Family Links Scheme Respite Breaks in a family setting Are you a parent of a child with disabilities? Could the family links scheme be for you?
In Lincolnshire
What is the Family Links Scheme?
This scheme has been in operation since 2007 and supports children with disabilities and their families have a short break within a family setting. Each linked family focuses on the needs of the child as assessed in their care plan but also gives parents a well earned break and a chance to recharge their batteries. Most of our families have no other child in placement when your child visits in order that all children can get one to one attention. When children visit the link family for respite, they may have the chance of taking part in activities or clubs that they may not be able to participate in when living at home. Short break carers build relationships of trust with the child and offer them support, throughout their stay. Each child is linked with one family. The child is allocated a number of units and this determines their ‘care package’ for the year. These units can be used flexibly throughout the year from a couple of hours at a time, through to an overnight stay or even a weekend. The service is generally available to children with disabilities aged 5 – 18 years but each child’s needs are considered individually.
Why choose family links? Family Links breaks are family based and will suit children who enjoy family life and interacting with others on a regular basis. We find that for a lot of children they become almost like a member of the family. We hope that children who use the short break service will enjoy being encouraged to try new experiences, and develop their current life skills. Some of the activities children have experienced are going to the cinema, Butlins, the beach, going shopping, going to play parks and theme parks, seeing santa walking the dogs. Accessing the wheelchair swing, using the trampoline, promoting independence skills, using new toys, colouring, drawing, sticking and pasting
What happens after an Assessment is requested? A worker from the Children with Disabilities Team will complete an Initial assessment of your child’s needs within 7 days of the referral which will help to decide whether Family Links is right for your child. If it is, the worker will also discuss with you the amount of units recommended for your child. Most children would have one or two overnight stays a month with their link family. The frequency of stays is negotiated between social worker and parent and may differ according to the child’s needs. Once the assessment is completed this is then taken to the resource panel for consideration. If approved then the matching process begins!
Who will care for my child? We have a group of specialist carers who have been specifically trained and approved to look after children with disabilities. The carers are regularly supervised and their care is reviewed. We have support from Occupational Therapists, health advisers and we also work closely with schools to make sure that the care is safe and suited to your child’s needs. As part of the process to match your child with the right carers we will look at several points including the carer’s attributes and hobbies, your child’s interests, his or her disability and where you live. We then like you and your child to meet with the carers so that you can see how you all will get along. We will then arrange a meeting to sort out the plan from that stage. It is very important to us that you and your child feel happy with the family you will be going to, and are fully involved in the whole process.
How do I register my child to be considered for Family Links? If you are interested in your child using Family Links, then please contact 01522 782111 and request an assessment for the short break scheme. It’s that simple! “We have been fostering for 23 years and it is an incredible experience” “It can be exhausting caring for a child, so we offer families a break so that they can recharge themselves”. “Providing children with short breaks means we can focus all of our attention on them, leaving their parents to concentrate on other children they may have”.
What the children say? ‘I like it’ ‘I like doing DIY work’ ‘I enjoy spending time with my foster carers’ ‘Make me feel happy knowing I am going for a weekend’ ‘Feel part of the family’ ‘Look forward going again’ ‘Favourite thing is helping and learning for myself.’ ‘Get the opportunity to try new things’
What the children’s families say? “The carer’s have a wealth of experience and we are made to feel very welcome when visiting their home” “My child looks forward to going to the carers, always asking when he can go and stay” “We’ve never left our child with anyone before and this is mainly because of his medical needs, but the carers respond well to his health needs and have happily taken everything on board” “My child is involved in lots of activities, during his break, feeding the chickens, horse riding and playing with new toys” “he enjoys the activities that you provide for him and the socializing that you do with him. I feel that although you have him once a month you
have built up a good relationship with him and from this he has gained trust from you which contributes to him having a really good time and appearing confident” “The carers are fantastic and open. I feel that I could contact them about anything” “ I notice that you encourage him to be an independent young ‘chap’ (that’s what his teacher calls him) and that’s great” “it is extremely hard to let your child go off for respite its harder than anyone can imagine if you’ve not got a child with a learning disability so on behalf of him (i will be his advocate) he thanks you for all that you do with him”
Family Links Scheme Lincolnshire County Council Orchard House, Orchard Street Lincoln LN1 1BA Tel: 01522 55(2301)