my family. This is my first attempt at limiting my color usage and I think the piece has a strong sense of contrast.. Carol

Tile Patterns Here I have challenged my design approach with the introduction of wire as a media for expression. I based my patterns on various tiles used as building material which can be found throughout China. I discovered this particular pattern while shopping in Macau.. Lena Luo Yukun

Remembrance This painting was a gift for my mother. It depicts my older brother as he digs in the sand on a family vacation. I found it challenging to deal with space and proportion. Carol Li Jingmin



The Mad Hatter Tea Party Group work by Mary, Frank, Justin, and Eason

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Group work by Sally, Lengina, Suji, and Jasmine



Must-see art at the Louvre

STORY Soon she thought of an idea. She could make

A Bunny

a bridge. She cut down some trees to make the


bridge. After the small bridge was finished, she

Parian marble, ca.

was going to walk over the bridge to the other

130-100 BC. Found in

side of the river. But when she did she suddenly

Melos in 1820.


fell off the bridge! A black goat and a white goat saw her struggling in the river. They both wanted to help and be heroes, so they followed. They both fell off the bridge.

Mona Lisa Leonardo da Vinci. ca. 1503-1505.

Fortunately the Big Bear was walking nearby. A long, long time ago there was a bunny, a

He jumped into the river and brought them all

white goat, a black goat and a bear. One day,

to safety.

Bunny wanted to go to Big Bear’s house, but

Liberty leading the people

Eric Yang杨迪戈 from PYP Class 1 Year 5

there was a river in the way.

Tutor: Sue 张淑梅



Delacroix. 1830.







5 8 6


Oedipus and the sphinx Jean-Auguste-

10 9

Dominique Ingres. 1808.


The Raft of the Medusa


Theodore 13



1818-1819. ACROSS

6. It is bad luck to see a ______ cat. 7. We saw a white _______ in the graveyard. 9. Bring a __________ when you go trick or treating so you can see at night.


Milon de crotone Pierre Puget. 1682


1. Stay safe by walking on the _________.

11. Everyone likes to dress up in a fun and scary halloween ________.

2. It is important to always go trick or treating with your ________ and family.

12. It is fun to carve a _______ for Halloween.

3. This holiday is celebrated on October 31st.

Louis XIV (1638-1715)

13. Trick or Treating is fun. People give out lots of yummy ________.

4. There are ______ flying all over in the night.

Hyacinthe Rigaud.

5. Watch out for the scary__________ bones!


14. Halloween is always on _______ 31st.

8. ________ or Treat!

15. This vampire lives in Transylvania.

10. The house was _______. We heard scary noises! GUANGDONG COUNTRY GARDEN SCHOOL



The Ark & the City of Paradise

louder, and Lillian supposed that the houses

“I’m glad you’re still here with us…. Lily….”

and the trees were sinking down the crust.

She helped Lillian up. Lillian looked around

There once was magic

She knew that once she slowed down, she’d

and saw that they were in middle of a forest’s

be done for. In her mind she saw that she

Continued from Voice Volume 5

clearing. In front of them was a big rock, but

fell through the deep crust….No, no, I’m not

Lillian thought that it must be a mountain.

Chapter 3

dying right now! She thought. Jumping over

In a few days time Lillian gathered a huge pile

the rocks….It slows me down….That way….It is

of information from books.

blocked….What’s that ahead? Her sight became

some mushrooms to eat,” replied Cecilia.

blurred, she had trouble kept going. She fell

Lillian’s hands went around for her magical bag.

over something hard, she looked ahead, and

“Oh, it is right here,” Cecilia pointed it to her.

saw two figures moving, yelling something. She

Lillian opened the bag and grabbed a bit,

could feel the earth trembling beneath her.

and said, “Give me food for three people.”

where the cliff is!” she looked at her friend, whose

Suddenly she felt that the ground vanished,

Immediately food appeared out of thin air.

expression turned to that of disappointment.

and she was falling. Her hands tried to touch

Rosemary was just there. She cried out, “Lillian!”

anything. Anything, she thought, think of

and smelled the delicious food.

something, Lillian. She called to her brain, but

Lillian cut a large beef steak with her knife and

nothing worked. She placed her hands on

The next day they started going downhill.

gave each one of them one third of the beef.

where her heart was. God’s with me now….

Cecilia poured three cups of lemonade juice

“Lily, my legs hurt,” said Cecilia as she climbed

She felt something soft against her hands.

and gave to each. Rosemary separated the

down a rock, “Why can’t we just use your

She opened her eyes, and saw the little bag

salads and the soup into different plates and

magical powder?” “Ces, it is only 2 miles

hanging around her neck. Grabbed a bit…. Get

bowls. They drank their carrot soup together

ahead! Why don’t you take off your earrings?”

your hands to work….Come on….

and talked about things happened in the

They arrived at a village at the foot of the mountain.

She opened her bag and took out a little powder.

“It looks deserted,” told Rosemary.

“Make me fly,” and she let go of the powder.

If I’m not wrong, an enormous earthquake will

As light as a bird, she rose up. Before she

occur in ten minutes. They’d been warned.”

flew to the two blurred figures she collapsed

Lillian looked over windows, “We’d better get

beneath her invisible magical wings and went

going before the earthquake is here.”

into a coma.

They moved through empty houses, peering

Chapter 4

over. They all had brown roofs and yellow

Lillian could hear humming. She tried very hard

walls. Cecilia looked into the houses and

to listen but the sounds stopped. She tried to

“Yes. Like that. So I asked her, what was going

saw the kitchens and living rooms connected,

move her body, too, but soon stopped because

on and she said to look at you,” her impression

lightless lamps, and a doorway that led into

she couldn’t feel a nerve in her. She also tried

turned into a horror and pretended that

the bedrooms. Every house was small, about

to speak, but seemed to lose her voice. Her

someone’s head fell off, “then I saw ya. Face up,

the size of their kitchen in the tree house. The

eyes felt stuck like glue. Maybe I’m now having

covered with blood. I screamed too. I said that,

village itself was big, and Rosemary kept

a new life! She thought.

since the earthquake had stopped, we should

“Look, guys,” said she on the second night, “The Ark is in a large cave in a cliff.” she pointed at a picture, “I can see that you’re excited, but don’t look at me like that, Rose, we need to find out

On the third night they started packing. Lillian found most of the information they needed.

thinking that the earthquake was near. In a few minutes, they were on the edge of the village. Just ahead was a large forest. They took one last look at the village and began to walk. Suddenly there was a bump that made them


“Where’s Rosemary?” she asked. “She is picking

Suddenly, she felt ice dropped on her thighs. “Ouch!” cried she. She opened her eyes and was greeted by a worried-looking Cecilia.

jump. Without turning her head Lillian called

“I…. I…. Lily, I …. I thought…. I....”

out, “Run!” three of them burst to full speed.

Cecilia didn’t even finish her sentence when

The cracking behind them became louder and

she burst into shiny tears.


earthquake. “Did you find out about my eyes?” asked Lillian, chewing on her steak. “Yes. After you flew out we figured it was the best to get you out of there,” said Cecilia, taking a mouthful of her hot soup, “when Rose got to you she screamed. Show her, Rose.” Rosemary let out a shriek that made birds fly.

wash your blood off.” “How did you do that since the rivers had frozen up?” wondered Lillian. “We tek some ice an’ rub you in the fash,” said Rosemary. She was chewing on her steak. “What was that thing you put on my thigh?” asked Lillian, who was about to eat her pasta.

“Not put. But poured. It was water…. strange

“Okay,” obeyed the girl disappointedly.

Then a white light shot from under the woman’s

water. It dried on you. It made us full in

There was a scene in Lillian’s head and she

cloaks, and the mother was blown away.

stomach,” said Cecilia, who had finished her

knew it was the tree house, but much younger.

“JENNIFER!” cried the man. But as he dragged

Three people were eating. The kitchen window

Lillian toward the unconscious woman, the pale

was grey. And thunder was very near.

woman shouted, “Don’t move! Or she’ll be

pasta and cut a bit from her steak. Lillian wondered where the blood came from. She touched her forehead and felt something, something tickled her skin. Immediately she

“Mama, I’m scared,” said the girl.

dead!” she pointed at Lillian. The man stopped, and the little girl cried in fear

grabbed a mirror and look into it. Just beyond

“There’s no need to be afraid, dear,” a woman

her hair, above her left eyebrows, was a small

with brown hair and green eyes said. The

phoenix-like shape. “Oh crap!” cried she. The

man Lillian had called Papa looked out at the

The father looked at Jennifer, who was gone

shape was carved into her forehead.

window. “It’s strange, sweetheart. Something’s

forever, and cried to the pale woman, “What do

going to happen.”

you want?”

Cecilia wanted to avoid dangerous places,

Suddenly the window was bright as the sun,

“I. Want. Your. Child.”

after the experience with that earthquake.

and they heard a high-pitched, cold laugh.

She raised her hands and lifted her cloaks.

While Lillian was recovering from the incident,

“Move,” said Papa.

Behind the cloaks was a beautiful body with

They spent the next day deciding where to go.

Rosemary and Cecilia worked out a new plan.

But it was too late. The light fell and a dark,

The second morning there was snow. Lillian

floating figure stood in middle of their kitchen.

used her powder to build a snow-proof tent,

The figure landed with a thud and Lillian could

which the ground was full of carpets, on

see that it was hooded. The young Lillian

carpets few chairs and tables, and in a farther

screamed with fright but the figure ignored her.

corner three comfortable-looking beds were put there. There was no fireplace, so they

Slowly, it lifted its hood and beyond it, a

as she watched her mother’s chest stop moving.

black dress. One of her pale hands was holding something wand-like, but bigger. She pointed it at Lillian and muttered something. There was a sudden pain that shot up through the real Lillian that she felt was almost real. “What did you do to her?” shouted the man.

beautiful woman with purple hair and black

A cold laugh escaped from the woman’s lips.

eyes stared out fiercely. Though she was

“I…cursed…her. Ten years from now she’ll have a

beautiful, her expression made her looked ugly.

sign. A sign that means Bird of Hell. And once

Her ghostly black eyes glistened with evil light,

she has that, I will come to kill her.”

and she raised her pale hand.

“Do you have what you want?” cried the man.

“Give me….the child….”

“No, Finnien. Apart from this, I have one more

Lawrence, and finally about her long lost family.

The whisper was not properly heard.

thing to be done.”

It seemed real, so real….

“What do—do you want to do?” The man asked

She raised her powerful magical wand and….

“Papa!” a long voice in distance said.


the man was finished. She walked to him, kicked

“Yes?” a deep, kind voice replied.

“I want….your child…”

him, and said in her usually cold tone, “I shall

“Where is Mama?” said the girl in a sweet voice.

“Why? Why do you want her? she—she’s

continued to build their fire outside the tent. In the midmorning the snow stopped. The ground again was covered in bright carpet of snow. After she finished her lunch, Lillian went to sleep immediately. Rosemary and Cecilia worked. She dreamed about spring’s flower, about

“She is in the tree house cooking,” said the man. “Can we go to the lake?” asked the girl.

innocent!” The mother cried. But the woman barely heard her.

take you now,” she raised her empty hand to touch Lillian, but suddenly she cried and shouted, “What’s this? I thought I can touch you, but….” She didn’t finish her sentence. Lillian could see

“I predicted,” said she, much cooler, “that your

the witch’s hand was burnt. She pointed her

child is going to destroy the world!”

wand at her hand, and said something and

“No!” cried Lillian’s parents, “Of course not!”

turned her head to look at the young Lillian.

“Yes, she will!” shouted the pale woman. “Move

She said coolly, “I know you can remember.

There was a mutter Lillian couldn’t hear.

before….I curse you!”

And if you want revenge, find me! I am going to

“The cloud’s closer, we’re going up to the

Lillian could feel anger rising in the woman.

“No, Lily. Do you see that grey cloud?” “Yes.” “It means it’s going to rain. We can’t go there, dear.”

house,” said Papa. Suddenly Lillian heard a thunder, but she knew it was only dreaming.

be in the Middle of the World! Knock 3 times at the door and say my name, Simfaria Naitora. I’ll


duel you until the end. Move before you destroy

“NO!” cried Lillian’s mother. “Don’t touch her!”

the world!”







we need your help. The new school year is underway and the Voice magazine would like to send out a message to our fellow teachers, students and Country Garden community: We need your help!

• School trip

• Current event

• Job aspirations

• Short Story

• Vacation

• Art

When our school approved a magazine, our

• Culture

• Photography

editorial focus became simple: life at Country

• Local news

• Interview

Garden School as a student, a teacher and staff member. The response was amazing as students from all departments helped form own blogs and contributions came from the

have a preference for student-focused material.

Kindergarten to the high school. Needless to

We do suggest and are willing to help our

say, this made putting the magazine together a

teachers incorporate an article assignment

tremendously collaborative experience!

into their lesson or unit plan. Nonetheless, ALL


s Thai Deliciou recipes ian and Ind




l schoo Middle ll tournament volleyba


submissions are welcomed!

like to be the first to extend an open invitation

To assist our budding authors and writers, we

to our entire school community: Everyone is

have included a worksheet to help with the

welcomed to contribute to the Voice.

writing process, please see the following page

and prose. Please keep your submissions

inting, es, pa Sculptur aits rtr and po

published due to editorial reasons. Please remember that the Voice magazine will

Contributions can be of any topic, style, subject


NOTE: In rare situations an article won't be

our magazine club, teachers started their

This year is no less different and we would


Here are some ideas for topics:

and feel free to make copies of this page for your own use!

positive, limited to 2 pages, with pictures

We sincerely thank all who made submissions

(preferably) and typed. Each article should

last year and your efforts to make the

include authors English and Chinese name (if

Voice a better publication are valued and

applicable) and class or department.



Please email countrygardenvoice@gmail.com for all inquiries and submissions.





Take some time to think of IDEAS. Write down things that interest you for your next article.

Type of article Interview Report Opinion Non-Fiction Review Other


Select your best ideas

Choose two ideas from step 1. Write 2-3 sentences highlighting what you know & don’t know about that idea.



1 2

Rank them! STEP 3

Time for an outline!


Get writing!

Track your progress Draft one Draft two Draft three


Who, what, where, when, why, and how

Keep your writing brief but interesting

Don’t limit yourself

Remember to include:


The Arcticle

Your name

Images (if you have them)


Send to CountryGardenVoice@gmail.com




October September

九月 jiǔ yuè


十月 shí yuè




十一月 shí yī yuè





Art Canton

Asian Animation & Game Expo








5 World Teacher’s Day

World Space Week

National Day


十二月 shí èr yuè


一月 yī yuè


二月 èr yuè





10 11 Nansha Bay International Boat Show Guangzhou

Field Week MYP Y6-8

13 14 March


Flamenco Grito & Suite Sevilla by Ballet Nacional de Espana Guangzhou

15 16 17 18

四月 sì yuè


五月 wǔ yuè


六月 liù yuè

Special Lecture from an Education Expert

Sports Festival Opening Day MIDDLE SCHOOL

Canton Fair - China Import and Export Fair

20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Sports Festival Opening Day PRIMARY SCHOOL


七月 qī yuè

27 28 29 30 31

八月 bā yuè




三月 sān yuè




Make a Difference Day


Give this comments sheet to your English Teacher or send your comments to countrygardenvoice@gmail.com



Guangdong Country Garden School – an IB World School www.bgy.gd.cn

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