Grassroots Oct 1 2014

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October 1st 2014 Vol. 4 #25

Bay and surrounding counties in Florida


“The philosophy of the school room in one generation will be the philosophy of the government in the next.” Abraham Lincoln

The chief way most of us contribute to the future of society is by having children. If our children are to be part of the solution, however, we have to do what we can to prevent them from becoming part of the problem. CONTINUED ON PAGE 2


Honoring Medal of Honor Recipient It was truly an honor to personally congratulate fellow Troy University alumnus Command Sgt. Maj. Bennie Adkins on receiving the Medal of Honor for his heroic actions during the Vietnam War. I am pleased that CSM Adkins’ bravery and courage is finally receiving the recognition it undoubtedly deserves. By Steve Southerland, II U.S Representative for Florida's 2nd. District

“Old Glory’’ The name “Old Glory” was first applied to the U.S. flag by a young sea captain who lived in Salem, Mass. On his twenty-first birthday, March 17, 1824, Capt. William Driver was presented a beautiful flag by his mother and a group of local young ladies. Driver was delighted with the gift. He exclaimed, “I name her ‘Old Glory.’” Then Old Glory accompanied the captain on his many voyages. Captain Driver quit the sea in 1837 and settled in Nashville, Tenn. On patriotic days, he displayed Old Glory proudly from a rope ext ending from his house to a tree across the street. After Tennessee seceded from the Uni on in 1861, Captain Driver hid Old Glory by sewing the flag inside a comforter. When Union soldiers entered Nashville on February 25, 1862, Driver removed Old Glory from its hiding place, carried the flag to the state capitol building, and proudly raised it for all to see. Shortly before his death, the old sea captain placed a small bundle into the arms of his daughter. He said to her, “Mary Jane, this is my ship flag, Old Glory. It has been my constant companion. I love it as a mother loves her child. Cherish it as I have cherished it.” The flag remained as a precious heirloom in the Driver family until 1922. Then it was sent to the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, D.C., where it is carefully preserved under glass today.

from the desk of the MYSTERY WRITER his own words... Eric Holder is resigning. Well what did anyone expect. He is such an Idiot that he doesn't realize how bad he really is as Attorney General OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA! The real reason Eric Holder is resigning is not because his is ineptness at the job but because of money, yep greenbacks and tons of them too! You see O'dumbo selected him because of color and probably because of some pass relationship with Lady O'dumbo at college. Remember all of that, that got real quiet early on in O'dumbo's 1st term? Eric Holder has supported O'dumbo through 6 years of lawlessness and destruction of the founding document we have survived on for 238 years, our Constitution! Holder has supported O'dumbo blindly making rulings that defy logicic and law. Remember the Mexican gun dealing that cost an Ice Agent his life? The scandals go on and on and on. All of this socialist agenda is because Mr. Slick talking O'dumbo had the gift of Hitler had. Speaking about Hitler, O'dumbo is following Hilter's actions and style perfectly. Hitler was elected Chancelor in 1939 (President if you may) to Germany, a country in a fiscal state of depression. Hitler created jobs by creating the Gestopo and the mighty war machines. The Gestopo had a free reign in Germany as long as they supported Hitlers desires and whims. O'dumbo has created the same type internal organization that is as well equiped as the military. It's called the Department of Homeland Security. It has now gotten out of hand and needs to be restricted or eliminated. Recently the DHS purchased 1,000,000,000 rounds (that's 1 billion) of ammunition for themselves. Additionally every Government organization now has it's own law enforcement division, the IRS, the Dept of Agriculture, FDA, all agencies and they are "war ready" in case civil unrest occurs, like when the social security checks start bouncing due to" insufficient funds" because there's no more borrowing money! Sorry, I got side tracked so back to Holder. He's vested at 6 years so he now gets a VERY GENEROUS retirement check for the rest of his life and possibly his wife will get it if she survives longer than him. They all do it, get my 6 and "I'm outa here". Did it to George Bush too, they all do it. 6 years and "Goodbye Suckers"!!!!! Please read and heed your Bible (especially read Joshua) From your Faithful and Loyal Mystery Writer, have a Great Week.

“The philosophy of the school room in one generation will be the philosophy of the government in the next.” Abraham Lincoln

The chief way most of us contribute to the future of society is by having children. If our children are to be part of the solution, however, we have to do what we can to prevent them from becoming part of the problem. Proverbs says, “Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it” (Proverbs 22:6). There is much that we can do when children are young to increase the odds of securing their most valuable inheritance, one of the most important things is education.

The main burden of education should fall, first, to parents and families, and then to their voluntary communities. There is nothing in the Constitution about the government administering education, and there is no natural reason that it should fall under the state or federal government's jurisdiction. Over the years, however, education has become more and more a governmental function, so much so, that we refer to government schools as “public schools”, My hope is that we will soon see true freedom in education. For that to happen, the governments' direct control over education must diminish. The purpose of education has been two fold: to teach and to enculturate. Education should guide children to the Good, the True, and the Beautiful. It should enlarge their minds and their souls. It should provide them not only with knowledge,

but with wisdom and virtue. It should help them find not just their calling, but their purpose. Unfortunately, secularism, relativism, cultural decay, a government near – monopoly over education, and educational theories that divorce socialization from the pursuit of truth have conspired to make a mess of American primary and secondary education. Some are skeptical that anything can be done. R.V. Young, for instance, argues, we cannot 'reform' our system of education because it is not all a system of education in the original root sense, but instead a curious and uneven amalgam of job training, indoctrination, and custodial care. I'm less pessimistic. Education reform has broad, bipartisan support. The best single way to improve education is to create real competition. Reformers in both parties know the main

Commemorating Constitution Day On September 17, 2014, we celebrated the 227th anniversary of the signing of the United States Constitution. Providing a time to reflect on the timeless principles and freedoms embodied in our founding framework. I pray that we recommit ourselves to preserving the Constitutional liberties for which our country was founded on and so many Americans have selflessly given their lives to defend. By Steve Southerland, II U.S Representative for Florida's 2nd. District

A Bay Graphics Publication • P.O. Box 482 • Fountain, FL 32438 850-774-0977 or 850-867-0101 EMAIL: and on Facebook

impediments to reform: teachers unions and apathy. These may seem like immovable objects, but an irresistible force is coming that will change education, by choice or necessity. Despite these problems, we should be thankful that the American educational system has never been completely centralized. Local school districts and states still mostly run the show. Their are many good, hard working teachers, and still many good public schools. They are good in spite of the system, not because of it.

John Crocker

Kidz Biz


Brayden's Fall Trail Mix 1/8 cup Cheerios 1/8 cup Pretzel Sticks 1/8 cup Cran-Raisons 1/8 cup M&M's (any variety)

It is neither wealth nor splendor; but tranquility and occupation which give you happiness.

Place all ingredients in sandwich size zip lock bag, zip and shake. Eat and enjoy!

Thomas Jefferson

(Parent should supervise.)

DID YOU KNOW; Ronald Reagan won the largest landslide election victory in American History during his re-election bid against Democratic challenger Walter Mondale and made history again, when he was inaugurated the oldest U.S. President.

QuoteA government big enough to give you everything you want is a government big enough to take from you everything you have. Gerald R. Ford

American Christian Heritage


Let us enter on this important business under the idea that we are Christians on whom the eyes of the world are now turned… [L]et us earnestly call and beseech Him, for Christ’s sake, to preside in our councils. . . . We can only depend on the all powerful influence of the Spirit of God, Whose Divine aid and assistance it becomes us as a Christian people most devoutly to implore. Therefore I move that some minister of the Gospel be requested to attend this Congress every morning . . . in order to open the meeting with prayer.

A letter to his daughter: You have been instructed from your childhood in the knowledge of your lost state by nature – the absolute necessity of a change of heart and an entire renovation of soul to the image of Jesus Christ – of salvation through His meritorious righteousness only – and the indispensable necessity of personal holiness without which no man shall see the Lord [Hebrews 12:14]. You are well acquainted that the most perfect and consummate doctrinal knowledge is of no avail without it operates on and sincerely affects the heart, changes the practice, and totally influences the will – and that without the almighty power of the Spirit of God enlightening your mind, subduing your will, and continually drawing you to Himself, you can do nothing. . . . And may the God of your parents (for many generations past) seal instruction to your soul and lead you to Himself through the blood of His too greatly despised Son, Who notwithstanding, is still reclaiming the world to God through that blood, not imputing to them their sins. To Him be glory forever! For nearly half a century have I anxiously and critically studied that invaluable treasure [the Bible]; and I still scarcely ever take it up that I do not find something new – that I do not receive some valuable addition to my stock of knowledge or perceive some instructive fact never observed before. In short, were you to ask me to recommend the most valuable book in the world, I should fix on the Bible as the most instructive both to the wise and ignorant. Were you to ask me for one affording the most rational and pleasing entertainment to the inquiring mind, I should repeat, it is the Bible; and should you renew the inquiry for the best philosophy or the most interesting history, I should still urge you to look into your Bible. I would make it, in short, the Alpha and Omega of knowledge.

MAKING FAMILY LIFE MORE FUN Planning The Perfect Family Reunion

The Ultimate

Reunion By Joe Stowell

(NAPSI)—If you are like most people in America, you’ve probably been to a family reunion. According to a recent survey by the global independent research company Ipsos, 63 percent of respondents have been to a family reunion, with 29 percent attending a reunion in the past two years.

Read: 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 We who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them. —1 Thessalonians 4:17 Bible in a Year: Isaiah 3-4; Galatians 6

How We Reunion • The average length of a family reunion trip is five days and includes eight adults and four children. • Families’ most cherished reunion memories are simply made of “spending time together” (81 percent), followed by group meals (60 percent). In fact, more than half of respondents also said “cooking great food” is the best way to impress the family. • The top ways to offend family members are “drinking too much” (28 percent), followed closely by “paying too much attention to your phone or tablet” (26 percent) and “being a cheapskate” (15 percent). One-third of travelers selected a vacation rental as the ideal accommodation for a family reunion. Vacation rentals are generally twice the space at half the cost of a hotel room, and offer vital amenities for families to spend time, cook, eat, play and make lasting memories together all under the same roof.

How To Plan a Reunion The survey reveals more than half of reunion-goers begin to plan for their family’s event six to 12 months in advance. Therefore, Edith Wagner, editor of Reunions magazine and, says it’s never too soon to start organizing your family reunion and offers these five tips to get started: 1. Don’t do it alone. Survey the family’s skills and talents, and ask for volunteers. Recruit good cooks to cater a picnic, ask teens to set up and maintain web and Facebook pages and ask a financial whiz to be your treasurer. 2. Set a date and stick to it. Check with others to see if there are any calendar conflicts, such as weddings, graduations and trips. Send a save-the-date message as soon as it is set and do not change the date under any circumstances. 3. Location, location, location. Like all things in life, location can make or break a reunion. Any spot where families can go on vacation is also suitable for family reunions, as long as there is space to house the attendees. offers a “sleeps” sort function where you can select the number of people to accommodate, which can help with trip planning. 4. Make it affordable. When it comes to family reunions, planners need to take into account the ages, abilities, resources and life stages of attendees. Make your choices with all income levels in mind so that the reunion is affordable for everyone. 5. Plan something for everyone ... but don’t overplan. Know your reunion members and their interests to plan activities that will involve all ages and passions. For example, if golf is important—as it is to 20 percent of reunions—make sure it is on the agenda. That said, remember to include time to just sit, talk, reminisce and be together.

Learn More

I’ll never forget the vigil of sitting by my dad’s bed as he spent his last few days with us before slipping into eternity. To this day the moment of his passing continues to have a profound effect on me. My dad was always there for me. I could call him whenever I needed counsel. I have great memories of our days fishing together; we would talk about God and the Bible, and I would prompt him to tell those fun stories from his youth on the farm. But when Dad took his last breath, I became aware of the irreversible finality of death. He was gone from this world. And my heart had a vacancy sign hung on its door. Yet, even in the midst of such loss and grief, God’s Word speaks encouragingly into the emptiness. The apostle Paul teaches us that at the coming of the Lord Jesus, those who have gone on before will rise first and we “shall be caught up together with them . . . . And thus we shall always be with the Lord” (1 Thess. 4:17). Now that’s a reunion I’m really looking forward to! Not only to be reunited with my dad, but to be with Jesus forever. C. S. Lewis said, “Christians never say goodbye. ” I’m eagerly awaiting that ultimate reunion! Lord, in the midst of our sorrow and loss, remind us of the glorious eternal reunion that is waiting for us. Comfort us in our grief and fill our hearts with joyful anticipation of the day You will return! O Death, where is your sting? —1 Corinthians 15:55 Insight In the Bible, sleep is a euphemism for physical death (Ps. 13:3; Matt. 9:24; 27:52; John 11:11-13; Acts 7:60). Daniel 12:2 says, “Those who sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, some to shame and everlasting contempt.” Jesus affirmed that “the hour is coming in which all who are in the graves will hear His voice and come forth—those who have done good, to the resurrection of life, and those who have done evil, to the resurrection of condemnation” (John 5:28-29). On that day when Jesus returns, believers, “those who sleep in Jesus” (1 Thess. 4:14), will be resurrected first (v.16). Then the believers who are still alive will be “caught up” or “raptured” to meet Christ in the air (v.17).

For more facts or to find your next family reunion rental, visit

Bible trivia with trivia questions and answers..... In which book of the Bible did Moses die? A: Deuteronomy Exodus and which Bible book list the ten commandments? A: Deuteronomy In the Bible David played the Kinnor. What is a Kinnor? A: Lyre

Only one miracle is mentioned in all four gospels what is it? A: Feeding of 5000 In the Bible Cain built a city named after his son. What is the name? A: Enoch In what Bible book is "The love of money is the root of all evil" ? A: Timothy 6: 10 Who got Judas job as the twelfth apostle? A: Matthias In the Old Testament

what is the first book of Moses? A: Genesis - first 5 all Moses books David kills Goliath in which book of the Bible? A: Samuel In the Bible what did David give Saul as a dowry for Michal? A: 200 Foreskins from Philistines In the Bible John the Baptist lived on wild honey and what? A: Locusts

Melita in the Bible where Paul was shipwrecked is where today? A: Malta In the Old Testament whose name means Gods with us? A: Emanuel What is the last book of the Bible? A: Revelations What kind of wood was Noah's Ark made from? A: Gopher wood

In the bible - Leviticus - what was lapidation? A: Death by stoning What language was the first complete bible in US printed in? A: Algonquin Indian What animal is most often mentioned in the Bible? A: Sheep There are how many Bible Psalms? A: 150

May God Bless America

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What You Need to Know About Exploding Head Syndrome Imagine lapsing into a peaceful sleep. The transition from wakefulness to slumber will be hardly noticeable but surely inevitable—after all, the night is so quiet, the bedsheets cozy and your bedroom just the right temperature. Consciousness has just about faded to dreamy sleep when suddenly...BOOOOOM!!! An explosion jerks you awake! You jump up in a panic, expecting to be in the midst of a catastrophe, but nothing has changed. Nothing at all. So there you are in bed in the dark and quiet of night wondering what in heck just happened. Exploding head syndrome (EHS). It’s a sleep disorder that more people probably experience than experts have imagined, and it can happen once and never again…rarely…or monthly, weekly or even nightly. Even though medical books say it’s rare, I’ve experienced it very many times since my youth, and I have friends who have experienced it, too. Now Brian Sharpless, PhD, director of the psychology clinic at Washington State University in Pullman, is doing research on EHS to finally nail down how common it is, what causes it and what should be done about it. So you bet I made a point to speak with him!

The Editors and Staff of GrassRoots Voice of America invite both individuals and business to Honor A Vet in our November 3rd Print Edition. Please send us a short tribute and photo of a Vet to be Honored. These articles and photos will be published FREE of charge. In addition we will post the articles and photos on our website

Send your phones and story to: The Editor, GrassRoots Voice of America P. O Box 482, Fountain, Fl 32438 or EMAIL to:

Condition is like New.... Keeps Perfect Time.... * Features a crotch mahogany panel bordered by a raised, shell and vine overlay. * Special cast dial offers elaborate corner spandrels and center disc which match the decorative weights and polished pendulum with a cast center. * Double, crystal-cut and grooved glass on the front lower door; beveled glass on the lower side panels. * Decorative molding is found at the base of the front door, with additional shell and vine embossing at the cup-out of the base. * Finished in Windsor Cherry on select hardwoods and veneers. * Illuminated case. * Locking door for added stability. * Automatic nighttime chime shut-off option between 10:00pm and 7:15am. * Cable-driven, triple chime Kieninger movement offers automatic nighttime chime shut-off option. Size: Height - 90 1/2" Width - 27 2/4" Depth - 16 1/4" Retail Price: $5,708.00

My sale Price: $2,250 Call: 850-


Veterans: Health Care Updates You Need To Know (NAPSI)—Health care and health insurance are complex for most people, but for veterans even more so. Veterans have different and unique health care options that make decision making even more challenging. If you or a loved one has served in the military, it’s important to be aware of recent health care changes and the range of health coverage options available to veterans.

“Many veterans will be able to access more than one source of coverage,” said Hector De La Torre, executive director of the nonprofit Transamerica Center for Health Studies® (TCHS). “In fact, one in four veterans has more than one source of health care coverage.”

VA health care is the most widely known health benefit for veterans, made available by the Department of Veterans Affairs. Of the more than 21 million veterans in the United States, around 9 million are enrolled in VA, and over 5 million accessed VA care last year. However, the VA is only one of many options available to veterans and their families seeking access to health care and health insurance. The national nonprofit TCHS has developed the Veterans Health Coverage Guide to help veterans understand and successfully navigate the complexities of health care. The following overview of health coverage options, as well as detailed information on how different types of coverage interact with each other, can be found at http://

1. VA Health Care VA health care, put simply, provides health care services exclusively for veterans. Health services are mostly provided in VA medical facilities, although there is a regional option through PatientCentered Community Care (PC3). VA benefits may be received in conjunction with other health insurance or as stand-alone coverage. Enrollment in VA is optional and can be terminated or reinstated. It is generally available to

veterans of any age who were honorably discharged from active military service after at least two years, and reserve members who completed the full period for which they were called or ordered to active duty. Costs vary depending on years of service, income, and the nature of the care. All service-related care is free within the VA system.

2. TRICARE TRICARE is health insurance provided by the Department of Defense for active-duty personnel and their families. TRICARE is available to active-duty service members, military retirees (those who completed 20 years of service) and their dependents. It may be used in conjunction with other health insurance or as stand-alone coverage. To enroll, veterans must also be registered in the Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System (DEERS). Veterans may

enroll in Medicare or Medicaid while also receiving VA or TRICARE, but cooperation between the programs varies.

3. EmploymentBased Insurance Veterans in the civilian workforce are able to access insurance offered through their employer the way any other employee would. Employment -based insurance is the largest source of coverage for veterans under age 65. Veterans are able—but not required—to receive both employment-based coverage and VA benefits. For veterans who have both private employment-based insurance and VA, the VA can bill private insurance for the care they receive at VA facilities. For the complete Veterans Health Coverage Guide or for more information on the Transamerica Center for Health Studies, visit affordable-care-act/veterans.

4. State Health Care Exchanges Exchanges are new health insurance marketplaces in each state. Veterans will be able to purchase a health care plan through one of the health care Exchanges. However, an individual must be completely uninsured in order to qualify for a lower-cost marketplace plan. Enrollment in the VA Health Plan makes veterans ineligible for subsidies in the Exchange. In order to qualify for a subsidy or discount, a veteran must end enrollment in the VA plan and experience a gap in coverage between terminating VA benefits and enrolling in a marketplace plan. Should a veteran wish to return to VA benefits in the future, eligibility may change. Enrollment in the VA plan does not affect the ability of a veteran’s family to receive Exchange subsidies if they otherwise qualify. The next open enrollment period in the Exchange begins on November 15, 2014, continuing through February 15, 2015.

5. Medicaid Medicaid is the largest source of medical and health-related services for people with low incomes (typically up to $12,000/$16,105 per year for an individual) in the United States. Eligibility varies by state. Medicaid is free or low cost (for co-pays), depending on income. Medicaid does not cover any health services at VA facilities, but for those with both Medicaid and TRICARE, Medicaid acts as the secondary payer. Unlike most other sources of insurance, Medicaid has no open enrollment period, which means veterans can enroll at any time.

6. Medicare Medicare is health insurance provided by the federal government to individuals age 65 and older, as well as some adults with disabilities. All U.S. citizens and permanent residents 65 and older are eligible. To ensure the lowest monthly premiums, veterans must enroll within three months before or after their 65th birthday. Medicare and TRICARE work together—there is a branch of TRICARE called “TRICARE for Life” that becomes available when you enroll in Medicare Parts A and B (basic Medicare). Medicare becomes your primary insurance and TRICARE pays for any co-insurance and deductible. Medicare and VA benefits, however, do not work together. Medicare does not pay for any care received at VA facilities, but it will cover care at a non-VA facility.

For the complete Veterans Health Coverage Guide or for more information on the Transamerica Center for Health Studies, visit www.transamericacenterforhealthstudies.or g/affordable-care-act/veterans. The Transamerica Center for Health Studies® is a division of the Transamerica Institute®, a nonprofit, private foundation. The Transamerica Center for Health Studies (TCHS) is focused on empowering consumers and employers so that they can achieve the best value and protection from their health coverage, as well as the best outcomes in their personal health and wellness. Although care has been taken in preparing this material and presenting it accurately, TCHS disclaims any express or implied warranty as to the accuracy of any material contained herein and any liability with respect to it. For the complete Veterans Health Coverage Guide or for more information on the Transamerica Center for Health Studies, visit affordable-care-act/veterans. in our 4th year of publication... we invite you and your business to be a supporter of

Job Center Phone: (850) 872-4340

Fax: (850) 872-4346 625 Highway 231 Panama City, FL 32405 Hours: 8 am to 5pm Monday through Friday Office Manager #9939935 High School Diploma or GED and a minimum of 12 months work experience in a medical office. Salary $12-$14 per hour DOE. Provide high-level administrative support to medical office by overseeing all aspects of the office. Train and supervise clerical staff. Medical Billing experience a plus! Medisoft experience a plus. Medical Biller/Medical Billing Specialist #9939854 Vocational School Certificate Salary $10 per hour DOE. Days and Hours: Monday-Friday, 8:30 am-4:30 pm Requirements: Must have completed Medical Billing course. Medical Billing knowledge and/or experience. Excellent typing and computer software skills. Must be mature, positive, motivated, selfdirecting, dependable and driven to provide best results for clients. Data entry of patient information and charges. Will post explanation of benefits. Will assist patients with their accounts and take phone calls. Accounts Receivable reports. CDL B – Hydroblaster and Vacuum Truck Operator #9907328 High School Diploma or GED Salary $13-$16 per hour DOE. Full time position. Days and hours working will vary. Position requires CDL class B and six months related work experience. Help installation, maintenance, and repair workers in maintenance, parts replacement, and repair of vehicles, industrial machinery, and electrical and electronic equipment. Perform duties such as furnishing tools, materials, and supplies to other workers; cleaning work area, machines, and tools; and holding materials or tools for other workers. Regional Delivery & Warehouse & Receiving #9940649 High School Diploma or GED Salary $8.50-$9.00 per hour DOE. Full time position working 42.5 hours per week Monday - Friday 8:00 am - 4:30 pm.

Employer offers benefits. Employer will conduct Background Check, Drug Screen & Motor Vehicle Check. Requirements: Must be a safe driver with valid driver's license and clean driving record. Must have strength to consistently move 100 lbs of product and able to work outdoors, Must be self-motivated with strong customer service skills. No CDL required. Employer will provide training. Will drive F250 trucks with trailers, operate a forklift and lawnmower. Custodian #9930384 High School Diploma or GED Salary $10.69 per hour. Full time and part time available Mostly evening shifts. Days and hours working will vary. Full time, will have benefits after probation period. Several positions open for Custodians at local school.. No prior custodian work experience is required. Employer will conduct extensive background check and drug screening. Cleaning, mopping, sweeping Taking out trash, waxing floors etc. Site Safety & Health Officer/ Quality Control #9920519 No minimum education Salary DOE. Seeking an experienced SSHO/QC that has the specific responsibility for ensuring safety and quality workmanship. 5 months Airfield/ Federal Contracting experience. EM385-1-1 safety manual knowledge. Work in conjunction with project team, to review all project related documents and implement work accordingly. Review of all materials, tooling and equipment on project. Electrician & Electrician Helpers #9920915 High School Diploma or GED Salary DOE. Must have Valid DL Employer is looking for full time Electrician & Electrician Helpers for the Panama City & Bay County Area. Will be working with Commercial and Residential worksites.

Front Desk Clerk #9897527 High School Diploma or GED Salary DOE. Days working will vary. Job Duties - Responsibilities include but not limited to: Checking in and out customers. Counting the cash drawer and performing audits. Making reservations. Will set -up breakfast area. Block Masons, Concrete Finishers, General Construction Labor #9899071 High School Diploma or GED Salary $12-$15 per hour DOE. Monday-Saturday 7am-4pm. Veteran Preference Most work is performed in Santa Rosa, however there are other areas including Bay County. Employer will train. Must be serious about working. . Medical Records Clerk #9921076 High School Diploma or GED Salary $10 per hour DOE. Need 12 months work experience as a medical records clerk Perform secretarial duties using specific knowledge of medical terminology and hospital, clinic, or laboratory procedures. Duties may include scheduling appointments, billing patients, and compiling and recording medical charts, reports, and correspondence. LPN – Nights #9905549 One year College, Technical or Vocational School Salary DOE. Work will be performed in Panama City, FL Requirements : LPN license and a violation free Driver's License is required. No prior experience is required - Must be able to lift up to 50 lbs. Employer is hiring for two LPN positions. One will be a full time LPN working nights 11:00 pm to 7:00 am. The second LPN will be an on-call position working up to 29 hours a week. Will mainly be working weekends and nights. Days and hours will vary. This is a 24 hour facility. Salary will be based on level of work experience and skills.

Responsibilities include: Assisting individuals with their daily living needs. Service Work w/ Class “A” or “B” CDL #9910250 High School Diploma or GED Salary DOE. Requires Class A or B CDL with X endorsement - Need a minimum of 12 months driving experience as a commercial driver - Employer will conduct background and reference checks, drug screening, MVR checks - Must be bondable. Benefits Available: Medical, Vacation, Holidays Drive a propane delivery truck and do service work. Experienced Lead Glazier #9910447 High School Diploma or GED and minimum of six months work experience. Salary $18-$20 per hour DOE. ***Position listed by no fee agency*** Temp to Hire position. After 90 days with Temporary Service the employer can hire you permanently! Benefits are available once you are hired on permanently. Work site is located on Panama City Beach, working 7:30 am to 4:00 pm Monday thru Friday 40 hours per week. Must have a valid driver's license. Must have access to tools of the trade. Must be able to lift 70 lbs. Residential Lead Installer Responsibilities: Must be able to lead a helper installer for daily duties of installation of: Cut and Install Mirror. Cut and Install plate glass in windows. Cut and Deliver table top glass. Install Insulated glass windows and Patio Doors. Be able to effectively address issues with customers and remediate. Install Storefront and Curtain Wall.


GrassRoots Voice of America

ACROSS 1. A deleted expletive 6. Partially melted snow 11. Supersonic transport 14. Additional 15. A divided Asian peninsula 16. Scottish for "Uncle" 17. Outstanding 19. Make a sweeping movement 20. Tugs 21. A mound of stones 23. Guarantee 27. Generator 28. A meeting to exchange ideas or advice 32. Attempts 33. Disdain 34. Snake 37. Vipers 38. A unit of radioactivity 39. Goes astray 40. A potent estrogen 41. A doughnut-shaped roll 42. Utter 43. Cease association with 45. Detective 48. Cut slightly 49. Airplane driver 50. Fill with high spirits 53. Flightless bird 54. Our habitat 60. Get married 61. Tall woody perennial grasses 62. What chocolate is made from 63. South southeast 64. Feel 65. What a volcano does


Stinging insect 2. Seventy in Roman numerals 3. Etcetera

4. Before 5. Egyptian paper reed 6. Outer covering of the body 7. Glance 8. Vases 9. Ocean 10. Joyful and carefree 11. Reddish brown 12. Excessive but superficial compliments 13. An archaic name for emperor in Japan 18. East Asian unit of weight 22. Advice columnist ___ Landers 23. Outward 24. Pertaining to Scandanavia 25. Trims 26. Purposes 27. Dreadful 29. Genus of hemlock spruce 30. Units of area 31. Works hard 34. Snap 35. Give a speech 36. Requested 38. Money 39. Heroic 41. A flavored alcoholic liquor 42. A particular branch of knowledge 43. Twosome 44. Upon 45. Disgorges 46. Green tart fruits 47. Dodge 50. Flat or level 51. Removable container covers 52. Backside 55. Born 56. Spoil 57. Emergency Care Unit 58. Short sleep

What famous document begins: "When in the course of human events..."? A: The Declaration of Independence. What current branch of the U.S. military was a corps of only 50 soldiers when World War I broke out? A: The U.S. Air Force. What game was created by French mathematician Blaise Pascal, which he discovered when doing experiments into perpetual motion? A: The Game of Roulette. Who said: "I'm the president of the United States and I'm not going to eat any more broccoli"? A: George Bush.

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