Stalled In a February Fitness FUNK? RE-ENERGIZE YOUR FITNESS RESOLUTIONS Rachel Thompson
lREADY NOTICING YOUR 2021 FITNESS resolutions shifting into low gear? Or worse, coming to a grinding halt? It’s time to jump start your motivation! Exercising is a key component of a healthy lifestyle and this past year has re-emphasized that point. Exercise boosts your immune system to fight off disease, plus helps with anxiety, depression and stress. That’s why fitness resolutions are some of the best resolutions. Yet, they’re also the hardest to keep. New Year’s burst of motivation quickly sputters, so four out of five who make health resolutions break them and about a third won’t make it to the end of January. To help you avoid being a statistic, we’ve gathered tips to help.
Make Resolutions Manageable. Remember it’s important to listen to your body and understand its limits, especially when beginning an exercise plan. Don’t set yourself up for failure by adding too much too soon. Create Small Benchmarks. Small goals help you maintain motivation throughout the year and give you a chance to celebrate each of many successes. Once you build up stamina, you’ll be able to adjust your workout routine and schedule to match your progress. Set Reminders. For a visual motivator, set out your workout clothes the night before and put them in a spot you can’t ignore. For morning workouts, put your clothes on your dresser or next to your bed. For after-work exercise, put clothes on your couch or kitchen table so they’re the first thing you see once you finish your work day.
PRE-WORKOUT PREP Start Small. A common resolution problem is creating overly ambitious goals that often feel overwhelming. Instead start small by creating a workout ritual and commit to it for just a month—and then another month. This shorter time frame will help build better habits while also feeling more manageable. Create a Schedule. Start by creating a schedule that’s right for you. If you’re an early riser, schedule your workout as a powerful wake-up call. But if waking up early sounds like punishment, plan a post-work sweat. Record Your Progress. Measure the amount of time you work out in a week, number of sets and reps in each workout or miles you run a day (depending on your workout routine). Not only will a visual record hold you accountable for your fitness, but it also helps you adjust your workouts based on progress made. | February 2021 | County Lines