November Issue

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CountrySmart CountrySmart

Presented by Chantelle Mader National Award Winning Business Advisor And Profit Strategist

BU S I N E S S N E W S Volume 2 Issue 5

Creating Financial And Lifestyle Freedom For Country Business Owners

Confuse Them and You Lose Them

In This Issue Confuse Them and You Lose Them - How what your English teacher taught you is

*Groan * You know a big dumb advertising agency has got it wrong when they use the word flock in a television commercial or ad.

costing you money. (Page 1) What Price For A Silver

Seriously? When was the last time you heard a farmer talk about a flock of sheep? Like….NEVER!! All real life farmers refer to a MOB of sheep.

Bullet? - Are you paying the high price of a quick fix? (Page 2)

No, it’s not correct English!

I Survived 15 Years Married To A Farmer - A little of my

So here’s the question… Do you want to be right, or rich?

story and a hint of what’s to come!

Your English teacher isn’t your target market, farmers are, so you need to use the language of your market place. So, use mob, not flock and ute, not utility vehicle or Americanism of truck… Your copy should be written so that even a 12 year old can read it, simply for clarity of message…. Not because farmers can’t read to a high level but because simple language is an easy read. Don’t get caught in the trap of using mobile phone shortened phrases, like LOL. (My mum thought that meant “Lots Of Love” until I explained it meant “Laughing Out Loud”. I just thought

(Page 3) “My Suppliers Paid For My Birthday Party” - Are you she was happy all the time when she sent me a text!) Never use industry jargon. I mean, who knows what RLEM’s are? Oh! You don’t know? That would be Red Legged Earth Mite. Spell it out for them. No one will ever ask you to explain yourself again. Too damned embarrassing for most people to admit that they don’t understand. They just switch off and go on to the next thing. Taking their money with them.

missing out on advertising rebates from your suppliers? (Page 4)

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